Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

"I could get used to it too." He said, smiling as he started walking. Unfortunately it wasn't a very long walk and before too long they were there. Laying her down on the bed, he leaned over her and kissed her again before laying down himself. "Good night, Nyx."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She wiggled herself out of the suit and crawled to lay on his chest and wrapped herself under the covers. "Good night, Alexander." It was within a few moments she was out.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie sighed, and turned to James as the fight finished, "m-m-maybe we c-could g-get something to eat" she suggested, startinf to head out, since her training for the day seemed to be over. She wondered when they get back to classes.

She dragged James along as she headed to the mess hall, saying "I t-t-think my c-chocolate melted in m-my puh-puh-pocket" she said with a sigh, "m-m-maybe t-there will b-be m-more" she said wistfully, seeing Nyx and Keele talking in the cafeteria, she pondered going over to them, but she didn't have the courage, not wanting to send the girl inti hysterics again. One day, she would march right up to Nyx, and ask her what her problem was with her, ask her what Nessie did wrong to make her burst into tears every time she tried to talk to her. But that day wasn't today

. She piled food on two trays for herself and James, decided she was going to take over what he ate so he could get something better than bread and apples. She happily grabbed some more choclate, and something sweet that Hope could eat without chocolate,

she led James to a table, as far as possible from Nyx and Keele as if she just happened not to notice them. She petted Hope, and started to eat, talking with James, She told James all about her childhood, how she had broken her arm falling out a tree playing a game of hide and seek with her brothers-which was probably the most dangerous thing they let her do as a kid. She told him all about her brothers, telling him that they were triplets ans that she had never spent so long away from them. She told him all about her father, a sad man who nevertheless tried his best, and always managed to put a smile on for his kids. She told him what it was like, growing up in the nexus Elipis community for her at least, basically, she started telling him her life story. As she talked, her stutter grew less and less, until it disappeared as she smiled and laughed, and told James stories, feeling complete safe with him, and wanting to tell him everything, even though she knew that would take years.

and just the thought of being with James for years made her smile. She fed Hope some of her food, but was careful not to let her eat any of her chocolate. She talked until she thought she couldn't talk anymore, and then her food was all gone. She yawned, and suggested they go head to get some sleep, leading him back to her dorm, and now his, she would make sure of that!

As they walked back, she saw Nyx and Alex, and pondered going over, but once again, she was too cowardly, and then it was too late as Akex scooped her up and was gone. Nessie shrugged, and continued on to the dorm, heading inside, and sitting on the couch, laughing as Hope Joined her. She wriggled a bit, and patted the couch for James to join her,
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ProfessorNV
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When she kissed his cheek, Kyron couldnt help but blush and look at her for a few seconds with a dumbfounded look. Soon enough, a smile crept onto his face and his expression towards her turned more gentle and sincere. He chuckled a little and said to her in reply, "Heh, thats something no one has told me before. Kinda like it"

He gave a playful wink and took her hand, leading her from the cafeteria toward the entrance to the cave system. "Only a phorros can enter this way, so once you get more training under you, youll be able to come here any time you want." he said to her. Before they made it to the entrance, Kyron stopped by his room once more to grab a couple flashlights and handed one to Caroline. "We wont need these the whole time, but the initial descent is pretty dark."

They walked until they came across what was an old broom closet. Kyron opened the door and went straight to the back wall of it, feeling the wall a little before motioning his hand upward. The wall shuddered and slowly rose up, revealing a tunnel that went down further into the earth, the entrance was pitch black, but the light of the flashlight was enough to light the ways for them. "After you" he said with a smile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

The entire school goes black, and you hear loud bangs of bars coming down on each opening of the school. The place becomes absolutely silent before red lights begin to swarm the halls and a loud siren plays enough to make you cover your ears. “Report to the south building immediately.” The whole place is in a panic, the whole building is surrounded with tall elite guards blocking any of the other rooms so there is no other choice than to go to the arenas.

