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Hidden 17 days ago Post by ArticBeaver
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ArticBeaver It's not what you think

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Location: School
Skills: N/A

Becker took a deep breath, her grip on the knife tightening as Kaitlyn secured the door with the chair. The muffled groans of the zombified teacher inside the classroom were still audible, but for now, they were safe. Becker nodded to Kaitlyn, appreciating her quick thinking.

"Nice work," she said, her voice slightly breathless from the adrenaline. She glanced down the hallway, scanning for any more threats. “We need to keep moving and get out of this place. That door’s not going to hold forever.”

Becker motioned for Kaitlyn to follow her, staying close to the walls as they moved further down the hallway. “Let’s stick together and keep an eye out. We’re not out of this yet.”
Hidden 17 days ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Location: New York City, Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

It seemed the movies didn't always lie as the whole "is somebody here a doctor" bit proved true. The man was getting care which left her to see if she can make it home to avoid whatever the hell was going on in the city. Moving body bags and collapsing diner patrons. Perhaps it was a viral outbreak? Just her luck to be in a city where walking down the street put you nearby potentially thousands of people.

Before she could get up and move the doctorlooked at her, requesting more ice. Figures. Ask the two women nearby on a fetch quest. Verity fought an eye-roll, knowing it was going to help the man burning up. She stood up and faced Kali. "Shall we go fetch ice for our doctor friend here?" It was rhetorical and Verity waited for the girl to move. After all, Verity wasn't sure where one got ice in places like this.

Hidden 16 days ago Post by Kuro
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Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

Kali nodded in response. She hadn't known much about medical treatment, but she was willing to do anything for Jeff. To her surprise, however, Kali and the others would soon find unexpected help as a doctor had walked out from the bathroom, and quickly went to aid Jeff. Focusing her attention on the doctor, she proceeded to listen attentively for any and all instructions that he might have—the first of which happened to be a request for more ice.

"Right," Kali nodded, then turning her attention to the blonde that had approached them earlier. "This way." She spoke to the blonde as she began her way back to the soda fountain for more ice.

Once she reached the soda fountain, Kali pulled out a couple cups and placed them on the nearby counter. She wasn't certain how much ice the doctor would need, but Kali felt it would be better to grab more than potentially needed just in case. Picking up one of the cups and pressing it against the ice dispenser, Kali then turned to face the woman who had begin requested to fetch ice with her. "Do you..." She asked with a pause, the fear of the worst infiltrating her thoughts. "Do you think he'll be okay? He'll make it, right?"
Hidden 16 days ago 16 days ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Hermes made his way towards the car, opening the door before shuffling into the passenger seat and scooting down so that his shins rested against the glove compartment of his cousin's car. His mind was racing with possibilities, things that could happen as well as things they should do. Scenarios about how best to approach situations should they arise, a slew of hypotheticals occupying his thoughts until he was inevitably snapped out of it. He watched as Mandy handed her phone to Hannah, then turned her attention to him in the meanwhile.

At first he just shrugged. Silently looking past her, out the window, wanting to turn his back to her so he could feel alone. But he knew that wasn't right. ”It's hard to say. Call it…a gut feeling. Like a…pit…in my stomach. There's choppers, that's not normal, above us. The national message, and…I overheard some of the paramedics talking about a similar case like my gym teacher when we were at the school. We have nothing to defend with and…what if I can't protect you? I need to be alert. To hear what you can't. But what if I'm not enough?” He signed as his eyes began to well with tears.
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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@Trainerblue192@Kirah Hannah accepted Mandy's phone and quickly started to type in her address on the maps app on Mandy's phone before handing it back to her. On the screen it would be about a fifteen minute car drive but luckily it was straight down a few blocks and she didn't have to make any turns yet anyway. Hannah had chosen to sit in the back of the seat letting Hermes take the front passenger seat as she leaned back slightly she couldn't get a view of what they were signing to each other from her point of view. Mandy and Hermes would be able to see the chaos slowly starting to happen, some people were already trying to steal from smaller local businesses.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School
Skills: N/A

Kaitlyn turned to the woman who had approached the two of them she wasn't sure if she was a student or another teacher or not. "Are you a student or a teacher here?" Kaitlyn asked Waverly as she looked over at Becker for a moment she gave the other woman a slight nod as her attention went to Waverly. "I have no idea what happened or whats causing it. It happened to the school's coach as well as a student to." Kaitlyn said with a slight sigh.

