Hidden 3 yrs ago 21 days ago
Zeroth Post

Hello and welcome!
This RP shares continuity with and runs parallel to ᵗʰᵉ Last Avatar & ᵗʰᵉ Red Lotus.

As of 2025, this game is being resumed after a two year hiatus due in part to the announcement of a third Avatar series.
The new official series will cover the hypothetical canon of the era we're currently playing in.
I felt it necessary to complete as much of this story as I could before its release.
If you have any questions or comments regarding this game, feel free to DM me.


a roleplay inspired by the Nickelodeon television series.

        The team make it to the safety of Tu Zin, a settlement on the other side of the Si Wong Desert. They're given a day to rest and are allowed to explore before they're called to meet with the leader of Tu Zin, Unye.

Click on map to view the full image.

Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Book One: Control.
347 AG. Ba Sing Se. Midday.



Lower Ring

The day's light struggled to reach the narrow paths cut between towering structures. Every building cast a shadow impossibly wide that seldom left the streets and for many districts, entire lives were left in perpetual dark just out of reach of the sun. Warmth was not freely given, especially in the lower levels and with a haze in the air suffocating the oxygen that lingered too long in the city's depth, every unfiltered breath was an ice knife that tasted of sewage. It was bearable for some but unpleasant for most and a constant reminder that the maze of steel and concrete surrounding them all was the only home they had left. This was as good as it was going to get.

Celebrations of the anniversary had begun mostly muted, isolated to the privacy of homes or the dive bars on every street corner, but eventually, the festivities, if one could call it that, spilled out into the streets. Some took advantage of the added commotion, pilfering what they could off unsuspecting or drunk individuals. Others kept to themselves, content with continuing on their way to a destination known only to them, sinking into the background noise of the city and refusing to partake in a day they took no pleasure from. Some didn't move at all and instead chose to remain huddled or wedged into the black space they could find. Folding themselves into an edifice where they could suffer in silence. A pile of trash or needles or waste marked the small patch of dirt or concrete they couldn't even call their own.

Still some looked beyond their cage. A group of those more in tune to the happenings of the wider City had found themselves gathered around the cracked and stained glass that marked the front of a Zen den. Neon lights illuminated their faces, each one expressing a delight as they studied the monitor on the other side. Shinobi News was broadcasting a game from the Middle Ring. Their Airship was currently hovering above the stadium and their cameras trained on the crowds gathered just outside. A familiar name to some was being shouted in unison while those in the picture had hoisted a portrait of a star high enough for all to see.

Those who weren't watching were whispering. The soup kitchen was open and there had been talk in some circles that a very practiced doctor of some renown frequented the place. But if a party or a bowl of soup or a high was not worth chasing in the now, there was also talk of something else brewing in the Underground.


Synergy Storage Facility
@Theyra & @vietmyke

"Miss Moon!"

An excitable voice called out to the pair from across the control room. Turning around, a golden haired woman and her shadow eyed the smaller figure approaching them both. Her white locks danced gleefully around her bobbing frame as she cleared the distance between herself and the visitors.

"Welcome! Welcome! I do hope the flight over was pleasant and the air here isn't too much of a nuisance." She said with a smile.

"It's not at all..." The woman began, looking over the rest of the room and panorama beyond. "This is not my first time in the Lower Ring and truth be told, I've become quite accustomed to the smell." There beside the trio was a 180 degree lookout with an uninterrupted view of the dry landscape just beyond the walls of the city. Large pipes jutted out from the walls below them and stretched into the distance, disappearing as they curved around mountains in the far distance. On the glass panel was a digital readout with squares hovering over seemingly insignificant sections of the vista. Although slightly lined up, one was painting the side of the mountain and another seemed to be riding the horizon. Each one had a name attached, a status and a distance from the storage facility and every now and again, each of them would move slightly, tracking whatever it was that no one else could see. However, One of these highlighted areas was significantly closer than the rest and judging by how quickly its position on the panorama changed, it was closing in fast. "It's Sumire, correct?"

"Yes ma'am, it is!" The girl replied, saluting. "Pleasure!"

"Pleasure." The woman smiled and then nodded toward the approaching dot. A miniscule thing in a sea of sand kicking up an angry cloud of dust behind it. "Is that our ride?"

"That is correct! Jin Wei is his name." Sumire began tapping the pad in her hand and then swiped across the screen toward the glass of the window. An image of a man with ashen air appeared alongside a plethora of information that began populating the space next to his face: Time of service, infractions against him of which there were none, a tally of survivors apprehended and threats subdued and a much larger number of patches to the pipe's infrastructure logged. "One of your most senior Pipe Runners and the absolute best at what he does, ma'am. That's a Sumire guarantee!"

There was another smile from the woman as she checked the time readout that seemed printed on the skin of her wrist. "I'm looking forward to meeting him then. As I'm sure our business partner is as well. He should be arriving shortly."


Soup Kitchen
@Abstract Proxy

The more she visited, the more difficult it was for her to pretend she didn't want to be here. It was even harder considering she was no longer on the other side, and the difference that simple distinction made was not an insignificant one, especially to her. Back when the roles were reversed, the simple gesture of giving meant the world to her. So much so that to this day, she could still vividly remember the details of her first bowl of soup, especially considering she wasn't there to receive any. An act of kindness so small and yet so heavy a thing she felt it in her chest. And the warmth, pouring off the woman like a calm breeze off desert sand. Then there was that twisting feeling in her gut eating away at her subconscious. A warning or a reminder that things like this weren't meant to last. Not anymore at least.

But she could still remember, and that had to mean something.

She handed a bowl to another pair of outstretched hands and her efforts were rewarded with a smile and a look of gratitude from a tired set of eyes.

"Thank you." The old woman managed to say. Sonam flashed a return smile. "Let me know if you need another." She replied before straightening up and turning around. She could feel that warm pressure building in her chest again and a sensation that was becoming less and less unfamiliar but pleasant all the same.

Maybe she's not so dumb after all..

The kitchen was rather busy today. Most of the tables had been filled fairly early and she had to assume it had something to do with the celebration. Luckily for the volunteers, preparations had been made for the extra mouths. Bowls of hot soup were being handed out at a steady pace while empty stomachs were being filled just as quickly. As people left the hall, more entered and for a while it remained at capacity. Despite this, the atmosphere remained jovial. Hunger turned to laughter and desperate faces became a genuine smile. Stories were shared of lives lived and pieces of themselves were passed to one another as if an invitation to share in the weight of their burdens. It was always a wonder to Sonam how a place like this continued to exist under the muck of the city. Just outside those doors, all the rules changed. You could never be sure of anything. Every person you passed became a question and every building a place to hide. Around every corner was a threat or an opportunity and if you weren't watching where you stepped, the City itself could swallow you up. But in the tiniest corner of the Lower Ring, a bubble existed where everyone lived for one another. A taste of a time long past, she was sure.

Yet, even when inside that bubble, old habits died hard. Amongst the sea of familiar faces were a myriad of new ones. Although hardly a cause for alarm for most, especially here, for the overly cautious it was a change that was impossible to ignore. Rumors had begun to spread of a kind heart in the Lower Ring who was particularly skilled at healing, and if things kept up, it wouldn't take long for those rumors to reach the wrong people.

Sonam checked the time on her watch. "She should be here soon." She said to herself, looking around. A little pouch around her waist hidden under the folds of her outerwear began to feel a little heavier.


Badgermole Stadium

Although celebration of the anniversary end of the Great War was taking place in all rings, the events of the Middle were without a doubt the most anticipated. A large scale parade had been planned that was to encircle the entire ring, followed by a concert and afterparty that was to last long into the night. The excitement could be felt by all and was dwarfed only by the excitement of the Pro Stickball match that was to precede everything else.

Crowds had gathered outside Badgermole stadium, all of them eager to spectate a most anticipated match between the Middle Ring's finest and that of the undefeated Wolfbats of the Upper Ring. The rivalry between the two had been heated for years, but while the two always went head to head in the Nationals, the Wolfbats always seemed to take the trophy, beating out their competition handily. It wasn't until Chu Hua Yuan had joined the underdogs that things began to change. The gap between the two teams had begun to close until at long last, the Badgermoles lost to the Wolfbats by only a single point in last year's game. Although a loss, to the runner-ups, it felt like a win.

Everyone expected them to overtake the champions and finally bring the trophy to the Middle Ring, and everyone expected that Chu Hua Yuan was going to be the one to do it. Throngs were outside cheering her name, wearing her face and hoisting posters of the star into the air. Everyone else was already headed inside and finding their seats.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 days ago

Ft. Chae-Won

. . . The Night Before. . .

First floor. Fifth floor. Tenth floor. Eighteenth floor. Some days he wished for an elevator. Most days he was happy the temptation wasn't there. Any elevator installed in a building like the one he lived in was an elevator you shouldn't trust. Besides, eighteen flights of stairs were a solid source of cardio.

His home would've given him a great view were it not for the others buildings crammed in all around it. In theory, he should've been able to see over the walls, but those now had buildings on them too. Oh well, it was nothing but desert out there anyway.

Even so, he did have one view. It was the reason he'd grabbed the apartment when he'd found it. In his bedroom, right over his bed, was a window that looked out. Everyone else with a room on that side of the building would just see the next building over, but he'd gotten lucky. The next building over had a big, square hole in it. Even better, that building sat on a street corner giving him a decent view down that street. He couldn't say why it was there, but when each high rise was the work of ten different construction jobs done by seven different contractors, weird things happened.

OK so it wasn't that exciting, but it was better than nothing. At least he got actual sunlight coming through in the morning.

He opened the door, beginning to slide his jacket off, when he got a jolt.

"Surprise!" A voice called out to greet him. "I beat you today!"

When his heart slowed down and he could unclench his teeth, he turned his head and aimed a deep pout at the person who'd startled him so badly.

"Sorry, sorry," Chae-Won apologized, but then held up a bag laden with groceries. "Tomorrow's gonna be a bitch, so I figured I'd give myself an early night." Weiyuan just crossed his arms and scowled down at the woman who was sitting at his dining table and expectantly dangling a bag of food before him. "What? I said sorry! OK, fine, I get it, I'll just cook dinner tonight mys-"

With a huff, Weiyuan stormed past her, snatching the bag from her as she just sat there with a catty, knowing grin, empty hand still outstretched.

"You only have yourself to blame, kiddo!" She slid around in the chair to follow him with her gaze. "You got so good at cooking that I got lazy! Now I can barely boil water without help!"

After his second "incident," Chae-Won had become a much more common sight in his life. She'd effectively become his caretaker. Eating dinner together had become a tradition, and once he'd been able to move he'd insisted on helping. Then he'd insisted on doing all the cooking. At first they'd used his food, and she'd try to pay him back for it. When he'd proven too stubborn for that, she'd just started bringing her own food for him to cook.

After a while, he'd just accepted that status quo and decided that everyone was happier that way.

He was already over her little prank, but seeing the food she'd brought would have made him forgive her anyway. For some reason she was spoiling him with his favorites. Well, he still had to make it himself, but it was food he couldn't afford to buy on the regular.

About an hour later the food had been both cooked and consumed. Chae-Won drooped herself over the table letting out a contented sigh.

"Ahh, it's better than sex," she murmured weakly. Weiyuan just raised a mildly disturbed eyebrow. He didn't think his steamed buns were that good, but then he didn't have the same, erm, context to work with that she did. "Yes, that's right kid, your marvelous cooking is helping protect what remains of my-"

Stop. he mouthed, pleading with an increasingly disturbed twitching taking over his eye.

Chae-Won just chuckled and then pushed herself to her feet with a tired groan, "Alright, alright, fair enough. I'll stop defiling your home with my filthy mind, then." She made her way toward the door, but then turned to look at him again. "Oh, and did you remember to take tomorrow off?" He nodded. "Good. Like I told you, it's gonna be a circus out there. Well, more so than usual. You don't go anywhere without me, got it?" Another nod. "I'll be back tomorrow assuming I don't get crushed to death in a crowd surge." She moved to head back toward the door only to suddenly find her wrist with Weiyuan's hands tightly clamped around them with a distressed look on his face.

"Hey, hey, I was joking!" She smiled and patted him on the head with her free hand. "You know damn well a noisy crowd isn't going to stop me. I know all the good shortcuts." Placated, he slowly let go of her arm. As she turned to collect her boot, she heard him walk deeper into the apartment toward the kitchen. Once her feet were dressed, she looked up to see him returned, standing there with the same bag she'd brought over.


She smirked, reaching out to take it. "You're going to make an excellent wife someday, you know that?" His response was an unimpressed frown.

You think you're funny. He signed to her.

"I do think so, yes." She bobbed her eyebrows. "All right, get some sleep, huh? I'm heading out."

She made it all the way to the doorknob, her hand starting to twist it before she stopped. She grit her teeth, sucking in a deep breath and letting it out slowly.

"Hey, uhh..." She looked over her shoulder to see Weiyuan still standing there with a puzzled look on his face. He'd seen the conflicted emotions running through her, even standing behind her. "If... if I found one of the guys that hurt you... what would you want to do?"

His eyes widened, pupils shrinking to pinpoints. His mouth opened, but nothing came out, nor did his lips form the shapes of any words. His hands balled up into fists and he began to back away, trembling.

"Whoa, whoa, look at me! Kid? It's just us. We're just talking, OK?" She moved toward him, but she could tell his mind was elsewhere. This was his biggest problem. He didn't know how to deal with things like this.

He bit his lip, clenching his eyes tightly shut, taking deep, rapid breaths.

"Kid? You listening?"

Finally, he cracked an eye open.

Nothing. Do nothing. I... don't care, he mouthed hesitantly.

Chae-Won let out a long sigh, "Kid... I know he doesn't want to. I also know you too well, so what do you want? Good morning, by the way."

