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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Stella Divinae

BGM: Skygazer
"I see. Thank you. I am really grateful for your help with my brother.", she said. She remembered what Necrox said to her. "Lord Charr, I know this might sound stupid, but Prince Necrox ordered me to serve other people until he returns.", she spoke, eating a Cogitatio Gemma. She breathed another table with food and tea. "I am a little hungry, so I will eat now. Any objections you would like to say?", she asked. Stella might not be the best False Shadow when in battle, but she excels when it means serving.

Necrox T. Scarlet

Necrox's Second Theme: The Scarlet Ascendant of Dracula ~ Corrosive and Corrupted
In the sky, there was a strange mark. Two hands opened the mark, where it dropped the Banished Weapon, the Bringer of Doomsday. It was the most cursed weapon, used by many Negative Cores in history. "... I hope that human blood can be a great energy for your new Anti-God.", a voice spoke. From the hole that the mark opened, Necrox descended. With a fingersnap, he destroyed the ship above his clone, which later transformed into blood. "Do you think I'm stupid? Those little parlor tricks are nothing. And besides, create as many as you want. I'll break... EVERY... SINGLE... OF... THEM!", he said, transforming himself into an enormous mouth. One, two, three, four... and five. He ate the Anti-Gods, leaving only the one they were fighting before. He transformed himself near the weapon. "... Tasty enough. Well then, it's time to eat the last ones in my way.", he said, gripping the scythe and releasing a little orb to fly into the mark. "When that orb reaches that hole, you're history. I suggest that you defeat me or I'll end you.", he grinned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Each of the Anti-Gods was teleported away, as Mia grins, looking up at the Negative Core. She loves this. The feeling of dark energy, the suffering from all around her. It truly was invigorating. Inigo's sword clangs off of her, unable to penetrate her skin, which was full of Black Blood. Her body was nearly indestructible, and pain only made her happier, as she was an enormous masochist, as well as a sadist. "Parlor tricks? All I need is to make you weak enough to teleport you once, and you're done." Mia smiled, knowing that if she could lower Necrox's magical defense, she'd simply have him moved to Pandora's Box, which was stil fully active. Fueled by this much power, it would form an impenetrable field, far greater than this small field she'd managed to pull off here.
"You're at less than a tenth of your power here. I have 500 anti-planet missiles aimed at this location. A Dimensional Lock is preventing you from teleporting away." Mia smiles, as her own Cursed Weapon, the Vitea Slicer, appeared in her hand. Any magical creature could see many Spirits of Disease and Plague, bound to the weapon. Anyone struck by it would be imbued with hundreds of diseases at once. Malaria, the Black Death, Spanish Fever, Cancer, Lukemia.... all of the greats. "Shall we play before both of our time limits are finished?" She laughs, as she runs at Necrox, swinging her sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Silver kept watch over Sonic as the fight continued, and saw that Amita was coming over with another Chaos Emerald. "Hey...I think we need one more Chaos Emerald..." Silver says to Amita, seeing that they only needed the Purple Chaos Emerald to have all seven.
"So...er, look for this immortal girl, right?" Sota wasn't sure on what to say, but was still going to find that "immortal" girl for Stein.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

:Thanks I really" Alexander has to cut himself off because by the time he said really Gaia was gone. "Well time to get moving to see if there's a village nearby" Alexander said admiring this new sword but also remembering how long it is since he couldn't see the blade. He starts off walking in a random direction to who knows where saying a small prayer to Talos along the way.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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MagusDream said
"I see. Thank you. I am really grateful for your help with my brother.", she said. She remembered what Necrox said to her. "Lord Charr, I know this might sound stupid, but Prince Necrox ordered me to serve other people until he returns.", she spoke, eating a Cogitatio Gemma. She breathed another table with food and tea. "I am a little hungry, so I will eat now. Any objections you would like to say?", she asked. Stella might not be the best False Shadow when in battle, but she excels when it means serving.

