Ah, gather 'round, young ones, and let me spin you a yarn from the days of my youth, when the Westerlands were a tapestry of untamed wilderness and bustling towns, and of the spirit of adventure that once thrived like wildfire.
My tale begins as I, a brash and wide-eyed wanderer, set out with a motley band of companions to find Lewen-Lar - the fabled Stargem, a precious stone said to possess the light of the very stars that fell from the heavens. Among these companions were Thurs, a dwarven smith whose hammer could shape winds as well as metal; Simbel, an elven mage with a laughter like the spring rain; and Jaren, a human warrior poet whose words and words could soothe savage beasts or stir hearts to courage.
Our journey led us through the twisting paths of the Sylvan Forests, under the shadowed boughs where the light danced with the darkness. Simbel taught us to speak in whispers to the trees, and they whispered back, guiding our steps. Thurs found rare ores in the roots of the ancient woods, and at night by the fire, he forged tokens of friendship for each of us, binding us together.
We scaled the frost-kissed peaks of the Boreal Mountains, where the wind told tales of ages past. Jarens voice wrestled with the howling blizzards, and each note he sang seemed to stave off the cold, drawing us closer around the fire, our laughter a beacon in the frozen night. Here, in the heart of winters realm, we learned the warmth of camaraderie against the cold of the world.
In the depths of the Underworld caverns, our path was lit not by Simbels magic, nor by the glint of Thurs forged metal, but by the glow of the friendship that had kindled among us. We never did find Lewen-Lar, but as we emerged from the darkness into the light of dawn, with empty hands but full hearts, we realized the truth of our quest.
You see, my young friends, the treasure we sought wasn't buried under earth or hidden in the starlit sky. It was woven through the very journey we undertook, in the tales we gathered and the bonds we forged. The Westerlands have changed, the old paths overgrown and the memories dimmed, but remember this: it’s not the destination that forges a wanderer's spirit; it’s the journey itself, and the companions who walk it with you.
So cherish these stories, for as long as the paths wind and the stars shine, the journey is never truly over.
Welcome to Westerland Tales!
In this game we take on the roles of a group of adventurers who goes on a quest which will take them from one end to the other of the Westerlands, a sprawling realm of diverse kingdoms and cultures. But - and here's the kicker - the main quest will not be the focus of the game. One thing that has always stood out to me about good RPGs are the companion quests. They flesh out the world, develop the characters, and give more meaning to the events of the rest of the game, sometimes to the point of becoming more important than the main quest itself. That is what I strive to create with this game: a fun and meaningful way to explore our characters and their relations with a typical epic adventure as the backdrop.
To accomplish this, I've thought up an idea that I find intruiging. I will not be the sole GM of the game. Instead, we will all take turns being the storyteller. When creating your character, you will also get the chance to create a place in the Westerlands where your character has history. It could be a bustling city, a dark forest or an ancient ruin; whatever it is, your character has business there, and it happens to be along the way of our journey. When we get to that place, your character becomes the protagonist - and you, the GM. I want all of you to have a lot of creative freedom in this process, within the framework of my setting of course.
When applying, post your character in the thread as usual for evaluation. At the same time, send me a PM detailing the place and the business your character has there, and we'll discuss it!
As for the tone and feel of the game, I like to keep it fun and light hearted on the surface, but more complex and possibly dark when you go a little deeper.
A few guidelines for character creation:
- You will use and fill out the provided CS. You may tweak the formatting if you wish.
- You will stick with fantasy races, either the usual ones or something more exotic. Nothing stupid, though.
- You will create a typical hero or likeable anti-hero; chaotic evil monsters or full on psychopaths are not what I’m looking for.
- Your character will be of a considerable power-level, but nothing stupid. Could it take on a band of bandits and prevail? Not a problem. Could it solo a dragon? Not a chance.
A Little Lore
Character Sheet Template
Rules for Posting
There is one general rule that all players of the game must adhere to, and that is the Hierarchy of Content. Every post and actions within said post should strive to uphold this hierarchy. It goes as follows:
- The Story comes first. Try to keep your post in line with where the story is right now, and where it is going. Don't post a development that breaks with the story, like one-shotting an apparent Big Bad or going off on an own adventure. Be smart. And, if you're uncertain as how to proceed, just ask. We can discuss it in the OOC.
- The Group comes second. This isn't a one man show. We're collaborating a story here, so let's try to make sure that everybody has fun and gets something out of it. Our characters might turn into rivals, and perhaps even fight, but we as players should always strive to find solutions that work well for the group. Bear in mind that the group needs to prioritize the story.
- The Character comes last. Stay in character. What would it do, given the current circumstance? Remember, you're not playing yourself. Your character might have moral inclinations and goals that differ from your own. Use this to your and your fellow players advantage. Don't, however, go against the group. And don't go against the story.
If you follow this hierarchy, there should be no problems. You will have lots of freedom in this game; I will try to interfere as little as possible. My role as general GM will be to introduce you to the quest and help the GM of the current arc, but I don't want you looking to me for every NPC interaction or story development. Again, if you're unsure, just ask and we'll discuss it. Most NPCs are free game to do with as you wish. The more important ones will be obvious, and may require a bit more finesse in dealing with. That will generally be up to the GM of the current arc, however. If your character acts against another PC, however, the rules are slighty different. You may not control other PC characters. Instead, you must describe a) what your character tries to do to them and b) what it hopes to accomplish with that action. It is up to the other player to decide how their character reacts. Remember the hierarchy.
I expect every player to contribute a minimum of 1 post per week. If you know that you're going to miss the mark, I expect you to communicate this in the OOC. An unannounced absence of two weeks will result in forfeiting the character, which will be written out of the game by the GM. Similarly, if a player wants to, or has to, opt out of the game for any reason, I would strongly like to encourage making a final post in which the character is written out of the game, lest I have to do it for you. If you are the GM of the current arc and have to drop out, I will assume control of the story until it's the next players turn to mantle GMhood.
Interested? Great! Let me know below, and apply with a character!