Well this is my old stable, a house based intrigue game set in the ruins of Equestria after the disappearance of Princess Celesta and Luna.
Normally i would link to the artist who created art works for this RP of mine but he no longer exists. So really, i just upload the sheets we be using and you can designed for yourself if RPing with this factions seems fun or not
''The Great Houses Of Equestria''

[hider=]Changeling Swarm
,,The strong rule the weak!’’
Celestia and Luna were perhaps the last persons alive to hold the truth about the nature of changelings, if they ever did on the first place. Without Equestria’s powerful alicorn rulers or united elements of Harmony, Chrysalis, who has been tending to her wounds and regaining strength is ready to march onward to claim the world as her dominion, the only thing she regrets being the absence of her age old enemy Celestia to see her ultimate victory, although her hate she will aim toward Cadence and Twilight Sparkle. The Changelings, the fourth race of Equestria, stands ready to cross the mountains and attack, capture and consume anypony in their way to establish the Queen as Equestria’s one true overlord!
Important facts about the Swarm:
-Chrysalis claims Equestria’s throne on account of being the sole alicorn fit to rule, although this is mostly ignored by all;
-the military is extremely large although it suffers a crippling lack of training and it’s equipment is obsolete at best;
-the changelings are united in a hivemind dominated by Chrysalis, insuring incredible communication and loyalty;
-the Swarm is dependent on captured prisoners to harvest their love, forcing them to constantly raid or at least trade for slaves;
-many monarch-to-be with cohorts of grooms are anxious to move out of the wastelands to establish new hives.
Important members of the Swarm:
-Queen Chrysalis - overlord of all changelings rules with an iron fist. She has learn of her defeat and has waited until now, when her enemies are disorganized and fighting among themselves, to invade and rise the ‘Fourth Race’ as the one true master race of Equestria.
-Gray Elder Monarch – brood sister to Chrysalis and leader of the oldest hive, didn’t take well to her sister climbing upon the throne in her place. She rules over a now not so full hive and is more concerned on ‘keeping the place running’ than the invasion, which she considers will probably fail, is a terrain expert about the wasteland and hive defense in general.
-Chitinus Monarch – most successful royal offspring of Chrysalis, rules over her hive in the south. She is a hot head known to produce offspring of incredible strength and she wishes to exterminate all ponykind, not considering the longer term need to feed on them.
-Monarch-to-be Flonne – Destined to make a hive someday, has her doubts on the impending war and would prefer a more subtle approach, to infiltrate and root the swarm in the power structures of Equestria and rule with an invisible hand. This sneaky attitude makes her the chosen diplomat and spying affair, her being more able to think like a pony.
-Monarch-to-be Mantis – Obsessed with being Chrysalis’s favorite, she is reputed among Earthborn patrols to be ‘Queen Second Try’, since when she fights against an opponent, quickly learns about their tactics and while at equal force most likely failing on a first encounter, easily adapting and countering an enemy’s tactic on the second meeting.
-Corrupted Daring Do – The explorer, well known for the stories she inspired, most of them being true, fell in Chrysalis’s hoof years ago when she got too greedy and tried to steal from a hive. One of the most exceptional person corrupted, Chrysalis often keeps her for dangerous commando missions, her skills rendering her lack of magic or shape shifting abilities irrelevant.
-Corrupted Lightning Dust – Extremely bitter at Rainbow Dash for being thrown out of the wonder bolts, having her lead the entire house afterward, Lightning deflected and joined up with the Earthborn army, not having anything better to do. Her recklessness would eventually prove her demise when she was captured in a changeling ambush. Dubbed the ‘One pony tornado’, her skills are employed causing havoc everywhere she goes, the drones having no self conservation instincts, she shows how her suicidal tactics can be horribly efficient.
Important facts about Chrysalis:
-has seen better days but is undoubtedly with the disappearance of Celestia one the most powerful entity left on Equestria, her powers specializing in the corruption of anything physical as well as the minds of people, taking the assets of her enemies and converting them for her use. Cultists, for what little she has experimented with them, seem however to be immune to these effects on the account of some other greater power having taken control of them already.
-she took her defeat at the elements of friendship hard and thus prefers not to rely on direct confrontation too much, knowing this day could have easily being fatal, and prefers to wait and see the destruction happening before her eyes, thus opening up for negotiations and trying to at least appear civilized if her end goal about total domination remains the same.
-transformed the Appleloosian mountain range into a bait for Earthborn troops, trying to capture them while they are in small numbers and avoiding direct confrontation with larger forces, although this is threatened by the alliance with the buffalo and the new Bastions, these prisoners provide subsistence for the swarm.
