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Hidden 11 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

Citadel of the Supreme One: Ultimatum Sanctuary
This world is small. Tied to the fates of numerous others.
The masked man stood in the shadows. Watching. Waiting. His presence undetected by those of a lower existence. His hiding spot was simply the backside of a large column. One of many actually. The massive hallway led to the chamber of The Superior herself. The Heroine of the World. Sachiro Harime. Giant golden doors blocked the one and only entrance way to her chambers, sealing its many secrets within as well. Numerous and intricate paintings and works of art covered the walls and roofs. Some depicted epic war scenes, while others were replicates of essential historical documents. And still, some were simply a mish-mash of sorts, gleaming with bright colors and vibrant emotion. Marble flooring streamed by silver carpet completed the image. This was the epitome of perfection. The fruits of mankind's Lahore and turmoils against time and destiny. This was the Ultimatum. Keepers of the World. How amusing. The masked shadow who addressed himself as Jester the Magix Man waited patiently high up his pillar, his body half-submerged in the structure. Blood red eyes narrowed as he directed his attention on a new arrival. A woman with long crimson hair and an equally crimson suit of armor. He didn't have to see to already know that a small bible-like object was bound to her side protectively. Her Tome. To only a select few, this woman was know as Yuki Natsuko. To the world, she was addressed as Asgard, the Crimson Knight of the Four Knights of Ragnorak. A meeting was to be held in The Superior's presence. It would consist only of a council between her fellow knights and Jester. As such, Yuki was determined to be the one to arrive first. She waited now, standing at ready in front of the massive gates. Bored with this query, Jester expanded his scoop until he could sense another. A being that sought "freedom" as well as those who would die for him to achieve it. The Librarian. Ah yes...their little rebel group weren't far....actually quite close to the Citadel. An attack? Perhaps. But would Jester raise the alarm? Ah, now that was the question of the hour.
And so the wheel of fate turns once again...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Angelo and his small group of the librarian brothers were outside the main building or more specifically they were on the roof of the building itself, Angelo knew that they only way to get into the chambers of the so called superior was the golden gates but he knew that they couldn't very well kick the door down knowing from leaks in their ranks that they would be discussing something of great importance today so they needed that information more then they needed a few dead bodies. Although the superior was wise in only making one entrance what Angelo also knew was that the room would be poorly ventilated if their was only giants doors that closed them off, their had to be some sort of ventilation system they could crawl into and watch the meeting and if they were lucky the superior would actually have window they could just watch from instead. however they did it they needed to hear what was going on in that meeting as soon as possible and as quietly as possible. Angelo motioned for his comrades to split up and find a way in to listen to the meeting as Angelo looked to the roof to see if their was a skylight
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Athos
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Athos the Mountain

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I'm leaving this house! He has answers, you guys don't! You're just happy to sit on your ass all day and be spoon fed the same bullshit for the rest of your life! Don't you re-'

'Sis, can you please calm down? Can we just talk it out like civilized adults?'

'That's what this is? Civilization? No, this is anesthesia. I'm done talking, I'm going to find him and find out the real answers Cole. You can come too...'

'Silvia, you know I can't do that. I can't just run away from the real world while you're going through some sort of early midlife crisis.'

'Oh yes, I forgot Cole. You're all too eager to follow your princess Asgard into merry battle and get a chance to kill some rioters.'

'At least I'm not trying to run away from reality! Get over yourself Silvia! The Ultimatum is all I have, it's all you have, it's all that there has or probably ever will be! I'm sorry it doesn't fit your perfect picture of what life is supposed to be li-'

'Oh, I'm running away? I'M RUNNING AWAY? Who looked after mother when she sick and you were too busy studying for your exams! Who baked you a cake every birthday when you were depressed since your friends couldn't make it to your party? Who dug through the trashcan when you accidentally threw your book away and you were crying in the middle of the lunchroom? Who's really running away Cole? You or me? God, you make me sick. I'm leaving Cole, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.'

"I don't know sis... I don't know."

"Hey Cole, you asleep?" An unfamiliar voice woke up Cole Carton as the sound of wagon wheels simultaneously flooded his ears. Ah, yes, he remembered now. He was on his way to the Capital. He didn't quite remember why but it felt right anyways. He normally didn't remember why he did things until afterwards, or sometimes not at all. Which posed a question to Cole, how did he remember he did things if he forgot?

