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Hidden 7 mos ago 7 mos ago Post by Roman
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Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.021: Chicanery on the Shoreline

Interaction(s): @Lord Wraith, Lorcán // @PatientBean, Calliope & @webboysurf, Rory // @Qia, Harper

Aurora and Harper exchanged greetings and replies and Gil found himself pleasantly distracted, in good company, good climate, and with plenty of exciting external stimuli. It was good to get back into the swing of things, find himself slipping back into the right frame of mind and the right way of talking, socializing. With the rest of Blackjack arriving - even Amma, offset in the distance but distinctly within earshot and sight-line, keeping tabs even if she deliberately separated herself, wasn't immune to the bond the team had been able to foster in the short year Gil had been attending the university; Katja, her towering stature exaggerated even further against Amma's significantly slighter frame, scooped up the dark woman with the ferocious affection she was notorious for. Gil's back ached in sympathy at the sight of the embrace - but he smiled warmly, appreciating the intention of the gesture, afforded even to those who placed themselves on the fringes of the team.

Any affection for the unlikely group of compatriots was quickly replaced with the sheer crippling weight of second-hand embarrassment. Lorcán and Aurora were quickly engaged in conversation - expected, and with all the normal amount of pointedly not discussing the obvious chemistry and electricity between the two - but this quickly unraveled as Rory - god bless him, with all the good intention in the world - injected what, Gil thought, was a surprisingly clever play to pitch the two dancing love-birds face-first into each other. Unfortunately, such a play was lost on the naive and too-nice, and all that really ended up happening was Rory pitching egg into his own face, and Lorcán pitching straight over the cooler that, again, had been delivered with Rory-brand good-vibes in mind. Gil couldn't help but pull his hands down his face as he watched the scene unfold in front of him and the rest of Blackjack, utterly powerless to stop any of it. Calliope, ever the aloof team mother, had watched the same events, and come to the same conclusion, and had helped Lorcán up before Gil had had time to react and interject himself for the same assistance.

He turned back to Harper and smiled, a well-practiced sparkle twinkling in his eyes, that 'don't worry, you're the only person here I want to talk to' look that he and Artie rehearsed for signings and red carpet interviews.
"It's times like these, Harp, that I remember how lucky I am to literally be in three places at once."
With that, one after the other, two perfect-replica Gil's stepped forwards from the original himself, a shimmer in the air around all three as matter and HZEs rearranged themselves at Gil's will into new forms.
"Gentlemen." The three said to each other, simultaneously, the overlapping identical voices creating a strange echoing harmony.

2"Harper," Gil2 said, maintaining the smile and giving a polite nod to Harper, Gil3, and Gil. He went to Lorcán, helping him brush sand from his back and kicking ice away into the far-sand. He gently swiped the fallen seltzer from the sand nearby Lorcán's bruising foot, winking as he did so - they both knew the red-cheeked young man didn't really want it - and scooped an orange soda from the freshly-chilled cooler instead, thrusting it into Lorcán's open hand with one arm, while the other swung around Lorcán's shoulder and they gently stepped away from the group's earshot, head lowering as Gil2 began to offer what he thought sounded like sage advice, and hoped would be the catalyst to Lorcán just being frank with his feelings.3"Ms. Baxter," Gil3 said, maintaining the smile and giving a polite nod to Harper, Gil2, and Gil. He went to Rory and Calliope, collecting a beer for himself and an energy drink for Rory, seeking to rally behind his well-intentioned friend and hoping that he and Calliope could streamline the plan somewhat and help Rory in his ever-quest to help other people. And perhaps, in the process, help himself - don't think Gil hadn't noticed how Rory looked at Haven sometimes. Or Katja. Or Mei. Or even Banjo - not that Gil had any problem with that direction of things, but Banjo, of all the eligible bachelors around campus?. Hey big guy, maybe pick a lane and let other people pass, hunk.
Gil - the original Gil, that is - meanwhile carefully followed Harper over to Amma and Katja, keeping one eye on his Strigidae companion, and the other on the combined-terrifying and separately-intimidating light-and-dark pair they approached.
"Fortunately, that means you ladies have me all to yourself, Elf-Eyes," said Gil, keeping that same smile plastered across his face. As Harper called them over, he waved cheerily, doing his best to present as welcoming a facade as he could manage; he'd have preferred the one-on-one time with Harper - perhaps Lorcán wasn't the only one thinking about the dance and potential partners, though he'd keep that to himself for the time being - but still, to be nearby was enough. And Amma, despite her idiosyncrasies, was at times enthralling company in her own right.

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Hidden 7 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.022: within & without.
Interaction(s): katja. @Zoldyck - harper. @Qia - gil. @Roman
Previously: TBD

"Yeah, well, that's their problem."

Amma lances back swiftly, a flicked wrist of dismissal punctuation what little space remained between her and Katja. She was the only one to approach Amma this way, the entitlement to her breadth of existence that most [really, everyone] allowed her. Gave her. Sometimes, Amma wonders if they even realize they stare, that she can feel their eyes and toiling apprehensions whenever she draws near. As if a specter or harbinger of ill premonition. If Amma didn't know better [and who was to say it wasn't true] she would say they were simply afraid.

It's fascinating. She often ponders just how much closer she could get, how far she could bend and break; how far she could take them if they only allowed it to be so. Loneliness did not bedevil her life or shade it in monochromatic lenses, and years prior bartered companionship in the currency of heated flesh and baited breaths. Lovers came and went, for never would she bequeath them with any other term. And friends?

And yet-

Wrapped in her massive arms sired spears of warmth through her spine, spindling down her arms as she huffed and uttered: "Down girl." Her voice lilted in a whisper before the waters caressed her feet once more.

"If I did, I wouldn't ever tell you, Kat-ja." Her name snapped from her pout, teeth edged into something of a smile.

Katja was imposing and intimidating in every facet of a woman, impossible strength laced through every muscle, every detail pronounced and exaggerated - intense, she thinks. In those nuances, they are alike, creatures of dramatic purpose and poise. She contemplates if maybe this is why Katja sought her out as one of the first in their team to talk to her, to invade her life [because personal space meant nothing to her, clearly] and cast the literal sunshine of her demeanor against her harsh edges.

That sphere of influence of which consumed her hummed suddenly with an appetence that was eternal through her very blood, bones aching and power thrumming 'neath flesh as her gaze turns oblique through her swept lashes. So, it took only one for the others to work up the nerve to approach her, she recalls maybe once or twice they've said her name; included her, tried to bring her into that fold. She traded small musings here and there, enough to announce her name and part of her previous education, parts of her power that even she sometimes grew fearful of.

She'd never tell them though. Not even Katja.
She won't even admit it to herself.

Camaraderie was a perspiring beer can and the light of her eyes fixated on the brunette, her name...
"Harper," she labels, a manipulated wind stirring through her hair where she lifts her hands, rakes nails back through the locks and brings up her glasses to get a better look at her. Straight-laced, polished, rigid almost. A woman that carries herself in refined discipline, it's in her very posture, Amma notes and reaches with a ring-bedecked hand, her nails tapping against the aluminum and grazing over her kind gesture.

She hums a: "Thank you." Her nails pricking against the tab, not opening it quite yet. She doesn't drink cheap pilsner by any means, but she wouldn't know that, now would she. Amma cants her head to glance over her shoulder, yonder to where the others stay, and thinks she maybe spies the neck of what could only be a wine bottle.

Huh, so Rory [she remembers, for often she caught his compelling stare] was listening.

It's the collective commotion next that Amma finds distracting; interesting, humorous. Her lips lift, a grin that Katja once told her was far more endearing carving through her cheeks as Lorcán - yes, that's right - falls. What a fascinating display! On his back, arms splayed, disheveled. Amma almost laughs, a manic sputter that plants itself in her throat and chest.

She wonders what he would look like on his knees instead. With those molten eyes, he could certainly be her undoing.

Amma knows nothing of the mentioned dance, and she can hardly inquire further when another joins their trio.

"Well, you certainly have plenty to spare, don't you. Gil." Her aforementioned laughter spilling across her tongue, a soft chortle that caressed her lips around his name. Katja made plenty sure that she knew them, drilling such into her memory despite her initial protests. Amma didn't care, didn't want to know. Names were titles of affection, names held power. Sway. Manipulation. It was what marked creatures of life, and even those of death. Amma angles herself carefully, offering her profile as she balances her nails on her beverage, the brightness of her stare sweeping down his figure before climbing up in slow increments, every detail committed.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Zoldyck
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Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.023: Inevitable embrace
Interaction(s): Amma @Rockette, Harper @Qia, Gil @Roman
Previously: TBD

“Coming from you, that’s basically an admission.” Katja said with a chuckle as she looked down at the smaller girl, still grinning from ear to ear.

It had taken a few months of trying, but Katja finally felt like she had broken through the French girl’s barriers and was considered a close friend, even if Amma herself wouldn’t admit it to the South African.

There was something about Amma, an energy that surrounded her. Where others had seemingly been repulsed by this aura, to Katja it seemed to have the direct opposite effect. She was drawn to the raven haired girl in a way that was hard to explain. She was powerful, mysterious and beautiful in a terrifying way, like a primeval force contained in a delicate vessel. But most of all, she seemed to understand that there was a greater purpose for her in this world. And for those like her.

PRCU was a world of fellow Hypes, of peers, of brothers and sisters. Katja had met many great people during her time at this institution. People she loved and cared for deeply as friends to the point that they felt like family. She had even developed romantic feelings for some, though they seemed to be too dense to realize it themselves. But deep down she knew that none of them shared the way she viewed the world they lived in. Despite the love she received from them, which she would always return tenfold if she could, there was always a sense of isolation. As she was forced to keep her own thoughts to herself, or risk being branded an extremist and instantly lose all those she loved so dearly.

That changed last year when, finally, Katja encountered a single person who she felt could be a kindred spirit.

She knew that Amma didn’t directly share the same ideology as herself. But that wasn’t the point, not really anyway. It was the way Amma carried herself. She did not seek to ingratiate herself with others. To compromise who she was. What she was. She would proudly use her destructive powers, not caring for the opinions of others as she did. To Katja, this was what it truly meant to be a Hyperhuman.

Katja blinked, realizing she zoned out for a second and had been staring at Amma. Lifting her gaze, she looked back at the rest of her teammates. It was then that she realized that Harper was making her way over to the pair of them with two beers in her hands. Ah, alcohol, just what she needed.

Her grin, which had faltered a bit during the zoning out, returned in full force at the sight of Harper. Katja enjoyed Harper’s presence. You always knew where she stood on things and that no-nonsense attitude combined with her strong sense of morality were very much appreciated by the South African.

Katja was about to call out to Harper when she looked over the brunette’s shoulder to see Lorcán trip over the cooler. While it looked like something out of a slapstick routine, Katja couldn’t help but flinch as she saw the young hothead tumble. Luckily Calliope, the firm but caring mother of Team Blackjack, quickly arrived on the scene to lend a helping hand, closely followed by Gil, PRCU’s resident movie star.

Bringing her attention back to her direct company, Katja saw that Amma had accepted the offering of beer that Harper had so graciously provided them with. And now the three of them had been joined by Gil too. Or at least, one of him. Despite it being a year now, Katja still struggled with seeing the same person at three different places at the same time. How did he even do it? She was barely able to focus on one thing at a time, yet here he was doing three completely unrelated things simultaneously!

Looking down at the pair in front of her, Katja’s mischievous grin returned. Harper and Gil stood in close proximity to each other… And within arms reach of the blonde giant. Spreading her arms, she scooped Harper up with her left and Gil with her right arm with ease before engaging in a tight embrace. “I missed seeing all of you.”

Gently placing the pair back down on solid ground, Katja put her left hand on Harper’s right shoulder and her right on Gil’s left. “It’s been so long, we have so much to discuss. And so much to look forward to of course! Like the dance! Have the two of you found someone for the dance yet?” She looked down at her two peers, a honestly innocent smile on her lips as she waited for one, or both, to reply.

But before either of them could reply Katja noticed the spare beer can offered in Harper’s hand. “Oh, is that for me? How kind of you!” She said as she removed her hand from their shoulders and gratefully accepted the beverage. Katja immediately opened the can, as she hadn’t drank anything for the entire day yet. She quickly clinked her can against Amma’s, which was still sealed, before downing half the can in one go.

After appreciating the cold drink with a satisfied sigh, Katja returned her attention back to Harper and Gil, clearly expecting an answer to her earlier question.

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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.024: Tempest
Interaction(s): Gil @Roman, Katja @Zoldyck, Amma @Rockette
Previously: Rainbows

Harper’s brows furrowed slightly, a crease forming between them as Amma addressed her. A faint hint of unease washed over her face, like a cloud passing over the sun, as she slowly processed the interaction that was occurring. Despite her innate discipline, a discipline honed through years of tough love and the navigation of complex social waters, she couldn’t help but feel a thread of disconcertment weave through her thoughts, tugged into existence by Amma’s unyielding intensity and her peculiar, almost theatrical mannerisms.

As Harper offered her gift, a cold can with droplets of condensation sliding down its sides, the brunette managed a tight-lipped smile. It was a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes, eyes that were busy noticing the subtle shift in Amma’s stance—the way her grip on the still unopened can had tightened imperceptibly, her knuckles whitening for a moment as if the can be a precious object too worthy of her taste buds.

She doesn’t like it.