Normally i would link to the artist who created art works for this RP of mine but he no longer exists. So really, i just upload the sheets we be using and you can designed for yourself if RPing with this factions seems fun or not
''The Great Houses Of Equestria''

[hider=]Changeling Swarm
,,The strong rule the weak!’’
Celestia and Luna were perhaps the last persons alive to hold the truth about the nature of changelings, if they ever did on the first place. Without Equestria’s powerful alicorn rulers or united elements of Harmony, Chrysalis, who has been tending to her wounds and regaining strength is ready to march onward to claim the world as her dominion, the only thing she regrets being the absence of her age old enemy Celestia to see her ultimate victory, although her hate she will aim toward Cadence and Twilight Sparkle. The Changelings, the fourth race of Equestria, stands ready to cross the mountains and attack, capture and consume anypony in their way to establish the Queen as Equestria’s one true overlord!
Important facts about the Swarm:
-Chrysalis claims Equestria’s throne on account of being the sole alicorn fit to rule, although this is mostly ignored by all;
-the military is extremely large although it suffers a crippling lack of training and it’s equipment is obsolete at best;
-the changelings are united in a hivemind dominated by Chrysalis, insuring incredible communication and loyalty;
-the Swarm is dependent on captured prisoners to harvest their love, forcing them to constantly raid or at least trade for slaves;
-many monarch-to-be with cohorts of grooms are anxious to move out of the wastelands to establish new hives.
Important members of the Swarm:
-Queen Chrysalis - overlord of all changelings rules with an iron fist. She has learn of her defeat and has waited until now, when her enemies are disorganized and fighting among themselves, to invade and rise the ‘Fourth Race’ as the one true master race of Equestria.
-Gray Elder Monarch – brood sister to Chrysalis and leader of the oldest hive, didn’t take well to her sister climbing upon the throne in her place. She rules over a now not so full hive and is more concerned on ‘keeping the place running’ than the invasion, which she considers will probably fail, is a terrain expert about the wasteland and hive defense in general.
-Chitinus Monarch – most successful royal offspring of Chrysalis, rules over her hive in the south. She is a hot head known to produce offspring of incredible strength and she wishes to exterminate all ponykind, not considering the longer term need to feed on them.
-Monarch-to-be Flonne – Destined to make a hive someday, has her doubts on the impending war and would prefer a more subtle approach, to infiltrate and root the swarm in the power structures of Equestria and rule with an invisible hand. This sneaky attitude makes her the chosen diplomat and spying affair, her being more able to think like a pony.
-Monarch-to-be Mantis – Obsessed with being Chrysalis’s favorite, she is reputed among Earthborn patrols to be ‘Queen Second Try’, since when she fights against an opponent, quickly learns about their tactics and while at equal force most likely failing on a first encounter, easily adapting and countering an enemy’s tactic on the second meeting.
-Corrupted Daring Do – The explorer, well known for the stories she inspired, most of them being true, fell in Chrysalis’s hoof years ago when she got too greedy and tried to steal from a hive. One of the most exceptional person corrupted, Chrysalis often keeps her for dangerous commando missions, her skills rendering her lack of magic or shape shifting abilities irrelevant.
-Corrupted Lightning Dust – Extremely bitter at Rainbow Dash for being thrown out of the wonder bolts, having her lead the entire house afterward, Lightning deflected and joined up with the Earthborn army, not having anything better to do. Her recklessness would eventually prove her demise when she was captured in a changeling ambush. Dubbed the ‘One pony tornado’, her skills are employed causing havoc everywhere she goes, the drones having no self conservation instincts, she shows how her suicidal tactics can be horribly efficient.
Important facts about Chrysalis:
-has seen better days but is undoubtedly with the disappearance of Celestia one the most powerful entity left on Equestria, her powers specializing in the corruption of anything physical as well as the minds of people, taking the assets of her enemies and converting them for her use. Cultists, for what little she has experimented with them, seem however to be immune to these effects on the account of some other greater power having taken control of them already.
-she took her defeat at the elements of friendship hard and thus prefers not to rely on direct confrontation too much, knowing this day could have easily being fatal, and prefers to wait and see the destruction happening before her eyes, thus opening up for negotiations and trying to at least appear civilized if her end goal about total domination remains the same.
-transformed the Appleloosian mountain range into a bait for Earthborn troops, trying to capture them while they are in small numbers and avoiding direct confrontation with larger forces, although this is threatened by the alliance with the buffalo and the new Bastions, these prisoners provide subsistence for the swarm.