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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Welly Elly it's a pleasure to me y-OOOWAH!" Gram was sort-of-not-really cut off by the rather abrupt grabbing of the collar and the dragging of his body into the locker room. She seemed like a nice person. She smiled back at him, apologized, and introduced herself! However she was a wee bit... Aggressive? Hmm... Yup, that was definitely the word accurate to someone who would grab and drag person she just met by the collar, and threaten to incinerate somebody for starting an altercation. Though to be fair, she had been getting bullied earlier, so he figured she was just in a bad mood. At least she could smile! As long as someone can smile through it, they're fine. That was Gram's motto after all. No wonder the grey hunter was always so happy-looking.

Evidently Gram was getting pulled to the back. Honestly, he really didn't have need for a locker, what with possessing no weapons, but he figured he could just throw his travel stuff into it. He took the locker adjacent to Rielle's and threw his crap inside before dusting his hands together. "So Elly!" he chirped, "Why exactly are people picking on you anyway?
Atalanta nodded and raised her hand as if to say 'Don't worry, I understand. It's cool.' Upon the offer of walking together with her new friend and her friend's boyfriend, the hooded huntress shrugged, "Sure, why not?" What followed next was fairly expected. Goodwitch brought them all to the lockers, gave another speech, and left them all to their own devices. Atalanta popped open her locker and deposited her luggage fairly uneventfully. However, she dropped her metal briefcase onto the ground and opened the latch with her foot, opening the briefcase and revealing a pair of gauntlets, a bandolier of multi-colored dust, something that looked rather similar to rectangular welding goggles, and a set of roller blades. That last one was very literal, as there were actual blades on the blades.

Atalanta slipped on the gauntlets, doing a few finger stretches to check their flexibility before pointing one arm out and then the other, tilting her head as if aiming down both of them. She nodded and put the goggles on her forehead, some how managing not to even move that omnipresent hood of hers. The shortest huntress looked down at the skates, as if contemplating putting them on. After a few moments, Atalanta shrugged impassively and slipped into her HSSS.

Just then a fellow student decided to make a declaration. Something about partners and not having one. She looked to Priscilla and her boyfriend, and figuring they were going to partner up, skated up to brash young man on the bench, hands in the pockets of her short-sleeved hoodie..

"Alright. I'll bite."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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There was a slightly awkward silence in the air after Isaac's sudden declaration. For a moment he feared that he might have gone over the top and blown his chances of aquiring a partner, however salvation came to him in the form of a hooded young woman wearing skates of all things. Isaac looked down at the hooded young woman who had accepted his offer and nodded with satisfaction, it was one less burden off his shoulders, meaning he was now free to worry about the initiation process. "Well alright then, lets hope we can keep up with each other when this initiation thing starts.", Isaac stepped down from the bench and extended his hand, "Isaac Montenegro, at your service.".
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Heh. I can handle myself, so you don't have to worry your pretty little head about me," Atalanta replied with a cheeky looking grin. She took Isaac's hand and shook firmly. Much more firm than what might've been expected from someone of her short and thin body type, but then again she had managed to get accepted into Beacon. Neither side of the partnership may have been what they seemed, after all. "Atalanta Agrotera," she nodded, "It's a pleasure, Montenegro."

