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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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"Hey!", Isaac was suddenly pulled from his thoughts as a voice called out, seemingly directed at him. Tugging his lenses back down over his eyes, Isaac turned in time to notice a fellow student that was approaching him, 'Huh, guess we're getting introductions out of the way pretty early.' he internally mused. Just as Isaac was getting ready to introduce himself, a tall young woman suddenly began shouting at the top of her lungs about what she seemed to want on her team, eliciting a grimace from Isaac, "Might wanna tone it down a few decibels lady, jeez...." he grunted before deciding to address the boy walking towards him. Offering Simon a curt nod, Isaac put on a polite smile as he readied himself for his first social interaction of the school year "Hey, how's it going?".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis walked a bit aways from the people seeming to know each other from before they came to this school. She soon noticed she was kind of lost but decided to turn back and take another path. As she did she blinked as she saw another girl appear our of nowhere. "Hey...!" She called in surprise.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Mei heard someone shout "Hey!" as she disengaged her ability and was startled for a moment before remembering that she had, quite literally, just appeared out of nowhere. "Oh, I'm sorry!" She apologized to Alexis, a bit flustered that she had made such a mistake. "Did I scare you?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Ehh sorry I shouted." Alexis said. "You just startled me is all." She shook her head. " What did you do exactly and could you help me get back to the school. I am sorta lost. "She rubbed her head."Alexis Azura. " She introduced softly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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He was happy to see that the young man turned his attention to him politely and gave him an acknowledging nod as Simon arrived. He waved his free hand at him as they meet up. "Hey, how's it going?" He greeted. There was a friendly smile on Simon's face. Looks like making a friend was going to get a lot easier.

"Hello! Everything is going good thanks. Can't help but be fascinated by Beacon Academy. How about you? How are things? Excited about joining up Beacon and becoming a Hunter?" He asked him, rather rapidly with questions and he wasn't sure if the young man would be irritated by it. "Oh damn, I'm sorry. The name's Simon. I'm here with my girlfriend Priscilla."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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'What do we do first?' Jie asked, checking her wrist watch. 'Introductory Assembly I believe.' Gertrude replied. 'It's rather unorganised that we don't get a slip of paper telling us what we have...' She added, her hand resting on the hilt of Steelethrone. 'That yours?' Jie asked. Gertrude turned her head towards her. 'Hmm? Oh, yes. I also...' Gertrude said, flicking out Ragna. 'Have this.'

'Fascinating.' Jie said. 'I have these.' She said, pointing out her two sheathed gunblades, Lotus Pin. 'Revolver Action Butterfly Swords, or Lotus Pins.' She said, educating Gertrude. 'So, no shields?' Gertrude asked. Jie smiled 'No shields.' The two stopped and noticed a few people walking around. Two of them from the plane ride. 'Those two seem to know where they're going...' Gertrude said 'Let's just quietly tag along...' Jie nodded and the two followed after Simon and Priscilla.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Zz- Huh? Wha?"

A certain grey-haired young man was woken from his deep slumber by the feeling of an abrupt stop, and the sound of something metal making contact with something hard. Like, for example, the pavement of some kind of academy for monster hunters. Not to mention all the commotion going on! Gram sat up from his resting spot nestled in the corner, only to see several of his fellow trainees departing from the airship. Yup. They've definitely landed.

"Alright Beacon~!"

Springing up onto his feet, the young Hunter-in-training stretched his body and gave a nice loud yawn before dusting off his jacket. Even if he missed all the beautiful sights from way high up, Gram had to admit that that awesome nap was totally worth the loss. The young man grinned in anticipation. This was it. This was where he'd learn how to kick ass and take names.

Gram looked around at the others departing from the airship as he was. Many of them seemed to have all their cool armor and their fancy weapons on their person. He took the time to admire the equipment on display as he walked along the well-maintained footpaths leading to the academy proper. "Heh, this' gonna be frickin' awesome," he commented.
'Huh. Looks like we've landed already. That went by faster than I'd thought.'

A diminutive young lady with her head covered by an orange hood shrugged impassively. The quick arrival surprised the young lady a bit, but in hindsight it wasn't all that odd. After all, today's technology was rather advanced. A fast airship would hardly be revolutionary or particularly interesting based solely on that trait. Unless it went really fast.

Atalanta took a few moments to admire the scenery off the portside window, waiting for the congestion around the exit to clear before heading off herself. The first she noticed was that the grounds were absolutely lovely - the short young lady's lips curled into a grin - not to mention open. She knew where she'd be doing some laps later, that was for sure. Assuming it wasn't against the rules or anything. She'd hate to end up arriving just to get kicked off or put on probation or some other such thing.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Mei smiled and nodded. "It's alright - that was my fault." Mei apologized. "It's an aura technique - by focus, I can make myself indiscernable from the world, so I guess it's kind of like an invisibility spell." she explained before looking around.

