D’angelo Schultz
Normal Appearance(Full form)

(The one on the left)

(The one on the left)
Starved form

Magic Rank
C(A-Rank full potential)
Cloudy Day
(Important note- due to the nature of how this magic uses natural weather elements to possibly boost the magic that before using in combat a dice roll to determine the weather/amount of cloud or request of a mod to state the weather beforehand or mix of both)
Cloudy day is a mix of creation and manipulation magic that allows the user to create and manipulate clouds of various types, shape and size and density. The user is able to draw in and compact water vapors to form clouds which he can use in various ways or store into his body for quick use in case of emergency use or reserves. Also capable of drawing in clouds from the sky to bolster and speed up his cloud creation and increasing their potency depending on how much is in the area or the type of cloud with the thicker type like nimbostratus offering the greatest boost. The thickness and density of his clouds correlate to his own body’s current size which connects to his secondary magic, gumball; enables him to withstand the otherwise harmful effects of static or electrical discharge from the clouds stored within his body. The greater the source of water is in the surrounding area the greater ease to create clouds with dryer locations requiring use of his reserves.
The clouds in his chubby form take the form of low-level clouds, often thicker and far more dense with a more fluffy appearance that while slower and lack impact in power, offer greater potential in defense or storing of weather effect. In his weight loss form, they generally take on the mixed form of high to mid level clouds being thinner and more wispy and though lose thickness and density gains speed and easier to control, enabling faster and harsher attacks.
Due to D’angelo’s laid attitude and approach, his magic’s original potential level is often only used at half its potential. Even as its user naturally has a high source of magic it tends to not be used thus causing lack of overall control. As a consequence from slacking on training, his emotions tend to be tied to the magic, making it so he has come to need keeping his emotions in check lest he cause drastic and harmful weather effects and that the strength of all his spells are only at half their usual strength.
Pegasus Nimbustratus - A fluffy ball of condensed cloud taken from a nimbostratus type, of average human size though its size can be adjusted by the user. A cloud gave a part of its life making it the strongest and most sturdy of all of D’angelo’s allowing it to withstand and take a lot of damage without being destroyed or dispersed. It has been made into his closest companion which the user rides as transport as it has capabilities of flight and can reach high speed and height. It's inside being hollow can be used as storage with temperature adjustments allows it to act like a fridge and freezer. Due to its cloud type, it is capable of creating rain or snow which it can make rain down on. As the cloud has given a will of its own it tends to do so when either playful or to show how it feels to people with rain being of dislike and snow as like. Unlike all other clouds, instead of being dispersed or stored, Nimbus is able to be sent off and be summoned. Nicknamed Nimbus
Magic puff bus- A nimbostratus cloud formed of a vehicle size. Mainly used for allies or storing a large number of objects with its inside made dry and comfortable. While not as sturdy and resilient as nimbus the thickness of the cloud can withstand an attack or two protecting its contents.
Cloudy Balloons- Manipulating and reshaping clouds that are summoned or created into various shapes reliant on the user’s imagination. Capable of shaping objects that can be used for support, fun or weapons.
Gumball Full stage spells
Majin Haze- By taking in a deep breath and using pressure, he is able to push clouds through the pores of his body to create a fine layer of fog. And by pulling the water vapors of the surrounding can thicken the fog. Unlike normal fog though, this haze makes the humidity gradually rise which can cause those within its area to sweat and drain away at their stamina faster than usual. Taking three turns to reach full humidity and thus has three stages
20%- Minor sweating and slight stamina drain
35%- moderate sweating, partial difficulty breathing and each action sapping 1.5 more energy from those trapped within.
50%- Heavy sweating and vision impairing with moderate-high difficulty breathing depending on the target’s health and state and amount of time caught within the haze. Each action doubles the amount of energy normally used, having a high stamina drain.
Puffostratus wall- Using either clouds formed around him or in his body that he can expel from his mouth to form a defensive thick nimbostratus wall of varying sizes to block attacks and spells. The more mass the cloud is given the greater its defensive capabilities of taking stronger attacks before breaking.
Puffostratus dragon den- Taking the clouds to form a dome around him and allies or such. Requires clouds in the vicinity to form. Much like the wall the mass of the clouds increases its defensive capabilities.
