Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

ArcanicNeon said
Gertrude and Priscilla were walking along. It seemed quiet... too quiet for this forest. 'When will something interesting pop up...' Gertrude thought. And right on cue, almost coincidentally, a mighty roar cut the silence short, and soon enough a black, large giant Ursa charged in, clearly angry. 'Finally!' Gertrude said, grabbing Priscilla and jumping out of the way. 'A Challenge, An Ursa!' Gertrude yelled. She was excited, something finally showed up worth a damn, and Gertrude was ready to fight this Ursa. 'You ready?' Gertrude asked Priscilla.

As they were walking she could hear some growling coming closer to them! It was so scary but she would have to fight. Priscilla got her weapon ready just incase. As they were walking she looked at Gertrude getting ready. "Finally!" yelled Gertrude. Priscilla laughed softly seeing how excited the girl was. And now she got serious. "Let's do this..." and with that being said. Priscilla began to run with her speed towards the Ursa, she used her semblance as she would phase through the Ursa appearing behind it and grabbing her staff as she would press the button making it grow two times larger and smacked it on the Ursa's head, sending it flying away to a close up tree. Priscilla landed on the ground using her staff looking at Gertrude. "Uhhhh, You're turn!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Mei was about to tell Rielle that her battle needed no weapon when the two beowolves came at them.

So those were grimm. Terrible beasts said to have no soul within them; monsters which nearly drove humanity to extinction. Seeing that Rielle had her bow and was engaging one of the wolves, Mei entered a martial stance and gathered her aura, waiting for the right moment when the beast lunged at her. Focusing her aura in her right hand, seeing as this was her first Grimm battle she decided to test the waters and intercepted it mid-lunge with a palm strike right on it's mask, the force of the aura blowing the beowolf back.

Letting out a deep breath and entering another combat stance, Mei considered her results. That did less damage then I expected. I'll probably need to add more force to my next strike. she decided.

"Elly, how are you holding up?" Mei asked as she waited to see if her opponent to get back up and come at her again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

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Isaac came to a halt and peered up at his partner as she called up, though he flinched a bit as a ray of sunlight caught his eye. 'Awesome, found her on the first try' He thought as she descended from the tree and inquired as to what he'd saw while airborne. "Well I spent most of the time I was flying to rant, however I think I caught a glimpse of something large beneath the canopy while up there. He looked around a bit until he found caught sight of the strange thing far off in the distance, "There. That way." Isaac said as he pointed in a northwestern direction. To a normal person Isaac would likely just seem to be a fool or crazy, after all, in a large and unfamiliar forest, it appeared as though he was merely pointing in some random direction and claiming to have seen something, however to Isaac it was clear as day; large and likely cool to the touch given the blue hue it gave off.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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"Impressive. And very convenient." He heard the amusement in the tone of her speech. He probably did looked funny with armor on anyway. Priscilla would think so if she saw.

"Thank you." Was the only thing he could say. "I'm an inventor. This is what I do." He casually shrugged with a smirk on his face.

"This way, I believe" Now, Simon was being lead by Blaire towards a different direction but hell! He forgot to look for a landmark of where he landed! Well, that might slow him down a little. He wondered if Blaire in front of him did make any landmarks at all. He crossed his fingers as he followed her.

She could be seen looking around the forest as if she heard something. The more she kept looking around, the more curious Simon became as he tried to tune his ears in to hear whistling of tones in the distant. It seems to become louder as well. Were they approaching another monster or was it a person? "Ah. There must be someone else close by." Blaire added.

"You don't think it's those monsters at all?" If Blaire would give Simon a look, he'll respond to it by saying; "I'm just sayin'! It's a forest filled with things to kill you after all." Either way, they'll probably have to check it out anyway. "Well... Just in case it's another person... Let's have a look what it is. It's on the way there anyway..."

The trees shrieked as they move past the branches and bushes, that is until they emerged out to open land where an old left over of ruins were standing-- and a person near the edge of the forest. "Hey look. The whistling came from that girl there..." He couldn't help but think to himself as he saw her. "More girls? Oh yeah... The only other guys I saw was that first guy who got launched and Isaac..." He reached his hands out in a wave. "Heey! You-in-white-dress!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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From the bush near Alexis came a few Ursas. Alexis moved a bit backwards in fear. Shakily she redrew her weopons and panicked fired. The Ursa got minor wounds and roared lunging toward her. She dodged as best she could as thier attacks came. She put up her barrier which shielded her as the Ursa swiped tho whimpered as thier claws made contact with the icy protection.

