Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

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@Shadow Dragon

Locke stepped forward, tears in his eyes, "There's no Oracle here!" he cried, "Go AWAY! Haven't you killed enough!?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

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When Tornel prepares a second strike, Sarah stiffens, Pip growling in her hands. For a moment, she considers drawing her sword and fighting Tornel, but then she remembers the King is still there, and she doesn't want to endanger him. She's not sure what to do about Tornel wanting to kill her, though, as he seems convinced she's a threat to the King.

However, the King's angry response - and the timely arrival of another knight - seemed to defuse the situation, and forced Tornel onto the back foot. Sarah couldn't help but wince when the King smacked Tornel; even though Tornel was just threatening to kill her, she feels that it wasn't seemly of the king to get physical like that, plus she felt pity for Tornel, whose dignity was damaged by that. Even though he attacked her and Pip.

Pip, however, held no sympathy, growling at Tornel until he leaves, giving an angry little snort when the Wizard had left.

Sarah breathes a sigh of relief when Tornel leaves. She just wishes the whole thing hadn't escalated so badly. Why did he believe she was a servant of Draygon? What had she done wrong?

When the Knight introduces his guests, Sarah waves to them.

"Hello, I'm Sarah, a pleasure to meet you," she says.

For Sarah, seeing Stephanie in those clothes... it stirs something deep within her. A memory? More like a glimpse of one, a flash of recognition that fades away almost before it registers. She remembers the tube from her nightmare in the caverns under the influence of the miasma. She remembers vaguely seeing figures outside her tube, in similar designs.

Or is she just imagining things? The memory flashed by too quickly to examine.

"I'm... I'm not sure why he thought we were servants of Draygon," Sarah says with a shrug. Then she notices the dog in her arms start fidgeting. "Uh, Pip, what are you doing...? Pip?!"

Pip jumps out of New Master's arms, and trots over to the newcomers. The Knight he gives a quick sniff, but more out of mild curiosity than anything. The boy with him he gives a bit more interest, circling him once or twice as he sniffs his feet and legs. Clearly an outsider, from a distant village, but any uniqueness to his scent seems to have rubbed off from the third one, a girl.

Sniffing the girl gives more intriguing results. She smells... unique. Somehow it's similar to New Master's scent, but different in a way. He circles the raven-haired girl a few times, sniffing curiously, before looking up at her, tilting his head with a curious whine, then barking cheerfully and panting.

"So sorry about that," Sarah says, walking over to pick up the over-eager dog. "Pip's very excitable, and I've only had him for a short while now..."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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He begins laughing, untill he's howling in laughter. "Have you never heard of the Jabberwocky, child? I live for death, for war. I am the ultimate killing machine." He tilts his head. "You're a brave one. If you can hit me at all, I'll leave. Take a swing at me."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

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@Shadow Dragon

Locke looked at the dragon hopelessly, "You're up on that roof! I can't reach you up there!?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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He laughs, and jumps off the roof. The ground cracked beneath his feet, smattering like glass hit with a boulder. "The first strike is yours, little boy." He bares fangs, sharp and white.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

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@Shadow Dragon

Locke stepped forward, tears running down his face. He was only 14 but he knew he was about to die. If only he could touch the monster then the monster promised to leave his family alone and his friends and go away. Locke felt too weak to live the Sword higher than his wast. He forced his muscles to move and he swung the sword towards jabberwocky's taunting face.

"Got you!" Came a tiny voice from behind jabberwocky's leg. A little girl, maybe 5 years old, had been hiding behind Locke's legs And when Jabberwocky landed she slipped around to his giant scaled foot and with a little wooden sword Hit it as hard as her little body could. From the building a woman screamed no.

A voice sounded in jabberwocky's head, "Destroy them all," Draygon said inside of Jabberwocky's head, "and return to me."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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He laughs, long and loud. "Not even dogs send pups to fight. Cowards, all of you." The weapons do nothing, less then nothing. They both shatter, as if smashed with a hammer. "I like you, little ones. You remind me of someone...... leave now, children. You are no threat." He looks at the adults, and walks towards them, hands clasped behind his back. His scythe scraping into the ground, rocks cracking and splitting. "Are there no honerable ones among you?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

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@Shadow Dragon

A disheveled woman who might have been in her mid-twenties ran out of the building and picked up the five-year-old child. "There was a girl," She said holding her child to her chest, "but she disappeared, Lord Minoc took her somewhere and none of us know where. And now he's dead." The woman put herself in between the two children and Jabberwocky, "does that satisfy you beast? Or do you still lust for more blood?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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He tilts his head. "Enough? You think I've done enough? Should I drag your whole town to Draygon, let him eradicate you all? Send me your strongest warrior. If they can get through my defense, I'll leave. If not....." He bares his fangs. "You get the picture."
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

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"So, Stephanie, right?" Sarah asks her new acquaintance. "It's nice to meet you. And you too, Peter. I'm Sarah, this is my... my friend, Pip."

