La Mansión de Cervántes - Library
"Good morning. Anything interesting on the news?"
Moira turned lazily towards Xan, stretching her arms up into the air as her partner gave her his own greeting. "Mornin'. This ain't news love, it's history," she complained, now clutching at her painful head. Of course, she wasn't helping Syed at all. Screw that. He liked researching and studying and being fustrated and shit anyway, may as well leave him to it. "Don't bother lookin' for any interestin' stuff, there ain't any," she warned the metallurgist. "It's all stuffy old books."
Almost as if on cue, Marcus arrived. Syed accepted his offer for help quite gladly, and soon the two were flicking carefully through the pages as to not risk a tear. The room descended once more into silence. To be honest, Moira was quite thankful. She had a banging headache of her own. For once, she wasn't going to resist a trip to some nice quiet library all that much... even if it was boring as hell. She soon found herself jealously eyeing up Marcus' coffee though. Shit! She knew she forgot something on the way up!
Syed simply cocked his head towards Moira in response to Marcus' question as he continued to peruse the articles. Well, he certainly hadn't, but.... "I dunno, might have," she shrugged. She now pressed her palms onto her face, pushing into her eye sockets a little. "There's been talk at the Guild for a long time of some really flashy showy thief nobody could catch, but nobody knew fuck all about the guy. Some people didn't even really believe it." She sunk further into her chair, her voice lowering as she lost all motivation to really continue explaining. "Could be him I guess."
“He was quite the… individual, wasn’t he?" Marcus stroked his chin. "I wonder what it is he intends to steal…?”
"That's what I was hoping to get some clues on," Syed finally spoke, closing his paper and neatly folding it back away. "I figured if we could find some record of anything he might have stolen in the past, we might be able to find a pattern." He sighed, running his hand through his now semi-damp hair. It stood up on end like a cockatoo. "But there's nothing here at all. You'd think a guy like this would be reported on, you know? Front page kind of news kind of deal."
He rested his angular jaw against his palm, frowning a little as he picked up yet another paper. "Yet it all seemed so professional. It's like you said Xan, like a piece of cake." he looked up to Xan, his expression pleading for whatever insight she might have in the matter. "I'm pretty lost, to be honest. It's like Fenaru all over again."