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Hidden 15 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Srpv I don't understand most of what you're saying, but don't insult people.

He's been banned after I consulted another mod. However, the ban doesn't seem to have worked as he was able to post after I applied the ban.
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 33 min ago

@Rhona W The ban was lifted, or the ban did not go through?
Hidden 15 days ago 15 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Rhona W The ban was lifted, or the ban did not go through?

The ban doesn't appear to have gone through. I used the GM tools to ban the users in question from the RP. It might be because they posted at the same time as I was working on it.
They haven't posted since, so I'm not sure.
I've also been made aware that users can still look at a topic and react to it while banned, so I don't know if that's why he and the other user I banned are still hanging around.
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by POOHEAD189
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POOHEAD189 Warrior

Admin Seen 33 min ago

@Rhona W Oooh, yeah, you can't ban someone from a thread. I thought you meant you got a site mod. Don't worry, I'm handling this.
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Rhona W Oooh, yeah, you can't ban someone from a thread. I thought you meant you got a site mod. Don't worry, I'm handling this.

I did get a site mod; I DM'ed LegendBegins and they recommended I use the GM tools to ban people from the thread for being disruptive.
But I'll let you take care of it, thank you.

Hidden 15 days ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

So reading up on everything, Is it safe to assume there is space available to join the squadron? certainly looks like it went like a grenade in a hand basket for a moment lol. anyhow, if your accepting new pilots I can get to work on an idea. just wanted to check beforehand.

Oh and greetings everyone :)
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Damo021. greetings! I presume you're part of the Marvel Mini-Community on this site?
Hidden 15 days ago 15 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

So reading up on everything, Is it safe to assume there is space available to join the squadron? certainly looks like it went like a grenade in a hand basket for a moment lol. anyhow, if your accepting new pilots I can get to work on an idea. just wanted to check beforehand.

Oh and greetings everyone :)

There certainly is - I remember you from GEARS (I think, it's been a while) and some other RPs I've run or been in, and I'd love to have you aboard.
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Hidden 15 days ago 15 days ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Rhona W think i been in one your aircraft RP's before also flying an old Swedish fighter haha. yeah there have a been a couple i have been in with you, been a blast so thank! I will get to work on my character concept. This time Around already decided I'm flying a Saab JAS 39E Gripen.

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Hidden 15 days ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Letter Bee Sorry Almost missed this, i have dabbed in it from time to time, but I did not make the Micro mini you see on my profile, I have had several made for mostly DC and some marvel from other talented guys
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago

@Rhona W think i been in one your aircraft RP's before also flying an old Swedish fighter haha. yeah there have a been a couple i have been in with you, been a blast so thank! I will get to work on my character concept. This time Around already decided I'm flying a Saab JAS 39E Gripen.

Yeah, I definitely remember the name! Either way, it's always been fun playing with you, so I'll be glad to have you join us.
Excellent choice with the Gripen as well, it's a great aircraft. Highly capable, looks great, and I love how manoeuvrable it is with such a tidy little size.
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Hidden 15 days ago 15 days ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Rhona W Unfortunetly I can't find my old pilot CS to update as they would of been cool, cant remember which RP i put them in but remember you helping get the craft enhanced and have A.I in that one. Haha thank you! well I look forward to whipping something Up, i don't mind if my character didn't make the breifing, can always have them meet at Malta as a last minute addition. the codename will be Valkyrie. spoilers i know.

Yeah it's one of my favourite aircraft and with it abilities and ordanance it can easily switch into a air to air, air to ground or anti ship role, as the gadgets it uses as standard from the wiki means i shouldn't have to update the living daylights out of it and easy to maintina, all bonuses :)
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by Kensai
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

@Rhona W think i been in one your aircraft RP's before also flying an old Swedish fighter haha. yeah there have a been a couple i have been in with you, been a blast so thank! I will get to work on my character concept. This time Around already decided I'm flying a Saab JAS 39E Gripen.