Weiyuan's arms relaxed and his other eye opened, though he avoiding meeting hers, his lips scrunching into a tiny frown. He then began signing to her, though a bit more sloppily than before,

They can't hurt me. Haven't tried either. No point.

"Yeah, they can't hurt you, but you can't just pop out preemptively to protect him." She crossed her arms. "And don't you think they should be punished."

He didn't respond immediately, lips twitching as he tried and failed to fight off an angry snarl. Every now and then they'd part just enough to show tightly clenched teeth. 'Yes...' a faint, hoarse whisper finally escaped.

"Well all right then," she said and breathed out. "Look, for now, just go to bed. Leave a note if you want, it doesn't matter. Tomorrow I'll take him out and... we'll see what happens."

What happens if we find him?

"We scare him half to death and then drag him to someone who's OK with making an arrest on a coerced confession." She shrugged. "Or we can just break his legs. Whatever you prefer." She could see his whole body tense up at the idea, as if he was imagining doing it in that moment, but a few seconds later it flowed back out of him.

Too much. Just scare him.

"Hey, you got it. Who knows, we might not even find him." She held her hands up in capitulation to his choice. "You, uhh, gonna be able to sleep at this point?"

He just shrugged weakly, He might be a little tired tomorrow.

. . . Day of the Anniversary. . .

While it had started slowly, for what did the lower class care for such things, in the end, hedonism won out. Maybe those in the lower ring didn't really care about the source of the festivities, but they also had more problems to forget, so soon enough the streets were packed with those seeking food, fun, and alcohol... among other, more illicit pleasures.

By nighttime it would be a truly raucous affair. The streets would be a mess for weeks.

Weiyuan kept a tight grip on Chae-Won's wrist so as to avoid being separated. He knew his way around, sure, but on a day like this he wouldn't feel safe alone. It wasn't like he could call out to her.

"OK! Here we are, kiddo!" Chae-Won gestured with her hand to a building with people filing in and out in a... mostly orderly fashion. More so than most other places at the moment.

Soup kitchen? he mouthed, giving her a curious look. We have food.

"Yeah, but it's a place with people, but no partying! Calmest way I could think of to enjoy the day while still being out and about!" Chae-Won threw on an exaggerated grin and nodded. "Come on! If you're feeling out of place I bet they'd let you volunteer or something. I'll bet I know at least a few people who are in there. I know everybody! Ohh, maybe they'll have a TV playing the big game!"

Weiyuan just frowned anxiously and followed her in. Something was off and he didn't like it, but he didn't want to insult her by doubting her. Even so, he couldn't quiet his nerves. She was the only person he could trust, but right now she was making that hard.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

The Desert Rat

>Deserts outside of Ba Sing Se
>Rat Radio

A figure on the dashboard, with a comically over-sized head bearing some minor resemblance to the ever energetic radio-op, bobbed its head up and down as the modified Kyoshi RS soared over yet another sand dune. The car rattled slightly as the souped up suspension and shocks absorbed most of the impact, the arm on the bobblehead- stretched up high with a rocker's fist matching the rhythm of Not-Sumire's head. The windshield flickered a bit, the edges distorted for a split second as the cameras attached to the car reacted to the sudden impact, its various vision spectrum effectively scrubbing all the sand, dust and grit from 'view'. A scratchy radio blared loud rock music as a pair of gloved hands drummed almost casually against the steering wheel. The steering wheel itself formed the center of an almost cockpit-like layout- the interior of the car was almost foreign to its original form. Where most of a standard vehicle's controls sat in the center of the car, between the two front seats, this vehicle had almost all of its functions within hand's reach of the steering wheel, forming a sort of shell of buttons and switches around the driver. The center of the car itself was mostly empty, save for a gear shift stick, a GPS screen lazily hanging off of a bending arm, and the butt of a short carbine.

Nestled inside the driver's seat, buckled into his seat by a full harness instead of a typical lap belt was one of SynEn's many Pipe Runners: helmet visor popped open, plumes of smoke slowly flowing out of the open maw. Peeking out of the open helmet was a shock of ash white hair contrasting tanned, mocha skin. Usually piercing green eyes stared lazily ahead at the growing walls of Ba Sing Se, a beat up, bent and half burned cigarette mashed unceremoniously between his lips.

"Really putting me on a pedestal, huh Miri?" Jin grunted into a mouthpiece built into his helmet. Sumire had forgotten to mute her end of the headset, so Jin had heard most of her side of the conversation through his earpiece.

"Would you rather me tell them the truth?" came the hissed reply, "You remember who this is right? Can you please clean up for- Hm? Oh uh, nothing! Don't mind me! Right this way-" Sumire's voice cut off as her attention returned to the suits around her, this time remembering to shut off her mic.

Jin Wei chuckled to himself as the car caught another bump in the dunes, the bobblehead rattling as he tore across the desert sands. He wasn't quite sure why they were pulling him off the pipes and recalling him to BSS- usually he came back to the city of his own volition, maybe once or twice a month. Something about a ride along, but Jin Wei found it exceedingly odd that one of the Moon's themselves would bother with the likes of him- nevermind even stepping foot into the harsh desert sands. The pessimist in him told him that they knew he was a bender and that this was an overconvoluted plot to do him in, and to just book it far into the desert and never come back. The realist in him told him he didn't have the supplies at the moment to last any longer than a few weeks out in the wastes anyway.

So, set up or not, there was little else he could do but return to Ba Sing Se. The great walls of the lower ring grew to consume the whole horizon as he grew ever closer to the city. A flicker of a shadow through the sunroof caught Jin's eye and he spotted a drone flying alongside him, keeping pace with him surprisingly well. A battered, sanded SynEn Logo was emblazoned on its body, and the barrel of a 40mm automatic grenade launcher was pointed a bit ahead of the Kyoshi to compensate for their high speed. A red light flickered across the body of his vehicle as it scanned him.

"That you Jin? Is it that time of the month already?" crackled a drawling voice over his comm. The two shared a chuckle before the drawl went about its usual, company mandated spiel. "Please raise the driver side shutters and confirm your ID number."

With a flick of a switch, the view on his driver side window blinked off for a moment, leaving him staring at the back site of a metal plate before that too slid up and out of the way of his window. Jin squinted as the sunlight broke into his vehicle, shading his eyes a bit as he glanced at the drone sidling up alongside him.

"Jin Wei, ID number 2464, coming in for refit and reassignment." Jin called into his mic as he offered the drone's camera a lazy salute. Seemingly satisfied, the drone lifted up and flew off.

"Roger that Jin, please proceed to Garage S3, Bay 17." Jin's GPS seemingly updated as the voice spoke. "Looks like you're doing some work for Lady Moon huh? 'Whole company's talking about it, lucky you eh?"

"Pah," Jin snorted sarcastically. "If that's what 'luck' is, I don't want it."

>Ba Sing Se
>SynEn Storage Facility

The garage filled with the sounds of a loud, muscled up engine as the Kyoshi slowly rolled into its designated spot in the garage. Tracking in sand and soot, it was quickly attended to by a small team of mechanics as Jin climbed out of the driver seat. Usually, he had to do all the spot repairs on his own, but one of the few good things about returning to Ba Sing Se was that SynEn had a whole team of techs to fix up everyone's rides- a full refit and repair, all on the company dime- or at least subsidized by it. Just as well, the Kyoshi had gone through the ringer in recent weeks- bullet marks and ricochets scored the driver side armor plates, while one of the roof mounted foglights was just missing, torn from its housing. The cargo netting on the sides and top were torn and sand covered, and the spare wheel was gone.

Without a word, Jin tossed the keys to the lead mechanic, a portly looking man with a prosthetic foot, before making his way out of the garage and through the halls of SynEn Storage Facility. Pipe Runners generally stood out amongst the employees of SynEn, mainly due to their lack of uniformity- in the outlands, even SynEn admitted that comfort and utility took precedent over uniformity, and Jin was no different: brightly colored helmet under the crook of his arm and broad, dusty jacket. Other employees generally gave him a wide berth- not because he was particularly mean or nasty, but because they didn't want to explain to their managers why their uniforms were suddenly covered in dust, sand and dirt.

The doors to the control room hissed as they slid open, and there were a few muffled, muttered curses as the SynEn Pipe Runner stepped into the room, a solid pair of boots tracking desert sand all over as they clunked against the steel floor.

"Oh for spirits' sake Jin, you're trying to make me look bad, aren't you?" The junior Runner and Operator whined, taking a distinct step away from her senior as he stepped forward to greet her. "Don't you fucking dare." she growled, pointing an accusatory finger at his dusty jacket.

"Now why would I be trying to do that?" Jin asked innocently. He was rewarded with a flat, blank stare.

Sumire took a deep breath, calming herself before jerking a thumb towards the 'big boss' on the other side of the control room. Another deep breath, and Sumire was back at it, her cheery voice ringing across the room.

"Ah! Miss Moon, here he is, our senior Pipe Runner!" Sumire chimed enthusiastically, delivering a not so subtle, sharp elbow into Jin's side.

With a pained grimace, Jin stepped forward and offered the golden haired lady a relatively formal salute as he greeted her- seemingly his best effort at appearing serious. "Ma'am, Jin Wei, reporting as ordered."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
Avatar of canaryrose


Member Seen 3 hrs ago

“You know, we really could have eaten somewhere nicer.”

An and Chu Hua sat in the back of a divey ramen joint, knees uncomfortably squished together underneath the small, sticky table. The restaurant, aptly named “Bong’s Ramen”, was in the part of the Middle Ring where Chu Hua’s team played and, coincidentally, near where she had grown up. It was just how she liked it- the tables shoved together, the floors slightly dirty, and a strange smell emanating from the kitchen. It was cheap and classic. And the food tasted great.

Chu Hua chuckled at her fiancees comment. An had a taste for the hipster and high-class: tea shops where they grew the herbs on the roof, restaurants where the dishes weren’t greasy and were mostly full of salad. This place was the opposite of that. “But it’s so good, babe! And I really need to carbo-load, so can it? For me?”

An rolled her eyes, the ghost of a smile on her lips. “I don’t like it when you tell me to shut up. But fine. I won’t tell the nutritionist you’re eating like shit the day before the game.”

“Atta-girl.” Chu Hua winked and sipped at her taro boba tea.

The two, especially An, looked highly out-of-place here. Chu Hua wore workout gear: a loose jersey with a black hoodie thrown over it, tight black shorts, sneakers, her black hair tied up into a ponytail. An, meanwhile, looked like she had come straight from the office, which of course she had. A sheer, collared white blouse hugged her frame, and she wore black slacks and kitten heels. Her black hair was down, brushing her shoulders, and her makeup was immaculate. Most people here were just trying to go about their business, but a few pointed and stared. That, though, was not about their outfits. Already two people had come up to ask Chu Hua for a photo or an autograph, and while she was happy to oblige, Chu Hua could see her fiancee slowly growing weary of all the interruptions to their conversation. Such were their lives.

The food eventually came, and was set down in a businesslike fashion. Chu Hua, feeling her stomach immediately ramp into gear, grabbed her chopsticks and went to town on her bowl. An picked at hers as she stared out the window.

“So. Your mom called me.” An turned her gaze back to Chu Hua. Whatever interested her had seemingly passed by.

“Oh?” This was said through bites of ramen. Damn, this shit was good. She might need seconds…

“She wants to know when we’re moving back in. After the season ends,” An said, rather pointedly. She looked at Chu Hua with a flat gaze.

“Oh. Uh. Probably after the wedding, moving all those boxes would be a pain in the ass while we’re still planning…” Chu Hua moved to flag down the waitress for a second bowl, but paused at the icy look. “Babe, why are you looking at me like that?”

An crossed her arms. “I thought we were staying in the apartment for a few months after the wedding. Did you tell your mom we were moving back into the house?”

“Um, maybe, yeah. I don’t remember. Are you… mad?”

“No. I mean- no, no. Just, maybe… I don’t want to live in your parents’ house when I’m a 28-year-old newlywed.”

Chu Hua fully set down her chopsticks in her bowl. “One: it’s my house. I own it-”

“-but your parents sleep in the master-”

two: I thought you liked my parents.”

“I do! I just don’t want to move right back in with them after the wedding. I don’t want to fight, either. Can’t we just have our own space? I want some privacy.”

Chu Hua finally flagged down the waitress, signaling for another bowl. She sighed, massaging her temples. This would be a tough one. Her parents were so excited to have them back, and she didn’t want to break their hearts. “Sure. You know I’d do anything for you, An. Just let me tell them, alright?”

An smiled, pleased at the turn of events. Chu Hua smiled, too, looking lovingly at the woman she was going to wed in only three weeks. Gods, she was lucky. Sure, her fiancee was willful and stubborn. But wasn’t that one of the things she loved about her? On impulse, she leaned forward to give An a peck on the lips. The other woman squeaked, surprised, but it was over as soon as it began. The second bowl came to the table, and as Chu Hua began to eat, An pulled out a tablet.

“So, the tuxedo guy called…”

Game Day was always rather anxiety-inducing, but today was something else. It was Nationals, for one. Every man, woman, and child had their eyes on the TV screen, and the competition was hot. No one had any idea who would win. Would it be the underdog Badgermoles, or the unbeatable Wolfbats? Chu Hua wasn’t sure, and Chu Hua was usually confident in her ability to win or lose. And all eyes were on her. It was exhilarating- but terrifying. What if they lost? What if something awful happened? She had a good feeling about today, but if everyone set the Badgermoles’ wins at her feet, would they set this loss at her feet too? And, number two: it was Centennial Day. The one hundredth anniversary of the end of the Great War. The streets and the stadium were even more crowded than usual, and Chu Hua had had to sit through an hour of traffic coming into the stadium where it normally would’ve taken ten minutes.

