Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Alrighty! We're here!" Gram said in a cheerful tone. He took a seat on one of the chairs and tapped the one beside him, "Saved you a seat~" Blair adjusted the weapons that were secured at both sides of her hips before sitting down at the chair with ease. "Thank you." The seats were slowly getting filled up as more and more students came in. She was glad that the room was air-conditioned. It was hot outside, not only because of the sun, but because of her black clothing. After all, black clothing absorbs more heat. Ahh, now that she thought about it, that must have been the reason why she could never stand the sun. She always wore dark clothing. Colorful clothes just seemed to look ridiculous on her.

Her mind started to wander into other topics such as semblances. She began to wonder what Gram's was, but she decided not to ask. He didn't seem comfortable giving her a response earlier. Blaire leaned against her seat as she waited for the assembly to start. She couldn't help but notice that she was starting to get hungry. She left her house early and skipped breakfast. Well, it's not like there was anyone to nag her about it. She lives alone, after all. "What's your surname?" She blurted out thoughtlessly. She wanted to break the ice, but not by asking such an odd, lame, question. She mentally sighed, disappointed at her social skills. What a smart question to ask someone..
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

Simon was looking all over the area for Priscilla, but all in futile effort. He couldn't find her anywhere and it seems that time was running short for Simon. Perhaps, she did have some direction-- and already went to the Main Building. There was only one way to find out for that. All hope was nearly lost so he brought his weight towards the main building to find out. With quick feet he hurried into the building, following the last few students into the door before it was closed. Nice one Simon.

As expected, the room was full of people. Simon would be having some trouble trying to navigate his way and find Priscilla. Her shorter height was going to be a problem but the brightly coloured clothes she wore and her uniquely shining blonde-brown hair would give her away. He pushed aside people, looking left to right all round for Priscilla. There was Gertrude, exceedingly tall among the crowd and the sticking out Isaac somewhere. He shifted several more people to the side.

The stage lit up with a spotlight down the middle. Standing on the podium was the Deputy Headmaster of Beacon, and it seems like Glynda Goodwitch remained her position there. Professor Ozpin was also there. "Welcome, future Hunters and Huntresses of Beacon Academy..." They began to speak and the room fell silent as everyone listened. Simon was still looking around all over the place, where is Priscilla? "Before we begin your first day... The Headmaster will have a few words to share with you." She hands over the microphone to the headmaster.

There was a slight static sound. "Hello everyone. As you already know, I am the headmaster of the Academy, Professor Ozpin. I'll keep my speech brief so we can get on with the next phase of your entry into Beacon Academy. You have traveled here today seeking knowledge. Perhaps even to hone your skills or to acquire new ones in your journey. After your completion, you'll dedicate your life to stand by and protect the people of Vale City. My vision pierces through your hearts as it falls one by one-- you are short of purpose and misguided in direction. Knowledge will not be able to free you. For your time at this academy will prove that knowledge will only shelter you for so little..." He pauses for a moment, clearing his throat. "The key to a successful Hunter... Is not by knowledge. It is the step into the darkness that soon will become your light." The Professor steps off from the podium and proceeds to disappear back into the curtains as Glynda took over.

"This year we will hold our Initiation early... And it begins in two hours. Be settled for the coming trial and you'll succeed as an intern in our Academy." After that, Glynda steps off from the stage, signalling the students to follow her into the lockers and students began to move. Alas, after searching for a long time, he wasn't able to find Priscilla. As students were moving away one by one-- the hall was becoming clearer and clearer until he could see. Priscilla was standing next to another girl wearing a hoodie. He immediately shifted along the moving students and ran to Priscilla.

