Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow nods, kicking her feet under the counter to get rid of some of her anxious energy. At the mention of ‘family’ she looks down at the counter, missing how talented Rowan was with flipping meat while cooking. “Yes… I’m the youngest of three. All of us girls. My dad was… well he died almost ten years ago and my mom… she died last August…” She takes her head off her hands and wrings her fingers.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan nodded lightly, plating the meat on two plates and then scooping the vegetables. He gives her more vegetables than meat and more meat for himself. He set the plate in front of her, as well as a roll from the oven. He even gets some juice and the sits next to her at the bartop. "Where are they?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow thanks Rowan softly as she pulls the plate closer to her. “My sisters?” She asks, glancing sidelong at him as he sits down next to her. “I don’t know actually…” Her ears droop more as she picks up her fork and pushes her food around. “Someone mentioned they had been traded with another clan that needed bunnies…”
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

He ate slowly, mulling over her answers while trying to think of new questions. He hummed softly, chewing on a few pieces of meat. "Would you ever want to meet them again? If you had the opportunity?" He looked at her, reaching over and brushing a stray hair from her face gently.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

One of Willow’s ears perk up at the mention of meeting her sisters again and she looks at Rowan as she swallows her mouth full of food. “Yes,” She answers honestly, never having given it thought before escaping the clan. “I don’t know how to track them down, though. They never used the names our parents gave us… which is why Grant keeps referring to me as ‘Jewel’.” Her nose scrunches at the name.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

The wolf nodded, ear flicking towards her gently. "Okay. Write down the names they have been using and I'll see if I can get some information on them." He smiled lightly, eating a little, glancing towards her. "What did you do at the estate? Or, what did they make you do?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow nods, her expression full of gratitude towards Rowan. “I can do that.” She’s desperate to ask how he can get information on them - this lone wolf that’s taken her in - but she reminds herself that she should answer his questions first. It’s only fair. She pauses eating to tap her chin.

“Well, growing up it was mostly kitchen or cleaning duty…” She says, picturing herself in her maid uniform. “Then, after mom, they had me take over her duties.” Her eyes glance away from Rowan as she frowns. “They had me do weird things like dance during parties… I never really understood why.” Her nose crinkles at the memory.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

He pauses in eating too, staring ahead as he listens to her speak. Dammit. He sets the fork down and looks over to her, eyes scanning her before he sighs. He really doesn't want to ask anything more about this, but he has to. "What do you wear during those dances?" He flicks his gaze away and then looks back. "Is there any other bunnies that go with you?"
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow feels her cheeks warm, wondering what she said to make Rowan react like this. “U-um, it was usually something that was probably expensive, like a tiny dress or a top with a short skirt.” She says, fumbling with her words and hoping she’s saying the right thing. “Sometimes if someone brought a rabbit to the party, they’d have us dance together…” She pauses as she fidgets, trying to decide what information Rowan is looking for.

“I think it was mostly to show us off to guests - I had only been doing it for the last year, so I still don’t fully understand it…” Squirming in her seat, she looks at her food and frowns as she wonders if she’d done something wrong. Her appetite is growing smaller by the minute with the discussion.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan looks her over before turning away. He really had to ask the next questions, huh? He set his elbows on the counter and pressed his hands to his mouth as he contemplated how to approach them. Dammit. "Alright. Next two." He swallowed, and looked over to her. "Did your mother come home late ever? Were.. you and our sisters the same coloring?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow turns on the stool to face Rowan, her head tilting a little in a silent question. “Um,” She crinkles her brow as she tries to remember. “Uh, maybe? I mean, she’d be up later than me… and my sisters? I think we were all different - I know I was the darkest out of the three of us… Why? Is something wrong?” She squirms under his gaze as her thoughts race. Will he take her back to them now? She starts to try and curl in on herself, wanting to hide now.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

He reaches out. He slides off his stood and stands next to her, pulling her into his chest. "I'm sorry. I don't want to ask them, but the more information I have, the better I'll understand your situation." He ran a hand through her hair gently. "Your sisters.. are they older or younger than you?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow rests her chin against Rowan’s chest, looking up at him with concern still. “I’m the youngest, they’re older.” She says, still wondering what specifically Rowan wants to know, but also thoroughly enjoying the way he was running his hand through her hair and eventually moving her head so she could rest her cheek against him and close her eyes. “I just feel like you’re looking for something specific and I don’t know the answers.” She says softly.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