"As for where we head, well, I think we head this way." she said, continuing on her path. "I'm Li Mei. What's your name?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Isaac couldn't help but stifle a small chuckle, his new acquaintance had shot out a string of questions quicker than a gatling gun could fire, only to catch himself and give his name as well as the name of his girlfriend. "Relax man, you're probably just a bit excited, I get it. The name's Isaac, Isaac Montenegro, it's nice to meet you. And to answer that other string of questions, i'm fine, everything's good, and yea, I guess i'm a tad excited.". Isaac reached down and tapped the curved handle of his weapon lovingly, "After all, I can't wait to see what I can really do with my baby here.".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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" So that is your Aura...". Alexis said as she listened to Mei. "That is amazing and could come in handy. It was just surprising to have you suddenly appear." She managed a small smile." My Semblance is used alongside Dust. I used blue Dust. My vials are in my bag tho. Oh here I am babbling nice to meet you Li Mei." She decided to follow her back on the right path.

"I'll show you it sometime if you want."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla walked down and noticed Simon going to talk with a guy, and she was pulled by Simon. "Woah." she said now seeing some guy, his name was Isaac. Priscilla was about to say her name but Simon beat her to it, she just nodded and watched the two speak. "It's nice to meet you too Isaac." she smiled at him and let go of Simon's hand as she turned around and walked away to make some friends.. well she wasn't the type of girl to talk to people first. Simon knew that, they had to speak with her first in order for her to get into a conversation. Unless, she really needed to start one, but she wasn't that desperate. Priscilla just walked alone looking around amazed at how the Academy was, it was full with hunters and huntresses, it was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G and she loved it. "Ahh, I can't believe I made it.." she thought to herself. "YES!" but this time she yelled out loud her hands up in the air, like if she was cheering. "Oh.." she slowly put her hand down and blushed seeing some of the hunters and huntresses laughing and looking away. "Hmph." Priscilla flipped her hair with her left hand and began to walk.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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VKAllen said
"You are among the a privileged few who have received the honour of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world, vast and rich in its beauty have lived well and long in both time and peace. Both Hunters and Huntresses alike have been born, raised and trained-- Sacrificing their efforts to uphold the peace and liberty for as long as we know it.You, new recruits among countless others in this academy have shown the courage and strength. We've chosen you as future Hunters and Huntresses to take on an oath as we train and assist you to becoming a true Hunter and Huntress. We wish you luck."

Blaire stood there silently as she looked outside the window; enjoying the scenery. She couldn't help but think that the speech they were given somehow made things a little bit more dramatic. At the background, she could hear her fellow recruits talking. Though she should probably go and socialize, she didn't feel like it at the moment. She decided that she would do it once they reach the Beacon. Speaking of the Beacon, the airship had finally landed on the landing zone. The hunk of metal shook slightly as it reached the ramp.

Blaire gathered her things and prepared to disembark the ship. She waited for the crowd to die down before walking towards the exit. The place was rather huge--larger than she had expected it to be. She couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement as she watched the other people carrying their own sets of weapons and armors. On her way down the ship, she noticed a certain guy with grey hair. He looked just as excited as the rest of the new recruits, she thought as she watched another girl who was excitedly waving her hands in the air.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Gertrude and Jie continued to quietly follow the other 3. 'I hope they know where they're going...' Gertrude said, her still, serious frown still on her face. 'Let's just wait and find out...' Jie replied, looking at Gertrude. The two continued to follow Simon, Priscilla and Isaac. Gertrude just couldn't take it anymore, and swiftly picked up her pace. 'Excuse me.' She said with a cold tone. 'Do you know where you're going? Me and my... Friend Jie are lost.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Isaac found himself suppressing a grimace as the tall woman who had previously been shouting came upon him and Simon and cut in with an inquiry, he half expected her to yell again, however he was surprised when she asked in a subdued, albeit, cold, tone. "Well, i'm more or less just following whichever crowd seems largest at the moment." he admitted before pointing ahead to a large group of students moving in one direction, "Here's hoping that the whole 'herd mentality' thing doesn't come back to bite me in the ass, eh?" Isaac said with a hint of mirth in his voice.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Aha! It seemed that there were others like him, excited enough for their school life of adventure and high-octane monster slaying to declare it to the world! Gram laughed, not out of any meaning to offend like some others, but to rejoice just like that pink girl over there was. Except without getting laughed at by the other members of the Beacon Academy student body. Well at least it looked like she was taking it well enough, and in Gram's eyes that was good enough! No need to go sympathize or anything like that, no siree.

Speaking of Gram's eyes, the grey hunter made eye contact with another student as he was looking around, taking in the sights and sounds of his home away from home. He gave a smile and a wave to the black-clad huntress. "Hey-o~," he greeted casually as he approached Blaire, "I'm Gram, nice to meet'cha."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Blair looked around, wondering where they were supposed to head to next. She decided to follow the crowd and simply hoped that she would eventually find her way; It was a huge place, and it was easy to get lost. Her train of thoughts broke when the grey-haired guy came up to her. "Hey-o~," He greeted. One look at him, and she could tell that he was outgoing and friendly. "I'm Gram, nice to meet'cha." Blaire gave him a small smile as she reached her right hand out, "It's Blaire. Nice to meet you too."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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"Hello Isaac!" Simon said, giving him a good bow before standing back up right. There was a satisfying sensation to have heard Isaac taking his questions with lightness and friendliness. That probably was one thing that he didn't want to do in the first day of Beacon. Weirding people out.

