Crya said
I made some changes to Daryna's character sheet. A quick TL;DR to what I changed and what I kept the same:
All that satisfies me, and the volcano god. Most of the stuff I brought up wasn't questioning that it was possible, just that it needed to be fleshed out a bit better. The concerns about her early power still is something of a concern, because as I said, all the potential power in the world is meaningless unless you have the ability to contain and control it, regardless of being a medical enigma/ science experiment. I do realize you intend to have it be a balanced and not abused factor in the RP, which is why I accepted your sheet. If I had serious concerns about you god modding, we likely wouldn't be having this conversation. :P Just, no 11 year old girls mind controlling 600 year old Matriarchs who've been doing that shit their entire lives.
As for the application of dominate, let's keep it as something she has to be concentrating on. I'm not really a fan of the whole Star Wars "weak minded individual" thing when it comes to mental manipulation, because there's no accurate way to gauge something like someone's mental resistance capability. For all you know, the turian councilor can be controlled like a marionette while the guy serving the questionable street meat from a cart might be the most mentally fortified individuals alive. If she's able to maintain focus on a number of individuals, great, but it's not going to be a fire and forget kind of thing. Biotics aren't some magical cosmic force with a will of it's own, it has to be directly maintained by the mind and skill of the individual using it. It's kind of easy to forget that something like a singularity is one of the most taxing and impressive biotic abilities when you can spec your Adept to just poop them out with impunity, y'know what I mean?