Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Leda


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Mahz said "Hm hmm hhmhmm hmmm mhm mhmmm" ((My Mom's probably high off her ass at home)) he said to Mifune, refusing the candy. "Hm hmmh mhmmm hmm hmhmm" ((I don't take candy from strangers)) he said. The last experience he had with a stranger hadn't gone to well, however these people seemed nicer.

"Smart" Mifune said as he put the candy back in his pocket "but you have nothing to fear from me" he said standing back up. What the boy said about his mother was kind of disturbing, a mother abusing substances and neglecting her own child? Unforgivable.
"Getting...high?" As she thought about what the boy said she couldn't help but picture her as a giant bird or her having wings of some sort, but that was crazy she thought as she shook her head to get the thought of it out of her mind. "Well do you know the way out of this forest Kenny?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Ruby continued to look around the town for a place she and the rest of her team could rest at.They had not really rested or eaten for awhile. She noticed a small cabin and felt it would be a good place to rest.

Pyrrah continued to head to the town once more on her own.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Leda said
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________"Smart" Mifune said as he put the candy back in his pocket "but you have nothing to fear from me" he said standing back up. What the boy said about his mother was kind of disturbing, a mother abusing substances and neglecting her own child? Unforgivable._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________"Getting...high?" As she thought about what the boy said she couldn't help but picture her as a giant bird or her having wings of some sort, but that was crazy she thought as she shook her head to get the thought of it out of her mind. "Well do you know the way out of this forest Kenny?"

"Hm ... Hm hmhm hmm hmm" ((No ... Last time I tried it was bad)) he said. He remembered Stein trying to kill him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Wraithblade6 Interrogator Chaplain

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Once the girls' arms was healed, Eclipse used the same magic to replace his mouth. "Ah. That's better. I don't think I'm going to get along with that guy." He was curious about Jazz. "You seem, alive, and friendly. Hello."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Once Elsa was healed she embraced Anna tearfully. Anna understood her sister's feelings and embraced her back."Els ...I am here now...shh.." Anna replied as she stroked Elsa's hair.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Yes, I am alive and friendly." Jazz said, "and if any of you want a safe place, the Ark should be pretty secure" at least more secure than the rest if this place. He was concerned for their safety, especially with Elsa's ... Past condition.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Anna looked at Jazz. "We should get back to the Ark.Elsa needs to rest and so do I since it has been a long day and we can't get back to Arendell anyways"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Mtntopview said
Optimus was thrown back by the blast. Even he couldn't manage to deflect it. He was nearly offline. "You will not be capable of defeating Unicron" He said, although it was very hard, "Prophecy said ..." he had trouble finishing the sentence. Despite his wounds, he stood up again. "I shall not fall" he said.

Lilith smiles, as she holds up her blade. Had she had compassion in her, she might have felt it for the hero who stood before her. They both knew that Optimus could not win this fight, not as long as Lilith had her contract with Unicron. Her blade extends, five meters long, glowing bright red as she floats into the air. "I don't care about your silly little prophecies. They're usually useless." With that, she shoots forward, the blade slashing through Optimus's chest. A moment passes, where both parties stand perfectly still, as if someone had hit pause. Then, with a resounding thud, the two halves of Optimus seperate, crashing to the ground.
Lilith walks up to the massive wreck of a robot that had dared oppose her. She jumped onto his chest, and sliced away the breastplate, revealing the circuitry that lay beneath. It was a bit of work rooting through it, but after some effort, she managed to unveil the Matrix of Leadership, which she ripped from his chest, a proze of conquest. The only weapon that could defeat Unicron, allegedly. The only problem now was to figure out how to use it.....
"Hmph." For once, Bob wasn't in the mood for small talk. He was annoyed, and as such, he appeared before Unicron, surrounded in a massive flaming aura. Behind him, the spectres from the Theatre poured out of their imprisonment, feeding Bob power as they once more enacted out their pointless tragedies, unaware that they were simply being played, again and again, by the Taker of Souls. "So, it seems we're going to have a rematch. Let's see if you can beat me this time. Oh, and Eris'll help." Bob's smile held none of his usual playfulness. This time, there would be no riddles.
As expected, the two had started revealing their physical force, attempting to threaten him. It was a logical reaction, or it would have been, had it not been exactly what he wanted them to do. "You dare threaten me?" Stein holds up one hand, as the threads of their souls spin at his command. Within seconds, they find themselves completely immobilized, unable to move. Bound into place by their own souls. Of course, this maneauver immobilized Stein as well, but they didn't know that. He was able to leave his mouth functional, adding to the illusion that he wasn't paralyzed. "I could strike you both down right now, if I wished to. Do not test me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Unicron roared in rage. "You dare defy me a second time!?" He shouted at the creature. The light emitted from his mouth turned red, and the specters were dismantled in a few seconds, enduring great pain.
((You cannot avoid this, as it is similar to him devouring them. Once that happens, they cease to exist))
The Matrix shrunk to a size usable for a human, able to carry for Lilith.
He then noticed Lilith defeat Optimus. He summoned her and the Matrix along with her to him. "Excellent, now destroy it!" He felt victory at hand. He wanted to see it destroyed.
((By the way, Unicron is making it so Lilith can survive the void of space. He can do that, he's a god))
The Autobots watched their fallen leader. His energon based body evaporating and disappearing ((He is now one with the Matrix)). "Optimus ... no" One said. They soon sent out the message to all units that Prime had perished. According to the chain of command, this made Jazz the new leader. ((Jazz was the second in command before)). They watched as his murderer disappeared. It shook even Teletraan, who was silent, despite the Autobot's attempts to enter commands. The sun even seemed a little less bright.

