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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Mei chuckled. "It's alright, Alexis, and that sounds like a really cool semblance." Mei commented. "Although my invisibility isn't a semblance - it's a skill that anyone can learn with enough aura control. My actual semblance is something else, although I would rather not talk about it." She admitted. Her semblance didn't help her fight grimm, not at all - in fact, it made her better suited for fighting her fellow humans instead of grimm, and that was a concern some had brought up before. She also examined the blue dust and realized that Alexis would definitely be a weapon's user.

Mei had her fair share of those that thought that she would be useless due to the fact that they had a gun and she did not. Those people usually ended up realizing just how wrong they were when they tried to fight an opponent they could not see and got their auras crippled for a good half and hour from a spar. Although she usually abhorred violence, particularly against fellow man, she felt like they had deserved it due to their arrogant and dependant nature. Good times.

"But even then, I would love to see your semblance Alexis." she continued. "Maybe I'll also show you mine sometime."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Blaire eyed him in curiosity when his sudden expression changed; He seemed to be thinking about something. She brushed her thoughts aside when he mentioned the introduction assembly, Oh right, almost forgot about that.. Blaire started to walk, but in a slow place, urging for him to follow.

"Well, there's only one entrance into the building, right? Probably.." She hesitated.

She should probably let Gram lead the way. In the past, it never ended well when she was assigned to lead the group. Let's just say.. they ended up at the opposite side of their intended location; She was horrible at directions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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"Gertrude Wimbleton. Ah yes, you're the incredible girl with a very powerful voice." Simon shook her hands firmly to Gertrude to show his admiration. "Probably haven't heard of me before. Ha ha ha ha..." He said gingerly. He doesn't even know why he said it-- Did he wanted some recognition for weapon inventions that he created?

"It's a pleasure to be acquainted with you Simon..." Gertrude seemed to be troubled with Simon's eccentric introduction. Perhaps she doesn't like him? Why would she hate him? Oh, who cares. It's the first day and he intend to make friends and get some alone time with Priscilla too.

Within a moment's notice, a considerably shorter girl joined the Simon's circle of friends with some information about what's going on. "I believe that introductory assembly is going to start soon..." Her breathing was slightly erratic from hurrying over to Gertrude? Simon smiled.

"Hello. The name's Simon!" He offered his hand to the small girl for another handshake. "And the introductory assembly is coming up eh? Maybe we should make this meeting as short as possible!" After shaking the girl's hands, he looks around him. "Oh dear. Where did Priscilla go?" Did she take off on her own? He was getting a little worried that he couldn't see her from where he was.

Isaac introduced himself to Gertrude and Jiel while Simon tried to carefully look among the crowd of students for Priscilla until he found himself walking and listening to Isaac's talks about weapons. His look was just priceless as they talk about sharp manly things that can cut un-manly stuff. "That's some weapon you've got there Simon. Bet you can get some really clean cuts and stabs in." What he said made Simon feel slightly embarrassed.

"Oh, not really. I mean, the weapon's form is perfect, but the flaw is in me and my approach of the way I slash things. Sure for stabs, but my slashes aren't that great." It was the only recognition that he ever got from another person. It meant quite a lot for Simon to have Isaac say something like that really, after seeing his incredibly dangerous weapon.

"Truth be told, sometimes I wish I'd gone with a smoother bladed weapon, Diablo Fría can be certainly messy to use if I'm not careful."

"Interesting." Echoed inside Simon's mind, trying to figure out what Isaac was trying to say beneath that sentence.

He turned himself around so that he could face Simon as he showcased his Diablo Fría in front of him. With the press of a button located upon the hilt of the blade, the freezing blue dust encrusted the metallic parts in fractals, freezing and polishes it to a ice-like shine. Frost was emanating from the serrated teeth on its sharp edge. "She's great for pulling in opponents and tearing into them though, so I guess there's that, right?" Isaac played around with his blade, putting Simon in thought.