Harper didn’t need to use her ability to see that.

Nonetheless, the girl offered a nod, her gesture one of tentative acceptance of the other’s expression of… gratitude? It was a question that hung in the air, unanswered.

She then took note of Amma’s distraction by the others, her eyes briefly flitting over her shoulder to gauge the unfolding scene. Upon witnessing Lorcán’s stumble and subsequent fall, a crease of concern carved itself deeply between her brows, her lips pressing into a thin line of worry. Her body reacted instinctively; a small step forward was taken with the readiness of one prepared to offer aid. However, her attention was abruptly reclaimed by her immediate surroundings as Gil’s voice, deep and unexpected, resonated from just beyond her shoulder. Startled by his unforeseen proximity, Harper’s muscles momentarily coiled tight, her sharp gaze snapping to him. Her mind raced to piece together the silent approach he had managed, her senses heightening as she tried to understand how he had evaded her notice.

A disquieting sensation gnawed at the brunette, an intuition that something was profoundly amiss with the entire scene unfolding before her. Yet, despite her efforts to pinpoint the anomaly, the reason remained elusive, shrouded in a fog of uncertainty that seemed to cloud her usually impeccable judgment. It was as if her mental faculties were ensnared by the same enigma that currently disturbed her peace.

She had to do it now. She had to use it.

The shift in the atmosphere was a subtle one, a nuance that would have escaped any other observer but Harper. They often say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and at this moment, as hazel locked with blue, there was an entire saga written in the depths of their gazes.

As Amma addressed Gil, Harper detected the undercurrent of tension that seemed to weave through the very air around them, a silent tempest gathering strength in the space of their interaction. Amma’s laughter, which to an untrained ear might sound carefree and genuine, carried a certain edge—a sharpness that Harper couldn’t quite identify. It was as though the laughter was nothing more than a fragile facade, a thin veneer that struggled to conceal an underlying strain, a pressure that simmered just beneath the surface, threatening to shatter the illusion at any moment.

Harper’s gaze subtly descended, her eyes narrowing as Amma continued to speak. The slight clench of her jaw and the almost imperceptible grinding of her teeth betrayed a mix of emotions—irritation, wariness, and an emerging twinge of something green and very ugly.

As Amma uttered Gil’s name, it was with a tenderness that seemed to caress each letter, a familiarity that struck a dissonant chord within her.

Harper was no fool; she was acutely aware of the kind of attention Gil often garnered—the admiring glances, the flirtatious conversations, the subtle and not-so-subtle advances.

But this was different.

This was primal.

Harper couldn’t shake the feeling that there was a raw edge to Amma’s voice, a certain timbre that hinted at wild, untamed depths and instinctual urges. It was a tone rich with the resonance of shared secrets and perhaps intimate moments, suggesting a connection that transcended mere acquaintance. This very undertone, this subtle yet unmistakable note of intimacy, set Harper’s nerves on edge, kindling a flame of jealousy that flickered fiercely within her, a flame she desperately fought to keep hidden.

Harper watched, a masochistic part of her unable to look away, as Amma’s gaze began its slow, deliberate descent then ascent of Gil’s form. Her eyes shone with a brightness that belied a deliberate intensity, almost as if she were claiming ownership with her stare. Her eyes appeared to linger on certain points of Gil’s physique, her gaze pausing with an almost predatory precision. It was as though she were etching every contour, every line of his body into her memory, cataloging each detail with a possessiveness that left Harper feeling a cold that could rival Calliope’s inside of her.

Harper’s heart raced, a frenetic drumbeat echoing in her chest. Each pulse was a rapid staccato, a tumultuous rhythm that surged through her veins with an urgency that mirrored her inner turmoil. It was as if her heart was trying to outrun the cascade of emotions that flooded her system—the sharp sting of jealousy, the biting chill of apprehension, and the simmering heat of anger. With every beat, her heart seemed to thrum louder, faster, a wild thing caged within the confines of her ribcage, desperate for release.

Her fingers curled into fists at her sides, nails biting into her palms. The pressure was a grounding force, a physical sensation that helped to tether her to the present moment, to keep her from being swept away by the storm of emotions that raged within her. The world around her seemed to dim, her heightened senses receding as she released her ability, the intensity of the experience leaving her drained and unsettled. As the vibrant hues faded, replaced once more by the muted tones of the evening, Harper was left with a lingering sense of unease, the echoes of her turbulent heartbeats still reverberating in her chest.

And then, Katja’s arm encircled her, drawing her into a tight embrace. Harper’s eyes widened, her breath catching. She hadn’t anticipated this—Katja’s warmth, the unexpected closeness. But as she registered Katja’s genuine joy, the tension in her shoulders eased. The sincerity in her voice was unmistakable, her joy at seeing them again palpable. Harper found herself leaning into the embrace, allowing herself to be enveloped by the warmth of Katja's enthusiasm.

As she adjusted to the closeness of the embrace, Harper became acutely aware of Gil's proximity. Her heart skipped a beat, the earlier chaos of emotions momentarily forgotten as she focused on the sensation of his arm pressed against hers, their bodies sandwiched together within Katja's hold.

"It's good to see you too, Katja," Harper replied, her voice soft and sincere, a small smile playing at the corners of her lips.

As Katja placed them down and settled her hands on their shoulders, Harper couldn’t help but feel a sense of security in the familiarity of the gesture. Despite the chaos of emotions that had plagued her earlier, there was something grounding about the presence of her bulky friend—a steadying force amid uncertainty. 

However, as Katja broached the subject of the dance, Harper’s heart sank. The earlier apprehension rushed back with renewed force. She felt her cheeks warm, the weight of the question settling heavily on her shoulders. The dance—an event that held both excitement and now a great deal of trepidation.

Before Harper could respond, Katja’s attention shifted. A glint caught her eye—the spare beer can still in the brunette's hand. The conversation veered, and Harper’s shoulders relaxed slightly. The weight lifted, if only for a moment. She watched as Katja quickly consumed half the beverage, a brief reprieve from the topic at hand. But even as Harper hoped for a complete change of subject, she knew that Katja’s expectant gaze would soon return to her and Gil.

Steeling herself for the inevitable, Harper mustered a small smile, her eyes flickering towards Gil as she prepared to address Katja's inquiry. "To be honest, I haven't given much thought to the dance yet," she admitted, her voice soft but steady. "I've been so focused on other things that it kind of slipped my mind."

As she finished speaking, Harper couldn't help but wonder how Gil would respond, her stomach tying itself in knots as she awaited his answer.

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Bartimaeus
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Bartimaeus Femboy Gaming

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.025: Chaos is bliss

Interaction(s): Calliope - @PatientBean, Haven @Skai, Anybody else.
Previously: Hungry for a good time

It was a sure invite to chaos when Blackjack got together - and chaos almost always RSVP'd. Today seemed to be no different. The lot of the team was scattered about their own little section of the beach which they had all chosen to collectively infest. Having greeted the couple of members that returned her comradery, Pallyx sipped from the cider, that she had graciously accepted from Rory moments ago, as she watched the scene unfold. The sweet, fruity taste was indeed just was she was looking for - much preferred to the taste of beer, at least for her. It seemed like Rory'd brought a drink for just about everybody. He was a stand-up guy, that was for sure.

Lorcán, unfortunately, was.. the opposite. Pallyx watched the little scene between the three of Lorcán, Rory, and Aurora unfold with a twinge of awkwardness as things went a tad south - culminating in Lorcán tripping over the cooler and crashing into the sand. She drew in a breath of air through her teeth as she tried to avert her eyes but couldn't quite peel them away from the scene.

She took a partial step forward before stopping as she saw Calliope make her own move, helping Lorcán up before giving him what she could only assume was a pep-talk of some sort that she couldn't hear. It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure that Lorcán was interested in asking Aurora to the dance, and Rory was a bit of a blockhead. It seemed, however, that Calliope would perfectly orchestrate a remedy to the confusion - as well as a remedy to the toppled cooler. Pallyx watched as the blonde personally chilled the drinks back into order.

She took a sip from her cider once more before lowering it and growing a relieved smile. She committed herself to raising an elbow and lightly prodding the person closest to her - that person being Haven - as she spoke out to nobody in particular. "Woohoo! Ice Queen here to save the day!" She said cheerily. The exclamation was followed by a couple of choked, dry coughs as the girl turned her head away considerately, before looking back to the group with the same smile she had before. "What would we do without 'er, huh?"
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: The Beach - PRCU
Welcome Home #1.026: Unexpected Turbulence

Interaction(s): Rory @webboysurf, Pallyx @Bartimaeus, Calliope @PatientBean, Gil @Roman, Lorcán @Lord Wraith
Previously: A Shorebird for a Day

Haven couldn't deny the way her heart fluttered as Rory came to stand next to her. His blue eyes were like a wide open sky. The way she had to tilt her head back a bit to see them when he stood this close gave her the same sensation as the freeing moment when her feet first lift off the ground. It was a feeling she hadn't felt towards a person before.

Then he was complimenting her, in his own bashful way. Her smile widened as he did so. When it came to compliments, Haven didn't blush and shy away. Instead, the rush of heat that would have gone to her cheeks spread from her shoulders to her the tips of her wings and toes as he gestured to all of her. Wings. The nickname he gave her years ago had once been an insult to her long before her time at PRCU. When he said it now, it made her proud to have it.

Rory had turned his attention away from her, which gave Haven's skin a chance to cool as she turned to smile at Aurora. In her peripherals she could see that Rory was wiping sweat off his forehead. An implication that he had also experienced the same heat wave that she had. The thought made her wish that Rory hadn't given up the effort so quickly.

Unfortunately, she also noticed the subtle way that Rory's face fell when Aurora asked about his brother. She glanced over at him, before Aurora turned to her now. Haven nodded. "I could be out there all day if I wanted." She responded before Aurora, as Haven expected, turned her undivided attention onto Lorcán. She glanced between the two, a knowing smile growing on her lips before she decided to give them their space.

She turned to Pallyx, who was already sipping on the cider Rory had handed over. "I don't know why I grabbed this." She held up her seltzer. "Cider is way better." Pallyx's eyes were on the other three at the coolers, undoubtedly thinking what everyone else thought when Lorcán and Aurora were speaking to each other. She could even hear Calliope and Banjo discussing it where they sat. Haven simply shrugged, and decided to down half of the seltzer just to finish the drink quicker.

She lifted the drink to her lips, the coolness of it refreshing. Her head turned as she continued to chug, to watch as Rory approached the two shy lovebirds. For a moment she wondered why he hadn't thought to join her and Pallyx. Although it seemed like he had an idea, and was set on accomplishing it before something distracted him.

"Hey Red, Hot Shot over here just reminded me... there's this senior dance after the Homecoming Trials. You want to go?"

Haven nearly choked on her drink. Her wings flared behind her as she tried her best to swallow what she had left. She lowered the can away from her, her left hand coming up to wipe away the bit of seltzer that dripped from her lips. Then she gave Pallyx a thumbs up, in case her sudden reaction caught her friends attention. In the distance she could hear Banjo's cackle, and Calli's mention that Rory was at least trying. Trying to what, though?

Bro, I don’t know what you think you’re doing-,” Haven could hear every word Lorcán was saying as she quietly coughed to clear her throat, “-But I’m pretty sure you’re doing it wrong.

She recovered from her shock just in time to hear Lorcán's words to Aurora. What did Aurora think of this? She won't say yes, right? ... She has every right to say yes if she wanted to. Suck it up. There was no reason for her to get jealous like this. Pallyx sucked in a breath beside her, and Haven glanced towards the trio in time to see why her friend had cringed.

As someone who has always had to pick herself up, Haven thought that Lorcán didn't need to know that she also witnessed his fall. She could already hear Calliope and Gil on the way to help him, whether he wanted it or not. So Haven turned her eyes away from the scene. Almost desperate to hide her own reaction to Rory's question, anyways. Why had he asked Aurora?

Why am I letting this get to me? She thought. These feelings for him hadn't even taken flight until last year, and he wasn't the only one on her mind these days either. The reason she hadn't been with anyone in Blackjack before was because they were her friends before anything else. So if Rory wanted to take someone else, then she was happy for him. She could handle it, like she had handled many disappointments before.

The hardest part of having enhanced hearing was that even though Haven was trying to mind her business, she could hear everything Calliope was saying to Lorcán as she helped him to his feet. "You and I both know he meant well. You're smart, you're attractive, and you are one of the sweetest guys I know. Whether or not Aurora sees through this thinly veiled attempt to get the two of you together, she likes you too. It's a girl thing, trust me." Suddenly her heart felt much lighter. She breathed a soft sigh, and finally moved her eyes back over to Rory. He hadn't said "with me" when he asked Aurora. He would have said them, right?

"What would we do without 'er, huh?" Pallyx chimed in beside her, having caught onto the situation as well. Haven's returning smile expressed her own relief. She turned towards Calli, Gil, and Lorcán and decided to adopt Pallyx's cheerful disposition. "Thanks, mom and dad." She teased Calli and Gil. "Maybe get a water for Lorcán, too. He might have had enough drinks for the day." Hopefully joking that Lorcán was drunk would save him from explaining why he fell over to begin with. Maybe her jokes would hide the fact that she'd been as upset as the fire bender as well.

