CHARACTER SUBMISSIONS CLOSED, RP FULL.WARNING: This RP is meant for adults. There will be blood, romance, and all that jazz, and if you aren't comfortable with that, then this place isn't for you.
Before We start off, there's something I want to mention. I have no intention of creating my own character for this RP. This means I will be acting solely as the director of events. I find that this makes things not only easier, but prevents me from accidentally centering events around my own character. I will be taking the roles of various important and non important characters throughout the RP to move events in certain directions, but I will not have any characters of my own.
Now, Welcome one and all to:

So, what makes TLoI different from other typical high fantasy RPs? Although the world is different and the story is completely unique, one can begin to sound like another even if neither of them have anything besides the use of a high fantasy world in common. For a solution to that problem I have created this RP with a different precedent than other high fantasy RPs. Not to say that it has never been done before, but to my knowledge this is the first I've heard of it.
THIS RP IS A PAIRED RP. So what does that mean? It means that each of the players in this RP must have a partner. I will not decide who you will partner with, that is entirely up to you, but the rule here is that you mus have another character (controlled by a different player) that is paired with your character. There is sufficient reason and back story for this as far as the world goes, but outside the world there is also good reason for this. Not only is this approach unique, but it gives a good social dynamic to the RP. It also encourages the development of goals and purposes. You may have multiple characters here, but they
CANNOT be paired with one of your other characters. So if you want to set up a second character, it has to be bound to another players character as well.
To make an effective conversation or scenario work in this RP, it is
HIGHLY recommended that you talk with your partner OUTSIDE this RP. This means PMs, separate threads, or any other means of communication that you deem appropriate with each other. For this reason it is entirely alright to have collaborative posts (two posts rolled into one) on a frequent basis, but there is also nothing wrong with separate posts. Something to note is that you must choose a partner
BEFORE you create your character sheets. The reason for this is that in order for two characters to be linked, they must have some sort of connection to the person they are linked with. This means family, friends, lovers, or even enemies. This gives yet another good opportunity for social dynamics.
I would like some variation is the social dynamics, however. So if a pair has already posted their character sheets and lets say for example purposes they are brother and sister, try not to have that same connection between the characters in your pair. Now, if you are already in the process of creating your CS and somebody just happens to post before you with the connection you were working on it does not mean you have to re-do your entire CS, it just means you have to make things different from theirs. Although I would like variation, I won't make anyone re-do their CS unless there are some serious similarities between two different characters that are not paired.
So now with that out of the way, we can get down to the lore and back story.