Cumulyon Tower- Requires clouds of the surrounding to form a large cloud tower around a set area to entrap those within and block off access to those outside. The outer parts of the cloud take on a darker color as the thickness, static and turbulent winds prevents attempts to break through. The inside layer while lighter becomes freezing cold causing those that attempt to touch it or try to go through to be slowly and gradually frozen. It’s size correlates to the amount of clouds in the vicinity. At max reaching a mile in height and quarter mile in thickness.
Cumulonimbus vers. chill fist- Forming and condensing clouds into that of a semi-giant fist with a partial arm. This version is freezing cold to touch and is capable of causing freezing on strikes or contact. Inside, hail can be formed to be fired from the palm or fingertips as projectiles. The user can choose at will whether to have it in solid or gaseous form with gaseous form having the target or objects go through it which can be used to trap within.
Cumulonimbus ver. Shock fist- Forming and condensing cloud into that of a semi-giant fist with a partial arm. This version is electrical charged and has the formed fist giving off static which can shock on impact or contact. The electricity can also be fired from the palm or fist with non-charge being at the level of tasers (50,000 volts) with charged bolts reaching upwards to one million volts. (requires 4 turn charge to reach 1mil volt)
Cumulonbomb- Whether using surrounding clouds or expelling from his mouth that he can condense into a small puffy cloud ball then thrown to be set off like a grenade. Inside, the ball either can have freezing water that can freeze up on contact and breaking or building up static reaching up to a max of 500k volt with the starting charge at 50k volt (three turn charge to reach 500k volt)
Solar Jungle- Can only be done during the day with the sun visible or around strong light. By adjusting the water vapors or crystals and using refraction of light. The user is able to have numerous intense beams of light set around the area that can cause painful burns. The brighter the sun the higher the beam’s intensity. Requires a cloudy haze around the area to maintain and control where the beams will form.
Cloudy Schultz- Manipulating clouds to form cloud clones that can take the form of the user or those he has seen but less he knows of the person the less accurate the clones appearance will turn out.. He is capable of creating three full solid clones capable of tanking attacks and doing major weaker versions of certain spells like cumulonbomb or smaller forms of cloud fists. Within them they can gather static or be freezing cold allowing for static shots or hail bombardments. Or able to create up to five non-solid clones that are easy to break but can quickly reform and are mainly use for confusion or distraction while doing minor shock or freezing touch. If there are natural clouds within the vicinity he can use them to double the amount of clones of up to 5 solid and 10 non-solid.
Static Minefield- A set up spell using other spells that use electricity and static to give the clouds of the surrounding a charge, making them active. When active, most parts of the cloud trigger a discharge shocking those within its confines with a volt of 25-50k. Requires charging of 3-5 turns with 5 turns to reach 50k volt static discharges.
Spells currently unattained, requiring full potential
Cloudy Schultz boy- When a single clone is created that is much more dense and durable than creating multiple clones. Unlike when doing multiple clones, this single clone will be filled with water that will gradually rise in temperature and boil as it takes damage until it eventually explodes sending out a rain of scalding hot water burning those caught under its rain. The water after cooling can be used to reform into a cloud though takes time to reform Schultz boy. (three turn cooldown after exploding)
Nimbo Golem- Using nimbostratus clouds to form into a large to giant cloud golem depending on access of natural clouds that its user can control to fight. The user can choose to be inside or outside the golem as it can use a myriad of his other spells while using the golem like shock and chill fist, cumulonbomb and such though use of golem prevents use of forming and controlling other clouds while its active. Its mass and density can either improve its size or durability with greater potential depending on the amount of natural clouds in the vicinity.
Nimbo Storm- By having a heavy nimbostratus cloud form above the area that is extremely thick and blocks out the sun completely. With these clouds, the user is able to cause a powerful and turbulent rainstorm that can impair vision and drench those beneath the clouds. The rain can be made into freezing rain to cause slow and gradual freezing and depending on the intensity of the wind make out sounds. (require two turn charge to form, one if natural clouds abundant in the area)
Cumulon Seed- A highly condensed cumulonimbus cloud seed that continues to build up electricity that the user forms out of sight of enemies or targets. The seed itself does nothing but act as a catalyst that once charged up then can be set into the clouds in the sky to form into powerful thunder clouds. The seed needs five minutes minimum to charge with ten minutes to reach its strongest and deadliest potential.