The rooms are dark except for the strobbing red lights. Once you get to the arenas, it looks as if each arena has been pushed to the side and a large arena has been placed in the center where Z has his arms crossed under a spotlight waiting for all of you to commence. “You all seem to be getting rather close to one another. I am sorry I have to intervene with your disgusting love fest.” He laughed and moved himself down. “But you had a purpose coming here, and don’t think just because you’re all in love that it changes one thing.” He fingered everyone to come in to the arena, once he did a cage grew from all sides until it hit the ceiling.

He walks over and touches the twined steal. “Oh this? None of your powers will break This feel free to try though. I am betting a lot of you are wondering what goes on in the east building? Well take a look.” He waved his hand to a small door that connected to the arena, once it opened a odd looking creature rushes out, inches before meeting Z the chain yanks it back. “That chain won’t be on for long.” He winked at the crowd. It looked like a dog but had four front legs and two back, and two tails along with it’s grossly yellow eyes and rabid teeth it wasn’t nothing but normal.

“You’ll go one by one, you can use any of your elements. Water, and fire will have their supplies brought out for them. No one leaves until each and every one of you defeats a Creature... Or dies. Don’t worry, they regenerate.” He said sarcastically as if it was a good thing. “Who will go first?” The thing was pulled back in to the cage as it ferociously tried to take a bite out of Z who simply couldn’t stop smiling at the group.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline stepped away from Kyron a few steps and opened one of her canteens. Gathering the water from it, she froze it over her hands and formed the ice into spiked knuckles. "You can handle yourself, right Kyron?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Nyx thought she was waking up with a heart attack once the alarms started, she sat up and looked around the glowing red room while she covered her ears. She began to push and shove Alex. “Alex! Wake up!” She got out of the bed and placed the suit on not really knowing what is going on until she heard the voice over the intercom.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Alex was already wide awake and just staring at the ceiling. "So it's started then?" He said as he swung his legs over the edge of the bed. "Don't worry Nyx, this doesn't concern us. It's the first test." As he got up and grabbed a shirt, he started heading towards the door. "I'd better go down and keep an eye on things. You might not want to come with." He opened the door as he buttoned his shirt, heading down the hallway to the training field.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

She cocked her head to the side. "I am a student here remember. I have to go." She was becoming frustrated, she couldn't hide from everything and she would go through what the rest of the students were going to go through no matter what it was. "I am going." She said as she followed him out the door and down to the arena. Once they got there she became mortified as Z explained what exactly they were doing, and what they were going to do it with. Maybe Alex was right, but she had to prove herself more than just a doll. The problem is, she has no idea what she would use for combat.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by SomeoneSomewere
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Austin's eyebrows spiked up into his hair but he grinned slightly. He let out a small nod and looked around the room, wondering who would have the guts to go first. He would go first if no one presented themselves , but he'd rather observe the animal or monster better called it, before attacking it. His phorros was rusty, but lava was easy for him to use. That could be used to his advantage. And the stone fists.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie was startled at the alarms, and the sudden darkness. "W-w-we B-better go" Nessie said with a sigh, rising, ad heading towards the south building, finding the arenas pushed to the side and Z sitting in an large arena.

As he explain what was going to happen, she let out a frustrated sigh. Technically, she only had one element she could use. As Z kept talking.

“You’ll go one by one, you can use any of your elements. Water, and fire will have their supplies brought out for them. No one leaves until each and every one of you defeats a Creature... Or dies. Don’t worry, they regenerate" And the smile. He was enjoying this, and that just made her mad. She started to shake, glaring at him. "Who will go first?"

She wasn't aware of herself stepping up, or even opening her mouth, but there were the words, "I will"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Z's smile was stuck on his face as he looked down to Nessie. "Oh? This should be interesting. Everyone else get out." He stepped until he was in front of her and his face turned serious. "There is a machine out there that will sound your heart beat to us... The only thing I'll focus on is whether it stops or not. So don't take this lightly. There is no saving you." His serious demeanor relaxed as he climbed out of the cage door then locked it shut. After a few moments of letting herself prepare, "Release it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie stepped up, , "I might surprise you, at least that will wipe the smile off your face" she snapped at him, pleased it didn't come out as a stutter.

