Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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Inigo took this chance to move beside Silver, getting out of range of the third Assistant. "Thanks. My name is Inigo." He quickly introduces himself as he focuses on the Assistants.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Kael Taiyou
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"Hey, is this one?" said Vita as she carried a yellow chaos emerald in her hand, and gave it to Sonic. Amita came back holding a white chaos emerald.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"I'm Silver," Silver said as he waited for any kind of attack from the Assistant.
"Yeah! that's it!" Sonic says as he takes the two Chaos Emeralds they found and somehow puts it away (even if he has no pockets. fuck logic). "All we need was the cyan colored one, the blue one and purple one..." Sonic tries to remember the last few Chaos Emeralds to get.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Wraithblade6
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Eclipse waited to see what Elsa would do. (bbl)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"You work fast, Silver...I'll do my best to keep up with you. This is going to be a beautiful partnership!" Inigo comments as he gets into an offensive stance.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The two assistants are smashed down with enough force to deal severe damage to their inner circuitry, and they scramble backwards. The third, with the sniper rifle, also retreats, as they're portaled out. This was too much danger for them, obviously.
Mr Fluffy was not very fluffy. A towering pillar of stitched-together corpses, covered in long, spindly arms and large green lenses that served as eyes. Looking into one of the many monitors that made up the room in which it housed itself, Mr Fluffy found that the Assistants sent to deal with Inigo and Silver had been forced back. While Mia had given no direct orders, Mr Fluffy took it that they needed to be taken down. One of the long arms reaches down, tapping on a keyboard as it gave a number of codes, making sure he was authorized. One of the Anti-God Assistants was prepared for transport.

A black gate seems to open up before Inigo and Silver. From it emerges a large coffin, floating in midair, sigils scrawled on the outside, glowing brightly. As the gate closes behind the Anti-God, the lid of the coffin bursts open, revealing a monstrosity, covered in chains. It's main body is covered with fur, it's head that of a wolf, teeth made of silver. It's right arm has been replaced with a massive, hulking arm made of stone, with glowing cracks in it where magma can be seen. It has four multi-jointed spiderlike legs, each ending in a wicked barbed point. The claws on it's left arm are silver, like it's teeth. The left eye is a large red gem, glowing brightly as the creature shivers, the chains creaking and snapping, as eventually the entire coffin shatters to pieces, leaving the Anti-God floating before the two heros.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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"You've got to be kidding me," Silver said in frustration as this Anti-God assistant came about, this was definitely something he hasnt seen before. He held out his hand and sent a moderate shock of psychic energy in an attempt to stun the Anti-God.
It came to Kaika's attention that this forced teleport was only going to warp Kaika away and not the both of them. As much as she had just met Hope, she wasn't going to abandon her here, so she hugged the girl a bit tighter as it appeared that Kaika was suddenly fading away, her body becoming transparent. It's going to be okay...I don't want to leave you! Kaika mentally cried out, but knew that she would be warped away from Hope in the next few moments.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ShadowVentus
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ShadowVentus Golden Deer House Member

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"Woah...and I thought the Risen were ugly!" Inigo comments as he gets ready for any sort of oncoming attack.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Spartan2961
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Spartan2961 The Crimson Spartan

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Alexander took the opportunity while Dragoon was laughing madly to try this out. He uttered a fierce roar that would even for Dragoon instill fear in him and would cause him to flee from Alexander unless he were able to counter it. Alexander was hoping this wouldn't be possible cause of Dragoon's laughing.

For a second Hiei was just standing there then he was gone now appearing behind Hiro but not a word came from him. He just stood there staring at Stein and Mia preparing to fight should he need to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Lilith smiled as Optimus' energon axe glowed up. She felt power flow back into her. It seemed that worthless piece of rust in the sky had realized it still needed her. She smiles, before dashing forward, swinging Exodus, which was still emitting it's five-meter beam of energy, going into a flurry of slashes.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Optimus swung his Energon axe, and managed to hold his ground against the flurry. He raised it above his head and prepared to bring it down on Lilith. "Unicron is using you!" he said in between strikes, "Don't be a fool!" He transformed his axe into a sword.

((5 meters is less than half Optimus' height by the way))
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Lilith jumps backwards from the strike, standing on thin air, as she aims her blade. Once more she focuses her power, and a beam of red light shoots from it, easily the size of the Ark, although it didn't hit the massive ship, instead cleaving through the forest and wiping out part of the town. "Of course he's using me. And after he has what he wants, he'll try to kill me along with everything else."Lilith smiles, as she puts her sword on her shoulder. :"Don't think I'm stupid, tin can."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

"Don't underestimate Unicron!" Optimus said, rolling out of the way of the beam. He was curious at her action of putting away her weapon. He waited for her to move, but kept in a ready state.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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Lilith smiles, as she narrowed her eyes. "You're holding the Matrix, right? The thing tin can wants destroyed? That's what I'm going for. I don't like the idea of being eaten." Lilith slowly walks forward, confident in her ability to take Optimus down. Without Unicron's power, this would have been a challenge, but now? She just needed to land one good hit, and she'd reduce him to scrap.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

thewizardguy said
Lilith smiles, as she narrowed her eyes. "You're holding the Matrix, right? The thing tin can wants destroyed? That's what I'm going for. I don't like the idea of being eaten." Lilith slowly walks forward, confident in her ability to take Optimus down. Without Unicron's power, this would have been a challenge, but now? She just needed to land one good hit, and she'd reduce him to scrap.