"Wow, that's really incredible. Get real close and use that, and they're finished. Now I really want to see what it's capable of doing to Grimm monsters. Perhaps sometime we'll be able to see." He continued to walk, inspecting those around him as he did. He analyses Gertrude's arsenal and was intrigued at how she had chosen a similar arsenal to Simon. "That's a nice Scottish Sword you have there Gertrude." He complimented her. "Is that a rifle stock as its hilt? Looks really neat and concealed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Gertrude looked at Simon, then down to Steelethrone. 'Yes... My father made it for me when I was small...' She said, slowly pulling it out. 'Steelethrone... And Ragna as well.' She added, pulling out the rather large shield. 'It resembles my family's authority, the way they Hunt and work with and iron fist.' She said. It was true, The Wimbletons were a strict family, definitely not the type to aloof about and brag about they're family hunters. Gertrude swiftly sheathed Steelethrone and clipped Ragna behind her back. 'I always treat these weapons as an Honour, not a privilege.' Gertrude said
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis listened. "Well Mei I don't think I could learn something like that. It would take alot of practice and energy which I don't have." She replied. Alexis was not one to have a high opinion of herself. It was how she though of herself as...slightly unskilled. She never really got involved with combating Grimm and just trained back home. Why she was chosen to come to Beacon was something she did not understand. She did not pride herself as a privileged person tho she was willing to become a great Huntress.

Hearing what Mei said about wanting to see her Semblance she looked at her."I can show you a bit of it. The other would probably cause a issue." She did not want to put the ground in a icy state. She concentrated and glowed with a blue glow around her and a ice like barrier formed around her.

"This is a shield made from my aura. It is aided by a small bit of Dust. " Alexis explained as she showed Mei the small bits of it in her hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla walked around the academy noticing most people going inside of the academy. She would turn around trying to see if Simon was behind her, but he wasn't. "Oh... I wonder where he could be at." and with that she sighed turning back around and walking inside of the academy. And as she got inside she noticed how big and beautiful it was, it was so amazing! "Woah... I cannot wait to start this." Sometimes, Priscilla wondered why they made her come to this academy, was it because she was a good huntress? It might have been that reason, since the most awesome and good hunters and huntresses came to this academy!

Priscilla made her way to the room where they were going to start on the assembly for introduction. "Alright....let's see here." she looked around seeing so many people. It was all crowded hopefully she would see Simon but it seems she couldn't. Priscilla sat down raising a leg on top of the other as a smile formed on her face and she looked around, excitedly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Hmm... It's probably that one," Gram remarked, pointing to the large building in the center, "I mean, it's the biggest building. It's also the building in the center, and if there's anything I've learned about big, centered buildings from movies, it's that they're usually the place to go." He then gestured to the students around them, "And see? They're all headin' that-a-way. Which means it isn't wrong... Unless I'm wrong and everyone else is wrong, but I have faith in the ability of a group of people, who probably haven't even been on campus once I may add, to be able to navigate it correctly!"

...Okay, maybe it wasn't that good of a sentiment. But hopefully some staff member would've at least pointed a few people to the designated location. Gram could only hope, but at least if he went down, he wouldn't be going down alone. For a brief second, the young man's eyes narrowed and his grin got a bit sharper. "So what brings you here to Beacon?" Gram asked cheerfully as the pair walked on.
"Geez, everyone's so slow," Atalanta yawned as she weaved through the groups. Wasn't there supposed to be some kind of introduction ceremony going on? Why the hell was everybody moving like snails, chatting then? Honestly, they could've just waited until they were actually at their objective location to talk. Then there would've been no need to clog up the channels as they were doing so now. Oh well, at they had the good graces to leave enough space for a short person with a suitcase like her to get through.

Finally the young lady managed to actually get into the academy building, which meant her traversal was much more streamlined. Goodie for her. Upon arrival at the room where the entrance ceremony was scheduled to start, Atalanta surveyed the room. It seemed like people were gathering with friends, which was a problem as she didn't bring any with her. Best for find somebody lonesome then.