Euro 4.5 Gen represent! Nice to have you on board.
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by AvaP
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Member Seen 5 hrs ago


Delta wing! Welcome and I love it!
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Damo021, wanna join the Discord?
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Hidden 15 days ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Letter Bee Oh shoot yeah I saw the link earlier, I'll jump onto the link
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Hidden 13 days ago 13 days ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Name: Freyja Svensdotter
Callsign/Nickname: Valkyrie
Age: 32
Gender: Female

Freyja is a lovely scandinavian woman with brown hair, She usually has it draping over her shoulders, preferring to have her hair flow free. Sometimes or depending on what Freyja is doing she will tie up her hair. She's has dark brown eyes and soft olive skin complexion. She stands roughly at 5'5¾" and has small cheeks, a medium size nose, hands, and ears with delicate slightly over average size lips. Freyja also has a tattoo with it going from her Right shoulder blade and making it's way down her back. She also has her tongue pierced, she has a small scar that runs a little along under her right rib and mutliple scarrings on her back.

In terms of attire, Freyja likes to try and keep things simplistic and minimalist with flowing garments that breathe easy. Things that hang over her shoulders, but also keep tight enough that they don't get in the way. She can often be seen in neutral or dark coloured clothing, mostly black and leathers, weather it cargo pants, jackets etc... Typically, Freyja prefers to wear black high heel or standard combat boots but can easily slip into sneakers. She's not the type of girl to go all out fancy - though, honestly, she does secretly like the feeling of a dress or a skirt hanging neatly off her body. Freyja, despite being partial to more practical foot wear, can easily rock a heel if she needs to.

Nationality: Swedish
Personality: Freyja is an interesting individual. She has had to learn to adapt and improvise to her surroundings which has led her into becoming a capable individual, she'll do what she can to help out if it benefits her situation. But; she is proud of her heritage and wears it on her sleeves and always wanted more for her life growing up, she became devastated when Heavenfall happened and since has her own moral compass and unprejudiced. But; She is not ashamed in having to do what she did to survive.

No one expects Freyja to be a book worm but it is true, she spends quite a bit of her time reading, she loves her music and is as likely to listen to metal music as she is calm, just depends on what she feels listening to at the time and may even sing to it when she is in her own world. But; despite this, Freyja appears to not care less about material things, like online fashion, posting what someone is eating, celebrities and posting her every move on some social media network and she doesn’t like to rely on people if she can help it.

Freyja does consider herself as an approachable person that is kind to those that earned it, she is far from soft-hearted though. To strangers and acquaintances, she may sometimes come off as wary to becoming friends as trust takes time to earn. But don't let her flaws fool you, she can have a laugh, be friendly and Sympathetic to others capable of giving second chances. Freyja is the type however that is loyal to those who do right by her and will help out her friends even if it’s just to listen or be a shoulder to cry on. though helping them achieve certain... Ambitions is another matter for her. If she doesn't like something, she won't hesitate to let you know.

History: Although Freyja doesn’t really talk about her past, especially pre-heavenfall. She was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden to a hard working family, she was the second child of the family, having an older brother. It was a pretty comfortable life really, living in the coastal capital on the nation, there was plenty to do when growing up, it’s also where her brother took the time to teach her to surf, but Freyja also enjoyed the in mainland life to. The family would often go on camping trips or other family gatherings, her time spent with her dad played a big part of her early and teenage life, he taught her how to camp, fish and hunt, she was not as great as him but the quality time spend together meant more to her.

Just prior to joining the air force at eighteen, Freyja went backpacking with a group of friends for a few months, often enjoying the outdoors and freedom, it also gave her time to think on what she wanted to be after she was done with her education. After 15 months of training, Freyja would not see massive amount of issues, most of the action was training exercises, combat patrols and the odd interceptions. However, her life, just like many others around the world changed, four years into her service and Heavenfall hit, it caused so much damage and chaos as local governments and society literally fell apart around her. In the aftermath of the global disaster, Freyja had learned her parents did not survive, her brother did but their relationship was strained as he blamed her for not being there.

It took years before the toll of everything that happened sunk in, Scandinavian countries where looking inwards of themselves and sure enough the scraps were being fought over by the rich or greedy corporations, even the militaries of old were restructured into PMC’s or other guns for hire. Pilots of course were well sought after and paid well for their services, it was kill or be killed, if you didn’t do what you were told to do or contracted obligation, it could have meant your own death. It was lawless out there in the early years and Freyja knew it, she couldn’t rely on the N/UN to come save her, and she couldn’t really see an out.

Over the years, Freyja found herself a pilot for hire, sometimes she was in a PMC, non-sanctioned one’s funding by questionable means. It was only a matter of time before Freyja came across N/UN forces as its influence slowly spread, she was responsible for multiple bombings of N/UN assets, downing pilots, reconnaissance etc.… but the true stand out was her anti-ship efforts, in one particular anti N/UN operation, Freyja braved heavy anti air to strike a military transport ship carrying much needed supplies to a city that was of interest to both sides, resulting heavy losses of supplies and sailors.