((Seriously, it'll take more than that to destroy Optimus. He has main character protection))
"You are a fool. Unicron will destroy you regardless if you succeed or not" Optimus said. He had a feeling she wanted the Matrix to hold Unicron on a leash, but he knew it wouldn't work. The Matrix's power couldn't be taken, it was earned.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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The Anti-God starts, as it recieves the psychic shock. However, it's mind has gone through far too much pain to be taken down by something so simple. The gem in it's left eye glows brightly, as a glowing red circle of light appears floating in the air, covered in sigils of unknown meaning. A beam of red energy shoots from the gem with a horrible screeching sound, a meter in diameter, as the Anti-God turns it's head, using it as a kind of blade.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Sota was wondering what Hiei had in mind, seeing the latter had already move his placement to see this exchange happen. However, Sota was going to do something about it, but he found himself unable to move as another wave of dizziness washed over him. No...not again...not now... he thought, trying his best not to seem like he was in mental pain. Yet...it was inevitable that the demon inside his soul was starting to awaken and try to take him over once again.
Surely enough, Silver was not physically fast enough to get out of the way from the beam of red energy. This is where his psychokinesis comes into play. Green aura of Silver's psychokinesis surrounds both himself and Inigo, and are quickly sent flying away from the beam. When the aura fades away, both of them would softly land onto the ground. Not having much time to think this out, Silver sends a wave of psychic energy at the Anti-God, the shape of this psychic energy appeared like a curved blade.
Kaika kept on hugging until...she found herself in the middle of the forest that she was in before following after Mia. No sign of Hope. "Miki...I wasn't in any danger...why..." Kaika stuttered in shock, standing up after a few moments and demanded an answer from her spirit ally.

"You ordered me to, so I did so," Miki only responded with no emotion, appearing to Kaika. Of course, Miki sacrificed her human memories and her emotions when she became an Elder Spirit, so even her own ally wouldn't understand what kind of connection Kaika had with Hope for just that short amount of time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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((Which is why he isnt't dead yet. Lilith is currently drawing power from every single person Unicron has killed. With the power of a human war, she can blow up a castle. She's being fed the destruction of billions of civilisations at once.))
Lilith chuckles, as she once more points Exodus at Optimus, charging up for another Surge. "I get the feeling your little toy can kill him. I'll take it from you, and turn him into another scrap heap." Once more, a blast of red light rushes from he blade, cutting a swath through the forest and destroying everything in it's path, the power of Wrath, focused into a single strike.
Hope felt Kaika slowly slip away from her, and tried to hold onto her with all her might. However, her knowledge of dimensions was lacking, and she had no idea how to counter this act of teleportation. Slowly but surely, Hope's second friend faded away into nothingness. Once more, Hope was alone, shivering in the cold depths of space. Perhaps that was simply how her life worked. Anyone she got close to disappeared, even if it sometimes took a little longer. Tears floated, with no gravity to draw them downwards, as Hope cried herself to sleep.
As the blade of psychokinetic energy struck the Anti-God, it scattered, the Anti-God being heavily resistant to magical energy. However, this time it moved forward, at almost sonic speeds, grabbing Silver with it's left arm, the werewolf arm. As it holds Silver up, close to it's face, once more the gem that serves as it's left eye starts glowing, the circle with sigils appearing around it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Gummi Bunnies
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Gummi Bunnies local gacha simp

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Hey! Let go!" Silver shouted, struggling to get his way out of there. Though it wasn't voluntary, Silver had strangely activated a bit of the blue Chaos Emerald's power from his thoughts, strengthening Silver's psychokinesis more than triple times, enabling Silver to force himself out of the Anti-God's grip. Whoa...was that the power of...whatever this artifact is... Silver thought as he remembered he picked up the blue Chaos Emerald not too long before this fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Mtntopview


Member Seen 7 yrs ago

thewizardguy said
((Which is why he isnt't dead yet. Lilith is currently drawing power from every single person Unicron has killed. With the power of a human war, she can blow up a castle. She's being fed the destruction of billions of civilisations at once.))Lilith chuckles, as she once more points Exodus at Optimus, charging up for another Surge. "I get the feeling your little toy can kill him. I'll take it from you, and turn him into another scrap heap." Once more, a blast of red light rushes from he blade, cutting a swath through the forest and destroying everything in it's path, the power of Wrath, focused into a single strike.Hope felt Kaika slowly slip away from her, and tried to hold onto her with all her might. However, her knowledge of dimensions was lacking, and she had no idea how to counter this act of teleportation. Slowly but surely, Hope's second friend faded away into nothingness. Once more, Hope was alone, shivering in the cold depths of space. Perhaps that was simply how her life worked. Anyone she got close to disappeared, even if it sometimes took a little longer. Tears floated, with no gravity to draw them downwards, as Hope cried herself to sleep.As the blade of psychokinetic energy struck the Anti-God, it scattered, the Anti-God being heavily resistant to magical energy. However, this time it moved forward, at almost sonic speeds, grabbing Silver with it's left arm, the werewolf arm. As it holds Silver up, close to it's face, once more the gem that serves as it's left eye starts glowing, the circle with sigils appearing around it.

((I'll let you kill off Optimus, knowing that Bob or Eris could bring him back later (stern look of obey me here)))

Optimus was thrown back by the blast. Even he couldn't manage to deflect it. He was nearly offline. "You will not be capable of defeating Unicron" He said, although it was very hard, "Prophecy said ..." he had trouble finishing the sentence. Despite his wounds, he stood up again. "I shall not fall" he said.

((and if Megs finds out ... he'll want to kill Lilith personally, and Unicron won't help her out on that one))
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