"I have none but I'll stay and keep you company," Charr said taking a seat at the table removing his helmet "If im not beaning to personal but how did you come to work for Necrox?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Stella Divinae

*Skygazer still playing*
"A False Shadow is the servant of the Four Cores. They are the Core of Magic, the Negative Core and the two Cores of Friendship. To be honest, I am the False Shadow of Princess Lilly, Core of Magic, but that does not imply I cannot serve the other Cores as well.", she explained.

Necrox T. Scarlet

*The Scarlet Ascendant of Dracula ~ Corrosive and Corrupted still playing*
"Dimensional Lock? Really? I'm don't need less of the tenth of my power to break it.", he said. His brother teached how to break Dimensional Locks quite normally, but Necrox was already half-awakened, which was 15% of his power. He simply punched and the Lock broke. "Is that all? Really? Don't you have something far more interesting than that?", he asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mia shoots up like a rocket, slicing at the currently Planet-Class Necrox. Her Vector Plates were all over her body, keeping her into the air, as they appered on her blade, givng it incredible strength and speed with each blow as she went into a flurry of attacks. Each time the blade touched Necrox, the blade would fill him with plagues, infecting his mind and body, weakening the tissue of his muscles, causing steadily increasing agony. These were not normal germs, but spirits of disease and plague, the diseases growing and spreading at supernatural rates. "Interesting? You sound like Bob. I love it." The generators once more started setting up the Lock, as well as increasing the Power Drain, more sigils being burned into the ground. "Let's make the most of our time together, okay?"
Stein nods. He was worried for his daughter, of course. He never liked it when she went off and did something dangerous without him. However, she'd died once, and he'd brought her back. The Prophecy that had doomed her to death had been fulfilled, he thought. According to legend, the greatest hero would kill her, and as such, he'd killed every hero he could find. And the being she was facing was DEFINITELY not a hero. However, none of this showed on his face or in his tone. "Indeed. I'll move you to her location immediately." He gestured, and Mr Fluffy teleported the group, including himself, to Kaika's location.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Gummi Bunnies said
Silver kept watch over Sonic as the fight continued, and saw that Amita was coming over with another Chaos Emerald. "Hey...I think we need one more Chaos Emerald..." Silver says to Amita, seeing that they only needed the Purple Chaos Emerald to have all seven."So...er, look for this immortal girl, right?" Sota wasn't sure on what to say, but was still going to find that "immortal" girl for Stein.


"Yeah, but, all this power seems to be limiting my magic sense, the last one was going to be tricky." said Amita looking to the battler between to true monsters, at this moment, Amita really just wanted to continue on her search for a way out, but since her body is made of metal, but was born with a kind heart, she just couln't run away, she needed to tune her magic sense to the max if she wanted to find the last emerald and turn the tables. "Alright, i'll find the last one, i promise." she said with conviction, flying away once more using Accelerator.