Oh hey. There's the pink girl who was getting laughed at earlier all alone.

'Time to make a new friend I guess,' she shrugged, before approaching Priscilla. "Yo," she waved, "mind if I sit here?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Blaire just looked at him blankly as he went on and on about buildings. After his speech about big-centered-buildings and how they were usually the right place to go to, she tried to stifle a laugh. What he said made perfect sense actually, but something about the way he said it made it extremely amusing. She couldn't help but laugh lightly. Gram certainly was an interesting fellow. "Right," She replied with a small smile.

There was silence for a moment as they walked towards what they hoped to be the right place. It was pretty crowded, much to her disliking. But with this much people going this way, they were sure to be on the right track. Her thoughts went away when Gram asked her a question in a rather cheerful manner, "So what brings you here to Beacon?" She paused in silence for a moment before glancing at him,

"Probably the same thing that brought the others here." She laughed quietly. "To get to the point, I have the aspiration to become a huntress, you could say." She continued, and there was a distant look in her eyes. Almost immediately, it was gone and was replaced with a smile. "And? What brings you to Beacon?" She asked the same question.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Ah I see, I see," Gram nodded upon receiving his answer, "That's an admirable aspiration, I'd think." There was probably more to her story than just that, what with the moment of silence, but it wasn't really his place to question. That wouldn't be very polite after all. Plus it could've just been one of those awkward moments of silence so prevalent in daily life. In that case there wouldn't be a need to press forward at all and doing so would just make him seem like he didn't believe her - which he did.

Upon being asked the question in kind by his fellow student, Gram just laughed. "Aww man, I was hopin' you wouldn't ask me that." he admitted, rubbing at the back of his head sheepishly, "Honestly I don't think my reason's as respectable as yours... haha... But if you really wanna know..." He looked away from Blaire and down to the ground, mumbling his answer incredibly quietly. Apparently he was either rambling or had a very in-depth motivation, because he did so for a while before raising his head and grinning awkwardly. "....So yeah! That's why I want to become a hunter!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla sighed still thinking about Simon. It was weird being alone but she was going to anyways, even if Simon never came. She thought a reason to why would she leave him! Wait she did. Priscilla saw him making friends and all, since he was a socialize person and Priscilla not so much.

Yo," she waved, "mind if I sit here?"

Priscilla turned her head seeing a girl walking towards her and asking her to sit. Priscilla wanted to say. 'Ummm...It's not my sit nor does it have a reservation letter so sure.' But she didnt want to come out cocky. Always making up jokes! "Sure." The pink haired girl said softly and quietly as she would stare back at the audience.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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She looked upon the Scottish Sword, somewhat feeling like an emotional connection between her and the weapon. "Yes... My father made it for me when I was small..." The grip of her hands unsheathes the blade from its saddle. "Steelethrone... And Ragna as well."

Ragna? Which is... Oh. A round, large shield like the Aegis of the Spartans. Nice, thick and sturdy wooden shield with coated metal plating. Simon listens in a little more to Gertrude. "It resembles my family's authority, the way they Hunt and work with an iron fist." She sheathes her weapon back to its saddles. "I always treat these weapons as an Honour, not a privilege."

"Wow, that's something about Wimbleton that I don't hear every day." Simon commented on, before praising her sense of honour. "I didn't know that the Wimbletons value honour so much. The Sylvester family, they're a bunch of idealists. Except for me of course..." He strapped on his arm a buckler, small in size that had an ornate gold plate in the middle of it. "This is a shield that I made. It's a bunch of good stuff. Sturdy and nearly impenetrable, and it's a good ricochet weapon. There's also a secret too."