Gumball Full Stage Ultimate
Judgement of Zeus- Requires cumulon seed to have been charged altered the clouds. Once the catalyst is formed, the user fires a static infused ball at the designated target. Acting as a target to summon and call down a deadly bolt of lightning. At five minute charge it holds a power of 10m volts. At a maximum ten minute charge it can reach up to 250mil-300mill volt and comes down as a massive lightning beam. Going past 7 minute charge though is not advisable as even D’angelo’s body can not withstand the blast and proves deadly and highly fatal were he caught up in it. At maximum charge, the range of the tremendous bolt can reach a diameter size of half a mile.
Gumball Starved Stage Spells
Poseidon’s Spear- Taking and compressing clouds into a cumulonimbus cloud in the shape of a spear. Its inside is of freezing temperature that can cause freezing and ice to form from the points of contact made with the tip. Being highly condensed clouds make it hard and sturdy as steel with the user able to freely keep it solid or gaseous.
Zeus’s Blade- Taking and compressing cumulonimbus cloud into the jagged form of a jagged lightning bolt sword. It has electricity forming and charging starting 50k volts which can build up 500k after three turns. While it is called a blade, it actually lacks sharpness but uses the intense heat of the electricity contained within to inflict burned cuts and is able to cause powerful shocks on physical contact of skin or metal weapon/objects.
Athena’s Shield- Taking and compressing into a thin and round fluffy nimbostratus shield. Being far more compressed than a puff wall making it harder than steel. The shield’s durability allows it to withstand powerful attacks both physical and magical with the side held given a weak static effect. Using this to allow the user to throw the shield and pull back to his hand with the range of this effect being 15 feet.
Hermes Sneakers- Taking and compressing clouds around his feet. The soft inner side being insulated to help protect against the static in the air and disperse into the ground long as he makes contact with the ground. Using these to prevent static from building too much on his body and lessening the injuries and burns if left alone while in starved state. The soles of the cloudy shoes can be changed to decrease or increase friction to further increase his speed while also aiding in stopping himself to keep from losing control of his body when moving too much. Thanks to the lightness of the clouds and the user, it offers the ability to let the user hover and levitate up to 15ft off the ground allowing for aerial maneuver.
Heracles Fists- Taking and compressing clouds to form around his hands like cloud gauntlets. Thickly formed clouds meant to protect his hand from the static and freezing effect of other cloud weapons as well as make it capable of holding and wielding Mjolnir. Also offers protection to the knuckles to prevent the risk of bones breaking from landing strikes and blows with the enhanced attacks from the stored energy released.
Unusable without using full potential
Gumball Starved State Ultimate
Wrath of Mjolnir- Requires the cumulon seed to be formed and at the minimum charge of five turns. By taking and compressing all the clouds in the surrounding area around the seed to form and condense as many layers as possible around the seed. Requires Heracles Fists to be active in order to wield the weapon. The seed acting as a catalyst turns the clouds into a tremendously powerful cumulonimbus cloud shaped in the legend of mjolnir. The highly condensed clouds make the hammer far harder than steel making it highly difficult to break or destroy and it is advised to avoid doing so as doing so will release all electrical power trapped within. Even with all the countless layers and his resistance to electricity, the immense heat of the bolts gradually seep through, eventually causing burns on the user’s hands forcing a limit to how long the user can hold and control it. At the base 10 mil volts, it can be held and used for five turns and at max 50 mil volts (seven turn charge of the seed) at only three turns. With the burns becoming far more painful and worse on the 50 mil volts.
The hammer when clashing can send out powerful shocks with the strong static allowing it to be pulled back to his hands with a range of 30ft distance from the user. The user can also fire bolts of lightning from the hammer with the volts capable of being adjusted and use of this attack lessens the risk of burning though also weakens the hammer’s hardness. Can be used over the turn limit but the damage to the palms gradually increase and worsen with each turn after.
Magic Rank
Chewy Gumball
This secondary magic is one that allows its user to take in and store fat which causes the body to take on the property of gum and rubber. With the fat stored, the body becomes capable of taking blunt attacks whether physical or magical and absorbing most if not all the energy and impact of each blow. As the user gradually withstands attacks; fat gets burned causing the person’s weight to decrease, lessening the gum effect of the body. In loss of the rubbery body, the skinner body hardens akin to the shell of gumballs and gains the capabilities of using the kinetic energy stored to gain a big boost in mobility and strength with its effect lasting depending on how much kinetic energy he has taken or until his body gives out. A bonus side-effect of this magic is that it offers insulation; granting him high resistance to electricity, heat and cold, allowing him to withstand the discharge and coldness of his clouds' weather effects to a certain degree.
