Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

...why do I get the feeling that this sounds all...familiar?... Sota thought to himself as a little more description was made to this immortal girl. Though, he couldn't really jump into conclusions, and decided that he would do this. "I'm guessing you might know the way to this girl, since you've run into her before," Sota asked, wondering if they would get a guide at least. It would be a pain to do this task with no real clue on where she could be.
Especially with the fact that Kaika had long reverted back into her normal form after being warped into this very forest, Kaika felt really tired, as if she hasn't had any sleep in the longest time. So she sits down on the ground and rested herself against a tree trunk. As she slowly drifts off into slumber, Kaika mumbles to herself,"Hopefully everything...will be better...soon."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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When the Anti-God releases its grip on Inigo, he simply retreats, moving to stand next to Vita. "Thanks. I owe you one. Do you have another weapon per chance? My sword is of no use now.." He asks.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Pyrrah nodded to him and began to head towards the town.

Hiro sighed knowing there was no way around this problem. If the target could not be killed by ordinary means then her weapon would have to suffice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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After seeing how Anti-God fought against Necrox, she deduced that the creature had more inner power that she tought, not only that, but the creature could make itself intangible. "Now, where i did see that before." ((Kamui and Vison)) she said while she snatched Inigo's sword and fixed it. "If the thing tries to use Telekinesis again, just make sure to keep the sword moving, if it's in a fixed place, the chances of it get bent again are higher, i don't garantee if it will bend once more." she said as she gave the sword back to Inigo. ((seriously, i want to call him Inigo Montoya)) "Of all the times Hayate, Nanoha, Fate, Zafira, Signum and Shamal aren't around..." she whispered as she rested her hammer on her shoulder and walked at Anti-God, no quick movements this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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As the walked Zerith decided to struck up some idle conversation "I'm curious about were you are from that requires you to armed and armored just for a simple walk through the woods?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"Right. I can't guarantee that I'll be able to do so, but thanks for the advice regardless." Inigo said as he walked beside her, readying himself for what may come next as he combines Sol and Luna, his sword enveloped in a mix of light and darkness.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"I am from Vale and attend a school for monster hunters in training well huntresses." Pyrrah said. "We fight against beings known as Grimm.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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The mention of the Grimm perked his interest "are these Grimm monstrous creature that seem hell bent on destroying humanity?" he asked subconsciously rubbing the mantel he was wearing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Pyrrah nodded. "Seems that way. We do not know much about them but we are learning.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Dark Elsa said
Pyrrah nodded. "Seems that way. We do not know much about them but we are learning.."

"They reminded of the great beast who stalked the forest Caliban." Zerith said "we had knightly orders to hunt the beast."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Gaia chuckles as Alexander explains himself. "To make use of an enemy's weakness is not cowardice. When the enemy's guard is low, that is when you strike. It is the mark of a skilled warrior, who fights with his mind as well as his arm." Gaia holds out his arm, and the Earth trembled, as dirt and rocks spin away, a hold opening beneath his hand. "Had you killed my brother, I would have been forced to avenge him. However, as it stands, I can admire your skill without the need for bloodshed." The hole beneath fills with sand, drawn from all over the area, rocks quickly degenerating themselves into sand. As you watch, the sand starts glowing, still turning and twisting. "Your sword is broken. As such, allow me to grant you a true weapon." The glowing sand cools into glas, but still flows like sand, taking on the form of a blade, long and sharp, formed from glass with what seems like small lines of metal through it. The handle is formed from smooth pine wood.
Gaia's face, as always, is impossible to see through his heavy armor, but his movements and tone give a feeling of reverance. "While glass mght be fragile, when harnessed properly, it can form great weapons. This blade is one that cannot be formed by mortal hands. Glass, filled with tunnels of air the size of molecules that divide the impact of shock. It is as hard as glass, and sharper than any weapon of metal could possibly become, and yet it has none of glass's brittleness, being capable of absorbing far more hits than a blade of metal. Lastly, it has the weight of a wooden weapon, allowing you to swing it with incredible speed and flexibility. It is the greatest nonmagical weapon ever granted to man, capable of cutting through steel like butter. Name the blade whatever you wish, but treasure it greatly."