Well that was nice. Now she had a partner to go at the initiation with. That was one less item on the checklist of things to be worrying about. Now all she had to do was pass the Beacon initiation and there'd be absolutely nothing to worry about except for classes, which weren't much to worry about anyway.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Jie watched and admired Gertrude locking and loading her weapon. She opened her carrier bag and pulled out what looked like small brown pouched, along with two sheathed swords, chinese butterflies to be exact, with dual action revolvers combined into them. Jie slid the pouch belt around her waist, clipping it together and opening one. Out she pulled bullets and one by one loaded two sets into each of her bladed revolvers. Jie examined her handy work, looking down the sight of both of the blades, checking to see if there were any imperfections. Jie smiled and twirled her two Lotus Pins, quickly and very stylishly slipping them into her two sheaths resting on her backside.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Grey said
"Welly Elly it's a pleasure to me y-OOOWAH!" Gram was sort-of-not-really cut off by the rather abrupt grabbing of the collar and the dragging of his body into the locker room. She seemed like a nice person. She smiled back at him, apologized, introduced herself! However she was a wee bit... Aggressive? Hmm... Yup, that was definitely the word accurate to someone who would grab and drag person she just met by the collar, and threaten to incinerate somebody for starting an altercation. Though to be fair, she been getting bullied earlier, so he figured she was just in a bad mood. At least she could smile! As long as someone can smile through it, they're fine. That was Gram's motto after all. No wonder the grey hunter was always so happy-looking.Evidently Gram was getting pulled to the back. Honestly, he really didn't have for a locker, what with possessing no weapons, but he figured he could just throw his travel stuff into it. He took the locker adjacent to Rielle's and threw his crap inside before dusting his hands together. "So Elly!" he chirped, "Why exactly are people picking on you anyway?"

Rielle looked at Gram for a moment before placing her purse into a free locker and claiming it as hers with a code and such. "Because, im a Faunus...." she said quietly. The hand that closed the locker door stayed there for a moment as she looked down. She said nothing for a long moment before she clenched her fist and turned to him again, grabbing his collar and shaking him. "And also because im smart, and im pretty, and im young and im better than them anyways!" she said with a determined look in her eyes. "People do a damn good job of underestimating me even when they dont know anything about who i am or where i come from or anything!" she said letting him go once she noticed he looked shaken. She laughed lightly and rubbed the back of her head. "Ah, sorry. I got a little carried away." Reaching behind her, Rielle grabbed her bow that was hanging around her body. She inspected it for black char marks and wiped them off with her sleeve. "I can't wait...to show everyone what im made of." she said looking back up at Gram. "What weapon are you going to be using?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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"Hm? Didn't quite catch that first bit, can you repeat i-II~II~II~IT!"

That was certainly odd. Just a moment ago Elly was looking rather sad and forlorn, and the next moment she was shaking him by the collar again. The first thought that came into Gram's mind was that she was definitely much stronger than her stature made her out to be. Also, he figured he probably didn't weigh as much as he thought he did. Perhaps he'd have to investigate this query at a later point in time. He was supposed to be listening to his new friend telling him all about herself.

...Though perhaps 'telling' wasn't the right word. 'Screaming' maybe? Perhaps 'declaring'? 'Declaring' seemed like a much nicer word to use, so he'd opt for that description. 'His new friend was declaring details about herself.' Now if only she'd let him down now...

Ah there it was. Now he was safely on his two feet. A bit shaken up, obviously, but perfectly fine. As Elly picked up her weapon of choice - a bow by the looks of it - Gram replied, "Well I don't particularly see why any of the wouldn't be true! ...Especially not the bit about being a lot more than you look." He straightened out his wrinkled clothes as Elly asked another question. This one concerning his own weapon of choice.

"Huh? I don't have one."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Isaac was mildly surprised by the grip of his newfound partner, however he did his best to give no indication of such, "The pleasure is mine.". Releasing his grip, Isaac peered back at the entrance to the locker room and idly drummed his fingers on the hilt of his weapon, "If you're ready, then I guess we should get going for this initiation process. Ma' always said that being early left a good impression.". Isaac took a single step, then froze as he remembered something extremely important, "Er...." he began before turning back and scratching his head with embarrassment, "I wasn't really giving my full attention during the assembly. Which is to say, I don't really remember where they said it would take place.", he admitted sheepishly. It was a slightly rocky start to his new partnership, however Isaac fully planned to compensate for his inattentiveness earlier once the initiation actually started.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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"It looks like this year's set of students are... Special." Professor Ozppin contemplated at his desk with Glynda.