Due to the effect of this magic it gives the user two stages
Full- The user body in its normal chubby state that allows for greater size cloud type spells. While lacking in power and often requires charge or build up time but capable of doing aoe and large size forms.
Starved- The user in its skiny state after the majority of the fat in the body has been burned away. Offers an increase in physical attributes such as speed and strength. In this state, the user is unable to control large masses excluding those already active such as cumulyon tower causing the loss of large or aoe type cloud spells. Yet, in this state the user is able to form rapid smaller and condensed clouds that can be shaped and used as weapons.
(side note that gumball’s spells are passive types)
Gummy Bear- The passive spell for full stage form which allows the user to take and store fat and energy into the body. Mixing magic into the stored fat has it make the user’s body take on the soft and malleable property of gum and rubber. With this, the body is capable of taking blunt attacks whether physical/magical or weapon as they sink into his fit as 70% of the force gets absorbed when at full. The amount that can be stored slowly decreases as the fat gets burned away with each attack eventually only taking in 35% causing the damage to the body to worsen bit by bit. As a bonus to the soft gummy body, allows the body to stretch out to a certain degree enabling the user to store more clouds in the body. The rubbery skin in turns offers insulation and high resistance to static and cold but even this has its limits and can’t protect against intense or extreme cold and electricity.
Bloated Bear- Requires sucking in a large quantity of clouds into the body. In doing so causes the body to inflate and puff up like a balloon. In the cost of losing mobility and ability to use big cloud spells, the user gains far superior defensive capabilities. Able to absorb up 95% of attacks energy and protect again stabbing or sharp type attacks excluding powerful versions.
Sour Patch- The passive spell for starved stage form where the user has lost the majority of the fat stored in the body. And with it the malleable gummy body making the user unable to simply tank and absorb attacks and kinetic energy though keeps the rubbery skin to insulate against the static and cold. In this state, the user is able to unleash the stored kinetic energy from attacks up to this point to gain a great boost in physical capabilities depending on how much he has absorbed to reach a starved stage. While in this stage, the user loses most of the large and aoe type spells but is able to compress and condense clouds far more efficiently and quickly with the boost in power. Able to last between 6-8 turns and or until the user is knocked unconscious and often leaves the body heavily fatigued afterwards.
Ask anyone that knows or has spoken with D’angelo and they will tell you that he shines bright as the sun. A very cheerful and sunny type of individual who is often more than not seen with a dazzling smile on his pudgy cheeks. Some would go as far as to say they have never seen him sad or angry and if he sees others in such a mood he does not hesitate to try and cheer them up in some way. Whether it by giving them someone to listen to or help laugh or give a needed snack to fill a grumpy stomach. D’angelo is not ashamed of his chubby body and doesn’t let insults get him down; preferring to settle things in a peaceful and friendly manner.
His kind and friendly demeanor has made him rather charismatic and charming that others tend to be unable to hate or dislike him. Always eager to make new friends and enjoys spending his days having fun and hanging out. He is also known to be very laid back and chill; preferring to relax and lounge about on his clouds and due to this often slacks off and does not bother putting much effort into tasks or work. Because of this, the high potential of his magic is not utilized well and wasted causing him to be seen as a subpar mage and hated by his own family.
The Schultz family, one of several of the branches that has been second in power and wealth to the Waltz family for years. Generations of the family have been attempting to sire an heir that could finally gain them the opportunity to finally overtake the main branch and with it the trading company. And after years, their efforts seemed to have finally gained fruition in the birth of D’angelo who even as a baby had always had some weight to him. While his appearance was less than ideal, the potential magic within his body proved to hold the highest potential in the long history of the Schultz line and through him hoped to finally begin their plans to take over.
Not a moment after D’angelo became able to walk did he get pushed into an intense daily curriculum easily considered too much for a child so young. As his family were determined to mold and shape him into the perfect businessman and weapon to take down the head family. This left the next five years extremely taxing and exhausting on D’angelo; given hardly any time to himself or breaks to enjoy his favorite snacks or have fun. This continued on until he finally collapsed from the exhaustion and stress and which resulted in a high fever that very nearly killed the poor boy.
