Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Dark Elsa said
Pyrrah turned to see Zeriah."I am used to the danger." She said calmly.

Zeriah chuckled "I can clearly see that, were's my manners im Zeriah Locas," he said with a bow "my I inquire were you are traveling?"

MagusDream said
Stella quickly jumps to the tower near the hole, where Charr was waiting her. Cruxis followed shooting, his bullets clashing with Charr's. Hse didn't even gave time. Stella landed, held Charr's hand and pulled him with her towards the hole. "Finally... we are safe.", she said. The hole fixed as it left Cruxis inside. "Hurry, we have to get away before the barrier breaks!", she said, pulling him as she ran.

Charr ran with her away from were they had come from "hang on!" he shouted pulling here close and using his jet pack to fly them away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sapphire
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Sapphire Dessert Annihilator

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AcetheKidd said
Chopper had shifted into his walk point,which was reindeer frome. He stood tall on all four. This frome was more suitable for sniffing out stuff" south it is.." sanji walked south with chopper behind him

Sofyia raised an eyebrow at the transformation of the little moose thing but these things didn't really surprise her anymore. "If you guys are pirates then what are you doing in the middle of a forest?" Sofyia didn't want to sound like she was prying but she was still trying to determine if she could really trust them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Eclipse was quite surprised. The arc sounded like a good place to go, but then THIS happened. He cautiously approached Jazz. "Grief. I recognize it easily. I'm afraid it is an ailment that must run its course."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Bob gestured, as Unicron started devouring his spectres, and simply burnt into his soul, ripping the spectres from it with great force. "Defy you? Destroy you, you mean?" Bob was in no mood for funny games. He knew he could destroy Unicron, but even in his anger, he was a stickler for classics. Holding up his hand, he teleported Optimus here, so that he might finish the job. Unfortunately, Optimus now came in separate parts. "..... Well, I certainly wasn't expecting a DIY kit. Oh well." With another gesture, Bob put Optimus together from the seperate soular particels he had evaporated into, reforming him once more. "Do your thing, iron man. This is Unicron. I heard you had the one thing that could blow him up quickly?"
Lilith smiled, as the Matrix shrunk down to a size more practical for her particular form. "Well, isn't that a useful feature? It looks like you want to be mine." She takes the Matrix, holding it in her left hand, as she held her sword in the right. She didn't know how to use this thing, of course. That was something she should have asked the tin can while it was still alive. Quite probably, just pointing and hoping wouldn't do much. However, she'd seen hundreds of the things just moments ago, and she was sure at least one of them would know how to operate the Matrix. As such, Lilith walked to the nearest Autobot or decepticon. "Hey, Tin Can. You know how to operate the Matrix?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by AcetheKidd
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" well, i the last thing i remember was being on our ship called sunny. A huge storm his,i blacked out, and woke up in this odd." Sanji said and blew a ring of smoke

" the same thing happened to me. Thank goodness i found sanji.." chopper said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Huh? Is that..." Sonic said as he slowed down a bit to see that a friend of his was the one holding one of the Chaos Emeralds. "Hey! Silver!" Sonic called out as he ran up to his friend.

"S-Sonic? So you're really here too. Look, this isn't the greatest times for reunions..." Silver was a little surprised to see his blue friend, but pointed over to Anti-God, who could attack them at any second.

"Yeah, but I can handle this," Sonic says as he immediately runs towards the Anti-God. Silver tried to warn him on how powerful this opponent was, but didn't get to stop him in time as Sonic had already attempted a swift Homing Attack against the Anti-God.
Sota wasn't sure on what Stein was planning to do now that he and Hiei were unable to move in any way. Just what is he going to do?...whatever it is, I have to keep 'him' from taking over ... Sota thought with a lot of pressure put onto himself for some reason.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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Gummi Bunnies said
"Huh? Is that..." Sonic said as he slowed down a bit to see that a friend of his was the one holding one of the Chaos Emeralds. "Hey! Silver!" Sonic called out as he ran up to his friend. "S-Sonic? So you're really here too. Look, this isn't the greatest times for reunions..." Silver was a little surprised to see his blue friend, but pointed over to Anti-God, who could attack them at any second."Yeah, but I can handle this," Sonic says as he immediately runs towards the Anti-God. Silver tried to warn him on how powerful this opponent was, but didn't get to stop him in time as Sonic had already attempted a swift Homing Attack against the Anti-God.

