... | Academy Staff |
![]() | Albrecht Nortwin Chancellor Ouranian Eccentric and carefree, Chancellor Nortwin is paradoxically the last person you'd expect to be in charge of an esteemed academic institution yet also fits the bill perfectly. Such is the strength of the mana in his veins that even nearly halfway through his third century, Nortwin's youthful exuberance has yet to fade, and he seems to be making the most of it while it lasts. Despite his fits of whimsy, he keeps the magelights on and the academy running smoothly (though it's debatable how much of that is due to Nortwin's influence and how much can be attributed to the rest of the administrative faculty) and is always willing to hear a student out. It was his decision to begin the instruction of dark magic within Glynwood's halls and his approval that allowed the Magisterium's battlemage preparatory program to be tested at the institute, for better or for worse. There's a local rumor that any time someone mentions that they think he should step down as head of the university, Nortwin will miraculously know and do something controversial soon after. Aura: A brilliant sunburst of white light that separates into a kaleidoscopic array of colors at the fringes, accompanied by the faint sounds of a phantom violin. ............................................................................ |
![]() | Renault Auristel Overseer of War Magic Curriculum Second Battlemage Ouranian The current darling of the Magisterium political scene, Second Battlemage Auristel first came into the public eye after his first defeat of rebel leader Solomon Anedor and has only grown in popularity since. Though only a hundred and four years of age, he used his unique style of pyromancy to great effect against the undead hordes of the secessionists and the necromancers that controlled them alike, and his exemplary service record quickly earned him renown amongst other magi. After the final defeat of Anedor, many were under the belief that his meteoric rise to power would culminate in Auristel claiming the vacant seat on the Heptarchy, and it came as a surprise to all when he resigned himself to education of all things. Some believe that he was assigned to oversee the Realm's new battlemage preparatory program strategically in order to curtail his growing influence, while others believe he chose the post of his own volition. Whatever the truth, he has been known to take an interest in pre-Republic historical sites, like those found in the ruins upon which Glynwood sits. Aura: A bonfire of golden flames that fan out at their apex like the wings of a phoenix. |
![]() | Nicodemos Selendor Third Battlemage Tellurian Renault Auristel's second-in-command and accomplished battlemage in his own right, Nicodemos accompanies Renault as surely as his own shadow does. An apt comparison in many respects, as the taciturn umbramancer lacks the force of personality that Auristel does, and much prefers lurking in the background while Renault leads from the front in all his shining glory. Word is that they've been joined at the hip ever since their own academy years, and Renault's tenure at Glynwood is no exception, even if Selendor does consider it a waste of their talents. Aura: Shadows that flow like ink in sluggish undulations around him. Gazing within gives one the distinct feeling that they are being watched. |
![]() | Victoria Charbeneau Vice-Chancellor Artifice & Pyromancy Instructor Ouranian The heiress to one of the Realm's largest suppliers of crystallized magicite, a key ingredient in runic engravings on many enchantments, Vice-Chancellor Charbeneau is well established in nearly every corner of Cresvald. She remains professional and polite in even the most unpleasant interactions, rarely letting anything disrupt her poker face, but make no mistake; her reputation for utterly ruthless business acumen is well-founded, and to draw her ire is to invite swift and decisive retribution. Her foray into education has been described by herself as a whim that every magistrix gets eventually, to pass on her knowledge to an apprentice or two. Or several hundred. While it's no secret that her administrative position was earned by merit of being one of the academy's largest donors, her extensive knowledge of all things in her field gifts Glynwood with a very comprehensive artifice program, and her Advanced Pyromancy seminar is considered among the best elemental courses at the academy by upperclassmen. Aura: Dancing motes of light that dart about like a swarm of fireflies in a strangely hypnotic pattern. |
![]() | Varen Galenos Transmutation Instructor Cohort VII Overseer Tellurian The only battlemage on staff whose time at Glynwood preceded Auristel's arrival, Varen formerly worked security for a reclusive Prefect in the east, only to shift career focus upon her death. The complexity of most transmutation courses usually reserves them for upperclassman, so he's hardly thrilled about having to oversee a new cohort of freshmen this year. While aloof, he's not outright dismissive, and he takes his job as an educator as seriously as his old vocation. His advice on magic might seem a bit more tailored to dueling than more scholarly pursuits, but he's seen enough magi over his career to offer at least passingly relevant commentary on nearly any field. Aura: A turbulent whirlpool of deep ocean water, whose waves seem to form into blades at their crest. |
![]() | Beatrix Dorne High Magic Instructor Tellurian A friendly and cheerful woman, Beatrix tries her best to make the lofty heights of High Magic accessible to novice magi, and encourage them to delve deeper into the field rather than wallow in the slums of low magic forever like some people. Like most High Mages of renown, she has a bit of an ego when it comes to her field, and derides aural magic as quaint at best, believing a mage's true potential lies in advanced rituals that throttle the heavens themselves. Beatrix personally oversees most modifications to the local weather around the academy, and can often be talked into revealing the forecast before the schedule has been officially posted. Her voice can often be heard through the halls, bickering with her husband about the merits of High Magic and its practicality in everyday situations. She swears they aren't even married. Aura: A geyser of mana that shifts between shades of pinks and lavenders. Complex runic patterns trace themselves into the air around her, only to be washed away by the upwelling as they near completion. |