"Guess this got a bit easy." Alexis fired on the Ursa again tho with each hit the barrier became weaker but she continued to shoot. This caused the Ursa to growl loudly as her shots only injured them and some missed.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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paigesweetheart said
As they were walking she could hear some growling coming closer to them! It was so scary but she would have to fight. Priscilla got her weapon ready just incase. As they were walking she looked at Gertrude getting ready. "" yelled Gertrude. Priscilla laughed softly seeing how excited the girl was. And now she got serious. "Let's do this..." and with that being said. Priscilla began to run with her speed towards the Ursa, she used her semblance as she would phase through the Ursa appearing behind it and grabbing her staff as she would press the button making it grow two times larger and smacked it on the Ursa's head, sending it flying away to a close up tree. Priscilla landed on the ground using her staff looking at Gertrude. "Uhhhh, You're turn!"

Gertrude quickly looked back at Priscilla then at the Ursa. She aimed her rifle at the beast, and fired a few shots. The ursa screamed, but wasn't really affected by it. Gertrude frowned and quickly turned her sword from Rifle into sword mode, running straight at the best, jumping on it and swinging her sword. The Ursa roared, and swung Gertrude off, who landed on her feet.
Jie walked quickly through the forest, keeping herself patient on what might come out and try to kill her. She held tightly onto Lotus Pins, and hoped for the best that a grimm creature wouldn't come out and kill her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Shadowcatcher

Shadowcatcher Carelessly Making History

Member Seen 7 mos ago

LaXnyd said
Mei was about to tell Rielle that her battle needed no weapon when the two beowolves came at them. So those were grimm. Terrible beasts said to have no soul within them; monsters which nearly drove humanity to extinction. Seeing that Rielle had her bow and was engaging one of the wolves, Mei entered a martial stance and gathered her aura, waiting for the right moment when the beast lunged at her. Focusing her aura in her right hand, seeing as this was her first Grimm battle she decided to test the waters and intercepted it mid-lunge with a palm strike right on it's mask, the force of the aura blowing the beowolf back. Letting out a deep breath and entering another combat stance, Mei considered her results. she decided. "Elly, how are you holding up?" Mei asked as she waited to see if her opponent to get back up and come at her again.

Rielle aimed her bow back at the beowolf she was fighting and smirked. " Im doing just fine. Not sure about this guy though." She said. She created another arrow with her fire but instead of releasing it right away, she charged it, making it larger, longer, and glow more brightly. Hopping back a few yards, she released it and it seared through the sky, torching everything it touched and turning it to black charred spots or ash. The beowolf had plenty of time to move, and it did but Rielle was already steps ahead of it. She turned her bow slightly and the arrow moved, following the beast as it tried to dodge. It would appear as though she was redirecting it like a guided missile as it turned ever so slightly and hit its mark, shooting right through the beasts chest and exploding upon contact.

The burning body fell to the ground and slowly it would burn away. She refocused her arrow towards Mei. Rielle made another arrow and held her hand up to her jaw as she pulled back on the string. She wouldn't interfere with Mei's fight unless it looked like she was going to die. Though Mei seemed calm, Rielle would take no chances. No one was dying if she had any say in it. Her blue eyes caught sight of a rustling in the bushes, and she saw another beowolf approach Mei from behind. Rielle released her arrow into its chest and noted there were more than a half dozen all closing in on Mei from all sides. "I got your back, dont worry." She said more to herself since she doubted her voice could carry this far. Rielle made three arrows and charged them, waiting for the right moment to release them. She didnt want to accidentally catch her partner on fire afterall.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by LaXnyd
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Mei noticed the presence of several wolves surrounding the area, as well as that of Rielle readying the arrows. Comforted by her presence and the fact that she had her back, even if she didn't actually hear Rielle proclaim that, Mei's attention was once again solely focused on the one beowolf that had challenged her. Having been knocked back by the weaponless human, the wolf snarled before charging her again. This time, however, Mei had concentrated an accurate amount of Aura into her fists and she once again intercepted the beast mid-lunge.

Instead of being forcefully knocked back, the force of her punch exploded the beast's head. Had it been in slow motion, then one would have been able to see the energy actually go through the wolf's head and expand it like a balloon before bursting it's head.

With the first one dealt with, Mei turned her attention the encircling group at large and prepared her stance again. With Rielle holding a bow, it would be bad if they started to focus her due to the fact that Mei had no idea how well Rielle would be able to fight up close. As such, this was optimal. Mei would draw their attention and take them out as they came, and Rielle would be able to safely snipe. Hopefully, there wouldn't be another mishap and Mei won't accidentally catch on fire or something.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Grey
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Gram poked the felled Ursa Major in its lifeless eyes. Yup. Definitely dead. Shame, but perhaps he could turn this disappointment into an advantage... His eyes darted up to the Ursa Major's back, at the bone spikes protruding from it. He definitely could turn this unsatisfying kill into a fun little advantage, indeed.