In more recent times though, Freyja went rogue from her PMC mid operation. The reason was because she refused to complete a contract that involved hitting civilian targets, it was destroyed anyway by her wingman, when she returned however her payment went out to the other pilots. She had lashing punishments in front of others before being incarcerated and hideously tortured at the very base she called home, until they were satisfied she learned her place. During said operation Freyja gunned down her wingman who was on a bombing run on a hospital, sparing it, that pilot survived the encounter as Freyja escaped and went into hiding.

N/UN would get their target though, but not in a way they expected. Freyja was hiding out at a small abandoned building with a runway, when she heard what sounded like a large craft not flying at high altitude. Fearing she had been discovered, Freyja quickly with the help of a few guys stationed there, got her Gripen ready and she took to the skies in pursuit of the unknown craft. Upon catching up to her target, to her surprise it was a N/UN military transport, maybe it fell behind it’s sortie or thought lost from an Evac mission or something, she didn't know, oddly though when she locked on, the craft didn’t attempt to evade.

Upon a closer look, Freyja could see at least one engine was out, disengaging her target lock, she moved up alongside the larger craft, surveying the damage, she was surprised the craft was still flying, managing to make contact to the sheer surprise and horror of the pilot no doubt recognizing her plane, they pleaded to let them go when she urged them to land, claiming they had civilians on board after some debate and getting nowhere, Freyja decided to fly in formation with the transport, and escorted it back and into N/UN airspace, refusing to leave it until it had to go and land, she saluted the pilot before they landed successfully. Ultimately she was forced to land herself and was captured.

After several months of interrogation and providing what information she knew, the higher up's had to try and weight in on Freyja’s past and more recent actions and there desperate need for highly trained and skilled pilots. Freyja was eventaully given the opportunity to join N/UN forces after a rehabilitation program, her Gripen was updated to the latest standards, she has recently been cleared for active duty and given the opportunity to join shattered steel and Cobalt Haze squadron.

Personal Gear:
  • Colt M1911 MEU/SOC Pistol 88 C2 with Streamlight TLR-2.
  • HK-5C “Marksman Rifle” with suppressor, bipod, optical scope, vertical foregrip and optional light/laser.
  • Combat/Survival knife.
  • Swiss Eagle Multi-Tool Army Knife.
  • Oval Locket Necklace Pendant with a small picture of her parents in it.
  • A book called 'A higher call'

Personal Aircraft: Saab JAS-39E Gripen. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saab_JAS_39_Gripen

Aircraft modifications:
  • All suggested modifications/upgrades in the linked article above the picture.
  • N/UN updated to use storm shadow missiles.
  • Griffon style paint scheme.

Anything Else:
  • Freyja hopes that one day her home nation will become stable and join the N/UN to rebuild.
  • Freyja has not spoken to her brother in many years.
  • The wingman mentioned in her history is known as 'Gryphus' intel suggest he is flying a Sukhoi Su-35.
  • Freyja once often used some of her 'funds' to help displaced/orphaned children from warzones.
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQnf23rQQVE The song i kept coming to while making Freyja, i suppose this is her theme.
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Hidden 13 days ago Post by Rhona W
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Rhona W Burd-Dragon

Member Seen 3 hrs ago


Freyja is approved, although with two minor things - one, in the 'modifications' section you have a mention of a linked article; is that copied across from my one accidentally, or did you have an intended article to link?
Two, and more minor and that gave a little chuckle - but, not at your expense!! - I think the rifle you're intending for her is the AK5, the Swedish standard issue rifle? G&G are an airsoft gun manufacturer, and do make a version of the gun for airsoft, with their own naming to avoid trademark issues. Just take out the G&G part and rename it to HK-5C and you'll be golden ^^
Feel free to post her in the characters tab!
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Hidden 13 days ago Post by Damo021
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Thanks! Replying on phone as at work. I can work on fixing those minors when I get home. I did copy over a part as I didn't know the coding to do those bullet points embarrassingly, sorry! It's meant for link to the aircraft above the picture. Thought it be easier than trying to list everything it could have.

And yep my bad it is meant to be the Ak5. It was 1.30am in morning when I was researching up. Will correct it when I get home.
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Hidden 11 days ago Post by Kensai
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Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Okay guys, let's keep real world politics out of this. This is an AU.
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