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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Weiss calmed a bit at Hakens words. "It is fine...I get..urges from time to time..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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(accidental double)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"It'll be a pleasure to work with you, Hiei. I have no doubt you want payback for them almost ending your life..am I wrong?" He states.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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Kael Taiyou Guillotine

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Dark Elsa said
Weiss calmed a bit at Hakens words. "It is fine...I get..urges from time to time..."

"It's okay, names Haken Browning." said the Captain puttingh is hat back on his head.

Spartan2961 said
"It would seem that way" Hiei said to Inigo when 'temporary partnership' was brought up before looking over at Suzaku. "He and his daughter i'm guessing nearly killed me not to long ago though in a way I nearly killed them" Hiei simply stated before looking back at Inigo. "I am simply called Hiei" Hiei said finally telling what his name was.

"He must been a really meanie then. So, how did he nearly kill you Hiei?" Suzaku asked with her hands on her hips
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by eemmtt
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Dark Elsa said
Weiss calmed a bit at Hakens words. "It is fine...I get..urges from time to time..."

Zerith slinged his bolter onto his back "greeting im Zerith Locas."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Hiei stood there a moment in a pause. Then he looks at Suzaku ans says "The one Stein somehow bound me to the ground where I couldn't move and sent the other to kill me I believe. I unleashed one of my most powerful attacks but rather than launch it at them and risk them dodging I turned it on myself and used it to escape. Now I need to show that bastard what happens when you mess with me but i'm no fool I know if i go alone the same will happen again" Hiei said to Suzaku. "Though I hate to team up with others you're right I do want payback for him nearly killing me" Hiei said looking over at Inigo before saying this.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Hope didn't like these uncertainties, as she looked into the mind of her one and only friend. She was new to the idea of deceit, that what one said or thought might not be true, but a very clear part of Kaika didn't want Hope to go into the portal, didn't want Hope to happen. Again and again, she found a man in a labcoat, and a strange boy. There were names attached to these thoughts, Sota and Stein. And emotions attached to them as well. Sota had nice feelings attached to him, a kind of love that Hope had only rarely felt in her travels, and had always hoped to one day posses. However, the thoughts of Stein were filled with fear and something Hope had never before felt, an emotion completely alien to her. Hate. It was confusing and terrifying, finding this strange, horrible emotion so strongly in the mind of one she considered her friend. However, still she pressed onwards, the story behind this unveiling in front of her.

Hope smiled at Kaika. So that was what was going on. She knew fear, she knew what it was like to have what you loved taken away from you. Those were the memories that Kaika had unlocked, hidden away in her own brain. Her smile was filled with sadness, as she realized that she would lose her only friend. Since she had gained her powers, fear and pain had become distant. Never again did she want to feel like she did when the Spiral Emperor had had her, never again did she want to go through the tortures that he had performed on her. She focused her powers, as she gave Kaika one last smile. A goodbye.

Time seems to stand still, as Hope steps out from the portal. She can feel the change within her, as she leaves behind the world she knew. The power that had become so natural to her disappeared in an instant, and the dizzying change made her drop to her knees. So this is what it was like. She'd forgotten. She touched the grass and it did not burn, she stood on earth and it did not melt. She could feel the wind through her hair, and the sun on her skin. She smiled, as she looked up at Stein, her memories flowing back into her, pain filling her. However, she also remembered her mother, and her older brother. They'd loved her so much. She was so distracted, as her mind was filled with these feelings, that she never saw the blade coming for her chest.
Stein smiles, as he slowly plunges his blade into the small child's chest. He can see her eyes widen, and feel the pain echoing through her, like ripples from the center of a pond, raking at her mind and soul. A wound that would never heal, a black scar burnt into her very existence. However, what stood before him was not the weapon that could kill immortals, the being meant to destroy the Daemon. The small child, even in pain, smiled, as if under the delusion of hope, ironically fitting. Stein watches, and in her eyes he can see the victory achieved, the small measure of compensation for the act he had just committed. And yet, there was nothing he could do, in that instant.
Hope hadn't looked at Sota. However, she knew he was there. Kaika's memories had filled her, together with her own. She clung onto them, an escape from the pain. She saw Kaika and Sota growing up together, she saw her own childhood. Side by side. She'd known it, Kaika and Sota were nice people. They loved each other. Kaika had never wanted to hurt Hope, and she smiled, as the last vestiges of her power flowed from the portal behind her. Blackness crept into the edge of her vision, but she could feel the ghosts of her parents beside her. She could sense the horror in Sota's mind, as well as the fear. After all her wandering, she'd found a friend in Kaika. Perhaps, if she'd met Sota before, they could have been friends before. However, at least right now, she was needed.