Hidden from the outer shell, you could hear a cocking of a gun. "It's packed with a small machine gun inside!" He sheathes his shield. "Well... I'm the only inventor in the family... I love reading books, and making stuff up. The family looks down on me for that." He replies it not with a tone of hate, but rather in questioning. "Oh yeah. I better go look for Priscilla. Sorry, but she might not know that the introduction assembly is soon! So I'll see you guys later!" With that, Simon takes off ahead of them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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"That's an admirable aspiration, I'd think." Blair nodded quietly as she looked at the far distance. She wasn't paying that much attention because she was so engrossed at the scenery. The place was huge, and the building looked even more spectacular up this close. The sky was pretty cloudy and it helped block out the scorching heat of the sun's rays, much to her delight. She never liked being in the sun's heat. There was no reason behind it, she was just born to tick that way. She always preferred the night over the day.

Blaire snapped out of it when she heard Gram laugh. She turned towards him and gave him her full attention, "Aww man, I was hopin' you wouldn't ask me that." He said as he placed his hand at the back of his head. There was a sheepish look on his face, and she watched him in amusement and curiosity. "Honestly I don't think my reason's as respectable as yours... haha... But if you really wanna know..." She perked up and unknowingly stepped closer to him as she waited for his answer with keen interest. He seemed to mumble something under his breath, but she couldn't make out his words. "....So yeah! That's why I want to become a hunter!" He said with an awkward grin.

Blair blinked. She wasn't sure whether she spaced out and didn't hear him, or if he didn't say anything in actuality. It was possible that she did space out, since it has happened a lot of times before. She was the type to easily get distracted. Though, it probably wasn't the case this time because she was sure that she had her full attention on him. She smiled at Gram, and there was a glint of amusement in her eyes. She narrowed her eyes at him, "Hm. I see, I won't ask." She laughed lightly.

Upon saying that, they reached the entrance of the building. Blaire stepped inside and looked around, taking in the sight. The place was definitely huge, and it gave off a regal feeling. Though it didn't show in her face, she felt a tinge of excitement. "We should probably follow the others into that room." She said as she pointed towards a room that people were heading into. She decided that she would take her time to look around once the assembly was done. Hopefully, it wouldn't take too long.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Gertrude watched Simon as he ran off. Jie looked up at her, then back at Simon. 'We should go.' Gertrude said, swiftly walking off with Jie next to her. 'Honour Higher than God...' Gertrude thought. 'That is our Family's saying, and we always live up to that...' It was true, The Wimbletons never back down from a challenge. Compassion, Strength, Honour and Courage were what you would see in a Wimbleton, especially someone of Gertrude's age.

Jie crossed her arms and smiled. 'I think you were lying when you said that you weren't good at making friends...' She said. 'Because You've already made two!' Gertrude looked at Jie. 'I have??' She asked 'Yep.' Jie answered. 'Well in that case... Do you want to be partners?' Gertrude asked. Jie looked up at Gertrude. 'But what you said-' Jie asked. 'That was a lie as well! But I swear I'll never lie again while we're here!' She said. 'Then yes... Yeah I wanna be your partner!' Jie said.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Having been left to walk on his own, Isaac shrugged and leaned down before whacking his weapon against the ground a few times to shatter the excess ice, "Gonna be an interesting year, that's for sure.". Isaac turned, slipping his weapon back onto his belt as he entered the academy, half listening to the conversations around him as he slipped his lenses up once more. Under the lights of the academy his eyes glinted brightly as he looked at everything that the entrance of the academy had to offer, "This is nice. Sort of makes me wish I could see regular colors again." he said approvingly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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A barrier of Ice? That was something new - Mei had seen such dust manipulation before, but not to the extent and skill that she had seen just now. "That looks like a really useful semblance." Mei commented, wondering if her aura skills would be able to shatter the shield of ice.

It certainly seemed a lot more useful than her own semblance, something which she wondered about frequently - it couldn't be used to defeat grimm, for they had no aura, but instead it could only be used to subjugate other humans. What did this mean for her? Her parents and teachers always said that it didn't matter, but she could not help but wonder if she was never meant to be a huntress in the first place.