"What makes you think that they're better than the other graduates?" Glynda didn't seem to be too happy to have heard her set of favourites picked on by Ozpin.

"Haven't you seen in the Entry Ceremony? How they're just... Itching to strife beyond the skies? Besides... I never said they were better." He stood up and approached the window. "They might just be what we need to investigate... An issue that I've noticed..." Glynda stood her place looking slightly puzzled from what Ozpin had meant. She didn't realise it at first, but Ozpin was actually holding a piece of dust crystal in his hand. From what it seems, it was discharged.

"That's a discharged crystal in your hand." Ozpin rolled his eyes towards her until he rolled the crystal onto the desk.

"It's time for their Initiation, Glynda. Prepare the airship for their Ritual." He immediately dismissed the entire atmosphere but Glynda insisted.

"What do you mean? Why were you holding a discharged dust crystal?" Ozpin remained silent and mysterious.

"How hungry are you feeling today?" He asked her.

(Now just post like you're in the Initiation Forest)
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Gertrude stood on the pressured air platform above the cliff, gripping steelethrone tightly and with ragna on her right wrist. She looked over to Jie, who stood in awe at the beautiful forest below them. Jie quickly snapped out of her partial trance and pulled out Lotus Pin from their sheathed, pulling back the safety pins and twirling them from time to time. Gertrude cocked Steelethrone one more time and held it tightly. She was ready, and looked over to Jie once more. 'Father... Wish me luck...' She thought, staring off into the green abyss below the group.
Jie smiled as she gripped Lotus Pins tightly. She was patient, yet excited. She was excited for her and gertrude to be partners. 'And even if we aren't partners, we'll still be friends.' Jie thought, readying herself on the pressured platform. 'My honour and Patience guide me...' Jie muttered 'And May I represent my Family with said Honour and Patience.'
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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Isaac didn't know what to make of his current situation; He was standing on a platform staring out at the vast stretch of forest before him with a bit of curiosity and a sense of foreboding. "Uh...ok, I admit this is a pretty view and all, but, what exactly is the purpose of this? What's it got to do with initiation for Beacon?" he asked hesitantly. Part of him knew full well what the platform he was on was for, and was actually rather excited at the prospect, however the other part -the part that clung to his self preservation instincts with the fervor of a rabid dog- desperately hoped that this was just a twisted plot to weed out the faint of heart. Whatever the case, Isaac drew his weapon and tapped the button on the hilt, encasing his weapon in ice once more as he gripped the handle hard enough to turn his knuckles white.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"This is it..." Alexis said gulping but at the same time felt a sence of pride. It was normal that she felt butterflies. Making sure her guns were securely around her waist in thier sheaths she walked into the nearby forest. The height was dizzying but this was her chance to show she could do this. Approaching a plate she stepped on it glancing at the others.

"So many here today.."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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The forest-- green, lush and full of life filled with the dangers that this world fears most. Ferocity deceptively masked over the beautiful presence of bright floral and seemingly teem fauna. "You all must be wondering why we've brought you here for your first day today." Professor Ozpin stood beside Glynda who was continuing watch with her PDA in her hands. "This forest has been the Initiation grounds for countless other Hunters and Huntresses that are standing before you today... Including Glynda." He paused for a moment to gather his breath. "This forest may look as beautiful as it could be... But be warned. Whatever lurks underneath those canopies will try and kill you without hesitation. Some of the dangers you face will also vary in size, vary in number."

Finally, begins the briefing with a few simple points. "Your objective during this Initiation Ritual is to gather materials hidden among ruins located within the center of this forest. Once you've gathered the said materials, you will continue your way north until you've reached the northern part of the forest where we'll be meeting you on top of a hillside cliff. For this task, you will have a partner. Once you've arrived at the forest floor, the first person you make eye-contact with will be your ally for the duration of this trial. I'm sure you've made your acquaintances already with some students already..." He stood near the edge of the cliff. "Any questions?"