All sentient races in Veruulis are descendants of one great race. The Ancient ones (known by many names across the world) are the singular base of nearly all sentient life in the world (there are a few exceptions, listed later). These Ancients called Ialdia their home over an era ago (1 million yrs). In the time of the Ancients there were no other known civilizations, so they were left to their devices to tamper with any power they saw fit.
The Ancients were great magicians. In a time where magic was far more plentiful in the mortal realms, spells were thousands of times more potent. With their power the Ancients sculpted the lands of Ialdia in their perfect world. Mountains thrust so high that they broke the atmosphere, canyons and terraces so pronounced that entire cities could flourish within then with more space to grow than they would ever need. Islands were brought up to defy gravity, and caves were carved deep into the bowels of the world to harness the molten power of the very planet itself.
Deep below the earth, Sunderers would tread across oceans of molten rock and steal the magnificent treasures found deep within the core of the world. So deep did the Ancients dig that they reached the very core of the planet itself. A metal so pure and hard resided under such magnificent pressures, and at its center lied the heart of all Veruulis. Known only as The Core, the heart of Veruulis was taken from the center of the planet and brought to reside in the Ancient's most established city. Although the name was unknown before, after The Core was brought there, it became known to the Ancients as “Veruulis Den Nurandiir” or The World's Heart.
From The Core was derived all the secrets of the known and unknown planes of existence. The Ancients learned that there were alternate planes where creatures of unimaginable strength and intelligence lived. Immortal beings that could bend the very fabric of space time to their wills with nary a flick of though. Over the years they learned how to siphon the energy from this realm and manifest it in the mortal plane. The substance they named “Aeros” or Air of the Gods. It was the belief that if one were to inhale the Aeros, they would be empowered with the strength of the Gods, and they would Ascend into the plane of power. The only problem was that any that inhaled the Aeros were torn apart by the nearly infinite power. Their bodies and minds would instantly vaporize as the monumental power attempted to find solace in them.
From this belief came the practice of the Perfect Three. The belief in this was that if one was to master the three aspects of themselves, they would be able to survive a breath of the Aeros. The three categories were mind, body, and magic. Only those seen as perfect by all were allowed to test themselves against the Aeros. Thousands tried and thousands died. Over the centuries the Aeros became a source of power impossible to tap, until one of the Ancients tested themselves against it and was not destroyed.
Dei, as he was simply known, was the first and only of the Ancients to accept the Aeros and live. The power of the gods beat within his breast and pumped through his veins. With this unimaginable power Dei reigned over all of Veruulis and was thought to have ruled over all the mortal universe. Although he never moved or spoke, all forces submitted to his will. The time of Dei is shrouded in mystery. It is said that none of the ancients died while Dei prospered. It is said that no ill will was ever shown to any living creature from any other creature. Under the rule of Dei, the universe was said to have prospered beyond possible belief.
That was until he tried to ascend. The Aeros opened to him the plane of power. Dei, in his seemingly infinite wisdom and power, tried to merge himself through into this plane and reside among those beings that he saw himself on par with. Dei succeeded in ascending into the plane of power, but the beings there did not accept him. They destroyed him as easily as they might destroy any other thing, or as easily as they might destroy another. And for their triffling, the Ancients were destroyed as well. Through the Aeros the beings sent a messenger known as “Rai”, or wrath. Bestowed not with the power of the beings, but with power that far exceeded anything the ancients could ever hope to grasp, Rai obliterated the civilization of the Ancients. All their cities were sunk deep beneath the earth, and a curse was placed over the Continent of Ialdia that banished them and all their descendants from returning. Rai then used its power to cut away much of the magic that permeated Veruulis so that no race could ever overstep their bounds again.
It is thought that the beings knew of Dei and the ancients from the very beginning, how could they not, with their infinite knowledge? It is thought that they were allowed to exist and prosper because they did not overstep their bounds. Is is thought that they were destroyed for Dei's ambition, but none could know for sure.

The perfect lands of Ialdia were then abandoned by the few surviving Ancients. The survivors spread out across the rest of Veruulis and founded different civilizations with what was left of their previous power. Unable to work their vast weaves of magic any longer, the civilizations fell into a dark age. Magic was no longer the source of all creation and therefore the Ancients had to start over, and learn the ways of the land and sea instead of trying to conquer them. Rai was given one final instruction from the beings to give to each of the newly settled lands an aura. Each aura would change the residing people over time, making them into a collection of races instead of one unified one. This is thought to have been to pit them against each other rather than work as a unified force.
Over the ages the races became very different due to where they resided and the different auras given to each of the lands.
Firstly the lands of Siilara were given the aura of life, and from it birthed the Elves. Their fair skin and pointed ears denoted them as beings of the forest.. Trees there grew far larger and plants flourished accordingly. From the life aura the Elves were bestowed the blessing of long life, so that they might live longer to fully understand the meanings of their gift.
The land of Grah-Nglak was given the aura of heart, and from it were birthed the Orcs. Their dark green skin and pronounced jaws showed them as beings of pride and emotion. Strong bonds and feuds were born from the deep connections between the people. The aura of heart also bestowed upon the Orcs the blessing of connection. This made them fierce warriors with even fiercer camaraderie.
The land of Surac-Thul was given the aura of stone, and from it were birthed the Dwarves. Their short and stout disposition showed them to be beings of the stone. They would carve out stalwart fortresses from mountains and plunder gems found beneath the earth. Also from the aura of stone came the blessing of craft. From this were the artisans of the Dwarves borne to create the most brilliant and fascinating tools, weapons, and artifacts.
The lands of Aega were given the aura of fire. From it were born the humans. Humans are the most plentiful of the races that descended from the Ancients and therefore require the most land. The aura of fire also gave to the humans the blessing of will. From this blessing the humans were given a strong determination and fiery passion for success and advancement.
To the Floating Isles of Sachia was given the aura of the wind. From this aura were born the Raevan. Known for their ebony, feathered skin and bird-like wings, the Raevan were given unto them the blessing of flight with their aura so that they might travel between the floating isles. With this gift also came a curse however. For the enhanced ability to fly came also with weak, hollow bones which prevent them from engaging in heavy combat.
Lastly the Coral Isles of Iistvar were given the aura of the sea. From this aura were born the Scael. These reptilian people are known by their brilliant scaled skin, which can sometimes by multi-colored or pearlescent, and their plumages of spines or fins. Unto the Scael was also given the blessing of peace. With this blessing the Scael were given serenity and the ability to interact with the tides of the oceans and the creatures that swam beneath them. However this blessing also took their will to fight, leaving them only with their intellect to get themselves out of trouble.
NOTE: These races exist, however as players you are not allowed to have a character that is one of these races