She was hope, after all.

With the last remnants of her power, Hope focused. Magical energy flowed into her, through her back, into her chest. It moved through her arms, flowing into her fingertips, as she moved her hands towards the wound in her chest. A bright light flowed from them, moving into the weapon, and through it. It moved up through Stein's arm, as it crept into his chest, into his heart, still beating. Of all the organs he had replaced and removed, altered and modified, his heart remained the same heart he had always carried. She gestured, and white light bursts forth, an explosion of energy coupled with Stein's scream as he's sent flying back, his chest exploding, his insides burning even as they fall from the hole in his chest.

As the dust clears, Hope falls forward, catching herself on her hands. She had nothing anymore. There was nothing left. Even with all of her power, she could not have healed the wound from Shiva. It was a cursed wound, which could not be healed by any spell. However, Sota and Kaika would live. They were nice people, weren't they? They'd have a happy life, Hope was sure, together. Stein would have killed them, or worse. Up until now, everything she touched had turned to ash. She'd never been able to have a friend, one she could share her life with.

Maybe when she woke up, she'd have fun.

These were the last words that echoed through the minds of a small girl named Hope, as her heart stopped beating.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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When the Queen of Pain attempted to ambush the King with the deception of her death, Gilgamesh had survived her treachery through the protection of Avalon, his defensive noble phantasm. However, when the newcomer arrived, Gilgamesh stopped. He was about to make a jarring statement about the resilience of mongrels and how he was about to euthanize her; to put her down like the mad beast she was when he stopped.

From arrogance to fear, the King changed. Before him was two entire separate things: On one hand, his one and only true friend, Enkidu was before him, in his glory as the only man recognized by the king. On the other hand, however, the only being who had ever fought him to a standstill was here, and he was not looking like he was carrying reason.

However, when he saw Enkidu confronting Mia, he came to an understanding.

It seems that Enkidu wishes to challenge her... understandable. Gilgamesh smiled a little. It appears that our glorious reunion will have to wait.

And with that, the King of Heroes stepped back to allow the berserker in the form of his one and only friend to take the fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mia smiled as she held out her hands. This would be a hard fight. Surviving the many beings that wandered the multiverse required more than just skill and strength, it required one to asses fights. And this wasn't going to be an easy one. Judging from the power radiated by this new opponent, he would be quite hard to take down. However, the little boy was being a good kid, stepping back to let the grown-ups do the fighting. "Looks like I get more people to play with. Do you have more toys for me?" Mjolnir flies into her right hand, and in the other she holds the Plague Blade. The Black Blood shoots from her back, coalescing into eight large spider legs, as Mia readies herself to unleash her full power on her opponent. "You know, my dad has a thing for naming his attacks. Silly, isn't it? I always thought it was rather corny, like he's part of some stupid kid's show." Mia smiles, as she points Mjolnir at Berserker, grinning. "What do you think?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

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It all happened before her eyes, her heartbeat became unsteady and uncomfortably loud in her point of view. It was all happening again, she failed to protect the ones she found close to her. Just like she had watched her parents die, her friends die, her allies Monoso and Luki die. They all died because of her role, the role she had chosen naively. In order to have the ability to stop an upcoming devastation of the afterlife's balance, Kaika had no choice but to go through all of the pain and suffering, both on herself and on the witness of others. It was then that it was all happening again, to a girl that she had just met not too long ago. These kinds of moments made her think to herself, Is the Pact really worth it? Maybe it was a wrong choice to accept Miki's offer and let herself die at that car crash long ago. No, she would prefer a normal life over this, but she knew there was no more going back after accepting the pact. There were still people to protect out there, the ones that don't deserve to go through all of this pain and suffering.

"K-Kaika..." Sota felt himself freed from the soul binding once Stein was supposedly blasted away by Hope, but was unsure on what to say at the sight of these events. Even if he did not actually and truly meet this girl, Sota knew that Kaika had some connection to this girl named Hope. Kaika only regained her senses, there was no use of crying and mourning for all eternity whenever someone died, because fate would always help her carry on and look for the distant future.