The Sky

BGM: Heaven's Door Zero Mix

From those two portals ((I mentioned earlier.)) two girls where falling from them, seemely victims of the teleportaion to that world, the green haired one woke up with a grumpy face, seeing what she considered the black sheep of the Travelers. "Hey Idiot, wake up!" she said once, then twice, in the fourth, she kicked her rival in the belly. "Ouchies....you're so mean, person that woke me up..." said the twin tailed black haired girl. "Stupid Sparrow, wake up to spit, we are falling in a unknonw world." she said in a insulting tone. "Okimara?" said the black haired girl waking up for sure. "No, we are not in Multiverse Summer Vacation." said the Green one. "Aww....but this is still Okimara's Forest right Midori-Chan?" asked the black haired girl to the one she called Midori, a high ranking agent of the World Travelers, special humans that travel the world investigating mysteries, they are the Official Rivals to the infamous Defenders of light, an organization that is considered a Multiversal Police, with many powerful members at it's disposal, but the World Travelers are doing their best to surpass said organization. "Anyway, let's not fall upside down shall we?" said Midori as they we're falling normally now. "Now Suzaku, why did i have to get dragged into a Chaos Dimension hole ((Something Bigger than a hellhole.)) with you?" said Midori, still with her stoic expression. "I dunno no, maybe the higher ups wanted us to do a mission together." said Suzaku trying to glomp her 'friend', who dribbled her. "As if. Anyway, i'm seeing the Negative Core over there, i heard he was an acquantence of the Defenders, not that i care but, it seems he's rampaging around...hey, what are you doing?" said Midori as Suzaku snatched a RuleBook and started to read it. "Let's see, in case of a Negative Core fighting, either aid him if he's on the friendly side or supress him if he's fully awakened." read Suzaku. "Give that back to me, geez, what did i told you about touching my stuff...it's a duty of a World Traveler to know the rules." said Midori. "I know, you said that to me....um...I don't know how many times it was, but we better help him." said Suzaku. "We don't even know what's...hey wait." seeing as her 'friend' took flight to the ensuing fight. "Suzaku...one of these days..." said Midori as she brandished her Nameless Cutlass and followed her friend. "Hey, we are here to he-" Suzaku couldn't end her line as she bumped on Vita. "Hey! Look to where you walk...Unless you're with her." said Vita holding Graf Eisen with her two hands. "Calm down, we are from The World Travelers, and we don't want trouble with the TSAB." said Midori as she landed on the ground as well. "Travelers? Never heard of them...but if you know me, then it means you probably don't want any harm...or am i wrong?" Vita asked still suspicious. "You're not wrong, anyway, what are these...trinkets?." said Midori, she wouldn't call machines trinkets, only if she didn't knew what kind of machine it was. "Oh, it seems they are some kind of draining machines." said Vita. "I see, well, it's enough, for me, let's break them sis." said Suzaku pulling her two Nameless Pistols. "We don't even know for sure what they are." said Midori also pulling her Nameless Pistols. "Alright, on my count....aw shove it, ONE!" loading the guns with special ammunition from the world, in a question of seconds, and some Gun Kata dance, the machinery was in pieces, whithout any hope of recovery, Vita wanted to dodge, but from some reason, not a single bullet grazed her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

A certain black and red hedgehog slowly woke up near where Silver and Sonic were, and looked around, before getting up. In fact, he'd woken up close enough that he could hear Sonic fighting with someone, and would probably be noticed by Silver.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

I guess this shouldn't be that hard...but then again not that easy either...I did manage to defeat one of the Death Keepers before on my own...so what's the problem with th- Sota thought as he felt himself being transported to a different location. Though, the moment he regained his senses after the teleport, he found himself unable to move from the shock of seeing someone he knew. It all started to make sense on how Stein described the person to be "immortal," because this certain person that Sota knew would never die until fate decided that she had to die. This person was no other than Kaika, or more specifically his girlfriend. Before both of them came to contact with the Spiritual World and the many realities and dimensions beyond that, Sota was quite in love with her as she was with him. The experiences with the Spiritual World had made them a powerful duo, and this was both a major reveal to him once getting here with Stein and the rest of their group. Doesn't that mean...that Stein had actually tried to kill Kaika at some point? Somewhat forgetting that Stein was there in the first place, Sota immediately threw himself onto the sleeping Kaika, embracing her with a tight hug. "It's....it's really you..Kaika-chan..." Sota mumbles, overall relieved to see her here. Kaika stirs a bit in her sleep, but doesn't really wake up just yet...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Necrox and Lilly

Necrox felt. All of them. More and more evil were being inserted into him. That evil was enough... to drive his power to his awakening...
BGM: I was waiting for this moment
Himself broke, only leaving his soul. The space around him began to break. It cracked in many parts, until... it finally broke. "You're right... we have to make most of this...", his voice could be heard. The bits of that moment reunited at his soul, and a enourmous explosion occured. From it, all corruption, misery, hatred, despair and everything of the utmost evil was released. In the sky, a single boy with 8 dead wings stood flying, collecting all of that power. Smiling with a malevolence, he opened his eyes, broken and red. "... Nothing to hold anymore...", he spoke, his echo moving across. It wasn't the full, but that power could easily destroy everything standing in his way. "So... who will... be the first victim?", he asked.