He asked among the students. Whether it be and hands up or not... "Good. Let the Initiation begin."

The first person to launch was Gram, on the very far left of the platform. Then next, it was Gertrude... Blaire... Priscilla... Isaac... Rielle... Simon... Jie... Mei... Whitney... Alexis... and finally Atalanta.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frey


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Whitney gazed at the beautiful, vast, forest. She clapped her hands together in excitement. Fun fun~ "This forest has been the Initiation grounds for countless other Hunters and Huntresses that are standing before you today... Including Glynda." Whitney didn't pay attention as her eyes surveyed the scenery. It was huge, but she had good sense of direction so she should be okay. Besides, the forest looked too beautiful to even be infested by gri-

" This forest may look as beautiful as it could be... But be warned. Whatever lurks underneath those canopies will try and kill you without hesitation. Some of the dangers you face will also vary in size, vary in number."

Whitney's smile faded from her lips. Of course these forests were dangerous. Most beautiful things wouldn't be complete without a little danger, right? Right. She took a deep breath and readied herself for launching. "Your objective during this Initiation Ritual is to gather materials hidden among ruins located within the center of this forest." Okie, I can do that~ Once you've gathered the said materials, you will continue your way north until you've reached the northern part of the forest where we'll be meeting you on top of a hillside cliff. Okay, I can do that too~ "For this task, you will have a partner. Once you've arrived at the forest floor, the first person you make eye-contact with will be your ally for the duration of this trial. W-what? But.. "-I'm sure you've made your acquaintances already with some students..." Whitney began to sob in her mind. But I don't know anyone..

Brushing off her worries, she smiled instead. If I don't know anyone, then I just have to get to know them, right? Easy peasyy. One by one, they were launched. She stared with excitement at those who were already launched into the air. When it was finally her turn, she put one of her foot forward to help herself balance. After nine people before her, she was finally launched into the air. "Weeeeeeeeeeeee!~" She chimed as she was up in the air. She turned with her arms wide open; savoring the moment before it was time for landing.

As she was nearing the forest trees, she immdeiately unsheathed her swords from behind her back. She slashed through the trees that blocked her way, cutting down branches and trees one by one before finally landing gracefully on the ground. "Fun fun~ Time to look for a partner!" She chirped before walking around.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla stepped into the platform a little scared. She looked around for her boyfriend but wasn't found no where. And then it began! She heard the professor speak and then, Gram was launched... and as soon as she thought about it. She was launched. "AAH!" she yelled seeing the forest below her. "Okay, Priscilla. You can do this!" she said closing her eyes and taking her staff as she would press the button making the staff bigger and then she slid down the big pole. "Weeeh!" and then without seconds later she landed on the ground. Her staff now resized back to normal as she would look around the forest, amazed at it's beauty. "I cannot believe that I am here."

Priscilla began to walk around her staff in her hands just in-case a monster pops up or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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"Wait...what? You're my partner?"
A collaboration between laxnyd and Shadowcatcher

Rielle stood on her platform and removed her bow from across her body. This was it. Finally she was going to get her chance to show everyone what she was made of. This was her chance to prove to every one who ever told her she was too little to be a huntress that they were wrong. She closed her eyes and focused on activating her semblance. She was about to get shot in the air afterall, and she needed to figure out how to get down safely into a forest full of the Grimm.

Mei, meanwhile, heard Ozpin's instructions and prepared herself, clearing her mind of any distractions. She had no need for worry, fear or speculation. The instructions were clear: Land safely, make eye contact, complete the task. That was all she needed to do. Not drawing a weapon, Mei instead focused her aura onto her hands and feet and assumed a combat position, ready to be launched into the forest without a parachute.

Rielle readied herself as she glanced over to see others being shot off into the skies above the forest. Turning her bow so that its length was vertical, she waited for her turn. The force of the launch surprised her as she flew into the air with great speed. Her hood flew back behind her and a smile rose on her face.