The dragons that reside in Ialdia are different from the kinds that can be found all over Veruulis. These dragons can grow to unfathomable sizes and live indefinitely. While the dragons of Veruulis can live for millennia, the dragons of Ialdia are actually immortal. These beings are sentient and usually smarter than any of the other sentient races. Dragons usually communicate through telepathy and may or may not be aggressive depending on its mood and disposition toward mortals.

Usually dumber than rocks but still considered sentient, these creatures wander the lands and set up small settlements with 5-10 other trolls. These creatures stand over 10 ft tall and have arms broader than the trunks of most trees. Similar to the dragons, the trolls of Ialdia can grow to giant proportions and end up with heights over 25 ft. The Ialdian trolls tend to travel in smaller groups of maybe 2 or 3, and frequently travel alone.

These reptilian folk are known to be sentient but extremely aggressive. Only found on the continent of Ialdia, the Skarves are known to wield rudimentary weapons and reside in caves in groups that can exceed a hundred. After the lands became cursed the Skarves seemingly became more intelligent. They grew to heights over 5 ft and began setting up towns and civilizations. They tended to stay in caves but some groups have moved above the surface and inhabited the fractured remains of the few Ancient cities that were not sunk beneath the ground. Most groups inhabit the sunken cities, and can be found in great number beneath the surface.

These well known mischievous green-skinned people were thought at some point to be related to orcs, but were found to have different ancestry. Goblins can be found in small groups in all parts of Veruulis, although the are more plentiful in the lands of Grah-Nglak where heatstone, which they use as makeshift explosives, light, and heat sources, is plentiful.