From a distance, Lilly witnessed the awakening. It was too late. If she flied faster, maybe she would eventually find a way to save her brother. Who would dare to step in his way now... who would? She knew that there were crazy people to try their own luck and attack him. But it was useless. To contain, to restrain, to defeat... words that were gone in his... The Fallen's vocabulary.

Yuuka and Kaguya

She woke up. The forest seemed different. She wasn't at the Garden of the Sun, nor at Gensokyo at all. Her surroundings were empty, like if no one was there. Nevertheless, Yuuka opened her umbrella and started to walk.

Not too far from there, Kaguya was down. She was dueling with her nemesis, but for an instance, she was binded by a bright light and eventually got to where she was. Now, she had no idea of what she would do...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mai turns, hissing, as her generators are attacked. As it collapses, the screaming from it stops, every humanoid on it instantly killed by it's collapse. Mia gestures, and Mr Fluffy, back in headquarters, recognizes the idea. Mia was currently too busy to face those two, and as such, it sent in the Anti-God from before, hulking over the two World Travelers that had dared interfere in Mia's plan.
As the Anti-God assessed it's two targets, it instantly moved up to full speed, breaking the sonic limit as it went into a flurry of blows. It's magical energy had been recovered at base, and it would soon use it's Limitless Burst to annihilate it's targets, but in the meantime it wasn't taking any risks. It would wipe these two out before they could form any real kind of threat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

BGM - Time of Fate

World Travelers and Vita

"Marou-Ken Ougi - Hyakuretsu Ken!" screaming a famous kiai, Suzaku, matching the Anti-God's punching speed, also started her own barrage of punchs, effectvely shielding them from the attack. "This is bad, once this fight ends, we'll have to come with the supressing ritual..." said Midori. "Suzaku, take care of that thing while i go there to help him." said Midori as she took flight. "Okay~!" said Suzaku finishing the 101th punch with an uppercut that was capable of sending the Anti-God very high. ((it was supposed to be just 100 but she's an idiot and mess up the count.))


"Sis, what should i do?" Amita was sensing the general location of the emerald, but not the exact one, she heard someone tripping, and went to see who was it. "Ow ow ow....Wait, i don't have a time to get clumsy, KAGUYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" Hibiki screamed as she resumed her running, Amita noticed a purple glow. "YES! The Last one, i hope this will really help." said Amita as now she went onto another dilemma, how to find Sonic again, since she was zigzagging in the forest, suddenly, she sensed a familar Prana Energy. "Masaki-kun! He will help me out!" said Amita taking flight to the Cybuster.


"Huhuhuhu, i never thought something so evil would thighen my influence over you."
"Shut up! I promised....that i wouldn't let you out..." said Thomas.
"Promised to who? The Person responsable for me being here was at fault for your lack of memories."
"Silence....I won't let you dominate me, NEVER!" Thomas screamed.
"Oh c'mon, what can you do? Only do some flashy moves, i'm far more powerful than you."
"Heh...Big talk for someone that stayed all this time inside me whithout leaving." said Thomas.
"Because the seal has weakened, i now could just end this, but it seems that something is interfering me from doing so..."
"I see, so you can't completely dominate me huh?" said Thomas.
"Let's see...her name is Hibiki right?"
"What? Don't you dare..." Thomas got interrupted by whoever was inside him.
"Ah Humanity, clinging to such false hopes as emotions, i know, emotions are strong, but i find humanity so pathetic in relying in something like that instead of it's own strenght...just look at that girl that sealed me here, despite being cheerful on the outside, she discard her feelings when in battle, i think that's what they teach in the world travelers i guess."
"Urgh...AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" Thomas head ached some much that he gave in and went unconcious, suddenly, he got up, with white hair and her eyes. "hmmmm....it seems our souls are merged....so she didn't really sealed me, i wonder why? Maybe she thought the boy could make it...whatever, i'll go after what motivates him to be so strong, then strip it from him, this is how humans are, once they lose their false hope, they crumble, just that easily." said 'Thomas' as he took flight, looking for Hibiki.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Pyrrah listened to the tale.

