Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Reddo began eating her bag of candy, she had already finished the sucker and started on a chocolate bar. "This is good!" Reddo said to herself walking into the bath room. She started the bath tub. It began to fill.

After the bath tub was full she undressed and got in. She sat eating her candy and then got out. She looked in the mirror. Hmmm, my hair looks a little messy. She thought fixing her hair into pony tails. Reddo walked out into her room, and put on a pair of short jean shorts and a button up flannel shirt. She slipped on some high-top shoes and walked out into the main hall. "I'm going drinking! Bye, everybody! I'll be back in a little while." She pranced out the door into the night toward her favorite bar.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Angelo was knocked out still until the doctor came and started to apply the medicine to Angelo and even give him the morphine he would need to stay awake. obviously Angelo wasn't going to be healed like that but at least with the medicine Angelo was able to stand being conscious for a few moments at a time so when Angelo was able to he woke up to see redo walk out the door to go to her favorite bar, her fearless leader is in bed and she goes to a bar. Angelo would be laughing a little at the scenario if he still wasn't in pain. When Angelo woke up he wanted someone to tell redo that Angelo was okay and would recover eventually thanks to the medicine they got, and he wanted to make sure the guy asked if redo was high....
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by ReaptheMusic
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ReaptheMusic Of a Certain Grim Reaper Aesthetic

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Evies eyes widened as he grabbed her arm and began charging up his free hand. She had to think quickly as she responded.
"I'm average in my class..." She started, and as she did she moved her heel back ninety degrees and hit her heel down against the ground hard. When she did, dozens of knives formed behind her and pointed all at the Jesters body. "They tell us the standard story. All textbook now. And the children..." She thrust her foot forward, using her momentum to backflip away from the Jester and twist her hands out of his grasp. "Fear you!"

As soon as she said this she sent all the knives she had summoned right at the Jester, each of them having razor-thin wires attached to them from Evie's palm. Surprisingly however, the knives did not try to pierce the Jester but instead go around him. The chords were loose, widespread, until Evie snapped her wrist back, tightening all of the wires and attempting to slice the Jester into Ribbons.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Reddo walked the streets. She was happy and the drug's effects were going away. Her blonde pigtails bounced as she walked the sidewalks to her favorite bar. Of course she was only 16 but she had connections.

Once getting to the bouncer at the bar she waved. "Hey Ralph, how's the family been?"

"they've been good. Thanks for asking Reddo. Have a good time." The bouncer smiled and let her in. Reddo looked around the bar. The DJ was jamming and the bar had people all around it. She got to the bar and ordered a bottle of whiskey. Reddo looked around and noticed the guy she came here for. He was sitting in the back at a booth with a whole bunch of girls. After she got the whiskey Reddo walked over to him. His hair was slicked back and shimmered in the disco lights. The man wore a white dress shirt with a black vest and bow tie. A pocket watch was in the right vest pocket. He had combat boots on and jeans.

"Excuse me ladies. It seems like somebody needs something." the man spoke in a clear voice. The girls at the table left with a giggle as Reddo sat down.

"Hey Thomson." Reddo said with a smile while putting down the bottle in front of them. "I need something. It's important."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

As Yuki walked through the hallways of the Ultimatum medical command regions, she finally felt it was safe enough to express her displeasure with a frown. Sachiro...why was she using the Great Beast? Surely she knew of its godlike destructive power? And Ace...he was willing to die by their Superior's side. Was she willing to do the same? At first, she had brushed off his worded threats. Of course she would serve the glory of the Ultimatum! But then why did she feel so conflicted? Was it so....wrong? Sachiro had disbanded the meeting after showing her presentation, promising that a test run would be performed of the Tome's potential tomorrow. Only a few hours until sunrise....

Now she entered one of the massive medical facilities located within in the Citadel looking for a certain Justicar. She had received news that Alex Sinclair personally encountered the terrorist from before and was currently in rehabilitation. Perhaps this visit then would not only yield much needed information but answers to her own demons?

