Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Isaac soared through the air clutching his weapon as tightly as humanly possible without causing injury, he appeared to be mouthing something, however the actual sounds were masked by the rush of wind as it passed him by. Were his words capable of being heard, one would quickly discover that he was cursing everything in creation, though nothing bore the full brunt of his ire quite like Ozpin, whom was receiving the lion's share of curses as Isaac continued to unwillingly defy gravity. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever, even a hate fueled rant to end all rants, something Isaac realized as he noticed the ground rapidly approaching. "Alright Fría, here we go baby!" He barked as he tightened the straps on his goggles and reared his arm back. Just as he was about to pass the first tree, Isaac lashed out with his weapon, shattering most of the ice coating, but miraculously slowing his ascent without much trouble as the inwardly curved serrated blades tore through the tree with a loud rasp. Once he'd reached a comfortable enough height, Isaac pulled his weapon free and rolled onto the ground bellow with a loud grunt.

"Of all the crazy ideas i've bore witness to, how the flying hell did THIS ONE end up not being illegal?!", He hissed as he rose to his feet and dusted himself off. Isaac turned to few his handiwork for a moment; the once unmarred tree now sported an eight meter long gash down its trunk, however no sap oozed out despite the deepness of the wound, rather the area inside and immediately around the mark began freeze and crack, breaking off every now and then, a clear indication of being subjected to subzero temperatures. "Atta' girl." Isaac muttered to his weapon proudly as he sheathed the blade in a fresh coat of ice, "Now then, lets find Atlanta. Once this is all said and done we need to sit down with the headmaster and have a serious chat with the headmaster about his methods." Isaac said as he delved deeper into the forest, completely unaware of what was to come.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

Priscilla nodded. "Alright, PARTNER!" she smiled at her and then began to follow Gertrude. Priscilla had to speak first when he saw Gertrude, mainly because she had to. She wanted to make friends and that's what she had to do. "Kay." hopefully there weren't any creatures around. Priscilla began to walk right behind Gertrude, humming. "Oh, my name is Priscilla."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Gertrude looked back at Priscilla. 'Alright Priscilla...' Gertrude said. 'I hate to be rude, but it be best to keep quite in this type of environment...' She looked left, then too right. 'Who knows what could be in here...' She said, lifting up Steelethrone. 'You have a weapon?' Gertrude asked 'I'd recommend that you'd pull it out now... Just incase...' Gertrude looked back at Priscilla, then in front of her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Blaire's eyes scanned through the forest. The scenery was quite breath taking; it was almost hard to believe that grimms lurked within the place. She looked at those who were at her left side - the ones who were going to be launched first, to be exact. She noticed Gram, and her memories clicked. They were separated during the assembly and both of them probably hadn't noticed out of excitement. Blaire almost forgot that she made a friend. Now that she remembered, she felt a wave of relief wash over her. She wouldn't be totally alone in a sea of strangers, and she made a mental note to get to know the rest real soon.

After looking at Gram, her eyes landed on Gertrude. She gulped when she realized that she was going to be the third one to be launched. Not out of fear, but out of thrill.

"Good. Let the Initiation begin."

As she saw Gram being launched into the air, a smile couldn't help itself from forming on her lips. It's finally time, huh? As the second person was launched, she readied her stance, lowering slightly to improve her balance. Then finally, she was up in the air. Blaire stretched her arms to the side, closing her eyes for a moment to enjoy the breeze. Then she remembered -- she was wearing a skirt. She immediately placed one hand on the front, and one hand on the back; holding it down. Dammit. She sighed in frustration. Her face became flushed, and she started to lose her focus.

By the time that her mind focused back in, she was already nearing the trees. During the last second, she pulled out both swords that were secured on both sides of her hips. With a slash using both swords, the tree in front of her fell down. She tapped her foot onto the branch for a moment to increase her speed, before spinning in the air to accelerate; increasing the amount of damage to her slashes. After the second tree was down, she simply cut through the remaining branches that blocked her way before landing smoothly onto the ground. Phew. She brushed the back of her hand over her head in relief.

