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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spartan2961 said
Hiei stood there a moment in a pause. Then he looks at Suzaku ans says "The one Stein somehow bound me to the ground where I couldn't move and sent the other to kill me I believe. I unleashed one of my most powerful attacks but rather than launch it at them and risk them dodging I turned it on myself and used it to escape. Now I need to show that bastard what happens when you mess with me but i'm no fool I know if i go alone the same will happen again" Hiei said to Suzaku. "Though I hate to team up with others you're right I do want payback for him nearly killing me" Hiei said looking over at Inigo before saying this.

"That was probably some very powerful magic spell, could you sense some kind of magic enveloping you?" Suzaku asked.

Dark Elsa said
Weiss answered the two. "Weiss Schnee. " She said making her blood blade vanish.

"Nice to meet you Weissy, also, sorry for prying but, what you meant when you mentioned urges?" Haken asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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"Pleasure to meet you Miss Wiess," Zerith replied to her resting his hand on the hilt of his sword.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Weiss grinned creepily but forced it off. "I don't remember much but at times I get these...voices that drive me mad..." She laughed again. She was technically just born anew not that long ago and the Black Blood was not so easily perfectly controlled. However she did have a pleading glint in her eyes...a Plea for help...

(Replying to Mnt)

Hearing what Jazz said Anna was about to ask what anatomy was when more of the robots entered. "I am Anna and I am a girl.." Anna snapped at the two. She was growing tired of all the questions and everything that had happened. "I would like to go to a place to rest. My sister needs sleep...."

Elsa hung back more but gave the two a apology look. "Anna and I have just had a long day ."

Anna folded her arms
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Kael Taiyou said
"That was probably some very powerful magic spells, could you sense some kind of magic enveloping you?" Suzaku asked.

"No I couldn't but it was like I was bound by my Yōki or demon energy but I could still use it." Hiei said pretty much revealing to the dgroup that he was a demon. Hiei didn't seem to care that he revealed this despite not knowing how the others will react.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Inigo had simply stood by and let Hiei and Suzaku do most of the talking, allowing him to process all of what was being said fairly quickly. When Hiei mentioned that he was a demon, Inigo didn't really seem to care about that, for he faced off against plenty of demons in his time. "......"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spartan2961 said
"No I couldn't but it was like I was bound by my Yōki or demon energy but I could still use it." Hiei said pretty much revealing to the dgroup that he was a demon. Hiei didn't seem to care that he revealed this despite not knowing how the others will react.

"Hmmm....If he bound you with your own energy, i guess the same could be done if you use it to free yourself. You know your own energy better than anyone, it would only make sense that if you used it as you see fit." Suzaku deduced, she usually left the thinking to Midori, but she wasn't around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kael Taiyou said
"Hmmm....If he bound you with your own energy, i guess the same could be done if you use it to free yourself. You know your own energy better than anyone, it would only make sense that if you used it as you see fit." Suzaku deduced, she usually left the thinking to Midori, but she wasn't around.

"..He must be pretty strong if he was able to use your own energy against you like that..." Inigo comments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Dark Elsa said
Weiss grinned creepily but forced it off. "I don't remember much but at times I get these...voices that drive me mad..." She laughed again. She was technically just born anew not that long ago and the Black Blood was not so easily perfectly controlled. However she did have a pleading glint in her eyes...a Plea for help...

Zerith raised an eyebrow under his helmet " are you sure you ok? You don't seem fine."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Oh..I am..." Weiss said getting control of herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Heh yes he must be quite powerful but I was foolish I underestimated Stein and he got the better of me that will not happen again. Do you know any of his powers cause I know he can read minds at least cause that's how he caught me the first time when I was telepathically telling my ally at the time the plan should he have proven hostile. He called us out on it the second he saw me" Hiei said to Inigo explaining what all happened in the first few minutes of meeting Stein
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

"No, but I remember my father telling me that Stein was capable of slaying gods...and that he knew his way around scythes..the mind reading ability is certainly new to me.." Inigo offers. Unfortunately, his father didn't reveal too much when it came to Stein and his daughter. Did they possibly work together at some point...? Inigo thinks, but he pushes this thought to the back of his mind, dismissing it as nothing but that, a thought.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"If only Kurama were here he'd have come up with a plan to kill Stein already" Hiei says but as he finished everyone could see a tall man stumble out of the woods apparently drawn here like the others were. The shocked look on Hiei's face means he obviously recognized him.

