Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

ATLAS Headquarters - Board of Directors Meeting

A dark room. A large table, at the head of it Siggy sat with NeonGuilmon stood next to him. "Gentlemen!" He called. Sat around him were Directors Lucas and Zei, with Jordan, Dirk, Leon and Ari monitor screens. "It ha-"

"You know, that 2 of us are ladies... Try to be a little more sensitive, Siggy." Ari butted in. Siggy stared at her with a face of purest ire for a few seconds.

"It has been brought to our attention that things are picking up again." He pressed a button and a hologram appeared in the middle of the table. "After the dip in Digi-Emergance events after the A.D.C.U. went down, things are now going back up again. We were hoping it was a spike, but it's rising to almost as high as it was 11 years ago."

"Can't say as i have noticed." Ari replied, picking her ear.

"I have-" Leon stated. Pressing a button, the hologram changed to a globe and highlighted dots across the world "Frankfurt exploded with activity these last 3 months. It's gotten so bad that i'm almost having to start insisting that potential members take the memory wipe. Either that, or there's gonna be a mass-exodus from Frankfurt as i start transfering people away to keep our notoriety down." He sighed.

"Send some of them my way. Africa is as quiet as ever." Dirk said.

"Why do you think we sent you there?" Lucas mumbled. "Me and Elecmon are handling it. Luckily, most of the things coming through are Champion-level. Me and the teams here in Tokyo are handling it easy. At the same time, we should probably see if we can get in touch with the Sovereigns and see if they can help curb this migration from their end."

"You can easily get that information." Zei replied.

"Yeah, but that means talking to that self righteous douchebag Herald." Elecmon butted in.

"You are the head of Security, this is literally your job." Dorumon grunted.

"Yeah, but there's doing our job and just social flagelation and we did not sign up for that." Lucas replied.

"With Lucas on this one." Dirk replied. "Herald rubs me wrong."

"For the first time in the entire time i have lived i'm going to say the words "Thanks Dirk" don't get used to it." Lucas replied. "But in all seriousness, if you're having over-staffing issues, then do feel free to send some of them my way, i'd be glad of the extra help."

"Same" Dirk replied "Africa's not got as much land-mass as Asia, but Africa's population is much less centralized and infrastructure is much worse, meaning getting places quickly is hard. I need more bodies on the ground over here."

"Can we stop trying to benefit off of the problem and actually look to solve it?" Zei butted in again.

"You're right." Jordan replied. "New Zealand's having much the same problem. Too many emergences, too little places to hide all of these Digimon. I'm willing to put serious money on it being a lead-up to something." At that point Siggy stood up, airing his authority as the head of the Directors.

"We are in agreement... Something is going down. But right now, we have no idea what it is. Any move we make right now might be playing into the hands of whoever is pulling the strings." He then sat down again. "But at the same time, we can't proceed too cautiously as it could accelerate their plans as we decelerate our responses. The safest course of action we have right now is to just keep doing what we are doing and wait for more information to present itself. Leon, Jordan, if you are having over-manning issues, choose some of your agents with minimal ties to the area and get them transferred over to Africa. Anyone else need more bodies?" Everyone looked at their notes, but nobody answered verbally. "Right, next on the-" At that point, lights started to flash around them. "Oh no..." Siggy sighed sarcastically "Looks like this meeting is over. It's a hard job, but somebody's gotta do it." He smiled, before pressing a button, ending the meeting and grabbing Lucas and dragging him through the doors behind him to the control room, looking up to see the Cartography being worked by a pair of agents.

"Directors, we have a massive spike of Digital Emergences across Tokyo. Power Level C, but multiple focal points."

"Dammit." Lucas growled, running over to a console and pressing the Mobilize signal to all of the agents in Tokyo. Siggy grabbed a headset.

"Tokyo units, this is Director Siggy, we have a whole mass of bogeys emerging in the city, pick your closet targets and engage at your discretion. Champion level authorization given."

Japan - Tokyo

As ATLAS began to scramble to contain the problems popping up everywhere, packets of mist began engulfing different parts of the city. Most of the inhabitants going about their daily business without even thinking about what might be lurking out there. Everywhere in the mist, the Tokyo citizens were seeing things moving out the corner of their eyes, but just assuming it was a trick of the light. Meanwhile, large digimon began to explore their surroundings.

In Akihabara, the roar of a Kuwagamon could barely be heard over the din of arcade-machines

In Shinjuku, parked cars were being swatted out of the way by Monochromon crashing through the streets

In Nerima, people would be forgiven for assuming that a jumbo-jet was flying too low overhead as the shadows of a Airdramon lanced through the misty skies.

In Roppongi, the drunkards still getting over last nights partying put their sights down to the lack of sleep as an Ogremon was having to fend off a horde of Goblimon from trying to eat it.

Everywhere, digivices were lighting up and Siggys authorization was playing through to them. ATLAS Agents were on the way to help everyone.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ken was simply sitting at the edge of the lake fishing while Hajime was as always practicing his Kendo skills. Neither of them was too worried about someone seeing the Digimon since the bak they were on was mostly ignored because the rivier was both deep and fast there. Still they kept an eye out for people and Hajime even made sure to occasionally grab his partner's attention to make sure Ken didn't space out and maybe miss someone.

Just when it seemed Ken was about to catch something his Digivice lighted up and Siggy's message ended up scaring the fish away. "Well, looks your training will have to be cut short." "I just hope there won't be too many people watching." Unsurprisingly Hajime was more concerned about having to deal with a large crowd then the fight, especially since the threat seemed to be only Champion level.

Ken grabbed his bike, after putting his fishing rod away and waited for his partner to get on the back. Roppongi was still quite a bit away, and with the weight of a small child behind him he couldn't ride full speed, but after about thirty minutes they arrived at the scene of the Goblimon-Ogremon fight.

There were a few drunkards watching but Ken and Hajime were already closer then they were. They were in fact close enough that one of the Goblimon heard him trying to catch his breath and not seeing the Kotemon behind him figured Ken would be an easy prey. The Goblin charged at the bike, with his club over his head, only to be surprised when a shinai seemingly showed up out of nowhere and ignited with a shout of Hothead!

Meanwhile Ogremon took advantage of the fact that he had one less enemy to deal with to quickly decrease the number even further by repeatedly shooting energy from his fist accompanied by shouts of Pummel Whack!. With Ogremon being a Champion every strike that hit a Goblimon ended up deleting it and seeing that they no longer had the advantage most of them tried to run away. Knowing that if they escaped finding the Goblimon again would be a hassle Ken used his Digice to digivolve Hajime. Dinohyumon quickly took out his opponent and several other Goblin with his Lizard Dance but they still had to deal with the Ogremon.

With how shy Hajime was Ken of course did the talking. "Alright if you just return to the Digital World we won't have to fight.." He didn't even get to finish his sentence before Ogremon interrupted him and tried to smack Hajime in the head with his club. "Bone Club! The Dinohyumon was just barely able to block it with his Akinakes, helped by the fact that Ogremon was clearly exhausted and covered in minor injuries.

Hajime pushed the club away and prepared to end the fight with just one attack against his weakened opponent. He let go of his smaller blades and grabbed the giant sword on his back, lifting it over his head. In one quick motion he brought it down and cut Ogremon in two. Dino slash!

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Mari Hasagawa

When the mist rolled in, Mari Hasagawa was in the middle of her morning class. The teacher, the affable Ms. Kanako, was busy writing her math equations on the board. As for Mari herself, she was also busy writing the same equations in her notebook.

At least, until her Digivice vibrated in her pocket.

She swiftly took it out and read the message on the screen.

Tch, why do they have to come in a time like this?

She raised her right hand. "Miss Kanako! I need to use the bathroom! May I be excused?"

A blush crept onto her face. This would never not be humiliating. She was already a senior highschool student. Everyone knew you should take care of your business beforehand like a grown young adult.