"WOOOHOOO!" She yelled excitedly. It was like she was flying without the effort of using her wings. It had been like... forever since she was airborne like this. Her brown hair whipped about her face and for a short period of time, all she felt was bliss. Rielle suddenly remembered her orders as she felt the sensation of falling. Stepping with one foot on the hooked part of her bow, she turned sideways and held out her free hand. Soon it would be covered In fire as she propelled herself forward like a rocket.

Right before Mei was launched three pads down the line from Rielle, she took in a deep breath and decided to use her advantage: With her presence concealment, it was quite possible that she could avoid eye contact with others for quite some time, therefore allowing her to "pick and choose" a partner to a small degree. She disappeared right on the launch pad and flew into the air unseen, preparing her landing strategy.

Although the very foreign sensation of flying in the air confused her and raised her excitement, thus making the effects of presence concealment flicker for a few moments, she managed to get it under control and focused on her landing strategy. In fact, she was so focused that she was completely unaware that she was about to crash into someone.

Rielle couldnt help the smile on her face, despite the fact that this initiation was probably life or death. Her eyes closed for just a moment as she decided to take in the rush of flying ine last time before landing. It was in that moment she collided with something midair and lost her balance. "AHHH!" She squealed as her foot and hand slipped from her bow and she began freefalling towards the trees below. She needed to fly, like...NOW! But she couldnt keep herself steady enough to let out her wings. She kept flipping around like a ragdoll as her hands flailed out wildly.Oh no no no, this is going to huuuurt! she freaked in her head.

The moment Mei crashed into Rielle her focus was thrown right off. Instead of the skillfull, unseen landing she had hoped for Mei had to improvise - and really quickly. Gathering the Aura in her body, she focused them onto her hands and feet, knowing that the only thing she can do now was to smash through enough of the foilage to slow her descent to the point where it wouldn't be TOO painful.

As she flailed about while trying to gather that focus, however, her eyes came into contact with those of the girl she had crashed into. Namely, Rielle.

Eye contact made while crashing into each other and spoiling each other's life saving landing strategies was still eye contract!

Suddenly where there once was air was a girl, and Inevetibly, Rielle ended up making eye contact with her. The blue eyes of rielle made contact with the girls brown ones for only a moment. Reaching out To the girl out of Instinct, she managed to steady herself enough to where she felt okay to let her wings out. "Dont freak out! And uh... dont wiggle either!" She yelled before letting her wings free and turning the two of them around. It was painful at first to carry both of their weights, but it was just enough to slow them down as they hit the trees.

Mei was about to brace for impact as best she could when she felt herself being held on and some of the momentum slowed. Had someone picked her up? Considering she was in the middle of the air at the moment she couldn't turn around to see who it was but knew that, in this situation she didn't have much of a choice at the moment.

ANd with that, the two of them hit the trees, then some branches, - both of which slowed their descent - before finally hitting the floor. With the sensation of falling having stopped, Mei didn't even bother trying to get up at the moment. Instead, she just lay there, wondering how she could have been so stupid as to crash into someone mid air.

...well, I guess this is what I get for flying invisible and not paying attention.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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'Ohmanohmanohmanohman! Ah yes... This is gonna be great.'

It was quite evident Gram was an excited little bugger. It was in the way he smiled, in his happy little wave to all his friends further down the platforms, and in that manic glint in his narrowed eyes. He had gotten a few odd looks from some of the other students, likely due to his distinct lack of weapon and the general look that made it seem that he wasn't exactly a disciplined martial artsy type. Which he wasn't.

The silence from the two staff members supervising them was broken by Professor Ozpin beginning their briefing. Apparently they were to search for materials within the forest, and the first person they made eye contact with would be their partner. Gram supposed he would've wanted Elly or Blaire as his potential partners, but making new friends was always fun. He looked down to the forest below and grinned. To him, it was less a dangerous wilderness and more a glorified playground.

