I wanted to say thank you everyone for joining me on this journey! I know we have not begun it yet but seeing everyone so enthusiastic fills me with joy! Here's to a long and wonderful romp through hell!
That first one scared me, then the text was like "That'd probably be a conversation between Serji and Dex"
That meme image would "ironically" be Seiji sending and Dex responding, solely because Seiji would probably see him as a prime target for trolling.
But it's actually Seiji responding to Empusa, or any other female, in terms of being the answer to his sexuality. XD Remember that video that describes their relationship dynamic?
A terrifying romp too, especially when you find out what the brief moment of lucidity for the people Ogdranich has fed on entails.
Seiji looks around the room, thinking to himself: Man, is it just me or are ALL these girls absolutely smoking? Hell, I don't really swing that way but I'd even say all the guys who aren't me are unusually attractive...
He turns his head and catches sight of Ogdranich:
Dumb room pairings, Dex has a shared room to himself >:[
There's a frantic knock at the door. Dex opens it to see Seiji standing there, blazer torn at one sleeve, panting. Seiji: "THERE'S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, LET ME IN, SHE WON'T DO ANYTHING WITH A WITNESS IN THE ROOM--" Dex slams the door. There's a muffled struggle, then a scream.
There's a calm knock at the door. Dex opens it to see Empusa standing there like:
@Queen of Aces You have a return PM, and if it's okay I'll just go ahead and put my CSes in the CS Tab in the topic.