""Why is it so bright out?" the man said with an Australian accent and slurred speech. Obviously the man had been drinking evident by the empty bottle in his hand. "Hey aren't you one of Urameshi's friends what was your name again Hiei was it?" the man said though it would be hard to tell what exactly he said. The man tripped on himself and fell over onto the ground though all this drunkenness was a ruse on his part. If anyone could sense another's aura they could tell this man had a strong aura only slightly weaker than Hiei's.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Spartan2961 said
"Heh yes he must be quite powerful but I was foolish I underestimated Stein and he got the better of me that will not happen again. Do you know any of his powers cause I know he can read minds at least cause that's how he caught me the first time when I was telepathically telling my ally at the time the plan should he have proven hostile. He called us out on it the second he saw me" Hiei said to Inigo explaining what all happened in the first few minutes of meeting Stein

"If we were at my world, the folks from my Organization would help place a mental block on you, like they did with Midori, her Psychic Powers are strong enough to see in the future, but she blocked that, i'm pretty sure that my pals would help you out." said Suzaku about the mind reading.

ShadowVentus said
"No, but I remember my father telling me that Stein was capable of slaying gods...and that he knew his way around scythes..the mind reading ability is certainly new to me.." Inigo offers. Unfortunately, his father didn't reveal too much when it came to Stein and his daughter. Inigo thinks, but he pushes this thought to the back of his mind, dismissing it as nothing but that, a thought.

"Are we talking about the same person?" Said Suzaku, she knew someone else with the same name, but never knew this person slayed gods.

Spartan2961 said
"If only Kurama were here he'd have come up with a plan to kill Stein already" Hiei says but as he finished everyone could see a tall man stumble out of the woods apparently drawn here like the others were. The shocked look on Hiei's face means he obviously recognized him.""Why is it so bright out?" the man said with an Australian accent and slurred speech. Obviously the man had been drinking evident by the empty bottle in his hand. "Hey aren't you one of Urameshi's friends what was your name again Hiei was it?" the man said though it would be hard to tell what exactly he said. The man tripped on himself and fell over onto the ground though all this drunkenness was a ruse on his part. If anyone could sense another's aura they could tell this man had a strong aura only slightly weaker than Hiei's.

"(Wow, this guy has power as well.) Um...Are you okay Mr. Random Drunk Person that fell in the ground?" Suzaku asked trying to whitstand the smell of Alcohol.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Kael Taiyou said
"If we were at my world, the folks from my Organization would help place a mental block on you, like they did with Midori, her Psychic Powers are strong enough to see in the future, but she blocked that, i'm pretty sure that my pals would help you out." said Suzaku about the mind reading."Are we talking about the same person?" Said Suzaku, she knew someone else with the same name, but never knew this person slayed gods."(Wow, this guy has power as well.) Um...Are you okay Mr. Random Drunk Person that fell in the ground?" Suzaku asked trying to whitstand the smell of Alcohol.

Inigo raised an eyebrow at this, a bit puzzled by what Suzaku means by what she says. "What do you mean? Do you know another man by the name of Stein?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"What me oh i'm fine" the man said getting up to his feet.....only to fall backwards into a sitting position. "Hey Sheila you mind comin over a second got a question for ya?" the man said to Suzaku.

"That fool over there is named Chu don't underestimate him." Hiei said to the other giving out Chu's name.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Spartan2961 said
"What me oh i'm fine" the man said getting up to his feet.....only to fall backwards into a sitting position. "Hey Sheila you mind comin over a second got a question for ya?" the man said to Suzaku. "That fool over there is named Chu don't underestimate him." Hiei said to the other giving out Chu's name.

"Chu, hm...well, I WOULD say it's nice to meet him, but considering he's drunk...who knows what he'll do next." Inigo comments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

The dropship flew over the town, making a single circle before landing. A couple decepticon soldiers came out, looking about with weapons drawn. From the small group, Megatron emerged. "Decepticons. Locate a power source!" He shouted, before heading off into the town himself. A few cons followed, a few stayed. The ones that stayed protected the ship and started unloading empty Energon cubes.

Hearing what Jazz said Anna was about to ask what anatomy was when more of the robots entered. "I am Anna and I am a girl.." Anna snapped at the two. She was growing tired of all the questions and everything that had happened. "I would like to go to a place to rest. My sister needs sleep...."

Elsa hung back more but gave the two a apology look. "Anna and I have just had a long day ."