"Yeah, I'm awake. We nearly there?" Cole looked up at the figure posing the question. A gruff middle aged merchant had been hauling fresh vegetables to the capital until he had seen Cole walking along the road. Cole got in, they both exchanged false stories as to why they were traveling that particular stretch of road, and had been traveling for nearly a day since then.

"Hmph. You were talking in your sleep," the merchant replied dismissively though his eyes darted away from Cole's gaze as if what he heard disturbed him.

"Do you remember anything that I said," Cole inquired as he reached inside of his pocket.


"Nothing particularly interesting.... Uhh.. I think there was this girl named Silver?" It was an obvious lie and the sweat forming on the merchant's brow betrayed him.

"Ah, yes. She was my ex girlfriend. Bad breakup as I'm sure you can understand. Anyways, I better get off right here. I can see my stop coming up ahead. Thanks for the ride though." Cole said as leaned halfway out of the carriage.

"Sure thing bub... sure thing. Just to be curious though, did you put on some cologne while I wasn't looking? It smells like a beach in here."

"Nah, not me. It would be a nice idea to visit the beach though. See you later!" Cole yelled as he leaped off the carriage and slipped into the crowd of people meandering towards the capital. As soon as the carriage began to reach a sizable distance from him, Cole reached for his pocket again.


An explosion ripped through the market square as a vegetable merchant's cart erupted in flames and Cole joined the squalor of people fleeing towards safety in the direction of the capital.

"Now it's time to find out why I decided to head over here."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

As the world went on and spun, so too did the business of governance, and with it the upholding of the law and justice. Laws were what made a civilization, what gave it order and structure, what prevented the inexorable decline towards chaos and greed. People had a tendency to look out for themselves and their own interests first, and it was the place of law to make sure that they treated their fellow men fairly, and kept the peace.

Alex Sinclair knew this better than most. At the moment, his eyes worked over camera feeds and reports as he toiled through the bureaucracy that made up the world government of the Ultimatum. Clad in a business suit, he sat behind a desk and worked with a holopad, reading, writing, and hoping he wasn't straining his eyes too much. He wore a suit, formal armor not in use due to his presence within the Citadel of the Ultimatum. After all, why would he need it here? One might think that his job was a member of the Judicial Branch was more...exciting, but no one really considered what went into maintaining a world government.

He;'d worked hard to get here, this place. He'd gone through the academy with high marks, and distinguished himself in a posting in Brazil with his work against organized crime and corruption, even busting a ring within his own unit. That may not have earned him any friends within the group that he worked with and around, but it certainly got him some friends in high places, and soon enough he found himself promoted to here, booted up to a fancy office in the Citadel itself, working under Asgard herself, after a fashion anyway.

Within minutes of the bombing, an alert popped up on his holopad, detailing where the blast had taken place, the details they knew, and an advisory. He read it, gut twisting images included in the description, and rose form his seat in preparation of a request from Asgard to deal with the matter. A bombing in the capital was nothing to be overlooked, especially with the growth in strength of the mysterious 'Librarian."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

Asgard sensed the warning before actually being alerted to it. Well trained in the services of The Superior, things like this were almost second nature to her by now. Just one of the perks of being a Ragnorak Knight. Focusing her inner Unity, she summoned forth a holopad from one of the Citadel's vaults to her hand, letting the device materialize in physical form.

She immediately contacted the closest personel available at the moment. A young man by the name of Alex Sinclair who had so far shown exceptional promise in his career. Reaching him at last, his face appeared on her holopad already awaiting orders.

"Allow the Military Division to handle the crowd and wreckage Sinclair. Your task is to find the culprit and bring them in for interrogation. They obviously have malevolent intent if citizen welfare mean nothing to them. Punish them in the name of the Ultimatum."

And with that, the screen flickered off. Stifling a sigh, she focused her Unity again to return the holopad back in the vaults. Of all days for this happen...where were the other Knights? It wasn't like them at all to be late, especially Yggdrasil. And with The Superior's life now in danger....

"Someone has their work cut out for them."

Asgard jumped a little as she followed the voice and noticed the masked man's presence. She witnessed him fully emerge from the column and casually walk down its side, defying all laws of gravity. The crimson warrior immediately stood straighter at his arrival.

"Jester, sir! I'm sure you've already heard of the situation outiside, yes?"

"Please, you don't have to use such formalities with me Yuki. Yes, I'm aware." The masked man shook his head and stared at the ceiling in thought, as if he could view the outside world from here.

