Heroes have existed for centuries, in stories as old as language. Gods and men come together to fight against the evils that plagued the world. As time went by these stories became myth and legend, just another tale in the lexicon of human history. That was until the dawn of the Supermen during the second world war.
The Justice Society of America brought together a group of heroes capable of incredible feats of strength, both of mind and body. Their heroics captured the imagination of the world and inspired others to speak out against injustice. Eventually, public perception would twist. The heroes saved the day from the villains, but without the heroes would there be villains?
External and internal pressure during the Cold War brought about the end of the JSA. Overtime many of the aging heroes retired and while some may have occasionally drifted into the limelight many thought the days of super-heroics being a daily occurrence were behind them.
That was until 2010 the surface world was invaded by the warriors of Atlantis.
Earths Mightiest Heroes banded together in our moment of need to save us, and gradually over time would come to be the organization known as the Justice League. For a time public perception seemed to favour them, however mounting global political pressure meant that when innocent bystanders were killed when an alien named Despero came seeking to test his strength.
In the 4 years since, while many heroes still exist there is no unified front, the question on everyones mind?
When Justice Falls, what prevails?
This is the other half of the One Universe game that doesn't exist, and yes the Earths Mightiest Heroes joke was intentional. This is an interest check so I'm going to keep things brief.
I've got what should be a fun, yet different, GM plot and I think my setting is pretty cool. My goal is to allow people to make their DC character whomever they want, and said individual can be at any point in their career that you want them to be (Legacies have to be regarded on a case-by-case basis. If someone wants to play an Older Nightwing with an Old Man Batman as their NPC then that would be acceptable. If we have a Batman player and someone wants to play Nightwing we have to discuss things with both players to make it work).
In the setting of roleplay only three things are currently fixed in the timeline.
- The JSA was active during WW2 and disbanded around the time of the Cold War.
- The Justice League formed during an attack on the surface world from Atlantis (accidentally making Aquaman a character with a potentially super cool character arc)
- An incident where Despero attacked the Hall of Justice caused political tides against the JL, which forced them to disband, four years ago.
Who's interested?