Blaire started to walked through the trees, finding whoever was supposed to be her partner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Groaning in pain as she stood up after falling through the trees, Rielle winced as she flapped the leaves off of her wings. It had been a long time since she used them, and carrying double the weight was not a good idea. They flapped closedpamd returned to their spot under her hood before she looked around for the girl she crashed into. When Rielle spotted her nearby, she placed a hand on her hip and walked over.

"Hey... partner? Im Rielle Rouge. You can call me Elly if you like." She looked up and spotted her bow in a tree up above them. After hopping up a few branches, she grabbed it and kept it at the ready as she went back to the girl. "Sorry for crashing into you. I seriously didn't see you. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

As Isaac continued to trek through the forest, all around he could hear the sounds of birds singing, crickets chirping, and things rustling in the undergrowth and bushes. While most people might tend to become paranoid at the frequent rustlings and snapping of twigs, Isaac paid no mind to it, after all, it was when the forest went dead quiet that you had to worry. Still, Isaac picked up his pace as he much preferred to find his partner before the forest had a chance to go silent. His efforts had been fruitless so far, but there was one thing he had that he knew would change that, 'Time to put these eyes to work.' he mused as he tugged up his goggles. Just as before, Isaac's eyes instantly exploded into various hues without the covering of the dark lenses. The animals that were once hidden instantly lit up as their thermal radiation betrayed their position, showing up as either warm colors for mammals and birds, and cooler colors for reptiles and insects. It wasn't very long before Isaac caught sight of a female figure up ahead, "Well that was quick. Thank you, freaky eye ability!" he said to himself before running forward, occasionally jumping over logs or hacking through bushes. It had occurred to Isaac that the person ahead might not be Atlanta, a calculated risk to be sure, but not of massive consequence to him so long as he had a partner.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Hearing the words of the girl who had apparently become her partner, Mei finally mustered up the determination to stand up. Considering that things could have turned out a lot worse and yet she had still hoped for things to turn out a lot better, Mei let out a sigh. Not bad, not good, just a neutral sigh. Examining her body for any wounds, Mei finally got her mind back in the game as she turned to her new partner.

"Elly it is then." she smiled. "I'm Mei - Li Mei, nice to meet you. And... I'm the one who should be apologizing." she admitted. "I was behind you, after all - and I was invisible. It shouldn't be any surprise that you couldn't see me. I'm the one who lost focus and crashed into you, so... I'm sorry!" she said, bowing her head in apology.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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VKAllen Friendo

Member Seen 1 yr ago

"A fanged forest hiding underneath a beautiful facade of flora and fauna... This is more like it..." Simon contemplated as he brofisted his own set of fists. He looked around the people around him, seeing Priscilla who seemed to have not noticed him and the others who were preparing upon Ozpin's brief speech. He questioned them if they had any inquiries and sure enough, there was one. The only thing was, Ozpin didn't seem to budge at them. Fump! And off the first guy goes. Simon looked up, seeing how high he was launched and began calculations with only his eye. Air drag, wind-resistance and direction. It seems that safe landing velocity was reachable if he was able to get enough blowback.

As he calculated the amount of velocity and wind strength, his launch was coming up soon and he felt chills of adrenaline all of a sudden rushing all over his body. He felt every single particle around him seemingly move and alternate. He can feel and count each heartbeat as well as the amount of breaths he was taking in. A muscle's pinch of movement sounded like loud gongs. This was it. Initiation Ritual was directly in front of his eyes and he was going to be thrown-in commando-style into the unknown where beauty is only a facade. He saw Priscilla launched into the air, hopefully she wasn't scared or anything... But he couldn't help but worry. Will she be okay? He'll be taking his eyes off her for a while. Soon, Isaac launched into the air and the words that blurted into the air was faintly heard. He was sure he was cursing-- not that it was hilarious anyway.

The next girl shot up, and something unexpected happened there as she sped through the air like a soaring rocket. Then came Simon's turn. His heartbeat was going fast and his muscles, anticipating the loosened springs underneath the metal platform he was standing on. Ozpin and Glynda observed each students who were about to be launched and he made sure he was ready for such launch velocity. He was ready. Flump! He closed his eyes, feeling gravitational pressure pulling against the ascending velocity that arched like a perfect rainbow. The wind struck his face relentless and Simon had to open those eyes. The vastness of the forest tookover the previous location he could see before. This was it.