The teacher faced her, a teasing smile on her face. "Again, Ms. Mari? This is the third time this month. Perhaps you should lay off the soda a bit."

Soft chuckles and giggles came from her classmates.

Her face grew even redder as she gave a glare at their direction.

"Very well. You may leave. But try to return to class faster this time."

"Thank you, Ms. Kanako!" She gave a quick bow before making a beeline to the classroom door.

Once outside, however, instead of going to the restroom, she quickly descended the stairs and ran to the courtyard.

This fog… it really is happening again.

There, she took out her Digivice, held it near her chest, and shouted, "Come out, you stupid ghost! We got a job to do!"

A bright light fired from the device, manifesting a creature unlike any animals that had ever existed in this world.

A Digital Monster. Or a Digimon for short.

She still remembered that day when she first met him. She was lounging back on the living room, watching TV, when he suddenly came out of the screen and crashed onto her.

Before she could say anything, he immediately declared that she was her tamer and that he would follow her to the ends of the earth.

Chaos ensued. Mari ran for her life, thinking he was a ghost and a monster, which, in retrospect, was spot on in describing the Digimon. And thanks to his ability to phase through walls, no matter where she hid, she could not escape from him.

But, eventually, she calmed down and listened to his story.

It was then that her eyes were opened. She realized the existence of a different world, a Digital World, made by humanity's technological advancement.

She couldn't forget that. She refused to forget that.

And so, when the agents came, she decided to join.

"Hello, Miss Mari! Good morning! The weather sure is nice today, huh?"

"Are you blind?!" Mari yelled. "Look at all this fog! Your friends have come. Again!"

"Ooh, I see. I see." The Ghost Digimon moved his head back and forth. "Then hop on, Miss! Tell me where the big baddies are!"

Even though the creature was technically a ghost, it was still solid, enough that Mari could hug him and let him carry her to her destination. And thanks to the fog, no one would see them flying through the air.

The monster was big, almost as big as her. She could simply wrap her arms and legs around its body.

"Go to Akihabara. It's the closest from here."

"Akihabara, here we go!"

She braced herself, gritting her teeth as the monster took off.


When they arrived, it didn't take long until she identified the problem.

A big, house-sized Kuwagamon roaring from a distance as it wandered through the streets of the district.

So far, no one had noticed its existence. The heavy fog had made the streets clear from the usual crowds that infested them.

Which meant it was still the prime condition to dispose of it.

Zero casualties. That was one of the motto drilled into her when she became an agent.

She descended, staring right at the giant bug monster without fear.

...Okay, that was a lie. There was fear. A lot of it.

But she remained strong. For her anger was bigger. She was angry that she was dragged off her school to beat this stupid bug.

Champion-level authorized. As the Digimon in front of her was a Champion, it was the perfect match.

She took out her Digivice and placed it near her chest once more.

“Ghostmon, Digivolve! Obey my command and transform into Wizardmon!”

A bright light fired from the device once more, this time enveloping the Digimon in front of her. She too was shining and a gust of wind seemingly came out of nowhere, making her long wavy hair and school uniform flutter wildly.

Digivolution. A power born out of the bond between the Tamer and her Digimon.

When the light receded, the ghost had transformed into a humanoid dressed like a wizard, just like its namesake.

Its size was still smaller than the giant bug in front of it. But it didn’t matter. She knew that he was more than a match for it.

“One minute. I want to see you defeat that thing in one minute.”

“Very well, Mistress Mari. Your command shall be done.”

The wizard attacked first, firing a lightning bolt spell towards the bug. It was his signature move and his most powerful spell.

The creature didn’t realize the attack was coming. It was still too disoriented by the sudden change of the environment it was suffering from. One minute, it was in a forest, the other, it was in this strange land filled with concrete.

Thus it received the full strength of the wizard’s attack.

It roared as half of its body was burned to a crisp. It quickly identified its attacker. Another Digimon. But there was another creature behind him? What was that?

It didn’t care. It screeched as it charged towards the pair, intending to swing its giant claws at the Digimon. And perhaps munching on the strange creature. She looked somewhat delicious after all.

Unfortunately, it never made it as its legs were locked in place by the ice the Digimon had conjured.

“Finish him.”


The Digimon fired another lightning bolt.

And this time, it was powerful enough to disintegrate the creature’s body entirely.

Unable to maintain its consistency, it returned back into data, before disappearing completely. To where? Mari had no idea. Nor did she care.

“One minute to the dot. Good. You’re getting better at this.” Mari smiled, placing her hand on her Wizardmon’s shoulder.

“Now, let’s just hope that the others are already finished with their opponents as well. I would hate having to waste my time even more than I already am.”
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hinata & Haku

Shinjuku - Bao Huckmon vs Monochromon

Outside the fog the world had seemed normal. The streetlights were standing tall and besides the curious or angry commuters worried about being late, nothing was out of the ordinary. It was the crumpled car that came soaring from out the unusual carpet of smoke that told Hinata he was in the right place.

Its whirring, fragmented alarms started after its scraping crash. Haku's voice sounded behind him, still young with ancient undertones. As if this childish form was just a disguise of sorts. In a way, it most definitely was. Considering what they were about to do, Hinata was sure that it was. "Hinata!" called Haku again, red hood pulled over his horned face.

Hinata tucked his Digivice back inside his shirt. "Sorry, what was that?"

Haku strode pass Hinata, obviously miffed with his absentmindedness, "What's the clearance level?"

"Champion it seems. Must be a nasty fella in there," he pointed out.

The two of them started forward, Hinata raising his arm to block the fog as they traversed it. Inside, a massive-horned four-legged Digimon was overturning a large green van. The sound of screaming woman pierced the momentary silence. Haku started to glow, so did the Digivice beneath Hinata's shirt. It was warm and kind. It was mutual emotion, a bravery that arose only when the need to defend the weak was necessary. And it was that very emotion that bonded, Haku and Hinata.

"Haku, be careful," he said, standing resolute at the inner edge of the fog.

"Always. Now stay put, Hinata!" roared Haku, now a large white-armored dragon, shrouded in a crimson cape.

As the Monochromon pranced around, putting space between himself and the van, Bao Huckmon slammed hard into him. The two Champions rolled, shaking the concrete and damaging abandoned cars and black asphalt. Hinata could've listened but while Haku and that Monochromon were tussling, literally rag-dolling each other, he wanted to check on the passengers of the van. He ran until he could slide next to it. From the driver's door he could see two cowering boys hugging each other, a slumped and unconscious father, and screaming mother. Calmly, he reassured them that help was there and even more was on the way.

Haku's voice bellowed then, "BURN FLAME!"

A giant flash of fire lit the area. Hinata sat down into a comfortable position and leaned against the damaged van, "No worries, my friend will handle everything."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Daichi & Dozer

Daichi was sitting in the small park located across the street from his school, taking in the scenery. While he claimed he came here to study, the truth was that he spent most of his time here admiring the beauty of nature. He had placed his Digivice next to himself on the bench so that Dozer could see it through the screen. It was in serene moments such as this that Daichi became inspired to poetry.

But as he took out a notebook to put poetry to paper, the Digivice next to him began to beep. He had received a message from ATLAS alerting him to a Digimon manifestation.

Daichi sighed as he picked up his Digivice, “Looks like another nice day ruined.”

“Hey don’t look so down,” Dozer sounded off from within the Digivice, “Maybe we’ll be able to rescue some people from a bad Digimon.”

“Always playing the hero, huh?” Daichi laughed.

“Playing the hero? I am a hero,” Dozer stated.

Daichi smiled as he exited the park. The Digimon had manifested in Nerima, which was not too far from where Daichi was. In fact he could get there by taking one express bus, which luckily for Daichi would arrive within the next five minutes.