"Priscilla!" He ran over to her, putting his arms around her and kissing her lips in front of the other girl who was nearby. "Oh, I've finally found you..." He added before hugging her tight. "Where did you go back then?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Jie and Gertrude listened into what Ozpin and Goodwitch had to say. They were slightly baffled, yet excited of how quickly initiation will take. 'In two hours... Partners you and I...' Jie said, giving Gertrude the thumbs up. 'Yes...' Gertrude replied. 'Partners!' Gertrude gave Jie a thumbs up back, retaining her straight, serious face. The two got up, and walked off. Gertrude thought about what Jie said, about Gertrude making friends. 'Goddamnit...' She thought 'Father... I'm sorry...' Gertrude walked next to Jie in the clear halls, soon seeing Simon and two other girls next to him. 'Ohhh...' Jie said, walking up. 'Quite the ladies man I see...' She jokingly said, poking at the fact that there were more girls than Simon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rielle stood aming the giant mas of people who had shoved and pushed her all the way to the Main Building. Stumbling a few times, stepping on the toes of many, Rielle was already getting overwhelmed with just being at Beacon. As she scooted in next to some others while they waited for something to start, Rielle found her thoughts drifting back to the few hours she had spent in the airship.
"Dont call me 'little' ever again!" She was yelling at two boys who were older and picking on her. They had told her she was too young to be headed to Beacon, and that she should just give up and run home to mommy. Well, if she wasn't in a giant floating combustible airship, she would have shipped the two of them home to their mommies...

After maintenance collected their ashes that is.

"Whats wrong huh? You gonna cry?" One said pulling her cheek painfully and laughing before walking away woth the other one. Growling in frustration at their retreating backs, she reached f8r something to throw at them, and just as soon as her eyes landed on a book and it raised in her hand, a projection was shown on the windows.

"Get back here you no good-!" She paused mid sentence as a woman was shown on screen.

"You are among the a privileged few who have received the honour of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world, vast and rich in its beauty have lived well and long in both time and peace. Both Hunters and Huntresses alike have been born, raised and trained-- Sacrificing their efforts to uphold the peace and liberty for as long as we know it. You, new recruits among countless others in this academy have shown the courage and strength. We've chosen you as future Hunters and Huntresses to take on an oath as we train and assist you to becoming a true Hunter and Huntress. We wish you luck."

Sighing and returning the book to the table she found it, Rielle made a physical effort to calm down before she blew her top, literally. The fact that she was here was such a big deal for her. Finally after proving herself at Signal, she would get a chance to prove herself here at Beacon too.

"Ahead and at the top of my class." She said proudly. "I dont care what anyone says. Im going to be the best Huntress ever!" Rielle did a little dance of joy as she saw the massive school come into view.

"NOT WITH THOSE MOVES PIPSQUEAK!" The guy from before called to her. Spinning around with angry eyes, she yelled back at him as her fists coated in fire. "WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST CALL ME!?" Him and his buddy laughed as she started chasing them around yelling, even after they had arrived at the school.
Sighing as she remembered, Rielle reached up to rub out the frown lines on her head. Looking around she realized she had somehow been pushed to the front just as Headmaster Ozpin himself walked out with the Deputy Headmaster Goodwitch. Her eyes widened at just being close to them in real life, and she fisted her hands, wanting to just... ask for an autograph! She would so be the coolest girl in school then! Before Rielle could fully entrap her mind wih fangirling, the two adults had started to speak.

"Hello everyone. As you already know, I am the headmaster of the Academy, Professor Ozpin. I'll keep my speech brief so we can get on with the next phase of your entry into Beacon Academy. You have traveled here today seeking knowledge. Perhaps even to hone your skills or to acquire new ones in your journey. After your completion, you'll dedicate your life to stand by and protect the people of Vale City. My vision pierces through your hearts as it falls one by one-- you are short of purpose and misguided in direction. Knowledge will not be able to free you. For your time at this academy will prove that knowledge will only shelter you for so little..." He pauses for a moment, clearing his throat. "The key to a successful Hunter... Is not by knowledge. It is the step into the darkness that soon will become your light." The Professor steps off from the podium and proceeds to disappear back into the curtains as Glynda took over.

"This year we will hold our Initiation early... And it begins in two hours. Be settled for the coming trial and you'll succeed as an intern in our Academy." After that, Glynda steps off from the stage, signalling the students to follow her into the lockers and students began to move.