![]() | Caleb Dorne General Elementalism Instructor Ouranian A mischevious man who seems to enjoy getting a rise out of people, the other Professor Dorne couldn't be further from his wife. Most of the academy's elemental magic curriculum falls under his purview, and its ubiquity among the magical population (unfortunately) makes Caleb one of the most present influences on Glynwood students over the course of their education. Nevertheless, he's quite popular, much to his wife's consternation, and he's often seen arguing with her about the pragmatic superiority of "low magic" to stuffy rituals that take all day to cast. He will call you a nerd if he catches you reading from a spellbook. Be warned. Aura: A chaotic tempest of all four classical elements, all clashing against each other explosively as they fight for dominance of the field. |
![]() | James Finnigan Abjuration & Binding Instructor Tellurian Formerly a witchhunter for the Magisterium, Finnigan retired from a long career of hunting down lawbreaking mages in favor of scaring the next generation into compliance. Or trying to, at least. His teaching is blunt and no-nonsense; if a student does something stupid, he'll tell them in no uncertain terms that such a mistake could wind up getting them killed in a real altercation. Despite his gruff exterior, however, James Finnigan is ever the advocate of public safety, and ensures no student leaves Glynwood's hallowed halls without the confidence and ability to protect themselves in the event they run into trouble, even if he has to hound them for their entire tenure. Aura: A field of rattling, ethereal chains within a swirl of fog, each engraved with runes of binding. |
![]() | Darius Melcroft Dark Magic Instructor Ouranian As a common born mage hailing from a small archipelago off the western coast of Cresvald, Darius has little public history from which to draw from, even for a dark mage. His extensive knowledge of necromancy allegedly comes from an apprenticeship in his home prefecture, though he will not name his teacher if pressed, and he presumably fought in the war in some capacity on the rebel side. Beyond that, the man is an enigma; stoic and flat in his interactions and rarely offering more information than necessary. Naturally, his arrival at Glynwood has been fraught with controversy over his potential political allegiances and preferred style of magic, not at all aided by his ever-present mask similar to those worn by the upstart Sons of Anedor. Aura: A roiling cloud of ash. From within, flashes of eerie light can be seen blinking in and out of existence like lightning in a far off storm cloud. |
![]() | Rudolf Burglund Adjunct Professor of Arcane Theory Tellurian With a mere thirty-seven years under his belt and an uncanny tendency to accidentally sneak up on people, Rudolf seems to have little business in an instructional position among magi many decades his senior. Or he would, were he not a magical prodigy for all intents and purposes, even if he doesn't believe so himself. He hails from a line of prestigious battlemagi, though you'd never guess from interacting with one so soft-spoken and nonconfrontational, and it's presumed to be no coincidence that he was hired by the academy concurrently with the introduction of their battlemage preparatory curriculum. Accusations of nepotism certainly aren't helped by the fact that Rudolf is a terrible educator that's far too meek to command a classroom. Nevertheless, he's an extremely talented caster for his age - the knowledge is clearly there, he just doesn't stutter it out right. Aura: Tongues of deep purple mana that enfold around him like the petals of a rose. |
![]() | Hieronymous Symbelion Divination & Astromancy Instructor Ouranian Ancient. Wise. Powerful. Hieronymous is everything a mage could be - should be. Nearing an extraordinary five hundred years of age, the elderly man knows he does not have much time left, and thus he aims to spread his immense knowledge with a fervor unmatched by his younger years. Rumor is he foresaw his own death, but it's far more likely that he simply realizes that few reach his age and fewer still surpass it. Ever the scholar, Hieronymous served a brief tenure as Prefect in a heartland province about two centuries ago before stepping down after a mere eight months, claiming governance distracted him from his studies. Apparently it was not in jest, as one could fill a book with a list of all his publications nearly as long as the publications themselves. Aura: A cloud of multicolored astral mist, like a luminous nebula localized around him. Gazing within, one can see the semblance of ghostly figures in the gaseous swirls, their eyes twinkling like stars, though no two people report seeing exactly the same thing inside the fog, even if viewing it from the same angle. |
![]() | Portia Meliae Botanical Magic & Alchemy Instructor Tellurian Perhaps famous as the author of From Seed To Paradise, a staple in modern botanomantic terraforming concepts, Portia served as a senior consultant for the Bureau of Terraforming and Climate Manipulation for much of her life. Academy staff note that the Belworth case has recently sent her into a bit of a melancholy - not the trial per se, but the events leading up to it. While otherwise reserved and studious, she has some strong opinions about the Bureau's management of the situation and maintains the entire scenario could've been avoided. Fortunately, she avoids being roped into any political discussion on the matter despite this perceived sympathy for Belworth by taking a strongly anti-necromantic stance. Nobody likes arguing politics with a centrist. Aura: A gentle viridian glow, breached by rays of light like sunbeams from above. The smell of fresh soil emerges when the aura is first manifested, only to be overtaken by fresh floral scents over time. ............................................................................ |