As Sachiro's Crimson Knight, she had no issues with getting high level access to the rooms, and so entered Alex's residence with a tiny smile on her face. "Greetings Sinclair," she said. Taking a seat next to his bedside, she waited patiently for the initial shock to pass him; who wouldn't be surprised to have one's own commanding officer personally visit them?

Far away from the lights of the Citadel, master and apprentice trained vigorously in the cold night. "Afraid of me? I see our youth has not changed much in this time," he said vaguely. Sensing the wires closing in all around him, he ignited the energy in both his hands and spun around. The energy extended out into blades as he whirled in midair, swiftly cutting the immediate threat into tattered and tiny shreds. Again, the way he moved was most certainly unnatural, as if he was either toying with Evie or simply nonhuman.

The former seemed like the more logical answer. "Dear Evie...you're slowing down my precious catalyst. You still haven't told me one crucial thing about yourself. Something that you fear greatly...." In a flash, Jester had phased away from sight...only to reappear behind his apprentice with a gray book in hand. Activating his tome, he morphed the thing into a huge silver sword and lunged downwards.

"Why then, have you chosen to play the role of a hero?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

It was more resting, more relaxing for Alex, even though he itched to get up and get back to work, to hunt down Cole and deal some righteous vengeance upon him for his actions. But the medical personnel here were insistent, and fairly effective in keeping him contained within his room, where he couldn't injure himself further with the wounds he had sustained. So he was stuck, twiddling his thumbs and hoping that his coworkers had the situation under control. Not a pleasant thought.

Imagine his surprise then when the door to his hospital room hissed open, and he turned his somewhat bandaged face to see Asgard, his overall superior, standing there. She walked in with a slight smile and sat down beside the bed he was resting in as she greeted him. His mind was suddenly side tracked by incomprehension, that she was here at all, especially to see him, when there wasn't anything particularly special about him, in his mind at least. He was just doing his job.

He quickly recovered, and nodded to her. "Hello Ma'am," he said respectfully as he looked over to her. "It's an honor." And that it was indeed. Hopefully she wouldn't keep him wondering as to why she was here for too long.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"What do you need, Reddo?" Thomson said leaning in and lowering his voice to w whisper. Reddo leaned in and looked around to make sure nobody could hear. There was a long pause....

"I need 3 pounds a candy!" Reddo said with a laugh.

"Really that's all you need? No guns, no meds, no drugs, nothing like that?" Thomson said with a surprised look.

"Yup, that's all I need." Reddo said looking at Thomson and taking a drink of the whisky she had brought. "But, I have some info that might lower the price if your interested." Reddo said with a grin.

"You know I like information." Thomson grinned.

"Okay, so the man that blew up the capital building. He's dead. Angelo killed him. Gone, dead, extinguished."

"Really now? That's interesting. That'll certainly bring a nice price from those who are asking." Thomson smiled once more. "I'll have your candy tomorrow. Meet me here. And, i want to hold a meeting with your boss, Angelo. If that isn't to much trouble."

"It shouldn't be." Reddo said standing up and walking toward the door. "Oh! Also, bring more tea!" Reddo yelled before walking out the door back onto the streets. She made her way back to the hideout. When arriving she noticed Angelo up and moving. "Hey boss." Reddo said while taking out her pigtails. the drugs had wore off. "My "Friend" Thomson is an info dealer, also he gets me a lot of things that I won't say at the moment. But, he wants to hold a meeting with you soon. Are you feeling up to it?" Reddo asked looking at Angelo waiting for a response.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Angelo looked up from his bed to see redo asking if he can go to a meeting for an info broker and Angelo asked "okay, not likely to happen unless its something important otherwise im not leaving this bed until I can feel my leg and not scream to the heavens" Angelo said to her feeling a big pissed off that he was out of commission like this because of a suicide bomber. Angelo felt like he was starting to loose his mind with all the pain pills he was on and how he wasn't able to move his leg without assistance of someone else, and that unfortunately counts when he is trying to go to the can and Angelo is forced to hang onto his leg to go to the bathroom cause Angelo isn't going to use a pan. Angelo was going to wait out his pain before doing anything that wasn't important to the librarians cause
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