"Hmm...I wonder what they want? Tell me, what do you make of it Yuki?"

Asgard shrugged in indifference. "Probably just another local skirmish sir. Only one reported causality as of now. I've already sent a member of the Judicial Division to apprehend the terrorist sir."

"Oh? That's good to hear. But just one more question for you to ponder here Yuki. I'm dying to know your answer."


Jester turned to her now, red eyes gleaming behind his mask.

"What do you intend to do about those lively fellows up on the roof?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

there was a beep, and the holopad lit up with a marker, indicating that he had a decently high priority message, though not a major alert, and the adjoining crest of Asgard to confirm whom this message came from. He opened it and his eyes scanned the screen, the message generally what he had expected it would be. He was to go investigate the bombing, and find whomever did it. Nothing too extraordinary. He sent off a quick confirmatio0n of orders received, and then moved out the door. The longer he delayed, the more of a lead the bomber would have, and when time was everything, that wasn't good.

It was some time later that he arrived at the scene of the bombing, very official looking in his judicial garb and armor. It was lightweight, yet strong, formal and at the same time allowing him the freedom of movement to pursue a fleeing suspect. On his lapel was a pin, a balancing scales crossed by a sword, the symbol of the judicial division, one that all knew and respected, or fears. The place was swarming with military personnel, aiding the wounded and clearing the debris.

He ignored them, instead moving to one of the access terminals that had come with the rapid response team. On the touch screen, he brought in the login, quickly putting in his authorization and password.

"Welcome, Justicar Sinclair," said the machine, a facsimile of a human voice, as he stepped back. "How may I help you today?"

Sinclair folded his arms. "I need access to all surveillance footage of the area from midnight to now," he said.

"Of course." The machine went to work, accessing data streams and pulling together composite information, until he was presented with an overlay of the square, people marked with identification, as best could be determined, and time stamps. "Play," he said, and the video ran forward, darkness giving way to light as lamps flickered off and the sun rose, the square soon filling with people. Then to just recently, as the bomb exploded, and the terrible carnage from that which set his lip curling in disgust.

"Stop. Rewind to before the blast. Zoom in on the origin point." The video did just that, and he could see it coming from a vegetable cart, further examination revealed two men there, but when the explosion faded away, the cameras could only see one. Alex rewound the video and blew up the second man's face, to the best magnification he could. "Enhance and identify," he said. The software went to work, revealing an adult male with white hair, yet the results did little to satisfy. "Cannot identify."

"Why not," he asked.

"Subject is not registered in the global database."

Alex growled. "Send it around to the regional administrations and check there." He leaned forward to trace a box around the man's face. "Until otherwise, this is our prime suspect."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Athos
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Athos the Mountain

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

'Cole, do you ever stop playing with that thing? I'm starting to worry about you.'

'Chill out Silvia, it's just a lighter. It's not like I'm doing drugs or building bombs or something actually bad. It's harmless.'

'I didn't say that the lighter was dangerous. I know you Cole, you're too much of a dork to actually be doing something risque with it. It's just your weird fascination with it weirds me out alright?'

'I just... When I look into the flame, it's such a pure state of being. Almost like pure transcendence you know? Fire cleanses, it washes everything away. It is like the ultimate balance in nature. Yet, here I am, able to hold it in the palm of my ha'

'Cole, seriously, stop. Just stop.'

'That's not fair Silvia.'

'Maybe it isn't. I just don't want you.. Actually, I don't know. I just know that your fascination with that damn lighter worries me. Just be careful, alright Cole? Don't get yourself in trouble with that thing or I swear I am telling mom.'

'Oh yeah, if you did that then I guess telling mom about that tattoo you got on your side is fair game as well?'

'I'm being serious Cole. You're such a pain in the ass to look after sometimes you know? Just please stay safe.'

Cole's heart was racing. He was running in among the other panicked civilians akin to a wolf grazing among the sheep. Though Cole couldn't quite remember too well why he was running in the first place. Something about vegetables?

No, that didn't make any sense at all. Cole wasn't completely crazy. Maybe he exploded something again. Which, in that case, he should probably just focus on running faster.

All he knew for sure was that others found it important to be running away from something so it felt natural to run with them. Cole looked into the horizon and realized that he was running ever closer to the Capital. How convenient for him. Soon the originally frightened mob was submerged underneath the calm waters of civilians who were too far away from the bombing to be affected and Cole's pace fell to a steady walk among dozens of others. Rather convenient as Cole was growing tired of running.