Pip barks as though in confirmation.

"Dear girl, please come in," says King Kovar. "It seems I've been blessed by a very unusual day; a visit by two Oracles of old! These are certainly unusual times... but perhaps they are so for a reason. Reports have been... troubling as of late.

"You too, my dear boy," he says, gesturing to Peter. "It's surely been a long trip, and you've come a long way if you're Master Minoc apprentice. How is the old Master these days?

"Sarah has been talking to me about her journey thus far, perhaps you can regale an old man as myself with your tales as well?"
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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“Its nice to meet you, Sarah,” Steph said with a smile. “You too, Pip,” she added, giggling as she gently pet the dog’s head. “And I don’t mind the attention. I’ve always loved dogs.”

“Thank you, your Majesty,” she said after the king bid her enter. “Master Minoc was fine when we left him, although Tinkertown did suffer a monster attack a short while ago… Yeah, I suppose I should start at the beginning,” she sighed after the king had inquired about her tale. “I’m originally from what I guess you would call the ‘Old World’, that is, the world before the cataclysm. My parents and I were scientists working at an underground complex. When the world started coming apart at the seams, they placed me in a cryostasis chamber, and, well, I just woke up about a day ago. Obviously, I was shocked by how long I had slept and by how much the world had changed, but with the town I found myself in under attack, I knew I had to figure out some way to help them. Long story short, I was able to come up with a plan and get rid of most of the monsters, including this really creepy harpy. I then met Master Minoc. He told me about Draygon, introduced me to Peter, and instructed me to take this sword to Master Tornel, here at the Castle of Solace. But for some reason,” she added, casting a fierce glare at the wizard, “Tornel locked us in a chamber, claiming we were servants of Draygon.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

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Pip likes this one. She knows how to pat a dog properly.

"The Old World, you say?" the King muses with interest. Sarah also seems intrigued by Stephanie. "My dear girl, you must have seen such wonders, wonders I can only imagine in this darker age. Sarah says she doesn't remember anything before she woke up from her pod; do you have any idea why that is? I thought that you both being Oracles, perhaps you could enlighten us about the Ancients."

Sarah shakes her head sadly.

"I have... glimpses, your Majesty, but they're not exactly what you'd call visions. More... I think glimpses of the world, as though I'm still in my pod, looking out. They... they come and go, and they're not exactly clear. As I told your Majesty, I have no clear memories of my existence before waking up from the pod."

"I see," King Kovar muses. "Back to Stephanie's tale, was there anything notable about the Harpy? I have my suspicions, though that comes with good news and bad if I am correct."
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“Yeah, I suppose I have,” Steph agreed with a sigh, feeling a slight despondency at the thought of the world’s current, primitive state. “The harpy?” Steph asked after the king had inquired about the creature. “Well, it appeared to be leading the attack on the village, and it could also fire some kind of blue energy beam from its mouth. To answer your question about Sarah’s lack of memory,” she continued, “I think I might have an idea. Back in my time, there was talk of a project to create several genetically enhanced beings, capable of manipulating something called ‘biogenic energy’. It was all very cutting edge stuff,” she added, while turning to face the pink-haired girl, “and I don’t really know much more about it than that, but from what you’ve said, I think it’s very likely that you were one of the prototypes. Speaking of the old world,” Steph said after a moment, her voice containing more than a hint of trepidation. “There was something else I was meaning to ask you, your Majesty. Master Minoc told me that my mother’s journal had been brought here. If that’s the case, may I be permitted to see it?”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

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The King listens intently to the description of the harpy, his face drawn and grim.

"From the description, it seems you're talking about the one known as Jubjub Bird, one of Draygon's Lieutenants," he says solemnly. "I have heard of her exploits, and she was a cruel being who reveled in the suffering of others. While I hold no love for her or her ilk, and her loss is no sorrow to the world, I fear that Draygon's interest may be drawn to the loss of one of his chosen. Be careful in the world, Stephanie. It is not only a less advanced one than your own, but dark forces stir in it, more's the pity."

Stephanie's explanation of Sarah's origin is clearly interesting him, though her technical talk leaves him confused.