After barely surviving the week and a half fever, the Waltz family having learned of such grave neglect moved into action to force the Schultz family to have D'angelo live with them for the next few years to allow him to properly rest and recuperate. Unlike his own family, they were accepting and very kind to him and nothing like the way his parents described them to be. And it was in this move that he came to meet Nolan who was not only accepting but happy to have him staying with them. It was through Nolan that he was taught how to have fun; allowed to actually be a kid as he easily became close with him. Realizing the things he was told to be lies as Nolan and the main branch treated him like one of their own and never shamed about his body or weight, coming to learn not only how to laugh but at himself and since meeting his best friend and cousin he had no reason to feel sad again.
Living with the Waltz family had taught him much and made it possible for him to return to the Schultz household as he knew he would be fine. Since returning though, he never wanted to feel as awful and horrible as the day he became sick or of how his family made him feel and would not let them treat him as a tool. With the help of the Waltz family endorsement, it kept his parents from attempting to work him like they had done prior nor were they able to keep him from being friends with Nolan. Coming to enjoy spending time with his cousin and friends made so much that he no longer cared about the future or cared about a future career as he only wanted to have fun and spread the cheer that the Waltz family gave to him.
The last time D’angelo would be seen physically sad would be the tragedy and loss of Nolan and his parents. The loss of his first and closest friend would be the most painful and saddest day of his life, the first time losing the smile; a gift from them he promised would never lose again, wanting to cherish everything they did for him. Promising to himself he wouldn’t lose his cheer again, especially after the incident of the storm that nearly destroyed his home brought upon by his intense sadness.
With the loss of the main Waltz family members, his parents saw this as an opportunity to send their son off to a boarding school. Doing so in the hopes to instill discipline and proper work ethics into him once more to try and resume their take-over of the company. Yet, even losing his best friend did not dishearten him and only strengthen his belief and determination to live how he wanted. And so, D’angelo instead chose to only do the bare minimum; putting his focus and attention instead on making friends and helping others while making sure to do enough to not be kicked out of school or draw his parent's attention.
Getting to enjoy an easygoing life throughout his stay at the school and by the time his parents finally took notice it had been too late. His graduation was fast approaching though he had been uncertain of what he would do or where he would go afterwards with his fellow friends and classmates talking of their desired job and others excited to join a guild. These kinds of thoughts never really went through his mind as he didn’t really care where he ended up as he enjoyed going with the flow too much. Though several had suggested he join a guild and while he had an unexpectedly rare magic type which by no means seemed to be strong but could serve as great support. Yet, he never really had much interest in guilds or guild work, finding it to be too much work and time consuming.
Now graduated and freed of the boarding school, D'angelo has since taken to traveling and exploring the lands to enjoy the splendors of each town or culture of tribes. Traveling not just as a tourist but as an entertainer through the use of his cloud magic to inspire and bring laughter to those in need of joy in their lives.
Having traveled the past three months his journey has now led him to the town of Rembrandt. Curious to see the sights and to check out this supposedly new guild rumored to be gaining attention.
And so D'angelo's adventure begins...
Three Strengths
-Positively supportive: Let’s very little shake him or hurt his feelings and does not hesitate to lend a hand or help those in need from someone in danger to a child scared or alone
-Imaginative: Has the imagination and wonder of a child, allowing him to be creative and think outside the box.
-Trusting: Tries to see the good in most things and others and will have everyone’s back and will not think anything of sharing whether be it food or money.
Three Weaknesses
-Overly trusting: While a good thing to trust he also trusts too much making it too often that he gets tricked or used.
-Lack of Motivation: Finds that it is often too much effort to put in work doing tasks or jobs or studying that he often only puts in half the work or sometimes doesn’t finish which left him with average to poor grades and inhibiting his own magic.
-Pacifist: While being kind and helpful is a good thing, he tries to avoid doing what needs to be done at times and always going the peaceful approach as he doesn’t like violence and hurting others physically and emotionally. Preferring to be supportive and cheering up but leads to making fights breaking out or escalating things unintentionally.
Greatest Love
Bringing smiles to others faces and showing others how to find their childlike wonder again.
To explore and see the wonders of the world and through it make countless friends and memories