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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Melissa
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Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.027: No Sunburn Required
Interaction(s): Rory @Webboysurf, Lorcán @Lord Wraith, Calliope @PatientBean, Gil @Roman, Haven @Skai, and Pallyx @Bartimaeus
Previously: I Could Use a Drink

It wasn’t lost on Aurora that Rory’s face seemed to fall at the mention of his brother, his smile fading as soon as the words left her mouth. Oh god, she had said something wrong, didn’t she...

Great job, Rora, way to upset Lorcán’s best friend.

The redhead mentally kicked herself as she attempted to discern what part of the innocent question had troubled Blackjack’s resident golden retriever. She rapidly replayed past conversations the two had had to find an answer, but every stray thought in her brain quieted as soon as she looked up into Lorcán’s sunset-colored eyes. His presence always had a calming effect on her; something about him being there seemed to ground her, which helped her reel in the little voice in the back of her mind. Maybe it was because she felt more comfortable around him than most, or maybe it was just because their friendship was so solid. She barely noticed Rory in her peripheral vision as he approached and injected himself into their forming conversation.

"Hey Red, Hot Shot over here just reminded me... there's this senior dance after the Homecoming Trials. You want to go?"

Aurora nearly got whiplash from how quickly her head spun.

Her eyebrows raised as she looked at Rory, genuine confusion etched into her features. Was she hearing things, or did he just ask her to the senior dance? She could hear Haven choke on her seltzer behind her, confirming that those were indeed the words that had just left his mouth. The redhead looked back to Lorcán, silently hoping that he had a reasonable explanation for this, but he seemed almost as confused as she was. He whispered something to Rory that she couldn’t make out over the pounding of her heartbeat in her ears.

It wasn’t that Aurora didn’t want to go to the dance. In fact, she felt quite the opposite. She was excited about the celebration after the Homecoming Trials and had been looking forward to it for weeks. There was something nice about getting all dressed up and having an evening dedicated to their class’ accomplishments and spending time together in a less studious environment. But all things considered, she was apprehensive about the idea of going with someone. The redhead felt that there was all sorts of pressure associated with having a date and she didn’t know if it was something she even had the capacity for.

Lorcán’s eyes found hers again and tried as she might, she couldn’t read them. “Uh, we’ll definitely talk later,” His smile did not reveal much, although, she knew it wasn’t his normal goofy grin, “I’ll be sure to find Ripley to introduce you,” The warmth of his touch radiated down to the bottom of her toes and lingered even after he removed his hand from her shoulder.

No, no, no, where are you going? Don’t leave me here!

But for the second time today, the next thing she knew, Lorcán had less than gracefully plummeted backwards over the cooler as he attempted to exit, melting most of the ice and taking a few of the drinks with him. The redhead gasped, her eyes darting between the two men in front of her, unsure of how to proceed. One waited expectantly for an answer, while the other had resigned to their fate. Not wanting to embarrass the orange eyed boy more than he probably already was, she glanced at the former.

“Oh god, uh, Rory, I…” Aurora stuttered, still reeling from his previously aforementioned question and the fact that Lorcán lay on the ground no more than a yard from them. She felt her face grow hot as she spoke, no doubt she was turning into a tomato. “I-I don’t think I’m going to go with anyone to the dance. You’re really sweet to ask me, but I don’t think the whole ‘date to the dance’ thing is, well, my thing.”

She moved to help Lorcán up, but Calli appeared and beat her to the punch. The redhead recoiled, and with nowhere else to direct her attention to, looked back at Rory and in a moment of panic, attempted to elaborate her previous statement, “You should ask someone else though, I’m sure whoever you ask will say yes… I mean, I didn’t say yes, but someone other than me will! And I didn’t not say yes because I don’t like you or anything-” She was rambling. How embarrassing.

"All good. Let me fix this."

“-I’m uh, just going to stop talking now.” Aurora shut her mouth promptly, standing there like a deer in headlights as Calliope inserted herself, refreezing the contents of the cooler. The redhead made eye contact with the blonde as she whisked Rory away, something like knowing in her eyes as she waved. The two of them had never seemed to truly hit it off, but in that moment she was thankful that someone else was stepping in to diffuse the situation or at least change the subject.

Aurora turned to where Lorcán had just been, hoping to talk to him and smooth things over, but again, someone else had moved quicker. She realized that Gil had swooped in and moved them away from the group, no doubt wanting to chat about what had just transpired, that she had just rejected their friend. The girl’s head was spinning, everything was moving so fast.

She swallowed, her mouth dry once more. Taking a long swig of her seltzer, she looked to Haven and Pallyx, an unmistakable flush covering her face and neck.

“Can someone tell me what just happened?”
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Garden Gnome
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Garden Gnome Definitely made in IKEA

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.028: Do or Do Not, There is no Try
Interaction(s): Rory @Webboysurf
Previously: Sunblock the Saviour

Mei continued to lounge on her towel under the umbrella as the rest of her team began to gather at their spot under the umbrella. She may have even dozed off for several minutes as by the time she roused herself, the area around them had become rather lively, accompanied with a cooler filled with drinks as well. While the lid of the cooler was still open, Mei had seen fit to snatch a raspberry seltzer with the help of a long web from the cooler- all from her seated position, like a frog tongue reaching out to nap a fly for its meal.

That saved her the effort of walking all the way over to the cooler to retrieve her drink before making her way back to her towel. Everything was just more efficient and cooler when she got her powers involved. Her gaze began to lock onto Rory, homing onto him as she noticed him moving about, now at this very moment heading towards Lorcán and Aurora. Her ears were on full alert as she listened to his every word the moment they left his lips. Mei opened the seltzer, taking a gulp of her drink as she attentively processed Rory's words about his supposed invitation to Aurora for the upcoming senior dance that would take place after the Homecoming Trials. Mei had plans of her own (well-thought out or not, that remained to be seen), and all of them involved Rory in some shape or manner. It was perhaps known to most of the team that she had crushes on both Lorcán and Rory, but the one for Rory was very much deeper than the former.

She knew how deep Lorcán's affection for Aurora ran, that was plain for all to see, and therefore her crush for him had never really progressed through any significant amount. Rory was better, and more suitable for her in almost every sort of way anyhow (according to her own thought processes, ill-advised or not), his personable golden retriever-like behaviour a joy to behold in every shape and form. Her full attention continued to hang onto the answer Aurora would eventually give, hoping that she would reject him in favour of going with Lorcán, so that Mei herself would then have her chance by presenting Rory with her own invitation. Mei had fought for many opportunities in her life, and this would be no different. Afterall, good things weren’t just going to end up in her lap without any fight.

Not even the sound of Haven almost choking on her drink nearby or Banjo’s distinct cackling in the distance distracted Mei from her task. She remained fully focused on Rory and Aurora, waiting for the inevitable reply to come at last. She knew that Haven was also listening in, and as a fellow competitor for the golden retriever, Mei knew that she was at a disadvantage (she is most certain that Rory liked Haven more), therefore she needed to have more initiative if she was to even get a fair shot of even succeeding at all.

The Aurora reply finally came and just like that, Mei made her move. She was up from her towel and already making her way to Rory and Aurora before their conversation was done. As the red head finished speaking, Mei swooped in and tapped on Rory’s well built shoulders.

“Hey Rory! So..uhh.. Would you like to go to the dance with me?” Straight and simple without any beating around the bush. That was how she did things, leaving nothing to chance. Mei wasn’t the type to give up easily.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.029: Please tell me Why
Interaction(s): Aurora - @Melissa, Mei - @Garden Gnome, Calliope - @PatientBean, Gil - @Roman

| Monday, September 4th, 2028
Bro, I don’t know what you think you’re doing, but I’m pretty sure you’re doing it wrong.

The atmosphere seemed to shift in the area almost immediately. While still not great on the uptake, it was clear something Rory had did went wrong. Again. Laughter coming from Banjo was always a surefire sign Rory had said something dumb, but the reactions of others were clear indications this was a more grand mistake than usual. Lorcán quickly tried to shuffle away, falling over the cooler and warming the drinks in the process. Rory's eyes immediately clocked the sound of coughing coming from both Pallyx and Haven... though the latter's more visceral physical reaction was the more pressing indication. He hadn't seen anything fluster her like this before... leaving Rory to play back his own words in his mind for the briefest of moments. He had asked Aurora if she wanted to go to the dance... it felt like an obvious way to gauge if Aurora would have been receptive to being asked to the dance.

How the Hell did it wind up like this?

"Rory, can you come over here and mix me up a martini, please? We can perhaps talk and catch up." Rory's eyes darted towards Calliope, and a newly approaching Gil. Given Rory had clocked another Gil approaching Lorcán, it was clear this was enough of a mess that the Gil battalion had been deployed. He wasn't looking forward to getting roasted by Banjo over this for the next three months... whatever the this was. He was busy looking between everyone, cheeks flush with embarrassment, that he had almost forgotten Aurora was still there.

“Oh god, uh, Rory, I… I-I don’t think I’m going to go with anyone to the dance. You’re really sweet to ask me, but I don’t think the whole ‘date to the dance’ thing is, well, my thing. You should ask someone else though, I’m sure whoever you ask will say yes… I mean, I didn’t say yes, but someone other than me will! And I didn’t not say yes because I don’t like you or anything-”

"But... I wasn't... wait..."

Rory's mouth was left partially agape, his mind thoroughly muddled. Part of him, for a moment, began to wonder if this was a prank. He hadn't asked Aurora to the dance. He hadn't even thought carefully about asking anyone to the dance... if he had, there was a beautiful brunette within eyesight he would have. Though at this point, it was becoming clear his odds of finding a date to this thing were mini-


Rory physically recoiled as the train of thought in his mind reached a violent stop. For some reason... everyone thought he had just asked his best bro's crush out in public with the whole team gathered. Anxiety and panic immediately flared in his throat. Rory wanted to run and scream and beg for forgiveness on his knees, but his body felt five times heavier than normal. He took a few steps in Lorcán's direction, unable to look at Aurora. The same dumb smile he always had was plastered on his face, hiding the turmoil in his head. Rory felt a touch on his shoulder, turning to see Mei had moved in. His heartbeat thrummed in his ears.

“Hey Rory! So..uhh.. Would you like to go to the dance with me?”

Rory's smile faded. Banjo's laugh and the confused and upset expression Aurora had played through his mind as he took a moment to process Mei's words. It was day 1, and Rory was once again the laughingstock of Team Blackjack. "I'm sorry, Webs... I'm not really in the mood for jokes right now."

He turned on his heels in the direction of the only person he trusted to tell him how it was: Calliope. His footsteps were quick, swinging by the cooler just long enough to pick up a bottle of gin and a bottle of Vermouth from the warm cooler. He reached down into a small bag a few feet away, fetching an old cocktail shaker that had been pre-loaded with ice. He opened up the top, settling the bottom a little into the sand as he crouched down. He flicked off the tops of the liquor bottles with ease, the tops resting somewhere in the sand. His shots were poured freehand, with little care for balance, ratio, or alcohol content. Once done, he set the liquor bottles down and closed up the cocktail shaker. He approached Calliope and Gilbert whilst shaking the cocktail mixer, grabbing a red solo cup from a nearby plastic bag in the process. Rory looked between his two close friends, smile long gone. "I... I was just trying to give Lorcán a little push, and see if Ro was interested in going to the dance at all." Rory finished shaking the drink and flicked the top of the shaker open, pouring its contents into a solo cup before handing it over to Calli. "Now Mei is making fun of me, Rora and bro seem upset... I really fucked this one, didn't I?" He grabbed the energy drink from Gil, cracking it open as he waited for yet another lesson from those two.
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Hidden 6 mos ago 5 mos ago Post by Lord Wraith
Avatar of Lord Wraith

Lord Wraith Actually Three Otters in a Trenchcoat

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.030: Shoot for the Stars
Interaction(s): All
Previously: Coarse, Rough & Irritating

“Hey, are you okay?” Hazel eyes looked down with genuine concern between a frame of golden hair that outlined the other woman’s angular features.

“Oh hey, Calli” Lorcán smiled nonchalantly while laying on the ground, accepting the outstretched hand as the blonde helped him to his feet. To most people, Calliope had a cold demeanour that was hard to get past, but for some reason, Lorcán had seemingly bypassed that fairly quickly when he had graduated onto the University inter-house team three years ago.

“Oh god, uh, Rory, I…” Aurora stuttered in the background as Lorcán earnestly tried to eavesdrop from behind the growing crowd of teammates. But Aurora’s words were lost to Lorcán’s ears as Calliope offered her own sage perspective to him.

"Hey, I couldn't help but overhear,” She started, leaning in towards Lorcán, “But it also didn't take much to see what Rory did got to you. You and I both know he meant well.”

Lorcán listened, smiling as Calliope spoke. He shook his head slightly as she mentioned Rory’s words bothering him. It wasn’t necessarily that Rory had upset him, Rory should want to ask out Aurora. Why wouldn’t Rory want to?

Why didn’t he?

Lorcán didn’t really have a good answer to that question. Maybe he was afraid to ruin what they already had. After all, what more would he gain from asking Aurora out? She was already his closest friend in the world, they spent more time with each other than with any of the other members of Team Blackjack. He wanted more, but he didn’t want to put pressure on her either.

Behind Calliope, Lorcán could have sworn he saw Aurora move towards him but then she hesitated, turning to speak to Rory instead.