"I'm sure it must be," Yuki said to the bedridden man. "I've heard that you had quite a confrontation today with someone suspected to have almost set the Capital ablaze. At the very least, this mysterious man was said to have personally given you those burn marks...I suppose I'm digressing then." The red headed woman chuckled to herself absently. "Apologies Justicar. I meant to inquire you about everything you know about this terrorist. That and...."

The Knight paused, mentally formulating the question and request she would say aloud. "First, I'd like you to personally accompany me tomorrow at sunset as well as the remainder of the day. I assume you tire of this confined environment? The Superior will bring about a new era, and I want you by my side in case the Librarian himself attacks again. That, is my request. As for my question...."

Yuki became silent once more to shift her eyes to the door, as if checking that they were alone. Once she was satisfied by her observations, she gave herself the tiniest of nods before looking back at Alex.

"Sinclair, if I may ask, what inspired you to become a Justicar for the Ultimatum?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Alex nodded slowly in understanding as Asgard explained why she was here. He hadn't known about the Capitol nearly being blown up, but that was definitely something she would be interested in. He wasn't sure if it warranted an in person report, but then again typing may have been a bit beyond him at the moment as well. His interest was then piqued as she presented her request, which was certainly an important position, to say the least, and her question, which seemed to make her unexpectedly nervous.

He cleared his throat before he started. "Well, I did meet this man, Cole Carton, and we had a bit of a disagreement. He was some kind of pyromaniac anarchist who wanted to get into the Capitol for some reason. After the initial bombing I followed him, and was able to locate him in a hotel. Sadly, he took them hostage, and I chose to surrender myself rather than let innocents be harmed. But he double crossed me in the end. Fortunately, I escaped relatively unharmed, and I'm told the hotel was evacuated before it exploded." He frowned in thought. "Somehow Carton had a tome, that released a spray that exploded on his command."

He then turned to her request. "I would be honored to,' he replied with as much a bow as he could manage sitting in bed. To be at the side of Asgard herself in..whatever this was, it would be an affirmation of what he had worked so hard for, even if he wasn't in it for personal advancement.

Her question made him frown, and he diverted his gaze as he best thought to answer. It was a fairly personal question after all, though he was surprised it wasn't in his personnel files. But perhaps she wanted to hear it from him direct. "My parents died in the riots that struck after Unification when I was little. Those who did it were never brought to justice, though the riots themselves were crushed." He gave a sad smile as he remembered, old thoughts that pained his heart. "I suppose I became disillusioned with humanity, our predisposition for pointless violence, and I saw the Ultimatum as the true chance for world peace, where there was no more warfare between nations, where conflict would end. And I wanted to be a part of that, to uphold the laws that would keep society functioning. After all, without the law everything would collapse into anarchy."

He shrugged. "I'm not sure if that was the answer you were looking for, but I believe in the law, probably more than I believe in humanity itself, sadly enough. Laws provide order, structure, and hold back humanities destructive impulses. And that is something I feel is worth working for"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"I'll take that as a yes. All he wants to do is meet you and get info about what happened to Cole, the guy that tried to kill us. He said he'd pay and meet us here. He's a pretty good friend of mine. So, we can trust him." Reddo Said looking at Angelo. By now the drugs had worn off, she was her self again. Plan Jane Reddo, back to hating the world. "No matter what I'm taking that as a yes. I want my 3 pounds of candy." Reddo said with a smile leaving the room before Angelo had time to answer. She went back to her room and punched Ed in the back on the way there. "Hey Eddy, you look fucking terrible." Even though he almost wasn't injured at all. She was just being mean, like normal.