"Didn't you say you didn't want to fight?" said Vita landing on the ground, Amita, unaware that there was an Anti-God ((Her magic sense was off.)) She looked behind her and got scared, very, she used her Accelerator ability to run at a random direction, disapearing from sight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"Don't forget about me!" Inigo exclaims as he runs toward the Anti-God as well, applying Luna to his blade and relentlessly attacking the Anti-God, his sword weakening its defenses.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The Anti-God sees Sonic coming at the speed of sound, appearing as little more than a blue blur. There's a bang as it's right arm arm shoots forward, breaking the sound barrier as it punches Sonic through a stand of trees, into a crater in the ground, it's fist having enough force to rip through heavy tank armor. The creature's knuckles contain sharp spikes, which tore holes in Sonic's flesh as it punched. having dealt with this attack, the Anti-God turns to Inigo.
As Inigo slashes at the Anti-God, it decides not to block, estimating it's opponent's attack power. The sword strikes it's chest, stabbing deep into the furry flesh. However, it simply looks down at this wound, before looking back up at Inigo. It's smaller right arm shoots towards Inigo, but instead of punching him, it stops right in front of him. However, there's a small explosion of bright blue energy from the Anti-God's knuckles, and Inigo is sent flying backwards by the telekinetic force.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by arowne97
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Nearby where the group was fighting the Anti-God, a man was just now awaking inside of his mech, or more accurately a NEXT. He started activating his mech, which proceeded to stand up straight, and start activating its systems, starting with its radar the systems that allow it to move, before its Primal Armor started activating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Unicron let out a roar that could be heard clear across the Galaxy. Lilith had failed, and this god was the source of that failure. He figured he would have to do things himself. "You have failed me, creature!" Unicron said to Lilith. She was bathed in red light, and given excruciating pain as her atoms were one by one erased from existence. He would deal with Bob as soon as he got rid of his unworthy servant.
Optimus looked at the giant planet that was Unicron. "Unicron, leave this universe at once" He said, his voice tiny compared to the gods. Unicron ignored him, and continued erasing Lilith.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Sonic cried out in pain as he was suddenly thrown back several meters away from the Anti-God's punch. He roughly crashed into a few trees, bleeding out from the small amount of flesh wounds from the punch.

"Sonic!" Silver immediately went over to his friend, unsure on how to fix this problem that Sonic had gotten himself into. It was then that Silver realized that Sonic had the other 4 Chaos Emeralds. I heard if all seven of them were here...it would had healed Sonic completely and give him some sort of Super Transformation..but that's not the case here... Silver thought in worry, and felt even more shocked to see Inigo being attacked ruthlessly by some telekinetic force. "Tch...take this!!!" Silver gritted his teeth in frustration and sent a large psychic wave of energy at the Anti-God.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Pyrrah answered him. "My name is Pyrrah Nikos. " She introduced to Zerith. "I was looking for some people I was with but we got seperated.." She said honestly.

Anna heard Jazz and looked at him sadly. "I am sorry to hear that." She said remembering her own pain of loss.....When she and Elsa lost their parents in a storm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The Dinobots walked off into the forest after the battle was over. They had no interest in sticking with their old comrades, after they had been abandoned on Cybertron. They once again found themselves walking through the forest, not really going anywhere in particular.
"N-Nah, it's cool." he said, transforming. "I can take you to the Ark if you want, I'm going back anyways" He said, although he still was shaken over Prime's death. However, the Autobots needed to attend to the wounded they had right now. They needed to save the lives they could, it's what Optimus would do.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Inigo gets sent flying, but luckily, the grip on his sword was tight enough that it went with him, only to get sent flying out of his hands and to be embedded into a nearby tree. Inigo's whole body ached, but he got up nonetheless, and went for his sword, quickly removing it from the tree and running back to the battlefield, this time using Sol, enveloping his sword in light. He attacked the Anti-God again, each attack giving him back some of his energy.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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"Then let us depart. I sense a need for my influence." Eclipse looked at the others to see what they were planning.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Alexander sat his back against a tree resting a bit and waiting for his Magicka to recover so he could heal himself. For now however he was a sitting duck unable to really fight because of how bad of a beating he took at the hands of Dragoon. "Need to see if there's a town nearby and if so if they have a forge and materials I can use. Got to craft a new sword and repair my armor" Alexander said with a slight sigh pretty much just observing the surroundings.