“You should ask someone else though, I’m sure whoever you ask will say yes… I mean, I didn’t say yes, but someone other than me will! And I didn’t not say yes because I don’t like you or anything-”

She was telling him to ask someone else, Aurora had said no. Lorcán hadn’t even noticed he had been holding his breath until he breathed a sigh of relief, returning to the conversation at hand with Calliope.

You're smart, you're attractive, and you are one of the sweetest guys I know. Whether or not Aurora sees through this thinly veiled attempt to get the two of you together, she likes you too. It's a girl thing, trust me."

The boy who ran hot suddenly felt much more warm than usual as Lorcán’s cheeks became flushed.

“Thanks for saying so, Cali, but the lady dude and I are just friends, ya feel? I wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize that or upset Rora.”

Calliope patted Lorcán’s shoulder before turning to the group.

"All good. Let me fix this."

“-I’m uh, just going to stop talking now.” Lorcan heard Aurora’s defeated tone and took a step forward before Gil suddenly shoved a soda into his hand.

“Oh hey, orange, my favourit-” Lorcán started before suddenly finding himself spun around as Gil threw an arm around the younger man’s shoulders and guided him away from the center of the commotion. Looking back over his shoulder, Lorcán’s ember-like eyes met Aurora’s baby blues apologetically as Gil pulled him away while she once again stepped forward to chat.

“Can someone tell me what just happened?” Her voice hung in the air as she addressed those around her while Gil began to expel his own advice to Lorcán.

2”Rory’s trying to help but being a bone-head about it. He’s not asking Aurora to the dance, and if he is we’ll beat him up for it later, 3-on-1 style. Gil2 explained in a low tone, trying to maintain a balance between warm and authoritative.

2“Listen, I’ve watched you two - you and Aurora, that is, not you and Rory - dance around each other for the last year…give it a couple days for the awkwardness to blow over, then just sidle up nice and subtle and drop a suave invite. Don’t need to be extravagant, just a… ‘So, how about that dance, then?’ kinda thing. She’ll be swinging on your arm all week, guaranteed.”

“I’m not sure, dude.” Lorcán responded, “Situation is pretty gnarly, Rora didn’t exactly seem stoked to be asked by Rory. Whole sitch has kinda been an epic bomb. Total wipeout if you catch me.” He continued, down playing his disappointment.

“Think it might be best just to go stag, bro, hang out with the boys and maybe try to snag the last dance of the night with her.” Lorcán’s voice trailed off just as Haven yelled out towards the collective group.

"Thanks, mom and dad." She teased, intentionally calling out Calliope and Gil as the latter reapproached the group with Lorcán in tow. It was only now that Lorcán pieced together how well Calli and Gil did work together, shame there wasn’t much of an opportunity for them to explore it further.

"Maybe get a water for Lorcán, too. He might have had enough drinks for the day." Lorcán’s brow furrowed some at Haven’s odd remark. Trying to shrug it off, he took a sip of the rapidly warming soda before calling out a response.

“Sky Betty, dude, I don't drink and surf.”

Making himself comfortable in a nearby chair, Lorcán leaned back and allowed the heat of the sun to recharge him. The day so far had been a confusing one, hopefully that wasn’t the precedent set for the rest of the year.

As the last piece of driftwood was placed atop the circle of blackened ash, Lorcán focused his ability. A snap and a crack echoed across the darkened beach before a glow emitted from within the circled Team 21. While the fire roared to life, Lorcán allowed himself a moment to reflect on events of the day before broaching the wider topic of the future with his assembled friends.

“Alright gentle-dudes and lady-brahs, where does everyone see themselves once they graduate?”

Looking towards the clear sky, Lorcán always felt in awe of the stars. They were so numerous across the night sky, some brighter than others, some larger and some barely a twinkle in the void of the night. It always made him feel like a grain of sand in the vastness of a desert. To have abilities like Haven or Aurora would have allowed Lorcán to see the world, to see the stars from different cities, countries and continents. He ached to see them from Antarctica to Zimbabwe.

Friends would be made along the way, but Lorcán sure would have loved to be able to bring along one friend in particular as he looked fondly to his right, raising a hand absently to brush away a bit of sand that had somehow come to rest upon the arch of Aurora’s ear.

“Sorry, you just had a little sand there. Stuff gets everywhere.” He muttered nervously, his arm hovering as though he wanted to place it around Aurora before it fell back to Lorcán’s side as he fiddled with his knife while fashioning a stick to roast marshmallows.

“I think I just want to take things slow, on my own time after graduation, y’know? Been tossed around by wave after wave, it’d be nice to just float and see where the current takes me.”

It was hard to believe they were heading into their final year, but they had made it this far. There definitely was nothing stopping them now.
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Skai
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Skai Bean Queen

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Location: The Beach - PRCU
Welcome Home #1.031: Freebird

Interaction(s): Lorcán @Lord Wraith, Aurora @Melissa, Rory @webboysurf, Banjo @Hound55, Others-Indirectly
Previously: Unexpected Turbulence

Just when Haven thought she was safe from any more embarrassing shows of emotion, she just happened to catch Mei's approach to Rory when she heard the dark haired woman tap his shoulder. “Hey Rory! So..uhh.. Would you like to go to the dance with me?”

Haven's heart sputtered out like an engine that just hit a family of geese. She sighed through her nose, and proceeded to chug the rest of her seltzer before Rory could reply. The can was soon empty, just before she could hear Rory say...

"I'm sorry, Webs... I'm not really in the mood for jokes right now."

Haven's gaze immediately moved over to Rory. Instead of feeling relief from his answer, her heart sputtered back to life and twisted. The way Rory hung his head as he walked away from a potential, real date to the dance... He seemed pretty upset.

“Sky Betty, dude, I don't drink and surf.”

"Oh, you're right. My bad." She said as she tore her gaze away from Rory, giving Lorcán a small nod. She was wise not to drink too much if she expected to fly, either. Although there were plenty of nights that she'd had a bit too much, and was forced to stumble home or convince Banjo or Katja to give her a piggy-back to the dorms. For the record, that happened rarely.

Haven would have to check in on Rory later.

“Can someone tell me what just happened?” Haven heard Aurora's voice to her side.

Haven turned to Aurora to give her own explanation, as Calliope and Gil, or Gil copy, handled the boys. When she saw the state Aurora was in, sympathy filled her eyes. Her poor friend's face was almost as red as her hair. Although Haven had heard Aurora's rambling, she hadn't expected her to look this flustered either. She kept her voice low, so that neither Rory nor Lorcán would hear her answer.

"I'm not really sure myself." Haven replied as she shrugged and gestured towards Rory. "I thought Rory asked you out, too, and that's why I, uh..." She sighed softly. "Anyways, he just told Gil he didn't mean it like that."

Aurora shook her head with a small laugh before taking another sip of her seltzer. "If that's the case, Rory needs to practice thinking before speaking. I know he means well, but man, sometimes I wonder what goes through his mind." The redhead sighed, turning to Haven "What I'm also wondering is why you didn't tell me that you were into him sooner... you know I hang around him and Lorcán all the time, I could've done some stealth work if I knew you were interested."

Haven blinked, processing Aurora's words for a moment before a small grin spread across her lips. "Was it really that obvious, just now?" She held up the empty can of seltzer to her chin as she glanced over Rory's way once more. "I wouldn't have been mad if you said yes, by the way. Though I would have been jealous." Her grin grew wider as she looked back.

“I put two and two together,” Aurora shrugged, “I heard you choke on your drink.” She smirked at Haven before taking her hand reassuringly, her playful demeanor dissolving into sincerity. “I would have hated myself if I made you feel that way, I could never do that to you.”

Haven squeezed Aurora's hand. "I feel the same way. I'm not saying I'd be a good wingwoman," She paused to shake her head at the irony of that statement, "but I'll try my best if there's anyone you have in mind for yourself."

“Oh, uh- I don’t know if I need any assistance in that department right now.” The redhead felt her cheeks grow warm again. “I meant what I said before, I don’t know if I want to go with anyone. Kind of scares me if I’m being honest…”

Aurora let go of Haven’s hand and tucked a strand of her copper locks behind her ear. “Let’s just focus on getting you to the dance with Rory. I’ll ask Lorcán later if he knows anything.”

Haven pressed her lips together, glancing over at Mei where she stood. There was no doubt Mei was going to ask Rory again. Especially after he confused her question with a joke. "It's not the dance I'm worried about... It seems like Mei has feelings for him too," she murmured softly. She leaned down to grab a cider and Aurora's drink of choice out of the cooler, and shrugged as she turned back towards Aurora with a smile. "We can't let this perfect day go to waste, so either drink up or let's get in the water."

Haven's sneakered feet touched down on the sand for the second time today. This time freshly showered, wearing a brown tracksuit with a white tank underneath. Half of her hair was held back by a hairband to make sure the night breeze wouldn't blow it in her face. She looked over at the group, all sitting by the fire looking cozy. A bit behind them sat Rory, looking just as solemn as earlier in the day. She moved towards him, hoping she could get him out of his slump.

"Hey, Rory." Haven murmured from Rory's right as she sat crisscrossed beside him. She gave him a small smile as she looked his way. Into those sky blue eyes. In the growing darkness, it seemed like his eyes held storm clouds within them.

"How're you doing?" Her tone was casual, although her eyes showed her concern for him. She turned her head to watch the group mill about, stretching her wings out behind her as she rested her elbows on her knees. "The first day back is always so busy, catching up with everyone."

Rory had chosen a spot a little farther back from the fire, resting in the sand with one knee raised. He leaned forward, one elbow on the raised knee as he ran a thumb over a broken seashell resting in the sand. He seemed a bit startled as Haven approached him, but flashed a faint smile in acknowledgement. Despite the cold chill of the night, he felt sweat beginning to gather on his palms. But that feeling subsided, replaced instead by a modicum of comfort. He leaned back slightly, resting his free hand behind himself so he could turn and face Haven. He was silent for a moment, taking in the view of her illuminated in fire light as he thought for a moment. "I think I'll be ok... I'm just getting sick and tired of messing everything up all the time." He paused, turning his gaze away from Haven to look towards Lorcán by the fire. "It's like I'm playing a different game than everyone else most of the time. Or... maybe like everyone else knows the rules but me. And I just keep drawing fouls over and over, but the rules keep changing. So every play is the wrong play, y'know?

Haven chuckled softly, turning her head towards him once more. Her smile faltered a moment as she noticed where his attention had gone to, but she decided not to bring it up directly. "I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one who feels that way."

Rory tilted his head, yet again confused as he looked back towards Haven. "I don't follow. You always seem so..." Rory paused, staring into her eyes as he searched for understanding, "Free. And you don't seem to fumble things up the way I do, from what I've seen." Rory turned his gaze away from Haven instinctively, looking at the ground a moment as he weakly tossed the shell away from them.

Haven reached over to pick up the shell, admiring it for a moment before she set it down between them. "It's taken a lot of mistakes to get to where I am now. I've learned it's best to be patient with myself. There are still plenty of new feelings and experiences," she looked into his eyes, because she knew that Rory was at the center of those feelings now, "that are just as exciting as they are scary." She didn't want to make this about herself, so she decided to breach the topic that made him so upset in the first place.

"We all know you meant well, earlier." She leant towards him and spoke softer now, so that the rest of the group wouldn't hear her. "That's all that matters. You've always been hard on yourself, and it shows how much you really care. I hope you can give yourself the same patience as I do with myself."

Rory chuckled softly as he looked to Haven. "I thought I was the psych major." He looked towards the others around the campfire, shaking his head. "You're right. It's something to work on." Rory climbed up to his feet, and held a hand out to Haven to help her up. "We should join back with the others before we get too sappy."

Haven beamed up at him, already glad to see that he was feeling better. "Sounds good, Rory." She took his hand, feeling it's warmth around her own. That warmth spread throughout her as she let him pull her to her feet. "Wanna sit next to me?"

Rory nodded, pulling Haven up with relative ease. His hand held on to hers tightly for a moment, before he just quickly let go and moved a free hand to rub the back of his neck. He was hoping she didn't see his cheeks grow a shade darker in the dim light, and simply nodded towards the fire. "Lead the way, freebird."

Haven giggled at the nickname, and headed to join the group. She stuffed her hands in her jacket's pockets to keep herself from reaching for his hand again. The little squeeze and the flush in his cheeks hadn't gone unnoticed, but she didn't want to push him when Mei's invitation to the dance still lingered in the back of her mind. Pushing that thought to the very back of her conscious, she aimed for a spot between Banjo and Gil that looked big enough for her wings and for Rory to sit next to her.

"I'm hoping to volunteer for the U.S. Forest Service this summer, before I start my career." Haven responded to Lorcán as she sat on the sand next to Banjo. She dapped the blondie on the shoulder as a greeting, and looked at the rest of the group. "It depends on how friendly they are with hypes, but there has to be at least one Ranger out there that will accept me." She shrugged as if the comment wasn't as heavy as it seemed. "If I go, feel free to visit me in the states, Lorcán. The American National Parks are gorgeous."

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Melissa
Avatar of Melissa

Melissa Melly Bean the Jelly Bean

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.032: Dreaming
Interaction(s): Lorcán @Lord Wraith, Haven @Skai
Previously: No Sunburn Required

The air had cooled off significantly as the late summer day rolled into night. The evening breeze kissed Aurora’s skin and wove gently through her copper locks, rustling them ever so slightly back and forth. The campfire danced in the center of the encircled Team Blackjack, illuminating the surrounding sand in hues of red and orange. All was tranquil and serene as they sat together talking, Aurora simply trying to keep her eyes open long enough to participate in the conversation.