She eventually got to the stadium around 10 AM, making a beeline down to the locker rooms. Fans screamed her name as she walked past the main entrance, and the screams only intensified when she shouted, “GO BADGERMOLES! WE’RE GONNA FUCKING WIN THIS THING!” Chu Hua then went to greet her teammates.

“Yo! Li, Fei, Hiti! What’s up?”

“Good,” chimed in Hiti, a young woman with brown skin and dark brown hair. She was sitting in a chair, meditating. The locker rooms in this stadium were incredibly nice- equipped with a weights room, a sauna, showers, and even a bath. It was nicely lit and modern.

Every stickball player had their own game-day routine, and Chu Hua was no exception. She stretched, did some laps on the treadmill, stretched again, did some aggressive chanting with her teammates, ate a healthy and light lunch… and then it was 2 PM. The roar of the crowd was, at this point, deafening, even from inside the locker room. At this point, all the women were suited up. Chu Hua wore the helmet, jersey, and protective gear required of all players and gripped her stick in hand as she marched onto the field alongside the others.

The screams of fans felt like they would shatter her ears, but all those voices only lifted her up. A buzz began along the base of her spine, a high. So many names were being shouted, but hers was chief among them all. She managed to keep her mouth shut as they walked, along with the Wolfbats on the opposite field, towards the bedecked royal box. They all bowed, deep and long. It was a ceremony repeated every game, for every stadium had a royal box, although the king was seldom there. But, as Chu Hua raised her head… there he was. The king. He met her eyes, just for a second, but a jolt went through her. A similar one went through the rest of her teammates. None of them had expected he would be here. The king never came to the Middle Ring. But on Centennial Day… well, it was good symbolism.

Chu Hua glanced to the girl beside her, Li- a rookie, looking extremely nervous. As they waited for the anthem to start, she patted the girl on the shoulder. “It’ll be alright,” she said, conspiratorily. “We’re gonna win this shit, just you see.”

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Synergy Storage Facility
"You can all stop saluting me." Vyska began with a smile. She gave the Pipe Runner a greeting nod. "I know interrupting your day isn't ideal but I want to thank you for your willingness to take us along with you." She then gestured to the man standing a little behind her. "You already know who I am. This is Jack. Head of security, here to further complicate matters. He'll be following me around whether or not I dismiss him."

"That's not true." The introduced man stepped around Vyska and reached for a handshake. Although his sharper features and flat stare came off as imposing or too serious, the small smile on his lips softened his features just enough to be approachable, at least in that instant. "I do hope you don't mind but I will be tagging along. And before you ask, she has come prepared." In the crook of his left arm was a cognac leather jacket that didn't look like it would fit. He himself was wrapped in a tailored dark gray suit and tie while Vyska wore something as dressed up if not more. A dark cloak obscured most of her attire but underneath was a thin golden tinged shirt that was flexible and breathed quite well. Her black pants were flared slightly at the top and tapered toward her boots where they were tucked in. They were of a light but durable material that provided protection against the elements without sacrificing her freedom of movement, or the impression of her wealth.

"Jin's got some helmets for you too!"

Sumire, who was standing a little off to the side, was tapping her head with her knuckles when suddenly, the light in her eyes changed. "Not that it's dangerous!" There was a nervous laugh as she continued. "'Cause he is such a safe driver. We take safety very seriously here." She was nodding now, her eyebrows made to look as serious as she could manage and was giving Jin a reassuring thumbs-up from under the tablet in her arms.

Eyebrow raised, Vyska looked over at the glass panorama that was still populated with information on her ride. Just under the logged patches to the pipe was another number representing logged repairs to the vehicle registered to him, along with the total cost. It was not small. "'Safe' huh?" She said with a smile, giving Jin a knowing look. Her hand slipped under the cloak and fished a small rectangular shaped object from an invisible pocket. With careful fingers, she opened one end and pulled from it a cigarette that was placed between her lips. "Not to worry Mr. Wei. We're not here to talk about that."

She replaced the packet as her eyes fell expectantly on Jack, who was busy searching his person for something he could not find.


Badgermole Stadium
The girl nodded at Chu, her eyes bouncing from the star, to the box and then to the opposing team. It was obvious despite her efforts to hide it that nerves were trying to get the best of her and for reasons that were clearer to some. The season had been rough on her. The first few games saw Li mostly on the bench and when she did get some time in the light, she'd fumbled some of the plays. An earlier game that ended in a tie would have been an easy win if only she had been more focused but she found herself struggling. And it wasn't like the team wasn't supportive of her. They'd reassured her plenty that many started much the same way but like them, they could see in her potential. The improvements she made and how much better she was now than when she started. However, all Li could think about was how she relied so much on the woman next to her to carry.

Chu had been a hero to many, not least of all to Li and so when she joined, she'd promise to prove herself an asset and not a liability. It had been a fight every time she was on the field but this time it was different. He was actually here and she could feel the weight of his presence on her shoulders like the heat of the afternoon sun.

She shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of instrusive thoughts and focused on Chu's rallying.

"You're right." She began, her eyes focused now on the woman who had entered the field and was making her way to the center between both teams. Jie Xiao, a renowned singer, was to sing the nation's anthem at the start of the game. A tall and lithe woman with pale skin and long flowing brunette hair that cascaded down to her mid back. The sun glinted against striking green eyes and golden flecks tied to her neck and wrists and drew deep shadows in the folds of her gown that danced around her thin frame. A black and white striped fabric that seemed to encircle her like a wave leaving just enough to the imagination. She strode to her spot in front of a waiting mic. "It's just you know... the King. And the crowd. And the anniversary. And the other team and their trophies and for spirit's sake everyone in the Wolfbats is so hot and so damn good. They've got Kanna too."

Jie took in a deep breath, parted her lips and sang a note that sounded like velvet on silk wind. A soft, pleasurable sound that felt as though she were whispering something sweet in the ear. A secret for every person in attendance. The beginning of the song of the Republic.

"How are you so calm?" Li turned to look at the star stickball player, her neck craned up ever so slightly. There was an ounce of awe in her eyes behind a well of nervous determination.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vasra Dermok

Slipping in through a half open door, Vasra breathed in the warm smell of beef broth soup. She smiled, surrounded as she was by rusted sheets of corrugated metal and pealing paint. It wasn't much. It wasn't enough. It never was. But...the soup kitchen was something. It was hope. Hope for a better future. Something, something to get help them make through the next moment and the next day. And in the Lower Ring, sometimes, sometimes that seemed like enough of a task for an army, much less a rag tag band of volunteers.

Rough, weary faces gazed softly at Vasra. She remembered their names. She remembered many of their troubles. She could hear the conversations shift. She made no effort to hide. She never did. She was a doctor. A doctor in the Lower Ring stood out. A doctor in the Lower Ring attracted attention. There was no point in avoiding it.

She shook a hand offered to her and smiled at the bent old man, Zulon, she recalled, that grinned up at her. His leg was healing well she noted, her mind shifting to clinical matters, but the nerve damage would likely be permanent, and the iron worker would walk with a limp for the rest of his life.

"Doc," someone else murmured, and Vasra felt herself drawn into fierce hug. Most of the residents of the Lower Ring simply called her Doc. Small hands pulled at her hair from within the embrace and Vasra's eyes met those of a small infant bouncing with glee secured in a fabric sling on his mother's chest. Wo Fang beamed and pulled Vasra closer, hugging her even more tightly.

"He looks well, very well! You both look very healthy," Vasra managed, finally escaping the hug as she buried a sob beneath a forced laugh, it had been a long night. Too long, and Wo Fang and the baby had barely survived. The three vials of Spirit Water had been worth it. Vasra did not care to recall the favors she had been forced to offer the triads. Healing one patient so that they could hurt another person in the near future and create another probable patient hardly seemed ideal. She chose to think of the lives she had saved instead. That much she could do, that selfishness she would permit herself.

Iyome approached her next, handing Vasra a cup of coffee. It was her habit. It was her way of say thanks. Vasra would have refused, but she knew better. The coffee would keep her going, it would keep her awake for a bit longer. Iyome would be pleased. The weaver had two hands thanks to Vasra. Mechanical looms were dangerous in the best of times and they were claimed hands without warning when the factory owner was pushing the workers to finish a fresh batch of RSF uniforms. It didn't matter how many times Vasra told her Iyome that she had simply done what any other doctor should have. That there wasn't any need to thank her.

Peering at the small crowd that had begun to encircle her, following in her wake, like fallen leaves caught in the current of a slow river. Vasra struck down the irritation she felt tugging at weary shoulders. She felt exhausted. She felt every hour she had been awake. She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream. But most of all, she wanted to sleep. Just for one night. Just for one whole night. Later. Some other time. Not now. Maybe in her next life.

A heavy slap that almost knocked her over, saved her from her flagging thoughts. Kelden, one time RSF soldier, now homeless veteran, muttered some unintelligible comment at Vasra before bursting into a fit of laughter. Few understood what he said anymore. But he had his moments. He had brief periods of clarity. Times when he seemed as he once had been. As he had been when Vasra had been a young child. His kindness had not been smashed along with the bridges of his mind. The car that ran him over remained a mystery. The driver unaccounted for and the vehicle found buried beneath a mountain of scrap metal. Vasra had tried to repair his mind. To restore his thoughts. She had managed only to reduce his suffering. She had restored only the faintest echoes of his former self. She could do no more. She had tried and that would have to be enough.

Swallowing down hurried gulps of coffee, Vasra continued. She felt an unwelcome sense of paranoia overwhelm her. She suspected someone was watching. Were they keeping score? Following her? She had heard the complaints from colleagues. Most thought her a fool. Some thought her too kind. And some she did not doubt, hated her. Reminding her illustrious colleagues of their humanity won her few favors. They did not relish their duty. They did not wish to be lectured by a wisp of a woman squandering her talent and income on an endless number of desperate patients. The feigned praise of her Upper Ring patients, her clients as they preferred to be called, would not protect her for very long. Not if she got caught dealing in illegal Spirit Water. No matter what the reason. No matter the kindness behind her crimes.

Uninitiated in the ways of espionage, Vasra still knew enough to be discreet. She hid in plain sight. Acting the boundless optimist. Behaving as if she was beyond subterfuge. I have nothing to hide, she declared. You know where to find me. She trusted Sonam, probably more than she should have, but then again, for all that they knew about each other, breaking their secret compact would only assure their mutual doom.

Despite her growing reservations, Vasra moved calmly. For all the risks she took, she felt safe in the Lower Ring. What criminal, what fiend, what murderer even, would trouble her there? She suspected people looked out for her. She had a role in the grim ecosystem of the Ba Sing Se. She had a purpose. She had a value to those at the top and the bottom. She had some favors to call in, if it came to that. The mood was festive. People seemed happy. Happier. She could share their joys. She could smile with them. There was little to celebrate in her mind. Victory in a war that had devastated the planet, hardly seemed like a victory at all. However, she would not begrudge the citizens of Ba Sing Se an escape from reality...at least not for a long day and a longer night.

Time. Time, Vasra thought. There was never enough time. She couldn't stay for long. She couldn't dawdle. She couldn't rest. Not yet. Not now. She had two critical patients. Construction workers hurt in an another unfortunate and likely completely preventable accident. They wouldn't last the night if she didn't get her hands on some Spirit Water. She'd done as much as she could. She'd stretched her skills and limited supplies to the very limit. It wouldn't be enough. Not that it mattered. Not to anyone that could do anything about it at least.

An Upper Ring businessman was hardly going to be taken to task for failing to protect his Lower Ring workers. The safety inspectors had already been paid off. The RSF wouldn't investigate any further. It would all be swept under the rug. Everyone would look the other way. And life would go on.

There was no justice in Ba Sing Se.

Not anymore, Vasra thought.

Troubled by such thoughts, Vasra finished her coffee in a fell swoop. Sonam was expecting her. She had managed to get word to her earlier in the day. Vasra wouldn't make her wait any longer. There wasn't much point. She had practically announced her presence in the Lower Ring with her arrival. As intended. As discussed. She could not hide in the shadows. She could not hide beneath a mask. But perhaps...perhaps she could hide in plain sight. Repositioning the stethoscope slung like a warding amulet around her neck, Vasra finally approached Sonam, where she saw that the woman was fast at work serving out bowls of fresh soup.

"Sonam! What a pleasure to see you on this fine day," Vasra began, flashing a kindly smile at her accomplice, and depositing her heavy medical bag on the floor with a dull thud. "Perhaps, you could spare me a bowl of soup? I haven't had a bite to eat today, and it would seem that I have new patients waiting for me here."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Soup Kitchen
Weiyuan and Chua-won enter the soup kitchen to find a large room filled to the brim with energy and conversation. While the outside is currently and is expected to remain cast in shadow, the interior is well lit by stark white fluorescent tubing in the ceiling. The lack of windows creates a space that feels crowded and claustrophobic but a part of that can also be blamed on the unusually large crowd that's been drawn to the dining hall due to the anniversary. The air is a little warmer than some may like and the smell is unpleasant one moment and the next, tastes of the food that's being served at the other end. It's confusing and at times too noisy, but compared to the world just beyond the doors of the kitchen, this is a temporary slice of a better life for most.

Stretching around the tables that have been situated in the center of the room is a rather long line that is moving somewhat briskly, thankfully. Anyone who isn't able to stand and wait in the line is seated and served by volunteers. Everyone else is or was crowded around a particularly important looking figure with a stethoscope around her neck who is currently engaged in conversation.

As the two enter, no one seems to take notice, save a girl who's sucking the juice out of a bottle in her hand. A short child of around 11 years of age with messy red hair that's pouring down either side of her dirty face from a hat. Her clothing, a sleeveless red jacket over a stained blue shirt and blue jean shorts, is ragged but still holding up.

