@AegonVI, I can't edit anymore of my posts, so I made another other post about the issue.
NarcolepticSailor said The Kingdom of Venice is the area we wish returned which is currently under the control of the Austrian Empire.
duck55223 said
I like how everyone is trying to enforce the Monroe Doctrine as a actual valid treaty when its just a declaration that probably doesn't mean much to the european powers.
solamelike said
Does anyone have a good map of 1860's Earth?I cant find one that has names and is clear...
NarcolepticSailor said
The one that Outcast provided is fairly clear for the majority of countries at the time. They should be easily noticeable. It might be worth trying to find a Victoria 2 map at the 1861 start date as that is what the map was taken from.
solamelike said
Found it Thanks.