He opened his body weight wide, allowing him to glide with lower air drag. He inspected the distance he was travelling. Despite of his large weight, it appears that he was going to land quite the distance away. Some people have landed, evident from the amount of trees that fell onto the ground. Dust clouds blew into the air seemingly irritating Simon's adrenaline filled system. He was now falling in a steady descent. "Ngearh!" With the calculated formula in his mind, he threw his shield in front of him with as much force possible. Aided by his descending velocity, it flew faster and quicker below. It's gravity defying properties kicked in as the shield boomerangs back to Simon as ground was approaching fast. The shield retaliated, moving at a faster speed than before directly towards Simon.

He held out his left arm, and the shield immediately latches on to the bracers, causing a change in the momentum that Simon was in. His calculations had payed off. When his shield attached itself to his bracers, he was only falling 10 metres above ground. The nearby canopy cushioned the rest of his fall. Simon grabbed onto whatever branches he could find to slow his descent before smoothly landing onto the solid ground with only a sore left arm. "Awright." He stood up and looked around him-- Only to find a girl dressed in a black uniform (Blaire) prowling among the trees. Simon tried to ease up his sore left arm by moving it around a little. "First eye-contact with a person means that they're my partner. Looks like she's it."

The compact sword attached to his right bracelet was still there, and his backpack was still intact. He was ready for this trial. He turned around to make eye contact with the girl. "Hello there! Girl in black uniform!" He said waving. He feels his adrenaline slowly receding in the middle of the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Gertrude and Priscilla were walking along. It seemed quiet... too quiet for this forest. 'When will something interesting pop up...' Gertrude thought. And right on cue, almost coincidentally, a mighty roar cut the silence short, and soon enough a black, large giant Ursa charged in, clearly angry. 'Finally!' Gertrude said, grabbing Priscilla and jumping out of the way. 'A Challenge, An Ursa!' Gertrude yelled. She was excited, something finally showed up worth a damn, and Gertrude was ready to fight this Ursa. 'You ready?' Gertrude asked Priscilla.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Blaire took another turn. She has been walking around for quite awhile now but she hasn't ran into anyone yet. She bit her lip, beginning to worry about getting lost. After all, she was really really bad with directions. She sighed, hoping that she would meet up with someone before she wandered further into the wilderness. "Hm, let's see.. If I came from that way, then I should go this way.. or maybe there..or is it here? Wait, I think I came from this way..or was it that way?" She pondered.

Blaire's ear twitched when she heard the crunching of twigs and dead leaves. She placed her right hand on her left sword, preparing herself for any kinds of threats and dangers. She walked over to the direction in hopes that it would be someone from Beacon Academy. Though she didn't mind getting engaged in a fight with a grimm, it wasn't smart to do it alone when it was her first time. Training was different from a real life battle after all.

The trees did a good job of blocking out the sun's rays, leaving her surroundings a little bit darker. The darker it was, the better her vision was. "This is such a dra-"

"Hello there! Girl in black uniform!"

She flinched as the sudden voice broke through the silence. Embarrassed at the first impression that she just made, she cleared her throat in an attempt to brush it off. "My name's Blair. But girl-in-black-uniform works too." She said as she reached her right hand out to him. At long last, she wasn't alone in these forests. Now, she could only hope that unlike her, her partner would be good at directions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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Things died down after Simon was launched. He made eye contact with the girl-in-black-uniform and decided that it was a good idea to stay around. With a working partner things could get easier than it looks. He approached the girl, pushing some of the shrubs out of the way into the darker part of the forest to meet her. "My name's Blaire. But girl-in-black-uniform works too." And that was her introduction. Eccentric and quite the joker she seems to be. Like Isaac.

"Let me think about it." He crossed his arms and looked up to the canopies. "Nope. Too many syllables. Name's Simon!" He said, pushing his fist against his chest. "Now... Where exactly are we..." He looked around to look for the trees he had fell on. The direction at which they were launched were north... Quite obvious. That means that all they had to do was to either keep moving north and hope that they'll find the said materials or look around a little more to find the... Oh yeah.