Rielle found herself feeling a bit nervous as she followed everyone else. There were not that many new students this year, a little over a dozen in fact. As she looked around at those who followed Goodwitch with her, she wondered if they were as good as she was.

And visa versa of course.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

"Hmm..." Atalanta looked over Priscilla for a moment before nodding, "No... I think you'd look fine with a bow, Pinkie. Maybe not a big one, but like a small one off to the side. Like right around here? Though I'd suppose it'd be more like a ribbon than anything." Atalanta pointed at the area slightly above her own temple. "But I don't really know, I mean I'm not really one for fashion. Living with a few brothers does that, I guess," she shrugged, "But yeah. Hood, probably wouldn't work I'd think..." Then Priscilla got all flustered, and that really quite entertained the orange-clad huntress, it really did. She smiled cheekily as Priscilla rambled on about her nickname, before she finally stopped doing so and outstretched her hand.

Taking Priscilla's hand in her own and giving a shake, Atalanta nodded, "Mhm, yup. It's a pleasure, Priscilla." Then the headmaster, a white haired fellow by the name of Ozpin, entered the stage and began giving his little speech. Finally, once that was over, they were directed to follow after Ms. Goodwitch to find somewhere to put their things. Blade skates likely weren't an acceptable means of transport in the academy, unfortunately.

A tall boy walked up to Priscilla...

"Brother, boyfriend, or...?"

...and planted one on her lips before giving a hug.

"Ah, boyfriend. I hope."
It was silent again for a few moments after that. Or at least silent regarding himself and Blaire. After all, the assembly hall was most definitely very loud, what with all others having excited conversations with their friends and such. Gram couldn't blame them, it was indeed a time to be excited! He'd cry out to the heavens if he were sure that the ambient noise wasn't louder than his voice. Suddenly, a blurted out collection of words. "Hmm?" Gram sounded, turning to his companion beside him, "Oh, my last name? Well it's V-"

"Welcome future Hunters and Huntresses of Beacon Academy..."

Well, whatever Gram had said was drowned out by the voice of someone on stage cutting him off. It was a rather rude interruption, but then again they were expecting somebody to start talking some time soon, so it was more or less Gram's fault for being too slow on the draw. Looking to Blaire, he just shrugged impassively. What could he do, tell the headmaster to shut up so he could finish his conversation? That would hardly be a polite thing to do! And so the young man listened intently, looking almost like a child with the way his hands were on his knees and his body was leaned in forward to listen closer.

Finally once that was done, there was silence.


And then Gram followed Goodwitch. Poor Blaire, left by Gram in his moment of excitement.

Meanwhile, a very excitable young man runs into a red huntress in a very literal sense.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Listening to the speeches Alexis sighed. Alot was going to happen right now and she would have to be more prepared. Some of the speech was confusing to her but she had a general idea of what could happen in two hours.."two hours.." She repeated nodding. "I think I will be ready." She saw Glynda motioning for the students to follow her. Turning to Mei she asked her.

"Are you ready for this? "

She began to follow the crowds out towards the locker room.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

"You think soo?" she laughes softly. "Then I shall put on a ribbon one of these days!" She smiled at Atalanta and yawned now looking at the headmasters speaking about the years of being in the Academy. It was still so much but then so exciting! And then she kept thinking about Simon, wondering where he was. As soon as the headmaster was done speaking eveeryone began to walk out of the room. "Kay, and we go!" Priscilla told Atalanta.

"Priscilla!!" A young man yelled her name. It was Simon! Priscilla was going to run to him but he beat her to it. She felt his arms around her and a kiss on her lips. She smiled accepting the kiss and hug, as she reached down for her hands holding it tightly. "Well. I explored a little... I walked around. Why? I just thought you made friends so I left you with them.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

As Rielle casually walked, she was thinking about food when suddenly something crashed into her from behind and it felt like a rough push and her head snapped painfully. Falling forward, arms outstretched to catch her fall, she landed hard on the ground, smashing her boobies. Her combat skirt flew up when she did, likely revealing much more than she wanted it to, and in and instant she was on her knees, holding it down. Her face turned red from embarrassment and anger as she turned to look for the person who she thought pushed her.