She pulls the bottle from her lips and looks them both up and down but says nothing.
Sonam by this point had already expelled all the relieved air from her lungs. Although arriving only a little later than expected, to see Vasra in the kitchen and already in her work was a weight off her chest. There was very little Sonam could control outside, even when considering she was a lot of the reason why the nights outside were so dark. But here, whatever light the doctor brought with her could be preserved. In here, there was a safety to being surrounded by the people that needed you most and in the Lower Ring, it was never more true for the Doctor than when she was in the soup kitchen. Already she was being absconded by those whose lives she touched. Families held together by an uncompromising determination. Bodies held together by her more honest touch. Broken minds found purchase in her warm eyes and genuine smile, a smile that would fade for the briefest of moments before finding its way back to her lips again as another would come to greet her.

She was as a boat without a sail in an ocean that was eager to swallow her and yet, she continued to paddle forward.

By the time Vasra had made her request, Sonam had already stepped to the side of the serving station with an extra bowl in hand. She thread herself through a small crowd still waiting for their food and found the Doctor near a table with a few empty seats. Already the doctor was considering those afflicted who were expecting to see her.

"I haven't had a bite to eat today, and it would seem that I have new patients waiting for me here."

"There's always new patients." Sonam replied. "I mean look at the crowd now. Remember when it was just a handful?" Sonam knew tending to them all was not an easy task and it was any wonder how the woman still had the energy left or the determination to continue to work in such conditions. Sonam was doubtful the single bowl of soup she'd brought would be of any help, but she'd set it down at a table and made a show of guiding the doctor to an empty chair before picking up her bag and moving it a little closer. She then sat opposite her, and while she was happy to see a benevolent face, hers was a mixture of vigilance and apprehension. Her eyes continued to shift over the crowd, reading as best she could the intentions of a sea of strangers. She noted a small bubble of space between the pair and the next set of ears and took advantage of the small isolation.

"They've doubled the price." She began, holding up a hand as if to stop any thoughts on the matter from reaching her. "Don't worry. It's been handled and there's no change for you but... you gotta be careful. Things are looking a little dangerous, Vasra. People know. More people than should and I get that it's important, believe you me. This means a lot to you and to them and it's the easiest money I've made, but there are walls closing in. As much as I love pretending to help here to get this stuff to you, I'd hate to see yo-..."

Eyes of exhaustion were regarding her words carefully. An exhaustion that had been battered into submission by a will trying to find the right in all the wrong. Things like this weren't meant to last and Sonam could only chew on her lie for so long.

"You need to get some rest, Doc."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reman Xuoshi

"The one time I get to venture out of this city, and I might be late to meeting with Ms. Moon." Reman softly chastised himself as he made his way to the synergy storage facility. Both he and his parents want to make a good first impression with Ms. Moon. Despite the deal they had already made with the family, his parents want this to go smoothly. So, of course, the pressure is there, but there should not be a problem but really. If he did not have to fix Mova since her connection to the control command tablet was glitching out for some reason. I had to make sure she was ready to go since he will be needing her help after all for this arrangement.

Either way, he fixed it, and Mova is ready to go. Who is now being carried in a case that Reman is carrying with him. Luckily, the mark v are on the smaller end of drones that his family makes. So carrying Mova in a case is not a problem and thinking about it as he reached the synergy storage facility. This is probably the first time he has taken Move to the Lower Ring and perhaps the only time he has been here for business. Funny how things work out like that, he thought to himself.

Though he will probably be safe during his trek outside the city with a guard or two. Reman is still carrying his pistol regardless and thanks to Feyi. He knows how to use it and without further delay. After proofing who he was with the storage facility's guards at the front door. He entered and headed straight to the control room.

Checking his watch, and it looked like he was on going to be on time. Huh, that is nice, and I guess I was worried for nothing. He thought to himself and soon arrived at the control room and found Ms. Moon with three other people. One looked like a Pipe Runner, or if he had to make a guess, he was a Piper Runner just based on the clothes he was wearing and the sand near and on his shoes. Must have just come from the outside, Reman thought, and the one with Ms. Moon must be a guard or something since he was with her and the last one. The white hair woman, he was not sure, but he is going to find out right now either way.

So without further ado, and wearing a black tailored business suit with a white tie. It felt weird to him to be wearing an outfit like this in the Lower Ring, but business is business. Walking to the group and introduced himself when he was near Ms. Moon. "Hello, Ms. Moon, and company," Reman said with a smile and made a small bow to her. "Reman Xuoshi at your service."

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Chu Hua nodded at Li’s statement. It was indeed a big deal that the king was here- he rarely came to games, even Nationals, and even then he had never been seen outside of the Upper Ring. Something more was going on here. She glanced at the royal box every few moments as the woman sang, almost reassuring herself he was still there. Playing in front of the king made her sweat- even though she had done it before. They had to win this! If only to prove they were better than those fucking Wolfbats.

She snorted, but didn’t comment on Li’s obvious crush. Teenagers would be teenagers- of course the younger girl would be attracted to the Wolfbats. “Li. Don’t worry about Kanna, or their fucking trophies. She might play herself up, but she’s shit under pressure. And the wolfbats have gotten lazy. They’re too used to winning. We’re not.” Chu Hua found herself not listening to the anthem while whispering to the younger girl- she had heard it at least 100 times, and just lazily kept her hand on her heart. She had to maintain some form of patriotism, but it didn’t pay to be over patriotic or to just brazenly ignore it- right in front of the king!

“I’m calm because I’ve been doing this since I was 17. I’ve played-” Chu Hua took a moment to think. She was awful with math. “100 games. This is your first Nationals. At some point, it becomes more of a… well, not a habit, but a ritual. I’m not calm, but I’m not freaking out. I’ just know I’m too good to lose.” She said all of this in a relaxedl fashion, not belaying her inner anxiety. God, she wanted to win this game. It was more than a want, it was a drive. There was fire at her heels, bidding her to do it, to win, to get that fucking trophy and rub it in everyone’s stupid faces.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Jin Wei

Jin dropped his salute before Vyska had even finished saying stop, his eyebrows raising slightly in some sense of bemusement as Miss Moon thanked him for being willing to take them along with him. Willing wasn't exactly the word Jin would've used- voluntold would've been more fitting. She might not have been the president, but she was a Moon. When it came to the Moon family, willingness wasn't a factor in what you were doing. There were very few ways Jin could lose his job- refusing the Moons' were one of those ways. He offered Vyska's bodyguard Jack, a considerably more casual nod as he reached out and clasped the man's hand, his eyes darting all over the man's face, as though he was analyzing something.

"Sure hope that's not your favorite suit." Jin replied, "You'll never get the sand out of it."

"The helmets are bulletproof," Jin clarified, "But they're more for air filtering and protecting your eyes. I don't expect to be running into any trouble..." Jin's eyebrows furrowed a bit as he shot glances at the two ride-alongs. Not necessarily accusatory glances, but not far from it. A Ride-Along? Not likely. There was no way in hell anyone from the Moon family cared about the nitty gritty details of their Pipe Runners, surely not enough to get in a car with one. They could just send inspectors or managers or some other lower level executive more suited to the job. No, there was something else up- and he was just their glorified chauffer. The glances lasted for a moment before Jin remembered he wasn't wearing a helmet. Cursing himself Jin quickly tore his eyes away from them. Whatever was going on, he'd find out soon enough.

Falling silent, Jin took a half step back and crossed his arms as Sumire quickly interposed herself between Jin and Vyska.

"You'll have to excuse him," Sumire laughed nervously, "You know Pipe Runners, they're not used to interacting with people from the city. A lottle rough around the edges, but I promise! Jin knows what he's doing."

Before Jin could say anything, apologies or otherwise, their group grew by one. Jin didn't recognize the man, but he did recognize the name: Xuoshi. An electronics and drone company, their drones were pretty popular with Jin and his colleagues. Jin used to sport one of their surveillance models, deployable from his car, but a particularly nasty storm had knocked it out of its housing and was currently most likely buried somewhere in the desert.

If Jin wasn't suspicious before, he was certainly suspicious now. What on earth could they be doing out in the desert that called for both a member of the Moon family and a representative of Xuoshi? A rather sour expression crossed Jin's face as he pulled a cigarette out of his pocket and stuck it in his mouth.

"Lots of suits. Hope that's not your favorite either." Jin remarked.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago


Synergy Storage Facility
@vietmyke & @Theyra
Jin wasn't being subtle and Vyska was quick to notice. However, the look in her eyes wasn't one of judgment or ridicule. She well was aware it was impossible to know what people in positions of power wanted. On top of it, to find yourself suddenly surrounded by not one but two of these individuals had to be setting off some kind of alarm. Vyska had lived with similar scrutiny all her life, and not just from those in the Lower Ring. Those in the Upper Ring often approached her in much the same way, they were just better equipped to express it. They were also usually wrong about her.

Jin was not completely off.

As Reman approached the group, Vyska peeled her eyes away from the Pipe Runner and turned to give the newest face a nod. "Right on time." She said, flashing him a smile just as a lighter finally found the end of the cigarette in her mouth. She leaned forward a bit and helped coax the flame onto the end. Once it was lit, she took a drag and then pulled it from her mouth between two fingers before gesturing with it at Jin. "Mr. Xuoshi. This is Jin Wei. We will be riding with him today." She then motioned toward the girl between them, smoke now billowing from her mouth. "The energetic one is Sumire."

"Hello!" There was another salute.

"And you've met Jack." She finished, pointing at the man standing next to her who was replacing the lighter in the folds of his jacket.

"Mr. Xuoshi." Jack stated, simply. He reached for a handshake as Vyska took another pull on her cigarette. "It's nice to see you again.

"I do believe that is everyone." At this point, Jack was handing her the jacket she was to wear, as she was already beginning to remove her cloak. "So... I know the visit is sudden and some of you may be wondering why we're here. I want to take this moment right now to assure you that no one is in trouble." A folded cloak was deposited into one of the larger pockets of the jacket. Surprisingly, the fabric, although appearing to be rather thick, folded well and didn't take up too much space. "A large part of my taking over the company from my father is getting a feel for every aspect of the job and seeing where things can be improved. This includes Pipe Running." In a quick, fluid motion, the jacket was opened and pulled over one arm and then the other. It sat comfortably around her and looked plenty adequate to weather the harsher environment beyond the walls. "Just like every part of SynEn, you do important work. Work that could cripple the company if done improperly or not at all. For that reason, I'm grateful. For what you do and again for taking the time, even if it wasn't your decision." She took another drag from the cigarette. "Mr. Xuoshi is here to discuss the possibility of expanding their operation. More than just security or a tool that is easily lost. We know there are often gaps in the coverage of the pipe and when spread too thin, many of you are left to defend your stretch of the pipe by yourself. We're hoping to change that and seeing what you do in person, experiencing it first hand, will give us a better idea of how to do it. Even more so if our guide is the 'most senior' and 'safest' of the Pipe Runners working for me." She smiled again at Jin. "We'll be in your hands."

"Did you have any questions for me before we head out?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Abstract Proxy
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Abstract Proxy

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Vasra Dermok

"You need to get some rest, Doc."

"Maybe in my next life," Vasra quipped, forcing her lips into a soft smile. Purchasing a moment to think, she swallowed a steaming spoonful of soup gratefully. The warmth as it traveled through her was a welcome comfort. Closing her eyes, Vasra heavily rubbed her eyelids, trying to will sleep further away from her.

Sonam's words troubled her. She had suspected the price for Spirit Water would only climb, no soar
to greater heights. But not so quickly. Not yet. She had known, of course, that the game she played was a dangerous one. She had known before she had made her first move. To trade in Spirit Water was to play a deadly, fast-paced game of Pai Sho. To steal from the Upper Ring was to gamble with your life as collateral. Death was not certain, but the price for being caught, was a heavy one. It didn't matter. Not really. She couldn't stop. She couldn't ignore those in need. She couldn't close the door of her clinic to someone pleading, begging for help, as they offered her everything they owned, every scrap, every shiny piece of metal, everything of value for her just act...to try to help...to do anything at all.

A shiver traveled over her weary shoulders and Vasra tried to shake her troubles away with another coerced smile. Sonam was right. She needed sleep. She needed time to think. She was being foolish. She was taking too many risks. She was alienating the wrong people. She was annoying the right people at the wrong time. She would be in trouble, real trouble if she kept it up. She knew. She knew this was the case. But she could feel a sense of fatalism overwhelm her. She had to stay the course. She had to do what she knew was right. The cost was immaterial. She had recalled the words of one of the long forgotten Avatars. An Earth Bender, a philosopher, and a teacher. She had found portions of her book. The burnt pages that remained of her writings and her thoughts.

"To save a life. At great risk or even at the cost of one's own life. Such is the path to true peace. It is a difficult path. It is an ungrateful path. But there is joy. And there is peace. Saving a life, you save the world, one kind deed, one small gesture, and one gentle thought is often enough.

"There is no time for caution, Sonam," Vasra conceded, clasping her hands together, and summoning the remainder of the energy that remained to her. "Forgive me, I have put you in a delicate position. I know. I know that this is true, but matters once again required hasty action. And you are right, there are only more patients these days. More people struggling. More people barely surviving.Do not despair though, at least we can do something about it. Small actions still matter. Every kindness helps stave off the rot that threatens this city."

"I can get more money, if it will help," Vasra began again after attacking the soup with a military gusto that suggested the doctor was well aware of how little time she had left to chat in private with Sonam. She had patients to see and Sonam no doubt had other far less pleasant tasks to see too. It was a cruelty Vasra thought, that someone as kind as Sonam, as gentle, and as intelligent was forced by circumstance to live a life of crime. Beneath her rough exterior. Hidden behind a carefully guarded mask. Vasra could sense a kind soul and a gentle heart. The world was cruel. The world had been cruel to Sonam. It still was. Vasra couldn't ask her to stop. She couldn't suggest she retire from a life of crime. They both knew it was pointless. Sonam was sworn to the triad. She owed them a respectable dept. They needed her. Vasra needed her. She needed her connections. She needed her help. And she needed all the spirit water that Sonam could get her.