They had to find some sort of ruins right? He looked around the area again before asking Blaire some directive questions. "Did you see anything like a ruins or something?" Some of the shrubs seem to rustle a little bit more than usual now and it was making Simon turn and look. Nothing. The trees were calm and subtle. Not a rustle was heard. He looked back at Blaire again hoping for an answer, but just as he took his eyes off the forest, the rustling continued to circle around Blaire and Simon. "I'm not the only one who can hear that right?" He said while keeping eye contact on Blaire. His hand reached for his compact sword and wielded it firmly around his hand. "Maybe that's the monsters that Ozpin was talking about..." His sword quickly formed into a larger, two-handed blade held with one hand.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frey


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Whitney continued to walk around the woods; determined to find herself a partner. It was rather quiet, besides the occasional chirping of birds, and the soft rustling of leaves as the wind danced through them. Her heartbeat sped up; whether it was out of nervousness or excitement, she wasn't sure. Perhaps a little bit of both.

Whitney loved adventures, but where was the fun in them if she had no one to venture with? There would be no one to share her jokes with, no one to talk to, and no one to have fun with. She pouted slightly, the silence - and loneliness creeping in on her. "This is no fun.." Whoever she would come in contact with first will officially be dubbed as her savior. She made a mental note to give that person a very very warm welcome.

"Hmmm.. Should I hug that person? Or maybe I should just flash him or her a million dollar smile? Or perhaps.. I can treat my partner to bacon sometime~ Oh, the possibilities are endless~"

As she continued to walk through the trees, she whistled a random tune out of boredom. But if luck was on her side, then hopefully someone would hear her and come to her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Simon. Thankfully, that was a pretty easy name to remember. She wouldn't have to go through another embarrassing moment wherein she forgets someone's name. Blaire smiled, happy that someone could finally lead the way. Pairing up with someone wasn't such a bad thing after a- "Now... Where exactly are we..." Her smile faded, and the expression on her face turned gloomy. So her partner didn't know where they were too? My, what now.. Not wanting to disappoint her new partner, she replied, "Ah, well.. you know.. Somewhere east? South-ish..." She had no idea what she was talking about, but at least she answered his question, right? Besides, she was the third to be launched, so that meant she was at the left side. In a compass, left meant east..

"Did you see anything like a ruins or something?" Blaire tried to trace back to her memories. She probably did see a ruin. The problem was she couldn't tell which way it was. But if she went back to where she previously came from, she could probably remember where it was located. "Now that I think about it, I might have." She replied.

Her train of thoughts were disrupted when she caught a movement at the corner of her eye, accompanied by the sound of leaves rustling. "I'm not the only one who can hear that right?" They stared blankly at each other, both probably wondering if they were imagining things. As Simon reached for his compact sword, Blaire did the same. She unsheathed both swords and studied her surroundings. "Maybe that's the monsters that Ozpin was talking about..." She narrowed her eyes a little bit, focusing on the shrubs behind Simon. There was a deafening silence for a moment, "Watch out!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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It knew that the two were there and it was stalking them from the moment they had entered the darker region of the forest. It found its moment where Both of its prey was not looking. Keeping its movement steadfast, it leaped forward, claws trying to slice the first person it sees, Simon.

"Watch out!" Blaire shouted out. In that instant Simon turned, shield-first to protect himself for whatever was coming. The claws met the metal of his buckler, generating a high-pitched screech and sparks flew. The force at which he threw his arm was enough to bash the creature out of the way, but immediately disappearing as soon as it made its first preemptive strike into the shrubs again.

"What the hell was that?!" Simon yelled out, the sword remaining in hand as he looked around. "Did you see what it was?! It sounded like a lioness or something..." He kept looking around, clueless at where the beast was.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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The creature jumped out from the shrubs and leaped towards Simon. There was a loud growl that echoed through the forest, accompanying the screeching sound it's claws made as they made contact with Simon's shield. Fortunately, he was quick enough to block the attack, sending the creature running away. It was probably still lurking somewhere and waiting for the next chance it gets. "What the hell was that?!" Simon yelled. "Did you see what it was?! It sounded like a lioness or something..." He said as he looked at his surroundings.