She was exhausted, practically fighting herself to stay awake and alert. A combination of spending nearly the full day out in the sun and the lack of sleep from the night before was definitely catching up with her and taking its toll. She had no desire to doze off in front of everyone, but the sound of the waves crashing against the surf and the crackling of the flames were a symphony to Aurora’s ears, lulling the redhead into a quiet calm. Not to mention, Lorcán’s presence directly beside her had the same relaxing effect. The familiar citrus and clove notes of his cologne seemed to wrap around her reassuringly, and his subtle underlying smoky scent never overpowered, but instead added a layer of warmth and security.

“Alright gentle-dudes and lady-brahs, where does everyone see themselves once they graduate?”

The brown haired boy was unintentionally opening a can of worms with his simple and straightforward query. Graduation was looming over the whole group and the clock was ticking, which begged the question, what was Aurora going to do next? The short answer was that she had no idea. The redhead found herself dissociating as she stared out at the ocean, having already spent hours pondering the very issue at hand over the previous summer months.

It’s not that she didn’t have aspirations; she loved being a psychology major and wanted to pursue something in the field, she just didn’t know exactly what yet. On the one hand, she thought she’d make a great psychotherapist one day; she could use her charismatic nature to support young Hyperhumans as they developed and tackled difficult situations, especially those who were in the system. Another part of her wanted to become a professor or teacher at PRCU, so she could teach future generations of Hyperhumans while conducting research of her own on the side. Either way, she just wanted to contribute positively to the quality of Hyperhuman life. What didn’t hurt was that both options would afford her the opportunity and give her cause to remain on Dundas Island. Something about going back out into the world worried her; Aurora craved consistency and stability and she feared she’d never find that anyplace else.

She was brought out of her thoughts by gentle fingers brushing against her ear, and she turned to meet Lorcán’s gaze. The contact might have been brief but the redhead found herself leaning into his touch. She gave him a sleepy smile, “Thank you,” she replied softly, only loud enough for him to hear as he went on to tell everyone of his plans.

"I'm hoping to volunteer for the U.S. Forest Service this summer, before I start my career." Haven’s voice carried into the circle as she joined the conversation, Rory not far behind her, "It depends on how friendly they are with hypes, but there has to be at least one Ranger out there that will accept me." She shrugged, the comment having a more severe meaning than her demeanor reflected, "If I go, feel free to visit me in the states, Lorcán. The American National Parks are gorgeous."

The comment hit deeper than the winged girl probably realized or intended, and Aurora couldn’t help but glance back at Lorcán to see his reaction at the promise of adventure. She knew quite well that he had intentions of traveling and seeing the world, everyone knew that by now, but the redhead still didn’t like to think about a not so distant future where he would no longer be around. She wanted the best for him, wanted him to be happy and hoped he’d fulfill his wanderlust dreams.

Selfishly though, she wanted him to stay.

Shaking off her unease, Aurora chimed in, “I’m still trying to figure out my plan for after graduation. My guess is I’ll-” The redhead paused, lifting her hand to cover her mouth as she was overcome by the urge to yawn, though she had tried to hold it at bay. Her eyes watered slightly in response, and she wiped at them with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. “Sorry. I was going to say that I’m guessing I’ll live in the Alumni Village for a while, at least until I figure out my next move, I’m in no rush.”

Aurora tried her best to pay attention as her teammates continued to divulge their life plans, but felt the heaviness of her tired eyes growing. She yawned again, and the next thing she knew, she found herself leaning to her left, resting her head on Lorcán’s shoulder and letting her eyelids flutter shut. She relaxed into the brown haired boy and a few moments later, the steady ride and fall of her chest indicated that she had drifted off, her breathing going slow and even.
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Qia
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Qia A Little Weasel

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.033: Dreams
Interaction(s):*Insert Everyone gif here*
Previously: Tempest

A smirk began to form on Katja’s lips as she listened to Harper’s reply, giving a couple of small nods to acknowledge her answer.

“I feel you on that one, sis. We’ve got a lot of things on our plates, so I totally understand forgetting about it.” Her voice was filled with the usual enthusiasm she was known for across the campus. “You shouldn’t worry though. A cute girl like you will find a date in no time! If you don’t then I’ll take you to the dance, and you don’t want that now do you?”She said with a playful wink.

“Thanks, Kat,” Harper replied. She managed a small laugh, but beneath it lay a quiet vulnerability. "I appreciate the vote of confidence, but honestly, I'm not too worried about finding a date. There's more to life than dances, right?”The brunette highly valued her friendship with Katja. Still, the thought of attending the dance together as friends felt like a band-aid solution—a temporary fix for a deeper yearning she couldn't quite voice to the guy beside her.

The next words out of Gil’s words seemed to hang in the air like a frosty mist, however, chilling away the warmth of Harper’s anticipation.

"As for the dance, I don't have a partner yet. You've got to keep your options open, you know?" he said, as if the whole thing were a mere footnote in his grand life. His words were a paradox to her—a plea for freedom disguised as practical advice. Harper couldn't help but wonder if he truly believed it or if it was merely a shield against vulnerability. Perhaps he feared commitment, or maybe he revelled in the thrill of uncertainty.

Or maybe she just wasn't his first choice for some stupid dance like he was hers.

And then came the final blow: "Besides, I'd hate to disappoint any die-hard fans." The pang in Harper’s chest was sharp, like a sudden frostbite. Die-hard fans—those who clung to his every word, who traced the contours of his fame. A face in the crowd of his adoring fans? Was that all she was to him, perhaps?

But self-awareness tugged at her. I’m not being very fair here, am I? What exactly have I done to be seen as any different? Harper knew that her feelings for Gil ran deep, but she also recognized that, to him, she might simply be a friend and fan.

The realization stung more than she wanted to admit to herself.

As the weight of her thoughts fully settled in, Harper found herself searching for any semblance of normalcy remaining in them. And then she took a deep breath.

“Well, I’m sure you’ll make the right choice when the time comes, Gil," Harper said, offering a smile tinged with a hint of sadness. “As for me, I’ll probably just go with the flow.”She paused, her gaze drifting back to the scene behind her further up the sand. By now, Lorcán seemed to be in better shape than he was before, as far as she could tell. But her eyes were more so focused on the cooler beside him. She licked her lips.“And…right now I think I could use a drink.”

As the sun dipped lazily toward the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the beach, Harper found herself in familiar territory—sand between her toes, the rhythmic lull of waves in her ears. This time, she held a cold can of beer, its aluminum surface chilling her palm. Settling onto the warm sand near the campfire, she stretched her legs out before her. The beer can perched on her knee left a faint damp circle on her light blue jeans, thrown on earlier with a white tee after an afternoon with the group. The remnants of her earlier buzz had faded following a refreshing shower, leaving her hair slightly damp but no longer carrying the scent of saltwater.

Lorcán's question, delivered with his signature flair, broke through the comfortable silence then:

“Alright gentle-dudes and lady-brahs, where does everyone see themselves once they graduate?”

Haven was the first to answer, supplying a response that sounded pretty incredible to the brunette.

“I think it’s their loss if they don’t accept you,” Harper reassured her, offering an encouraging smile across the fire.

Next was Aurora, echoing sentiments of uncertainty about the future. Harper had previously held back her own aspirations, fearing they might come across as boastful. The last thing Aurora needed was to hear about Harper's confidence in her path.

The thought held her tongue, until finally, she spoke, her voice soft but resolute. "If I keep my grades up, I’m aiming for a spot in a diagnostic radiology residency program." Leaning back, she traced patterns in the sand. "It’s not as fancy as it sounds, though." It was one of the best ways to help others with her ability, but the program was notoriously competitive—a source of occasional stress.

The waves seemed to whisper their approval nonetheless, as if saying, “Go for it, Harper.” And she would. Because beyond the textbooks and exams, she had to believe there was a purpose to her being the way she was.

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by webboysurf
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webboysurf Live, Laugh, Love

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.034: Closer
Interaction(s): Haven - @Skai, Team Blackjack at large
Previously: Please Tell Me Why

| Monday, September 4th, 2028
“Alright gentle-dudes and lady-brahs, where does everyone see themselves once they graduate?”

Rory plopped himself down next to Haven, flaring out the back of his old varsity jacket on instinct as he relaxed himself. He lifted up one knee again, wrapping an arm around it to keep himself sitting up. Lorcán's answer was in character and unsurprising. Rory extended his thumb and pinky finger in a little wave to his friend, acknowledging the answer and being as encouraging as he could without speaking. Speaking had gotten him into enough trouble today.

"I'm hoping to volunteer for the U.S. Forest Service this summer, before I start my career. It depends on how friendly they are with hypes, but there has to be at least one Ranger out there that will accept me."

His gaze turned to Haven as she spoke. Once again, very much like Haven to want to explore the national parks. Her other comment settled in his mind, though. Whether they liked it or not, everyone in Blackjack was different. Hell, Rory was on a damn watchlist... but even then, he had a hard time understanding the fear when it came to her. How could anyone be scared of Haven's pretty wings and-

"If I go, feel free to visit me in the states, Lorcán. The American National Parks are gorgeous."

Rory looked to Lorcán instinctively, genuine smile still alight on his face. Rory had never been to any of the American parks... but everything he had heard and seen about them definitely seemed like their vibe. Though Lorcán was sure to get lost without Haven helping to steer him back to the correct path. She was good at that. And quite frankly, it sounded like fun. Rory leaned over into Haven's personal space, whispering into her ear, "I wouldn't mind seeing the parks. See you all in your element... it suits you." He bumped his shoulder into hers lightly, before leaning back into his own space. He flashed her a toothy, playful grin.

Haven had looked at him through her eyelashes as he spoke in her ear. A broad smile spread slowly as he spoke. She turned her head towards him after he bumped her shoulder, her eyes bright in the firelight. "Consider yourself invited then." Rory's cheeky grin faded into a soft smile as he held her gaze for a second. For that briefest of moments, it felt like they were the only two on the beach.

“I’m still trying to figure out my plan for after graduation. My guess is I’ll-” Aurora's response was interrupted with a yawn. Rory couldn't blame her, as he felt a yawn begin to build himself. He covered his mouth to stifle it while Aurora continued. “Sorry. I was going to say that I’m guessing I’ll live in the Alumni Village for a while, at least until I figure out my next move, I’m in no rush.”

Rory nodded. It was a reasonable move. But he definitely did chuckle quietly as he saw her lean up into Lorcán’s shoulder, seeming to fall asleep. Once again, Rory waved his thumb and pinky in his best friend's direction as the redhead settled for a good rest. It wasn't a half bad idea... but something in his thick skull told him that if he got that close to Haven, there'd be a chance he'd cross a line he couldn't exactly uncross.

That's silly... she's just flirty with everyone. And so are you... you're just friends. Don't read into it.

"If I keep my grades up, I’m aiming for a spot in a diagnostic radiology residency program... It’s not as fancy as it sounds, though." Rory nodded towards Harper. She was smart as a whip... and given her keen eye, radiology made sense. You'd have to look really close to see all the molecules and stuff, after all.

As a brief pause enveloped those around the fire, Rory leaned forward. He opened his mouth to speak, but no words came out at first. A number of thoughts and feelings swirled in his head, before he just started mumbling out what came to mind. "I... there's a lot of kids who are like us out there trying to make sense of everything. Powers, Hyperion, the backlash, watchlists.... this place isn't the solution for all of them. And even if it is, they need help and the tools to get through it. They need someone in their corner, cause not everyone has that." He paused, his brain trying to catch up to the words he just spoke as he stared into the fire. This wasn't the first time he had verbalized his plans... but he hadn't exactly shared anything like this with the team before. Harper and Haven had specific plans... specifics weren't something he had thought out all that clearly. "I don't know if that means working for H.E.L.P., or joining a practice, or what... I'm still figuring that out." Rory's gaze remained on the fire after he spoke, an uncomfortable pit forming in the center of his chest that he couldn't yet place.
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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Hound55
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Hound55 Create-A-Hero RPG GM, Blue Bringer of BWAHAHA!

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Banjo sighed happily. He was settling back in. Re-finding his tempo.

This bunch were just the right blend of mixed nuts, as far as he was concerned.

Best girl by his side, his hand nursing a brew. Unruly mob returning from wherever the winds had blown them through the holidays. The sun was good today.

Blackjack was spread in twos and threes, with even the new Amma finding a bright greeting from Katja as the pair slowly made their way over from the water's edge. His smile widened, relieved that even she wouldn't feel left out of things, and better her than him. Katja had a warmth to her, a brightness which could cut through the thickest clouds. Whereas he... well, he could rub a lot of people the wrong way.

Baxter, Pallyx, Mei...

And then right in front of them, their own personal National Geographic channel.

Lorcán and Aurora, with the odd sprinkle of their friends Haven and Rory mixed in.

“Hi Lorcán,”

“Catch any good waves this morning?” She asked before taking a delicate sip from her drink. “And what about Ripley, is she here yet? I can’t wait to meet her.”

He knew Calliope would be watching, she wouldn't be able to help herself. She loved to people-watch, and she was good at it. Even better than he was, and try as he might, he couldn't help but absorb bits and pieces even when he was trying to ignore the tangle of people's lives. Another curse of his power. Heightened focus, even on things he'd otherwise rather not care about, and liked to act like he was above.

