Staff Members
Name: Violet Sapphire
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Appearance: Clad in a black, one-piece combat skirt with blue highlights at its edges and a similar blue cape, Violet strikes quite an impressive figure. Just as notably, she stands at a modest 5'4", with a slender athletic figure one might expect from a Sunderer and short-cut, very dark hair that almost appears to fade into a deep blue at its edges. In the presence of students, her expression is almost always excited, even stunningly wide-eyed for her age; when students are impresent, though, she reverts to a more standard look of total disregard for her surroundings, often with a smoke between her lips.
Personality: In the presence of students, Violet makes for a most peppy teacher indeed, showing off her strong sense of justice and her intense love of weapons through her classes: Mechanics, where she shows how to maintain weapons as well as identify weaknesses in the robotic foes of the Sunderers as a whole; and Weapon Training, the actual handling of weapons in both simulated and occasional live-fire combat scenarios.
When she's alone with the adults is a different story. Violet is kind of jaded; less patient teachers may see her as an asshole, whilst more sexist folk might refer to her as a chainsmoking megabitch. Granted, she does inhale a large number of deathsticks a day, insulated from their worse effects by her inherent power, but her apparent bitchiness comes from a resignation of sorts: for all its flaws, the nation needs Sunderers to avoid being devoured by the machines, and the best way to get them is to ensure the students don't see the state's propaganda for what it ultimately is, at least until they're in too deep to back out.
Powers: Violet's basic power is essentially a body-permeating force-field, by her own words "the power emanating from her soul". This protects her from serious harm save from extremely powerful blows, heals very small injuries quickly, and allows her to exert far more strength than somebody of her size ought to by both reinforcing her body structure and rapidly repairing muscle and bone tissue as it suffers microscale damage. Incidentally, this feature also repairs any microscale damage from other sources too, allowing her to recover without permanent disability from most wounds that would otherwise inflict career-ending damage, as well as smoke a hell of a lot of cigarettes without any lasting harm to her lungs or circulatory system.
Her secondary ability, supposedly an extension of this force-field soul power, is a sort of super-speed discorporation: she can disassemble her body, as well as that of any person she is in direct contact with, into a mass of molecular-scale particles that conglomerate into a swarm of "petals", moving around incredibly quickly in this form, then reforming herself and others later on. Naturally, this is extremely potent in combination with sweeping weapon attacks such as those she prefers, as well as for keeping away from danger when it draws close.
However, both of these powers run on an internal energy source of sorts. Her force-field doesn't particularly drain energy in day-to-day use, but the more attacks she takes in a fight, the weaker it grows, and the less effective her discorporation power is; if all of this energy is lost, she cannot use either, greatly lowering her defense and speed, though she retains a decent proportion of her physical ability nonetheless. Even at her weakest, she is still a very highly trained and dangerous Sunderer.
Equipment: Violet's weapon is a transforming combination of sniper rifle and combat scythe. In a melee, she uses the scythe portion as a wide-sweeping weapon, striking many foes at once with a combination of its broad arc and her innate high speed; at range, she can shoot foes from afar with a wide variety of high-caliber bullets. In either case, she is a less effective fighter in hand-to-hand combat, though she is still more than capable of defeating most human warriors in an unarmed melee.
Additional Info: She goes through at least ten packs a day.
Age: 32
Gender: Female
Appearance: Clad in a black, one-piece combat skirt with blue highlights at its edges and a similar blue cape, Violet strikes quite an impressive figure. Just as notably, she stands at a modest 5'4", with a slender athletic figure one might expect from a Sunderer and short-cut, very dark hair that almost appears to fade into a deep blue at its edges. In the presence of students, her expression is almost always excited, even stunningly wide-eyed for her age; when students are impresent, though, she reverts to a more standard look of total disregard for her surroundings, often with a smoke between her lips.
Personality: In the presence of students, Violet makes for a most peppy teacher indeed, showing off her strong sense of justice and her intense love of weapons through her classes: Mechanics, where she shows how to maintain weapons as well as identify weaknesses in the robotic foes of the Sunderers as a whole; and Weapon Training, the actual handling of weapons in both simulated and occasional live-fire combat scenarios.
When she's alone with the adults is a different story. Violet is kind of jaded; less patient teachers may see her as an asshole, whilst more sexist folk might refer to her as a chainsmoking megabitch. Granted, she does inhale a large number of deathsticks a day, insulated from their worse effects by her inherent power, but her apparent bitchiness comes from a resignation of sorts: for all its flaws, the nation needs Sunderers to avoid being devoured by the machines, and the best way to get them is to ensure the students don't see the state's propaganda for what it ultimately is, at least until they're in too deep to back out.
