Welcome to Westpoint High! The one and only high school in the fictional town of Westpoint Ridge. Founded in the 1890's on the site of a former goldmine, the town has steadily grown into a nice little slice of American town living. At least that is what the brochures said. In reality the town has been on the decline since the 2008 finical crisis. Most of the towns infrastructure hasn't been updated, and public services, including the school has been underfunded.

Westpoint Ridge is the fictional setting for our High School RP. Based in Washington state it is perfectly situated to have everything you could ever want for a location: A coastline with a small dock, forests and hill surrounding the town and mountains only a short drive away. Plus it is only a couple hours from Seattle, so city amenities is just a short trip away!
Founded in the late 1890's by the Fray family, Westpoint Ridge was built on the remains of an old gold mine that has been raided clean of resources, leaving just an empty husk behind. Work began on filling the large mine shafts and converting the old workers barracks into actual habitable spaces. Decades of investment allowed the town to grow and expand beyond it's original gold mine boundaries, stretching just a little more to the west until it hit the coast and began to set up its own fishing industry.
This expansion would eventually halt in the mid 90s as government funding and private equity began to focus on building up large urban centres as the demands for city living rose. The town was hit pretty hard by the financial crisis of 2008 and as a result never truly recovered. Home values plummeted and crime rose, locking in a vicious cycle of deprecation that so far hasn't been broken. Afterall, what is the point in resurfacing the main street if it just going to get wrecked again several months later? The once wonderful small town appeal of Westpoint Ridge fell apart and now everyone is stuck in their own personal hell. Still, the town spirit has endured, somewhat. There are those that just want to make their lot in life and make simple living, even if that means ignoring the mould on the walls and the peeling paint on the exterior walls.

Westpoint High is the only high school in the town, and as such is full to the brim with students. Westpoint is stuck in that limbo state of having enough students for a school and a quarter, but no one has the funds, or the willpower to build a second High School, so everyone is lumped together. Add into that the meagre school budget, and the fact the school has been in deficit with it's building and ground maintenance for the past 15 years at least, and what you get is a school falling apart at the seams.
The school can provide the basics, but that is about it. You can get an education here, but it is not going to be anything special. Classes on offer tend to be anything that doesn't require any extra equipment due to costs. The schools science and arts classes are the most visibly hit by the restriction, with just the bare minimum legally required being offered. Extra-curricular activities tend to follow the same rule here as well. Sports are still offered mostly through donated equipment and the thought that winning certain leagues might confer cash prizes or grants.
Most students at the school are apathetic and aren't particularly interested in their studies or further education. Why bother studying when no one can afford college? And even if they could afford it, which college would accept people like them? No, 99% of the population are doomed to stay here in Westpoint Ridge, forever. So might as well enjoy your teen years while you can, before you slip into a life of mind numbing day to day survival, paycheck to paycheck.

Okay, onto the boring but important things basic rules firstly!
- Standard Guild Rules - The usual stuff
- IC and OOC are different things - Please be able to differentiate between them.
- If you have any issues please bring them to Me or the Co-GM. Please bear in mind that we live in different timezones and might not reply right away. We do have lives.
- If there is going to be any reason you can’t post, do keep us updated. I don’t need reasons, just an indication of when you will return.
In terms of posting, I don't want to have hard and fast deadlines, and have them as set in stone. I tend to find what happens is you get a rush of posts at the start of a new cycle, and then a dip at the end as everyone gets exhausted and bored and inspiration leaves everyone. Ideally I would like people to be posting every two weeks, but unlike a deadline, this isn't a hard rule that I am going to be enforcing. Instead we are going to be simply controlling posting by moving time forward at a gradual pace. If people can't post then they can become background characters for a while until they can post. I want this to be more of a collaborative experience when deciding what scenes we want to write for and between our characters. That way everyone is much more invested in what is going on, and we don't just have a bunch if isolated storylines going off at the same time.
For Post length, I know the SoL is famous for 10+ page google doc collabs that take about a month to put together but leave you with an epic novella to read full of juicy drama and secrets to read. But I would like to try a differing approach that is a little less intimidating to newcomers. Please collab, it is easier for writing out dialogue, however, please try to keep it to 2 google docs pages per post - even if you have to post multiple posts over the course of the next few weeks. We won't be moving forward with any scenes until we are happy to, and hopefully smaller posts delivered more often will keep everyone engaged enough, and the creative juices flowing that we don't notice the passage of time!

For character sheets, if you have a sheet template you like, or have prepared earlier that fits the high school setting, then please use/modify that. If you want to jazz your sheet up with Aesthetics and banners, please do that. I have a character sheet below that anyone can use if they need one. Character acceptance is not based on how amazingly you make your sheet look pretty. It is based on the content of said sheet.
Character Sheet - Kindly created by @HaleyTheRandom - Orignal Post
We have a discord you can join too! Discord Invite