Once Daichi got on the bus, he pulled out his Digivice. While he hated keeping Dozer in the Digivice, it was necessary as he couldn’t have him pretend to be a plush like some other tamers did as he was a child sized Lego monster. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t talk to him in the Digivice, as people just tended to assume that he was a weirdo who talked to his video games.

“You ready for this fight?” Daichi asked softly.

“Always ready,” Dozer replied, “Are you ready?”

Daichi didn’t answer immediately. While he himself wouldn’t technically be fighting, he did feel responsible for Dozer. He hated to see his partner hurt, and knew that was a risk every time they responded to a Digimon appearing. But he didn’t have a choice; if he wanted to continue being with Dozer it meant he had to do what ATLAS ordered.

“Yeah I’m ready,” Daichi eventually replied, “I wonder what kind of Digimon it’ll be?”

“Probably an evil one. We always get the evil ones,” Dozer answered.

Daichi pondered what made a Digimon evil for the rest of the bus ride. He still didn’t have an answer as he got off the bus. Near the bus stop was a group of people pointing across the street at a thick mist. Daichi recognized it immediately as a side effect of a Digimon entering the human world. He then charged into the mist as people told him to wait as it wasn’t safe.

Once inside the deep mist, Daichi made sure there wasn’t anybody near by, before Dozer exited the Digivice. The Toy Agumon stood at around half of Daichi’s size. A serious look was on Dozer’s face as he scanned the area. With the mist it was hard to see anything. But then a mighty roar pierced the sky. Both Daichi and Dozer looked up to see an Airdramon flying right above them.

Before Daichi could do anything, Dozer shouted, “Toy Flame!”

A small toy projectile launched out of Dozer’s mouth upward toward Airdramon. The toy flame did make contact, exploding across the Digimon’s body. Airdramon roared again, more out of annoyance then pain. The winged dragon looked down at the tamer and partner, screeching.

“Fatal Tornado!” Airdramon shouted, a tornado shaped fire reigning down on Dozer.

With adrenaline fuelled reflexes, Daichi was able to push Dozer and himself out of the way as the fire ripped across the street, setting a tree on fire.

“You could of waited to see if he was hostile before attacking,” Daichi chided Dozer as they both got to their feet.

“I was just testing the waters,” Dozer said sheepishly.

“Well, it can’t be helped now. But anyway they authorized Champion form, and if that fire was any indication, we’re going to need it,” Daichi stated.

Dozer nodded in agreement as Daichi took out his Digivice. Both Dozer and the Digivice began to glow.

“Toy Agumon, digivolve to…Tankmon!”

Where once stood the Lego monster now was replaced by an anthropomorphic tank. Dozer pointed his guns at the Airdramon.

“This is going to be fun,” Dozer said, his voice deeper, “Sub Vulcan!”

A multitude of bullets were released from Dozer’s gun hands, striking Airdramon in many areas. Several shots to its wings caused it to crash to the ground. Dozer pumped a hand into the air.

“Now to finish you!,” Dozer said as he rushed toward Airdramon, “Hell Drive!”

As Dozer charged at the injured Digimon, it surprised him by getting up. It flapped its wings, creating a massive gust of wind that tossed Dozer backward, crashing into a car. The gust also sent Daichi flying back, bouncing against the pavement.

“Dozer,” Daichi said as he struggled to his feet, “Are you alright?”

Daichi’s Digimon partner did not respond. As Dozer lay motionless on the crumpled car, Airdramon rose into the air once again. With a mighty roar, Airdramon dove down toward Dozer, his fangs nearing his exposed belly section. Time seemed to slow down for Daichi as Airdramon grew closer and closer to the downed Dozer.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Yusaku & Sparky

"Bah! I hate public PC's!" he muttered to himself under his breath. Yusaku was currently sitting in a booth in Cyberverse, an internet cafe that had opened fairly recently. Yusaku hated having to use places like this. Public PC's were almost never up to his standards. But ever since he was... "employed" by ATLAS, he'd pretty much refused to use his own rig at home. He was certain they'd bugged it somehow. And until he could ensure that his home PC was clean, he'd just have to force himself to use places like this instead. Employed... more like drafted or enslaved as far Yusaku was concerned.

"There, finally!" it had taken him a bit more time than he was accustomed to, but he finally set up the video call. Doing this on public computers was always a nuisance. He needed to make the IP Address completely anonymous, which meant installing the VPN software he had created for himself. Most common VPN's simply masked the IP Addressed and occasionally linked it to a foreign server to get around region-locked content and websites. Yusaku's VPN program did that, plus a little more. It also gave him a means to bounce around the IP signal, so that his activities were virtually undetectable. And of course, when these sort of meetings were concluded Yusaku would also have to take the time to uninstall everything he had put on the PC plus any other extra measures needed to cover up his actions. Such a pain.

"Ah, good. You're on time, YuYa-san." a face had appeared on screen. The details of what he looked like were kept obscured by a combination of dim lighting on their end in addition to what sounded like a voice-altering program. Their voice as heard over a pair of earbuds wirelessly connected to the cafe's PC. Wouldn't want to risk anyone being able to eavesdrop on this conversation. YuYa, however, couldn't risk responding verbally due to his current location. Instead he had to stick with using the text chat.

[YuYa]: No voice from me this time, I'm afraid. My apologies for any inconvenience this might cause.

"It's fine. As long as I'm able to obtain what I need, I don't care how the transaction is conducted. I trust your location is at least secure?" the client asked.

[YuYa]: Of course. The data you requested is in hand and ready to be sent when you are ready on your end.

Yusaku held up a small flash drive in front of the PC's web cam for his anonymous client to see, eliciting a nod on the screen, "Transfer whenever you're ready, YuYa-san."

[YuYa]: Beginning transfer. Hold a few moments.

From Yusaku's end, he connected the flash drive into a square adapter device that he then connected into the PC. The adapter was an encryption device that would put the transferred data into an encrypted file of Yusaku's own design. The encryption was to prevent this data from being readable in the unlikely event of an interception by some third party somewhere. A matching decryption program would be needed in order to read the files. Thankfully for the client, Yusaku had already sent them the program previously and instructed them to run it with the files once they had received them.

Simultaneously, Yusaku's burner phone was alerting him to a bank account transfer. A decent sum of money was being anonymously credited to him from many different sources. It was the payment transfer from his client's end. Both transfers were completed at about the same time. This was when the client finally spoke again.

"The transfer went well on my end. Yourself?"

[YuYa]: Completed successfully. Simply run that program I gave you Yesterday and it will decrypt the files for you.

Yusaku was trying to hurry this along now. During the transfer, he heard a very familiar vibration coming from his backpack. And while it was irritating that he was being called now of all times, he couldn't end a meeting like this so abruptly. The client nodded and spoke once more, "Of course. Efficient, punctual, AND user friendly. This is why I have come to rely on your services, YuYa-san. I'll be sure send any friends or associates your way if they have need of you."

[YuYa]: Thank you. Much appreciated.

And at last the connection was ended. With the call finally over, Yusaku hurriedly retrieved everything he had connected into the PC. He also uninstalled the custom VPN program from the PC and even had it format itself into the hard drive state it was in 3 days ago. As far as this PC was concerned, it was like Yusaku had never been here. All the while he retrieved the Digivice from his backpack and read the alert that was sent to him.

Unlike other Digivices, Yusaku's didn't beep or flash brightly. This was because he had been taking the time to study the device as best he could and had figured out how to change a few of its... settings, for lack of a better word. He couldn't figure out how to change or disable the vibration settings, but he at least was able to keep the device from becoming too loud or flashy so as not to risk it compromising him while he was in the middle of a business transaction like the one just now. Just because he had to play by ATLAS's rules didn't mean he couldn't at least do so on his own terms.

"Looks like we're up, Sparky. Better get your game face on." he said to the device as he was running out of the cafe and toward the misty section of Nerima.