Powers: Violet's basic power is essentially a body-permeating force-field, by her own words "the power emanating from her soul". This protects her from serious harm save from extremely powerful blows, heals very small injuries quickly, and allows her to exert far more strength than somebody of her size ought to by both reinforcing her body structure and rapidly repairing muscle and bone tissue as it suffers microscale damage. Incidentally, this feature also repairs any microscale damage from other sources too, allowing her to recover without permanent disability from most wounds that would otherwise inflict career-ending damage, as well as smoke a hell of a lot of cigarettes without any lasting harm to her lungs or circulatory system.
Her secondary ability, supposedly an extension of this force-field soul power, is a sort of super-speed discorporation: she can disassemble her body, as well as that of any person she is in direct contact with, into a mass of molecular-scale particles that conglomerate into a swarm of "petals", moving around incredibly quickly in this form, then reforming herself and others later on. Naturally, this is extremely potent in combination with sweeping weapon attacks such as those she prefers, as well as for keeping away from danger when it draws close.
However, both of these powers run on an internal energy source of sorts. Her force-field doesn't particularly drain energy in day-to-day use, but the more attacks she takes in a fight, the weaker it grows, and the less effective her discorporation power is; if all of this energy is lost, she cannot use either, greatly lowering her defense and speed, though she retains a decent proportion of her physical ability nonetheless. Even at her weakest, she is still a very highly trained and dangerous Sunderer.
Equipment: Violet's weapon is a transforming combination of sniper rifle and combat scythe. In a melee, she uses the scythe portion as a wide-sweeping weapon, striking many foes at once with a combination of its broad arc and her innate high speed; at range, she can shoot foes from afar with a wide variety of high-caliber bullets. In either case, she is a less effective fighter in hand-to-hand combat, though she is still more than capable of defeating most human warriors in an unarmed melee.
Additional Info: She goes through at least ten packs a day.
Name: Alex Grigory
Age: 128
Gender: female
Appearance: Just a plain old brain.
Personality: As she lived over a century as something more inhuman than human, Alex sounds a bit off. Her words may be too blunt or unapologetic and aggressive. It is hard to know whether she means good in her harsh comments or if she just wants to insult people. Countless years of staying inside doing the same things over and over had done enough of negative effects on her.
Backstory: Alex was born with a generic psychic power- she could move stuff with her mind, shoot weak bolts of energy, all the nice stuff. She started training her power ever since youth, soon joining the Sunderers with the nicely honed set of skills. She never stopped training, finding out her limits and going over them. Such process repeated for the countless years she lived. Weak bolts of energy turned to a small thunderstorm, and she could crumple weak robots with just a thought. No doubt, she became one of the strongest psychics in human history.
On one unlucky mission, in an epic fight, her body was broken beyond repair. There was nothing the bleeding edge technology could do about the dying psychic. After all those years, it seemed that Alex's journey had finally come to an end.
Except she had a backup in mind.
Using the overwhelming power she had, the final missing piece of a trick she had been researching was finally finished in her dying moments. Soon, she was a human no more. She was a brain, and a psychic one at that. Preserving herself with her powers, Alex continued on with her duty as a Sunderer. Her power still grew over time, as usual life routine of research continued-only now she had more time as some of the things she had to do as a human being was now unnecessary.
Now stuck with immense amount of energy that may go out of control when not taken care of well, Alex ended up stuck in the Sunderers HQ expending her powers to make sure it didn't go haywire. Her taking part in the education of Sunderer initiates has been a recent try, as many viewed her larger-than-life ideal for training young fighters.
Powers: The Psychic
Alex is a psychic. She can move things using her mind(though there is a limit to the amount of force she can exert), or use her supernatural psychic energy to conjure lightning-like exertion of energy from thin air. The specific mechanics of said psychic energy is vague- sometimes it is like magic, sometimes it is like science. She can mimic matter a bit to form bodies, shoot energy bolts to destroy things, or even render herself technically immortal by preserving her brain and providing necessary nutrition for it. All of this, of course, resulted from her endless training, which only intensified after her turning into a brain.
VOP: Vital Organ Perserver. A piece of tech recovered years after Alex's change, it allows for a human being to survive with only a few vital organs (such as the brain and spine) rigged up to machines in a tube filled with fluid. While this is not a required gear of survival for Alex, it lessens her burden on monitoring herself, so she usually rests in this container.
Age: 128
Gender: female
Appearance: Just a plain old brain.
Personality: As she lived over a century as something more inhuman than human, Alex sounds a bit off. Her words may be too blunt or unapologetic and aggressive. It is hard to know whether she means good in her harsh comments or if she just wants to insult people. Countless years of staying inside doing the same things over and over had done enough of negative effects on her.