Reddo got back to her room and laid down in her bed. She pulled out her phone and texted Thomson, He said yeah sure, come by tomorrow at 6. after doing that she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

candy? she wants me to do this crap for her pounds of candy" Angelo groaned smacking his forehead softly Angelo had so much more he wanted to say to redo for making Angelo give an info broker information for fucking candy! the least she could have done was make him pay us or give us something we would need other then candy! god....Angelo was seriously cranky thanks to his god damn leg, the last thing he wanted was to tell a broker that he was currently disabled because then he could tell the ultimatum about what happened and the librarians would be at a disadvantage until Angelo could get back on his feet which wouldn't be for a few more days at least...
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

Yuki frowned at Alex's initial words detailing his report and encounter with the terrorist. "Cole Carton," she muttered. "So that is his name." Her frown soon became a proud smile as Alex explained the hostage situation and the actions which resulted in his near-critical condition now. "I see. You've done well then Sinclair," she praised. "Indeed, you are infinitely worthy of your rank as Justicar." Her crimson eyes glowed warmly and she remained silent for a moment longer, if only to allow the realization that Asgard herself was complimenting his work. "As for that Tome of his...we'll have to run a throughout diagnostic check on how it functions after tomorrow."

When Alex began his story, Yuki was polite and waited patiently for him to finish, intrigued, and slightly disturbed, on how similar his history was compared to that of her own. "Yes, it seems that despite our best efforts, humanity continues to folly in injustice," she said sadly. "You who puts his faith in the ideals and not his fellow man...not many can do that Sinclair, let alone claim it aloud to their commanding officer."

Crossing her arms, Yuki made herself more comfortable as she sensed this conversation would not end so soon. "Your story reminds me of myself in...better days. In happier times..."

Her voice trialed off softly, and the Crimson Knight appeared to be blankly staring at the wall in front of her. Her mind was currently watching events unfold from somewhere long ago.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Taken a bit by surprise, Alex was quick to respond to her words, grateful for them and glad for the respect that Asgard seemed to have for him, his his devotion to the cause and in the way his actions distinguished the Justicars. "Thank you ma'am," he replied with as much a nod as he could manage. Well, it seemed that this situation would soon be under control, if Asgard herself was willing to get involved. Good luck to Carton now. He would need it to escape the head of the Justicars and Alex himself. With the assets they had, there would be no place in the world he could hide.

He wasn't sure how to take her statement when he finished his story, if he should be worried for his current employment status or not, since her tone didn't indicate whether she approved of what he was saying or not. He certainly hoped so, but if not, then he would just live as he could and try to find work elsewhere, maybe become a private detective or something. To be hones the hadn't really thought out what he would do if he wasn't working for the Ultimatum.

Still, he seemed to have sparked something as Asgard got a distant look in her eye, ignoring him entirely as if reliving some past memory, sparking his concern and wondering what was going on. He waited for a good ten count before speaking up. "Um, Ma'am," he said with a cough. "Are you alright? You seem distracted."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by viper2170


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"Hey Eddy, you look fucking terrible." reddo said passing him in the hall way.
"still better than you, Red" he said back. he entered Angelo's room who had is head in his hands.
"i have to have a meeting in my condition. for a bag of candy"
"reddos doing im sure." Angelo nodded. "grate so the candy than wasn't just wile she was high. dose she do this often?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Reddo woke up to the sound of her phone ringing, it was Thomson. "Hey Reddo! Glad you're up so bright and early!"

"You woke me up ass hole." Reddo said standing up and yawning. She held the phone up to her ear as with her shoulder as she put her pants on. Thomson began speaking about what time he was going to get there. He was going to be a bit late, Thomson was going to show up around 9PM instead of 6PM. Which was okay with Reddo. "I got it Tom. I'll tell him. And, he wants more than just the candy. So, be prepared to pay, big." Reddo laughed before hanging up the phone and putting on a red flannel shirt. She then grabbed her tome and made her way to Angelo's room.