"And to answer that other string of questions, I'm fine, everything's good, and yea, I guess I'm a tad excited." He smiled, giving him an agreeing nod and observed his way of handling a rather dangerous weapon. It looked... Dangerous. Cold. Something about it was ominous. One hit from that thing seemed fatal. Curved blade like a kukri, infused with blue dust and very intricate. Perhaps it's cold to the touch. "After all, I can't wait to see what I can really do with my baby here."

"It looks very dangerous, yet very efficient too. Stabs, jabs, slashes. It can seem to do everything at ease." He himself unsheathes the blade behind his back. It looked large and heavy, but as Simon held it up with one hand, story told others differently. It looked very mechanical, and with a quick sweep of his hand the cramped blade took form of a large two-handed sword. "This here is my very own Mechanical Blade. It's transformable and can go longer if needed. Perfect for timed slashes and sometimes slicing very hard objects."

With that he cramped the Mechanical Blade back to its most compact form and rests on his back again. "Your weapon is very interesting. I can just sense the blue dust emanating from it. And not just a little, but a lot. It's practically flowing like it generates it or something."

"Excuse me." Somebody said, a rather unforgiving and relentless tone was heard approaching and Simon turned to see a ridiculously tall blonde girl-- just slightly taller than him and another. "Do you know where you're going? Me and my... Friend are lost." There was a quirk of funniness in Simon's mind. That's right, where were they supposed to go?

"Well, I'm more or less just following whichever crowd seems largest at the moment." Isaac admitted that he didn't know where he was going, but pointed towards the group of students who darted off towards a direction who was from the same airship. "Here's hoping that the whole 'herd mentality' thing doesn't come back to bite me in the ass, eh?"

"Hey! I like your humour Isaac." Simon said with small laughter. "Oh yeah... I'd agree with Isaac. I think those large group of students know where they're going. Speaking of which, we should go with them and find out. What do you think?" He said to the small group that they were slowly forming. "Oh, and my name is Simon by the way. Nice to meet you..." He let out his hand to the tall girl and soon, the other.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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'Oh.. Uhm...' Gertrude said, 'Gertrude... Wimbleton' She introduced, shaking Simon's hand. 'It's a pleasure to be acquainted with you Simon...'

Jie soon caught up with the group. 'I believe that introductory assembly is going to start soon...' She said, checking her watch. 'So.. Yeah we should hurry...' Jie smiled. 'She's getting there...' She thought as she watched Gertrude interact with the others in the small group. Gertrude looked down at everybody, towering above them like a giant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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"Isaac Montenegro, nice to meet you." Isaac said before nodded politely at Gertrude and Jie, though despite his greeting he stared at Simon's weapon out of the corner of his eye. The blade that Simon carried was massive and intricate, sharp didn't even begin to cover what it was once it had been fully unfurled, and with the range it seemed to boast, Isaac was certain that the weapon would prove to be extremely difficult to overcome without a ranged weapon. What's more, it appeared heavy, however Simon wielded it rather freely, meaning that either he was extremely strong, or the weapon was deceptively light, either way, it was something to be wary of in combat. "I believe that introductory assembly is going to start soon. Soo...yeah we should hurry.", Isaac blinked snapped once more out of his thoughts by another person, "Yea, you're probably right. We should probably pick up the pace a bit.".

Isaac sped up slightly, though not enough to leave his newfound acquaintances in the dust seeing as he was still enjoying the subject shifting to weapons, "That's some weapon you've got there Simon. Bet you can get some really clean cuts and stabs in." he said before withdrawing his weapon from his belt. "Truth be told, sometimes I wish i'd gone with a smoother bladed weapon, diablo fría can certainly be messy to use if i'm not careful.", Issac turned and began to walk backwards so that he could face Simon before pressing a button on the bottom of his weapon's handle. The dust inside of his weapon began to ebb out, extending the serrated edges of his weapon until they hung like icicles, "She's great for pulling in opponents and tearing into them though, so I guess there's that, right?". Wisps of mist rose from the from the weapon as he held it up, Isaac wondered if he should mention what happened to things that he actually cut, but decided agains it, he didn't want to unnerve his classmates after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Well Blaire, it's a pleasure!" Gram nodded, taking her outstretched hand into his own and giving a firm shake. Was she genuinely a friendly? Perhaps she was just humouring him and was secretly doing some angry mental ranting. That definitely wouldn't be a nice thing to do, and if that were the case, he probably shouldn't be hanging around the young lady with the dark colour scheme. Fortunately she seemed to be sincere about it, as she wasn't giving off any negative vibes.

"So," Gram began, separating his hand from hers and putting his own together, "Let's get heading to that introduction assembly then... You wouldn't happen to know where that is, would you?"
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