Meanwhile, just before the Airdramon could get within attacking distance it was suddenly slammed by an explosive fireball. As it scanned for the source of the attack, something came screaming at it from out of the misty sky. It was a fiery, winged lion making a dive at the Airdramon while its body was covered in searing flames.

"It's about to get HOT!" announced the Digimon as it was making its attack, "Flame Dive!"

Elsewhere, a hooded figure walked into the scene from the mists. A combination of a hood and black bandana around his neck made it nigh impossible to see his face, especially with all the mist. They had walked up and stopped next to Daichi just as he had gotten back to his feet, "Why does it feel like I'm always cleaning up everyone else's messes?" asked Yusaku to no one in particular. He stood watching the fiery winged lion duke it out with the Airdramon. He also held a digivice in his hand, which was more than enough to identify him as a member of ATLAS.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Bakuto and Kokuwamon Intro

Type, type, Type, the sound of a keyboard typing away. A young adult types away at a keyboard of a laptop, while a frustrated owner looks on. "Come on? Does it have to take this long? What's wrong with my computer?" complained the annoyed owner of the laptop. The young man, one Bakuto working as a quick repairs I.T guy looks through the computer.

Bakuto answers, "Well...I am not sure. I am pretty sure you picked up a virus or two...next time could you clear your browser history...Also I cant fixed this. You'll need..." Quickly Bakuto pulls out a card with a number on it and a company name. "Call this number and they should hopefully be able to fix your problem. Might need to wipe the entire hard drive, or if I could give you a suggestion just burn it. But they should be able to fix your computer." Bakuto closes the lid of the laptop and gets up to get ready to leave. "You are supposed to fix this! Not Pawn me off to some other company!" yells the computer owner.


A device in Bakuto's back pocket goes off beeping and vibrating then he smiles, "Sorry, but I got to go. If you don't like my help call that number and leave a review. Honestly I dont care really. But that is my pager and I have to get to my next client."

The angry client, "What kind of computer guy still uses a pager?" "You know good question. I'd say the best kind bye!" the mocking response. Out he goes not caring for the response of whoever own the laptop he was to repair. Quickly snatching out of his back pocket the thing he called his pager, which is rather new device he has been given by his employer called a digivice.

"Saved by the Beep, now lets see...champion's level approval awesome." Talking to himself on his way to his car he gets in and hundreds of boxes of batteries and batteries fall out of his car. A sigh quickly followed as he sees the state of his car. "Kokuwamon are still here?!" yelling into the car, suddenly a mound of boxes moves and out pops a little robot. It opens its mouth to speak and a battery pops out of its mouth. "Sorry, I guess I over ate and fell asleep..." states the tired robot as Bakuto looks on annoyed. "I said you could have a few. Please tell me you didn't eat the car battery because we have work we need to get to." "What's a car? Oh wait this house I am in? It has another tasty battery in it? Can I have?" the little robot gets excited in the prospect in eating the car's battery. Kicking the boxes out-of-the-way Bakuto gets in and begins to drive towards the locations that his divice told him to go to.

Location Change: Roppongi

Driving into the digi-fog, turned out to be a bad idea. As soon as he entered the fog his car just stops and refused to start back up. So he got out of his car and brought Kokuwamon out an walked. Bakuto had to pry the little robot away from the car knowing it had a battery inside it the little robot wanted to try and eat the car battery really bad.

As they walked into the fog the first comment, "You know really should have brought goggles or something. I cant see anything in this fog. Wonder what kind of digimon we'll see. Kind of excited about this our first mission should be awesome." Kokuwamon follows moping about it whines in its robot voice, "Why cant I have the car's yum yum...It must have tons of tasty what you call it...electricity." "If you do a good job here I'll try to get you one..." Bakuto said then he instantly regretted it as the little robot danced around. "If that is a promise I'll do me best!"

As they walk in the fog Bakuto pulls out his phone and turns his camera on and some other app then starts looking around the fog with it. "What's that you do are doing Bakuto?" curiously asks Kokuwamon. Bakuto with a cheesy grin replies, "That's simple, I am using the app I made if we see any digimon I'll scan it and we will know what it is..." Kokuwamon bluntly interrupts, "Arent you just using a program you picked up from ATLAS?"" Bakuto didnt reply but from the look on his face it was clear he did just what Kokuwamon asked.

Suddenly his phone picks up something as they spot their first digimon in the aren A Goblimon the app reads out allowed, "Goblimon is an Evil Digimon. It has the appearance of a mischief-loving, troublesome goblin." Bakuto looks at the data on it, "Looks like it is an actual evil digimon a virus digimon. It's a rookie, this should be easy. Okay Kokuwamon let's deal with it!"

Goblimon was smashing up a car with his club Kokuwamon springs into action. "Electro Spike!" yells Kokuwamon as it drops a bolt of lighting onto Goblimon's head. Zapping the rampaging rookie digimon but not destroying it and now it was mad. "Take that, if you don't want more than surrender or Kokuwamon will hit you with more lighting bolts!" mocks Bakuto at the goblin digimon believing he has the advantage over it. Goblimon yells and more Goblimon show up, more of the horde finally appear.

Kokuwamon then says, "Ok your turn Bakuto, you can fight those five...six...seven....those bunch of Goblimon." Bakuto looks bewildered at his robot digimon then complains, "This is your job!" Kokuwamon answers, "We'll this is our job and I feel like it is your turn. Besides I am too small to deal with all these Goblimon. It's your turn now." Bakuto then say bluntly, "I'm not fighting them. You fight or no car battery for you. I have something to fix your too small problem."

Pulling out the digivice you points it at Kokuwamon thens says, "Alright, if i remember what they told me correctly. ATLAS said use the digivice point it at the digimon then tell them to digivolve. Alright Kokuwamon digivolve!" The light from the digivice shines out and hits the little robot who starts to twitch, "So much energy! This is awesome!" exclaims Kokuwamon then it begins to digivolve.

"Kokuwamon digivolves to Guardromon" the little digimon's voice goes from a little high pitch robotic voice to a deep robotic voice.

Astonished Bakuto exclaims "Wow that worked! Kokuwamon you look awesome. Sorry Guardromon. Now lets get to work and smash these Goblimon up" The Goblimon gather up to rush Guardromon. The now bigger robot's eyes light up and fire lasers at the on coming Goblimon knocking them back, "Wow that is Guardromon's Warning Laser. Yeah beat them up!" cheers Bakuto as he watches his digmon work.

"Grenade Destroyer!" says the deep voiced robot lifting up its right arm and firing a rocket out of its arm and sending out destruction towards the Goblimon. Smashing them up into digital bits upon explosion of the rocket. "Great work Guardromon, keep it up. Lets get all these Goblimon! Should be easy enough to clean this job up with those rockets!" cheers Bakuto once again.

Off in the distance Bakuto sees another digmon. Ogremon dealing with another. Bakuto scans them, "Ogremon and Dinohyumon. Both champion level digimon! They must be what brought these Goblimon." assumed Bakuto quickly. Bakuto couldnt see clearly through the fog so he didnt see Dinohyumon's partner and assumed it was another wild digmon in the fog as well. "Guardromon! Look out two champion level digimon!" The Orgremon gets destroyed than quickly correcting himself, "Sorry one champion digimon. If we dont stop it, then it can do a lot more damage then these little Goblimon. Take it out good buddy!"

As commanded Guardromon points its arm and exclaims "Grenade Destroyer!"

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ken was surprised at how easily Hajime took down Ogremon bit figured the Goblimon weakened it during the time it took him to get there. Not that he wasn't complaining since he was already late for school and it would take him at least another 45 minutes to get there, 30 to get back to his town and another 15 to make it to the school. "Guess this is gonna be detention again." It was worth though since it meant he not only got to "keep" the Kotemon but was protecting others as well.

