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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyki said
so basically with this dagger gilgamesh can not be killed? am i not the only one that sees how op this is?

Reread my post on its numerous limitations.

I've tried to be a neutral and diplomatic party in this, as there's no reason here for either OC to die, and I don't want either OC to die.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by CallaLily180


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BB said
Reread my post on its numerous limitations.

You are very collected BB.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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LaXnyd said
"Continue the attack" Fragarach rewinds to the point before the attack had begun. Stein would need to charge up the entire attack again, and that would be with half of his body missing. Either way, Darkseid is gonna resurrect Stein and Gil remains alive. I don't see any problem to this conclusion.

well, Would you mind me showing you a little loophole in said tactic? Use this dagger on darkSIDE and see what I mean.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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BB said
Reread my post on its numerous limitations.
I've tried to be a neutral and diplomatic party in this, as there's no reason here for either OC to die, and I don't want either OC to die.

i've been following along and basically, from what i've gathered, with this dagger gilgamesh cannot be killed because if there were any danger to him then the dagger would activate, killing the attacker within a second or two depending on their size (as long as they required a heart and or half their body to live) plus the fact that the dagger is capable of rewriting reality... which is overpowered as all hell... and i've literally just seen nearly everyone and their dog defending a char that is blatantly over powered, saying that the dagger only activates on "trump cards" which is whatever would count as a danger to his life.... which makes him immortal.... which is overpowered....
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

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Tyki said
i've been following along and basically, from what i've gathered, with this dagger gilgamesh cannot be killed because if there were any danger to him then the dagger would activate, killing the attacker within a second or two depending on their size (as long as they required a heart and or half their body to live) plus the fact that the dagger is capable of rewriting reality... which is overpowered as all hell... and i've literally just seen nearly everyone and their dog defending a char that is blatantly over powered, saying that the dagger only activates on "trump cards" which is whatever would count as a danger to his life.... which makes him immortal.... which is overpowered....

Since you don't seem to be following the debate nor do you seem to know how Fragarch works, I won't be able to explain it to you on here.

However, if you are truly interested in its limitations, feel free to PM me if you're that intrigued. I will be perfectly fine in explaining them all to you, after this situation is resolved, naturally. Lack of information can be a real killer, after all.

Also Quote stop beating up Virgillia, and don't pick on the Goats. They get it rough enough ;w;
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

You can kill him without using a trump card.

A trump card isn't "something that can kill him", it's "the greatest capability" of a being, though this is an oversimplification.

There are also ways to beat Fragarach, even if a trump card is used.

Blah, I said I wouldn't post anymore. BB already explained this. Etc.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

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GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow said
You can kill him without using a trump card. A trump card isn't "something that can kill him", it's "the greatest capability" of a being, though this is an oversimplification.There are also ways to beat Fragarach, even if a trump card is used. Blah, I said I wouldn't post anymore. BB already explained this. Etc.

.....Can we get on with the fight? Please? I posted an hour ago, and I am ready for this epic clash. The monster of monsters, v.s the king of kings. A battle of the ages.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

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supertinyking said
.....Can we get on with the fight? Please? I posted an hour ago, and I am ready for this epic clash. The monster of monsters, v.s the king of kings. A battle of the ages.

As I said, I'm waiting on whether Wizard will be willing to go with my compromise. If not, then you two ought to fight freely. Until then, I think it's best we wait on that particular fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

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BB said
Since you don't seem to be following the arguments or understanding how Fragarch works, I won't be able to explain it to you on here.However, if you are truly interested in its limitations, feel free to PM me if you're that interested. I will be perfectly fine in explaining them all to you, after this situation is resolved, naturally.

actually i've been following the disscusion rather heatedly, laughing at the fact that everyone seems dead set on defending something that is blatantly overpowered so i think that putting it's limitations out here on the thread right now would be a wonderful thing personally

GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow said
You can kill him without using a trump card. A trump card isn't "something that can kill him", it's "the greatest capability" of a being, though this is an oversimplification.There are also ways to beat Fragarach, even if a trump card is used. Blah, I said I wouldn't post anymore. BB already explained this. Etc.

however, you just said it would activate on one of steins basic attacks that could become a trump card, and then you said it would activate on the mere fact that stein was building power which actually isn't an attack. so if you could just clarify things on exactly, in detail, a trump card is that would be wondorous
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyki said
actually i've been following the disscusion rather heatedly, laughing at the fact that everyone seems dead set on defending something that is blatantly overpowered so i think that putting it's limitations out here on the thread right now would be a wonderful thing personallyhowever, you just said it would activate on one of steins basic attacks that could become a trump card, and then you said it would activate on the mere fact that stein was building power which actually isn't an attack. so if you could just clarify things on exactly, in detail, a trump card is that would be wondorous

I await your PM happily~
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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LaXnyd said
"Continue the attack" Fragarach rewinds to the point before the attack had begun. Stein would need to charge up the entire attack again, and that would be with half of his body missing. Either way, Darkseid is gonna resurrect Stein and Gil remains alive. I don't see any problem to this conclusion.