Which gave Cole some time to mull over how he was going to do once he got to the Capital building. It was far too heavily fortified to try to blitz, and there was only one way in and out of the place. A rather convenient choke point for The Superior's forces. Getting inside of the building through brute force was out of the question. Cole would have to actually use his head for this. Something that he dreaded doing.

With that thought in mind, Cole Carton walked into the nearest bar. Thinking could wait until later, right now the nearest bar stool would have to serve as a base of operations and a few beers as his plan's schematics.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Angelo kept looking around to find a vent of some kind and soon one of his brothers found the air vent they were looking for. Although Angelo was confident that it was just a normal vent he sent his brothers to go inside while Angelo himself remained outside to look for another way and if needed provide a distraction so his men could listen in on the meeting itself. Angelo heard the explosion from the square easily but he regret where it may have came from considering who would be able to make an explosion of that size so easily. Angelo could only stay on the roof and look as he reached up higher and higher up the walls of the building climbing as far as his arms would take him knowing their would be a skylight if he could get to the top then he could simply watch the meeting himself without risking being discovered by the knights. With his tomes abilities he would easily be able to climb back out of the skylight and leave if need be but he was not sure about his brothers and thankfully he didn't need to if they got caught they wouldn't know anything but what all the rumors say considering that none of the recruits knew where our base was and none of them knew the power of my tome which I keep hidden on my person. always being careful to wear long sleeve shirts so nobody would notice that scars on my arms as I kept climbing the building looking for my way in
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Blaikenshi, or "Ace," as he preferred to his mouthful of a name, wandered into the council hall with a particularly dreamy look in his eyes. He made his way to his seat and sat in the rather uncomfortable, but noble looking raised seat around the meeting hall. He closed his eyes and yawned softly, his large tome in a holster on his side and his long, thick blade against his back. He opened his eyes once more, only nodding to Asgard and The Jester.

One might assume that the second in command of the Ultimatum was a lazy man with no respect, but this was quite the opposite. The manifestation of Yggdrasil did much for the world in which they resided in, but merely enjoyed life in all it had to offer. Though, he did very much enjoy being spoiled. In fact, he enjoyed it so much that a rumor once spread about him owning concubines when he was spotted napping with his head in the lap of a pretty maiden, whom stroked his hair as he slept in the fields surrounding the city. Other rumors fought back, claiming that the maiden was actually his older sister, but nothing had been confirmed nor denied. One thing was certain, however, many women and a few men even found Ace to be handsome; especially since he was a hot topic of gossip with nobody knowing much of his past.

"A fool..." He murmured softly, as he always did. "Climbs the side of the Citadel. I find his attempts... amusing."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Alex was forced to wait patiently as the AI went around to the regional databases for the information he was looking for. In the meanwhile, he stood by and watched as the security personnel did their work, already clearing wreckage, the injured and dead removed from the scene for either the hospital or the morgue. It was a sight that brought a frown to his face and a clenching of his fists. He despised acts like these and the people who committed them, the ones who thought terror and violence would force their will, would make the Ultimatum bend and break. Couldn't they see that they were acting like fools? The Ultimatum brought peace, order to the world. When faced with threats such as the Great Beast, humanity had to stand united, and the only way to do that was via an overarching global political authority. Fools, fools and dreamers who couldn't see reality for what it was, that was what those terorrists, including the 'Librarian' were.

At last though he had his response, the AI returning to the screen he stood near flashing blue. Search complete. Identity located."

Alex turned back to face the holoscreen. "Good, who is it then?" He clicked on the amalgamated files to open them and see the results, reading with interest. So, Cole Carton was it? The Ultimatum had quite a bit of information on him. There were school records from the academy, how he was on track to join the Judicial Division. Then, news articles which mentioned the death of his sister in riots in 2095, employment records for the work force, medical records diagnosing him as clinically depressed, That almost brought a bitter taste to Alex's mouth, the fact that the terrorist was someone who had been considered to join his division. The taint ran deep it seemed.

But he moved swift now that he had this information, sending a message off to Asgard to inform her of his progress, with a picture and the complied records they had on Cole Carton, his primary suspect. No one ever faulted him for being slow.