Before Ken could say anything else though Hajime was hit by a strangely cartoonish missile that seemed to come out of nowhere but while it hurt he was fine for the most part, though more attacks would no doubt change that. "Okay, no way that was done by a Goblimon. Did Atlas give us bad info?" Hajime looked around to see what Digimon was behind the attack and eventually spotted Guardromon's silhouette in the fog.

Despite lacking any serious evidence besides the fact that Guardromon was a Machine type Digimon Hajime and Ken both assumed he had to be behind the attack and so the Dinohuymon charged at it ignoring the many minor burns and other wounds covering his body. Being a champion level Hajime was naturally faster than Ken and as such got close enough to attack the "enemy" with his Lizard Dance before Ken got inside hearing range. Being totally focused on the Gaurdromon Hajime didn't even notice the human nearby as he swung around his arm blades and Akinakes.

When Ken got close enough he did spot Bakuto though and decided to warn him to leave. "Hey you get out of there. My...partner will deal with that robot, so don't worry!"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Martian
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Martian Possibly a mage

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Daichi & Dozer

Daichi wanted to scream as the Airdramon dived at the immobile Dozer. But like a miracle out of nowhere, a fireball streaked across the sky, knocking the Airdramon back. As Daichi rose to his feet, another teen walked up to beside him, Digivice in hand. Meanwhile up in the air, a flying lion plunged into the Airdramon. Daichi naturally assumed that these new individuals were tamer partners.

Before Daichi could thank the newcomer, he made a comment about cleaning up other people’s messes. Daichi found this incredibly rude, so he instead went to check on Dozer. The large tank like Digimon was still lying on top of a totalled car, his eyes closed.

Daichi placed a hand on Dozer, “You okay in there buddy?”

Suddenly Dozer’s eyes opened, “I think I have a concussion.”

While Daichi was elated to see that Dozer was alright, he was confused by his statement, “What do you mean a concussion?”

“Well I hit my head and blacked out for a bit,” Dozer said as he righted himself, “Isn’t that called a concussion?”

“Can Digimon even get concussions?” Daichi asked.

“I don’t know. You’re the one who goes to school.”

Daichi just chuckled as Dozer began to drive toward the battling lion Digimon and Airdramon. Dozer began to aim his cannon at the Airdramon, but was unsure of taking the shot as the two Digimon duelled in the air. The opportunity came for Dozer as the lion Digimon knocked the dragon Digimon out of the air.

“Hyper Cannon!” Dozer shouted.

A massive missile launched out of the cannon on Dozer’s head. The missile slammed into the falling Airdramon, pushing it back. As the missile lodged itself in the Airdramon, both Digimon and ordnance collided with a nearby building, unleashing a massive explosion. The resulting incineration reduced the Airdramon to small bits of data, returning to the Digital World. As the dust settled, Daichi was glad that the evil Digimon was gone, but he also noticed how much collateral damage the battle had caused.

“Man, ATLAS is going to be mad,” Daichi sighed as he turned to the other tamer, “I don’t think I’ve ever caused this much damage in one battle before.”

Dozer then drove over to Daichi, “I’ve seen enough superhero movies with you Daichi that I know that is part of being a hero. You are not doing it right if some buildings don’t get wrecked.”

Daichi just sighed again, “I should probably show you less popcorn movies,” he then turned back toward the other human partner, “By the way, my name’s Daichi. And that big tank guy is Dozer.”

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


The last of the Digimon rampaging was Monochromon, a large, Triceratops-like Digimon, continued to tussel with the BaoHuckmon, what sounded like a steam-whistle blasted as a Locomon plowed through the streets on rails that seemed to appear bellow it with each pump of its pistons, disappearing as the last wheel of it's 1 carriage that it pulled left it. It pulled to a stop and from the side door, bunch of Commandramon filed out, all shouting "Hut" in unison with each quick-march step they took. Behind them, Herald appeared stood in his black sleeveless coat and Boken in hand, rested on his shoulder. "Commandramons, help the civilians, i'll assist BaoHuckmon" He ran forwards, getting some speed up, before jumping and landed on Monochromon's face, the Digimon's horn right behind him, he grabbed ahold of it for stability, before shoving the Boken right between its eyes. "I AM HERALD AND I SPEAK FOR THE SOVEREIGNS!!!" He bellowed. Monochromon stopped for a second, before rearing up and bucking Herald off of him, Herald landed in a heap next to BaoHuckmon. "Well, it was worth a try." He picked up his Boken and stood, ready for anything. As Monochromon fired several fireballs at the pair of them, Herald sliced through them with the Boken, before darting up to the Digimon and sliding underneath it, slashing at its soft underbelly with the sword, getting out the other side and turning around as it collapsed to the ground and faded into data. Herald pointed the Boken out which absorbed the Data into itself. "I'll make sure Monochromon reconstitutes on the other side." He said to BaoHuckmon.

ATLAS Headquarters

As the blips on the Tokyo map started to go out, Siggy began to breathe a sigh of relief. Luckily it had only been Champion-levels and a handful of Rookies. "Any more targets emerging?" He called to the agents working the Cartography.

"Negative sir. Threats neutralized." One replied. Siggy sat down in his chair and rubbed his forehead.

"Excellent, perform a standard search and sweep for any that might have bonded and send the all-" But before he could finish his sentence, the Cartography map seemed to explode in warning signs as an Alert symbol appeared, then another and another, more and more spreading across the cartography map, almost seeming to block it out.

"Sir, it says we have a Code-Black Digital Bio-Emergence... Sir, that could onl-"

"I know what it could only mean." Siggy said, standing up, retaining his composure.

"LOCATION!?!?!?" Lucas roared. The Agent tapped away again.

"Highton-View Terrace" the agent responded. Siggy looked over at Lucas who was already messing with his Digivice, going for Mega-Level

"Lucas, stand down!" He ordered.

"No, you step up!" He replied. "Whatever is coming through is-"

"Anything" Siggy cut him off. "We've had false alarms before and we will treat this as no different."

"NEVER a code black, though."

"What about when Kokuwamon came through and joined with Agent Bakuto, we got a Code Black on him." Siggy retorted.

"And i STILL say we should have wiped him and sent Kokuwamon back." He finally pressed the button and Elecmon disappeared into a blinding light along with Lucas.

"ELECMON BIOMERGE TO BANCHOLEOMON!" A voice called. As BanchoLeomon emerged, he took a few steps towards the door, but was blocked by NeonGuilmon.

"BanchoLeomon stand down." NeonGuilmon ordered.

"If me and Cartography are correct, we need to get every available Mega-Level there NOW!!!"

"At least let's confirm it." NeonGuilmon replied. "Come on, big guy, we wrote the book on this for a DAMN good reason." The small Digimon nodded to Siggy, who immediately pulled out his Digivice and pressed his Executive Broadcast button. As he did so, every Digivice of every ATLAS Agent in Tokyo would instantly relay his words.

"Attention all ATLAS personel, be advised we have a potential situation. I need all available units to converge on Highton View Terrace and get me eyes on a Bio-Emerging target." He paused for a second, picking his next words very carefully. "And standby for Mega-Level authorization. Keep to Champion or Rookie for the moment and get me eyes on target. If Mega-Level spotted, radio your position and wait for back-up. Do not try to be a hero and engage by yourself. If Mega-Level engages you... Do whatever you deem necessary to protect yourself and others around you." He then sat down "Cartography, all eyes on Highton View Terrace."