"Sota...hear me on this...I'm not going to let this girl's death...to be in vain...we're both fighting for a reason...right? To protect..." Kaika said with a shaky breath, several tears rolling down her face. In a proper honor for Hope, she rested the girl against a tree, as if the girl were peacefully sleeping if the chest wound didn't exist. Like a trinket that would last with this girl forever, Kaika takes out a white ribbon that she had ever since she and Luki became friends, and placed the white ribbon in the hands of Hope. "Maybe soon...we'll get to play again...when fate decides..." Kaika said as if she were talking to Hope, and then went to Sota. "C'mon...there's still a lot...we've got to do here..." Kaika said to him, both walking away. Though, Kaika glanced at Hope one last time before departing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

thewizardguy said
Mia smiled as she held out her hands. This would be a hard fight. Surviving the many beings that wandered the multiverse required more than just skill and strength, it required one to asses fights. And this wasn't going to be an easy one. Judging from the power radiated by this new opponent, he would be quite hard to take down. However, the little boy was being a good kid, stepping back to let the grown-ups do the fighting. "Looks like I get more people to play with. Do you have more toys for me?" Mjolnir flies into her right hand, and in the other she holds the Plague Blade. The Black Blood shoots from her back, coalescing into eight large spider legs, as Mia readies herself to unleash her full power on her opponent. "You know, my dad has a thing for naming his attacks. Silly, isn't it? I always thought it was rather corny, like he's part of some stupid kid's show." Mia smiles, as she points Mjolnir at Berserker, grinning. "What do you think?"

It looks forward at its opponent.

No...no, "opponent" implies that this is a fight.

A fight requires that there is some possibility of it going in either direction.

There was no light in its eyes, but rather a simple, unending madness. A feral nature from "before," the feeling of something which "should not exist."


It is a guttural bellow unseemly for one of its stature. A word that it should not even be able to say, too consumed by madness.

...alterations complete.

Layered resurrections. Damage threshold, compounded. Conceptual damage reduction, compounded. Mental interference protection. Curse immunity. Magic Resistance. Right Hand - Evil Eater: Right Arm - Wickedness Predation. Thought acceleration; memory partition. Physical amplification cascade initiated. Model of existence: Gugalanna. Physical abilities amplified in proportion, full transformation to an "equivalent" of Gugalanna rejected in favor of keeping prior transformative benefits. Prana Burst capability. Capability to minimize impact on the world via Eight Divinations of the Tao. Approved, completed.

The weapon it had formed from a piece of mud extending from its arm glowed with an ungodly light.

Partial edge: Tonbogiri. Partial edge: Gae Bulg. Partial edge: Gae Dearg. Partial edge: Aqua Vitae.

Gilgamesh was "unbeatable" in battle, but had two weaknesses.

One, he was never serious. He would refuse to truly fight to the fullest. This is why he treated the Noble Phantasm Ea as having a maximum power of "4000", when in reality Ea could achieve a power that could only be expressed as "infinite". Even when going all-out, he held back.

Two, he was a "user" but not a "wielder." Even though he held every weapon, he could not use them as their true wielders did, as extensions of his body and soul.

Enkidu had neither of these weaknesses.

Thought propulsion system of the vimana accessed. Verified. Transformation complete.

Without giving another response, it moved. The speed of the vimana it had replicated the capabilities of was now its own speed, the speed of thought. Not just thought, but the infinitely accelerated thought of the weapon. The entire process took less than an instant.

-It moved to Mia at a speed beyond sight, stabbed its created weapon into her, withdrew it, and returned to his prior location, still looking forward blandly.

It could be said that this was the "opening sequence" for the battle. A demonstration that she would need to be utterly, completely serious if she intended to survive. The wound inflicted was minuscule, barely even breaking the skin, and so it could be seen more as a message than a true attack. A response to her question, if you will. The response being...

"-No words. Just war."

The "battle" would now begin.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

Member Offline since relaunch

Hiro watched from the sidelines as Hope...A girl from the looks of it easily killed Stein. As much as she hated him she did her slash to his body with Cutter. "You may have a better chance of going to hell but perhaps in Heaven you will be forgiven for your deeds..." She wanted to send Hope off safely but saw Kaika give her a proper burial she preyed for her. She had seen death and was still not sure how she kept her own sanity intact.

She followed Kaika and Sota. "May I join you?" She asked.

Weiss answered the two. "Weiss Schnee. " She said making her blood blade vanish.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As the Primes left to fight Unicron, they opened a portal that sent Optimus back to the planet where the Ark crashed. ((I'm kinda not wanting him floating in deep space)). Optimus walked to the bridge, and greeted the Autobots there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

21 seconds.