With a wave, he slid the security camera footage from the large screen to his activated holopad, as he ran it forward while hooked to the cities network, switching form camera to camera, Cole's face always highlighted. Time to find him. No APB to find him, but Alex did turn to some of the plains clothe men nearby. "You two, come with me,' he ordered as he began to walk at a rapid pace, following the trail to wherever Cole's destination was. Time to catch a terrorist.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

With the arrival of Yggdrasil, Yuki bowed her head in the presence of her superior. "Ah, Asgard. I see you're as calm as ever." As the two highest ranked of the Knights, Yggdrasil and Asgard were considered the sword and shield of The Superior. Even so, Yuki always found Ace's laid back ways to be a bit...overbearing at times. Especially when he at times took on the role of a narcissist. And yet despite these short comings, Yuki still admired his devotion towards the Ultimatum and to Sachiro Harime.

Taking heed of the Plainum Knight, Jester focused his attentions towards Yggdrasil. "And how fares the hero of the Ultimatum? These fools on the roof must be quite aggravating, yes?" Yuki summoned forth another hologram from the vault to observe Cole's progress, only to recieve the status report with the culprit's image and credentials. Nodding in approval, she returned the device to the vault before noticing something near the window.

A clanging soud that was getting progressly louder by each passing second. As if someone was scaling the outskirts of the Citadel and was fast approaching. Before she could react, Jester was already fading through the wall in mere moments.

"My, my. It seems we have a very important guest in our midst. Hmm. I don't think he's much of a threat to The Superior so I'm going to give the young child some fun. Entertain him at the most. I have to live up to my name now. Yggdrasil, Asgard, feel free to join me if you'd like."

Without another word, the masked man was gone completely, vanished from plain sight. Yuki frowned at his actions; he had always struck her as peculiar and enigmatic. Something about him was just....wrong. Be it the fact that he was so close to Sachiro or perhaps that he ordered the Knights of Ragnorak around so causally. Whatever the case, it served to unnerve Yuki to no end.

"Well?" She turned to Ace, waiting for a response of all this. "Shall we deliver swift retribution to these outsiders?"

Outside the Citadel, high above the grand capital of the Ultimatum, Jester manifested right in front of a young boy. "Angelo Ortega. Or would you prefer yourself as the Librarian? You've caused quite a lot of trouble for us child. Tell me, what do you plan to accomplish in this hour?"

If the masked man was ever affected by the height and wind, he certainly didn't show it. "Ah, where are my manners? Allow me to introduce myself as the Jester of the Ultimatum. Now then, would you like a tour of the Citadel? That must be why you're here. You wouldn't dare to have petty intentions of any actual theats, yes?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

at first Angelo was surprised to see someone appear from nowhere coming out the wall but after he mentioned his name was the jester it made sense and it annoyed him to no end. once the jester was done talking angelo said "you bastards are dark. you deserve to be taken down even if I have to shred your throat out." Angelo warned before he grabbed the jester and he pulled him out the wall throwing him towards the ground of the citadel knowing it wouldn't stop the jester but it would buy Angelo some time to hide as Angelo climbed that much quicker till he finally got to the roof of the citadel and he used a glass cutter on the sunroof to quietly get inside. Angelo's other librarians were already hiding in the vents to listen to the meeting while Angelo was inside he hugged the wall itself to watch the meeting from above and keep watch for the jester and if needed he will throw him to the meeting to distract them so he could let his men run, he may be the leader but he didn't let any life be wasted
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Athos
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Athos the Mountain

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

'What do you think death is like Cole?'

'Quiet, peaceful.'

'Doesn't sound too bad when you put it that way.'

'No it doesn't Doc, no it doesn't.'

'Do you want to die Cole? Do you believe that you'll be reunited with Silvia through death?'


With a few drinks of confidence, Cole walked outside of the bar and back into the crowds. As he slowly approached the capital he wondered if they already had forces dispatched to look for him. They probably did. He couldn't very well just disappear, he wasn't sneaky enough and there were too many cameras anyways. That would also require keeping a low profile, something that Cole should of considered before blowing up vegetable carts.

Instead he decided that he'd give the Unity's dogs a bone to play with in the mean time. Walking into an abandoned construction site under progress, it looked as if they were building another residential district by the capital, Cole decided that this was where he'd draw attention.


One short tour of the construction complex later, and Cole was on his way to the nearest motel.


And just like that, the entire lot was set ablaze.

