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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Noire yawned a bit as she relaxed in Jayce's lap, content to nap there for the rest of the train ride, albeit to Jayce's bemusement. Looking out the window, Jayce replied to Celia's question with: "You never really know, but, it wont matter too much. Some of the crevices in the valley are at angles where light doesn't shine in too well, so the sun might not even reach those spots. We gotta be careful around there..easy to lose footing." Jayce pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket along with a pen, and used Noire's body as a stand to draw on. He drew a large, web-like structure, and pointed to one of the walls on the outside, saying: "Getting out is the trickiest part, so I got a plan. I'll get Noire to wait here, and then when we find the lost people, you shoot up a signal for her to come get us. Noire won't get last easy if she's above all the web strands" Clicking the pen and flipping it over his hand, he seemed content with the plan, and looked to Celia to see if she approved.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Zeroth
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"Well, I guess that settles it. Better get ready, kiddo." Rutger said to Mombaki. He sighed once more, and pulled the book he had been reading out from under his arm. He already had everything on him that he would need for a mission; he made a point of carrying enough to get him through an overnight trip, at the least, at all times. He checked his belt and the numerous pouches on it just to be sure, and then opened his book. He quickly found his place.

...and so in essence, the color shift is brought about by the changing properties of the magical structure, much like a normal flame's fuel can cause it to change colors. The following chapters will cover each spectrum of fire and its effects, as well as explain some possible applications for each spell. The mage should note that with this magical style, creativity can be very helpful in developing the aspects of...

Rutger closed the book, and slipped it into the larger pouch that rested on the back of his hips. It was just an instruction manual for the Rainbow Fire magic style; certainly not a bad thing, but not something he would be able to use against powerful dark mages--beginner level magics, even if creatively used, would be of little use if they could just be outright overpowered. Instead he leaned back against the counter, his head lolling back so that he was staring at the ceiling, his eyes fogging over in concentration. He scanned his memories for the most powerful spell he knew, and began a mental review to prepare himself. His mouth began to move, whispering the incantation--obviously not putting any power into it, or with any intent to cast the spell.

"The First Sire, Hallowed Father to all Dragons, watches over his children from on high. So indomitable is His strength that He has never known defeat. Wyrm Tyrant that soars on the wings of night..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dusk
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Dusk Bloop

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Celia looked over the paper and nodded, a determined look on her face. "Sounds good! I'll make the biggest, brightest signal ever!" She was backed to her usual excitement, sort of blocking out the part about sunlight not really mattering in this case. Sunlight always mattered!

They were getting closer to Clover Town now, the buildings appearing below them as the train crossed the hill. The town looked quite pretty and quaint from the windows of the train, making Celia smile. She loved the outdoors, especially the forested and mountainous regions of the country. Being in a guild had given her the chance to see a lot of it, but it never got old for her.

The train was starting to pull into the station, prompting Celia to look back to Jayce and Noire. "Alrighty, so we hit up the Hunter's Guild, then we head off and show 'em what Mystic Ram wizards can do!" She encouraged, ready to knock the job out of the park.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by The Irish Tree
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The Irish Tree Hot-Blooded Loser

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Jayce gave Celia a light wave of the hand, saying: "Woah there tiger, slow down. Conserve your energy in case of an emergency; your magic is a hell of a lot more powerful than mine is." He started stroking Noire's ears, though when the train finally came to a stop, she bounded off of Jayce's lap and spun around once, barking at him to get moving. Sighing, he stood and cracked his back, and rolled his shoulders. Noire stretched her back out by leaning and followed along behind Celia, ready to go do whatever they were going to do. Jayce, ever prepared to make sure that Celia didn't get lost somehow before they even GOT to the valley said: "Celia, the Hunter's Guild should be somewhere near the middle of Clover Street, so just stick close and we'll find it."