"Hey, wha-whats the big idea!?" she yelled. "You all are tryin to pick on me too!? I wont have it!" she said pounding her fists on her legs before standing up. "Who pushed me!?" she yelled. Her normally calm and sweet personality was instantly changed into something that was very... angry.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Having been unfortunate enough to take a seat farther from the exit, Isaac's departure from the assembly room was a bit slower than most. "Man, no one said anything about initiation." he sighed, completely forgetting the fact that his mother had told him multiple times about an initiation process over the week, proving that, as it turned out, ignorance wasn't always bliss. Isaac shuffled through the crowd, doing it best to avoid bumping people with his bag which now clung tightly to his back, however there were still the occasional complaints from his fellow students when the inevitable happened. "Sorry...oops...my bad man..hey, that time you bumped into me." he said as he shuffled until finally reaching the edge of the virtual sea of students, only to come face to face with a wall. "Okay I take it back, this "herd mentality" thing sucks ass..." he growled as he turned and once more fought his way through the crowd before finally freeing himself once more, this time thankfully without running into a wall. "Alright, two hours until initiation. Guess i'd better find a partner..." he said as he craned his neck, eliciting a series of pops from the vertebrae.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Mei sighed. "Well, I guess we're going to find out." she said to Alexis, admitting that she was unsure how well she would be able to handle the situation. It also didn't help that a lot of the semblances and awesome weapons that these people were carrying made her feel a little inadequate - she had nothing except for her own hands.

Then again, time and time again, her hands had proven themselves to be more than enough.

Initiation this soon? And here they had actually went through the false hope of being already accepted before they were told there was going to be one more trial. What a letdown, but not something Mei was unwilling to soldier on through. "What do you think will be asked of us?" she asked Alexis.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

There was a dull thudding sound as two students fell to the ground at the same time. One on his buttocks and one on her not-buttocks. "Yeowch," Gram laughed from his position sprawled out onto his bottom. Rather than react angrily like the person opposite him, he was just taking the situation casually as usual. He stayed on the ground as the short red girl started ranting at random people, evidently not noting the the cause of her problem was right behind her. Once she finally stopped doing so, Gram picked himself off the ground and dusted his jacket off before tapping Rielle on the back to get her attention.

"Hi there," he greeted, flashing a wide, cheeky smile and giving a small wave at the young lady, "My fault! Really sorry about that, haha. Must've been a bit too excited for the main event 'n' all. Again, really really sorry about all that! If it helps I didn't look up your skirt or anything when you were down, honest~"
....That was a lie.

"Anyway, I'm Gram! Nice to run into you! ...Literally."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis shrugged. "I have no idea what this is going to be like. I've heard each year the task is different. "Alexis replied to Mei."I just hope it isn't a combat exercise. I do have my weopons but have not fought any others or Grimm. "She said honestly. "Whatever happens I will give it my all tho."She also nodded to Mei when she said they were about to find out what type of skills and such this would test and what it was all about.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

He brought her to a kiss, long and slow until their lips fell apart and Priscilla began to explain herself. "Well. I explored a little... I walked around. Why? I just thought you made friends so I left you with them..." Simon shook his head in disagreement.

"That doesn't mean you leave me behind! You could've made friends too y'know..." His face frowned a little as he spoke, feeling that he wasn't including her when he opened up to others. "... Since you're not good with making friends." He stopped for a moment and looked over to see the girl with the hoodie. "But looks like you made a friend already. Hello there..." He waved to the hooded girl who was staring at the two and Simon felt a little intimidated by her sharp looks. "He he he... I'm her boyfriend... Sorry I jumped in like that..."

Perhaps he was already giving her a show, suddenly appearing and kissing her first friend. He diverted his attention to Priscilla again. "The Initiation Phase is soon right? We haven't unpacked our stuff!" He wanted to just pull Priscilla with him to follow Goodwitch but the presence of the other girl made him considering his rushing nature. "Um, do you want to walk together with us?" He asked the girl.