Blaire let out a deep breath that she didn't realize she was holding in. That was definitely a close call. "Yeah, it looked like a black jaguar to me.." She replied. Her swords remained in her hands, just incase the creature--or another creature for that matter, went in for an attack. "We should probably get going." She said before withdrawing one of the swords inside it's sheath. She continued to hold onto the other one for safety's sake.

Blaire started to walk to the direction she was heading for earlier, but on a second thought, she stopped and turned towards Simon. "Hmm.. Which way do you think we should go?" She asked him. If they were to get lost, then it would be better if it weren't her fault. The last thing she wanted was to bring them further away from the intended place. Heck, they might even end up at the opposite side of where the meeting point was supposed to be.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Shit. Jaguars. That's not a good sign." He was lucky to have successfully block the attack. If they had stayed there any longer, perhaps they wouldn't survive such guerrilla tactics from the beast.

"We should probably get going." Blaire added, sheathing one sword and holding another by her other hand.

"Good idea." Blaire lead the way to a particular direction, but that was before she stopped herself and turned to Simon for directions. He looked at her among the trees and shrubs a little more cautious this time.

"Hmm... Which way do you think we should go?" It was a good question and he had an answer just for that. He looked around him-- trying to hear for that rustling again but it seems like that jaguar-looking thing was gone for now.

"Alright... Follow me for a sec. We need to go back from where you came from, to check if the ruins was actually there." He turned back, running towards where the damaged trees and shrubs were-- His landing point. At least where that was there was some light coming through from the sky above and they cleared away from the jaguar's lair. "Okay. If you haven't realised... We were being launched Northways. That means where we need to end is probably somewhere down there." He pointed the opposite direction of where he landed.

"Now, you should lead me to where you think you saw the ruins." He looked around, trying to look for others perhaps instead of just them two. "Ah, before anything else like back there happen again..." He looked at his backpack on his back and pressed a button on the strap. "Stand back a sec... This'll take a few moments." A set of armor quickly decompresses itself from its compact form, attaching metal plates along Simon's chest, back, arms and legs etc. "There we go. At least I'm protected now." He felt more weight around his body-- but it should be fine. "Now... To look for that ruins... Where did you say it was?"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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"Alright... Follow me for a sec. We need to go back from where you came from, to check if the ruins was actually there."

That was a relief to hear. Blaire followed him as he quickly made his way towards some place. She walked in longer strides, keeping up with Simon as he ran. They arrived at a spot with broken branches everywhere and damaged trees--which must have been his landing spot. She noticed that it was a lot brighter here; the sky being visible from where they stood. "Okay. If you haven't realised... We were being launched Northways. That means where we need to end is probably somewhere down there." She listened attentively, and her gaze followed the direction of where his finger pointed to. She quickly scanned the area, looking for anything familiar. One that stood out was the weird looking mushroom that grew beside a tree.

"Now, you should lead me to where you think you saw the ruins." He said while looking around. "This way." Blair made a quick movement with her head, motioning for him to follow her. If she landed a couple meters away from Simon's landing spot, then she would have to turn left to return to the remains of an old structure. "Ah, before anything else like back there happen again..." Blaire paused and looked towards Simon, wondering what he was going to do. "Stand back a sec... This'll take a few moments." She moved a few steps away, giving him the space he needed. Soon after, metal plates began to attach themselves along Simon's body. It went along his chest, which slowly moved all the way downwards; protecting him down to his legs. "There we go. At least I'm protected now."

Blaire nodded in amusement, "Impressive." She said, "And very convenient." She added. She never wore any armor to protect herself. She depended on her speed, because the faster she was, the stronger her blows were and the more she would be compatible with her semblance. After all, there would be no use to seeing through your enemy's actions if you didn't have to speed to match it with. "Now... To look for that ruins... Where did you say it was?" He asked. Blaire continued to walk to the direction she was headed to. "This way, I believe." From a distance, she could hear someone whistling, but she dismissed it as some type of bird. But the more she walked forward, the sound of the whistle grew closer and closer. "Ah. There must be someone else close by."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

Rielle shook her head and waved one hand. "No really, its fine. We both had something to do with it. Nice to meet you Mai." she heard a slight rustling behind her and frowned. "Come one. We need to get to the ruins in the forest. " she stepped over and took Mai by the hand and proceeded to gently pull her along deeper j to the forest. "If you have a weapon, you might want to draw it now."

