"Don't worry. I'll take care of it."
Name: Hiroki Sakimoto
Gender: Male
Age: 17
When you're constantly watching anime, playing video games, and have a undiagnosed spectrum of ADHD, you have an over active imagination. Growing up in the sticks in a small farming town, Hiroki had to make his own fun. Grab a stick, bam! You got a sword! Go off on epic quests to find bugs in the forested hills? Heck yeah! Shout things when you kick the air? That and a bag of chips please. Sometimes he even got his friends into it which made recess during elementary school ridiculously fun.
Then his parents got divorced. When money got tight, his dad would get drunk and their fighting became violent sometimes. It never effected him, he knew about the fights they had but was too young to really get it. Then one day, the shouting the noise woke him up and he came running into the room. His mom cowering on the floor with his dad hitting her. He got in the way, and the smack he got was so hard it sent him to the hospital. They split barely a week later, his mom and him going into the city near her family.
All in all, he didn't change much from the experience. He just wanted to play make believe with friends, play video games, watch anime, get involved in sports and have as much fun as he could. Over time, his mom worked more and more, letting the house go. He picked up more slack at home, and in doing so he felt like he wasn't available for his friends so he split more time with them as well. Little by little, his life of fun became a life of work, and over the years, the tedium of responsibilities tarnished his spark of imagination.
Even his days of high school are spent more on reliving the nostalgic past when he didn't have things to worry about, but his mom, his friends, his volleyball team, the student council (he was just a secretary), and the cooking club were relying on him. He couldn't let them down, and so every day, is one more day away from his childhood, when adventures happened. When he thought magic was a thing.
While Hiroki was once hyperactive and generally considered a spaz at younger ages, he's trying to learn to mellow out and take things kind of easy as he turns the corner from child like idealizations to more mature pursuits. With it came a kind of a distant disappointment while alone as he's come to the conclusion that he isn't really special. That nothing amazing is going to happen to him. He still can't seem to dismiss his passions and can geek out with the best of them, usually to a somewhat annoying degree.
That doesn't stop him from getting involved. He volunteers, takes on burdens, and generally tries to stay open and useful to others. It gave him a reputation as being that 'nice guy', the one that would give you the shirt off his back that people have come to rely on. Loyal, Committed, Playful, always ready with a friendly smile and some kind of snarky comment to hopefully get a laugh. His empathy and genuine concern for others is a rare trait, appreciated, but he's been called nosey before.
The way he takes on responsibilities can be interpreted as he's got something to prove, maybe trying to find what he wants or is supposed to be doing with his life. After all, only another year or two before college, if he even wants to go. While he's smart, his willingness to get involved and take others burdens has been to his own detriment at points. He potentially has difficulty saying No to others when asking for his help, and he only recently has figured that people could use that to take advantage of him.
In times of tension, he is the martyr. It's better that he gets hurt then someone else. He's also more active then reactive. Usually stepping in to play the hero and defend others, though he normally doesn't do violence unless he has too. He'll never get the first hit in.