Gram climbed up onto the oversized bear and wrapped a hand around one of the sharper bone spikes and yanked as hard as possible. It was easily 'uprooted' by the young man, who inspected the spike rather casually before holding it under his arm and pulling out the others. Finally, he picked out the sharpest, most wicked looking two and held on to them, leaving the rest in a neat pile.

After giving his new 'swords' a few practice swings and stabs, Gram went on his jolly way.
Atalanta looked in the direction pointed out to her, seeing nothing but treeline with her average human eyes. Normally she'd be asking some kind of variation of 'are you okay bro?', but the again it wasn't as if they were going backwards from where they'd landed, so what Isaac saw could conceivably be in that rough direction. It wasn't as if they had any better plans anyway.

Atalanta shrugged. "Alright then, let's head out," she said, taking aim with her gauntlets and firing off her grapnels, "Don't worry about me leaving you all alone out here, I'll be sure not to be travelling too fast." And with that, she shot herself into the forest.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frey


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"La la la~"

She sang cheerfully after whistling. It was awfully quiet in the forest and she still hasn't encountered anyone yet. Though luckily, she hasn't encountered any dangerous creature either. As she went back to whistling, she was cut short by the sound of branches and twigs crunching, as well as the rustling of leaves. She turned back for a moment and silenced herself as she listened. When Whitney didn't see anything, she went back to whist-

"Heey! You-in-white-dress!"

She immediately turned around to face the newcomer, her mouth forming the perfect circle as she placed her palms together and looked at him in exhilaration; her eyes beaming with joy. She noticed another girl beside him who was was dressed in black clothes, and she immediately walked over to them, "Hi hi~ My name is Whitney Langston, a.k.a your new bestfriend! But I will consider you-in-white-dress because that's what friends are for~" She chimed happily as she clapped her hands together. She paused, "Wait.. Didn't I say that I would give the first person I encounter a very warm welcome? But how do you give someone a warm welcome..? Also, there are two of them.. Should I hug the both of them? Or maybe offer them some bacon once we get back to the academy? Hm.."

Before she could dwell in her thoughts any longer, she brought her attention to the girl, "Oh~ So you like the color black, huh? We're the opposites then. Fun fun~" She said as she gave her a cheeky grin. Her smile faded when the realization sunk in.. she was still partnerless.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by paigesweetheart


Member Seen 6 yrs ago

ArcanicNeon said
Gertrude quickly looked back at Priscilla then at the Ursa. She aimed her rifle at the beast, and fired a few shots. The ursa screamed, but wasn't really affected by it. Gertrude frowned and quickly turned her sword from Rifle into sword mode, running straight at the best, jumping on it and swinging her sword. The Ursa roared, and swung Gertrude off, who landed on her feet.

Priscilla noticed Gertrude turning her weapon into a rifle and then into a sword. "Coo-!!!" and suddenly Gertrude was swunged but good thing she caught herself before hurting herself. "Hmph!" Priscilla turned towards Ursa as her staff would turn into two shotguns now. Priscilla would run towards Ursa jumping high and shooting bullets towards it's head as she would land infront of Gertrude. And she formed her weapon again into a staff. "Okay, let's see here. Any plans?" she was still looking at the Ursa who was hurt pretty bad.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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"You don't think it's those monsters at all?" Simon asked. She looked at him, but she could tell from his expression that he had something in defense to say to that. "Well.. It sounds human to me. A cheerful-happy-human, that is." She said before moving forward. "Well... Just in case it's another person... Let's have a look what it is. It's on the way there anyway..." He replied. After they emerged from the forest trees, the ruins that she found earlier came into view. "There it is. Is this the righ-"

"Hey look. The whistling came from that girl there..."

Blaire looked over to where he was looking and found a girl who was dressed in all white. She couldn't help but notice the contrast between them. Although they both had different preferences when it came to the color of their clothes, they both had long white hair. The girl immediately looked their way, and it was hard to miss her gleaming eyes that were filled with so much happiness. She walked over to them immediately.

"Hi hi~ My name is Whitney Langston, a.k.a your new bestfriend! But I will consider you-in-white-dress because that's what friends are for~"

So Blaire wasn't mistaken when she called her a cheerful-happy-human afterall. The girl paused for a moment, and Blaire wondered what suddenly got into her. Before she could ask, the girl snapped out of it and looked at her, "Oh~ So you like the color black, huh? We're the opposites then. Fun fun~" A smile made it's way to Blaire's lips before replying, "That seems to be the case. And my name is Blaire." She told her.