Cole gave the motel attendant extra money for a room by a window facing the construction district, which was now flooded by emergency services trying to assess the situation. He chose the construction site due to the lack of cameras so it would hopefully take the the local police force a while to connect the market bombing earlier in the day with the construction lot fire while drawing attention to whichever agent that was after him, if there was one, and give him an idea of who he was up against. He bribed the attendant with another generous tip to phone him if anyone came looking for one 'Cole Carton'. He checked into his room with a false alias but he knew that the city cameras would eventually triangulate his position to the motel.

Now it was a waiting game.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Nah..." He smiled slightly at Yuki after she asked her question, his eyes heavy and half closed. "You can go ahead. One person should at least stay here to make sure the fool doesn't intend to attack Sachiro..." As he spoke, the sound of glass shattering came from above. His eyes widened briefly and he looked up, not the slightest bit amused. He then looked at Yuki, his face expressing his.... 'impression.' "Is this what passes as espionage nowadays?" He asked her, unaware of the people hiding in the vents. "Climbing up the walls of the Citadel for all to see and then making highly suspicious noises elsewhere?" Ace sighed, shaking his head. "Children these days... Yuki... It would seem that I'll be joining you afterall."

Slowly, he rose from his seat and drew his long blade from his backside. He wandered over to her and extended a long, pale hand to aid her from his seat. Perhaps this would not be all bad, afterall, it would be quite a warm up. Even so, Ace was not fond of pests. Especially self righteous ones with no common sense that broke rather expensive windows on their way inside. Unfortunately, that would most likely be coming out of their paychecks.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MemorialRose


Member Offline since relaunch



"Mi... llerin...!"

Slowly coming to, the blonde haired Cerulean Knight rubbed her eyes sluggishly. She didn't know what time it was. Last she remembered, she was reading a book at her desk on a war from centuries in the past, looked at the clock to see 4:30 AM, and could not remember a single thing afterwards.

She looked down at her book to see drool all over it. The pages she had laid her head on were sopping, making those two pages in particular completely illegible.

"Gah! What?! I can't believe I did that! I ruined history! I RUINED PRECIOUS HISTO-"

"MISS KELLERIN!" a voice boomed behind her.

She fell over in a panic, still only half-awake, and onto the hard floor of The Ultimatum's grand library. She stared up at the ceiling in a daze, and for what felt like eternity, it was just her and her view of the ceiling.

"Wow... the world looks so much darker than I remember. Is this even real life...? And... and the sky. Why is the sky... made of wood...? Did... did reality change? And... I missed it?"

It wasn't much longer that an official-looking man walked into her awed gaze with a pitiable look on his face. He stared down at her, and she stared back up at him.

"Yeah? What is it, Tommy? Did you get a blister?"

The man sighed and replied in a tired voice, as if this was normalcy around here.

"My name isn't Tommy... Miss Kellerin, you had a meeting today, didn't you? You and the other Knights were to meet in the council chambers. You overslept. By about thirty minutes. They're probably already discussing matters without you."

Kellerin's trance-filled gaze became much more clear, and then she hopped to her feet gracefully.

"Oh my god... they're going to be SO mad at me! Gah, and that Jester's probably gonna be there, too. He's such a meany-butt! Pfft..."

"Miss, I would advise against such an attitude toward him. He is your superior in the grand scheme of things, after all."

She crossed her arms and stormed past the soldier, heading for the exit.

"I don't care, Billy! He wears a mask, and he doesn't show his face, he conceals his identity, and he even hides his true appearance from others!"

"Those are all practically the same thing, Miss..."

"Johnny, stop bugging me or I won't give you a candy the next time you find something valuable!" she blurted out frustratingly, and then exited the library and turned around the corner once she got into the hall. The man let out a sigh of relief before turning to clean up the mess Kellerin had left behind on her desk.

She briefly poked her head into the room one final time while his back was turned.

"Oh! And thanks for waking me up, Onimaru!"

The man felt like blood vessels had popped all over.

"Where did you even get that name from?! My name is..."

But as he turned around, she was already gone. Presumably heading for the meeting she was late for.

"Bah... forget it..." he muttered, and returned to his duties.

Dashing through the hall and knocking anyone over who dared get in her way, Kellerin was running as if for her life. Given the pedestal she placed The Superior on, it had might as well be for her life.