Jazz dropped to his knees. "No ... It can't be" He said, disbelieving at the news of Prime's passing. Prime couldn't die ... It wasn't possible.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Anna looked to see Jazz on his knees. "Jazz what's wrong?" She asked him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Dark Elsa said
Pyrrah continued to head to the town once more on her own.

" If this forest is like the ones on Caliban it's dangerous to travel alone," said a voice off to right of her, Zeriah walked out from behind a tree.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"Yeah, that was really cool," Silver said, wondering how the Chaos Emerald worked. Silver formed a large blade from his psychic energy and sent it down towards the Anti-God.
Sonic ran to follow Vita, but not too fast that he would be directly behind her. He hoped that this was another Chaos Emerald for sure.
"I guess, we'll just wander for now Miki," Kaika says with a sigh, depressed that she just left Hope alone. As Kaika began to walk in an aimless path, Miki disappeared from sight in the real world, but loosely followed Kaika from within the Spiritual World plane.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Inigo simply watched, waiting for when the time was right to strike with his sword. "....."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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Gummi Bunnies said
"Yeah, that was really cool," Silver said, wondering how the Chaos Emerald worked. Silver formed a large blade from his psychic energy and sent it down towards the Anti-God.Sonic ran to follow Vita, but not too fast that he would be directly behind her. He hoped that this was another Chaos Emerald for sure.

"We are getting close, there are other energies in there as well, if a fight is really happening over there, be careful." said Vita as she continued to guide Sonic to the Emerald.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Alexander had to stopped and lean against a tree the adrenaline from the fight wearing off and needing to rest a little due to injuries. "Man I need to stop being so reckless in fights nearly got killed back there" Alexander said to himself resting against a tree.

Hiei looked surprised at first he couldn't move at all. "Hmmm look at this what a pathetic power" Hiei thought that eye shape glow underneath his headband constantly glowing. He tried to see if he could use his telekinesis to attempt to free himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Pyrrah turned to see Zeriah."I am used to the danger." She said calmly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

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Stella and Cruxis

Stella quickly jumps to the tower near the hole, where Charr was waiting her. Cruxis followed shooting, his bullets clashing with Charr's. Hse didn't even gave time. Stella landed, held Charr's hand and pulled him with her towards the hole. "Finally... we are safe.", she said. The hole fixed as it left Cruxis inside. "Hurry, we have to get away before the barrier breaks!", she said, pulling him as she ran.

Necrox T. Scarlet

"This won't do it. If we only run, they have the chance to escape.", Necrox said. He knew that even if this could affect entirely their chances... he removed a black pocketwatch from nowhere. "Time Treachery "Second Laced with Pressure"!", he declared. The power coming out of the watch made him and the others faster.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

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Sota tried his best to move, but nothing wouldn't help him budge out of this restrainment. This was just a hell of an experience as this was combined with the fact that Sota was slowly being overtaken by the demon inside him. His eyes flashed blood red for a split second, but Sota was mainly trying to find a way to free himself from this.
Sonic didn't really notice the sudden boost of speed, as he was naturally fast on foot anyways.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

MagusDream said
"This won't do it. If we only run, they have the chance to escape.", Necrox said. He knew that even if this could affect entirely their chances... he removed a black pocketwatch from nowhere. "!", he declared. The power coming out of the watch made him and the others faster.

"Time Magic huh? You must be one of the good ones." said Vita as she sped up. "Whoa, i wonder if i combine it with my Accelerator ability." said Amita as she activated the ability, in a blink, she arrived at the location of the emerald. "Didn't expect this..." she said, then she looked at Silver and Inigo. "Oh hey, a guy that looks like Sonic, but White, and he has the emerald." said Amita waving at Silver.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Dark Elsa said
Anna looked to see Jazz on his knees. "Jazz what's wrong?" She asked him.

"It's Optimus ... He's dead." he said, disbelieving. He was too shaken to do anything. He merely sat down, staring off into space. He wasn't cut out to be leader, Optimus was that. He would relinquish control to Ratchet or Ironhide, they'd be way better than him. Yes, that's what he would do. He spoke into his communicator, "I relinquish command to Ratchet" he said, forfeiting leadership for the Autobots.
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