Backstory: Alex was born with a generic psychic power- she could move stuff with her mind, shoot weak bolts of energy, all the nice stuff. She started training her power ever since youth, soon joining the Sunderers with the nicely honed set of skills. She never stopped training, finding out her limits and going over them. Such process repeated for the countless years she lived. Weak bolts of energy turned to a small thunderstorm, and she could crumple weak robots with just a thought. No doubt, she became one of the strongest psychics in human history.
On one unlucky mission, in an epic fight, her body was broken beyond repair. There was nothing the bleeding edge technology could do about the dying psychic. After all those years, it seemed that Alex's journey had finally come to an end.
Except she had a backup in mind.
Using the overwhelming power she had, the final missing piece of a trick she had been researching was finally finished in her dying moments. Soon, she was a human no more. She was a brain, and a psychic one at that. Preserving herself with her powers, Alex continued on with her duty as a Sunderer. Her power still grew over time, as usual life routine of research continued-only now she had more time as some of the things she had to do as a human being was now unnecessary.
Now stuck with immense amount of energy that may go out of control when not taken care of well, Alex ended up stuck in the Sunderers HQ expending her powers to make sure it didn't go haywire. Her taking part in the education of Sunderer initiates has been a recent try, as many viewed her larger-than-life ideal for training young fighters.
Powers: The Psychic
Alex is a psychic. She can move things using her mind(though there is a limit to the amount of force she can exert), or use her supernatural psychic energy to conjure lightning-like exertion of energy from thin air. The specific mechanics of said psychic energy is vague- sometimes it is like magic, sometimes it is like science. She can mimic matter a bit to form bodies, shoot energy bolts to destroy things, or even render herself technically immortal by preserving her brain and providing necessary nutrition for it. All of this, of course, resulted from her endless training, which only intensified after her turning into a brain.
VOP: Vital Organ Perserver. A piece of tech recovered years after Alex's change, it allows for a human being to survive with only a few vital organs (such as the brain and spine) rigged up to machines in a tube filled with fluid. While this is not a required gear of survival for Alex, it lessens her burden on monitoring herself, so she usually rests in this container.
Name: Darren Hitchcross
Age: 57
Gender: Male
Appearance: An old man with a balding head and a rather well managed beard. He is almost always seen wearing his iconic boonie hat and a sportswear top. Despite his old age, he managed to keep a muscular build with workout routines. He doesn't have any visible scars, only a pair of staring dark brown eyes.
Personality: He is the headmaster of the Institute, and has been for the last ten years. Though he is not a battle hardened veteran who went through nigh impossible missions, but he did prove to be a decent leader by staying in the high rank of the military for dozens of years. He was suggested an honorable role of commanding the war against robots in the frontline, but he declined humbly and agreed to instead focus on educating the young Sunderer initiates.
Darren is a man of honor, emphasizing the honor of Fidelis and its past glory days. While he believes the training method of Sunderers isn't as effective as the way they used to train soldiers, he admits their tactics are more fitting to fight against these inhuman foes.
Age: 57
Gender: Male
Appearance: An old man with a balding head and a rather well managed beard. He is almost always seen wearing his iconic boonie hat and a sportswear top. Despite his old age, he managed to keep a muscular build with workout routines. He doesn't have any visible scars, only a pair of staring dark brown eyes.
Personality: He is the headmaster of the Institute, and has been for the last ten years. Though he is not a battle hardened veteran who went through nigh impossible missions, but he did prove to be a decent leader by staying in the high rank of the military for dozens of years. He was suggested an honorable role of commanding the war against robots in the frontline, but he declined humbly and agreed to instead focus on educating the young Sunderer initiates.
Darren is a man of honor, emphasizing the honor of Fidelis and its past glory days. While he believes the training method of Sunderers isn't as effective as the way they used to train soldiers, he admits their tactics are more fitting to fight against these inhuman foes.
Fellow Students
Name: Rick Wrenfield
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Quite strongly built for his age, but also somewhat short at only 5'1". He has dark brown hair, brown eyes that belie the hardness in them, and heavily tanned skin. His clothing, interestingly, seems to be of only modest make and quality compared to many other students present.
Personality: Rick is kind of a dick. He's very physically strong and knows it, but moreover he is highly confident in his approach to the world, which gives him the opportunity to bully and otherwise lord it over those he sees as lesser- more specifically, those he feels haven't actually worked for their powers and abilities- and with a degree of crude charisma can handily draw a fairly decent crowd to him given time. In his downtime, he likes to use his power over plants to engage in some light botany, a hobby he doesn't typically discuss. For some reason, he refuses to do anything that might upset one Danver Wilkes.
