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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Kyoko jumped away from the ball of metal after it started exploding. She placed a barrier in front of her to protect her from getting wounded by the pieces. However, they were moving slowly. "What the heck?" she continuously observed the pieces. But her attention got caught by the person that appeared on the crater, "Who's there?!" she raised her spear as she said those. Then the said person spoke. It seems he's applauding her. The voice seemed familiar. Of course it would be. "Saved me a lot of trouble you rotten piece of crap." However, when Kyoko had a good look at him, he seemed like a different person. He had worn different clothes and now has a mustache. But no doubt that it is him. '... Illusions? Shapeshifting?' She just shrugged it off afterwards since it wasn't really important for her. Because right now, her priority is defeat this person.

"Dance? Sorry but I have no time for your shitty dances." Then she made two spears beside the man, making them charge to him in the process. While doing that, she was charging towards her as well. "Now, you're going to tell me things!" As she was about to make all three spears of her attack him, someone suddenly appeared. The man also disappeared, "Wha?!" and a sword was coming at her. Quickly she parried the sword with the spear on the left and the one she's carrying, "Who the hell are you?" An enemy perhaps? But thinking about it, the one that she probably wanted to attack was the man Kyoko wanted to kill as well. It was just that the attack was avoided and she was heading towards him.

All of a sudden, the person appeared beside the newcomer and said something. The newcomer's weapon shattered into bits all of a sudden. Kyoko, on the other hand, leaped away from them. "What in the hell is happening here?!" She kept her guard up against them. Not one of them is familiar to her after all. "Are you an ally or a foe?!" she asked the girl. Though, she seems like an ally to Kyoko. The man said something about her telling her master to go and kill him herself if she wants to. "What is really going on here...?" she murmured.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Pyrrah went off on her own leaving Elizabeth when suddenly she saw what looked like a strange vehical appear before her. Or she was next to it. Blinking she noticed Len and Rin inside the object. "Hello..are you lost?" She said looking up at the twins realizing they were just kids. "What are you kids doing out here alone.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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Weiss Schnee said
Pyrrah went off on her own leaving Elizabeth when suddenly she saw what looked like a strange appear before her. Or she was next to it. Blinking she noticed Len and Rin inside the object. "Hello..are you lost?" She said looking up at the twins realizing they were just kids. "What are you kids doing out here alone.."

Suddenly, erupting from the ground behind Pyrrah, Minx wraps one arm around Pyrrah's neck.
"Who are you? Where are we....and do you consider yourself a hero?" She asks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob sighed as he turned away from Dianor, deciding she wasn't worth his attention. "I'm so sorry about the interruption. Say, how about I give you a pretty gem?" Bob smiles, as he produces an elegant box, engraved with gold. As he opens the box, he removes Kyoko's soul gem from it, and tosses it back to her. As she's still staring at the Gem in her hand, Bob once more reaches into the box, and the gem in her hand disappears, before once more being tossed over. "A useful trinket, isn't it, this box? I got it from a certain red-eyed fox. Real deceiver, that lil guy." Bob smiles, before making the box disappear. It was all lies, of course. In fact, the Soul Gem had never left Kyoko's necklace. However, the human mind is easily fooled with little tricks. Deception was an art form Bob was well versed in, and although he could have transported her Soul Gem, transporting unwilling souls directly through space was a pain, and he'd have to go all-out to do such a thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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On instinct Pyrrah moved her javalin behind her to Minx's neck. "Um..my name is Pyrrah Nikos and this looks like a forest. As for being a hero..actually I have not done anything someone may call heroic..if slaying monsters counts as anything.." She replied.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Blast Off and Vortex walked through the forest, smashing trees that got in their way. They couldn't seem to find any good building materials, and so they continued to search.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Weiss Schnee said
Pyrrah went off on her own leaving Elizabeth when suddenly she saw what looked like a strange vehical appear before her. Or she was next to it. Blinking she noticed Len and Rin inside the object. "Hello..are you lost?" She said looking up at the twins realizing they were just kids. "What are you kids doing out here alone.."

Len and Rin had been struggling for a while now. Reason? The Road Roller's out of control. "W-W-What do we do?!" She kept pressing the breaks, but it just won't work. "M-Make it disappear! Like what I did before!" Len shouted while turning the wheels, trying to avoid trees. "We'll die if we do that!" Because they might fly once more and this time, to their death. The vehicle is pretty fast right now. If they left it all of a sudden, their body might break into pieces upon impact. "T-Then I'll change into one of the special clothes!" Rin thought for a bit before nodding. "I'll change into one as well! You'll be protecting ourselves while I'll stop us both from falling to our deaths!" Then both started glowing. Once the light had dissipated, the twins were revealed to be wearing different clothes. "Chivalry and Deception! This will work out!"