It's why he knew he'd be able to say it to her without so much as giving a glance, to check she knew what he was talking about.

"I don't understand... pandas are easier to get together."

He turned and watched as her lips pursed together. Not quite. Couldn't get a laugh... but he was close that time. His mood brightened even further knowing she liked it though.

"Not everyone is as loud and open about their feelings as you."

"Nail on the head there, I guess." He thought to himself.

"...I guess. Well, Rory's going to say som-- BAA HA HA HA HA HA!"

"Hey Red, Hot Shot over here just reminded me... there's this senior dance after the Homecoming Trials. You want to go?"

Banjo exploded into laughter. He doubled over in the sand, his outburst would have drawn attention from the others, if not for the fact that everyone's eyes were already glued in astonishment at the pair in the midst of the dance proposal, hanging on the response as the school's cultural highlight of the day that it was.

""Oh shush. He's trying at least. Though that was bold, even by my standards."

He knew her standards. Five years ago it was a bold chance to take a shot at a nutcase she barely knew, asking if he'd be up for sharing a tent one night at a campsite.

It was a very mixed night for Banjo that one, ended in hospital. But that was undoubtedly the highlight of the day, and perhaps surprisingly the part he best remembered. Even despite near death experiences. Funny how memories can work.

It was right then he knew she wouldn't be able to leave it at that for these three. It wasn't in her. She'd be on top of things.

“And like totally save me a dance, dude!.” Calliope couldn't hear everything, but Lorcán had spoken softly to Rory before making a break for it to the cooler, in which time he had toppled over it and fell to the sand.

What a crescendo!

"I'm gonna need a minute or five..."
"Oh shit, there he goes! In the drinks!"

"Okay, I need to step in. Lorcan is...not doing great. Save my spot, won't you love? And try to hold in your laughter until he's in a better mood to reciprocate it?" He did his best to stifle it, a firm-lipped smirk holding back the laughter. "For you, I'll put it on ice. Speaking of.." He held his warm, half-finished bottle out, for Calli to add a chill to, with a pleading wide grin. Calliope rolled her eyes and touched the bottle, sending a chill through it enough to ice it up.

"Ta, love."

He watched as she walked away. There just wasn't a bad angle to view the gal. He took the bottle to his lips and downed the rest of the contents.

He watched as she straightened out Lorcán, before moving on to Rory in a matter of seconds. Full of poise and grace.

He off-loaded his empty and pulled a fresh bottle from the cooler, returning to their spot and losing the botletop with another fancy snap. He put his head back and closed his eyes with a self-satisfied grin, basking in the sun's warmth as he pulled the second bottle to his lips.

Re-finding his tempo.

Location: The Farm/The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.035: Plans Over A Brew or Two
Interaction(s): The Whole Bloody Lot Of Yas
Previously: Greetings and Shit-you-takings

The sun was receding to the Pacific, where the vast ball floated on the horizon and cast a reddening hue upon the sky.

Calliope lay back on her towel underneath the umbrella, empty red cup which once held Rory's best approximation of a martini by her side, her phone vibrated. She drew it from her bag, and held it out to Banjo to show the message meant for him.

Hi, its me.  If you could remind him that he 
helped me get this bloody boat in the water, and
I'm gonna need him to get it back ashore
again, that'd be greatly appreciated.

Banjo sighed and disposed of his latest empty. "'Scuse I, ladies and gents. Gotta go save a bloke from his mid-life crisis."

Calliope sat up on her towel and looked over the rim of her sunglasses at the fading sun and considered what she was wearing.

"I might come with you. I should change out of this if we're staying here through the evening anyway."

His smile broadened. "Of course." And offered her his hand, helping her to her feet. He found his shoes and socks, they'd dried somewhat, and he stuffed the latter back in the former in case he'd need them with the job at hand.

He'd had a half dozen or so, by this point. Enough to put a happy buzz through his skull, not enough to knock his confident gait off its torper. He'd have to go through the instantly sobering experience of 'juicing up' once he got there, in order to move the boat, but for now he was able to happily revel in the haze. To live in the moment.

The pair traipsed happily along the firm sand nearest the shore, hand in hand. Banjo waited until they were out of earshot before opening up lines of conversation.

"Thanks for comin' out, Snow Bunny. I know this ain't exactly your location or event of choice."

"It's all right. Even a crummy beach is better when you're there."

Just hearing the words from her heightened the spin he was already feeling between his ears. He thought back to her greeting early, and the expression which came with the words.

"Everything really all good? That wasn't for their sake, yeah? I know they stuck you on the pointy end with 'Mock' lately. How'd that go?"

They were both in a lot of the same teams for their own Houses; debate, mock trials. But being in different Houses they often didn't see the progress of the other unless free time allowed or they were in direct competition.

They had very different styles. Hers was a more polished, conservative, traditional approach which made great use of her hard work and the strength and conviction beyond her words. His tended to be more swift, cutting, brutal acts of showmanship that exploited his spontaneity and rhetoric, as he'd often open, slice up the opposing sides entire argument, attack myriad points across in general, which could possibly lead to straw man arguments if he didn't carefully pick his attack points. Essentially tearing the entrails out of opposing arguments and leaving them on the floor, for their opposition to try and find a way to put an argument back together without addressing the points he'd already attacked, or with valid counterargument.

Hers was a more honest debate, and generally viewed more respectably and valued accordingly, but it also tended to rely on her truly believing in what she was arguing for.

Banjo on the other hand could throw words at anything and walk away.

And that's why it made things difficult when she was expected to make an argument like she'd recently been asked to - in favour of Government monitoring Hyperhumans. Subject matter which hit very close to home.

"It was hard and I hated every word I used in my argument, but I won."

He suspected this was just the tip of the iceberg. But didn't say anything to further make her self-conscious. Settling for just squeezing her hand, warmly. He felt a jolt of electricity as she reciprocated.

He looked out to sea, and she'd need to change course if she was going back to the shared Strigidae/Ursus dormitory house for her wardrobe change.

"Right-o, see you back here when we're both done, Hun?" He released her hand.

"Of course. See you in a bit, love." She left his hand, and gave a simple graceful wave, which he took the second's pleasure to enjoy, before turning his attention to the boat bobbing on the cresting waves near the shore-line.

Banjo's breath quickened and halted once again with the familiar sensation... and not just because he was watching Calliope leave... His body turned jet black and his spine straightened as he felt the power rush into him. His synapses flared, muscles and sinew re-knitted, and he rode the surge, as the bright corona encircled his body. He drank deep of the late afternoon sun, as the young man faced the reddening sky and the task ahead of him.

His appearance restored to it's natural state, with muscle throbbing with potential. He looked down the beach to the car and boat trailer, and thought about how he'd go about getting object A to destination B, and dropped his shoes and socks to the sand, striding into the surf to make it happen.

The pair walked han-in-hand back to the beach site once more.

Calli in a white hoodie, denim shorts and sandals. Banjo in the same clothes as he wore earlier, albeit a bit damper again for the effort. The evening breeze off the sea didn't bother him any. Another of the perks of his power, whilst he could pinpoint the local temperature to a fraction of a degree if asked, the temperature never bothered him.

"Should've brought a road beer or two, for the trek." He'd lamented a few times. His power left him sober as a judge and he'd lost all of that happy buzz.

Now he only felt the high of walking back hand-in-hand with Calliope, which was far from a kick in the head, but could have gone better with a few more beers sunk. Few things paired better with hard work than a couple cold ones.

As they approached the group they saw Lorcán and the others setting up a fire with beachwood. He made a beeline for the cooler to start work on his buzz again from scratch, grabbing a few extras to save himself the walk later, and plopped himself down in a large bare patch between a Gil and Calliope, turning and offering the former a smug grin for an uncomfortably long period of time until he turned and looked away, before shuffling away slightly to talk to someone else, creating even more space.

"Yeah mate, that's what I bloody thought..."

Haven spotted the gap and happily filled it, seeing it as just right, by her reckoning, for her wingspan.

Lorcán kicked off matters with a friendly “Alright gentle-dudes and lady-brahs, where does everyone see themselves once they graduate?”

Banjo had a fair guess about the intentions of most of the group already, but was curious to actually hear them address the question directly. In some cases he suspected he had a better idea of their direction, than they themselves had.

Haven happily spoke up about her desire to get into Parks and Wildlife and the US Forest Service. Excitedly singing the happy song of a magpie at dawn. Minus the kaboodling, mind.

"I'm hoping to volunteer for the U.S. Forest Service this summer, before I start my career." She dapped Banjo on the shoulder seeing his appreciation at her enthusiasm, and looked at the rest of the group. "It depends on how friendly they are with hypes, but there has to be at least one Ranger out there that will accept me." She shrugged as if the comment wasn't as heavy as it seemed. "If I go, feel free to visit me in the states, Lorcán. The American National Parks are gorgeous."

The enthusiasm was infectious, which meant it was only a matter of time before Baxter would chime in on how she would conquer the world.

First she lent support to Haven, in a similar fashion to how Banjo felt, and figured pretty much any right thinking person would feel the same - "Only a total dropkick wouldn't see Haven as a total boon to their service", then used the opening to unload her own plans.

"If I keep my grades up, I’m aiming for a spot in a diagnostic radiology residency program." Leaning back, she traced patterns in the sand. "It’s not as fancy as it sounds, though."

"Yeah, no, sure. Medical field. Piece of piss. Let you walk on for that." He sarcastically thought to himself, regarding her false modesty. He had little doubt she'd get it, or at least grind herself to dust trying.

Next came Rory. Banjo was pleased to see his confidence had restored somewhat and he was putting his best foot forward again, after what happened earlier. He was going to move into the psych field. Help others less fortunate. He'd picked up on that before Rory even changed his courseload to move in that direction. To follow his Aunt who was one of the shrinks here on the island. Made too much sense. He had a strength in his emotional intelligence to him, as well as an empathy and gentleness about him, that would've been a waste to not pursue that field.

"I... there's a lot of kids who are like us out there trying to make sense of everything. Powers, Hyperion, the backlash, watchlists.... this place isn't the solution for all of them. And even if it is, they need help and the tools to get through it. They need someone in their corner, cause not everyone has that." Banjo nodded his head, satisfied with his suspicions confirmed as Rory stared into the fire. He could tell he'd never had to parse out his plans properly to date. The plan barely more than a bare-bones idea. Banjo wasn't concerned though. This place, the island, tended to take care of their own and help them find their place if all else failed and they struggled with such things. It was part of the reason Lorcán still seemed so sheltered from the ways of the world. If you had a direction and were a good person, like Rory was, in a place like this it seemed to often be enough. "I don't know if that means working for H.E.L.P., or joining a practice, or what... I'm still figuring that out." Rory's gaze remained on the fire after he spoke, an uncomfortable pit forming in the center of his chest that he couldn't yet place.

Banjo had been holding off. His own plans known to pretty much all in attendance, or at least any who might actually care. He didn't find it particularly interesting or newsworthy to anyone here, but seeing Rory spiralling back into that place which could often drag his self-confidence, Banjo interjected.

"Well, not everyone's gonna know the Whats, Whys, Wheres and Hows, mate."

"There's still time to wrestle with the details." He said, hitting one of Rory's keywords, which at least brought something of a smile to his face.

"I mean, I intend to move into criminal defense law when I'm done here. Who's to say where?" Of course this wasn't exactly true. He intended to follow Calliope, depending what opportunities and where her degree opened her career up, and she had extensive plans, thoughts and contingencies for her career all mapped out with varied probable degree and grade results. Whatever city they planted roots in - probably New York or Washington D.C, by his estimation, he'd hustle the Public Defenders circuit for six months to a couple of years and probably have enough set up to start his own small solo private practice somewhere. But that wouldn't make Rory feel any better. "Good thing about that, can do criminal defense law anywhere and everywhere. I figure head-shrinkin' is no different. Can do that anywhere."

He wasn't sure how much of that Rory had actually understood or taken on board, but he seemed a bit more chipper about things now, so Banjo stopped talking and poured beer down his gullet instead.
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Garden Gnome
Avatar of Garden Gnome

Garden Gnome Definitely made in IKEA

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.036: Not a Joke
Interaction(s): No one in particular
Previously: Do or Do Not, There is no Try

Mei was flabbergasted. Rory thought that her asking him to the dance was a joke. She tried to see if he was pulling a fast one on her, and was actually pranking her for some reason, but his expressions along with the way he behaved made it such that he was serious in thinking that she was just joking by asking him out to the dance. That was inconceivable. The fact that he thought of such a thing. The devil on her shoulder telling her that if Haven had asked him the very same thing, he would have never treated it as a joke. The Angel on her shoulder agreed with the devil, which made Mei fumed internally although she tried her best not to express it visibly, keeping an awkward smile as she made her way back to her spot on the towel. As an idea of how she could convey the message of her not being a joke to Rory came to mind, she instantly got to work. Filling up a spool that she retrieved from a small bag beside her, she filled it up with her organic silk. Once that spool was full, out came the knitting needles from the bag as well, and Mei started working on hand knitting a towel for Rory.

Her plan? To hand make a face towel for Rory with the words “Not a Joke” embroidered on them, so that hopefully the message would be clear enough when he looked at the towel. That was of course if Rory didn’t throw the towel after receiving it or stash it somewhere and never look at it ever again. It was simply a chance she had to take, and Mei would try anything.