"To hear this," he muses, "it's as if we talk about the powers of the gods themselves. To create humans from nothing, it seems so... fantastic. Then again, these are strange times, I suppose, and there are stranger things about.

"Though about your mother, forgive me, but I do not think I know her name," the King continues. "And if her tome was important, it would be kept in safe-keeping. Normally, such important tomes - especially those of the Ancients - would be Master Tornel's responsibility, but I'll check to see if we have it."

Sarah's response to being a person created from scratch is... conflicted. On the one hand, it does give her some idea of where she's truly from, and would explain her absent memories. On the other, it means that unlike Steph, she has no roots, no past, no identity. She might be an Oracle, but even the lowliest peasant in this world has a claim to something she would never have; family and a past. She just turns her attention to Pip even as she's deep in thought.

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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Maglar
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Maglar Bard Nua

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Draygon's Castle

Draygon's Castle

Underground Lab

************************************************** Draygon was hiding in his lab. After living for centuries he found that his work rooms were always the most peaceful.
The world was chaotic, but here, where he was god, there was only order. He picked up the head in his clawed hand. He had spent hours breaking apart the cellular tissues in an attempt to get at the biologic processors but he had had little success. If he sent a volt of energy through the head he could make it talk though, and that was at least mildly amusing.

"Asra," growled his deep, inhuman voice.

"Yes" sang a sweet voice plainly as a holographic fairy appeared on his desk.

"Status Report," Draygon demanded as he inspected the severed head.

"There are two awake, not just one. I am in full contact with the one called Sarah, she has been received by King Kovar at Castle Solace," Asra replied solemly.
"And the other?" Draygon asked.

"I.. I don't know yet," Asra said fearfully, "her name is Stephanie, I suspected she was dead but she lives. She fought the Jub Jub bird. There's something about her that is different, she is not one of the Galateans, but until she uses the battery I do not have full access. I have directed her to the castle as well, I will instruct Sarah to let her use the battery she already has."

"That will not work," Draygon said, "Instruct them to find another battery, make sure they feel it is necessary."

"As you wish, Lord." Asra replied.

"I've instructed the Bandersnatch to return, until we know the truth behind this Stephanie she is an unpredictable variable. I do not like unpredictability. Status Report from the Harbinger."

"It is still silent. The only communication has been in an unknown language. I'm sorry Lord I have made no progress..."

"Do not grovel. You are a computer, you perform a function. Do not be weak, do not be human," Draygon threatened.

"Yes Lord," relief creeped in Asra's sweet voice.

"The Galateans are the key, my Oracles. I need more of them to awaken. Bid Sarah to find others like her, encourage her to do so. I made them to want to be with each other so it should be easy. Report to me again in a week or when I command."

"Yes Lord." Asra's holographic image winked out of existance.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

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Castle of Solace


After a while, the King took his leave of the girls. He wanted to hear more from the Oracles, but alas, the state calls. Also, Bandersnatch seems to have strangely withdrawn his siege. The citizens of the castle were elated and began celebrating, but the King remains... unconvinced.

"Draygon's men have a way of being cruel and cunning," he tells the Oracles. "Even if Bandersnatch had no way of ending the siege, we must remain vigilant against an attack by treachery. I'll see to the defenses and the men, in the meanwhile Sir Gravy will lead you to the royal archives so you may find what you seek there.

"Take care, fair maidens, and may fortune smile upon you on your journey..."

With that, the knight Sir Gravy guides the two girls to the Archives, whereupon they find endless scrolls and books, some new, others old, some even older than the castle itself. The good knight offers his aid, but he can't seem to find anything by Julie Anderson.

Sarah take the opportunity to turn to Stephanie.

"So what was your mother like?" Sarah asks curiously. "She seems to be a dedicated sort, if we're reading her works this long after... whatever happened..."

"My sincere apologies, dear maidens," Gravy says, "it appears I cannot find the tome, though the scribes assure me it's here somewhere; Master Tornel referred to it quite a bit, so it must be here. Give me a second..."

He tries looking again, in a shelf, but something small falls out.

"Hmm? What is this?" he says, picking up the small object and holding it to the light. "How odd, it seems to be a gem - nay, merely a crystal. Rather shiny, but it doesn't seem to be worth much... Shouldn't this be in the Royal Treasury instead?"
Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Shadow Dragon
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Shadow Dragon Lord Of Shadows

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He takes a deep breath, and shoots a tornado of flame from his mouth, making a massive twister in the air, punching through the clouds with the blaze. "You think my bloodlust can be sated? My lust for vilonce and death cannot be filled." He smiles with razor sharp teeth. "I won't wait all day. Send me a warrior, or I'll pick one myself."
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Hidden 4 yrs ago 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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“Thank you, your Majesty,” Steph replied, slightly amused by having been called a ‘fair maiden’.