As Guardromon and DinoHyumon began to clash in the middle of the street, a severe breakdown of communication that was going unnoticed by Cartography due to the Code Black, both Agents would get Siggy's message at the same time, neither able to overhear it from the other due to it coming through their standard-issue ear-pieces that they put on as they entered the fog and being one of the only devices unaffected by it. As they tried to bluff around each other, a 3rd combattant would enter the picture. as streaking through the sky towards the ground was BlackFlamedramonsmashing into the ground between the two and a burst of Rosie-red fire forming a shield around him, deflecting the pairs incoming attacks away long enough for him to stand up. Both of the Digimon would recognize BlackFlamedramon as Herald's partner, due to Herald, much to the chagrin of most of the Directors, making it a point to introduce himself to each and every new agent. "Hey, jerks, if you could stop fighting each other for a second, you might actually realize you're on the same side." He pointed over to their partners currently trying to convince the other to leave. "Now, i ain't gonna tell nobody nothin' about what happened here, but only on the proviso that you quit-it. We got a situation in Highton View Terrace. Now grab your partners and follow me." His voice was deep and authoritative, but with a brutish twang to every word. A creature clearly used to having power and using it to achieve its goals. He would start jumping via rooftops towards Highton View Terrace, moving quickly, but making sure that the Champions could keep up if they chose to follow him.

Highton-View Terrace

As Airdramon's matter seemed to explode across the skies, the fog didn't seem to lift as it usually would. A malevolent aura seemed to drop across the entire district. Every mobile phone, computer, television screen showed static rhythmically pumping. Before finally, just going back to general static. As Daichi and Dozer were just getting ready to call for the clean-up crew and head back to base is when they would get Director Siggy's alert. The air went cold and something appeared just outside of Daichi's vision, something that, at first glance might have been mistaken for another civilian. All the way up until a spear flew past his face at what seemed like super-sonic speeds, only to appear to be on some kind of string and be pulled back into the fog and the figure set off at a run, quickly being consumed by the digital mists.


As The Commandramon army was getting people freed from the damage of Monochromon's rampage and Flashing them with their memory-erasers, that was when Herald pulled out his digivice and got Siggy's message play through it. "Well, you heard the man" He called to Hinata. "I'll give you a ride." He said, jogging over to Locomon's carriage. "All aboard!" He called to the agent "The Commandramons will handle it. Things are about to get interesting over in Highton"
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Mari Hasagawa

"Are you kidding me?!"

Just when she thought she would be able to return back to class, another message arrived in her Digivice.

And it was not a good message in the slightest.

Mega-Level Authorization?! Are they serious?!

Her face turned pale. Such authorization was only given when the opponent they would face was a powerful city-ending threat. Or even more.

"Is something the matter, Mistress Mari?"

She was broken out of her reverie by the voice of her Digimon. He had grabbed her hand and looked up, a concerned expression drawn on his face.

"We have to go. Highton-View Terrace. Now."

Without waiting for his response, Mari bolted, her skirt swaying in the wind as she ran as fast as she could.

"W-wait, Miss!"

She could only pray that whatever came out would be an opponent her Digimon could handle.

If not…


Tch, this fog… it's really thick here… I can barely see a thing…

Arriving at the terrace, her first goal was to look for the other agents. If the opponent really was going to be a Mega, they would need to cooperate. She was not foolish enough to think she could take a Mega on her own even though her Digimon could digivolve to Mega as well.


After a few minutes of searching, she saw a silhouette, signifying the presence of another human. She and her Digimon quickly made their way there. If they dallied, they might lost sight of it as the fog could shift at any moment.

Only to end up being nearly skewered by a supersonic spear, flying right in front of Mari's nose.

Mari gasped, her eyes widened as her heart skipped a beat. Her legs turned into jelly, making her fall down with her legs wide open.

It's… it's already here!
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Niko had been in class all day. He left his digivice in his locker. Atlas agent or not, Niko was still a student. He couldn’t exactly ditch class to fight Digimon. So, when he finally had a chance to look at his Digivice, things were not looking good. There was a message for several different attacks in a bunch of areas. By this point, it was probably already too late to help with that.

However, there was something going on in Highton-View Terrace. It was something bad, because they gave Mega level clearance. That was reserved for something really bad.

Now, you would think Niko would be panicked. But no, he was actually excited. “Ooh, a boss fight!” The pink haired boy quickly went towards his scooter. Before getting on, he summoned his Coco, his Lopmon. In a flash of light the bunny-like Digimon emerged from his pink Digivice. “Come on Coco! Something big is happening! Let’s gooooooooooooo!” He zipped off. The Lopmon sighed, and had to catch up to him. She knew her tamer got very excited for everything.

Highton-View Terrace

Niko arrived at the terrace. The fog here was very thick. “Ooh, if I were a Boss, where would I be?”

“Niko.” Coco spoke up. “I think this a little more serious than one of your games.”

Niko ignored that remark. He ran ahead trying ti find the big scary Digimon ATLAS was so concerned about. Instead, he found a girl. A blonde girl who had fallen to her knees. Besides her was a Digimon that looked like a blue ghost with a wizards hat on. Niko’s eyes went wide, and approached the girl. “Ohmigosh! Hi! Are you with ATLAS too?! Wait, who am I kidding. Of course you are. Or else you wouldn’t even be here. Anyway, I’m Niko, and the cute lil bunbun next to me is Coco. Did you see the scary Digimon Atlas asked us to fight?”

Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

@Crimson Flame
Mari Hasagawa

"Miss Mari! Are you alright?!"

Once she recovered from her shock, Mari glanced at the voice's direction.

"Y-yeah, I'm fi— Wait, why are you in your Rookie form?!" Mari's eyes narrowed.

"A-ahh, I thought I should revert back. Saves my energy, you know." The Digimon scratched his head.

Mari glared. "You idiot! We're up against a mega and you're going back to your base form? Do you want to die?!"

Their conversation, however, was interrupted by the arrival of one of her comrades.

"You… you're from ATLAS too?" She glanced at the boy. "The opponent… they just threw a spear from inside the fog. There." She pointed. "I'm not sure if they're a Mega though so for now I think I'll stay at Champion."

She stood up, dusting her skirt for a bit before taking out her Digivice.

“Ghostmon, Digivolve! Obey my command and transform into Wizardmon!”

Doing the same pose as before, she commanded her Digimon to change form once more.

Light burst out from under her feet, followed by a gust of wind. Her hair, skirt, and uniform top all billowed in its flow, creating quite the sight to behold.

When it died down, the Digimon had transformed back into his humanoid form.

"We should search for the others." She turned her gaze back to the boy. "Do not engage unless you absolutely have to."
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by BladeSS4
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Member Seen 2 days ago

Bakuto and Kokuwamon Guardromon

Interactions: @Duthguy@mattmanganon

On alert after Guardromon launched its rocket at Dinohyumon. Bakuto's thoughts were hoping to settle this fight quickly, but he couldn't help but feel this was a lot differnt then those Goblimon. He also noted the brief appearance of the Ogremon was a bit different. The only thing that was same was all the digimon were sort of green. His thoughts got drowned out when Dinohyumon just shrugged off the blast of the Grenade Destroyer. Then was on the counter attack the blade armed digimon was quick. The blade arm crashes into the machine's digimon's body with a metal clang ringing out. Bakuto knocked off guard by the speed this opposing digimon but Guardromon didn't seem so considered.

"What's those little blades going to do? I am a machine digimon made of metal!" exclaims Guardromon who was confident in its metal body. Then a scrap in his the body of the big robot digimon. appeared on the robot body. "You...you scratched the paint..." now a worried Guardromon says then its eyes goes red. "Evil digimon will be deleted! Warning Laser!" Guardromon goes onto a frenzy as it fires its laser eye attack.

Bakuto's attention got diverted when a kid ran up to him. When the kid exclaimed that his partner will deal with the robot, Bakuto had a dumbfounded look on his face as he tried to process what was going on. "Wait that dino blade wielding digimon is your partner..." thinking out loud then adding, "Oh...oh...OH! I think there has been a big mistake here kid...that robot happens to be um...hold on." Turning his attention to his digimon, "Guardromon! You can stop! That isnt an enemy!"

