Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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FortunesFaded Yam

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Did a receipt for my vassal - it's at the bottom of my faction sheet.

Btw nice sheets! I didn't realize the Church would be so.. Vast.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
Avatar of Flooby Badoop

Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

FortunesFaded said
Did a receipt for my vassal - it's at the bottom of my faction sheet.Btw nice sheets! I didn't realize the Church would be so.. Vast.

Thanks for that. The original plan was to do everyone's vassals for them, as a sort of apology for making people create their sheets, only to have them messed up again, but there's still quite a bit for me to do with this.

The Church is vast so people don't fuck with them, at least not until everyone expands their power. If they were pushovers, they'd just end up as a big loot pinata, instead of something worthy of devoting bribe money to.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

I have a question, if someone was to declare a war against the ruler of Lundland, whether it be for the throne, or just more territory, would the other players, since they are also vassals, have a noble obligation to protect, and defend him, and if so can we decline, and what happens if we do?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
Avatar of Flooby Badoop

Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Toaw said
I have a question, if someone was to declare a war against the ruler of Lundland, whether it be for the throne, or just more territory, would the other players, since they are also vassals, have a noble obligation to protect, and defend him, and if so can we decline, and what happens if we do?

To help with your question, I'll talk about vassals first.

As a vassal of the realm, you are sworn to provide all the men you can muster to the aid of your liege lord in times of war, to uphold the claim of his legitimate heir to rule, and to not act with aggression toward him, or any of your fellow vassals. You are only allowed make war with another vassal unless a legitimate de jure conflict occurs between you. Beyond that, you have no other responsibilities to your liege. Your liege's responsibilities to you are to protect you from unlawful aggression both foreign and within the realm, and to ensure your rights as a sovereign of the realm.

That's what's on paper, anyhow, but even those minimal responsibilities can become complex enough to provide an excuse for not accomplishing them. If your liege didn't protect you when a foreign threat came, he violated one of his duties to you, and you need not serve him until he answers this redress. If two heirs to the throne have equal claims to it, how can you be expected to uphold them both? If you have a document that claims your third cousin twice removed once happened to have promised to rescind control of a fief belonging to another vassal's House 50 years ago, would you be in the wrong for attempting to assert that claim?

To answer your questions; yes, but since your king has fallen into a depression so deep he can't even be assed to save his own skin, there will be little consequence to not helping him, unless he recovers, manages to drive off the host that is currently laying waste to his land, and ask you to answer for your breach of feudal contract, or if someone else takes the throne and does the same.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sovi3t

Sovi3t Obamacare

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Flooby, when you have time post the edited NS for my merc group please?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Sovi3t said
Flooby, when you have time post the edited NS for my merc group please?

I've been busy with other things pertaining to the RP today. Still need to type out the courts for the Overlord/Church lands, send out Mouseking's vassals, and make a map in case Theo goes AWOL. I know I said I would start on it, but it's not like I can just make a few edits to the current creation process. Allowing for mercenaries groups will require whole new mechanics for mercenary camp settlements, and the creation cost will have to scale to the points players would otherwise have for creating lords.

I've already got ideas on how it will work, but it would be irresponsible of me to ignore things important to the NRP's core function to work on player mercenaries. If I get everything I want done today, then I'll hop to it, but I can't say I'll have it completely finished tonight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
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Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Unfortunately, Theo hasn't gotten back about the map. For now, this will have to do. If you're wondering about the numbers, they are going to be the number assigned to the fief, since there wasn't enough room to write each name on the map. They are organized by the order in which the player got added to the accepted list.

Attolia - Light Green

1. Attolia ( House Wolff )
2. Ridgewood ( House Wolff )
3. Fort Aegis ( House Wolff )
4. Greyhaven ( House Wolff )
5. Concord ( House Wolff )
6. Faxton ( House Wolff )
7. Abel ( House Abel )
8. Peston ( House Abel )
9. Westfield ( House Westfield )
10. Seval ( House Abel )
11. Dawn ( House Westfield )
12. Faxton ( House Wolff )