"Just gotta get there! Move it, everyone!"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

Alex moved quickly, power walking along as he followed the path of Cole through the city and, disturbing, towards the Capital. The sight of the oncoming Justicar, engrossed in his work and with an escort, was enough to send all but the foolhardy scurrying out of the way, lest they meet and draw undue attention on themselves. Even if they had committed no crime, no one particularly wanted to attract the attention of the Ultimatum, unless it was positively oriented. Certainly not the attention of a Justicar busy at work.

But he paid no regard to them, fully engrossed in his mission. He was going to find this man, and he could tell the trail was closing. The point he was at in the recording was a mere five or so minutes ago....

His thought process was interrupted by the sound of explosions, drawing his attention away from his holopad to the disturbance, where fire faded and plums of ash and dust drifted into the sky as frames of buildings shuddered and collapsed.

"Carton," he growled to himself, the culprit obvious. As if to confirm that, the camera replay showed him entering the construction site.Well, not much to be done about that now. As security personnel responded, his full attention was on the chase. Just another crime to add to the list.

A quick tap on his holopad brought him into contact with the security officer on scene. "Lieutenant, this is Justicar Alex Sinclair. I have reason to believe that this bombing was the work of a known terrorist and fugitive of the law. I need you to lock down this entire block. No one gets out. Am I understood?"

"Yes sir," came the quick response.

"Good," Alex replied, cutting off the call. He fast forwarded, reasoning that if Cole had gone in, he had to come out, and so he did. But if he missed his guess, he was still in the area. "I want a sweep done, building by building, until the entire block has been done. If he's here, we'll find him," he ordered with a sweep of his arm, before moving for the motel closest to the bombing site as a matter of procedure.

He entered in a quick stride, bringing overwhelming authority to bear as he presented his credentials to the man behind the desk. "I am Justicar Alex Sinclair, on official Ultimatum business, Have you seen this man recently," he asked, displaying the holopad with the image of Carton and his name. "Remember that if you lie, and I find out, then there will be dire consequences for you. Obstruction of justice and harboring a wanted fugitive are hardly charges to be taken lightly," he added. It seemed the search was on.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

"How annoying."

Jester fell down the mighty exterior of the Ultimatum's Citadel, red eyes narrowing behind his mask. With a gentle push of his mind, he flickered away in mere instants, gone in a flash. Where did he find himself next? In the interior of course. Jester now found himself walking one of the many hallways upside, gravity apparently having no value to him. Scanning forward, he found who he was looking for and flickered away once more. In the time span of another instant, the Jester appeared right next to a very flustered and very impatient Kellerin Vendextrus.

"Nifihiem," he greeted. "Running late again?" He spoke calm and steady, as if being thrown off the roof meant absolutely nothing to him. "Are you aware that we have insects crawling around in our midst? Those who would dare to destroy our precious Ultimatum and our almighty Superior?" He turned her masked face towards the level above them in thought.

"Listen closely now.....I think we can hear them festering in the vents..."

Back in the council chamber, Asgard took Yggdrasil's hand while activating her tome with the other. "Yes. Fools such as these who dare to taint this holy ground shall be judged." With a massive and crimson claymore slung across her back, she swung the Saibankan Tenka to the sky, pointing it towards the ceiling.

"Show yourselves!" Her sword glowing, she focused her Unity to pinpoint the entire upper level, drawing all moisture away and into her blade. The Librarian scum would be forced out one way or another.

Elsewhere, a certain motel manager found himself being interrogated by a certain Justicar. Said unknown and unnamed motel manager began to sweat profusely, almost believing that it was him who had desecrated The Superior's name in some way.

Therefor, when he saw the picture of Cole on the holopad, he visibly relaxed. On one hand, that particular young man had bribed him a considerable amount to keep quiet. But this was a fully fleshed Justicar he could tell. No bullshit here like with the older boys. Lying to this guy meant...well, exactly what Alex had warned. Maybe even death. Or worse. Besides, he already had the money. Get paid and get to rat him out? Sounded fine by him! As long as he didn't get involved.

"A-Ah, yes! Wise and powerful Justicar! Yes, I saw a man just like that! Checked right into this motel! I believe he's in a room facing the construction site. Had a window too. That's all I know, I swear!"

Without really knowing what else to do, the scraggly motel manager offered Alex a some kind of hybrid mix between a bow and a shrug.