Stepping off the train, Jaycce looked around before thinking: "Always liked the homey feel this place had..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Shujin nodded in excitement. He grinned and growled with pleasure. "That will do nicely." He pumped his fist, thanking Kori. He turned on the spot seeing a younger member of the guild clinging to Talon. He grumbled, "Ey! you leave him alone now..." He walked over tall and scary, before kneeling down to the short girl. "How would you like to come on a dangerous job? I'll split the reward 60/40 with you too." He could probably do the job alone, but he didnt mind giving a share of the reward for some company. As scary as he was, Shujin wasnt a bad guy. "What do you say nina?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nina turned to Shujin and puffed out her cheeks as she thought. "Are you sure you only want 40%? I'm sure you'll be useful enough." She broke into a grin and suddenly disappeared, reappearing riding Shujin's shoulders. "I'm kidding. I'll try not to slow you down too much!" She wrapped her arms around his forehead and leaned forward, pointing. "Onward to adventure!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Shujin chuckled at the young girl's comment. "Are you sure I'm strong enough to hang with you? you seem pretty tough!" He grinned and laughed. The girl appeared on his shoulders which took him by surprise. He lost his balance but regained it in a few moments. He walked them both out of the guild door. "See you soon Kori! We're headin' out!" He waved his arm and closed the guild hall door, the girl still on his shoulders. After a few seconds he realized he didnt know anything about Nina, she was just kind of always around. "Eh..." He called up to her on his shoulders. "You know who I am right? my magic? Shujin... the metal molder" He laughed and coughed a little. He tried to turn his eyes to she Nina. "What about you, tell me about yourself... I'll need to know everything.... partner." He added that in at the end to make the young girl feel special.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Jan sort of just stood there, not doing anything for a good amount of time, trying to understand why everyone ignored him today. "Did I make the right decision to come to this guild...didn't think everyone would openly ignore me like that" he thought while watching the whole scene with the little girl clinging onto the masters leg and a man that came and asked her something about jobs, both seemingly unaware of his existence. Janus gave up on trying to get the masters attention and instead returned back to the bar and laid his head on the counter sighing.

As he laid there, it suddenly hit him, "was that Shujin that i just saw there?" he wondered. He jumped off his seat, took his stuff and ran through the door trying to catch up to Shujin; "WAAAAAAAIT" he shouted trying to capture their attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Shujin ground a foot into the ground which would cause Nina to fall off. He caught her and placed her gently. To the ground and stepped in front of her. In the distance he could see a figure running in their direction, waving their arms about. He frowned. "Metal make, dagger." An iron dagger formed in his hand and he held it behind his back just in case. He took one step forward, in a sort of defense stance and grunted. The figure got closer, and all became clear. "ahhhhhh Janus!" He deformed the dagger crunching it in his palm. He waved an arm. "What are you doing here ah?" he remarked. "Nina, this is a good friend Janus. Janus, this is my partner, Nina." The ram insignia would be visible on both himself and Nina. "What are you doing here janus?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Janus instincts were correct as the man in-front of him was clearly Shujin. "Hey there man, long time no see" he greeted him with a smile on his face "and hello to you two little lady" he said and bowed jokingly. "Well, you know how I told you almost a year ago about wanting to join a guild myself? After some time searching for guilds I finally found Mystic Ram. They had posted on a public board that they were a newly formed guild consisting of Deliora-attack survivors and I instantly decided to join too. But I never imagined you would be a member of Mystic Ram" he said surprised. "I left home a couple of weeks ago and I just arrived here today. Enough about me though, what about you? How come you are here?" he asked him.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Shujin chuckled at the antics. "Me and Nina have been here for a fair amount of time. Dont let her young nature deceive you, she is but a few years younger than us." He grinned, before picking Nina up and putting her on his shoulders. "You found mystic ram huh?" He grinned. "Dont worry, I shall talk to master when we return... That is... assuming you want to come with us." He sighed. "Where you ask? A real wizard guild job my friend." He grinned. and pumped his fist.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nina was about to explain her magic when somebody shouting from behind made Shining turn around, putting her down.as she listened to them talk, her cheeks slowly puffed with indignation, both at being interrupted and being put down. She was about to do something about it when Shining picked her up again, deflating her temper.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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Janus was actually surprised that Shujin was inviting him to join them on a guild job, considering that he wasn't a member and all. "Are you sure? Won't the guild master get mad if someone not in the guild comes along? Between you and me, that man is quite scary" he muttered to Shujin. "But I guess you will drag me along with you even if i refuse to come right?" he joked and laughed. "Nina must be really strong if she is your partner! Janus exclaimed and looked at the little girl. "Well then, since I'm sticking with you guys on this, where are we going again?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Shujin sighed. "You dont know much about wizard guild do you Janus?" Shujin beamed. "You worry too much, the master would only see you in good light were you to accompany us. Dont worry about it, this job'll be a synch! It's just clearing out this dark cave and making it safe!" He grinned before patting Janus on the back and ruffling Nina's hair on his shoulders. "Let's go, I'd like to make it there pretty soon, the quicker its done the quicker we come home." Shujin pressed on forward. "So Nina, you were saying?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by pyroman
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pyroman sanwich

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A smirk came to Talon's face as a new mage appeared in his office. The man stood up fully and looked at the newcomer, taking in his apprearance. After a moment of silence, he nodded and smiled to himself as he began to walk towards the door. "Come out to the field in the back. I want to see what you're made of before I let you into the guild." He said as he walked out the door, only to have a small woman attach herself to his leg. he didn't move or anything as it happened, and simply smiled at the woman. He laughed lightly at Shuji exchanging words with the woman latched onto his leg, who suddenly disappeared and reappeared on Shujin's shoulders.

