Welcome to Rosefell High. Located in Columbus Ohio, Rosefell is not known for being glamorous. A few things that it is known for however is over crowded classrooms, horrible lunches, and nearly non existent arts programs. Surprisingly enough, their sports teams are actually half decent, and have managed to put a few championships under their belt. It’s said that Rosefell is one of the worst schools in the state academically. The classrooms are overcrowded, teachers underpaid, and the dropout rates are high. Students often sneak drugs and alcohol into their lockers. Fights are more common than not, and detention always seems to be full.
As if they didn't have enough to be worried about, Rosefell High Students will be joined by students from Liberty High - a prestigious, renowned, private school that was recently shut down for unknown reasons. Will these students from two different worlds be able to set aside their differences?
Follow your characters as they make their way through the struggle known as life.
As if they didn't have enough to be worried about, Rosefell High Students will be joined by students from Liberty High - a prestigious, renowned, private school that was recently shut down for unknown reasons. Will these students from two different worlds be able to set aside their differences?
Follow your characters as they make their way through the struggle known as life.
Hey guys! Here we have another high school RP created by yours truly. First off, thanks so much for the interest! Secondly - in this RP, we will be playing Junior and Senior (Grades 11 & 12) students at Rosefell High School. The RP will follow your characters as they struggle with relationships, grades, and the like while the GM will create different scenarios for the characters to be in. Our goal is to try and make it all the way to the end of the RP, with the end being prom and graduation.

- First and for most, this is a character driven RP. Make sure that you communicate with your fellow writers outside of the RP, as well as having your characters interact IC wise.
- The writing expectations for this RP is that of casual. I will expect two well written paragraphs for each post minimum. More is great, though quality over quantity is best!
- The maximum amount of time between posts allowed for this RP is Twenty-One days. I will expect one post for each of your characters every three weeks. Deadlines will be on Sundays at Midnight, Pacific Standard time. There will be no extensions for posts. We will be working on a three strike rule; if you miss three posting rounds (consecutively or not) you will be booted from the RP. Communication is key, and if you are not going to be able to post for a decent amount of time, DM/PM me and we'll try to work something out. If you work with me, I will do my best to work with you. (Being stuck in a collab is not an excuse for missing a deadline. If your partner is not communicating with you and/or you are having issues with your writing partner, please DM/PM me.
- To let me know that you have read the rules, put what your favorite thing about Halloween is in the extra section of your character sheet.
- There will be alcohol, drugs, and romance in this RP. You have been warned. Please keep your steamy scenes as fade to black.
- Please allow two people to post before you post again. This does not include if you are posting separately for your characters back to back.
- Please do not mention/tag other people in your posts. It's a super weird pet peeve of mine that has caused problems in the past and I would rather avoid that.
- Please use your characters color code for talking in your post. I despise walls of plain, white text. (If something happens and you're posting in a rush/on mobile/etc, that's cool).
- If you have any questions, comments, or concerns - please PM/DM me and I will address them to the best of my ability. Same goes if you are having any problems with any of the writers in the group.

- This should go without saying, but no Mary-Sue or Gary-Stu characters!
- The students from Liberty High are RICH KIDS. Rosefell High kids are POOR. Keep this in mind when making your characters. We will be starting off with NINE slots for Liberty High students. (The tenth will be my OC). Please try to keep the Rosefell to Liberty Ratio kinda equal. If there is enough demand, then we will add more slots.
- There is a two character limit for this RP - but please DO NOT take on more than you can handle. Give all of your characters equal attention. Please try and keep the gender ratios even! It's not required, but if I see we have way to many of one gender as opposed to the other, I will enforce this rule. I would like for every one who is making multiple characters to do opposite genders, but again this is not required and will only be enforced if needed.
- Real life faceclaims only!! Your faceclaim needs to look around the age of 16-18 as that is the ages of the characters we will be playing. GM has the right to deny and faceclaim they feel does not meet this criteria.
- Please do not remove/add sections to the Character Sheet. Feel free to make it pretty, but please leave the coding the same.)
- Please post completed character sheets in the OOC for GM review. GM reserves the right to accept, deny, or make suggestions to your sheet as they see fit.
- The character acceptance deadline for this RP is Wednesday, November 3rd. Relations will be due by Sunday, November 8th. Relation sheets will be required, and you must have three relations per character to post IC.
- The RP will start November 8th.
- All dates are subject to change depending on interest, demand, etc. However this is the schedule that I would like to go on.
- If you would like to reserve a FC and/or color code, please post below.
- Discord Link.