Akari Matsusuke
The Shrine
Akari had been moving with haste towards the shrine mostly because she thought if she didn't it wouldn't be a good idea to take a long long time walking and yet. Raikou calling her to slow down would cause her to realise she had been walking at a pace that would of also looked suspect. So with embrassement she'd slow back down again until she was walking beside her servant. It was a pleasant stroll rife with small talk, Akari complenting her servant on their dress sense. The fact that she thought her 'mom' looked pretty cool with the swords. Even off-handledly asking if she could wield one of them. Course this was all small talk for the most part, Things to waste time as they would make their way towards the shrine.
"Right! Mom." Akari would say her pockets filled to the brim with 'snacks' to offer to the shrine as well as to keep her energy up for the long night. "I think we've arrived" She'd say about to start on one of her big pep-talk filled speeches about how she saw this ghost at the shrine and she thinks that maybe that shes totally real now cause of this and if she can find this spirit they could have an edge.
But the spirit found them first. "W-woah woah hey!" Akari would say in surprise to the strange, familiar, yet ornate girl with clothing totally inappropriate for the time period. She may also be totally hiding behind Raikou for a moment. "Hey there, um. Spirit." Akari would say her words a little strangled in her throat as she was trying to blurt out some sort of words. But this ghost was real so... How did she avoid getting cursed!
Hideyoshi blinked twice for a moment at his old leader so casually accepting his services again. His clothing would become something a little more dignified, while not as incredible as his armour or magnificent as his robes as the second great unifier, he looked like a proper soldier of Oda Nobunaga's forces. The second stage of his ascension. Well at least he could protect his master now.
He smiled though at how casual Nobu was being, Like meeting an old trusted friend under agitating circumstance to be sure. But still it was enjoyable Though he would be the first to admit that making a mockery of the Fool of Owari would be a terrible idea. He knew full well how much she liked to hold a grudge.
"Hey, Sandalbearer is still a important job y'know" He'd say falling back into his grinning self, he motioned at Nobu's Master as she told them that he'd be working with them "Yo. How's it going, Sorry but if the Boss orders it then I gotta do it. Hope we get along friend." He said casually referring to his enemy as a friend. After all, all a foe was, was a friend that required a bit more effort.