The twins readied themselves. Len placed his shield in front of him while Rin grabbed him tightly. "On the mark of three!" They counted and once both had said three, Rin made the Road Roller disappear and Len braced himself. "Waaaahhh!!" shouted both. Rin flapped her wings with all her might. Their falling had slowed down a bit and is continuously doing so. Len's shield grazed the ground a bit, same with his feet. Then in front was a tree.


"OW!" they screamed in pain. Falling to the ground, both panted. "Hahh... Hah... It seems.. we made it...!" he said and was replied to with a thumbs up. "Let's rest for a bit..." Then Len stood up and made their vehicle appear again. Both jumped in and rested on the soft chairs. "Haahhh. Ow." Len's left arm had swelled. Using the shield wouldn't be possible for him. "You alright?" He just nodded. Feeling that her wings are too big, she used the clothes power and changed herself to a Rin with normal clothes, she disguised herself to ordinary self. "That's better..." And the twins relaxed for now. Noises were heard everywhere. It seems there's plenty of commotion going on.

All of a sudden, somebody appeared beside their vehicle. A lady. She was looking at them. 'Wah. Who is this now...?' he thought. Both were suddenly worried. What if she was foe? Then they're in danger. They're incapable of fighting nor running as of now. However, their worries were lessened as the lady looked at them both and asked if they are lost. It seems she was kind after all. She then asked what they were doing there alone. "W-We don't really.. know why we're here..." Len responded first, Rin the next, "S-So you could.. say we're lost..." they said in pants. Out of nowhere, someone rose from the ground and wrapped her neck to the first one who appeared. "W-Watch out...!!" Len told the lady, but he didn't really have the strength to move yet. His tiredness and the pain of his swollen arm being the cause.
thewizardguy said
Bob sighed as he turned away from Dianor, deciding she wasn't worth his attention. "I'm so sorry about the interruption. Say, how about I give you a pretty gem?" Bob smiles, as he produces an elegant box, engraved with gold. As he opens the box, he removes Kyoko's soul gem from it, and tosses it back to her. As she's still staring at the Gem in her hand, Bob once more reaches into the box, and the gem in her hand disappears, before once more being tossed over. "A useful trinket, isn't it, this box? I got it from a certain red-eyed fox. Real deceiver, that lil guy." Bob smiles, before making the box disappear. It was all lies, of course. In fact, the Soul Gem had never left Kyoko's necklace. However, the human mind is easily fooled with little tricks. Deception was an art form Bob was well versed in, and although he could have transported her Soul Gem, transporting unwilling souls directly through space was a pain, and he'd have to go all-out to do such a thing.

He spoke. Offering a gem, "Sorry but I don't need your tra-" she was bewildered when the man tossed the gem to her. It was her Soul Gem. She felt cold sweat. How come he had it? Then it disappeared, "Wha- Give it back shithead!" What's with that box?! Red-eyed fox? He couldnt mean- "Y-You..!! Where's that little bastard?! Who the hell are you?!" she was too confused. Her head ached a bit, but she endured it and tried to calm down. Wait. This gem. She touched the place where her gem is normally is. 'It's right here...! But..!" What is the soul gem on her palm then? Is there actually another gem? Kyubey had never told her about this. Is the man just deceiving her? But what if it's true? Kyoko slid the gem on her pocket for now. "You bastard...! Drop the box!" Then a spear rose in front of her and Kyoko kicked it towards the box.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Pyrrah listened to the twins while she tried to get Minx to back off by moving a arm to try and dislodge her. "Can you please get off me?" She said. "If you are lost so am I. I got seperated from my team."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Rin recovered first as she jumped down the vehicle after a bit, "Phew... So you are lost too huh?" She looked behind the lady and saw someone else. "W-Who is she? Is she an enemy...?" Though, she haven't even confirmed if the person in front of her is an ally as well. "A-Anyway... My name is Rin Kagamine," then Len left the vehicle after feeling a better. He walked beside Rin while grabbing his swollen left arm, "And this is my brother Len." he bowed slightly and smiled at them. "What's your name?" Len asked this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"I do not know about this girl or woman." Pyrrah said looking at Minx. "Nice to meet you. My name is Pyrrah Nikos." She introduced to Rin and Len.She also smiled back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