"There are some favors that remain for me to call in, if things get much worse. I have not been idle when it comes to currying good will among the Upper Ring. Although I suspect professional courtesy will only go so far should I encounter unwelcome attention," Vasra continued, gratefully finishing her bowl of soup.

"I thank you for the lovely soup, as always. It is more restorative than one can imagine! It has been so nice to catch up. We really should see each other again soon," Vasra said, her voice rising above the quiet of the private conversation that Sonam had afforded her. They were friends, Vasra felt. They trusted one another. But a charade had to be maintained. Vasra "I have in my possession a most wonderful ginger tea that I acquired during my last visit to the Upper Ring. Perhaps, you would join me at my clinic? Let us say in two nights? And we can share a cup of tea and continue to discuss your brother's most unfortunate illness. However, sleep peacefully in the interim, for I have high hopes that I will have a treatment ready by then."
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 days ago

The Last Avatar - Killamri and Exit Collab

Weiyuan and Chae-won arrive at the soup kitchen, one leading the other on a mission to find a certain someone. While Weiyuan is unaware of this, his alter is not. As they enter, a strange, dirty child is paying especially close attention to them. On the far side of the kitchen is a woman who is only just now picking herself out from a crowd of admirers. She’s being seated in front of a bowl of soup. There is a stethoscope around her neck and she is currently being chatted up by another woman.

If Chae pays close enough attention, through the crowd will be a boy matching a vague description given to her of one of the Weiyuan’s bullies. He’s sitting on a bench against the wall alone near an open door and is looking particularly downtrodden. A pale boy with dark brown eyes and dark hair that is combed over to one side. He’s got black jeans on and a simple white shirt under a denim jacket. He’s tall for his age and seems only a year or two older than Weiyuan.

@Abstract Proxy

Chae-Won realized upon entering that… this was going to be difficult. The kid had been attacked years ago, and she hadn’t been there. She kinda had a description, but she wasn’t sure she’d be able to pick one scruffy bastard out of a crowd of scruffy people. It didn’t help that she was being stared at by a little girl and it was really distracting.

Weiyuan noticed the staring as well and shuffled his feet uncomfortably. He lifted a hand to rub his neck, covering up the scar there in the process.

“Uhh, hey there, little girl,” Chae-Won said and bent over a bit to speak to the child. “You know it’s rude to stare. Something I can help you with?” she asked, doing her best to sound upbeat. She and Weiyuan might’ve been from the Lower Ring, just like presumably everyone else there, but they definitely weren’t quite as downtrodden as the rest of those present. It wouldn’t serve them well if she accidentally scared the girl. People would probably assume the worst.

“Maybe I can help you?” She said, eyeing them both again. She pointed at Chae with the still open end of the bottle. “Delivery.” She then pointed at Yuan. “Quiet boy. I think my brother beat you up.” She took another casual sip, keeping her eyes on him. “Why are you here? Hungry?”

“Uhh, yep, that’s m-” Chae-Won froze mid-sentence, jaw hanging open as the girl continued. She hadn’t been quite prepared for that. “Wh-wh-what do you mean by that?” she laughed anxiously. “I-I-” She couldn’t stop herself. She couldn’t help it. She glanced back at Weiyuan, risking giving herself away.

“Hungry? Cause it’s a soup kitchen?” The girl stated simply, slightly confused.

Weiyuan was also standing stock still. That feeling that had been bothering him was back. His mind flew back to their conversation the night before. The end of it which had been fuzzy in his mind could now be recalled in stark clarity. She’d told him she’d found one of them.

“Um, w-well, girl, your brother sounds a little scary if he goes around beating people up. He’s not here is he?” Chae-Won swallowed hard, at this point starting to hope he wasn’t. She wasn’t in control of the situation right now. She was starting to think she never could have been. She hadn’t thought this through well enough.

“He is here actually.” She said, turning around to look through the crowd. “He’s over there if you want to talk to him.” She pointed to the far end of the room where, barely visible through throngs of people, was a boy sitting alone on a bench. He wore a denim jacket over a plain white shirt and dark pants and was staring intently at the ground between his feet. “He’s a lot less scary today.” The girl turned back to the both of them. “Did you want me to take you over to see him?”

“Is he now?” The confirmation sent a wave of mixed emotions surging through her. The first was the feeling of the blood draining from her face and that floor-dropping-out anxiety. The second was anger. This guy had hurt the kid and until now gotten away with it. Finally, she just felt paralyzed.

What was she going to do? Beat the guy half-to-death in front of everyone? In front of his little sister?

She then quite literally felt a hand grab her elbow tightly. It was Weiyuan. She could feel him trembling even as he gripped her so hard his knuckles were turning white.

“Hey, uh, don’t worry about it, OK? You just run along,” she told the girl, shooing her away. She straightened up, turning to face Weiyuan fully. She went to put her hand on his, but he flinched away. “Kid-”

You lied to me. He signed to her rapidly.

“What? No! I-” But she was cut off by him repeating the motions. She reached for him, but again he flinched away. Shakily, he turned his head to glance furtively over his shoulder at the guy the little girl had pointed out. It had been years, but the more he looked the more he could pick out familiar features. Honestly, at the moment it might not even have mattered if it was actually one of the people who had hurt him. He thought he was, and he mind would fill in the gaps.

Chae-Won watched the tears slowly welling up in his eyes and deep down, part of her was just begging for his other self to snap into control. It didn’t happen, and then she just felt guilty for wanting an easy out to the mess she’d made.

“OK, kid, listen to me. I-” She actually managed to get her hands on him this time, but was unprepared for him to bat her arms away and then physically push her away. “Whoa! Hey!” She tried to step toward him again, but she wasn’t used to this kind of behavior from him. He pushed her again, this time hard enough to make her stumble, rocking back on her feet almost losing her balance.

Go away.

“I… what?” Chae-Won blinked, now thoroughly shell-shocked by the rapidly deteriorating situation.

You lied to me. Go away. Leave me alone.

Her voice caught in her throat. She knew she’d screwed up. She knew she’d betrayed him, even if she’d told herself this was for him. She was still unprepared for how much him losing faith in her hurt.

“O-OK, OK, I get it. I messed up. L-let’s just get you home, and-”

No. Go away! He backed away from her.

“What, no! I’m not just leaving you here-”

Go away! Go away! Goaw- The motions of his hands became too frantic and wild for her to make sense of, though she didn’t really need to. What he was trying to say to her was plenty clear. But how could she listen? THe man who’d hurt him was literally right there and even if he left after she did, the streets were a mess.

Worse, what if he was followed?

“Come on, kid… don’t make this hard,” she pleaded. He just backed away again.

The entire time, the girl was simply sat where she was, sipping on her juice bottle and watching the two go at it. That was at least until things got somewhat physical, at which point she quietly stood up and began to back away, stealing glances in the direction of her brother and the doctor.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reman Xuoshi

"It is not my favorite suit, so I will not care as much if it is covered in sand," Reman replied to Jin with a half smile. Granted, the only reason he is wearing a suit and not something more appropriate for traveling outside the city is that his parents wanted him to look professional during this deal. Yeah, like wearing a suit in the desert is a good idea.

Reman used his free hand to shake Jack's hand. "Nice to meet you again, Jack."

After the handshake, Reman listened to Ms. Moon and while he was prepared to do his job for this deal. Meaning going out into the desert with this Jin as their escort/guide. Part of him was expected to finally be able to see what lies outside of the city despite it being mainly desert. And the other part of him was kinda sad since he knew what the deal was between SynEn and Xuoshi Enterprises, and he did not feel proud about it.

"Well, I have no questions right now, so I am ready to head out." Said again with a half smile. Time to see what lies past the walls of Ba Sing Se, even if it is desert. Still better than nothing and getting his suit covered in sand. Either way, with Mova in hand in her case, he was ready to go. Few in this city would actually look forward to this and on company time too. So time to see the desert and see how dangerous it can be.
Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Exit
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Badgermole Stadium · In collaboration with @canaryrose_________________
Chu's confidence became Li's as the more novice girl absorbed everything being said. She wasn't entirely sure what it was. If the heat was getting to her or it was the presence of the King, or if the sound of syllables bouncing along on the smoothest voice she had ever heard was affecting her, but in that moment, Chu's words were the truest ever spoken to her. It was nothing so enlightening as to be a regurgitation of some well-known quote and definitely not a dismissal of her fears. It was simply the truth: Chu had experience and she knew she was good, so there was nothing to fear. They'd practiced. They'd prepared and planned. They'd spent all year beating back the competition to get to where they were now. They were ready. What they did next was only natural. A part of them. A habit.

Whatever was making her nervous before was quickly forgotten and replaced with a determination to prove herself worthy of standing next to Chu. "You're right."


When the opening ceremony had finished, the field was cleared and both teams moved to take their place for the toss-up. Two players would meet in the center and the ball would be jettisoned a short distance into the air above them from the ground. It was then that the game would begin as both players attempted to take first control of the ball. The two players in question were of course Chu and the Wolfbat's own Kanna. A renowned player in her own right who'd helped to keep her team's crown in the Stickball world.

Kanna strode up to the middle of the field, her stick tucked under her arm and a determined smile on her lips. Her head of shoulder length white hair was tied up by a band that matched the color of her jersey: slate gray and a streak of orange that complimented each other. Piercing gray eyes regarded Chu as if challenging her, weighing her worth well before the game had even begun.

She stopped only a few feet away from her and dropped the end of her stick into the dirt so she could rest her hand on the edge of the flat end. She shook her head. “It’s not going to happen, Chu. Face it. You can’t beat us. You can’t beat me and your team sure as hell won’t do it.” She raised a brow and flashed a smirk. “But I tell you what, if you quit and join us, I’ll uh… I’ll let you lead the reserve team.” Kanna pursed her lips at Chu and nodded at her. “That’s a pretty good deal, yeah?”

Chu Hua laughed, shaking her head as she set up her stick and got into position. “Sorry, babe. I haven’t played in the minor leagues since I was a kid- not about to start now,” she said, mocking. She took a moment to get her legs properly on the ground, making a small grunt as she adjusted her arms. Her and Kanna had a history, you could say. When they were both up and coming players they had had a very short-lived fling. Short-lived because, as Chu Hua would say, Kanna was a crazy bitch. She was indeed smoking hot, but… absolutely insane. Since then, they had developed a red-hot rivalry on the field and an even tenser relationship off-field. Kanna had singlehandedly been the reason she had rejected a lucrative transfer to the Wolfbats a few years ago, and Chu Hua did not regret it one bit. She enjoyed being the underdog.

“I bet you think about me every night, huh? You better get ready to think about me every time you look at your empty trophy shelf, too.”

"HA! The only thing I think about..." Kanna began, pulling her stick out of the dirt and grabbing it in both her hands. She settled into a position mirroring Chu's and leveled her face out with hers. A fire had been lit in her eyes. "...Is how much of a disappointment you are in the field... and the sack." The corners of her lips began to turn.

Chu Hua clicked her tongue. “I think your mom might disagree, Kanna. She’s a real big fan of my moves. And she's much better than you.”

There was a very obvious pause as Kanna took a moment to process what she had just heard. When before she was nearly leaned against Chu’s nose, now her posture was frozen and whatever fire in her eyes had been burning brightly was quickly turned to ice. Her lips had stopped curling and it seemed as though she’d also stopped breathing.

Without warning, she dropped one end of her stick and threw a right hook at the girl aiming for her temple. It was fast, faster than most could follow, but Chu was a seasoned player of the game of Stickball. Tracking fast moving objects was the name of the game. She ducked at the last possible second, letting Kanna’s fist connect with her helmet instead of her brain. The dull sound of bone slamming against hard plastic was accompanied by a dumb-founded look from Chu. The game hadn’t even started yet! In a moment’s breath, she tackled the other woman to the ground, turning them into a flurry of flailing limbs. “Ref! REF!” she began to shout. The entire stadium seemed to gasp all at once, and then transform into a wild crowd screaming “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!”.

Meanwhile, Kanna was trying to find her lungs. The speed of the reaction and the force of impact was enough to expel all the air from her chest and the weight of Chu on top of her was keeping that air out. She couldn’t breathe, and began to flail about wildly in a vain attempt to get Chu off who was very successfully pinning her in place.

By now, players from both sides of the field began to converge on the two, amidst cheers from the now excitable crowd. Two referees had also dove into the scuffle and began prying them both apart, to which Chu Hua quickly scrambled away and raised her hands in a pacifying gesture.

Suddenly finding herself able to breathe again, Kanna immediately opened her mouth. “Get the fuck off me!”

“I’m off, I’m off, you fucking psychopath!” Chu screamed back. She breathed hard for a moment, retreating into the safety of her team. “Dude! Ref! Penalty her, this crazy bitch just hit me out of nowhere before the game even fucking started! That’s insane. I can’t play with someone that’s gonna clock me out of nowhere.” She could feel her face getting hot as she gestured to Kanna who was being hoisted from the ground.

As soon as she found her feet, she attempted to charge at Chu again, but was stopped by a firm arm across her torso. “You keep my mother out your fucking mouth!” she screamed again, flailing wildly in the other’s direction as her eyes flared with an anger that was typically unlike her despite her character.

“Kanna!” The ref pushed her back and kept her in place while the adrenaline pumping through her veins burned off. Meanwhile, Li had by now caught up with Chu and joined the others in forming a protective circle around the girl. They kept some of the other more aggressive players on the opposite team at bay and their own in the back, staying any further altercations.

“Are you alright?!” Li asked, stealing occasional glances over at a red faced Kanna.