After significant trauma that prevented blood fom reaching the brain, it would take twenty-one seconds for oxygen starvation to take place. The cells of the brain would die, causing irrevirsible damage, and soon after, death. Oxygen starvation. Stein knew all about it, the way it worked, he'd drained some of his victims dry to study their brain slowly ceasing to operate. He needed to get up, to move. Find some way of replacing his heart, or directly oxidizing his brain in some fashion. Whatever the cost, he needed to prevent his brain cells from dying out, or it would all end.

18 seconds.

Stein fiddled with the teleporter, blackness filling the corners of his eyes, His fingers were heavy and hard to move, his injuries taking a massive toll even on his body, modified to be as durable as possible. He needed to take his time, if he teleported to the wrong location and had to try again, he wouldn't have enough time to do anything of importance before he died. He selected the coordinates correctly, even without looking at the device. He'd used it for years, and his familiarity with it's workings was the only thing that let him perform this action in such a short amount of time.

16 seconds

Stein was in his lab, bleeding out. Moving was a struggle, his muscles screamed at every flex of a muscle. He inched towards the operating table, knowing he had plenty of hearts in reserve. At least one of them would fit him. He slowly worked his way towards it, , eventually simply dropping forward, his limp body crashing onto the smooth metal surface of the table. It was cold, but peaceful, the embrace of death finally reaching out for him. It was comforting, in a way, standing at the end, finally freed from the sins he had committed, at least in some sense. The pain couldn't haunt him in death.

10 seconds

He needed to get his body up on top of the table, Mia's pet wouldn't be able to operate with him in this position. He shook himself from the cold calmness that had fogged his mind, willing himself to move onwards. He still had things he needed to do. He still needed to avenge his wife, and Mia still needed him. He couldn't die here, not so long as Drac continued to draw breath, and Mia still wished for him by her side. He couldn't leave her again.

Stein reached out, grabbing onto the sides of the metal table, slowly pulling himself upwards, his vision foggy and blurred with blood and tears, streaking freely down his cheeks as he wept almost inexplicably. He pulled himself up, hardly able to think in a straight line. His brain was dying, it was slowly shutting down his systems, preparing for the end. It simply wasn't recieving enough oxygen to fundction properly. He couldn't recall the last 2 seconds of struggle, but he worked his way onto the dissection table, breathing erratically.

4 seconds

Stein watched as long, spindled arms reached down from above. They took ahold of his wound, moving with calm precision, slicing through tissue in order to discover and solve the problem. Stein couldn't care anymore. His mind was incapable of caring at this point, blacknes filling him, a coldness sweeping over him. Everythign was dark, as the sound of a bone saw filled his ears. His last thoughts before falling into unconsciousness were a question. One he had asked himself many times before, in the moments he faced death such as this, the moments the agony became unbearable. Had he made the right choice?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Yeah, we don't mind," Kaika looked at Hiro, knowing deep down that she wasn't going to do something that would harm them later. Sota was starting to feel fine once he was calmly with Kaika once again, that all of the "bad" things were done for now.
"...where am I?" EMBR mumbled to himself as he woke up in a forest, readjusting his headset in case it was still functioning, as well as seeing his combat suitcase near him. "Hey...CEE? Have any information on where we're at?" he asked as he activated his headset.

"Unknown. There is no identified relations to my scan data. Exploration of unknown location is necessary," CEE's voice monotonously explained to EMBR through his headset, confirming that this was a place that even his AI had no idea on.

"Alright, then let's roll," EMBR sighed, getting up and dusting the dirt off of his coat. Picking up his combat suitcase, he began to wander in an aimless direction, letting CEE scan the area around them for any useful data.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Mia had faced Gods and Demons, she'd defeated Bob in a one-on-one. She'd killed thousands, and she wasn't planning to stop now. She smiles, as her opponent shoots forward, faster than the eye could register, faster than mere human reflexes could function. To any human, he would have been invisible. However, Mia didn't need her eyes, not in this fight.

Even before Berserker had shot forward, Mia's Plague Blade had already been in the way of the slice, her opponent's intentions writ in his soul, the attack plan written in the echoes from his mind. The weapon in the creature's right hand ricochetted off of the blade, as Mia's Black Blood spider legs exploded outwards, spikes of Black Blood filling the area, slicing every nook and crany, an attack impossible to dodge within the limited space created by the bag they were confined in.