She slammed the door open and announced her arrival. "Reddo is back!" She smiled evilly and looked at Angelo who was laying in his bed. "You look upset boss." Reddo said putting a sucker into her mouth and sitting down in a chair. "My guy said he was going to pay big for the info along with the candy. Also, he'll be here around 9PM. That gives you plenty of time to look amazing for the meeting." Reddo laughed at her own stupid joke. "Can I get you anything to eat or drink?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 2 days ago

Yuki blinked once before turning back to face her subordinate. Was she alright? Sometimes she didn't know the answer herself. Was it alright to feel this way? These feelings that felt strange, but yet all too familiar....a feeling of doubt and rebellion. Sighing, she leaned backwards to try and calm her mind. No. No she would not waver her resolve just yet.

"Yes Sinclair," she answered. "I'm afraid I am fine."

She gave him a curious look.

"You...don't how I became the Crimson Knight, do you?" The question had seemingly come from nowhere. "I expect you don't. After all, who knows what the history texts are writing about my struggles...heh, it's almost funny. Young Justicar....would you like to know how your commander came to be?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Flamelord
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Member Seen 3 days ago

He had succeeded in grabbing her attention back from whatever memories she had been invested in at that moment, but Alex had the feeling that they had still had their effect on her. Asgard gave him a curious look, one that he bore stoically and relatively easily. Things like that seemed to become less difficult when one was injured as he was.

At her offer though, he thought on it for a few seconds, considering the desire to find out how she had truly become Asgard, rather than whatever might have been put in the history text books. And he was very much aware that history textbooks weren't always exactly truthful. That was something that wasn't unique to the Ultimatum in any way, as students could attest.

"Yes ma'am," he said at last with a nod, settling in to listen to what she had to say.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by InvariantName
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InvariantName Planeswalker

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Sad Ending

Reddo stared at the barrel of the gun with a sigh she was done. She was done with the crying, the pain and the sadness of the world. Reddo didn't care who won at that point everybody she loved and cared about was dead except Angelo and Ed. But, the had basically gave up. A single tear rolled down Reddo's face as she put the barrel to her temple. the cold steel of the gun made Reddo smile, the last time she had a gun to her head the person ended up on the ground with his throat ripped out and her mouth full of blood. She always had loved the taste of the red liquid. Reddo looked at the towers and building, she sighed once more, looked up at the sky and smiled. I'm coming home. A loud boom was the end. Her still warm body hit the cold wet rainy ground. The rain washed the blood away almost instantly.

Happy Ending!

Reddo stared at the barrel of the gun with a sigh she was done. She was done with the crying, the pain and the sadness of the world. Reddo didn't care who won at that point everybody she loved and cared about was dead except Angelo and Ed. But, the had basically gave up. A single tear rolled down Reddo's face as she put the barrel to her temple. Reddo pulled the trigger. She then opened her eyes to that she had dead hit the target. the target that had her face on it was gone. The game was about shitting yourself right in the temple. The game owner would take a picture of your head sideways and put it on a target. If you hit the temple you won!

Tickets began flooding out of the machine, The owner's jaw dropped as she picked up the tickets with a smile and wink. Her fluffy skirt bounced as she pranced back over to the prize booth. Her hair was in pigtails and she wore a button up shirt. She then cashed in the tickets and recieved a shiny new lever action rifle. She smiled and walked back to the man that was waiting, holding a smile child. The child had blonde hair was about 4. Reddo smiled and put her hand out. "Come on Honey, I think it's time to go home, It looks like Timmy is getting a little tired."

The man spoke, "Maybe a little Sweetie." the man then laughed a little smiling. He looked at the boy and grabbed Reddo's hand interlocking it with his own.

"But mum, Dad! I wanna stay and play more games!." The boy said with a frown as he looked at the two.

"We'll come back tomorrow sunshine. I promise." Reddo smiled. She was happy with her new family.
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