As the years turned to decades and centuries and millennia, the lands of Ialdia faded into myth. Many cultures believe that Ialdia was the land of the dead and that the creatures that resided there were somehow ancient and infallible. The curse was forgotten over time and replaced with the myth that people's souls were stolen from their bodies if they laid eyes upon the lost continent. More than an era passed before there was a case of two people surviving on the continent of Ialdia and coming back to tell the tale. An Elven traveler and an Orcish lass came in from the sea on a ramshackle vessel made of logs and woven branches and moored in an elven harbor on Siilara. Old and frail, the couple came before the archmages of the Iilara (the high mage council of the elves) to find a cure for the Orcish lass's ague. After the story was told, the Iilara investigated how it was that the two had survived the lands of the dead. After weeks of research on archaic documents brought from Ialdia during the escape from the ancients, it was found that the lands were cursed.
Received as blasphemy by the general elven population, the Iilara investigated further in secret. Countless magical tests upon the elf and orc yeiled the results that they were bonded by an ancient binding ceremony performed by the old Orc people. Although the binding was not nearly as strong as the all encompassing connection created when the ceremony of binding was done by an Orc shaman, they Iilara found that this connection prevented the curse from taking hold in ones body. Several days passed as the Iilara tried to keep the aging Orcish lass alive, but she died of old age. Shortly afterward the traveler succumbed to the curse as well. Because the bond no longer existed, the curse, which had dug deep into his being despite not being able to work on him, ensnared him, and he turned to alabaster dust before the eyes of the Iilara.
After many tests of bonding the Iilara found certain conditions that must be met for the curse to become innefective:
1. The two people that become bonded must have some sort of connection with each other. This meant that they would have to be family, friends, lovers, or oddly even enemies.
2. The bond had to be entered mutually. If either of the two people bonded did not want to be bonded, the curse would take hold.
3. At least one of the bonded had to have magical skill, but not be a master magician. This meant that they would have to be an apprentice or novice mage.
A few notes were also made that bonds were for some reason stronger when made between people of different races or genders.
With this knowledge in mind, the Iilara brought together the high dignitaries from all the races to create an exhibition force, a frontier that would begin a foothold in the cursed lands and begin to discover its secrets.

Aside from the ever present danger of the Curse, Ialdia has become an increasingly dangerous place since the ancients left. The Skarves, a reptilian people, now number in the tens of thousands across the land and inhabit many of the old ancient cities, but seem to be mysteriously dying off. Dragons sleep deep in caves, direwolves prowl through the snowy northern forests, leviathans wait beneath the surface of crystal blue lakes, and guardians stand vigil over the more prominent treasures of the cursed lands.
The road ahead is fraught with danger, and only the brave and the hardy will survive the ordeals to come. But for those who come out above the rising tides, the rewards could be unimaginable.

