It took all of Katherine's restraint to not punch the alarm clock blaring on her nightstand. After a glorious two day weekend (with no monster attacks!) it was time for her to return to the Magicorp offices. She'd been particularly dreading this day because it was going to be time for the yearly performance reviews. While she normally relished the thought of going through the departments and finding every single thing that could be improved upon, the last year had been particularly brutal for the witches and wizards. The lycan outbreak in southern Italy alone was catastrophic for the three teams sent to manage the situation. There were going to be a LOT of new hires running around which of course meant she was going to be slammed with that much more paperwork.
"Ugh... I was having such a lovely dream too," Katherine muttered as she pulled herself from the bed and began her morning routine. Stepping into her kitchen, she began by preparing her coffee while planning her morning attack for the review. "Probably best to start with the HR Department. If I send everyone down there, we might get an early lead on where other groups may be falling short." One too many mornings by herself had lead the witch to hold entire conversations with herself. "I'll need to speak with Stella as well. Merlin knows I'll need her on my side if we're to get Cam to do anything this month. Then there's the new girl in sales. Lydia? Why would we bring Demon spawn into the company? That's just asking for trouble..."
Once the coffee was brewing she returned to her bedroom and pulled her work attire out of the closet. She quickly dressed before turning to look at herself in the mirror. The gray hairs and bags under her eyes seemed to get more noticeable with each passing day. With a sigh, she muttered an illusion incantation and traced her glowing fingers over the blemishes. In an instant, it looked as through her face was aging backwards. If one looked closely however, they could see the glimmer of Kath's true features just underneath the illusory skin.
"Another day... Another illusion," said the lady with a sigh as she slipped into her polished black stilettos. Taking a moment to compose herself, Katherine slipped into her 'stone cold boss' persona she used whenever she went to work. With one last sweep through the apartment, she grabbed her coffee, her bag, and set off to work. The commute was rather quick thanks to Kath's divination abilities. One cursory glance into the future as she left the parking garage allowed her to see every road and traffic jam in the city that morning.
As her car pulled into the Magicorp garage, she felt the familiar tingle as she passed through the wards that surrounded the building. A simple security measure, but it prevented anyone with evil intent from entering the premises. After taking a moment to find a spot, Katherine exited her car and began her day.
The Magicorp Office was an imposing structure. Fifty-five stories in downtown New York City housing what - to the rest of the world - appeared to be a massive tech firm that could rival the likes of Apple and Android. On the inside however, the world's largest collective of witches and wizards worked in secret to protect the mortal world from threats so ancient their stories were now considered 'mythology' by the general public. The large central atrium in the building dominated most of the space. Floating in midair was a massive globe which was enchanted to pinpoint where in the world an outbreak of rampaging Fey or Dark Wizards were detected. Large glass elevators on each corner of the atrium allowed for quick access to the various floors and departments. On top of the building, there was a rooftop garden that looked out over the New York cityscape, a (mostly) peaceful space where employees could relax or nature elementalists could re-connect with their hippie side.
Katherine sighed in relief as she managed to get an elevator for herself and rode it all the way to her office on floor fifty. Leaning against the wall of the elevator, she turned to look at the globe as she ascended. Attacks had been getting worse in recent years. Who knew what was coming next?