"Er, happy hunting?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Angelo looked down and he could see what was happening, apparently he really pissed them off and he clicked a button on his belt as a distress call to his brothers, it was telling them to abort the mission and while they were in the vent the silent red flashes told them what they needed to know. they started to scatter through the vents to find a way out while Angelo was slowly choking and they knew it. they wanted Angelo to reveal himself so they could go after him but if Angelo was going to be found out anyway he wasn't going to do it without showing them that he meant business. he grabbed an incendiary grenade from his pouch, to be used in emergencies, then this must count as one he thought to himself before he took off the pin on the grenade and dropped it to the area bellow him knowing they would try to follow him somehow and once Angelo dropped the bomb he took out his tome, running out of time he quickly scratched his thumb against the spine and the chain started to wrap around his arm tightly making him squint in pain, with no time to spare he used his dagger tail whip and he shoot it towards he opening he made as he quickly pulled on the chain and quickly started going through the glass towards the outside.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ShadowD


Member Seen 10 yrs ago

MIdgard the Golden knight knelt at his father's grave sight, he was already late for the meeting, this he knew. But The others knew of his ppromise to his father, the man who made him who he is today. Daven sighed and smiled at the unassuming headstone, it always gave him a smile at how spartan his father had always wanted to live. A knight needed few luxuries, a roof, food, and a cot was all we need that had been his views on worldly possessions. Daven then bowed his head again, his face serious now, "A knight never falters, a knight is always vigilant when others lax, as a knight I promise fealty to my Lady, and to those above me who do my Ladies bidding. This I promise to thee for now until I leave this world. This is my oath of fealty...and it in a way your's father you just didn't know it yet." Midgard says standing, he touches the top of the headstone one more time and feels a ping on his wrist communicator. He touches his tome, his powerful and beautiful blade leaping out from the book, he felt odd now. Now that his mind was focused on the living again he opens a comm with one of his subordinates

"What is it?" He calmly asks, the man, a lieutenant by the looks of it turned to him and nodded "Sir it seems we've been attacked, one explosion and one fire were set off inside the city, one near the Citadel and the other at a construction site." Midgard nods, his pale blue eyes looking up and noticing the smoke from the two areas "I'll head towards the Citadel, send three squads to the bomb site and two towards the construction site. I would like whoever this is captured alive, if any Justicars are about tell the squad leaders to defer to their commands, Midgard out." He says and disconnects the feed, He was perhaps the only one who wore normal clothing outside, normally because his tome protected him from attacks, summoning the armor to his body without him pushing it too, here he smiled and took a hold of his tome Iudicium and it flashes, becoming golden lights that take the shape of the armor around his body, the griffon painting forming the helm on his head, he then sheathes his sword and moves quickly towards teh Citadel and the safety of the the Superior.

He finally enters the Citadel and looks around. He unsheathed his sword and started his own search, moving to the meeting room and finding Yggdrasil and Asgard already there he gives them a small bow and sees teh shattered glass and get's an off feeling from around them. "Has anyone tried anything on the Superior?" He asks moving towards the window and looking down, then up. Maybe some would be stupid enough to try it, he finally looks towards the other two and takes his helmet off, his pale blue eyes full of youth still and his raven black hair fit neatly into a ponytail inside the helmet. He set's the helm down on the table where his seat is, he was no slouch when it came to his looks, however he did nothing to them, so his fine features just were there. He shifts his weight, moving to the balls of is feet, he planned on jumping to the room but decided against it, it would be better for him to stay here with the others and protect their Lady.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MemorialRose


Member Offline since relaunch

Kellerin screeched in her tracks at the sudden surprise. Out of all the people she had met in her life, this man was the one she trusted least of all. His menacing yet gentle appearance contrasted with Kellerin's upbeat yet sinister attitude, and it was a contrast that Kellerin could almost physically feel.

When pointed out that there were intruders, Kellerin grew suspicious. Although it couldn't be seen behind her spiral-patterned glasses, she raised an eyebrow at the statement. She crossed her arms once he directed her attention to the vents.

"Well, I certainly don't hear anything... why are you here anyway, huh? Shouldn't you be in the meeting like a good little boy? Why are you playing hide and seek when there's an assembly going on?"

Her demeanor towards the Jester was definitely... different from how she acted around everyone else. Her lack of trust for him was also out of concern for The Superior. Being around a masked man with a rather unnatural presence to him made her feel anxious at any given moment when The Superior was not in her sight.

"But... if there are intruders, this... can't be ignored."

Her face grew serious if even a little bit more than usual.

"Where is Sachiro? Is she at the meeting? We need to ensure her safety as a top priority."
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