Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

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PsychoticBreakDown said
"do i have tooooo..." she dragged the last part out like a whinny little kid would as she got up. The fire on her arm diminishing as she got up there. "Why do i have to throw knifes if i can throw lit lighters¨ she was half arguing half stating something as she put her lighter away to open up her other hand.

"Because you can't set everything on fire. What happens if we need a hostage? You will learn all the skills. Arguing and whining will only get your punished." Vlad told her.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alexis groanned a bit she hatted not having free speach, its like shes only a arsonist nothing wrong with that. Holding out her other hand she aimmed her body to face the target.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Roxy handed the girl a knife. But unlike with the others she didn't tell her to throw it. She leaned in close and whispered in Alexis' ears. "Start the knife on fire. Then thrôw it."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Alexis was already going to do that. Goving a quick smile to the girl a the fir slowly crept towards the knife running across the back of her other arm. across her back were i finnally moved to her kfine and lit only the tip on fire. Before a gaurd could move up she threw the knife. it hitting the center but was off by a bit. the dummy it self soon lit the area she hit on fire.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"ROXY!" Vlad snapped. He grappled Roxy by her arm. "I need a volunteer to teach tomorrow."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PsychoticBreakDown


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

" I could, " Alexis said as the flame dimished leaving just the knife there with a bit of burn there. Why was she trying to piss Vlad off, oh personal reasons.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Fine." Vlad snapped. "Time for class!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Fine." Vlad snapped. "Time for class!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Meanwhile, Helena sat in the MediBay, frowning at her bandaged hand. She wished she got to lick the blood off instead of washing it.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Vlad instructed the guards to take the others to the classroom. Then he made his way down to the medbay. He walked over to Helen. He grabbed her arm and pulled her against him. "I know that getting hurt doesn't bother you. But I promise I have something that will."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

"Let go of me, you sick bastard!" Helena said through her teeth, ripping her arms away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

PajkaNight said
"Let go of me, you sick bastard!" Helena said through her teeth, ripping her arms away.

"Now now my dear child you might want to reconsider that kind of behavior. Remember that your life is in my hands. I can make it as nice or as painful as I choose." Vlad told her. He pinned her against the wall. "Cooperate and things will be alot easier for you."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

KatherinWinter said
"Now now my dear child you might want to reconsider that kind of behavior. Remember that your life is in my hands. I can make it as nice or as painful as I choose." Vlad told her. He pinned her against the wall. "Cooperate and things will be alot easier for you."

This is the very moment that Helena started to plot Vlad's death. "Yes, Sir." She said through clutched teeth. His death would be the most painful 'accident' she would ever think of.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

"Good girl. Go join the others." Vlad told her as he moved back smirking at his ability to get what he wanted.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by PajkaNight


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Helena pushed past Vlad, moving as swiftly as she could to join the others, anything not to be alone with that creep.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Roxy allowed the guards to guid her to the classsroom
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by HailStorm_the_Colorful


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Alice looked around, trying to memorize every little detail about the building that would become her home for weeks, even months. Or more. She shuddered at the thought of that. In her analysis she forgot to watch where she was walking and bumped into a guard. She mumbled a quiet apology and kept walking, making sure to pay more attention this time.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by manapool1
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manapool1 A wanderer who is actually lost

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Sven followed blindly€
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Saarebas
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Saarebas Wandering Wild Magic Fanatic

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Slade had followed the others with his usual emotionless stare
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KatherinWinter
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KatherinWinter Unidentified Lifeform

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Roxy sat her computer once again. She was bored and frustrated. She wanted to get this pointless day done. It wasnt like they were actually going to be useful or anything.
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