Magic in this world is derived from something called the "glorin vas". An ancient word that translates to "life fire". The glorin vas is the reservoir that collects energy from the sun and other magical catalysts such as aetheric geysers (channels of magical energy that exist deep below the ground) or gems that have come in contact with an aetheric geyser. The size of one's glorin vas determines their magical capacity. If somebody has a huge glorin vas, they can expend large amounts of magical energy. However, people with large glorin vas usually have a hard time controlling their magic. The raw force of a huge glorin vas often inhibits one's ability to perform complicated spells. For this reason, magically inclined individuals tend to work in pairs when working spells that require precision as well as massive amounts of energy. One person has a massive glorin vas, while the other has a smaller reservoir, but lots of control over their magical ability. Depending on the size of one's glorin vas, it can take anywhere from 1 to 3 days for it to recharge from sunlight alone, however doing things like putting out fires by absorbing them, or sitting in direct moonlight can expedite the recharge rate.
Additionally, the glorin vas works in tandem with pathways throughout the body. Similar to something like "chi" pathways, the glorin vas is connected to every part of an individuals body through pathways called "vas wein" or "fire paths". Each person has certain vas wein that are enlarged or diluted throughout their bodies. The condition of any particular vas wein determines what type of magic a magician is most capable of doing. For instance, healing magic is derived from the tips of the fingers, so if the vas wein that reach the fingertips are enlarged, then a person would be better at healing magic. There are dozens of other types of magic that derive from certain vas wein, if anybody would like to know a specific type, PM me and I can tell you.
The glorin vas and vas wein are not physical parts of the body, however, and cannot be seen. They are simply channels of energy that can be refilled by the sun in most cases, or if one trains hard enough, the moon or other forms of intense light such as fire. Magic cannot charge magic however. For instance, if a mage creates a werelight, the light given off from that light cannot charge another mage's glorin vas, regardless of how hard they have trained. However, if a mage creates a spark that creates a fire, the glorin vas can be charged from the resulting blaze.
The glorin vas collects energy from natural sources. Because things like the sun are so abundant with magical energy, it is unnoticeable when any energy is taken, but if a mage attempts to gather energy from a campfire, for instance, the energy is quickly drained and the fire extinguished. For this reason, collecting magical energy through fire can be a drawn out process of lighting a spark into a fire, then draining it, and repeating. For this reason it is often only used as a last resort to draw energy from fire.
Most magically inclined individuals carry gems that have been made to absorb magical energy. These gems are usually covered in magical script that allows them to act as a miniature glorin vas. However, without the vas wein that people have, it usually takes far longer for gems to collect energy from natural sources such as the sun. Gems can be set in sunlight and take months to completely fill (depending on their size and purity of the gem). The method usually used for quickly charging gems is to bring them to aetheric geysers. These natural sources of magic are generally found deep underground and trickle up from the core of the planet like gusts of magical wind. Thought to be leftover from when the core was removed by the ancients, aetheric geysers, although scarce and usually quite small, can quickly fill even the largest and purest gems in a matter of minutes. By directly infusing a gem or person with pure magical energy, aetheric geysers make for the best source of magical refill. They are usually found deep beneath large settlements (as if they are drawn to life) and are generally monetized for their worth.
Something to note about aetheric geysers is that if a mage stands in one, he/she is not granted unlimited power. The raw magical energy will quickly fill the glorin vas, and will keep it full, but can be extremely dangerous for extended periods of time. Because gems lack the vas wein, they can directly absorb the magic into their reservoir without fear of overloading. People, however, absorb magic through their vas wein. When a person is submitted to the raw power of a geyser, the vas wein open fully and absorb as much magic as they can as quickly as possible. While this results in a very quick refill of the glorin vas, it can have lasting side effects. Such a quick and massive input of energy can temporarily scar the vas wein, and make absorbing magic more difficult for anywhere up to a month. Extended contact with this raw input can lead to permanent damage or even the destruction of the vas wein, effectively taking away a mage's ability to use magic.
Below is the character sheet you must fill out for your character. You may give more information or add categorizes as you see fit, but the ones already here MUST be filled out unless they are marked as optional.
Full Name:
Nicknames: (optional)
Hair: (If applicable)
Height:(optional but encouraged)
Weight:(optional but encouraged)
Place of Birth: (given the semi-vague world setup, this is open to imagination as long it resides in the previously established geographical parameters)
Appearance:(either pictures or descriptions are fine)
Occupation in the frontier forces: (guard, explorer, botanist, builder, etc., you're welcome to create your own)
Gear of choice: (include clothing, armor, weapons etc. if applicable.)
Positive Personality Traits:
Negative Personality Traits:
Misc. Quirks: (optional but encouraged)
Hobbies:(optional but encouraged):
Paired character: (it is recommended you talk to your partner about their character so you can work each other into your histories)
Connection with paired character:
Oh Rules, They are very important, If you want to participate in this RP, I expect you to read all of them and understand them fully.
1. All regular forum rules apply, this means no meta gaming, no god modding, no trolling, etc.
2. There is a restriction of 2 characters MAX unless you convince me you are capable of taking on more.
3. NO OOC POSTS IN THE IC ATT ALL. ALL OOC posts must be made here. I want the IC to remain orderly and in sync.
4. I expect everyone to be respectful and grown-up here. Be nice, overly nasty people will be removed.
5. Double posting is alright in some situations (conversation, etc.) but if you get into the realm of triple and quadruple that is not okay.
6.Once you read all the rules, make sure you to put “Fantastico” between the “connection with paired character” section and the “history” section of your cs.
7. As far as partners go, if one drops out and leaves their partner by themselves, the remaining player has the option to take over the character of the person who dropped out. Be aware of this if you intend to drop out. your character will be given to the person you are partnered with.
8. Lastly, Have fun! I mean what is the point of doing this if you don't have fun, right? Even If you are getting a little down on your current situation, don't fret overmuch, there is more to come.
Got any questions or suggestions? anything I missed? I'd love to hear it. Feel free to PM me if you need or want anything specific.
Character List:WARNING: Again, this RP is meant for adults. There will be blood, romance, and all that jazz, and if you aren't comfortable with that, then this place isn't for you.