Stein nods, as the demon speaks up. It seemed he would need to demonstrate what it meant to be hurt, truly, to this little pipsqueak. Once more, Hiei is bound, as Stein looks down at him, his glasses reflective, his smile filled with odd glee. "Then die." In a flash, Mia took Shiva, slashing it through his neck. A wound that would never heal, unless blessed by a being of pure good, a being that felt no hate, no anger, no regret, no fear. Such beings were hard to find, thought Stein, as white lightning covered him, and Hiei's very soul was was struck, an explosion of power that ripped through him, blood exploding from every possible orfice, hemorhaging from his skin, as his focused powers blew out Hiei's eyes. There was no physcal defense against his soular strikes, and no hopes of survival for his victims. Mind, body, and soul, are connected, and by striking down the one, the others may fall. The mind is guarded, the body protected, but many forget the soul is most important of all, the power of life itself.
Assistants teleported in, their horrible green leering lenses seemingly filled with joy, knowing that they had found a new brother. Hiei was held up, the bindings gone, both mind and body weakened too greatly to move, as Mia laughingly moved over to him. Her hands were on his chest, her features distorted through a haze of pain and mental trauma, severe damage having been done to Hiei's brain. She licks his neck, slowly, as he was dragged away, and she followed, giggling under her breath at the new toy that had been given to her by daddy. Already, small tendrils of Black Blood slipped out from under her sharp fingernails, testing his skin, amking tiny little cuts he wouldn't be able to feel, not at the moment. She would reduce him to nothing, and make him watch, as she did the same to all he cared about.
Stein looks over to those that remained with an odd sense of detachment. A feeling that he had done this a billion times before. He was a man that had seen empires fall by his hands, and Gods suffer. He was a man that had walked world after world, bringing with him madness and destruction, suffering and pain, physical and mental. Truly, the role of the grim reaper was a fitting one, for Stein was a bringer of death by nature, and his aura emanated pure fear and agony. Slowly, he takes out a cigarette, and lights it, a small cloud of smoke traveling upwards from his mouth. "Are there any more..... complaints?"
((Don't stop the music))
The Anti-God felt the suffering of it's mother's victim. It was forged from the pieces of those that had fallen to him, a cache of trophies, turned into a beast of war. Twisted memories of happiness filled it's mind, reminders of a world before agony, before the God-Killer had come. Memories that it seeked, grabbing at them, desperately clinging on to the illusion of temporary peace, and yet forever unable to find it. It let out a screech, fueled by fear and hate, It dashed forward, it's left eye already glowing, as it grabbed a hold of Vita's shoulder as it moved at supersonic speeds. Point blank, a blast of red energy hit her, blasting her into the ground, unrelenting, a manifestation of the agony that was a constant to the Anti-God.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

(Since I see a way I could have gotten out of that i'm going to go back to that point. I am sorry but that went way to fast you gave me no time to react so I hate to backtrack on your post but I kinda have to.)

It seemed like it was all over for the little fire demon Stein had him bound and Mia was about to make her move for his neck but then the bindings and bandages on his right arm burn off revealing a dragon tattoo along with his headband revealing an already open third eye. Without even having to move Hiei calls forth the dragon of darkness flame. Though he misses both Mia and Stein. Since he has been bound and appearing to be unable to control the dragon it turns on Hiei and appears to devour him with all traces of his being including his soul so he wouldn't be bound anymore. The dragon flies off into the sky with no trace of Hiei anywhere to be seen or sensed from where he was.

Alexander almost seemed surprised by this sword he was looking at. "Back home we made weapons out of glass but none like this" he said in pure amazement. "Your brother the only reason I went after him was because he took these weapons from two other people" Alexander says to Gaia taking this new sword in his hand giving it a few test swings and noting on how light it was compared to his former sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Stella Divinae

She landed on the ground. Stella wasn't hurt, but she was unsatisfied. She involved another person in her problem. "I'm sorry to put you in all of this turmoil... I never expected that my brother would attack me...", she said. Then, she looked at Charr entirely. "Are you hurt somehow? Tired, hungry, or something?", she asked.