Aidhne - Dark Green

13. Aidhne ( House Cétchathach )
14. Coleraine ( House Cétchathach )
15. Kilcullen ( House Cétchathach )
16. Devenish ( House Cétchathach )
17. Granard ( House Cétchathach )
18. Mullins ( House Cétchathach )
19. Roscommon (House Cétchathach )
20. Glendalough ( House au Floinn )
21. Aghade ( House au Floinn )
22. Tallaght ( House Ceridwen )
23. Fenagh ( House au Floinn )
24. Tuam ( House Ceridwen )

Montague - Purple

25. Victoria ( House Montague )
26. Antoinette ( House Montague )
27. Angelina ( House Montague )
28. Alexandria ( House Alexandrois )

Vasa - Light Pink

29. Jorvik ( House Vasa )
30. Suthreyjar ( House Vasa )
31. Moen ( House Vasa )
32. Northreyjar ( House Argyll )
33. Orkneyjar ( House Argyll )
34. Dyflinn ( House Lilla )

Pelataria - Blue

35. Pelataria ( House Cole )
36. Centreport ( House Aldran )

The Vale - Dark Gray

37. The Vale ( House Dryden )
38. Hainaut ( House Tueuroi )
39. Dyrford ( House Dryden )
40. Talbout ( House Tueuroi )
41. Aquila ( House Dryden )
42. Quiven ( House Dryden )
43. Pith ( House Dryden )
44. Merica ( House Dryden )
45. Nantes ( House Dryden )
46. Rothus ( House Tillid )

Harvestar - Yellow

47. Kaldur ( House Harvestar )
48. Icemark ( House Harvestar )
49. Goliath ( House Harvestar )
50. Westwatch ( House Harvestar )
51. Northwood ( House Summer )
52. Deep Lake ( House Summer )
53. Hallasholm ( House Hunter )

Wealas - Orange

54. Dyfed ( House Argall )
55. Elfael ( House Argall )
56. Gwynedd ( House Argall )
57. Gwyr ( House Argall )
58. Arwystli ( House Argall )
59. Erging ( House Argall )
60. Cardyff ( House Godswine )
61. Teigengl ( House Argall )
62. Seisyllwg ( House Argall )
63. Powys ( House Godswine )
64. Rhos ( House Godswine )
65. Buellt ( House Godswine )
66. Ceredigion ( House Godswine )
67. Gwent ( House Godswine )

Osgar - Teal

68. Ecefrodstien ( House Bernaccia )
69. Làidirgrûn ( House Bernaccia )
70. Ballweard ( House Bernaccia )
71.. Rytael ( House Osgar )
72. Hebban ( House Osgar )
73. Mayorlage ( House Osgar )
74. Muinntirtreun ( House Osgar )

Volhynia - Light Gray

75. #6 ( House Moskewitz )
76. #8 ( House Moskewtiz )
77. #3 ( House Pajari )
78. #5 ( House Pajari )
79. #10 ( House Moskewtiz )
80. #1 ( House Rurikovich )
81. #2 ( House Rurikovich )
82, #4 ( House Rurikovich )
83. #7 ( House Rurikovich )
84. #9 ( House Rurikovich )
85. #11 ( House Rurikovich )
86. #12 ( House Rurikovich )

Overlord - Red

87. Trischland ( House Trisch )
88. Falkwreath Country ( House Trisch )
89. Falkwreath Township ( House Trisch )
90. Everfallow ( House Trisch )

Church - Magenta

91. Bernwick ( The Archbishop )
92. Granton ( The Archbishop )
93. Upderry ( The Archbishop )
94. Lowderry ( Bishop of Lowderry )
95. Sunnyglade ( Bishop of Sunnyglade )
96. Whitepeak ( Bishop of Whitepeak )
97. Daisyfield ( Bishop of Daisyfield )
98. Luke Church ( Bishop of Luke Church )
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
Avatar of FortunesFaded

FortunesFaded Yam

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Oh, nice map! I see I'm at the western tip :)

A question, this puts me well in range of the Bogans, even though I didn't put them down as an optional concern. Does that mean they'll simply avoid me and attack the other coastal fiefs?