As the others went back to change for the evening ahead, so did she, returning to the beach dressed in a yellow hoodie and a pair of comfortable orange coloured track pants. She chose an empty spot at the campfire that Lorcán and the others were beginning to set up and resumed knitting intensely again hoping to get this little project done before something else came up to ruin her plans again. As the evening deepened, the group began to talk about their future careers after graduating from PRCU. As the others began to speak, Mei’s gaze continued to focus between her own work and that of Rory and his actions from her spot directly opposite Rory and Haven.

As he began to show signs of affection towards Haven, not a single moment was left unseen by Mei’s eyes. Annoyance bubbled deep within her so much so that she paused her knitting to very quickly flick a small ball of silk over Rory and Haven’s heads in exasperation. Despite the annoyance rising within her, her visage remained stoic, and flashing a smile should anyone catch her gaze. Internally, her confidence had been eroding over time. Despite her best efforts, Rory had never behaved like that to her. That was one of the reasons why she wanted to complete her little project in front of her as well, before she lost her nerve to carry on. Steeling herself, she remained silent for the time being well her friends continued to speak about their plans for their future career paths.

After Banjo spoke up, Mei finally felt that it was time for her to contribute to the conversations as well. “I’ll be applying for the Royal Australian Air Force to pursue my dream to become a fighter pilot. I’m studying Culinary Arts in accordance with my parents’ wishes as a backup plan just in case being an airforce pilot doesn’t work out.”

Pausing for a brief moment, she then continued with gusto.

“Of course, I’ll still be working to better the lives of all hypes everywhere, no matter where I am.”
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by PatientBean
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PatientBean Hi, I'm Barbie. What's up?

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Truth be told, Calliope hadn't expected this entire social interaction to work out for anyone. Not today, at least. Everyone's body language was going wild. It kind of gave Calliope a headache, but she pushed it down. She needed to work through it. Lorcán was first.

“Thanks for saying so, Cali, but the lady dude and I are just friends, ya feel? I wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize that or upset Rora.”

Followed swiftly by Gil. Or rather, one of the Gil's as Calliope caught another Gil making his way over to Katja and Amma and another off o probably console Aurora and/or Mei. Considering how awkward things had just been made, it was probably a good idea.

“I’m not sure, dude. Situation is pretty gnarly, Rora didn’t exactly seem stoked to be asked by Rory. Whole sitch has kinda been an epic bomb. Total wipeout if you catch me.” "Because she likes you, you idiot..." Calli thought to herself. It was glaringly obvious to anyone with a pulse, but for some reason the two of them had yet to bite the bullet and at least ask the other out for coffee or for a walk. Simple. Calli bit her tongue though. Lorcán wasn't in a state to receive advice or help.

SO Calli turned her sights on Rory.

As the Golden Retriever got to work making her a martini, she eyed him, hoping to transfer her thoughts to his. What the hell had he been thinking?

"I... I was just trying to give Lorcán a little push, and see if Ro was interested in going to the dance at all. Now Mei is making fun of me, Rora and bro seem upset... I really fucked this one, didn't I?" God it was like watching someone kick 20 puppies. Calliope accepted her drink with grace. "You really did." Harsh words, perhaps, but fair. Not only had Rory unintentionally hurt Lorcán, but Aurora and Mei as well. Calliope sighed, continuing so Rory wouldn't feel like she was putting him down. "Look, I can kind of see where you were coming from, but that was probably the worst way to go about it. I mean you put Aurora on the spot in front of the guy she obviously likes and then shot down Mei who, by the way, was not making fun of you, but rather trying to fix the awkward tension and you shot her down. No one is recovering nicely from this. So lick your wounds and, maybe, talk to Lorcán after and apologize."

Calliope gave Rory a quick hug before she returned to Banjo.

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.37: These Perfect Moments
Interaction(s): Banjo (@Hound55), Lorcán (@Lord Wraith), Rory (@webboysurf), Aurora (@Melissa), Gil (@Roman)
Previously: Cooling Off

Calliope settled into the moment as everyone else did their own thing. She sipped her martini (wasn't bad) as she enjoyed this moment. She felt her phone buzz in her pocket and she took it out and read the message.

Hi, its me.  If you could remind him that he 
helped me get this bloody boat in the water, and
I'm gonna need him to get it back ashore
again, that'd be greatly appreciated.

Calliope patted Banjo's thigh and showed him the message. "'Scuse I, ladies and gents. Gotta go save a bloke from his mid-life crisis."

Calliope wanted to change before night happened and they finished the bonfire. What better way than to go with Banjo on her way to the dorm. "I might come with you. I should change out of this if we're staying here through the evening anyway."

He offered his hand and she wrapped hers in his before they made their way to the other side of the beach. As they walked, Banjo had picked up the conversation.

"Thanks for comin' out, Snow Bunny. I know this ain't exactly your location or event of choice."

"It's all right. Even a crummy beach is better when you're there."

Despite her hatred of the beach, she did enjoy herself. Even though tensions rose a bit, she was sure they would be quickly fixed.

"Everything really all good? That wasn't for their sake, yeah? I know they stuck you on the pointy end with 'Mock' lately. How'd that go?"

God he would pick up on that. And she was supposed to be the expert on body language. She really didn't want to get into it. "It was hard and I hated every word I used in my argument, but I won." To his credit, Banjo knew there was more, but he squeezed her hand in response. She squeezed back. Thankful in the moment she didn't need to let it out. Having similar activities made things easier and harder. It was why she didn't end up doing Model U.N. She wanted to have one thing for herself. So she opted to play Tennis. She had played before in high school back in Arizona when her father all but forced her to participate in a school sport. She hated it because her autonomy was taken away. And now she was enjoying it, because she chose to do it. And it gave her something to do without Banjo.

And damn if she didn't hate thinking that. She loved Banjo. Deeply. Truly. But he was with her in debate and Mock Trial and they spent a lot of time outside of classes. Being in separate dorms was both easy and hard. But she also needed to be her own person. She didn't want to be "Banjo's girlfriend" she wanted to be "Calliope" who happened to be dating this amazing man.

She shook those thoughts from her mind as they got to their breaking off point. "Right-o, see you back here when we're both done, Hun?"

"Of course. See you in a bit, love." She let go and made her way to her dorm room. Upon entering it, she noted her roommate was not in. She quickly got changed. She opted for a hoodie as it was going to get chilly, even with a bonfire, but put on some shorts instead. She didn't want sand to end up in a good pair of jeans. She kept her sandals before she put her hat and sunglasses away, fixing her hair. Once she was satisfied with the person she saw in the mirror (getting easier every day) she made her way back.

At the bonfire, her and Banjo made their way to an empty seat. Calliope sat next to Gil and Banjo had scooted himself in between them. Banjo also started to stare at Gil for an awkward length of time. Calliope tapped his shoulder and gave Banjo a "what are you doing?" look.

Thankfully the conversations got started. “Alright gentle-dudes and lady-brahs, where does everyone see themselves once they graduate?”

Calliope gave this some thought as the others, one by one, began speaking up.

“I think I just want to take things slow, on my own time after graduation, y’know? Been tossed around by wave after wave, it’d be nice to just float and see where the current takes me.”

"I'm hoping to volunteer for the U.S. Forest Service this summer, before I start my career. It depends on how friendly they are with hypes, but there has to be at least one Ranger out there that will accept me. If I go, feel free to visit me in the states, Lorcán. The American National Parks are gorgeous."

“I’m still trying to figure out my plan for after graduation. My guess is I’ll-” Followed by a yawn. “Sorry. I was going to say that I’m guessing I’ll live in the Alumni Village for a while, at least until I figure out my next move, I’m in no rush.”

"If I keep my grades up, I’m aiming for a spot in a diagnostic radiology residency program. It’s not as fancy as it sounds, though."

"I... there's a lot of kids who are like us out there trying to make sense of everything. Powers, Hyperion, the backlash, watchlists.... this place isn't the solution for all of them. And even if it is, they need help and the tools to get through it. They need someone in their corner, cause not everyone has that."

Banjo spoke up next and Calliope would be lying if she didn't say she was more invested in this.

"I mean, I intend to move into criminal defense law when I'm done here. Who's to say where? Good thing about that, can do criminal defense law anywhere and everywhere. I figure head-shrinkin' is no different. Can do that anywhere."

Calliope had to admit, she was happy to hear that Banjo wanted to continue with law, but she noted he didn't mention if she was in his future. It wasn't like she expected him to have every moment planned out, but no word on marriage? The two had talked about it before and it wasn't an easy conversation considering their families, or lack thereof.

She supposed she would go next.

"Well, once I graduate, taking the bar exam is next. Once that is passed and done I want to pursue civil law. Specifically around Hyperhumans and their treatment. I want to make policy changes and be at the forefront of doing so, starting in the U.S. but I would love to be a part of a task force to help worldwide. I don't expect that to happen immediately, so I will probably start working somewhere and eventually grow to operate my own firm." It all sounded so....cold when she played it back. "I love being able to help others, so I feel you Rory. Being able to make a difference in someone's life when they are at their lowest, there's no feeling like it." Not that she would know, for the most part.

She looked at Banjo, wondering how he would take the next statement. "I would also like to have a family. One day, obviously. I would love to set up my career first before even thinking about bringing in another life. Especially as they might be Hyperhuman also. I would like to make the world a bit safer before they enter into it."

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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Zoldyck
Avatar of Zoldyck


Member Seen 15 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.038: Unsure Future
Interaction(s): Everyone
Previously: Inevitable embrace

A smirk began to form on Katja’s lips as she listened to Harper’s reply, giving a couple of small nods to acknowledge the brunette’s answer.

“I feel you on that one, sis. We’ve got a lot of things on our plates, so I totally understand forgetting about it.” Her voice was filled with the usual enthusiasm that she was known for across the campus. “You shouldn’t worry though. A cute girl like you will find a date in no time! If you don’t then I’ll take you to the dance, and you don’t want that now do you?” She said with a playful wink. Katja knew that Harper wasn’t into girls, so she didn’t see any harm in being a little flirtatious with her.

Then the tall girl turned her attention to Gil, who was just about to reply to her inquiry.

Gil’s answer elicited an unimpressed hum from Katja. It was a very on brand reply from PRCU’s resident staractor and Katja honestly wondered why she had even bothered asking him. Katja had never really seen eye to eye with him. It’s not that she actively disliked him, just that she considered him to be stuck too far up his own arse. The comment about not disappointing any fans only seemed to validate those feelings about him.

She could see his reply seemed to have stung Harper. Katja noticed the sadness in her smile, despite the brunette’s best attempts to hide it. It made her regret even asking the question to begin with. She obviously couldn’t blame Gil for not asking Harper out. Katja herself didn’t even know for sure whether Harper would’ve been interested in the guy. But he could have been a bit more tactful about his options than by bringing up his die-hard fans.

The tall blonde downed the rest of her drink as Harper excused herself and made her way over to the rest of the group. Katja’s bright blue eyes still followed the brunette when she spoke up to Gil. “Well, not everyone has the luxury of an adoring fanbase.” She gave him a pat on his shoulder that had just enough force to be unpleasant, before turning her annoyed gaze to him. “But I’m sure you’ll manage.”

Letting go of Gil, Katja crushed the empty can in her hand and tossed it at the nearest trash bin. It initially seemed like it was going to go straight in. But a random gush of wind blew it off course, resulting in the crumpled can bouncing off the edge into the sand. An annoyed huff came from the Afrikaner girl, who excused herself with a nod to Gil and an apologetic smirk to Amma, before making her way over to clean up her trash.

Another object impacted beside her right as she disposed of her own litter. It was Rory’s football, which the Canis boys had been tossing around all this time. Katja could feel their eyes on her as she picked the Pigskin off the beach. Looking up, she could see they were all looking at her with a sense of trepidation. A mischievous grin appeared on her face. This was exactly the kind of thing she needed to blow off some steam.

Katja called out to the group of Canis students as she steadied the ball.“Lets see if you whelps will put up a fight this year!”

As the hours passed, many games had been played, Wolves had been humiliated, and many beers had been drunk. As the group split, Katja, being the ever gracious winner, put her thumbs on her temples while spreading her hands, mimicking the antlers of a moose. She was known to make this gesture whenever she scored a goal in Hyperball. “Hope you guys are used to this, as you’re gonna see it a whole lot more!” She said in between her exaggerated cackling. The Canis boys retorted with some taunts of their own before they parted ways, all in good spirits.

Katja returned to the beach after taking a quick shower. While still wearing her swim shorts, the drop in temperature had forced her to put on a black hoodie together with her worn out utility boots. The small break from the beach also gave her the opportunity to take some six packs with her back to the group. She had consumed quite a lot of the beers Rory had initially brought over, which resulted in her feeling quite the buzz. Fearing they might run out, this seemed to be the ideal moment to bring more for the rest of the group.

After restocking the cooler, and taking one out for herself, Katja made her way over to the campfire. She raised her can to the group as a greeting before making her way over to a free spot next to Lorcán, making sure to ruffle Banjo’s hair as she passed him by.

Lorcán then asked what everyone was planning to do once they finished their studies at PRCU. Katja almost reflexively took a swig from her beer. It was a question that had been bugging her for a while now. Honestly, it had been bugging her since the day she first arrived at the school. This was the first place she truly felt safe, the first place she felt home. She didn’t want to think about her time ending her and about her team, who she considered to be as close to her as family, to break up and split off across the globe. graduation day was like a doomsday clock for her. A day which she hoped would never come, but which was going to be inevitable.