"It attacked and scratched me...it will be deleted..." a monotone robotic digimon said as it fires more lasers Bakuto yells back, "Stand down!" Unknown to Bakuto the next orders were given to them while the digimon fought but he his digimon said while still in a frenzy, "Maximum Deletion. Mega Level Approved. Will digivolve..." Bakutio's eyes go big, "No...no...no...that is an ally. Friend not foe."

Soon he gets interrupted as a BlackFlamedramon came out who called them jerks. The sudden inclusion of another digimon snaps Guardomon as its eyes turn back to normal as it stopped freaking out about the little scrap it took "Wait what happened...did I win?" Back with some feeling in its voice. Guardromon listened to what this digimon was saying and felt a bit of shame about fighting a fellow friendly digimon. Bakuto however. "Sorry, I didn't see this kid here. Too much fog, if we had a fog light or maybe goggles we could see in this fog. Also better info would be have been nice, but who am I to complain." Quickly though his stance changes he faces the kid makes quick with an apology. "Sorry about that. All I saw was your partner destroying that Orgremon I am very sorry about having Guardromon attack your friend. And I am also sorry that he kind of went crazy. Don't think he thought he could get cut I guess."

After hearing about the next orders Bakuto gives the guy a mock salute, "Yes sir! Right away! Guardromon let's go!" He climbed onto the Guardromon, "Lets move out!" commands Bakuto believing Guardromon will get him there fast. He moved alright but he wasnt fast he just kept up barely with the others.

Location Change: Highton-View Terrace
Interactions: @Crimson Flame@Hammerman@mattmanganon

As he stroll along to the terrace Bakuto was full of questions. "So what is code black alert? And why are we sending a kid, and a newbie to what I can assume is a very dangerous situation?" As is Guardromon walked making heavy metallic foot falls as he gets closer to where they need to go.

Soon he saw some figures in the fog. having learned from his earlier miscommunication he yells out, "HELLO! You guys Atlas operatives...agents...whatever are you guys with Altas?" The fog was really bad here but he hoped he wasnt just yelling at the enemy to give away his place. Guardromon was awaiting commands the robot digimon was silent after its fight with Dinohyumon. Guardromon knew it nearly lost it and went too far and felt shame for the fight. Knowing his confidence about his metal body was foolish a battle with a fellow champion digimon of course it would be strong enough to harm him. He also didn't listen to his partner the robot didn't know what would have happened if it had followed through. Would Blackflamedramon been forced to take him down? What would happen to Bakuto thanks to his digimon's actions? These things weighe on the robot digimon's mind as they approached what could be a big encounter with whatever ATLAS gave them the approval to go to the mega level.

Bakuto got off his digimon then quickly said, "This big robot is Guardromon by the way! Friend not foe!" The attempt to quickly try and avoid his original mistake. Bakuto kept his eyes moving around as he tried to keep an eye out for whatever they called to this area for. Even though he couldnt see anything thanks to the fog. This was worse than before, did a higher level digimon make thicker fog? Bakuto didn't know what was going on, but attempted anyway to do something he failed to do before.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Mari Hasagawa

Just after she ordered the boy to search for other agents, another one of them showed up.

She groaned. The fog was so bad she missed a kid riding on a giant robot.

“Yes, we are with Atlas. And yes, I can see that the robot is an ally. It’s a Guardromon. It might be big but it’s just a Champion-level Digimon. And judging by the message we should all have received, the opponent shouldn’t be at that level.”

She then switched her attention back to the fog, trying to see whether she could make out anything else from it.

No dice. She couldn’t find anything.

She was tempted to just tell her Digimon to fire indiscriminately to where the spear had come from but she was afraid she would accidentally hit another agent.

“Hey, Wizardmon. Can you clear this fog up with a wind spell?”


The Digimon raised his staff. A strong wind suddenly blew from its tip, spreading around in a full 360 degrees, pushing the fog from his vicinity.

Or so she thought.

Instead, the fog remained as it once was, perfectly unperturbed by the spell.

"Tch, not a normal fog, huh? Well, this is bothersome." She folded her arms under her chest, annoyance clearly drawn on her face.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Duthguy
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Duthguy Someone who can't spell Dutchguy

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

At first Hajime wasn't too worried about fighting Guardromon but when he noticed that his attack only scratched the metal Digimon's paint he quickly realized that this was an uninjured fresh opponent. Of course he wasn't in terrible shape either but what really had him worried was the reaction Guardromon had. "You...you scratched the paint..." "Evil digimon will be deleted! Warning Laser!" "Guardromon! You can stop! That isnt an enemy!"

Ken was surprised by the kid's reaction both to what he just said and to the fight. That said it didn't take him more than a few seconds to figure it out. "I should have guessed ATLAS had more agents around here. I mean even the message practically said so." He could facepalm at his own stupidity but there more important things at hand.

Guardromon had gone completely berserk and even ignored the words of his partner. Hajime didn't like the thought of having to delete a non evil Digimon but it looked like he might not have a choice since he was about ATLAS protocol by fighting anyway and he didn't want to risk Ken getting hurt he secretly pre1pared to Digivolve again but luckily that didn't prove necessary, thanks to the arrival of BlackFlamedramon.

Thanks to what the other kid said Ken realized that there were no wild Digimon left and the whole thing was a misunderstanding. Expecting the situation to get defused easily he approached the two Digimon, just in time to see Guardromon go crazy while the other boy yelled at his partner to stop. Before he could say anything to help get things under control two things happened, with the timing seeming to be perfect to just be a coincidence. First there was a message about a Mega-level threat and then there was Herald's BlackFlamedramon easily stopping the fight.

While Ken had several things he wanted to ask he knew there was no time and instead copied his new ally by piggybacking on Hajime's back as he realized he never actually locked his bike or anything. "Man, I really hope my bike doesn't get stolen." He had already given up on getting to school that bday and didn't want to make his punishment worse by losing his bike.

Location Change: Highton-View Terrace

Finding the location of the attack was pretty easy since they just had to look for the fog. Of course when inside the fog things got significantly harder but it didn't take them long too find another ATLAS agent, this time without a fight breaking out. Guardromon's partner was already talking to her when Ken got off of Hajime's back.

The new girl proved pretty smart by trying to clear the fog with a wind spell even though it failed. Since they couldn't just get rid of the fog and look for the intruding Digimon that way things had gotten a lot harder. "Okay I know this is a stupid suggestion but I think we might have to split up." Ken quickly decided to elaborate on his plan a bit. "I mean we should clearly stay within hearing distance of each other, nut if we all look in the same place it'll take forever to find that Digimon."

@BladeSS4@mattmanganon @Hammerman
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Hammerman
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Member Seen 13 hrs ago

Mari Hasagawa

"What?! Split up?! Are you mad?! In this fog, we would be lost in an instant!"

Mari's bossy attitude reared its ugly head again as she lectured the boy with her hands on her hips.

"And besides, you think we could handle that Digimon on our own? No, it's too risky. If we're going to win, we have to fight together."

She huffed, folding her arms under her breasts.

"If a Mega-level Digimon came out, it shouldn't be too hard to find it. Its destructive power would give its presence away immediately. And if it's not destructive, then we're in no rush to find it."
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Renny
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Renny S E A S O N E D

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Hinata & Haku

Shinjuku @mattmanganon

Hinata sauntered through the Commandramons as they worked to fixed the damage from the battle. There footfalls were drumbeats against the concrete. Bao Huckmon de-digivolved inside a shell of warm light, waiting for Hinata near Herald and Locomon. Hinata's wooden sandals clacked as he approached the three, hands stuffed in his jacket pockets. "Thanks for the help, I guess we were taking a bit long with Monochromon. I was hoping to keep the fight away from the family so we were being extra careful."