“I’m fine, I’m fine,” Chu Hua murmured, rubbing her head. “She’s just nuts. I told her that her mom was good in bed and she went off her rocker.” It was strange that she had reacted like that- it wasn’t like Kanna. In fact, it wasn’t like any sane person. Jokes about moms were common. Chu Hua loved her mom, but she wouldn’t beat someone up if they impersonally talked shit about her on the field. Was she okay? She sighed, and took a glance at the royal box, where the king and his court looked impatient, whispering. “I just wanna start the game already.”

Soup Kitchen · @KillamriX88 & In collaboration with @Abstract Proxy____
"Look, I just thought maybe you wanted to talk to him cause you're going through some tough shit too."

"Why would I want to do that?! I nearly killed him!" He whispered. "How the fuck would talking to him help me? He can't even talk!"

"Well I DON'T KNOW... forgiveness? I'm not a brain doctor. I don't know how this shit works! I just know that he's here and when I mentioned you were also here, he started acting all weird, okay?"

"I don't even know what that's supposed to mean to me, or why you would even mention I was here but honestly, fuck him, alright? I don't have time to deal with him and our-."

"There you are! I was looking for the two of you, I have news." The interrupted boy turned from the smaller girl toward the familiar voice of Vasra. She smiled at them both, the color of a small victory visible in her weary eyes. "Your father has made a marked improvement..." she said, "...but he isn't out of the woods yet." The boy nodded in understanding, the visitor from his past already forgotten. His father was one of the construction workers who had been seriously injured while on a job. The wounds he'd sustained would not have been a simple fix. There had been large lacerations to his entire right arm and immediate treatment would have been necessary to stave infection and save the limb. However, his family was poor and a trip to the hospital was out of the question. A medical bill for a visit alone would have been immense. Instead, he and his partner were transported to the kitchen where word of a 'miracle doctor' had spread. Although hardly a replacement for Upper Ring care, the work she'd done on him was enough to ensure proper healing and that more importantly, he would not lose his arm. Full range of motion, however, was out of the question, so the victory was bittersweet.

"Is there a problem? What is all the commotion?" Vasra asked after having noticed that the daughter of her patient was not as invested in the news about her father as her brother was. She was more focused on the commotion unfolding at the other side of the kitchen. The boy turned as well, following Vasra's gaze and seeing again a person from his memory. The last few years hadn't been kind to either of them, but if there was one thing he could acknowledge, it was the fact that both of them had changed. The Weiyuan he knew was gone, replaced by the adult the teen had grown into. It was enough of a difference that he almost didn't recognize him. Then there was the woman next to him who he could also place. A pusher of various illicit items that they were quite good at moving, from what he'd been told. The two of them were buried in their own conversation that he couldn't quite hear. But while he didn't know what they were saying, he could hazard a guess. A boy from his past who was now a man had walked back into his life. There had to be a reason, especially since he was not alone. Besides the other kids who had been with him at the time of the incident, and his younger sister, Weiyuan was the only person who knew about the sins of his past and more than that, he was sure Weiyuan was acutely aware of his presence. He didn't know how the mute would react, but a part of him didn't want to wait to find out.

Synergy Storage Facility · @vietmyke & @Theyra______________________
"Uh..." Sumire interrupted the group with an aimless wave of her hand and a voice dripping of concern. "T-there's something wrong..." With a few quick taps on her pad and another swipe toward the glass, the information on Jin was dismissed and replaced by a readout of the pipeline. A number of small squares were sitting at various points along its length, marking the current locations of all active Pipe Runners. Around these squares were smaller boxes populated with general information including a picture with a name, a date of birth, the date of a Pipe Runners registration and their registration number. There was also information relating to a Pipe Runner's status, such as duration of current time beyond the walls, number of recent patches made to the pipe and a log of any serious issues they'd recently come across, all of which was infinitely more important to Sumire's job.

Sumire, however, was not paying these much mind and was instead focusing on a series of caution symbols appearing in quick succession. They started from the plant and were traveling East toward the storage facility. She looked down at her pad again.

"Multiple ruptures along the pipe from a... buildup of pressure that's moving straight toward us..." She looked up, past the glass of the panorama to the distance where the end of the pipe disappeared over the horizon. Interrupting the blue of the sky were a number of pink-hued jets where spirit energy was being ejected into the surrounding air. Newer ruptures continued to appear as the buildup rapidly approached. "...Moving straight toward us very... very fast." If Sumire was any good at math, and she liked to think that she was, she figured it'd be under them within the minute. "Oh holy shit." She turned to the rest of the group just as the alarms began blaring loudly. Behind her, pink spouts burst from the pipe like fingers, clawing their way toward the storage facility.

Ignoring the others, Sumire dropped her pad and immediately bolted for Jin, throwing her arms around his body as she tried to tackle him to the ground.

Soup Kitchen · @KillamriX88 & @Abstract Proxy______________________
"Is there a problem? What is all the commotion? This isn't the place for-"

The girl turned to start explaining the situation but they were both interrupted. A sound like the crack of thunder broke the ambience of the room and in the span of half a second, their entire world was flipped on its side. An explosion rocked the soup kitchen, blowing out the windows, killing the lights and knocking every loose item to the ground. Tables, chairs and people were flung from one side of the room to the other, landing in twisted heaps amidst a hail of debris. The force of the unseen blast was strong enough to rip kitchen appliances off the wall, moving stoves and toppling one of the large fridges. When the shaking and noise had finally stopped and the dust settled, the once vibrant room full of life and conversation became little more than a dark box filled with a cacophony of panic.

Badgermole Stadium · @canaryrose____________________________________
A beam of pink light erupted in the far distance, piercing distant clouds and pushing into the sky. It persisted for a handful of seconds before it disappeared, leaving little trace behind save for the circle shaped hole it punched.

The commotion in the field paused long enough for everyone to notice, each player and all those in the stands turning to look in that direction. Once it was gone, murmuring from the crowd drifted over the field and a few of the players began to whisper to each other.

"What the... what in the hell wa-" The soft sound of a muted, distant explosion cut Li off. "What is going on?"

Soup Kitchen · @KillamriX88 & @Abstract Proxy______________________
The pitch black was pushed back as emergency generators kicked in, dousing the tossed room in a haze of red light and revealing a world turned upside down. People lay in motionless piles buried under tables and chairs. Parts of the wall and ceiling had collapsed, exposing a steel skeleton and wire vines. Much of the underlying framework had been damaged in the blast, severing important lifelines to the kitchen such as a gas pipe. To make matters worse, a fire had ignited on a small pool of grease that had collected in the corner. The flames were slowly started to spread, as was the smell of gas.

Those who could still stand began to pick themselves up off the floor and while most hurried out the doors, some remained to help others. They quickly got to work clearing debris and digging up anyone shouting for help who were buried. Those more seriously injured, having been impaled or blunted by the objects that had been tossed around the room, were carried out.

The boy was also standing by now, but was strangely motionless and despite his sister coming up and trying to get his attention, was paying her little heed. Instead, he was staring intently at Weiyuan.

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing?!" She yelled again. "We have to geaAAUGH!" He shoved her hard to the side where she landed against an upturned chair next to Vasra. Ignoring her pained grunt, he began marching mindlessly toward the thing from his past. Unbeknownst to him, he'd been gouged from a pipe that was sticking through his torso but despite the blood pooling at his feet, was ignoring it. When he was finally close enough, he attempted to reach for Weiyuan and grab his throat with a single hand.

Synergy Storage Facility · @vietmyke & @Theyra______________________
Sumire opened her eyes to notice that she was still standing. In fact, despite the effort she put into saving Jin, she really only managed to give the man a more violent hug. The force behind her tackle did little more than push him back a half a step.

Thankfully, despite the perceived nature of the danger the build up of pressure in the pipe had been, the resulting explosion only managed to do minimal damage to the structure. The command center was after-all built into the wall itself. They stood over 300 feet above the ground, so besides the glass of the panorama shattering and some objects being tossed around, little else happened.

Heat found Sumire's cheeks as she quickly pulled away from Jin and began trying to dust herself off of him. Her pats against his chest was doing little to clear the dust embedded in his clothing but was doing plenty to fuel her embarrassment. "Uh. Wow! Glad you're uh... str-SAFE!" She chuckled nervously. "That could have been extra bo-BAD." As she backed further away and began to dust herself off too, the others in the room gathered themselves as well, checking to make sure they hadn't dropped anything during the commotion. They all seemed unharmed, save for Vyska, who began to scream as her gloves burst into flames and the heat began to eat away at the skin of her hands.

At the same time, two other operators were now standing and staring intently at two individuals. One moved toward Sumire, who was unknowingly backing into him. The other began moving toward Theyra. The first grabbed Sumire around her neck from behind and began to squeeze, forcing a surprised but soundless cough from her now gaping mouth as her eyes began to widen. She began clawing at the hands holding her. The second moved to do the same, reaching for Theyra in an attempt to grab his throat while the others were distracted by Vyska's screaming.

              Following the explosion, all benders will start to feel strange. Empowered. Your bending skill is temporarily increased meaning you can move larger amounts of your element than you could before. Naturally, this will be highly unusual and not something anyone is used to, so bending control will be very difficult. Additionally, you are so strong that you will begin to bend without meaning too. Motions with arms and legs may effect your element in the nearby vicinity. I will leave when this happens up to you, but it must happen. Your character cannot control it.

              Weiyuan. Regardless of who is in control, accidental bending will happen. If the alter takes control, bending of glass is unlocked.

              Jin Wei. as an Airbender, you will see the vague outline of a shadow standing behind individuals who are acting erratically or violently. The two individuals in the command center moving on Sumire and Theyra are these. This is strictly something only an Airbender can see. Everyone else will see a person acting crazy.

              Vasra. For the first time in your life, you can feel water around you. You don't quite understand why or what is happening until you start to move.

              Theyra. You're unaffected by the blast, but Vyska sure is acting weird.

              Chu. Shortly after hearing the muted sound of the explosion, the familiar feeling you get when you bend suddenly grows. Adrenaline or excitement or whatever it is, you cannot control it.

              To everyone, keep in mind that there may be innocent people around you so consider that in the scene when you are writing. Bending is uncontrollable but wanton use may incur some unintentional harm or death. Lastly, the people who have succumb to a mindless violence can be treated as fodder. You may hit them as hard as you like.
Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by vietmyke
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Location · Date & Time · [&vietmyke]Synergy Storage Facility
Jin watched the small talk between his boss and the Xuoshi engineer with a mild interest. He was more curious as to what they were doing than anything else. It was generally talk about making their job on the line a little easier- which was surprising to Jin to say the least. The thought of higher ups actually giving a shit about the general conditions of the Pipe Runners was the last thing Jin expected them to actually be doing. He was more expecting some sort of backroom or underhanded deal- occurring under the guise of a 'ride along'. Though that being said, he could still be wrong. Maybe it was all an elaborate ruse after all.

Whatever was actually going on, Jin would never find out- as Sumire was quick to gather everyone's attention. It took a second for Jin to fully be aware of what he was looking at, he wasn't used to looking at data displays from this level. The wave of caution symbols appearing on the screen quickly followed blaring sirens and a wave of pink explosions along the pipeline stretching out in front of them. Stepping closer towards the window, Jin watched the blossoming flowers of energy with morbid interest before his mind truly registered what was happening. His eyes darted for Sumire, mouth opening to tell her to stand back, but he'd barely gotten a word out before she flung herself at him.

The impact of Sumire's smaller frame against his did little more than rock him a step or so back. Jin blinked- physical contact wasn't a regular occurrence in the life of a Pipe Runner, a mixture of surprise and amusement passing through him as he lightly patted his junior's head.

"Safer than a seatbelt." Jin chuckled as he watched Sumire step back, noting the flush to her cheeks as she quickly began dusting herself off. The mood quickly shifted however, as a strange feeling, a sort of pressure on his brow made itself present, though Jin was quickly distracted by Vyska's screaming. Jin quickly turned to his boss, noticing the burning hands. Turning back to Sumire in time to see the Operator behind her grab her, Jin's eyes widened in surprise.

"Woah! Hey what the fuck?! 'Mire!" Jin shouted out, quickly closing the distance between himself and his junior. "Get the fuck off her." Jin continued as he grabbed the operator's wrist with one hand and wrenched it off of Sumire, his other arm quickly wrapping around her and pulling her behind him. The operator's eyes looked glazed over, vacant, but seemed to still have awareness, as the arms clawed, flailed and grabbed at the two of them. His mouth was agape, but he seemed not to hear or respond to any of Jin's prompts.

As Jin struggled to keep the man away from him and Sumire, he could've sword he saw what looked like a shadow or a cloud of smoke behind the crazed operator. Normally, he'd be too busy to clock that, but the shape was vaguely that of a human's, and tethers seemed to connect it to the madman in front of them. Whatever the true nature of shadow was, Jin couldn't tell- he was far too distracted as the operator swiped at him again, his time managing to scrape across Jin's face with an outstretched hand.

"Sonova bitch!" Jin growled as he covered his face. Jin felt the metallic taste of blood on his lips as the blow from the operator broke the skin. "Fuck off!" Jin bellowed. Squaring his feet, Jin placed his hand on the psycho operator's chest and shoved the man away as hard as he could.

All the tension and pressure on Jin's brow suddenly lifted as a gust of wind followed his shove. Jin had air bended before, so he knew what it felt like, but he'd never felt it like this before. Usually, he had enough self control to not accidentally bend- his life was on the line after all, but now it felt unruly, wild and free. The mad operator took a half step towards Jin, struggling against the massive current of air pushing at him before he lost his footing and was sent flying head over heels across the room like a ragdoll. The massive windows of the control center shattered as the body was thrown against it and shoved through, glass shards and chunks flying outward along with the wind.