Necrox T. Scarlet

The dust cleared. After that hit, there was him, standing like nothing did happen. "*chuckle*... is that all? How boring...", he said. He appeared near Anti-God once again and grabbed him. Necrox wasn't trying to destroy him, yet he was darining some of his energy. He released his hand out of Anti-God. "This is enough.", he said, eating the energy.
BGM: Septuor de écarlate
In the entire world, a bell could be heard. Then, voices singed and the melody started. "You know... I tend to never use much of my power. But your arrogance is enough.", he spoke. Four devil wings opened behind him. He wasn't using his full power, nor it was his intention. But only with that a crushing, completely evil aura could be felt. Each of his steps made the ground rumble. "If you don't treasure your existence, then try and fight now. Let's see how much you can stand until I finally lose my temper and decide to make of you part of extinct history!", he said. Without waiting, Necrox shot a colossal scarlet beam at Anti-God.

Lilly and Àgnes

BGM: Late Profusion
It didn't took less than 10 seconds for Lilly and she felt the crushing energy she knew fully well. "Already?! Are the people fighting him so stupid they can't even think when they would back off?!", she said, surprised. "What is it, Lilly?", Àgnes asked. Lilly took a deep breath, and looked at her. "... Àgnes, I really want you to forgive me, but I got to resolve this alone.", she said. At that moment, Àgnes was expecting everything except these words. She wasn't believing on what she heard. "A-A-Are you sure? I am not of any help for you now?", Àgnes was nervous. "It's not that you are useless... you heard that bell and the voices. That marks the first part of the Negative Core's true awakening. If he awakens truly, I don't know what will be of this world anymore.", she spoke. Her vestal friend was still nervous, but she knew this was a task to Lilly and only her. With that said, Àgnes nodded, affirming that Lilly could leave. The Core of Magic took flight, in hopes of reaching her brother so she can control his anger.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Everything just occurred so fast, how Stein and Mia just happened to overpower Hiei with no problem, but it seemed like Hiei had escaped the area with the help of some dragon. Sota was dumbfounded by this, and was starting to think if this whole search to find this immortal girl was just doing the "dirty work." However, even he wasn't sure if he could take both of them on if he had to, and that's quite a statement to think about since Sota was indeed a Cursed Pact Bearer.
Kaika snoozed off, sleeping soundly with no care in the world as of now.
Sonic really wanted to go back into the action, but his current condition even when healing wasn't the greatest for now. However, he wouldn't have to worry about that as another person joins the fight against Anti-God.

A large blast of blue energy was shot at the Anti-God, Black Rock Shooter had just fired a fully charged shot from her Rock Cannon. She could tell that this being was trouble, and charged towards it with both her Rock Cannon and Black Blade out. The Other Self was fast on her feet as she delivers fast swings from her sword and then fires her cannon once again at the Anti-God, and also the force of the cannon being fired again gave BRS enough force to leap back and prepare for the upcoming attacks against her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Pyrrah listened. "So your world has monsters as well..." She said listening to his statement.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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MagusDream said
She landed on the ground. Stella wasn't hurt, but she was unsatisfied. She involved another person in her problem. "I'm sorry to put you in all of this turmoil... I never expected that my brother would attack me...", she said. Then, she looked at Charr entirely. "Are you hurt somehow? Tired, hungry, or something?", she asked.

"Im find Stella, I had some fun helping you fight your brother," Charr said siting down on a tree stump.

Dark Elsa said
Pyrrah listened. "So your world has monsters as well..." She said listening to his statement.