LenKagamine said
He spoke. Offering a gem, "Sorry but I don't need your tra-" she was bewildered when the man tossed the gem to her. It was her Soul Gem. She felt cold sweat. How come he had it? Then it disappeared, "Wha- Give it back shithead!" What's with that box?! Red-eyed fox? He couldnt mean- "Y-You..!! Where's that little bastard?! Who the hell are you?!" she was too confused. Her head ached a bit, but she endured it and tried to calm down. Wait. This gem. She touched the place where her gem is normally is. 'It's right here...! But..!" What is the soul gem on her palm then? Is there actually another gem? Kyubey had never told her about this. Is the man just deceiving her? But what if it's true? Kyoko slid the gem on her pocket for now. "You bastard...! Drop the box!" Then a spear rose in front of her and Kyoko kicked it towards the box.

One milion. There were exactly one million ways Bob could avoid the spear moving towards him. They say variety is the spice of life, and Bob most vehemently agreed. As time moved faster for his eyes, he went over some of the ways he could use. He could have destroyed the spear on a molecular level, teleported it to a different location, nullified the magic creating it, transform it into air, create an energy barrier, or use any number of techniques to destroy this seemingly simple attack. However, simplicity, such as all else in life, is an illusion created by those that cannot comprehend life's true complexity. And complexity opened up more options, more ideas, more possibilities. The more complex something is, the more ways it has to fall to bits.
Bob studied the spear in great detail. It was made of atoms, of course, as all things are in the physical plane, but Bob didn't use simply his eyes to look. He saw a complex power, similar to his own. The ability to use one's soul, one's wishes, to create objects and alter reality. Kyubey had no doubt enhanced this ability within the human mind, and it explained why the abilities that appeared were different for each soul. No two minds are alike. In a very real way, the magic coursing through the magical girl and the techniques she used were the very same power Bob drew on. He could see the spear in her soul and mind, as well as in it's physical form, a representation of her anger, a symbol of power, defiance, and victory. It was a work of beauty, and Bob really didn't feel like breaking it.
Bob held up a hand, a simple, physical construct, created from his own mind. Another similarity, he thought. Both his, and the girl's minds were attached to a crystal, a gem of sorts, outside of what most would consider their 'body'. Both were independant of the flesh that encased most living beings. Bob smiled as the spear thrust through the flesh in his hand, through his arm, into his shoulder. He saw how the spear moved through the middle of the limb, the outstretched bone being split and forced to two sides, many parts jutting out of his arm. The blue liquid that Bob had chosen as 'blood' in this form splattered to the ground, pouring from the many veins the spear's blade had cut. The shoulder bones were shattered on impact, the spear finally coming to a halt having torn it's way through the entire length of his arm with ease. The shockwave traveled from his shoulder, as if he had been hit by a bullet, and shattered his collarbone, dealing severe damage to his lungs, as well as several other organs that a human would have considered vital.
"Quite impressive. Had I been human, that would no doubt have killed me." The blood in his lungs had forced Bob to magically project his voice, instead of using the usual method of vocal chords and air to create sound. Although he was by all rights a God, Bob liked sticking to the basics. Or at least, that's what he'd decided a few hundred years ago. Before that, he'd often not even bothered giving himself vocal chords. "The box is a trick. Kyubey isn't the kind to share such a thing, you should know that better than anyone." Bob smiled, and dropped the box on the ground, where it melted. "It was a pleasure meeting you, Kyoko. You're certainly an interesting girl. You can be sure that I will be keeping my eye on you." Bob smiled, as eyes opened all over his suit, each of them directed solely at Kyoko. It was a bad joke, but he really hadn't been able to resist. It was his only failing. With a short bow, Bob once more disappeared, reappearing in his tower, where he prepared their next meeting in detail.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Dlanor supposedly went back to Erika through the usage of teleportation. It was clear that Bob was some sort of omnipresence, like Featherine. "I see you are in progress of a duel, Lady Erika. If you wish, I will assist you as you please," Dlanor says, seeing that Erika was in a duel against Battler. "Sure, I see no problem with that," Erika said with a smirk on her face.

"Hey! That's not fair, it's two against one," Battler said, seeing that Dlanor was joining in. Of course, since he was the Endless Sorcerer, he could summon one of the Seven Stakes of Purgatory for help, but he didn't know if he could summon them from this unknown world.