Glynda guided the students to the locker room where lockers were rowed in every single corner and every single wall with numbers assigned to them. "This area holds our academy's lockers. They are custom-made lockers with digital pads equipped. With a six digit code, you can assign them to arrive at a custom location of your choice. If you need to store your items, please do so with haste for you must prepare for the upcoming Initiation Phase. We will meet you back at the Main Building Hall where we will start our ritual." With that, she left the students on their own, preparing herself to meet with Ozpin and discuss this year's Initation Ritual.

When Simon arrived at the locker area, it seems that everyone was given a locker number of their own choice. He didn't really understood what was happening but as he approached one of the lockers, it asked for a fingerprint and a custom six-digit code. He registered his details in and to his surprise, data about him was being displayed in the small blue screen containing a profile photo, age, name and date of birth. Well, either way he brought the little luggage he had and stored them inside, before unpacking a curious little metallic backpack that strapped onto his back tightly-- It seem to only fit Simon's size. He attached onto his forearms a pair of bracers that fit him and attached his shield on his left-arm and his sword on his right.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rielle whirled on the person who tapped her shoulder and immediately she cooled down. He was adorable with that smile and though she tried to fight it, he managed to make a smile form in her face too.

"You were this close to getting burned man. Sorry, ive had some guys on my case today." She said making a "little" gesture with her fingers before smoothing out her combat skirt. She pulled her hood closer around her to cover up her wings before holding out a single hand. "Rielle. You can call me Elly." She said. She was just as excited as him, and though she was normally nervous around people, her excitement made her brave enough to try to make a friend.

She noticed the students were entering the locker room, so grabbing Gram by the collar, she pulled him aling instead of shaking his hand. When Goodwitch finished with her short words she left them again. Looking around as usual, Rialle felt cramped in there and made her way silently to a locker in the back.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Gertrude looked down at her locker. Jie was positioned at least a dozen lockers away from her, and that... slightly bugged her. Gertrude shook this feeling off and pressed the combination to her locker.

It was a small space really. Gertrude frowned upon the lack of spacing in her locker, but shook it off as just an annoyance. 'Not that big... How the heck am I supposed to fit Ragna in here... Let alone Ragna and Steelethrone...' She said to herself, holding her shield in one hand and trying to figure out how to place it. 'No need to place it away just now Gertrude...' Jie said, sticking her carrier bag away. 'I'm surprised you didn't come with a carrier bag yourself...' Gertrude looked back at Jie 'It's with my stuff.' She replied 'Remember how we dropped off all our belongings before the carrier ride?' Jie nodded. Gertrude pulled out Steelethrone and what looked like a cartridge of rifle bullets. One by one she began to load the bullets into the magagzine of the rifle part of her sword, and cocked(hehe) the gun, swiftly sliding it back in as she slid Ragna onto her left arm.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla smiled at Simon and nodded. "Yeah, I know, but... I'm just a little shy. But she was the one who spoke to me first, I didn't. You know I can't make up conversations." she laughed softly and then they were off to follow the other students. As they arrived Glynda spoke.

""This area holds our academy's lockers. They are custom-made lockers with digital pads equipped. With a six digit code, you can assign them to arrive at a custom location of your choice. If you need to store your items, please do so with haste for you must prepare for the upcoming Initiation Phase. We will meet you back at the Main Building Hall where we will start our ritual."

