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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"And what's that?" Sota asked with a curious eyebrow raised. He was somewhat relieved that he could move again, kinda saving him the trouble of the chances that "he" would take over. Yet, he still wasn't sure what Stein had in mind, so he was sure to listen to what this man had to say.
It all did not make any kind of sense. For all she knew, this was not the Other World, and that she shouldn't be outside that world. She was not human, and she couldn't feel the connection she felt while in the Other World. This wasn't any good at all. Silently getting up to her feet, Black Rock Shooter found herself in a dense forest, hardly anything was happening from what she could tell from her surroundings. Her emotionless but cautious blue eyes were making sure she wasn't in a position that would be...painful. Though, she was also curious, as she had never made actual contact with the outside worlds, and that was only through a girl she was connected to. The Other Self made a sighing expression on her face before taking a few steps either deeper into the forest or out of the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Near where Alexander sits, a man in heavy steel armor sits. Like Blade, not an inch of his skin is visible, and yet his armor is more reminiscent of a European Knight then that of a middle eastern samurai. This was purely by choice, of course. Gaia was one of the few Slivers that could change his appearance at will. He spoke up, his voice deep and rich, his tone on of respect. "I witnessed you fighting my brother. You fought with great honor and skill. That was a great battle indeed, although I had expected you to die." Gaia nods in respect for the warrior before him. He had seen Dragoon kill many men, but very few were able to stand up to Dragoon's arcane might. Esspecially for one as weak as Alexander, it wa an impressive feat to face Dragoon and live."
The Anti-God gestures with it's left arm, which seems to be the source of it's telekinesis, and the sword halts, inches from his skin. The Anti-God looks down at Inigo, as it focuses on the blade. The blue glow seems to ripple, and the metal blade bends slowly, curling into a loop, no more dangerous than a stick. The Anti-God then grabs Inigo by the head with it's right hand, it's left eye once more glowing, as it prepared another Mage Blast. It was not fighting at full strength, of course, or it would have already killed the human. As an Anti-God, it retained some degree of sentience, and it knew it did not to fight with it's full strength in order to win this fight.
Stein looks over to Sota, who had spoken up. "There is a certain individual, who has made themselves immortal, at the expense of others. A Pact with another Grim Reaper, which has made it impossible for me to take her life. However, your Heaven's Cutter might be able to remove this power from her soul." Stein had only the vaguest idea of how Kaika had managed to avoid being killed by his attack, but according to Mia, she'd survived a blast from Hope, which meant she was clearly immortal. However, Heaven's Cutter might be able to banish her soul, if nothing else, to eternaly wander in the Void. "If you send this person to the Void, then I shall consider your debt repaid. If you do not wish to do this, I will need to refill my quota with the souls of innocents, something I would prefer not to do."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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He wasn't so sure what he meant by "Heaven's Cutter," but did Stein know of Sota's ability to send souls to the nothingness? Of course, Sota didn't really like using that ability, as it all came from a Cursed Pact he was forced into. However, he was convinced that this could be a problem as this "person" happens to have some Cursed Pact with a Grim Reaper, from Stein's information. "I think I can pull it off, I wasn't really that experienced, but it's not that hard to do that either," Sota says with a nod, thinking that this was certainly a problem...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob giggles with glee, as the other primes appear and Unicron screams in rage. This was going to be HILARIOUS! He walks up to Prima, and shakes his hand heartily. "Nice to meet you, the name's Bob. I'm a big fan of your work, whatever your name is. In any case, you do your thing." He then walks up to each of the Prime's in turn, having grown to their size, and shakes their hand, constantly talking. At the end of it all, he turns around, smiling. "And now, you guys go kick ass. I'll just watch." Bob uses his amazing powers of reality manipulation to create a carton of popcorn in his hand. "I love having the most useful power ever."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Inigo struggled in the Anti-God's grip, helplessly squirming about to break free. "Ngh!" He saw the thing's eye glow, and he prepared for the worst. Regardless, he continued to move about, hoping Silver or his blue friend would help him somehow.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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ShadowVentus said
Inigo struggled in the Anti-God's grip, helplessly squirming about to break free. "Ngh!" He saw the thing's eye glow, and he prepared for the worst. Regardless, he continued to move about, hoping Silver or his blue friend would help him somehow.