"Quit whining Battler-san, you managed to counter my Blue Truth with your Red Truth without a sweat," Erika teased him, giggling a bit.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LenKagamine


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The spear impaled him. His internal organs being severely destroyed. Usually, someone that had been damaged like that would be on the verge of death. Usually. "H-How...?!" Is he one of them? 'But I've never heard of a Magical BOY.' So that couldn't be it. "Just what are you?!" He doesn't seem to be human. Obviously. Kyoko had never seen something like this before. Then he spoke again. However, he wasn't even opening his mouth. His organs that were used to make a sound with his mouth were broken already too. "Tch. I've been had." Of course Kyubey wouldn't. If he didn't even share mere information with the magical girls that much, then he more likely not to with other beings.

Then he was announced his leave. "Wait!!" Kyoko just wouldn't let him go just like that. More of her spears rose up from the ground around her in a circle. She ran around them and threw them with great force in haste. "You won't get away!" She herself dashed towards him in high speeds. "I said wait!!" A little bit more and she's near him. But she halted. Eyes. Dozens of eyes stared at her. It was unnerving. However, the sound of flesh being sliced and diced woke her up. The man was full of holes, but he moved with ease still. Bowing, he took his leave. "Crap!" Reaching out her hand, she tried to grab him, but it was useless. All she grabbed was mere air. "Damn. Damn it!" She knelt on the ground as she left her magical form. Her spears that were stuck on trees and ground disappeared. "I'm back to square one." She looked around her and the woman that appeared out of nowhere disappeared as well. "Who was that?" Suddenly, she felt something on her hand. "Ah." Something solid was in her hand. Her Soul Gem. "Crap." The bottom was black. Using up too much magic caused it. Then it glowed, a sign that a magical demon is nearby.
"Nice to meet you, Miss Pyrrah." the twins greeted and bowed. Sounds of trees falling and ground shattering reverberated in the air. "I think we should move now." Rin said, having a bad feeling about all the noise. Len remembered the people before, "We met a couple of other lost people here before. Actually, we were supposed to head there, but we got in an accident." he looked at the road roller, remembering what happened earlier. "I think he should be... just around here somewhere." Last time he saw him was with his other clothing and that was around here. Tsukune, he saw him with other people as well, so he thought he should head there. "It's your choice if you want to come with us though. I recommend that you do since being with a group would be better than being alone right now," and as Rin said those words, she started walking towards a direction where Len said Tsukune was. Len followed after making the road roller disappear once more.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Raven sat in the middle of a clearing, she was meditating and waiting in the hopes of someone finding her. She hated that when she meditated she thought of Starfire, maybe it was wrong to let her start practicing it. She got up and started to fly around searching for a source of food or water, when she came back down she started to walk since she had nothing else to do. She tried to open a portal to travel dimensions and smiled gratefully when it was a success, she stepped inside and was back in Jump City. She started to run but got pulled back to the woods, she would have to plan this out next time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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Pyrrah looked at Len and Rin. "That would be wise. With more people we could have a better advantage." Seeing the twins heading towards somewhere she followed. She also wondered what Jaune and the others were doing.

Hiro rounded a path and saw Raven making a portal and then was dragged back. "Um.." She said realizing it was a human in a hood. "May I ask..um.." She became nevous as she hid her clawed arm not wanting to scare her or be subjected to more racial torment. Back in her world she was scorned and hated for her halfbloodness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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Raven turned and looked at Hiro, she waited for the question to be finished and tried opening another portal. When it opened again she looked around and started to think things over. "May you ask?" Her voice was depressed and calm, she looked at the girl and sighed audibly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Blast Off spotted the organics first, and turned to Vortex, saying, "Maybe we should interrogate the locals, possibly find any metal that way?" Vortex turned to blast of and remarked, "That's about the best idea you had all day." The two then approached, looking menacing and evil. Vortex spoke, "You there, tell us where you store construction material"
((Approaching Raven & other))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Ignace deciding on a direction started to walk off in towards the east to try to find anyone.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Weiss Schnee

Weiss Schnee

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"I was wondering where I am and who are you?" Hiro asked as calm as possible to Raven. "And what exactly it is you are doing?" She said noting to the secondary portal attempt.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

Weiss Schnee said
On instinct Pyrrah moved her javalin behind her to Minx's neck. "Um..my name is Pyrrah Nikos and this looks like a forest. As for being a hero..actually I have not done anything someone may call heroic..if slaying monsters counts as anything.." She replied.

Minx's smiles.
"What kind of monsters?" She hisses, as her head stretches around Pyrrah so she is looking her right in the face.
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