Following Sir Gravy to the Archives, Steph waited with Sarah and Peter, while the knight set off to retrieve the journal. “Yeah, I guess you could say that,” Steph agreed after Sarah inquired about her mother. “She was certainly brilliant, and she worked very hard to ensure that her research would be preserved for future generations. She was also very kind,” she added in a softer tone. “She was always trying to make the world a better place, and she wanted to use technology to achieve that goal. That’s why she became a scientist. To see the world now, in this state… It would probably break her heart…”

At this point, Sir Gravy returned and apologized for having come back empty handed. He had just begun to search one more shelf, when a small crystal fell to the ground. Picking it up, the knight seemed puzzled by its presence in the Archives, wondering if perhaps it belonged in the Royal Treasury instead.

“Actually, I think that might be what we’re looking for,” Steph spoke up. “Yeah, this is definitely a data crystal,” she confirmed after taking a closer look. “We’re gonna need a device to be able to access it, but that shouldn’t be a problem.”

With a single thought, Steph sent her nanite swarm into motion. Disassembling an unused pouch on her backpack, they reformed it into a palm-sized data crystal reader.

“Just stick the crystal into this opening here,” Steph instructed. “Then we should be able to access whatever information it contains.”
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by shadowsaint007
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shadowsaint007 ♪Let's do the time warp agaaaaaiiiinnn....♪

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"Well, will wonders ever cease," chortles Sir Gravy as Stephanie not only identifies the small crystal as the mysterious tome, but transforms a mundane pouch into... something that can hold it.

Peter is similarly wide-eyed and amazed.

"Begging your pardons, Ms. Or- Stephanie, but that's some wondrous magic there," he manages to speak up. "How did you do it?"

"It's... it's not magic," Sarah says, shaking her head, remembering something vaguely. She turns to Steph. "It's... nanotechnology, right? It's... well, it's complicated, but it's as though I know the basics of the process, as well as a lot of things I've never even seen or heard about, the moment I stepped out of my pod... Just enough to familiarize me with things, I guess..."

The makeshift 'reader' powers up, and the crystal starts flickering. For a moment, one could see bright flecks and glittering objects within the tiny frame of the crystal, as though it were an image of the night sky, with the stars themselves shining within. Then a spectral geometric shape appears a foot above the crystal, slowing unfurling until it forms what Stephanie could recognize as a holographic display. It glitches out a bit, but it takes form in sharp detail rather quickly, revealing what appears to the others as a scholarly woman in the garb of the Ancients, but Stephanie can clearly recognize as Julie Anderson, her long-lost mother, in a happier time.

A three-dimensional map of... somewhere forms in the hologram, and Stephanie can recognize it as the land masses of old, prior to the Harbinger Incident. Several dots appear, marking what appears to be the facilities her mother was talking about, with small percentages next to them indicating completion rates of various items.

"Forgive me Stephanie, but... I don't think I understood much of that," Peter apologizes.

Pip similarly looks at the map, and tilts his head at Stephanie with a curious whine. It's almost as if he's curious too.
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Hidden 4 yrs ago Post by Ponn
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“Yeah, that’s right,” Steph confirmed after Sarah attempted to answer Peter’s question. “I guess you could say that it’s a bunch of very small artificial workers reassembling the basic components of things, like someone turning a piece of wood into a table or chair.”

A moment later, the holographic display flicked to life, and Steph couldn’t help but give voice to a small gasp.

“Mom…” she whispered as she felt her eyes begin to moisten. She watched in silence, while her mother described her work on Project Prometheus.

She looks so young… Steph reflected. This must have been recorded shortly after I was born…

That seemed about right. After all, Prometheus was clearly still in its early stages, and Dr. Westfield was still alive…

After her mother had concluded her report, a map of the world was displayed, indicating the locations of various facilities linked to Project Prometheus.

“It’s a report from my mom about a project she was working on,” Steph explained to Peter. “And this here is a map of the world. At least, of how the world used to look… I imagine its geography is quite different now,” she added, while adjusting the map so that the globe was now a flat, 2D projection, “but if we can find a more current map, we can superimpose this one on top of it. I don’t suppose you know where we might find one?” she asked, turning to Sir Gravy.
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