Edit: Also, doesn't Lundland kinda look like an armless person lying on the ground trying to drink the ocean?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
Avatar of Flooby Badoop

Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

FortunesFaded said
Oh, nice map! I see I'm at the western tip :)A question, this puts me well in range of the Bogans, even though I didn't put them down as an optional concern. Does that mean they'll simply avoid me and attack the other coastal fiefs?Edit: Also, doesn't Lundland kinda look like an armless person lying on the ground trying to drink the ocean?

That's exactly what that means, yes.

And now I can't unsee. What have you done?!

EDIT: Need to go to work, so I leave you guys with a rules update. Prices for mercenaries have been slashed across the board (save for the Ordained), but bullis from trade routes (and subsequently tariffs) have been reduced significantly. Will finish the map/courts for main npc factions tonight. From there, I can get up the first IC post perhaps tomorrow, or rules for player mercs. Whichever comes first.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Monbodo

Lord Monbodo

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Oh god I'm the entire southern border.

What have I done?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lord Monbodo

Lord Monbodo

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Update: I've put in receipts for my vassals. Question, how do we divide our armies among our vassals?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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FortunesFaded Yam

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Lord Monbodo said
Oh god I'm the entire southern border. What have I done?

Aye, I think the Vale takes the trophy for Worst Geographical Location ;) although mine has the potential to be just as bad.. Depends on how friendly my neighbor is!
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Toaw


Member Offline since relaunch

House Harvestar and Wealas, either of you care to make a non-aggression pact with house Montague. Note if you don't no what that is, it is basically an agreement not to attack eachother, but not an official alliance. ;) Also if either of you have towns to trade with, that would be nice...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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FortunesFaded Yam

Member Seen 4 mos ago

I'll definitely be looking for coastal fiefs to start a sea trade route with :) both of Pelataria's towns are prospering, and the land is eager to begin trading
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Outcast


Member Offline since relaunch

Toaw said
House Harvestar and Wealas, either of you care to make a non-aggression pact with house Montague. Note if you don't no what that is, it is basically an agreement not to attack eachother, but not an official alliance. ;) Also if either of you have towns to trade with, that would be nice...

As a matter of fact, I would like to make a pact with House Montague. And yes, I have the large fairly wealthy town of Giants Bane that is in need of some trading partners.

Also, I'm assuming light blue is the Giant Lands?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Hmm, the layout of my nation is a bit not what I expected, but oh well.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Flooby Badoop
Avatar of Flooby Badoop

Flooby Badoop

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Just to let everyone know, trade routes occur naturally between every town. Trade routes only don't occur if one lord embargos another, or if the trade route of two Wretched towns has their trade route raided four seasons in a row. However, you can sponsor a royal caravan to accrue income from every town visited, which is probably more what you guys had in mind. Forgive me if this is already what you were talking about.

@ Outcast: Light blue is Nexerus's land, silly. The giants are to the east, off the map. You'll still be attacked by them, but you don't share a direct border with their land.

As for fief locations, I did the best I could to organize the fiefs properly. I know how a plan can get ruined by not getting the kind of location you wanted. For that, I apologize.

EDIT: For a simple way to get a vassals army, just take all the troops you already have, and divide them as equally as possible between them. All the troops the Lords could not possibly afford on their own go to you.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by FortunesFaded
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FortunesFaded Yam

Member Seen 4 mos ago

Flooby, with regards to trade, will it also be occuring with sea routes as well as land between the coastal fiefs?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Heyitsjiwon


Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Made some changes to my NS:

Fief 2:
Reinforced Manor to Wooden (+1)
Removed Bailey (+1)

Fief 6:
Improved Infra to Basic (+1)

Took up Concern:
Deeply in Debt (+4)

Total Points Added: +7

Fief 1:
City of Attolia founded (-5)

Fief 4:
Improved to Advanced Infra

12 More Character points spent. I now have a Court Jester. Life is good. (-1)

Total Points Used (-7)

Net Change in Points (0)

Edit: Will work on my vassals sheets ASAP, but I have a flight to catch in a few hours. Therefore, I will not be available for a few days. I'm sorry for the inconvenience this may cause.

Edit 2: Just realized... how do city populations increase? Do they just follow the normal overall growth rate? If they do, then I have a suggestion. What if city population growth rate is double your overall? I think that makes sense since cities are meant to be large concentrations of people that grow quickly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by So Boerd

So Boerd

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

What about naval movement?
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