Soon team RWY was inside the cabin. Weiss kept lookout but really her psychotic urges were tempting her to slaughter her team but she ignored them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Jazz quietly drove to the Ark. It seemed to be a mostly quiet trip. As the Autobots ship came into view, it could be seen for it's size. A few cannons could be seen along the sides, and if one looked closely they would notice a force shield."almost there!" Jazz said, "we'll be headed to the bridge" he was hoping they could stay there while he and the other high ranking Autobots could hold a meeting.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Member Seen 3 mos ago

Mokou woke up groggily, feeling sore everywhere. Before her eventual black out, she could remember that she had took a big hit of one of Kaguya's spell cards. That damned princess... "I swear...I will teach her a piece of my mind..." Mokou growled a bit as she managed to get herself on her feet. Surely this wasn't any old forest in Gensokyo, it clearly felt different. So maybe the first priority at hand is to figure out where she was and find a way back to Gensokyo, and the other priority could be beating up Kaguya once she finds her. Mokou had never really been lost before, she would always guide lost humans out of the Bamboo Forest, so what was this any different from that? Not too far, she could see a cabin, and a hint of someone peering out of the window. Good, locals that she could ask for help. Not wanting to waste any more time, Mokou headed towards the cabin.
Silver saw that Sonic was almost in condition to stand up again, glad that the healing properties from Necrox earlier was helping. Though, he then noticed someone else, a certain hedgehog that he wouldn't expect to see here. "S-Shadow! You're here too?" Silver blinked, remembering that he and Shadow had a brief rivalry before having to face Eggman Nega.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Anna nodded to Jazz. "Alright then."

Elsa spoke. "I am sorry if I caused any trouble for you..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

MagusDream said
Stella Divinae*Skygazer still playing*"A False Shadow is the servant of the Four Cores. They are the Core of Magic, the Negative Core and the two Cores of Friendship. To be honest, I am the False Shadow of Princess Lilly, Core of Magic, but that does not imply I cannot serve the other Cores as well," she explained.

"Alright I understand. So our next course of action is to find Necrox ," Charr said looking at his helmet.

Dark Elsa said
Pyrrah listened to the tale.

"But before I get further along in my tale I must give some context. Caliban was cut off from the home world Terra for 5,000 years the old night! That long of a time without any influences from Terra we develop our own myths and culture. It was the time before the coming of angles, the technology that was brought with us when we came was lost over the centuries. But our artificer were able to create rotary teeth blade swords, armor that increase strength and speed, pistols that fire explosive bolts. I was born into the world, I at even a young age I wanted to join the knightly order simply known as the Order. At the time I looked very different my current appearance is due to later events. When I was old enough to join I did while the Lions crusade against the great beasts." Zerith said continuing telling his tale.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Alexander was wandering around in the forest taking extra care to make sure he doesn't injure himself with this new blade Gaia had given him. He stops feeling that his magicka had fully regenerated. He set his shield down preceding to heal himself with a grand healing spell. After this Alexander felt much better than he did awhile ago though he doesn't plan on picking many fights till he repairs his armor. He picks up his shield and walks down the path he had been on unknowingly on his way to the village.

It was surprising how peaceful Hiei looked while asleep in the middle of pure devastation where the dragon had crashed into the ground.

Trey was still on the move looking for anyone who was in his former group as he felt like those were ones he could trust the most. He walked with Absol at his side once again wondering just where this was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Gummi Bunnies said
Silver saw that Sonic was almost in condition to stand up again, glad that the healing properties from Necrox earlier was helping. Though, he then noticed someone else, a certain hedgehog that he wouldn't expect to see here. "S-Shadow! You're here too?" Silver blinked, remembering that he and Shadow had a brief rivalry before having to face Eggman Nega.

Shadow looked at silver, before noticing the condition Sonic was in, but, he also noticed something else. They had 6 of the chaos emeralds. How did the chaos emeralds end up in another world...? He pushed the thought aside and walked over to Sonic and Silver. He didn't really care about Sonic's well-being, or the fact that he was so badly beaten right now. He looked at silver, and asked, "Do you have the chaos emeralds?" Because of his chaos powers, he could feel the energy of the Emeralds.
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