As the monster was released, Nessie didn't stand still. The air had slowly started o grow warmer around Nessie, and she pushed off the ground, using Elpis to launch herself into the air, and behind the beast, yet it turned and managed to snap at her, and she winced at the cuts that formed when its teeth had scratched her.

She was sick and tired of people looking at her, and most likely thinking she wouldn't survive, she was not going to fail here, and she would prove it. She didn't notice the flames form, dancing along her skin, bright yellow, almost golden flames, red and oranage chucked in.

The beast charged her, and she wasn't fast enough to come out of her brief thought to dodge and she cursed herself a fool. It raised its front paws, and racked them down her side as she tried to twist away. She cried out, then stumbked back, away from the beast to take a few breaths

She charged the beast as the beast charged her and, water forming, she threw it in the air around the monster, and with barely a thought, she made it harden as it fell on the beast, hoping to slow it. Elpis she knew, elpis she understood, elpis she could use. She didn't stop, instead she launched herself onto the monster, the bursting over her body, turning her into a living flame just about. The ice melted around the monster, and Nessie's flames still lived, starting to burn the monster. She held tight to its back, ignoring the cries despite wanting to let it go. It might be trained to fight them, yet she still couldn't help but feel bad.

her flames engulfed the creature, and she flung herself off it. "Am I done?" She asked, still aflame. She frowned, looking at the flames covering her body, and her blood coating the floor where it had dropped. She could feel her heart pounding fast in her chest. She glanced back up at the burning creature.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by wonderful_wolf_wizard


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Mason walked past the silent soldiers, guarding the exits. They were strangely silhouetted in the red light. It was eerie. Mason opened the door to the southern wing to see it was changed, what had once resembled a training area now looked more like a place where an underground cage fight might go down. The ginger didn't think it prudent to volunteer first, much better to wait, and formulate a plan than to charge in head first.

Mason was shocked, that Nessie had gone first surprised him, not necessarily that she had gone first, more like that she had volunteered to go first. He felt his heart clench in fear as he watched the fight. I hope she will be alright.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

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He opened the cage whole looking at the other students. "Whose next?" Like he said, he didn't care about any of these kids, he needed to find the strongest soldiers so their cockiness had better chance of insulting the air than Z.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nessie stared at herself, and the flames slowly died down. She winced, feeling the pain from her wounds now. She moved back to where everyone else was, eyes down cast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline stepped forward, Already tensed for combat. "I am." She said, confident. She had already seen how these things fought, so killing one should be no issue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"What brave women we have today." He smiled menacingly. He then looked over at Nyx, "I guess you're going to next?" He mocked at her. "Or shall the boys grow some balls?" He winked at the boys. He looked Caroline up and down. "You heard what I said before right? I'm only opening the cage once your heartbeat stops or you kill it " He shrugged. Once she entered he closed it behind her, waited a few moments and tole them to release it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Caroline didn't answer, having already entered the state of mind she had developed where nothing mattered besides winning. The beast across from her snarled and was released, and Caroline wasted no movements. Before it could get it's jaws around her she ducked low and brought her fist up into it's chest, a loud shock wave resounding as it went flying across the cage. Coiling herself into a crouch, she launched herself after it with another loud 'boom' and impacted it fists first, smashing it against the bars of the cage. As the monster fell, she clung to one of the bars and melted her ice knuckles, reforming them as a long wicked dagger. She let go and fell on top of her foe, stabbing it in the chest and yanking the blade upward. As she stood, covered in blood, the glaze over her eyes cleared and she melted the blade, filtering the blood out of the water before putting it back in her canteen. Stepping to the entrance to the cage, she put her hand to her head as a vicious headache set in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by TheLastRunaway
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TheLastRunaway Shugar

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

He opened the cage and waited for her to exit, he already knew Nyx wouldn't go next and waited for one of the boys to step up.
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