All of a sudden, the smile on her face dispersed. "Is something wrong?" Blaire asked.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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"Crap!" Alexis cursed as her shield was finally broken by a lucky swipe from the Ursa behind her. She had forgotten her limit on how long she could keep it over her. One of her guns was knocked out of her hand but she dodged another attack by a Ursa in front of her and shot. This time she managed to get a lucky shot in its head.

"I did it...but I'm not done yet.." She saw the Ursa fall. The other two roared and a few more showed up. Alexis knew she had to run.."ok note to self..be better prepared for a ambush situation."

Quickly she ran with the Ursas in pursuit even as she shot to try and keep them at bay. She ran in a random direction. Before she escaped from the ambush she retrieved her gun.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by VKAllen
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At least he knew that she turned around when she was called. The jolly girl had an 'o' around her mouth and seemed to be thrilled to have seen another human being cluttered underneath a forest filled with Grimm. He won't lie, Blaire was right. She strutted herself along towards Blaire and Simon, happily introducing herself as she arrived close.

"Hi hi~ My name is Whitney Langston, a.k.a your new bestfriend! But I will consider you-in-white-dress because that's what friends are for~" Best friends? Already? What? Simon looked confused yet happy at the same time to have someone being so optimistic about being friends with him. Or perhaps it was Blaire that she was talking about? He's the one who called her the 'you-in-white-dress' after all. Simon scratched his head.

"H-Hey Whitney!" He said dryly, still trying to string himself together. He looked at Blaire who seemed to be fine with the girl's beaming spirits. Simon looked back at Whitney.

"Oh~ So you like the color black, huh?" Simon was slightly surprised at that. His eyes quickly observed the way Blaire was dressed and then Whitney. Huh. What do you know, opposites! Their hair was identically white as well. Simon who was mostly quiet watched the two's exchange.

"That seems to be the case. And my name is Blaire." She added. Oh yeah! Simon forgot to tell Whitney his name.

"My name's Simon." He said. Whitney seemed to have lost her happiness all of a sudden as she frowned. Blaire who was there immediately asked if something was wrong with Whitney. But what she said also threw Simon into a thought.

"What's my girl doing anyway? Despite all of the crashing of trees and the smell of burnt wood-- He continued to wonder. "In a forest filled with Grimm monsters like that... Is she alright? Has she found a partner? What if she hasn't? He snapped out of his thoughts looking at something all of a sudden swooping from the sky that covered the sun for a moment and disappearing immediately. It was too quick for Simon to look again. Either that or he was blinking.

(The Nevermore incoming to Rielle)

He heard the roar of a beast in the distance, seemingly coming from another direction as the trees restlessly shook. Seeing somebody with blue-hair approaching with a bear chasing it from behind, Simon started running towards the girl. "Heearrrgh!" He leapt forward and whacked the oncoming Ursa's head with a cleave of his Mechanical Blade, causing a loud clank! That stunned the Grimm monster for a moment as it pulled itself back. "You okay?" He asked the blue-haired girl. "Blaire! Whitney!" He shouted to the other two behind.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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paigesweetheart said
Priscilla noticed Gertrude turning her weapon into a rifle and then into a sword. "Coo-!!!" and suddenly Gertrude was swunged but good thing she caught herself before hurting herself. "Hmph!" Priscilla turned towards Ursa as her staff would turn into two shotguns now. Priscilla would run towards Ursa jumping high and shooting bullets towards it's head as she would land infront of Gertrude. And she formed her weapon again into a staff. "Okay, let's see here. Any plans?" she was still looking at the Ursa who was hurt pretty bad.

Gertrude looked at Priscilla, then the Ursa. 'find weak spots.' She said. 'Try and strick limbs....' Gertrude quickly shifted Steelethrone into Rifle, and began firing at the legs of the Ursa. The Ursa took a swing at Gertrude, and she rolled out of the way, turning steelethrone into a sword and stricking it's front left leg.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Frey


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If she didn't have a partner right now, that didn't mean she wouldn't have one later on, right? Right. So instead of being sad about it, she should look at the bright side and smile! She met two people in the forest, which is way better than one anyway. Safety in numbers, you know?

She shook the thoughts out of her head and gave the both of them a warm smile, "Blaire and Simon. I see, I see~ Nice names," She chimed. "Oh, and it's very nice to meet the both of you." She tilted her head to the side in confusion when both of her new companions looked up to the sky. "Hmmm?" Deciding to look up herself, she saw a glimpse of something huge, but before she could observe it any longer, it disappeared out of their range of vision.

