And by assumption, I'll just make my first post with Sonic. ^^'
Gummi Bunnies said
And by assumption, I'll just make my first post with Sonic. ^^'
Gummi Bunnies said
Sure, need to get to a computer. My phone isn't the best for posting.
Mtntopview said
I am currently attempting to create a list of all the current character's CS's
MagusDream said
OK, I was really busy these days... and now, I'm completely lost and I don't know what to post. Can someone help me, please?
Mtntopview said
I am currently attempting to create a list of all the current character's CS's
Sapphire said
Eris shook her head slightly, "If I wanted a war I could snap my fingers and set the Cybertronians on each other. I want destruction, confusion, pandemonium, despair, I will make sure they are ready to do just that. If they don't destroy the planet I could probably do it by myself. To be frank I don't care if you think that my plan is boring, it serves the purpose of freeing me from this planet." Eris watched as he entertained her ideas and sighed slightly, "I avoid beings of my status for a reason." She murmured. "Always so quick to jump into the fray." Eris put a hand on her hip and frowned, "Normally I wouldn't care that you are taking on the task but there isn't any thing better for me to do, so we'll have to work together if we want to get anywhere." Eris wasn't particularly happy that she had to work with this being but if she wanted to get anywhere it would be necessary.
MagusDream said
OK, I was really busy these days... and now, I'm completely lost and I don't know what to post. Can someone help me, please?
Kael Taiyou said
Man, you guys are so far ahead? Can i still join?