"We did after centuries we launching crusade lead by the Lion El'Jonson it took ten years of fighting and hardship we purge them from our world," Zerith said feeling great nostalgia when he talked about the crusade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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((No problem. My style of writing is a little brutal, esspecially with Stein and Mia, so if you see a way out such as you did, feel free to do it. I was planning on having Hiei duke it out with Mia in Stein's headquarters, and perhaps have him become the target of Mia's twisted obsession which is a mix of love and hate. However, this works as well.))
Stein shrugs, as his target seems to escape. It was no matter. His point had been made. Any being that could feel his aura and Hiei's aura would know that Hiei had been far more powerful than Stein could ever hope to be, capable of ripping apart planets. As such, they would not assume that he could be defeated just because of a difference in power that big. There was a reason he was called the God-Killer. "As you can see, to threaten me is to face death. The boy was a fire demon. He has no soul to reap. He will reform in the Abyss, most likely." It wasn't true, of course. At least, not of most demons. It varied from universe to universe. However, it was a common belief, created by beings unable to sense souls, and useful in this particular situation.
Mia carefully put back Shiva, her father's God-Killer weapon, which inflicted permanent wounds. He used it to kill people with the capability to regenerate. He'd cut into their brain, and remove their consciousness, or simply cut out their short-term memory. Remove their ability to feel happiness. Paralyze them permanently. It was an instrument of permanent afflictions. Of course, he had a variety of additional weapons he could use to destroy his enemies, an entire armory filled with arcane items harvested from the many worlds he'd visited. But Shiva and Stabby were his favorites. Besides, she was needed elsewhere, she thought, as she teleported away.
((Sorry, BRS's beam was lost in the fray of explosions, I can't have the Anti-God react to that separately.))
The Anti-God turned, as it's magical energy was drained. The creature it thought it had dealt with was not defeated, and instead seemed simply to have awakened truly. A wave of power emanated from this being, reminiscent of many other dark beings. However, far more powerful than it had been before. As a beam of energy was shot at the Anti-God, it's robotically enhanced brain performs rapid scans of it's power, calculating how to stop it. It's answer would be the the mechanical equivelant of 'oh shit'. As such, it rapidly teleported aside, as the Planet-Class beam of power surged through the space he'd just been in. Had that beam hit the planet, it would have had catastrophic consequences. The Anti-God was built to take down Continent-Class beings at best, relying on a high speed and strength and a little magic. It's victory chances against this new opponent were slim, and retreat seemed to be the most useful tactic.
However, the Anti-God wasn't the only one watching.

Mr. Fluffy grinned with it's many mouth, thousands of eyes twisting to watch the screens projecting Necrox. Capable of far more advanced scanning procedures, Fluffy had detected a core of magic far more powerful even than Planet-Class, a being to match a Universal God, such as Bob. Potentially, this creature could surpass even them, moving up to the level of Interdimensional Threat, together with Hope and the Lord of Nightmares, Galaxy-Class beings, billions of times more powerful than a Universal God, most of which are merely Star-Class. A perfect target.