Vita spinner her hammer "I can't bear to watch this anymore." she said as she stopped the spinning and gripped with her two hands, she flyed with high speeds (Including the boost Necrox gave to her earlier) "Tödlicher Schlag" she screamed as she hit the Anti-God right on the head with such strenght that it would sent it flying very far away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Stella Divinae

Stella gripped hard on Charr's hand so she wouldn't fall.

Necrox T. Scarlet

Necrox saw what Anti-God did to Sonic and to Inigo. "Sigh... seriously? Why don't you get someone of your caliber for a change?", he said. Necrox knew that he was able to defeat Anti-God, but he wanted to enjoy some amusement. What was the reason... it didn't needed one. The Negative Core likes amusing with evil. Even if he's the true embodiment of darkness and evil, himself believes in justice. In an instant, he wrapped Sonic in some Fates. "Don't move. It'll heal you if you don't move. I know it's hard for you, but just sit and watch.", he said, removing Gae Bolg. His teeths changed, from a human to a vampire, and his eyes glowed red once again. It didn't even have to blink, as he disappeared into the shadows and reappeared behind Anti-God, thrusting him.

Flandre, Lilly and Àgnes

"Are you alright, Àgnes?", Lilly asked. Àgnes had heard som much of this question, but she stood up. Everything that could be seen was debris and a vampire on the ground. "Yes, I am. Thank you.", she answered. The battle was over, from their eyes and everyone seemed to have left for doing other things. "Let's not waste more time here.", Lilly said. "But... what about that little girl there?", Àgnes asked. Flandre was still on the ground. "Leave that loli on the ground. She'll wake up soon.", she said as she took Àgnes hand once again and took flight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro heard Stein ' s proposal. "My weapon was a gift from my sister and I should not use it on others who are innocent but if it can avoid any innocents getting hurt...I will help..." She said still wary of Stein but his threat spurred her action.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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"In all honesty so did I" Alexander said to Gaia a small smile on his face. He forces himself to his feet standing before this warrior. "Most of that fight was me exploiting his apparent lack in knowledge of hand to hand and then using his arrogance against him least he seemed rather arrogant to me" Alexander said not thinking that he had fought all that honorably but then again in a sense neither did Dragoon.

"Leave it to me i'll send them straight to oblivion immortal or not" Hiei simply said believing that his darkness flame technique would be enough to take down whoever Stein was talking about. "No need to send these other fools i'll deal with them myself" Hiei says appearing to be overconfident. In truth however he didn't want anyone else involved because they could get in his way when he releases the dragon which would prove disastrous. Though he wouldn't say it something about Stein bugged Hiei a little.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Alright, maybe I should be figuring out on what to do now. Maybe if I get the chance to and get back into my Lifestream form, I could find that girl again. It sucks that I had to leave her, but then again, Miki always does these things because of orders. Should had been specific with her earlier..." Kaika talked to herself as she aimlessly wandered through the forest. She missed her little brother and Sota, and it made her wonder how everything was going in her dimension as of now, if time still moved without her presence there.
Sonic didn't want to just sit around, but with the condition he was currently in, he couldn't do much about it. So, he grumbled a bit as he watched Necrox try his hand against the Anti-God. Silver knew that he wasn't any match against the Anti-God, and didn't go for any more attacks from now.
"Wait, you're actually going to go on your own? We don't even know how much of a problem this is," Sota blinked as Hiei insisted on going alone. For all he knew, this "threat" could be too much for one person to handle on their own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Eclipse took to the air, sunlight glinting off his armor, possibly catching the eyes of anyone below. Jazz was supposedly going to take Elsa and her sister back to base, while he would fly. He kept a lookout for anyone else in trouble.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the two got inside, Jazz took off. The inside was surprisingly smooth again, a result of Cybertronian technology. It was unknown/forgotten why they had the feature to allow creatures to fit inside them, however it could have had something to do with the Quintesson invasion.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro looked at Hiei. "I would not get cocky. We do not even know what we are up against..." She said knowing they were not told the identity of the person.

Anna held Elsa close as they were being driven back to the Ark.

"Anna can we ever go back home?" Elsa asked her sister.