He lowered his face into her ears and hair, breathing heavily. He let out a soft sound and held her tighter. "Willow.. They were servicing them out. If they aren't with you anymore then a customer probably bought their contract." He frowned as he looked past her. He was actually angry now. It was probably one of the reasons she was still wanted. That and her coloration was likely to be very unique.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow feels a pleasant shiver go up her spine as Rowan’s beard scratches against her ears. It feels strange that she enjoys the way he plays with her hair or how gentle he is with her ears - she used to hate when anyone besides her mother touched them. “Servicing?” She asks slowly in confusion as she tries to connect context clues with her limited knowledge of the world right now. Her heart starts pounding, but it’s not from Rowan this time. She opens her eyes as her brow knits together.

“W-wait, like… an escort?” The word was thrown in a lot of the movies and shows she’d been watching while Rowan was at the bakery. “They were being ‘pimped’ out?” Another word she’d learn from the television. She starts to tremble but for the first time since escaping, it’s not with fear; it’s rage at the possibility of her sisters and mother having to endure something like that.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Rowan ran a hand up her back again. He scented her gently, releasing calming pheromones for her. "I would bet money. If they're looking for you, then you probably have buyers. Your coloration and physique is very desirable, especially if you've been dancing at parties for a year."

He clenched his jaw gently and then tilted her head up to look at him. "There's two options we can do now that I know this information. Both will be difficult, one more so than the other."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow’s nose wiggles as she recognizes Rowan is scenting her, but her brow still crinkles. She’s desirable? Thinking back to those parties, she remember how one of the Beowulf’s would always be in serious conversations with guests attending, both would be throwing glances her way. She doesn’t have long to dwell on it as Rowan turns her face to look up at him again. “… What are the options?” Her eyes are wide as her bottom lip pouts, her gaze curious but mixed with anxiety.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
Avatar of Visyn

Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

He looked her over, and helped her off the stool. He guided her to the couch, and sat her down before kneeling in front of her. He held her hands gently, simply searching her face before letting out a soft sigh.

"Option one. I keep you with me when I leave to go back to the city and properly buy your contract that way." He paused, frowning lightly. That'd would be the safest route to take. He's one of the richest CEOs in the wolfen clans, without being tied to them. Anyone would want him to jump on this option, especially since he's known for being against discrimination.

"Option two. This is the more difficult one. We can create a plan. Let them take you back, you get as much information from them about other girls and species and then I buy your contract at the auction they would likely have once you're back."
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 21 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO

Willow barely pays attention as Rowan moves her to the couch easily. Blinking, she looks down at him as he speaks, explaining the first option. When he frowns, she moves one of her hands out of his hold and holds his face, using her thumb to try and smooth out the crease in his face. It’s done unconsciously, but when she realizes what he was doing, she blushed and put her hand back in his as he goes over the second option.

If she’s being honest, she doesn’t like either option. “But then, wouldn’t they know you’ve been hiding me the whole time? Wouldn’t they be mad and try to hurt you or something as revenge?” As for the second option, she doesn’t even know how to feel about it. “And what if I go back and they don’t…” She hesitates on the world before finishing her thought. “What if they don’t sell me?” Her thoughts run rampant, but she’s starting to look at her memories with a new perspective and she becomes more worried at this possibility.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

He settled more and raises her hands to his cheeks. They're warm, but clammy. She's obviously nervous. "The only way they would know I might have been hiding you would be the first option, but I can also make it believe that I simply found you and wanted to buy you. It wouldn't be too hard." He pressed her hands a little harder.

"I don't like the second option either, but it could not only save you but others in a similar situation. I sure there were other girls at the parties. It doesn't have to be bunnies. A lot of omegas are taken and sold off without warning. It's why I created the sanctuaries." He let out a sigh, closing his eyes. "As for hunting me. It wouldn't.. be in their favor. Like I said. I'm rich. With money can equally come power and I can't say I don't have some powerful people in my pocket because of it."
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