Just as she finished speaking a roar was heard behind them as two Beowolves burst out of the bushes a few feet from them. Her eyes widened at the size of them and she turned to Mai. "Run or fight? Your call." She said, turning to the two beasts, holding her bow at the ready. As soon as the beasts saw she was preparong to f8ght, the ran towards the two of them. "Okay nevermind. We do this the hard way. Ill take the one on the left. " she said. Dashing to the side and smirking as one followed her, Rielle jumped high onto the branch of a tree and held her bow up to strike. She pulled the string back and slowly an arrow made of fire would appear and it glowrd brilliantly. "Eat this you Grimm bastard!" She released the arrow and it went soaring at it just as it jumped up to try and get her. The arrow ripped its arm right off before turning to light flame sparks. Though the beowolf was slowed, it seemed far from giving up. Worried a bit for her friend, Rielle pointed her bow in the direction of the second beowolf, only to see Mai was in no trouble at all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis noticed that many of the others were in the forest now. She felt herself launch and screamed at first but then she focused and taking out her weopons she flicked them to dagger mode and prepared to land. Approaching a tree she quickly moved to use her daggers to safely slide down it by pinning them into the tree. Once she slid down the tree she landed on the ground.

"Well that went better then expected. . " She mused to no one. Realizing she was alone she felt a bit uneasy but hoped she had landed close to anyone.

"Hello is anyone here? " She called out. Her eyes scanned carefully for any dangers as she flicked her weopons back into guns. Moving them around she was glad this forest held no surprises. Hearing some sound of whistling not far off she began to head towards the source.

"Is anyone here?" She called but paused as a branch started to move and a low growl could be heard.

"Ok that sounds bad.. "
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Member Seen 2 mos ago

Atalanta registered a noise following behind her that sounded much like rustling leaves, broken branches, and footfalls. Another student, or a Grimm? The hooded girl fired both of her grapnels into a single tree, pulling her body towards the trunk. She left the anchor within the tree in order to keep herself high enough off the ground so a Grimm couldn't attack, but low enough that she could see any potential partners. The overall appearance of her clinging to that tree made her look something like a spider... person.

If the incoming presence was a Grimm, she'd merely dispatch it and get on her way. Honestly, she didn't even want to be waiting, but on the off-chance it was another student, she'd be able to finish up that 'gain a partner' objective. So she patiently waited for the inevitable appearance.

Suddenly, Isaac.

"Yo Isaac. Up here," Atalanta waved from her perch. Looks like it was indeed a student, and the one she had agreed to partner up with previously. Perfect. She unanchored and slid along the tree onto ground level. "Did you get a decent look at the place up there? Any directions that look interesting?"
Gram jaunted through the forest without a care in the world. He had yet to encounter any potential partners, or any of the Grimm that allegedly patrolled these wilds. The trainee figured that was fine - it only made it that much more easy to pick up... whatever it was they were looking for. Perhaps Professor Ozpin could've been more specific regarding that. What if there was something that looked a lot like something they were supposed to be looking for, but wasn't? What then? Hopefully what they were looking for would be super obvious. Like a... golden shiny thing. Whatever. He'd see in due time.

Gram stopped in his tracks and backhanded the tree to his right, blasting a sizable hole within it and sending splinters and dust flying away from him. "Oho, what do we have here...?" he asked, smiling ominously as the debris began to settle, revealing the form of an Ursa Major, a far larger version of the smaller, more common occurrence. "You certainly look like an interesting-looking toy to play with!" Gram declared, smiling wider and extending out his arms in greeting, "I'm Gram. It's a pleasure to meet you."

He then proceeded to push the the tree onto the Ursa Major as the beast let out its roar. It died with an (un)satisfying SPLAT!.

"...Well that wasn't as fun as I thought it'd be."
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