As the Anti-God is teleported away, hundreds of massive generators appear, crashing down from the sky. The size of multiple houses, each generator emits a massive hum, like a nuclear reactor in full motion. Screams fill the air, as one can see dozens of screaming, skinless humanoids strapped to the generators, chained in place, kept alive only by Mia's dark magics. Toys, discarded to the Generators, screaming in mindless pain, long having been driven beyond hope, beyond reason, beyond respite. Creatures who relived their tortures mentally every second of their pathetic life, their pain chanelled into energy by the very machines that kept them alve. Wails of agony, a sight unmatched outside of the confines of Hell itself, those who had survived the torture, and not been made into Assistants.
A large, hovering ship floats above the scene, hundreds of tiny lasers carving runes into the ground, as the generators start distributing this power, the harvested strength of thousands of human souls, their pain turned into power. A massive net is set up, focused onto Necrox, as he feels his power draining away, as harsh laughter tears through the air, Mia walking through a portal, her eyes filled with glee at seeing her creation set to work. Five more Anti-Gods appear, each a unique creation, built from the bodies of beings that had failed to defeat Stein and Mia. Already, she could see just how beautiful the Assistant built from Necrox would be, a monster unique among her army, greater even than the Anti-Gods, a lord to rule beside her, her favorite toy forever.
"I'll make you so PRETTY!" Mia giggles, not even paying attention to the others who are gathered in the area, as she rushed over to Necrox, heedless of safety. Necrox's dark energy was drained away by the massive generators, and before he could get used to this sudden drop of power, she grabbed his head, pulling him down for a quick kiss, before headbutting him backwards. Her smile was devoid of mercy, her aura as black as Necrox's own, as her mere presence would cause nearby fools to feel in pain, the mistress of torture, unequaled in her ability to inflict pain upon others. "Do you want to play? I want to play with you so much. In pieces, I'll move you around. It doesn't matter if you break, I''ll just put you back together!"
Gaia gestures at the blade. Had he been capable of smiling, he would have. However, like his borther Blade, his physical body had long since been destroyed. "I have served under a madman for over a thousand years. It is moments such as this that keep me sane." He holds up a fingertip to the blade's edge. He had hesitated, but it seemed he would give this man a blade capable of matching his own most powerful attacks. As he touched the blade, a ripple went through it, and it seemed to shrink in in it's core, before disappearing. "Remember the blade's length. It's stil there, but too thin for human eyes to see. It's so thin, it could not be constructed by normal means. It cannot be broken, and it's weight is that of a feather. However, it is so sharp, that it could cut through sheets of armored steel as if it were butter. I believe they have dragons where you come from. This blade could slice through dragon scales as if they were nto even there." Gaia smiles, as he stands up, leaving Alexander with the monomolecular blade. He knew the warrior would make good use of it, and it would allow him to match the many dangers that stalked these woods. "I hope to see you again one day, friend. Use the sword wisely, and never stray from your ideals, your code. Live your life how you wish to live it, and never anything else." With this last piece of advise, Gaia walks away, seemingly sinking into the ground as he walked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Just then when Stein mentioned Hiei reforming the dragon appears again far off crashing into a place in the forest devastating a small area. In the middle of the devastation was in unconscious Hiei. Turns out that he was in full control of the dragon the entire time and used it to get away from Stein. Now he was just resting and waiting for his demonic energy to regenerate per say.

(That can still happen he and Mia can still duke it out and he can still become the target for her obsession. I just didn't want the only master of the darkness flame becoming an assistant just yet.)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Amita Florian

"Ow, i hit my head...guess i wasn't really minding where i was running." said Amita rubbing her head, she also stepped on something. "Oh, another emerald, it's uh...Cyan color i think." she said picking the emerald up. "Oh no, i need to come back and find the others, alright, turning magi sense up...Sonic is over there." she said as she flyed using Accelerator once again.

The Cybuster

"The Cybuster is totally recovered meow." said Shiro. "Wow, that was fast, is it absorving the Prana of the envirioment?" Kuro asked. "Like that matters, time to search for Amita, she might be needing help to what is happening below." said Masaki as the Cybuster descended to the forest.

Thomas and Hibiki

"Urgh....again?" Thomas clutched his head, it was his inner side trying to take over again, but it never attacked with a headache. "T-T, what's wrong?" Hibiki asked concerned. "Something...must be...influencing...this...urgh....make it stop..." said Thomas falling on the ground, Hibiki quickly rested his body on a tree. "Okay, stay calm, i'll search for Kaguya, she'll know what to do." said Hibiki as she went away, in search of Kaguya Nanbu.


"Urgh...well that sucked, if that blast was a beam instead, i probably would probably be still on the ground" said Vita as she got up, she saw all the weird things she called "Big Trinkets" around her, then she saw what Mia was doing to Necrox. "H-hey, what do you think you're doing?" she screamed as she flew in their direction. Very high on the sky, two portals, one green, and other crimson red opened on the sky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Inigo stands there in awe, very unsure of how to proceed next. "Oh gods...just what is this?!" He begins running toward Mia, sword in hand. "Back off!" He shouts as he jumps in the air, bringing his sword down from above. "Aether!" He shouts, his sword glowing ever brighter with the combination of Luna and Sol.
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