Gram grinned widely. Hopefully they wouldn't mind him damaging some of the property, hehe.

Once the briefing speech finished, they were all launched into the air from their platforms. Which was strange, as nobody got to ask any questions even though Professor Ozpin had asked.

Gram soared through the air rather casually. He had no idea what exactly to do, as there wasn't much he could do while flying at high speeds, several meters in the air.

'Ah. There's the ground,' Gram thought, 'Now how do I wanna land...? Cool and stylish, casual and rela-.'

The grey hunter slammed into the ground heels-first, creating furrows in the ground as he slid along, shaving off momentum. Once he came to a complete stop, Gram blinked a few times before stepping out of the furrows and picking a direction to wander off towards.
Atalanta smirked in anticipation as she lowered her rectangular goggles over her eyes. She assumed a sprinting stance as Professor Ozpin gave his briefing. Part of her wanted to tell the white-haired professor via strategic yelling to get on with the show, but she knew that would probably get herself in trouble for something like that.

The forest below was a very good place for Atalanta to operate. The trees would provide great anchors for her grapnel lines, so she could just easily slingshot her way throughout the entire area super quickly and efficiently. The ability to maneuver around quickly would be a great asset in this particular challenge, that was for sure. Though she had made an agreement with Isaac to meet up, and it wasn't as if she didn't have a reason not to.

Whatever. It wasn't good to worry about these things anyway. Just focus on the here and now. Suddenly, the first student was launched, then the second, third, and so on. She mentally counted down as the launching got closer to herself before finally...

"Let's roll," Atalanta grinned before getting fired from her platform.

The diminutive young lady soared through the air like all the rest. Her body was smaller, so she ended up flying much further. As she got closer to the treeline, Atalanta picked out two tree branches further ahead before firing off her grapnels, pulling herself forward, and retracting the anchors back into her gauntlets. With her momentum increased further and a better angle to land from, the orange hooded young lady landed on the ground seamlessly, speeding deeper into the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis was about to ask a question. "Um sir....?" However she watched as one by one the other 11 were launched. The task at hand was going to be a challenge for her because she was unfamiliar with being in a forest.At the mention of danger she shook a bit but shrugged it off. She was going to accept this challenge no matter what. She was relieved she was not launched early.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Gertrude felt the wind blast her long blonde hair back as she soared through the air. She readied Ragna for an oncoming tree... BAM, Gertrude penetrated the tree with ease. BAM again, another tree done. Gertrude landed with a THUD onto the thick forest ground on one knee. She got up, and pushed her golden locks back. She twirled Steelethrone and shifted it into its rifle form, looking down the sights as she looked left to right. She lowered Steelethrone and jogged off.
Jie loved the cold wind push on her face. She readied lotus pins, shifting her bodying into a sideways positions as she smacked into a tree... No, she hung there, with Her lotus pins wedged into the tree. 'Very well done...' She muttered to herself, pressing her legs against the thick tree and pushed, pulling Lotus Pins out. she back flipped, and landed on her feet. Jie aimed Lotus pins in both directions, breathing in slowly as she waited for anything dangerous to show it's ugly head. Jie lowered her guns, and jogged off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

As Priscilla was walking she noticed someone close by to her. She decided why not and walk to that person! Priscilla now began to run and spotted a girl. Gertrude. "Hiiii!~" Priscilla said as she ran towards Gertrude smiling at her. "Oooooooh. Does this mean that we are partners? Wait, you haven't looked at me. I mean, if you want to look at me you can!" she said scratching the back of her head seeing that Gertrude looked like a very skilled huntress.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Gertrude turned around to Priscilla. 'Alright then, I guess we are...' Gertrude said, holding her weapons. 'Damn, Sorry Jie...' She thought, tightening her grip on steelethrone. 'Let's get moving... before and creatures come and bite our heads off' She said, turning around and walking off, hoping that Priscilla would follow her. 'Let's just hope that she can hold herself in a fight...' Gertrude thought.
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