The warm desert air met Jin's face as he and Sumire stared out the broken window. "You okay?" he asked. Sumire nodded breathlessly. The two shared a look for a moment before looking back out the window, down at Jin's hands, then back at each other.

"Fuck." The young operator said quietly. Jin nodded in agreement.

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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by Theyra
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Reman Xuoshi

One moment things were tense when there was an explosion caused by the buildup of energy in the pipe and while he expect the worse with the sirens ringing out. Nothing really happened but then as things seemed calm. The screaming from Vyska and as he quickly turned to see what was happening. His mouth dropped in horror as Vyska's hands were on fire and seemly burni, seeminglyh. For a moment, Reman did not know what to do and then he trie,d to do something to help Vyska. "Vyska I am..." That was all he said before he felt a pair of hands on his throat.

For Reman, in the confusion of the explosion and Vyska's hands being on fire. He did not notice that one of the operators moving toward him and grabbed him by the throat. "Wh-at a-re you do-ing?" Reman tried to get out as he was being choked and dropped his case as he tried to get the operator off his neck. Tying desperately to get free by elbowing the man hard several times, but it did not work. Thinking fast, Reman grabbed Mova's case and angled his head a bit, and with all his might, he swung up and managed to hit the man in the head with the case. The blow was enough for the operator to release his grip and backed off for a moment.

As he caught his breath, Reman turned to face the operator and what he saw worried him. The operator's eyes were glazed over, and his mouth was agape. Then the operator started to move toward Reman again. "Stop right there, do not make me hurt you." A warning as Reman readied his case again. The operator did not listen as soon as the psycho got in range, they punched Reman. Which connected with Reman's face and made another attempt to strangle Reman.

He managed to shove the operator away and hesitantly as the operator once again tried to get close. Reman swung the case and bashed the side of the operator's head. The operator fell to the ground and lay there silently. After a few moments of heavy breathing as Reman calmed down. A ting of concern flared up in him, and he walked over to the downed operator and kneeled to checked for a pulse. Reman breathed a sigh of relief as he could feel one. "Good you are still alive and please stay unconscious."

Getting back up, he saw that Jin and Sumire were with each other, and he started to feel the warm air from the broken window. He only has one thought in his head. "What on earth just happened?"
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Hidden 3 yrs ago Post by KillamriX88
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KillamriX88 Cheese Lover / Professional Cat Cuddler

Member Seen 3 days ago

Lower Ring Soup Kitchen · [&Exit][&Abstract Proxy]Lower Ring Soup Kitchen · @Exit@Abstract Proxy
Weiyuan opened his eyes, though his vision was initially blurry. His ears rang and his whole body seemed to buzz. He slowly rolled his head to the side, trying to see what was going on. When his gaze fell upon Chae-Won, he froze. She too was on the floor, but she wasn’t moving. Panic finally began to overtake him until he finally saw the faint movement of her breathing.

He’d have felt more relieved, but the muffled sound of a commotion reached his abused ears. He saw the one person in the room he desperately didn’t want anywhere near him coming straight for him. So, rather than relief, his dread and panic were redoubled. On the bright side, it did wonders for getting his limbs moving again.

He crawled and scrambled away and to his feet, just in time to avoid their grasp and make it out the door. The few people he could see nearby were already fleeing, wanting to be anywhere else after the explosion. Certainly no one would be seeking to help him. He doubted they would have even had the world not just blown up around them.

Instead, he ran a few feet down the dingy street, found a dumpster, and climbed over a few damp cardboard boxes to huddle behind it, pulling his knees up to his chest and throwing his arms over his head, clamping his eyes shut, trying to be as quiet as possible. In that moment he heard a strange rumbling noise and felt the ground beneath him tremble.

He feared it was another explosion, but it was both too close and too quiet. He cracked an eye open only to see slabs of stone had risen out of the ground around him, up to his waist, almost forming a cone around him. For a moment he was confused, but then it hit him. Earthbending? Had he done that in his panic?

No, no, no, he couldn’t do that! More than anything else, something like that would get him killed! He had to go somewhere else! If he was found like this, even Chae-Won might never speak to him again… or worse.

He frantically clawed his way out of the little, earthen fort he’d inadvertently created, but in his haste stumbled and tripped, sending himself sprawling back into the street for all to see…
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by canaryrose
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Member Seen 3 hrs ago

Badgermole Stadium · [&Exit]Badgermole Stadium · @Exit
The game stopped in the middle of an intense play. Chu Hua slowed to a halt in the opposing team’s zone, panting as she came to such a sudden stop, her stick clutched in her right arm. She stared into the sky with the others. “The fuck…” A blast of pink light shot into the sky, followed by the sounds of an explosion. Her eyes widened, glancing back and forth. “No idea,” she answered Li, furrowing her brows. “Maybe firewo-”

Chu Hua gasped so sharply she felt her ribs might break. No. Nononono. Not here, not here, not here, please-

Li’s eyes snapped over to Chu. The star player looked like she was exerting herself, which of course they all were, but none more so than Chu. They’d barely begun and she was already kicking ass. However, the gasp was telling.

“You alright?”

A sensation that Chu Hua could only describe as fire filled her body. She never, ever used firebending- even the very thought filled her with dread and terror- but this was… it was all-consuming. She felt the fragility of her surroundings, the heat building in her body begging to release, to destroy, and said fuck no. What was happening to her? It was still uncontrollable. Her head swimmed as she tried to rein herself in, to avoid ruining her life. An unbearable heat built in her skin, a deadly fever, and she moaned, grappling onto the nearest person as she tried her best to keep from toppling over onto the ground. Sweat dripped from her temples as a look of abject terror filled her face.

“I don’t… I don’t feel well,” she whispered.

“Holy..!” Li struggled with the girl for only a moment as she readjusted herself to better balance the both of them. What surprised her more than anything, however, was the heat coming off of her. It was so intense she could feel it bleeding through the girl's protective gear. “You’re burning up!” She exclaimed. Taking Chu's arm, she threw it over her shoulder to take her weight, but when she grabbed her forearm, Chu's skin immediately scalded her.


Li screamed, recoiling from the pain and nearly sending them both toppling to the ground, but she was quick to react. She kicked out and caught them both before either of them had leaned too far, righting herself and Chu. Looking back at her in surprise, she could see now the beads of sweat that had formed on her brow and how quickly they were beginning to fall. There was a very obvious pained look on Chu's face and it was clear something was very wrong with her. Ignoring the burning coming on her hand and being mindful of Chu's exposed skin, she tried again to support the girl's weight and found a position that was successful albeit somewhat awkward. One hand was on her shoulder and over her shirt, which was still uncomfortably hot. The second was pressed into Chu's gut in an attempt to support her midsection. It was even hotter here.

"What is happening to you?!" She asked, turning Chu around and beginning to guide her to the bench near the nurse's station. By now a second player had noticed the two and moved to help. "Don't touch her skin!" Li warned. "She's crazy hot right now and I don't know what's going on. Just help me get her to the nurse's station."


In the stands, a commotion had begun around a singular individual who, after a moment of looking rather uncomfortable, was suddenly launched fifty feet into the air. They flailed about wildly for a brief moment before they fell back to the ground, landing particularly hard against a guardrail and snapping their neck. Immediately, screams erupted from the crowd and people began scrambling from their seats, jumping over fencing and other people to get as far away from the freak accident as they could. Both Li and the other player stopped in shock.

Chu Hua immediately tried to remove her hand from Li’s bare skin. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry-” but she was practically scooped up by Li and another Badgermole, and had no choice but to comply with their ministrations. She continued to make small noises of pain and, frankly, fear. It couldn’t end like this. She had worked so hard to this end. She couldn’t allow herself to be revealed now, in a stadium with thousands watching her and even more millions watching on the TV. The RSF would execute her in a moment, no matter if she was famous or not. It would all be over.

Her concentration subsided for a moment as the screaming began and a body hit the field. She wasn’t stupid- that was a bender. Something awful was happening. She let out a scream of pain as fire flared in her once more, this time nearly uncontrollable. At the last moment, though, she managed to rein it in, although not without her body temperature spiking and her muscles spasming. Chu Hua gasped, panting. She distinctly felt the soles of her shoes burning and smelled the burning rubber.

At this point, the heat pouring from Chu was too much for either girl to bear. The pain of their proximity was enough to pull them out of their momentary shock and they both backed away, stumbling to the ground on either side of her and leaving Chu to support herself in her suffering. Li scrambled backwards to cooler air as blades of grass beneath Chu began to wither and the air around her began to tremble.


Around them, players were running off the field now as yet another man on the opposite end of the stadium had erupted in flames.

By now, she was breathing hard, panting on hands and knees on the field. What was happening to her? What was happening to everyone? Chu Hua only faintly registered others experiencing what she was, but she saw enough to know that something was wrong. She had never felt like this before, and… she couldn’t control it. She screamed in agony as her insides were boiling. Just then, as she clutched her head in her hands, Chu Hua burst into flames, lighting much of the grass field on fire with her.

The feeling of relief was almost instantaneous. But just as that came, despair did too. As soon as she could stand, Chu Hua stood, dumbfounded, staring at the spectator box where her family sat. A feminine figure in a yellow dress came running down the stairs, followed by those she knew to be her parents and sisters. Her entire life had just fallen apart. She didn’t know what to do but run. She started bolting towards the emergency exit, bringing flames with her.

Li swung hard, slamming the flat end of her stick into Chu’s shoulder and sending the girl toppling sideways to the ground.

“Y- You’re fucking ONE OF THEM?!” She screamed, stepping up to the downed girl. The look in her eyes was changing wildly, from a rage filled hate to one of confusion and hesitation. Of sadness but also one of disgust. Her lip quivered slightly as she raised her paddle into the air above her head and stared down at the women. It took a moment, but the same look of determination she’d worn for Chu at the start of the game found her again as a decision was made.

A loud crack rang out and Li’s head was suddenly tilted violently forward. As her eyes rolled back, she dropped the paddle harmlessly behind her and fell face first to the ground. Standing behind her was Kanna, who immediately reached for Chu and pulled her up by the hand. Wrapped protectively around her own was her bandanna which had previously been holding up her hair.

“Fucking GO!” She said, shoving her toward the exit and following after her.

By now the rest of the stadium had descended into complete chaos as Chu was not the only person suddenly starting to bend. Fearing for their lives, many began making for the exits while others attempted to subdue the danger themselves. RSF security had already converged on a number of benders closest to them, but a few had entered the field and were now moving toward Chu. Their weapons were raised and they were shouting at her to stop and although they were moving fast, it was obvious they were not going to intercept the athlete before she made it off the field.

Chu Hua took Kanna’s hand, a dazed look on her face. Everything had happened so fast. Li… She stared at the eighteen-year-old girl on the ground for a heartbeat, still registering the pain in her shoulder from where she had hit her so hard. There wasn’t a minute to contemplate the girl who had looked up to her so much, though, because Kanna was shoving her and screaming at her to run. Kanna, who hated her. There would be time to think about that later- for now, she had to run!

Although they were being followed by men with many guns, Chu Hua and Kanna were still athletes in the prime of their careers- namely, they could run fast. Chu dashed after Kanna, through her own quickly spreading flames and past panicked crowds. The adrenaline from the game and from her own bending was still present in Chu Hua’s system, as she barely felt the awful burns of her own making. The fire trailed past her, as she was still unable to control her own bending, consuming the stadium in a fiery blaze.

As they were running, Kanna spotted an extra ball lying on the side of the field. Without breaking her stride, she shoved the flat end of her paddle underneath and knocked the ball into the air ahead of her. She then carried her forward momentum into a horizontal swing, smashing the paddle into the ball and sending it careening toward the nearest officer. It collided with the center of his face, breaking his nose and causing him to trip over himself and crash into the ground.

It was a small victory that would buy them a sliver of time to lose security in the halls. All they had to do now was get away from the fire that Chu was dragging behind her and they could easily blend into the crowd. As soon as they stepped under the concrete of the stadium and were in the halls, Kanna eyed and yanked one of the wall mounted fire alarms. The sound of ringing bells filled the air and water burst from pipes in the ceilings, sprinkling down around them and putting out the fire trail Chu had been leaving behind. It also had the added benefit of forcing people to shield their eyes and look more down at the ground. Those who didn't already know would never be the wiser and the ones that did were too busy running away. Of course there was the mist coming off of Chu’s heated body from the quickly evaporating water, but this was the better of their two options. Now, with the noise and the chaos and the confusion an effective camouflage, Kanna took the opportunity to lead Chu to relative safety. They turned down a few corridors until Kanna eventually found a door that would be familiar to them both. A little known storage room, partially forgotten, that had often been used in the past by the two for private trysts. Kanna opened the door and pulled Chu inside, closing it behind them both.


Chu Hua stood for a moment, shell-shocked. Then she collapsed against the wall as everything hit her all at once. She shook, bringing her knees to her chest. She wasn’t crying- the tears evaporated so fast she couldn’t. Everything was gone. Everything she had worked for, everything she had dreamed of having, every relationship she had ever built- burnt to ashes. She had tried so hard for so long to keep this secret and… had failed. She would not be getting married in two weeks, or winning a championship, or being inducted into the Hall of Fame. It was all over. Chu Hua clutched her hand around a dusty piece of paper, startling as it lit on fire. It brought her back a bit.

Kanna. Chu Hua looked at her with hooded lids. Her ex-girlfriend, her fiercest rival, the girl who had punched her in the face earlier. “Why… why did you save me?” Her voice was hollow. “You hate me. You should have let me die- my life is over.”

Kanna stepped away from the door she was leaning against. She had been trying to listen to footsteps on the other side to gauge what was happening and as far as she could tell, for now, they were safe. However, there was no telling how in control Chu could remain in the enclosed space and to make matters worse, water was beginning to seep in from the outside. As she turned around, it splashed under her cleats.