"I honestly do not know.." Anna replied nervously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Dark Elsa said
Pyrrah answered him. "My name is Pyrrah Nikos. " She introduced to Zerith. "I was looking for some people I was with but we got separated.."

"Well meet Nikos," Zerith said "I could help you find them." he offered.

MagusDream said
Stella gripped hard on Charr's hand so she wouldn't fall.

Feeling there a safe distance away landed "we should be far away enough," he said letting go of Stella's hand "are you OK?" the mandalorian asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"That would be nice...." Pyrrah said. "Last I saw them they were heading to the town nearby..." She remembered
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"it's hardly being cocky besides if we all go out it should be each on our own as a group would be much easier to avoid" Hiei states still seeming a bit overconfident in his abilities. He had every reason to seeing as from where he comes from he has reached one of highest classes of power that being the S-class. Hiei had enough power to easily destroy the planet not that he ever would.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro thought over his words. She nodded.

"That actually does make sence.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dark Elsa said
"That would be nice...." Pyrrah said. "Last I saw them they were heading to the town nearby..." She remembered

"We will head to the town then," Zerith said walking towards the town.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The Anti-God shoots backwards like a rocket as the hammer impacts it's face, smashing through the treeline and into a massive crater. Had it been made of less sturdy stuff, it would no doubt have been ripped to pieces, however, a God was not so easily killed. The monstrosity floats into the air, righting itself, before once more assessing it's opponent. Quite obviously this new opponent was far more dangerous than the previous two, and as such, it would use more force. The Anti-God was still confident in taking down this opponent, as it had never failed to kill an enemy before.
However, before it launched a counter offensive, it sensed another opponent behind it. As the scythe strikes the Anti-God, it turns transparent, the scythe phasing through it, as it moves aside. Once the scythe is no longer in contact with it, it returns to it's normal appearance, it's red eye glowing as for an instant, it's bathed in a bright red light, hundreds of sigils glowing all over it's flesh. It's speed and strenght, in that moment, rise to unprecedented levels, as it's right arm smashes down at Mach 7, sending Necrox into the ground as a massive crater is formed, an explosion arising from the point of impact.
Once the dust settles, the sigils have disappeared from the Anti-God, it's momentary spell passed. It was a powerful enchantment, however, the opponent in question had been dangerous enough to warrant it. It had sensed incredible power from this creature, and as such taken steps to finish it off before it could perform any action that might threaten the main objective. It looks over to the remaining enemies, it's left eye glowing softly, as it walked towards them, preparing once more for an assault. Soon, it would once more bathe in the blood of it's enemies, and the mistress would be pleased.
Stein looked over at the young Fire Demon who so brashly proposed to take on this mission on his own. While Stein could clearly see the boy was quite powerful, at least a Planet-Class, he was quite sure Kaika was immortal. The destruction of the soul is reliably the best way to kill something, wiping out even most 'immortal' beings. However, Kaika's soul was being preserved by something powerful, quite probably a Primal Force, and this boy did not seem to have any powers to rival that of a universal constant, not by far. Perhaps Hope could kill the girl, but Stein would not wish to deal with the child, who had already seen his face. It's hard to deceive a being that can read your thoughts constantly, and risky, too. His only real hope was to separate the soul from the power holding it here, a power Heaven's Cutter might possess. "Do not be brash, demon. This woman cannot be killed by any means. I stopped her heart, destroyed her brain, and even reaped her soul directly, however, nothing will kill her permanently. Heaven's Cutter might be the only way to stop her."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"well isn't that interesting should still make for a good fight still I stand by me wanting to go alone after her. You seem to underestimate me yet you don't even know who I am or what i'm capable of unless you want to find out for yourself" Hiei said slightly threatening Stein. He hated it when people acted like that to him this fire demon had many more surprises than any of them knew like his strongest attacks which the darkest flames that exist. True he couldn't kill her but he didn't care at this point. He knew that if he went off on his own and found her he could telepathically tell the others where she is and provide a very tough distraction for Hiro to get in place "I also feel the need to inform you that my heart doesn't even beat anymore so stopping it would have been futile" Hiei says pointing this out as an attempt to deter Stein from threatening to stop his heart again.
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