Trey was wandering through the forest trying to see if he could link up with Sonic or Pyrrah again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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As there was nothing physical to break to escape from the Soular Bond, telekinesis could do nothing to destroy it. However, one could see small strands of energy all over their body, holding it all in place. Stein smiles, as he senses Hiei attempt to escape his bonds. "I could stop your heart with just as much ease. It is, after all, also simply a muscle." He lowers his hand, and the bond disappears, as they are all able to move once more. "However, it is not your time to die just yet. Instead, each of you shall have to work to solve another issue I have been having." Stein's face is grim and stern, as that of a Grim Reaper should be.
Bob blinks, as he stares at Optimus Prime besides him. For a moment, he's too stunned to speak. "My God. You are completely useless. Did you really think the Eater of Worlds would leave if you asked him to? I mean, really..... when does anybody ever listen to that?" Bob sighed at the stupidity of the robot he had called forth. Apparently, he'd have to do this the old-fashioned way. He holds out both arms, and doors open all over Unicron, as massive chains shoot out and dig into him. Each chain grabs a hold of his essence, his soul, and Bob smiles, as he blasts the God with enough force to kill lesser Gods.
Lilith falls to her knees, screaming in sudden and unexpected agony. Then, there's a flash of light, as the molecular force of the crushed atom is released in explosive form. She's instantly burnt to a cinder, and nearby trees burn away to nothingness. Afterwards, much slower than the light, comes a powerful shockwave, flinging the corpses of dead Autobots into the ait with it's force, and smashing into the Arc. The nuclear explosion wipes out anything nearby.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

thewizardguy said
As there was nothing physical to break to escape from the Soular Bond, telekinesis could do nothing to destroy it. However, one could see small strands of energy all over their body, holding it all in place. Stein smiles, as he senses Hiei attempt to escape his bonds. "I could stop your heart with just as much ease. It is, after all, also simply a muscle." He lowers his hand, and the bond disappears, as they are all able to move once more. "However, it is not your time to die just yet. Instead, each of you shall have to work to solve another issue I have been having." Stein's face is grim and stern, as that of a Grim Reaper should be.Bob blinks, as he stares at Optimus Prime besides him. For a moment, he's too stunned to speak. "My God. You are completely useless. Did you really think the Eater of Worlds would leave if you asked him to? I mean, really..... when does anybody ever listen to that?" Bob sighed at the stupidity of the robot he had called forth. Apparently, he'd have to do this the old-fashioned way. He holds out both arms, and doors open all over Unicron, as massive chains shoot out and dig into him. Each chain grabs a hold of his essence, his soul, and Bob smiles, as he blasts the God with enough force to kill lesser Gods.Lilith falls to her knees, screaming in sudden and unexpected agony. Then, there's a flash of light, as the molecular force of the crushed atom is released in explosive form. She's instantly burnt to a cinder, and nearby trees burn away to nothingness. Afterwards, much slower than the light, comes a powerful shockwave, flinging the corpses of dead Autobots into the ait with it's force, and smashing into the Arc. The nuclear explosion wipes out anything nearby.

"Unicron deserves to make the choice between violence and peace" Optimus said, "However, it seems he has chosen conflict" As Optimus readied himself for Combat, the other Primes appeared. "We sensed you die, but then you returned." Amalgamous said, looking Optimus over. Prima approached Bob, "We shall deal with Unicron" he said.

Unicron let out another roar of rage. It was so loud, that even the creatures on the planet that the Ark had crashed on could hear it. The Primes had converged, and it was all thanks to that meddling chaos god. Unicron released a wave of dark energy in retaliation to Bob's attack. The power Bob unleashed was nowhere near enough to defeat him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Anna could tell Jazz was not alright but would give him time as she led Elsa over to Jazz and she silently got in along with Anna.

Ruby flinched at the roar as she led Weiss and Yang to the cabin. Weiss mearly smirked and Yang looked annoyed.
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