Whitney was snapped out of it when the sound of a beast could be heard from a distance--not to mention, it was getting closer. A girl with blue hair emerged from the trees, and she perked up for a moment until she saw what was behind her. Simon leaped towards it, stunning the monster with his blade. Whitney stared blankly at the sudden scene. As everything registered in her mind, she clapped her hands,
"Wow~ Nice nice~"

"Blaire! Whitney!" Once again, she was snapped out of it. "Woopsie, right! Got'cha~" She activated her semblance and coated herself with a hard shield which was made completely out of aura. It was the same as an armor except it didn't weigh anything. She looked towards Simon, but seeing that he was already wearing a protective armor, she used her semblance to coat Blaire with the shield instead. "Let's have fun~"

She unsheathed both swords from her back before running up a tree to gain momentum. As she was up in the air, she spun around before slashing at the creature with both swords. It let out a disturbing noise before preparing to charge again. Focusing her aura on both her feet, she jumped and flipped back to get away from the creature. She got back into a defensive stance as soon as she landed. "Ah, peristent little thing. How fun~"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by ArcanicNeon


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Jie stood there. She was being watched. By something.

Soon, she heard a growl come from behind her. Jie swiftly turned around and pointed Lotus pins at a bush. Slowly, a beowolf emerged from the bushes, circling Jie. The creature jumped at Jie, but she rolled out of the way, firing the revolver parts of Lotus Pin at the Beowolf. The beast howled, and ran at Jie again. Jie readied herself, and quickly side stepped to avoid the beowolf, running towards it and striking the wolf's legs. The beat toppled over, but got up. 'Well...' Jie said, aiming Lotus pin at the wolf and firing continuously.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Dark Elsa

Dark Elsa

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Alexis sighed in relief. She had found people. "Y..yes.I am alright. I was just landing when the Ursa ambushed me." She replied to Simon. "I'm sorry to cause you trouble." She then noticed Whitey had begun to attack as she shot at the stunned Ursa.

"My name is Alexis. ." She introduced softly to them as she looked to Whitneywho seemed to be having a little trouble with another Ursa. She tossed one of her guns in dagger form towards the eye of the Ursa hoping she would not miss and her attack would give the other girl a opening to finish the Ursa off.

"Looks like you could use some help now.."Alexis said to Whitney.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by MonsieurShade
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MonsieurShade Exceedingly Subpar

Member Seen 7 yrs ago

Isaac smirked as Atlanta breezed past him, "Even if you get far ahead, there isn't a place you can go were I can't see you. Nothing escapes my sight." he said as he took off after her. Isaac kept up surprisingly well, climbing, sliding, or hacking through any obstacle in his way, almost as if here were perfectly at home in a wooded area such as this, which actually wasn't too far from the truth. As he moved, Isaac continued to scan his surroundings, looking and listening for any sudden change in his surroundings.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by WinterNightSky
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Blaire looked up at the sky, the sudden movement of something catching her attention. She spotted a huge creature that flew past them, blocking out the sun for a moment. Before she had any time to react, a guttural sound was heard from within the woods. Without a moment's notice, a blue-haired girl arrived at the clearing--a beast following behind her. Immediately, she pulled out the sword that was sheathed and got ready for an attack. Before she could charge, Simon ran ahead of her and hit the creature's head with the cleave of his blade; causing a painful sound. It stunned the monster for a moment before it attempted to pull itself back up. She was about to come in and help, when the sudden sound of applause earned her attention.

"Wow~ Nice nice~"

Blaire blinked several times; completely dumbfounded. She had to admit it was a pretty funny thing to say in a serious situation, but- "Blaire! Whitney!" Simon hollered. Her train of thoughts broke as she looked at Simon, and she prepared to charge in, "Woopsie, right! Got'cha~" Whitney replied with a cheerful tone. Soon after, she began to see a white glow cover her body, causing her to get distracted for a moment. She glanced back at Whitney who had the same on her, and she realized that it was probably her semblance. "Let's have fun~"

Before she could head in for an attack, Whitney immediately rushed in and slashed the creature in a rather graceful manner. Impressive. Her skills were admirable, and she had to admit that she didn't see that coming. They both used dual blades too, which could be added to their list of similarities. Instead of going in and fighting the creature close-ranged, she decided she would fight it from a distance since both her companions were already fighting it up close. She twisted the grip of her blades by flicking her wrist and spinning it around, and it slowly assembled itself into a shape of a gun. She fired at the creature continuously, first it's eyes, followed by its legs.

"Ah, persistent little thing. How fun~"

Blaire was somehow relieved to have such a cheerful and optimistic person around in a battle.
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