Mia's weapons were many and diverse. She lured people into traps, decieved and lied. She had her Black Blood, as well as the weapons she had stolen from her victims and her Witch Magic. However, right now, Mia was completely serious. She would win this fight by taking each of her powers to the utmost level, a level that would wipe out even the most hardy of opponents. Unlike her father, Mia was an unparralelled master of melee combat, able to take down almost any opponent by using her powers in unexpected fashions, with a thousand tricks up her sleeves. "One step is a cut, a slice, a splatter of blood. You might not want to move so fast. It'll cost you everything, if you leave behind what's imporant to you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

thewizardguy said
Mia had faced Gods and Demons, she'd defeated Bob in a one-on-one. She'd killed thousands, and she wasn't planning to stop now. She smiles, as her opponent shoots forward, faster than the eye could register, faster than mere human reflexes could function. To any human, he would have been invisible. However, Mia didn't need her eyes, not in this fight.Even before Berserker had shot forward, Mia's Plague Blade had already been in the way of the slice, her opponent's intentions writ in his soul, the attack plan written in the echoes from his mind. The weapon in the creature's right hand ricochetted off of the blade, as Mia's Black Blood spider legs exploded outwards, spikes of Black Blood filling the area, slicing every nook and crany, an attack impossible to dodge within the limited space created by the bag they were confined in.Mia's weapons were many and diverse. She lured people into traps, decieved and lied. She had her Black Blood, as well as the weapons she had stolen from her victims and her Witch Magic. However, right now, Mia was completely serious. She would win this fight by taking each of her powers to the utmost level, a level that would wipe out even the most hardy of opponents. Unlike her father, Mia was an unparralelled master of melee combat, able to take down almost any opponent by using her powers in unexpected fashions, with a thousand tricks up her sleeves. "One step is a cut, a slice, a splatter of blood. You might not want to move so fast. It'll cost you everything, if you leave behind what's imporant to you."

Did you think it would be that easy?

The partial edge of the weapon was Tonbogiri, the Dragonfly Cutting Blade.

As a Noble Phantasm, it carried the concept of "cutting through anything".

Moreover, it had been melded with Gae Dearg, That Which Cleaves Through Magic.

When combined, the result was obvious.

-When the Plague Blade had attempted to block, it was cut through as if butter, continuing in its path to pierce the target.

At the same time though, there was the issue of her offensive to deal with. Blisteringly fast attacks.


Laughably, incomprehensibly weak.

The Evil Eater gave power of precognition. True precognition. The physical amplification cascade along Gugalanna's model, coupled with the speed enhancements of the vimana, meant that in straight combat Enkidu would not be so easily felled. Prana Burst amplified his reactions and speed by an exponential amount. In other words, he moved at the speed of thought, compounded by Prana Burst and a Divine Beast's strength, and bearing the precognitive factors to evade.

The incredulously quick attacks were weaved around simply.

But as this happened, as he dodged.

Transformation approved.

Another alteration occurred to the Berserker, though it would not be relevant just yet.

The blade cut through the Plague Blade it had met to strike its target, and through his modifications Berserker's evasion was unmatched.

What would happen next, then?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

((BTW, thought isn't a movement speed. Or at least not a consistent one. Thought consists through an interchanging system of electrical and chemical signals, processed through your brain. The speed of thought depends very much on the type of thought, the area of the brain, and even the individual brain. You could be going anywhere from 100km/h to the speed of light right now. That's a big difference.))

Mia watches her beloved weapon shatter and drop to the ground. As the crystal in the middle splits, screeches fill the room, the spirits of disease that had been trapped within billowing out. A massive cloud of green smoke, filled with faces, shooting upwards in a collumn through the holes in the bag, spreading through Pandora's Box. The remnents of the weapon clattered to the ground, mere pieces of metal, robbed of all their power by that single swipe. Worthless. Mia grinned at the pain she felt as her favorite weapon was destroyed. This was going to be fun.