Looking up, she noticed that they were at the building they were directed to head to. "Oh hey, we're here." she said to Alexis.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"'Kay then. Thanks," Atalanta nodded, taking the seat beside Priscilla and resting her metal briefcase on her lap. She leaned forward, using the object as a resting place for her elbows. The pair sat in silence for a bit, awkwardly so. It seemed that both the amber-hooded student and the pink huntress were both not really the type to opt for interaction. 'This certainly didn't go as planned,' she sighed, before striking up the conversation with the pink fellow beside her.

"...Hey. Pinkie," Atalanta started. Her voice was soft and quiet, but definitely firm. She gave off a kind of odd vibe, what with her tone, the briefcase, and that hood of hers obscuring most of her face. "Name's Atalanta," she introduced simply, eyes glancing over to Priscilla and hand outstretched for a shake. "Oh," she added, "And before you ask, I'm not a Faunus - I just like hoods is all."
"Haha... Yeah, it's better if you just forgot about the subject," Gram laughed nervously. At least Blaire hadn't heard all that motive ranting her did. And she had the courtesy of swapping out the subject of conversation as well! How pleasant. Now he could get back to regularly scheduled programming. Although they'd already entered the building, so it seemed regularly scheduled programming was to be nothing more than taking a seat somewhere.

Oh hey. Air-conditioning. Awesome. Darkish clothes like his didn't take to reflecting radiant energy very well. Though that probably meant that his companion probably had the worst of it, what with the black ensemble. "Alrighty! We're here!" Gram commented, nabbing a seat and tapping one of the seats beside it, "Saved you a seat~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis made the barrier vanish. "Oh trust me this wasn't easy for me to unlock. I had to train alot to perfect it." She explained. "This is only a part of my aura semblance." Mei would see the bigger piece in battle.Following her she saw the crowds file in."So this is Beacon...She had to admit it was bigger then she expected.

Seeing the crowd made her nervous but she would try and get used to being around the others.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla smiled at the girl who sat down besides her. She would look around at the people, so confused and a little tired. And it was so awkward with the girl right besides her, mainly because she wasn't talking to Priscilla... and cue. The girl spoke to Priscilla. Priscilla turned her head looking at the hooded girl, giving her a small nervously smile as she laughed softly. "Hahaha, Nah. It's fine. I don't think you are a Faunus. Plus, I like hoods and stuff. I was thinking of getting a hood one for me, but then my mother was like, no don't do that to your hair. It will mess it up and all. But then I was like, aww. I was gonna get a bow, I tried it on and it didn't work." she shooked her head sighing and continuing to speak. "Pinkie? Wow, It has been so long that someone calls me that, you know. Since I was in school when I was young, so many people calling me that. Im like, whaaaat? I mean, I kno-... " she stopped seeing that she was speaking too much, and that's what she does when she speaks towards new people.

"My name is Priscilla. It's nice to meet you umm. Atlanta? Atalanta...? Atalanta!" she smiled at the girl as she would extend her hand towards her in order to shake. Priscilla looked at the girl with her jade eyes. It was nice meeting with a girl and speaking to one, that is if Atalanta ever spoke with her, thanks to her they are actually having a conversation. Because, Priscilla wasn't the girl to be starting conversations.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Seeing Alexis being a bit nervous, Mei smiled at her. "Yup. We're both here for the next four years." she said, trying to distract her mind from whatever it is that could be causing the said nervousness.

"Every semblance - every skill - needs practice to perfect it. Mine took quite a while to use at the level where I can use it in a fight." she said, remembering her own experience trying to master the semblance she know called "Graceful Swan Disturbs Tranquil Lake". Trying to change the subject, Mei decided to talk about partners. "So," she said to Alexis, "Do you have anyone in mind as a partner so far, Alexis?" she asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Four years? " Alexis said in a mixed tone but had a good feeling about being here even in the midst of her unease."I am looking forward to it but I wish I could be more like everyone else. " She saw the others socializing with no problems at all. "Mine was unlocked one day during a practice session. Even that took years to find out. I was unsure what my abilities were so it came as a surprise and I've worked hard to perfect it."

"As for a partner I am not sure. "Alexis said. "No one really in mind."
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