"You are welcome to join us or leave if you choose to it's up to you we are looking for any students or teachers who weren't able to get out yet." Kaitlyn told the newcomer as she started to follow shortly behind Becker down the hallway as they finished looking through the small windows through the doors. Then there was a loud scream coming down from another corridor and Kaitlyn quickly went to investigate what was going on. She came to what looked like a science classroom and a pair of students had made a fort of sorts with chairs trying to keep out an infected student trying to get at them.

Flynn Price

Location: Twin Seasons.
Skills: N/A

Flynn remained pretty still as he eyed Jeff wondering if he was going to turn or not like the man had done earlier as he watched the doctor doing his thing. His eyes wondered to Kali and Verity as the two of them started to get several cups of ice to give to Jeff at the doctor's request. "Is he going to be okay?" Flynn asked looking at the doctor, who was still checking his pulse and looked up at Flynn. "The fever right now seems to be the worse thing and he needs to go to a hospital and soon." He told him, Flynn nodded slightly.

The girls were able to fill up a few cups, what sounded like sirens came by and an ambulance was now starting to pull up, and a pair of paramedics were getting out and heading inside one of them quickly went to check up on Jeff, the other paramedic came over to the two girls getting ice. "Are either of you hurt or need any treatment?" They asked the two of them.
Hidden 11 days ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

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Mandy Mason

Location: Car
Skills: N/A

"You are enough." Mandy says seriously before starting to follow the directions to Hannah's house. As she drives she watches what is happening. Her stomach tightens getting more nervous.

"Listen to the radio." She tells Hermes. "Let me know if there is news." Mandy was upset about leaving her family behind. What if something happened in her parent's neighborhood? What if... There were many what-ifs, Mandy didn't want to go down that path.

Mandy wasn't sure what was happening yet. Some illness was causing this. How did it pass? She hated masks cause they covered people's mouths and it made dealing with hearing people harder, and got rid of a whole part of the grammar of ASL.

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Hidden 9 days ago Post by Framing A Moose
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Framing A Moose Overshare Extraordinaire

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Waverley Watts

Location: School
Skills: N/A

Waverley turned her attention to the younger of the two women, her lips parting to answer the question. No words immediately came out from them, though; it was a bit hard to explain, after all, that Waverley was neither teacher nor student, just some rando who came to this school on a hunch. Then, the other began to them down the hallway. Her companion followed immediately. Waverley hesitated - the alternatives were few. If she didn't follow her only other option was the cop on the loose outside, or the creepy teacher. One last look at him, and Waverley quickly caught up with the others.

"Neither," Waverley finally answered as she fell in behind Kaitlyn. She seemed disinterested in explaining why she was there, instead trying to put together a semi-clear understanding of what was going on. "Whatever's happening, I think it's happening all over Manhattan. The cops have been all over the place, trying to tackle something I don't think they understand."

Waverley tensed up as an ear-piercing scream wrung out. Waverley kept pace with Kaitlyn, speeding to see who the cause was, and help them if at all possible. When the pair arrived at the source, they found a pair of students defending themselves with a makeshift barricade in hopes that it'd stop the one that held that sickly pallor the teacher had had. She tensed up, not entirely sure of what she could do to help.

"Hey, kid, uh," she called out, her attention on the seemingly sick student. Her eyes were cautiously fixed on the kid, her foot scooting backwards. "There are some ambulances outside - maybe there's someone who can help out there?" It was not Waverley's predisposition to be afraid of the ill, but even she couldn't stop a feeling of creeping fear from crawling up her back. It was a fear that caused her to step back, nervously preparing to stumble back if necessary.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by Trainerblue192
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Seeing his cousin tell him he was enough, helped to calm him just a little bit. He almost felt like a child again, back when he was first learning about this side of his family. Running through any knowledge that may help him best help her in this type of situation. He needed a flashlight, something bright in the event she was outside of arm's reach,to help grab her attention. It would be similar to the silent alarms they install in their house. What else?

His mind kept racing, halfway listening to the news on the radio as they drove to Hannah's place. Nothing new had come on, but he was grateful for the task. For now it seemed that they would just repeat the same warnings periodically, urging people to stay indoors while reminding everyone of the curfew. Looting had already begun, not even a day in and people were on the streets vandalizing storefronts and taking what they could carry. What were they even trying to fix? There wasn't a known cure so what was the sense in robbing?
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by Kuro
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Kali Nordstrom

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

Worry—it was the only thing on Kali's mind. As the ice hit the bottom of the cup, she couldn't stop thinking about Jeff. Regardless of what the other woman had to say, if anything at all, Kali was still nonetheless fearful. Was the bite wound somehow connected to him passing out? Would Jeff somehow catch whatever had made their coworker crazy, like it was some kind of foodborne illness? Kali didn't know. After all, she was no doctor or anyone else with medical knowledge.