Her opponent's speed was not a factor. Mia had faced creatures whom's speed bent space itself, who could instantly change locations instantly, to whom the idea of travel was completely alien. This creature's weapons was obviously powerful. Mia couldn't let it get too close, she'd get cut to ribbons. Based on how easily it had dealt with the enchanted edge of the plague blade, she didn't trust her Black Blood to stop it, and as such, she would need to use her Vector Arrows to deflect it's path instead. The last feature, of course, was the most important in any fight. How to kill it? She could destroy the soul, but she was not so adept at this as her father was. Her soular attacks wouldn't be powerful enough to take down this opponent, esspecially if it was accustomed to soular combat. However, with such a variable form, it quite probably possessed a high level of regeneration, or perhaps even physical immortality. This limited her options, however, she had her trump card in play. Location was in her favor, as Berserker could not leave the bag without being drained of it's power, and she had all the means to win. Now to use them

Mia holds out her hands and twiddled her fingers. Her riddles might mean little, however, she could end this at any time she pleased. She would test her opponent's mind as well as his skill in battle. While she might die by delaying the end of this match, she had always been the type to take risks, esspecially when she was as exited as she was right now. She would fill this creature with pain, and it would beg for death, before she put it out of it's misery. "Dance to me, in the dance of deaths. Blades you see, can't take your breath. It's all about space, feel your feet. Before we might face, our swords must meet."
Dragoon was floating high in the air, at least ten meters above the ground, impossible to rech with any melee weapon. And ranged spells were worthless against an opponent capable of dismanteling magic with ease. "Every technique has a counter. This is simply a counter to your sword. Haha! Do you see the links, they turn and twist all together, and they'll grind your bones to dust!" As Dragoon holds out both hands, each is filled with a purple glowing orb, a focused point of Void Energy. He throws the orbs, which fly towards Alexander, creating powerful shockwaves upon impact.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Hiro nodded. "Thank you. My name is Hiro...Demon Princess but I am human as well..." She assured Kaika.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 6 mos ago

Necrox and Lilly

Suddenly, a Dimension Hole appeared near Necrox. A hand pulled him. "What the... HEY!!", he said, being pulled inside the hole, that closed after he entered.

When it opened again, outside the Pandora's Box, Lilly was the one who pulled him. She had used her only Dimensional Seed. Even if the Pandora's Box had a Dimensional Seal, the seed that was created by Magio had the power to break through any seal. "The next time you're going to save me from boredom, warn me!", he said. Lilly, a little happy, hugged her brother, who hugged her back. "Thank goodness I found you, Necrox.", she said. As they broke the hug, Necrox removed an amethyst from his hair. "Prae, I need you now.", he spoke, throwing the jewel in the sky. The purple jewel broke, as a Demon Warrior came from it. That was Praeminister, Necrox's personal warrior and butler. "What is your wish, My Lord?", he asked. "Look, since I don't have Stella around anymore, you're taking her place for now.", Necrox said as he started to walk. Lilly looked at Prae and followed her brother.

Stella, Àgnes and Kaguya

Stella looked around the building. "It seems so. But... why would they leave a building abandoned like this...", she questioned. As soon as Stella thought, the leaves behind that building started to move. When she looked, someone familiar came out. "M-Miss Kaguya Houraisan?", she asked. Kaguya walked to them. "Oh, little Stella. How are you?", she asked. The moon princess looked at the False Shadow with a little of relief. Stella nodded to show that she was OK. After that, another bush started to move. This time, Àgnes came out.
BGM: Nighteyes
"Who are you?", Kaguya asked. Àgnes walked to them, but Kaguya used her Fire Rat's Robe to create a flaming shield around her, Stella and Charr. "I am Àgnes Oblige, Vestal of the Wind. Now, would you tell me who are you?", Àgnes responded. Kaguya, who wasn't a little interested on making part of the group if Àgnes tagged along, removed her shield and then called the Jeweled Branch of Hourai. "No, I'm not in the mood of doing this. Now, if you would, shoo!", she said. Àgnes didn't liked how Kaguya was being hostile for no reason. "P-Please, calm dow, Miss Kaguya. Maybe if we talk- Gyah!!", Stella tried to intervene, but was hit by Kaguya's danmaku. "No, thank you. I'm having an discussion over here. You two shall stay out of this!!", she said. Àgnes was almost in the verge of being angered. "Now, where I was? Oh, yeah. Didn't you heard me? Leave here at once!", Kaguya repeated.
BGM: Death (from stupefaction)
Àgnes used another Asterisk. She became a Dark Knight this time, removing her dark sword to attack Kaguya. "You are being hostile to your own ally. How do you think that I will leave after that?!", she questioned. Kaguya laughed and looked directly at Àgnes. "Idiot... who do you think you are to challenge me?", she responded. Àgnes dashed to slash Kaguya at once, but the princess used the robe once again.
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