Alright, she could do that. Priscilla can do that. Priscilla waved by to her boyfriend and walked towards her locker, it seemed that they had different lockers. She started to put in the code. Opening her locker, she began to get ready for the trial.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis chose a locker and examined it. She had brought a good amount of supplies with her. She made sure her weopons were in good shape for the initiation ahead. Taking out what looked to anyone to be two pistols she flicked something and they became daggers. She nodded to herself as she moved them back to guns and opening a chamber in each carefully inserted her Dust. Once that was done she made her own combination and put her bags in.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mei didn't have many supplies at the moment - her only weapon was herself and she had brought nearly bare minimum. Opening her assigned locker, Mei simply placed her travelling bag inside before closing the locker, having not a single weapon on her. Letting out a deep breath and focusing, Mei mentally prepared herself for the trial, ignoring any distracting thoughts like speculation on what that trial could be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Isaac wasn't exactly having a marvelous time at the moment. His attempts at finding a partner had been unfruitful to say the least, seeing as anyone he showed immediate interest in and asked had already paired up. Standing in front of the locker that would be his, Isaac let out a heavy sigh, "Man, what a gip...not a single person worth pairing with.", he said as he punched in a pass code and details before deposited his bag. Aside from some vials of dust for his weapon, there wasn't much of interest in the bag really, some clothing, a few shaving supplies, a bottle of cologne and a few snacks and energy drinks, things to get him through the day. Keeping his weapon hanging on his belt, Isaac pulled an energy drink and a single vial of blue dust from the bag and closed the locker door before cracking open the drink and draining half of its contents, reveling in the sweet yet slightly acidic taste, "Oh man I needed that. Alright, partner time, let's see what we've got to work with before time runs out.". Not really in the mood to bother with subtlety or going from person to person, Isaac stood atop one of the benches and whistled loudly to grab the attention of anyone nearby, "Alright i'm gonna be really blunt about this, I need a partner and I know that there's no way in hell that everyone in here is paired up. So, who among you is interested?". His wording was rather blunt, however if it payed off, Isaac would find himself a partner before initiation....he hoped.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

"Oh, my last name? Well it's V-"

The stage lit up, catching Blaire's attention. "Welcome, future Hunters and Huntresses of Beacon Academy..." There was silence in the audience as everyone began to listen intently. "Before we begin your first day... The Headmaster will have a few words to share with you." The microphone was handed over to another man, who introduced himself as Professor Ozpin; the headmaster of the academy.

I'll keep my speech brief so we can get on with the next phase of your entry into Beacon Academy. You have traveled here today seeking knowledge. Perhaps even to hone your skills or to acquire new ones in your journey. After your completion, you'll dedicate your life to stand by and protect the people of Vale City. My vision pierces through your hearts as it falls one by one-- you are short of purpose and misguided in direction. Knowledge will not be able to free you. For your time at this academy will prove that knowledge will only shelter you for so little..." He pauses for a moment, clearing his throat. "The key to a successful Hunter... Is not by knowledge. It is the step into the darkness that soon will become your light."

Every word he said filled her with excitement - although she would never admit it. During his speech, her full attention was on him; taking his every word. The Professor then took off and Glynda took over. "This year we will hold our Initiation early... And it begins in two hours. Be settled for the coming trial and you'll succeed as an intern in our Academy." Glynda steps off the stage and motions for them to follow her into the lockers. Blaire immediately got up from her seat and followed, not wanting to get left behind so that she doesn't get lost. After all, she was the worst when it came to directions. Probably not the worst, but she would definitely have a place in the top ten list. Blaire moved through the crowd, and there were occasional bumps and glares here and there.

"This area holds our academy's lockers. They are custom-made lockers with digital pads equipped. With a six digit code, you can assign them to arrive at a custom location of your choice. If you need to store your items, please do so with haste for you must prepare for the upcoming Initiation Phase. We will meet you back at the Main Building Hall where we will start our ritual."

Blaire walked over to her locker and registered her fingerprint. When it asked for a six-digit code, she had a mental argument with herself. Should it be 1-1-2-8-1-7? Or perhaps.. 1-1-2-8-0-7? Hmm.. After a few minutes of indecisiveness, she picked the latter. She then placed her bag inside, along with the case that held the bullets for her sniper guns. She didn't need to take too much with her because she always preferred to use her dual swords anyway.

As she closed her locker, there was a sudden voice that echoed throughout the room; catching her attention. "Alright i'm gonna be really blunt about this, I need a partner and I know that there's no way in hell that everyone in here is paired up. So, who among you is interested?" Right. Partners. Blaire completely and utterly forgot. May she stress out the word completely. She was always used to working alone, so it never crossed her mind. She needed a partner, and quick. She was about to raise her hand, but she stopped herself mid-action. Uhh.. Well, let's just say.. she never realized she was shy until this very moment in her life.
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