Resigning her worries to focus on the present, Kali hurried up with the ice and continued to fill a couple more cups. Before she could bring them to the doctor, however, an ambulance arrived just in the nick of time, where one of the first responders went in to check on the two women. "No, we're fine, but," Kali replied, her words hinted with ushered concern. "Jeff—he needs help. Please, he needs medical treatment."
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Nallore
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Nallore RPG's Grope Master & Taco Hunter. :P

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@Trainerblue192@Kirah As they got closer to Hannah's place Hermes and Hannah were both able to hear a radio news broadcast that came shortly after the whole national emergency broadcast finished playing. "We'll keep news on this global pandemic going as long as we can. We have the head of the CDC to tell us what they know. So Doctor Kingsley Anderson what can you tell us?" The radio news reporter asked, as a English sounding man's voice came up next.

"We are still trying to figure out the origins of the virus and where it originated from. From what we know any bite, or bodily fluid from an infected individual will lead to an infection. We have doctors and virologists working around the clock around the world on solutions. It is best to stay away from anyone who have been displaying symptoms, and report it as well to." Doctor Kingsley Anderson said over the radio. Mandy would be able to make it in front of Hannah's apartment building. "Thank you." Hannah said looking at both Hermes and Mandy as she got out of the car.

There was an elderly couple a man and a woman going across the street when a panicked individual driving a truck was speeding past ended up running over the elderly man and sped off in a hit and run. Hannah's eyes went wide as she looked at Hermes and Mandy before going to see what she could do to help.

Kaitlyn Carver

Location: NYC, School
Skills: N/A

Kaitlyn's eyes went wide seeing a pair of students trying to fend themselves off from another student who looks like was infected the same way that the teacher that they had encountered earlier did. Kaitlyn turned to Waverly and Becker she needed to get the two students out and away from here. "Get them to safety i'll distract it." Kaitlyn said to them as she started to yell loudly trying to get the infected student's attention which worked.

"Hey come overe here!" Kaitlyn yelled loudly getting their attention she looked around and spotted a pair of scissors nearby which Kaitlyn quickly picked up to defend herself with. "Hurry up and get them out of here!" Kaitlyn yelled at the two of them to get moving Kaitlyn grabbed a chair as well to and used it as a way to keep the infected student away from her as it got closer to her again.

Flynn Price

Location: Twin Seasons.
Skills: N/A

"What about you ma'am?" The paramedic asked looking over at Verity to see if she was okay and if she had been bitten or not she would see on his name tag that his name was Dave. "Do you need any medical assistance?" He asked as he looked to his other partner, Becker was on another call at a local school nearby. Dave then turned to look at Kali and gave her a slight smile. "We'll get him there don't worry." Dave said as he went back to the ambulance and grabbed a stretcher from the ambulance. The two of them would then get Jeff firmly secured on the stretcher doing another check on his pulse.

Flynn started to relax slightly as he watched the two paramedics usher the infected cook away from them, though he decided to keep the knife just in case something else happened. Isaac came back out shortly after looking at the others that were still there and then over at Kali. "I'm going to lock up go and get home." He told her and looked at the remaining guests and staff that stayed in the restaurant. "You'll all have to leave for your safety please." Isaac told everyone.
Hidden 2 days ago Post by Kirah
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Kirah Dragonbunny

Member Seen 2 days ago

Mandy Mason

Location: Car
Skills: N/A

Mandy parked the car, letting Hannah out of the car. She was oblivious to the news cast, but she didn't miss the accident. She made a strangled noise. "Call 911." She told Hermes. Someone had to, and she couldn't without going through hoops.

Mandy made sure she had the kitten in the bag and started over toward the man who had been hit and the woman. She wasn't trained to help people. She wasn't a nurse or anything, though she did have medical knowledge. Learning about animals required a lot of biology knowledge.

As Mandy checked the man over she could tell that he was still alive but he needed medical help quickly. "Tell them what happened and he is alive but not doing well." She signed at Hermes, trying to keep her signs slow enough and clear for him. Her hands were shaking slightly.
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