Well, for one, the fact that Darkseid isn't in this roleplay ^^

And like I stated, God-Killer Resonance isn't a charged attack, it's an instant boost, and, as I clariefied in the IC, the entire attack could be carried out in less than 3 seconds, less if he fires the attack at range instead of moving in close, easily within the amount of time it takes for the human brain to die of oxygen starvation. In fact, that's in the IC post, as one of the mistakes you had made. Also, I was quite nice in how I didn't point out just how much you were meta-gaming when suddenly you magically knew how Stein's soular attacks worked, or when you knew about him having replaced his heart, neither of which your character should have known unless he also has an item that gives him omniscience.

Furthermore, allow me to quote the following:
gilgamesh said
The moment Stein fired the God-Killer Resonance, Fragarach, as the retaliator, would fire. As the very concept of the weapon demanded, the very flow of time and space would be changed so that Fragarach always "hit first", and it would lodge itself in Stein's newly regrown and vulnerable heart. As it had "shot first", as it had reversed causality to strike before the enemy could, the moment Stein fired the God-Killer Resonance Fragarach would fire and return the world to the moment before Stein fired and kill him before he could fire the God-Killer resonance.

The God-Killer Resonance cannot be 'fired'. It is a mere boost. As such, had it targeted the God-Killer Resonance, it would have flown at Stein right then, and tried to kill him the moment before he even activated it. However, what you're blocking is an attack, as you quite specifically mention. You're stating, specifically, that it will strike before he strikes, at which point his defense was already in place.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

thewizardguy said
Well, for one, the fact that Darkseid isn't in this roleplay ^^And like I stated, God-Killer Resonance isn't a charged attack, it's an instant boost, and, as I clariefied in the IC, the entire attack could be carried out in less than 3 seconds, less if he fires the attack at range instead of moving in close, easily within the amount of time it takes for the human brain to die of oxygen starvation. In fact, that's in the IC post, as one of the mistakes you had made. Also, I was quite nice in how I didn't point out just how much you were meta-gaming when suddenly you magically knew how Stein's soular attacks worked, or when you knew about him having replaced his heart, neither of which your character should have known unless he also has an item that gives him omniscience.Furthermore, allow me to quote the following:The God-Killer Resonance cannot be 'fired'. It is a mere boost. As such, had it targeted the God-Killer Resonance, it would have flown at Stein right then, and tried to kill him the moment before he even activated it. However, what you're blocking is an attack, as you quite specifically mention. You're stating, specifically, that it will strike before he strikes, at which point his defense was already in place.

I take it you won't be compromising then?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

BB said
I await your PM happily~

no no, i said post it's limitations out here on the thread for all to see... go on... we're waiting
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by BB
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BB Nyaarlathotep

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Tyki said
no no, i said post it's limitations out here on the thread for all to see... go on... we're waiting

Sure, I'll screen cap our PMs together when the fight is over. After all, revealing someones weaknesses wouldn't be very neutral of me, right?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow said
You can kill him without using a trump card. A trump card isn't "something that can kill him", it's "the greatest capability" of a being, though this is an oversimplification.There are also ways to beat Fragarach, even if a trump card is used. Blah, I said I wouldn't post anymore. BB already explained this. Etc.

Actually, this hasn't been properly explained that I have seen. Stein's trump card is his intelligence, that's his greatest capability, but that's not a power at all. It's simply what he relies on to win battles. Does that mean it'll rewind time to before he began thinking, and kill Stein before he's born? because that would just be plain silly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow


Member Seen 3 yrs ago

neither of which your character should have known unless he also has an item that gives him omniscience.

Cup of Jamshid, All Seeing Eye, innate ability to identify opponent's capabilities, take your pick.

No, no, bad Guy. Stop posting. Not your fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

BB said
I take it you won't be compromising then?

Actually, I'm kind of annoyed right now, and should probably cool down before replying to this. I just keep hearing that this dagger can block this, but the explanation just doesn't make sense to me, which is frustrating me.

I'd prefer to finish this argument to my satisfaction before I reply, because right now I don't consider myself in the right state of mind to make such a decision.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by thewizardguy
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thewizardguy Dumbgeon Master

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GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow said
Cup of Jamshid, All Seeing Eye, innate ability to identify opponent's capabilities, take your pick. No, no, bad Guy. Stop posting. Not your fight.

None of which he summoned. Also, at least the Cup of Jamshid, does not grant omniscience. I'm going to start looking up these items.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Tyki
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Tyki The Mad Hatter

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

BB said
Sure, I'll screen cap our PMs together when the fight is over. After all, revealing someones weaknesses wouldn't be very neutral of me, right?

no. you're defending something blatantly overpowered and refusing to provide an adequate explanation. i think all things aside it's limitations deserve to be put onto the thread to prevent further explanations of why a character has something that can instantly kill almost anyone at the slightest hint of danger to his life
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by supertinyking
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supertinyking The Root of all Evil

Member Seen 10 mos ago

BB said
As I said, I'm waiting on whether Wizard will be willing to go with my compromise. If not, then you two ought to fight freely. Until then, I think it's best we wait on that particular fight.

Well, darkside can sustain stine, and fight at the same time. He is pretty strong, and thanks to him just having been hiding this whole time, drinking up the dark energy created by the battles that must have been occurring all though out this mosh pit of a rp, he has grown a good deal stronger.
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