He watched as the two left and turned to the new mage once again, motioning for him to follow Talon. "Come on, just a light little spar to see what you can do."

With those words, Kori quickly jumped over the counter and rushed to stand in front of the guild master, shaking her hear vigorously. "Nope. I'm sorry master, but I don't think that it would be best for you to spar with him."

Hearing this, Talon sighed and looked down at the wind mage. "C'mon Kori! Just let me see if he has what it takes!" He almost whined his request,

Although smiling, Kori continued to shake her head. "No, Talon. You tend to get carried away, and I don't think we want for our new mage to be crushed with your Diamond Skin magic. I'll spar with him, and you can watch." She said sternly, telling Talon that there wasn't any negotiating room for this.

"Yes Kori." He said degectedly, turning to Jay. "Alright kid, you'll be fighting her instead of me."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nina bounced a bit as Shujin asked her to continue. "Watch!" She said as she flung her hands up. She fired off three bolts, first fire, then light and dark, up into the air in front of them. "I can do that, and correct my position, and then my FUN magic that even I don't know what happens until I use it." She wrapped her arms around his head again and leaned forward, resting her chin on his hair. "Where are we going?" She asked, realizing for the first time she didn't know anything besides the name of the mission.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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He observed Nina's magic. Bolts? It seemed like his metal and her elemental magic would go hand in hand. He was fascinated by her. She was so inquisitive, yet strong minded.
"That... is an excellent question little one." He chuckled. "We are going to the north rim, and we are going to clear out that cave." He pondered for the moment. "It will be dangerous though, so promise me you will do as you're told the entire time. You can support us, and when an opening is clear get a few shots in little flower." He turned his head to Janus. "This is a guild job, so we do it right, and fast. If I recall... it's holy magic correct? Let me take the brunt of the damage and do most of the close range fighting. You can support with Nina and use your longer range attacks to good effect." He grinned. This could be a good team. With his metal, janus' holy strikes, and Nina's bolts, they could form a perfect group. "Are we all clear?" He growled.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Vec
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Vec Liquid Intelligence

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"Whoa easy there tiger, you don't have to growl at us" Janus said jokingly. It was true though that Shujin was the best of the three when it came to close range fighting and this was a one in a million chance to prove himself to Talon and make it a little easier for him to join the guild. The thing that worried him the most though was that the fighting would take place inside a cave where Janus's magic was severely weakened. "I'm not very good at fighting inside caves and generally dark places for that matter" he informed the duo. "Although hmmm..." he muttered and started thinking about ways he could make it easier for him to fight in the dark. "Let's go. I'll think about it and find a way while we are traveling there so lead the way!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by chukklehed
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chukklehed Sorcerer Supreme with a medium rootbeer

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Nina leaned back to look at the sky, hanging onto the sides of Shujin's head. "I'll be good," she muttered distractedly, staring upwards for a few minutes before settling her chin back on his head. Her eyes drifted closed and she started breathing slowly, taking a nap while they walked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dusk
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Dusk Bloop

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Celia nodded at Jayce's directions, looking around for the sign that denoted Clover Street. It was a small town, so there really wasn't much chance of them getting lost for too long, but it was still good that at least one of them knew where to go. The homey, colorful buildings were a joyful sight, and Celia made sure to wave to anyone who looked her way. When she saw a cat in front of a store, she made it a point to go over and pet it for a good thirty seconds before remembering that they were on a job. "Bye Kitty, Celia's got work to do!" She waved and skipped the rest of the way to the Hunter's Guild. The meaning of "conserving energy" was utterly lost to her.

With the pair behind her, Celia stopped in front of an awfully guild-like looking building. It was a large, almost tavern-looking structure, with dark wood composing the walls, standing out from the more subdued architecture of Clover Town. Turning to Jayce and Noire, she smiled and held out her arm towards the entrance. She was kind of bored of taking the lead, and decided to follow Jayce for a while.
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