Powers: Rick's raw strength is very high even for his physique, to the point that he could bring a speeding car to a dead stop with one punch, totalling it in the process. This, however, is purely in terms of output, and being hit by the same car would probably kill him or at least seriously injure him - he can dish it out, but he can't take it, so to speak. This is, however, supplemented by his other ability, acceleration of plant growth and control of their forms, allowing him to build up rapidly-sprouting barriers of wood, lashing vines, and biting flytraps in a fight, not to mention providing mobility in a pinch.
Equipment: Rick's only on-hand combat items are a heavy, reinforced metal tower shield that can take huge hits for him in a pinch, and a punch dagger to further concentrate his attack force into a point for even greater impact damage when push comes to shove.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: Quite strongly built for his age, but also somewhat short at only 5'1". He has dark brown hair, brown eyes that belie the hardness in them, and heavily tanned skin. His clothing, interestingly, seems to be of only modest make and quality compared to many other students present.
Personality: Rick is kind of a dick. He's very physically strong and knows it, but moreover he is highly confident in his approach to the world, which gives him the opportunity to bully and otherwise lord it over those he sees as lesser- more specifically, those he feels haven't actually worked for their powers and abilities- and with a degree of crude charisma can handily draw a fairly decent crowd to him given time. In his downtime, he likes to use his power over plants to engage in some light botany, a hobby he doesn't typically discuss. For some reason, he refuses to do anything that might upset one Danver Wilkes.
Powers: Rick's raw strength is very high even for his physique, to the point that he could bring a speeding car to a dead stop with one punch, totalling it in the process. This, however, is purely in terms of output, and being hit by the same car would probably kill him or at least seriously injure him - he can dish it out, but he can't take it, so to speak. This is, however, supplemented by his other ability, acceleration of plant growth and control of their forms, allowing him to build up rapidly-sprouting barriers of wood, lashing vines, and biting flytraps in a fight, not to mention providing mobility in a pinch.
Equipment: Rick's only on-hand combat items are a heavy, reinforced metal tower shield that can take huge hits for him in a pinch, and a punch dagger to further concentrate his attack force into a point for even greater impact damage when push comes to shove.
Name: Danver Wilkes
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: An almost stereotypical nerd - pale with black hair and eyes, 5'3", and rather skinny to boot. His usual uniforms tend to include at least three pens and one calculator in their ensemble; this frequently consists of a checkered t-shirt with a chest pocket and trousers that are slightly too large for his frame.
Personality: Shy, computer-absorbed, just a bit too friendly with pretty girls. Whilst highly intelligent, Danver is not hugely sociable as a result, and he struggles to speak up for himself in most cases. Whilst he has a bit of a mean streak given the chance to be in charge of something or someone, he also tend to fold like paper if pushed. He does, however, maintain that technology is the key to the world - case in point, the machines that have largely destroyed it.
Powers: Superintelligence is often underrated, and comes in far more forms than merely logical. In Danver's case, his is focused on his proficiency with and speed in constructing a huge range of mechanical and electronic devices, from computers to remote-controlled drones to power armour. With enough time and resources, he can even build quite large and powerful mechas in various forms. Though he greatly prefers not to engage in combat in-person, having no actual superhuman abilities beyond his intellect, he is more than capable of controlling androids or other machines of his design from far away with his mind alone, and in a worst-case scenario he has built a suit of power armour he can pilot personally.
Equipment: Whatever he can craft, usually a number of multi-tools and/or whatever machines he's sent out in his stead.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Appearance: An almost stereotypical nerd - pale with black hair and eyes, 5'3", and rather skinny to boot. His usual uniforms tend to include at least three pens and one calculator in their ensemble; this frequently consists of a checkered t-shirt with a chest pocket and trousers that are slightly too large for his frame.
Personality: Shy, computer-absorbed, just a bit too friendly with pretty girls. Whilst highly intelligent, Danver is not hugely sociable as a result, and he struggles to speak up for himself in most cases. Whilst he has a bit of a mean streak given the chance to be in charge of something or someone, he also tend to fold like paper if pushed. He does, however, maintain that technology is the key to the world - case in point, the machines that have largely destroyed it.
Powers: Superintelligence is often underrated, and comes in far more forms than merely logical. In Danver's case, his is focused on his proficiency with and speed in constructing a huge range of mechanical and electronic devices, from computers to remote-controlled drones to power armour. With enough time and resources, he can even build quite large and powerful mechas in various forms. Though he greatly prefers not to engage in combat in-person, having no actual superhuman abilities beyond his intellect, he is more than capable of controlling androids or other machines of his design from far away with his mind alone, and in a worst-case scenario he has built a suit of power armour he can pilot personally.
Equipment: Whatever he can craft, usually a number of multi-tools and/or whatever machines he's sent out in his stead.
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