Anna folded her arms

"oh, I didn't mean to offend." Silverbolt replied to the human, before turning to Optimus. "Requesting a mission to collect data on the surrounding area" Jetfire said. Optimus shook his head, "That is an acceptable request, my friend" He said, Jetfire and the other Aerialbots left the room. Optimus then turned to the two humans, "Greetings, I am Optimus Prime." He said, "I am sorry we couldn't provide better treatment" He took a guess and assumed that sleep was a sort of stasis mode. "Perhaps Jetfire could collect materials more suited for you" Optimus said, noting how they appeared much softer than metal, "Until then, I am afraid there is not much we can do". Jazz opened up a communication line to Jetfire, and requested that they retrieve some soft materials. The autobot scientist agreed as he flew down the launch tube. Soon the Autobot and his comrades were flying towards the town, hoping to find some bedding material that their friends could use for 'sleep'.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

After a long while of walking, EMBR was starting to get a little annoyed by how they just seem to be in the middle of nowhere.

"CEE, are you sure there are no scan data at all? This just happens to be a large forest," EMBR asked the AI, wondering if this was some petty mistake on the programming.

"Confirming. There are no relative scan data to this location," CEE responded to him. As CEE spoke through the headset EMBR wore, he would look like he was talking to himself.

"Alright, then let's try a different approach. Like, if we can't find out about the location, then we can always get the attention of anything that's alive here. It's quite the crowded forest, so I doubt there isn't a single living thing wandering around," EMBR said as he held out his suitcase, and with a single flip of a switch, it began to shift into it's rocket launcher mode. As if it were a communication signal to whoever that sees this, EMBR fires a single rocket in the air, and once high enough, it immediately detonates, a loud bang that echoed for miles and miles to come.

"There, and if my hypothesis is correct, that should at least alarm some living things in the vicinity," EMBR said as he had the rocket launcher shift back into the suitcase form. Deciding to stick around and see the results of this action, he ducks within the thick bushes to hide, wondering if he did alarm anyone with that rocket's explosion in the sky.
"Oh, so you kinda have the same trait as my boyfriend Sota..." Kaika said as Hiro mentioned she was partially a demon. That would apply to Sota, as a demon resides in his soul, waiting to get control of the vessel.
Mokou boredly watched the group chatter, along with a drunken man joining in. All she wanted was to go back, but she knew that would take forever...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

Member Offline since relaunch

Anna looked at the Autobots. "No offense taken
..we just had a rough day. We got lost in the woods and then Elsa was attacked I think and when we reunited her arm was...

"Anna enough. ." Elsa said just wanting to forget about Bob. Anna got Elsa's hint and thanked Optimus. "My name is Anna and she is my sister Elsa. " Anna introduced. "Nice to meet you Optimus."

Hiro listened to Kaika. "My father was Demon King Janus and my mother was mortal. My arm was replaced after it was cut off by people who were mean and hated me.." She said explaining how she protected a human friend and that caused the arm loss.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Earth to earth. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Illusions to illusions. Dreams to dreams. Yes. That is the true final nature of the world around them. If it wasn't in perspective already, it would become apparent soon enough.

Among a sea-no, ocean of "stars", there was a ship. Its deck was packed with various Minotaur like goats, most of whom were busily working the various stations and functions of the ship in question. Below decks however, it was different. At least, in the room of the captains quarters. The room that was through the door labeled "Captain" was not the captains room. It was as if the door was a place going somewhere else entirely. Within this unfitting room, there were two seats, a table between said seats, and above both a beautiful and majestic chandelier, shining like a moon.

A woman sipped her hot chocolate before sitting it down on the table. There were entirely to many marshmallows in the thing. Seriously, how did she even plan on drinking it? There were more marshmallows then hot chocolate. . . . Regardless, that very woman spoke up. In front of the two chairs was a view of the fight between "Gilgamesh", "Enkidu", and "Mia". It was the most intense fight right now, so it was only natural to watch.

"This fight already seems to be lopsided. Even if it's two best friends, it's a bit unfair if they team up on one person, right? Well. They aren't both fighting right now, but if you think of it in big picture terms and stuff, I don't think it's good to have a 2v1 team battle. The 1 will be lonely, you know?" The woman closed her eyes and yawned, raising a hand to stifle it. Whether or not it was a fair was irrelevant. Whether or not it was entertaining was an entirely different story.

With that, a "hole" appeared below the force of divine nature called Enkidu, and the arrogant King Gilgamesh. They could both fight each other or something to that effect. They had done it plenty of times in their legend, and it would be a perfect reunion. Then they could watch that fight. As for location, well, a gigantic city just happened to pop up in the middle of the forest right? So why not move the King and Queen piece there and see how things turned out. At least it may be moderately interesting.
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