Huckmon looked over at Herald, red hood and cape flowing from the heat exhausting off Locomon, "Something doesn't feel right. The world feels uneasy."

Not soon afterwards, Hinata's digivice lit up and Siggy's voice echoed from beneath his shirt. His brows narrowed, a fear of the unknown grasping him. "Mega-level authorization on standby?" he repeated to himself as he boarded the Locomon. Huckmon followed, leaping onto the carriage after them. As they barreled towards Highton-View Terrace, Hinata asked one last question. "Can you even Digivolve to Mega, Haku?"

Haku voiced a sound in his chest that meant 'I don't know'.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by mattmanganon
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mattmanganon Your friendly neighbourhood tyranical dicator

Member Seen 4 hrs ago


As Hinata approached and boarded the Locomon's carriage, he would see the insides looking like something for Royalty from the 19th century, leather sofa's, a large mahogany table, covered in a map of the digital world "You made every correct move. Prioritizing helping your allies, rather than hurting your enemies is an admirable trait" Herald responded. "If you're ever looking to move to the Digital World, i am sure i can get you a decent job with the Sovereigns." After only a minute, Herald stood up and walked past the Agent, to the door and opened it, the thick fog outside indicating they had already arrived in Highton, despite it feeling like they hadn't even moved an inch. "Take your leave, Locomon, when the fog clears, i don't want you in sight. I suspect this is going to get worse before it gets better." He said to the train digimon, before taking out his Digivice and turning back to Hinata, he looked down at it. "Alright, i'm picking up a group of agents over that way" He pointed towards the group "I suggest you stick close to them, things might be about to get messy and sticking together might be the best way to lure it out." At that point, BlackFlamedramon landed next to Herald.

"Hey, pi-" He stopped himself as he locked eyes with Hinata, then proceeded to bow in subservience to Herald "We've got more re-inforcements here, i count 6 agents with Digimon..." He then looked at Hinata "Make that 7"

"Excellent." Herald nodded, before looking back at the Digivice. He shook it a little, before hitting it with the palm of his hand a few times "Stupid thing... That's..." BlackFlamedramon looked at the Digivice.

"WHAT IN THE LOVE OF CRAP!?!?! THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT!!!" BlackFlamedramon yelled, losing his composure. "Yo, we gotta..." He made a few nodding motions.

"If it comes to that, then yes, but i am the Herald and you are my partner. We are not going to panic and run just because this piece-" He shook it violently again "OF SHIT IS SPOUTING LIES!!!" He regained composure. "We stick to the plan. We lure him out and find out if it's really him." He then walked over to Hinata "Something big might be about to pounce at any second... If it's what this says it is... Maybe make some calls to loved one-" But before he could finish the sentance, there was a brief scream from behind them as BlackFlamedramon was dragged into the mist by some kind of net, followed by several rose-tinted Fire-Rockets blasting out of the fog and up into the air like some kind of lighthouse. Herald drew the Boken "Regroup with the others, i'm going after my partner" He ordered, before disappearing into the mist. The unmistakable clacking sound of wood hitting wood could be heard followed by Herald yelling "What the hell even are you? Because you sure as hell are-" Then more clacking.

Highton View Terrace

As the other Agents finally grouped up, they found themselves overhearing the fight that had just broken out between Herald and whatever was lurking in the mist. Next thing they knew, BlackFlamedramon was hurtled out of the mist and right through the center of their group, narrowly missing them, as a strange buzzing sound was heard.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!!!" BlackFlamedramon yelled, before blasting several of his Rose-Tinted Fire-Rockets into the mist. "IT AIN'T MEGA, BUT IT'S STILL DANGEROUS!" He managed to yell to the group, before something launched out of the mist and into full view of everyone that had just arrived at the groups location. Something vaguely human looking launched along the same trajectory as BlackFlamedramon had been thrown. A mask adorning its face with a pair of horns coming out of the top of it. The Digimon wore a wooden gauntlet on each hand and was weilding a pair of Boken, looking somewhat like Heralds, but looking more rugged and less ceremonial. It's body was wrapped in various cloths, pelts and other things. The Digimon clashed with Black-Flamedramon and dragged it into the mists again. Herald ran out of the mist and into the middle of the group. Talking into his Digivice that was in front of his mask, that was slightly cracked from battle damage.

"Whatever that is, it's not Mega-Level, that's for sure." He said into the Digivice."But i will continue to engage." He then looked at the Agents around him. "Best keep it to Champion for the moment." He then got his legs tied up by some kind of sticky web-like substance, before getting dragged sharply off of his feet and into the mists in the opposite direction than BlackFlamedramon had been dragged, screaming in a rather high-pitched and undignified manner the words "PLEASE GOD, NOT LIKE THIS!" It became clear at this moment that either their attacker was 2 attackers, or 1 that could be in 2 places at once, as BlackFlamedramon was clearly fighting something in the mist, the flashes of rose light flashing, combined with his almost unintelligible expletives indicating he was firing off attacks at something, whilst the shrill, girlish screaming of Herald was clear indication that something was dragging him the opposite way.
1x Laugh Laugh
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Double
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Double Hard-Boiled

Member Seen 1 hr ago


Nerima + Highton View Terrace

Well, the Airdramon went down. So that was mission accomplished. Up above, Yusaku could hear some exaggerated groaning coming from Sparky. He clearly wasn't satisfied with this fight, "Wait, that's IT? Aww, c'mon, I wanted some ACTION!" he could be heard complaining from all the way down on the ground.

“By the way, my name’s Daichi. And that big tank guy is Dozer.”

Yusaku offered a short glance of acknowledgement, but noticeably avoided direct eye contact, "You sure that's a good idea? Just giving your name to someone you don't even know? For all you know I'm your enemy here." he said, naturally dodging the notion of giving his own name in return. Of course, he tended to have trust issues in general, so maybe he was just being paranoid. Although maybe he was being a little too obstinate right now?

"Relax, I didn't actually mean that. Yeah, I'm ATLAS, same as you." he looked around as second. The mist was taking an awfully long time to clear up, but he shrugged it off. "Call me YuYa." and when the flying lion made another audible groan he rolled his eyes a bit, "And the whining Digimon up there is Sparky. Seriously, Sparky! Knock it off already, honestly you can be such a kid sometimes!"

"Grr..." the lion grumbled as he came down for a landing, "...uh, boss? Shouldn't the mist be gone by now?" and right about then was Yusaku noticed that the mist wasn't going away but instead was getting even thicker.

"What the? That's... new. The mist is supposed to go away when we win, not get worse." and finally he noticed the new alert on his Digivice. Sometimes keeping the thing silenced could be a drawback... like right now, for instance, "Oh crap, Highton View Terrace?! That's practically in this neighborhood! Sparky, we're not done here yet. Take us up." he climbed up onto Firamon's back in order to ride him.

"Another battle? SCORE!" exclaimed the Digimon in an excited tone as he flapped his wings and took to the air. Thanks to the advantage of flying, Yusaku and Sparky could get to the scene almost immediately. It... wasn't pretty. Some black Digimon and someone he guessed was his partner were fighting... something hiding in the mist.

"Put me down on the roof, Sparky." said Yusaku, pointing to the rooftop of a nearby apartment building.

"Uh... why not on the ground near the other humans there, boss?"

"Because I can get a better view of things from higher above. Besides, what am I supposed to do down there? Shake hands and offer a howdy-do?"

"Whelp, you're the boss, Boss." said the Digimon while landing itself onto the specified roof. He took off flying again after Yusaku hopped off his back, "Alright, time for Round 2! It's about to get EVEN HOTTER!" he yelled off while swooping down into the fray with a Flame Dive.

"No no no!" Yusaku shouted, "Ugh, idiot... I wanted you to keep your distance until we figure out what the threat is!" but unfortunately the Digimon had already launched himself into the fray long past the point of being called off.
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