"Yeah. You’re right. I fucking hate you. Your face irritates me and what you said about my mo-...” She paused, collecting herself in the moment so as to not go off on an unnecessary tangent. “Look… I don’t hate what you are." A frustrated sigh escaped her lips as she closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead, her mind finally realizing just how deep a hole she'd dug herself. It all happened so quickly and she'd barely had time to register the split second decision she'd made. Now, it was too late to go back and she had to commit. She opened her eyes and knelt in front of the defeated girl, being sure to give her enough space to breathe. "You're not the only bender I know..." She glanced at the corner of her eye as an odd expression passed over face. "... And your life isn't over."

“Easy for you to say. Do you know how hard I’ve worked for all this, Kanna? It’s all gone.” Chu Hua planted her fingers in the trickling water, allowing herself to create a flame which immediately fizzled out. “I was supposed to get married in two weeks. I was gonna win fucking Nationals today. But now… well, unless we miraculously get out of here and I live some pathetic, lonely life in the Lower Ring or the Outskirts, I’m only destined to die by firing squad- or worse. Just because you’re some fucking secret rebel sympathizer or something doesn’t fix that.”

“No. It doesn't help because I'm not a 'rebel sympathizer'. I just also happened to have had a firebending mother that they took from me because she refused to listen. I don't expect you to understand what it's like for people on the other side because you haven't lost that yet. You don't even have them. Not really. You haven't made your own family to abandon. You haven't made promises that you break. You haven't told someone that you know what the fuck you're doing when you really fucking don't. I bet you think you're fucking clever too, don't you? Just like she did. That if it wasn't for whatever the fuck happened today, you'd live the rest of your life just fucking fine, except you're not! One fucking mistake and that's it! She's gone! Two fucking weeks ago. So fuck you! You’re still here and you have a chance.

You love An don't you? Don't put her through what my mother put me through. I know a place you can go away from all of this. I know who to talk to and how much they want and that they do most of the leg work. All you have to do is want to do it. You could take An along too. It might cost some but your family will be fine. I’m your proof of that.”

Chu Hua was quiet for a moment. It made sense why Kanna had reacted so awfully earlier; she would have too. “I’m sorry about your mom. But I did everything right. I kept my mouth shut, I acted normal, and… still.” She gestured to the stadium and the fire alarm’s roaring.

“Huh? What are you talking about? Where the fuck would I go?! You can’t escape the RSF without going into the Wilds, and there’s nothing out there.”

"There is. I mean..." She bit her lip. "...I've been told. Apparently it's another thing they like to sweep under the rug. Not all benders are crazy murder psychopaths and... People live outside the walls. I don't know how but it's a big world out there. It's not that hard to believe. And people are always showing up from outside the walls so I've heard. Maybe they all look like they've been through hell but anything's gotta be better than dying.

Apparently there's a town that you can get to and supposedly, they don't care if you're a bender. Supposedly. I admit it’s not one hundred percent, but I do know one hundred percent your life here is over… but it’s not done. You can get out of here."

Chu Hua looked momentarily in disbelief. That was impossible; Ba Sing Se was the only city left in the world! Everything else was irradiated to shit. “That sounds like total bullshit, but… well. You’re right.” It seemed to cause her physical pain to admit this. “I don’t have any more options.” A tear came unbidden to her eye, and she wiped it away. Damnit. She didn’t like crying in front of Kanna, or anyone for that matter.

“You’ll probably enjoy having me gone, huh? You’ll win all your matches without me there to fuck your plays.”

”Don’t kid yourself, sweetheart.” Kanna said, rising to her feet. She was standing now in water a few inches deep. ”You were never going to get to win nationals…. Not that it matters.” She half laughed as she stared at the door. ”I won’t be winning any more trophies anytime soon either. I’m as good as a bender for helping you out, but at least this way… maybe someone gets to live this time.”

Chu Hua stood too, the water still steaming at her feet. She frowned- they should probably leave, but Kanna’s comment was more concerning. “So you’re just gonna stay here and die?”

”No. The plan is to get you to An so you two can get somewhere safe.” Kanna answered, half ignoring the real question. She knew what she was asking but if she were being honest with herself, she wasn’t entirely sure what she was going to do.
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Hidden 3 yrs ago 3 yrs ago Post by Exit
Avatar of Exit


Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Outside Soup Kitchen · Late Afternoon · In Collaboration with [&.Killamrix88]Outside Soup Kitchen · Late Afternoon · In Collaboration with @Killamrix88
“N-Nelu! I’ve got one over here!” A nearby voice called out.

A male in an RSF uniform approached slowly with a gun drawn and his hand over a radio on his shoulder. He seemed rather nervous, but it was hard to tell if it was because of the deteriorating situation unfolding around him, or if it was because he’d seen the younger man bend. Despite the screams of help coming from the blasted doors of the kitchen behind him, or the scrambling of those more seriously injured and in obvious need of help, all else was being ignored save for Weiyuan.

“D-don’t move!”

Weiyuan turned his head to look at the officer and felt his heart drop into his stomach. This was about the worst possible outcome. Honestly, he might have preferred his zombie-bully to this… though technically that hadn’t yet been ruled out, police or no.

Standing up didn’t seem like a good idea so instead he just stay where he was, laying on his back, and quickly put his hands up in the air in surrender. Thinking about it, maybe if he just stayed put, said bully would arrive and distract the officer. Yeah, that could get him out of this!

That was great to imagine and all, but he made one terrible miscalculation. He put his hands in the air a little too enthusiastically, causing two, short pillars of earth to shoot up around him in another unintentional display of bending. His eyes went wide in horror, his pupils shrinking to panicked pin-points as two shots rang out. One hit the pillar of earth dead center, removing a sizable chunk and kicking up dust. The second ricocheted off the pavement near Weiyuan’s head and punctured the tire of a nearby car causing it to rock violently as the tire flattened out.

The officer dove behind another vehicle with windows blasted. ”Fuckin’... Shots fired!” He yelled into his shoulder. ”Nelu! That’s an affirm on another bender! Earth! He’s resisting!”

”Circling back to you now.” A voice answered back. ”Vanguard’s on board. I’ll deploy before landing.”


”Two minutes.”

”What do I do?!”

”Nothing stupid.”

The officer peeked over the hood of the car he was hiding behind at Weiyuan. ”D-don’t you fucking move!”

All he had to do was not move. If he made no sudden movements, surely he wouldn’t accidentally bend again. It was simple. Or it would have been if he wasn’t being shot at! Of course he flinched. Of course that was enough to set off his bending again.

And of course he couldn’t even attempt to explain himself because he was mute!

It really was the perfect storm of unfortunate events.

His arms retracted close to his body, hands balling into fists just trying to make himself smaller and keep his extremities away from the gunfire, but in the process the pillars of earth, what was left after the gunshots took a chunk out of one, effectively imploded. It was a violent display of cracking stone, and yet didn’t threaten the officer at all. The small pebbles that went flying didn’t even go far enough to touch the car the man hid behind.

If anything, the only one suffering was Weiyuan as the crushed stone showered him in dirt and dust, getting in his eyes and mouth.

He doubted the man would see it that way.

Now what? He’d just did the last thing he should have in that moment. Now what? Nowwhatnowwhatnowwhat? Nothing came to him. Nothing at all. His mind just went… blank.

Well if not moving just wasn’t working, then it was time to make a move that would get him out of this alive. It wasn’t a fun mess to wake up to, but then they never were. He knew he effectively existed only to deal with the specifically unfun bits.

Weiyuan suddenly just rolled over, swinging his arm to call the earth to come with him, flipping up a decently sized slab of earth to cover him.

”I said doN’T MO-...!” The officer rose from behind his own cover and squeezed off a few more rounds at the Bender, putting bullets into the dirt slab and the ground around him. The slab itself wasn’t tall enough to cover him if he stood up, so Weiyuan started crawling, looking for his exit. There… wasn’t really one, but there was that dumpster. He then pulled up another, much smaller, chunk of earth beneath his foot, like a runner’s starting block. He pushed off, going into a sprint and focusing one last time.

This one would be trickier, as the earth he needed was a little farther away.

All the way down here, the foundations of the buildings were still brick and concrete, unlike the ugly sheet metal and recycled plywood of the upper floors. In other words: earth. He pulled at the foundation of the nearby building with everything he had, causing a few chunks of stone to slam into the other side of the dumpster, shoving it into the middle of the street so he could drop into a slide to throw himself behind it, leaving it between him and the officer’s gun.

He pressed his back against it, panting and trying to just take even the smallest moment to get his bearings. Normally things weren’t THIS desperate when he woke up. Normally he had more than a split-second to figure out what was happening. Sure, as his other self grew more stressed their thoughts would start to bleed together a little, so he was never completely lost, but this was just… too much.

Why was he being shot at?! Why was his bending so unstable, yet powerful!? Where the hell was Chae-Won when he needed her?! And… and… why was there so much dirt in his mouth!?!?

Wait, no, that one was kinda coming back to him.

Not hitting what he wanted to, the officer quickly ditched the car and began swinging around in an attempt to outflank his quarry, keeping some distance from Weiyuan so as to preserve his perceived bubble of safety. However, before he could get around to find another angle, a metal pipe knocked the gun out of his hand and a second later, smashed into the side of his face. He hit the ground, crumpling to a defeated heap as his assailant began beating on him with the improvised weapon.

Weiyuan heard himself being rescued, though maybe he shouldn’t jump to conclusions too quickly, before he saw it. The sound of the metal pipe striking the gun reached him, and then the sound of the pipe hitting the officer followed. Repeatedly.

He stuck his head around the corner of the dumpster and watched the individual go to town on the poor man. He found it strange that he felt any pity for him, but… there it was.

Perhaps it just felt too familiar.

He stood up, mouth opened to protest, but of course nothing came out. The next time the pipe swung, Weiyuan moved almost without thinking. A swirl of dust shot up, surrounding his hand, forming a thin, earthen barrier that lessened the impact as his hand closed around the pipe to stop their swing.

He froze for a moment. If they hadn’t seen him before, they sure as hell knew he was there now… and they might not be so happy about him stopping their beating. And, of course it wasn’t like he could just explain himself! Had they even known he was there at all? Had they been there to help him, or did they just really, really not like the police?

Realizing he was just standing there like an idiot with his hand wrapped around their pipe, he quickly let go and backed away, unsure of what to do now.

Both the stranger and the RSF officer turned to look at Weiyuan, one through cloudy eyes and the other through a curtain of his own blood. Suddenly, the man dropped the pipe and lunged at Weiyuan, arms and hands out in an attempt to grab his throat.

Weiyuan was lucky in a way that a fear of retaliation had been quite literally beaten into him at a young age. He was still surprised by the nature of the attack, but not that it came. There was clearly something wrong with this person. Realistically speaking, he and the officer were on totally opposing sides, but this strange person didn’t like either of them!

That and the glazed over look in their eyes. Were they on something? It hardly mattered. He just needed to get out here.

And yet he couldn’t do it. If he left, they might just go back to beating the RSF officer to death. Even if he told himself that wasn’t his problem, even if he told himself the officer had tried to kill him, it just wouldn’t sit right with him.

Fine then. He’d just have to make this quick.

He jumped back away from another lunge from the mindless individual clawing at him. He then set his feet and charged back toward them. Right before he impacted them, he called on the earth under his feet and as he pushed off, the earth under his foot jutted out, launching him forward even faster.

Like a human missile, he crashed into them, tackling them to the ground with his full weight. They clawed at him of course, but that worked for him – he wanted their arms. He reared back and caught their wrists before their hands could find his throat.

It was a chore, but he once again used his full weight to pin their arms to the ground… and then into it. As their wrists impacted the street, he used his bending to make the ground crumble and sink their hands into it, solidifying it again as he pulled his own hands free.

It was a trick Chae-Won had used against him again and again during training. It had been the perfect training tool, really. It was a trick that only worked on him so long as he couldn’t bend his way back out of it, so he’d been forced to get better in order to nullify it.

He’d never had enough time to master it, but he’d figured if everything else was coming easier than normal, then this would as well.

He then quickly turned around and grabbed their ankles, sinking those into the ground as well, leaving all four limbs trapped. It would suck for them for a while, but at least they weren’t exactly hidden. Someone would dig them out sooner or later. Hopefully they’d be less rabid by then.

That just left the beaten and bloodied officer.

Dammit. He still couldn’t just leave. He took a breath and steeled himself to just do it and get this over with. Without any more hesitation, he went over to them and grabbed him under his arms, hauling him toward the dumpster. The bastard was heavy, or maybe he was just too small compared to him for it to be easy. With one last haul, suddenly it became too easy as the dirt and pebbles under the man suddenly came with them, allowing the man to slide across the ground as if on wheels.

BONG The back of Weiyuan’s head hit the side of the dumpster as all resistance suddenly disappeared. Fortunately his own body cushioned the impact for the battered officer. With one last heave, he pulled himself out from under the man and propped him up against the dumpster.

He rubbed his head sorely and then scanned the ground around him, finally spotting the man’s fallen gun. He picked it up and just stared at it for a moment… before depositing it on the officer’s lap, paying he’d either be too out of it, or too grateful to use it against him, but he’d need it if more strange, rabid people showed up.

That or he’d just pass out and none of this would matter.

Either way, Weiyuan knew he’d already been pushing his luck by staying in the street. All around him, in the neighboring streets, he could hear the commotion of countless other people dealing with the same shit he was. He was also vaguely cognizant of the fact that the officer had called for back-up. Yeah, it was definitely time to go, but not without Chae-Won.

He eyed the officer warily as he backed away, putting the dumpster between him and the man once more. Once safe, relatively speaking, he quickly looked around and saw the soup kitchen, door ajar and windows shattered. Was… that where he’d come from? Ugh, Chae-Won had never actually told him where she was going to take the other him today!
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