One by one, the others shared their plans for the future. Some, like Harper and Calliope, and Banjo for different reasons too, seemed really in character and didn’t surprise Katja. She really liked Haven’s plans, which the winged girl had shared with her before during one of their joint workouts at the gym. Mei really surprised her, as did Rory.

Katja’s gaze fell on Rory when he had spoken. She felt a tinge of jealousy when she saw him sitting close to Haven. His loyal and cheerful personality had resulted in her developing some sort of a crush on him, one that she hadn’t really been able to properly express into words. Nor actions, really. Unless you count tackling him extra hard during Football games to end up on top of him as a great way to show affection. But while there was a part of her that wished it was her instead of Haven that sat next to Rory, a bigger part of her was glad to see the two of them being happy. She smirked to herself. Afterall, Haven deserved a bit of happiness too.

That didn’t mean she didn’t chuckle when Mei tossed her little webbomb on them though.

However, the answer that resonated the most with Katja was that of Aurora. She seemed to be in a similar situation of not being quite sure what to do when graduation finally came. Thankfully it didn’t appear as if she was too bothered with the question, as the redhead quickly fell asleep after giving her answer, her head resting on Lorcán’s shoulder.

Katja leaned over to the brown haired hotshot and softly spoke to him. “It’s getting a bit chilly, isn’t it? Maybe you should euhm…” She mimicked putting her arm around someone sitting next to her before giving a kind smile and a quick wink to Lorcán.

Sensing it was her time to speak up, Katja cleared her throat before she directed her attention to fire at the center of the group.

“Honestly? I have no idea what I’ll do after I graduate. Easiest thing to do is use my degree for something I guess. But then again, there’s not a lot you can do with a history degree right out of university.” Katja chuckled as she took another swig from her drink before continuing. “I might try to become a pro-athlete. I probably have it in me to make it big in some sports, right Rory?” She flashed a playful grin at the team’s Golden Retriever. “But then again, the world isn’t welcoming to our kind, so it’s a risky venture to base one’s future on.” She sighed, gently shaking her can with her fingertips before downing the remainder of its contents.

Placing the empty can next to her, she reached to her chest, grasping the dog tags that hung around her neck. Her thumb traced the imprinted letters, the feeling of which always calmed her down and got her to think clearly.

“I guess I could always return to Africa. Maybe become a park ranger much like Haven. Protect those that can’t protect themselves against poachers.” Her lips formed into a sad smile. “Yeah, I think I’d like that.” Katja said with an uncharacteristically soft voice.

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Hidden 6 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.039: descension.
Interaction(s): everyone.
Previously: TBD

She wasn't going to go.
She doesn't want to.

In hindsight she reflects on the muttered invitations that Katja mentioned about the dance, the banter traded back and forth and the subtle tensions that diffused through sand and surf and sun. The air peppered and drenched with colors of jaded longing and oblivious confessions that she noticed all too well. Thinly veiled were their words, both Katja and Harper, and whilst they traded innuendos, Amma's gaze had drifted back to the sea, gestures clasped against chilled aluminum, the waves beckoning forth --

-- and somewhere on a sun-kissed breeze, she heard it once again.


She doesn't realize that the beer can within her grasp slowly disintegrates, liquid and manufactured components too suddenly nothing, as if it never was at all.


The Alexandria Foundation's idea of an initiation was far more, for lack of a better term, harsh. A ten year old Amma had been thrust through rapid ascension to assess her powers. Spent and shaking and broken, a child knelt before her betters and carved lines of weeping red and silver through the linoleum; fissures of a broken soul illustrated through every crack and every coiling wisp of black that whips down her spine hunched over as she screams --

She flinches.

Through the gloom of the banking sun, fire blooms and crackles to life, off set in the distance as she absently twines brass and silvers and golds on her fingers. Dexterous notions, through every twirl of her rings as she follows loosely after Katja who settled herself kindly around the fire. Blue eyes fixate through the rising flame, figures distorted through a collage of rubies and copper tones that match the first gaze she snags onto. A molten glimmer that punctures through the night as Amma pauses, head canted and body averted - as if to intend herself else where suddenly.

Its a subtle vibration in her back pocket, tucked away into ebony threaded cuts off, that she pulls forth and eyes the illuminated scroll of a unknown number there. She answers on the forth ring, a muttered greeting whispering past her lips as she scales back, ambling around the group gathered around the fire.

What sounds through the line causes her spine to snap tight, her posture rigid as she says:
"I'm working on it."

Amma crosses an arm over her bust, her figure donned in a cropped pullover that rises above her decorated navel, the pale sliver of her nape exposed at the back wherein the cotton thread drapes down to the top of her shorts. Straps cross over themselves at her slender ankles, thickly soled sandals carving a line through the sand as she rolls her weight to one side; visibly stressed.

"I don't appreciate the demanding tone," Amma drawls, striking eyes peering through her lashes fanned against her cheeks. A soft sigh and then, "I know. I understand."

Without much ceremony, Amma ends the call, clutched fingers falling at her side, dead weight as she casts her gaze heavenward to the moon heralded in the night sky. The silver radiance she often envies, the glow fixated on the waves in the distance that whisper to her inner musings. The power it displays almost mocks her, that simple freedom lost in the toiling of the sea as she pivots on her heel and aims back towards those she now has to call teammates.

Amma catches the lingering voices of their goals and dreams, their futures admitted in shades of rose gold and she can't help but think of how relatively mundane it is. From desires to travel the world, to children and hopes of matrimony, to the uncertainties that life often gave the innocent and the cruel. Silent as her usual impression, she sits across from Lorcán and Aurora [she has to remind herself often of their names, but maybe not as often now] and tosses her hair over one shoulder, curiously tucking her phone away. Forgotten.

For now.

She procures the wine bottle noted earlier in the day, twists and flicks the cap away with a flourish and promptly takes her first drink for the night. It's a twist cap; some unknown, cheap label and much too heavy in tannins - clearly it needed to breathe, but who else was going to drink it aside from her. Not that Amma was one to even share. She catalogs every spoken confession and hopeful desire, tucks it away for later, their individual wants and aspirations reminiscent of a simpler time and a child suspended on her mother's every word.

And when Katja finishes - Amma speaks.

"Do you really think any of that is going to happen. Do you think they'll just simply let you go. Once we graduate, what happens then. The Institute is breathing down our necks now." The fire sparks in answer at the mention of her former association, the hiss of drift wood punctuated by the sliver of crimson power reaping through the flame. Beneath her, the sand trembles, the grains shifting at her beck and call as her smile lances through her features akin to a vicious slash.

She finds molten eyes through the haze of the night and says:
"The world outside of this perfect little bubble is cruel and it is dark and it is afraid. Afraid of you. Afraid of me. Outside that shield of fog," Amma gestures abroad, lines of silver coiling betwixt her fingers, lighting the depth of her eyes to an eerie glow. In those chasms of blue lies a void; a never ending sky that collides with something. Someone.

"They lie in wait to take everything you hold dear. And they will. They always do." Amma's nails lance against the name inked into her neck. "And I welcome them to try. I will take everything from them. Just as they took everything from me."

"But no matter what, this world will never accept you. They won't forget. They haven't forgotten. I doubt they will ever forgive."
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Hidden 6 mos ago Post by Roman
Avatar of Roman

Roman Grumpy Toad / King of Dirt

Member Seen 13 hrs ago


Location: The Beach - Pacific Royal Campus
Welcome Home #1.040: First-Date Certified

Interaction(s): All //

Amma made Gil nervous, but not nervous enough not to dance dangerously close in flirting. He certainly recognised the short chuckle she proffered, as well as the lingering, deliberate sweep of her gaze up and down his body. He smirked, not un-used to this kind of attention, never getting tired of it regardless.
"Well, you certainly have plenty to spare, don't you. Gil."
"And yet there never seems to be enough of me to go around..." Gil replied, offering a subtle wink to go with his remark.

Further flirtation was summarily interrupted by Katja's signature greeting; she scooped both Gil and Harper up, one arm each still far more than necessary, and the three squeezed together in a blend of skin and smells on this sunny afternoon. Harper shifted in the embrace - was that her hand brushing against his? - and Gil sympathised, feeling like the well-loved puppy in a toddler's arms, well-meaning but uncomfortable. He decided to hold to his breath and appreciate the intention of the gesture, rather than its physical consequences.
“I missed seeing all of you.” Katja said, her strong voice amplified by its proximity to Gil's ear, before she set them both down and regarded the pair with warm eyes, an arm resting on each of their shoulders. “It’s been so long, we have so much to discuss. And so much to look forward to of course! Like the dance! Have the two of you found someone for the dance yet?”
"And you, Kat, though I can't say my spine can agree." He joked, giving her a playful shove that felt like pushing a brick wall, and hurt his wrist without Katja even budging a nanometer. Harper answered her before he could.

"To be honest, I haven't given much thought to the dance yet," she admitted, her voice soft but steady. "I've been so focused on other things that it kind of slipped my mind."
“I feel you on that one, sis. We’ve got a lot of things on our plates, so I totally understand forgetting about it. You shouldn’t worry though. A cute girl like you will find a date in no time! If you don’t then I’ll take you to the dance, and you don’t want that now do you?” Katja said with a playful wink.
“Thanks, Kat,” Harper replied with a short laugh. "I appreciate the vote of confidence, but honestly, I'm not too worried about finding a date. There's more to life than dances, right?”

There was a gap, and Gil took the opportunity to insert himself.
"I'm the same; no partner yet. You've gotta keep your options open, y'know? Besides, I'd hate to disappoint any die-hard fans." He grinned, playing the question off like good-natured banter, but there was a knife's edge of truth; he would genuinely have to discuss the optics of a Capital-D 'Date' with Artie, ruminate on the implications of being 'off-the-market'. Gil was well-aware of what particular corners of Tumblr and the website formally known as Twitter could get like these days. He couldn't risk hurting his public image this close to graduation and his return to LA. He couldn't go back to Bristol to be stifled and smothered and moulded into some number-crunching suit.

In his peripheral vision, Harper shifted her weight from one side to the other. Gil didn't pay it much attention.
“Well, I’m sure you’ll make the right choice when the time comes, Gil," Harper said, offering a small smile. “As for me, I’ll probably just go with the flow. And… right now I think I could use a drink.”
Harper excused herself in the direction of Rory's cooler, and Gil suddenly felt very small beneath Katja's towering frame.
“Well, not everyone has the luxury of an adoring fanbase.” She said curtly, giving his shoulder a forceful pat that appeared friendly but felt admonishing. Her gaze had the subtlest hint of a reprimanding frown to it. “But I’m sure you’ll manage.”

And then Katja excused herself as well, and Gil turned to realise Amma had wandered away too, and he was alone.

As the day moved on and the sun began to wane in the sky, Blackjack drifted on and off the beach, eventually reconvening around a campfire built by Lorcán. One by one, the members of the team settled themselves in a ring around the roaring embers, Gil himself shuffling a little closer to push his hands towards the heat; as the sun set across the oceanic horizon, he regretted not returning to the dorms, as some of the others had, to fetch something a bit warmer. He'd buttoned up his shirt, the time for artful display of abs far gone, but still found the evening chill worming its way to his bones.

Lorcán, ever the social glue between much of the team, prompted the evening's discussion, opting for that most nerve-racking of topics: the future.
“Alright gentle-dudes and lady-brahs, where does everyone see themselves once they graduate?”

Calliope had sat down next to Gil, and then Banjo had inserted himself between them. Gil ignored them both - not the malicious, deliberate kind, just simple neutrality, their appearances here as unremarkable as anyone else's - though he did notice Banjo staring and grinning at him for an extended amount of time. Gil was used to Banjo mouthing off, or playing pranks, or finding more general, ostentatious ways to irritate the group; he wasn't used to Banjo just being plain weird. He cleared his throat and shuffled an inch or two closer to the fire, wondering if Calliope found Banjo's behaviour as odd as everyone else did. Probably not. She didn't strike Gil as having the patience for it if she did.

Banjo-brand peculiarity was quickly forgotten as the question circled the bonfire, each member of Blackjack offering their hopes and dreams into the flame. Gil noticed Aurora falling asleep on Lorcán's shoulder, and hoped his copy had offered some sage advice earlier that afternoon. He'd have to catch himself up separately with his friend later on. To his side, Rory and Haven also began cosying up, and between the pair of pairs and the twinkling sunset sparkling off the sea, Gil felt a sharp pang shoot through him, his hand reflexively reaching for his phone and his mind brought back to those damning messages from Elenora he'd gotten that morning. It was not an unfamiliar pang; but while less frequent than it had once been, it had lost none of its potency.

He found himself tuning back in as Amma thoroughly deflated the collective blue-sky optimism of his teammates with her 6-feet-under realism. There was a lull in the conversation, the mood thoroughly murdered. He cleared his throat.
"Well, as long as they still cast me when I get back to L.A., I think I can put up with the rest." He said, trying to flash a smile and bring levity back to the evening. "You're looking at the next official spokesperson for Cachou Lajaunie, packing a liquorice wallop for fresh beyond freshness. Providing I can get a weekend release, of course. And after graduation, Hollywood is my oyster."
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