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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

She seemed slightly relieved to hear that he'd slept. The question posed gave her pause, but she did appear to be thinking about it. "It definitely feels different. I'm trying to think of how to explain it." Any hostility from before seemed to have gone away with the previous personality. This one was not so much cooperative as perhaps, invested, as she watched Tidius with care. Onset of Stockholm syndrome or just this personality, hard to tell.

Having given the question time to process she looked up. "The best I can come up with is this. The other magics are something I can use, like a tool. Even though I have it, it isn't quite a part of me. But this is more like there isn't a separation between me and the magic. I can feel it running through me. Even sustaining me. I had no idea this was possible." Even though the restraints prevented most of the use of her magic, holding out a hand a small bud appeared on her palm. After a few seconds it sprouted and grew, forming leaves and a flower blooming at its top.

Plucking it she offered it to Tidius. "Somehow I doubt that you are done toying with my abilities, but I'd like you to have this none the less." Her expression became a little more serious, but not defensively so. "I still don't know if I can help you with what you're seeking. But perhaps we can try to work together more to get results easier."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


Was it a dream? No, it was more like a memory of long ago. Nolan stood staring blankly at a that wasn't aware of the man's presence. The boy was a young Nolan dressed in a traditional attire of that of a noble's or of high society, consisting of a dark green vest over a white buttoned down shirt and black pants made of fine silk. He was running around outside a large almost castle like mansion with a vast garden with flowers at every corner. In between his hands was a tennis ball sized sphere of white magic energy and excitement brighter than the ball of light in his eyes. In a gazebo sat a woman in a long blue summer dress and long, wavy chocolate brown hair with two other kids sitting around her. One was a teenage boy that looked an awful lot like Nolan wearing a black suit with a while collard shirt underneath and black dress shoes. The other was a teenage girl that wasn't older than the teenage boy, yet still older than Nolan himself. She was wearing a long yellow summer dress and had similar chocolate brown hair to her mother though it was as straight as a needle. Her head was covered by a straw hat with red trimming.

Nolan followed after his younger counter part to the gazebo. The woman looked at the young Nolan with a gentle smile filled with pride at her son's ability for magic and the girl looked at awe at the pretty ball of light. The elder boy didn't even want to acknowledge Nolan or his magic. His eyes were green from envy and gritted his teeth in frustration for some reason. The woman began to speak, but all Nolan could hear was muffled from hazy memories. For some reason his mouth seemed to feel...fuzzy. Kind of like fur.

His eyes shot open and saw that Dalton's pompadour was lodged into his mouth. Nolan kneed the exceed off him and yelled, "Why the hell was your pompadour in my damn mouth?! Why were you even sleeping on me?!" He spat out bits of fur from his mouth and tried to wipe it off with a paper tissue. He glared at the feline that had summoned it's wings after becoming airborne from his partner's knee. "Also, I thought you went off with Fleo. How the hell did you even get in here anyway?"

"Oh, openin' ya window was pretty easy to open. I just thought that I would keep ya company and you're really comfy." Nolan rolled his eyes and got up out of bed slowly.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deyja Bult
Deyja would flinch when Master Jamie spoke to him angrily, and give him a submissive look. "I-I don't know who or where this 'M-mithera' is. But I know for certain that Nightshade Silphium has Trinity. O-one of our contacts s-saw the event go down and reported back to us. Heard the wh-white haired girl, who we figured out was T-trinity, shout the guild name and member to u-unseen companion. O-or something." He backed away from the two imposing figures, and a third walked up with them. Why did there have to be so many people? And they were all staring at him! The dark mage fidgeted with the edge of his jacket, on edge and ready to turn his shadow into a wall to stop anything. From being poked in the chest to an actual threatening movement, he was ready.

Mayt --- Train
Mayt finished talking to the convoy leader, and left him to rounding everyone up as he went back over to Jarvis, tugging on his shoulder and whispering into his ear. "Tonight we're going to head off to go find that hideout and take care of it. I don't trust Rune Knights to do it right, and I was met with many-a-frown when I suggested doing it myself. So we're going to do it and just not tell them, alright?" He gave Jarvis a smirk and a wink, before motioning towards the prisoners. "We need to round them up though, and get them moving. As soon as everyone's gathered up we're going to be heading out." He chuckled as one of them stuck their tongue out at him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

NEWCOMER! - Marlene Evangeline

But it appeared that the feline wasn't the only one who thought of opening that window. Noticing the commotion from outside, another Phoenix Wing member began to peak at what was happening inside. It was a young woman, almost 20, with brown hair, a regular looking outfit, and red glasses. This was Marlene Evangeline, one of the newer members of Phoenix Wing. Unfortunately for her, she wouldn't be fighting in the GMG, or so she thinks, and is usually hanging around the arena and finding things to do.

"Is everything alright in there?" Marlene asks as she climbs over the windowsill without getting permission and smacks her body on the floor as she falls. Even more embarrassingly, her skirt managed to flip over, revealing some nice (*ahem*) white underwear, though she wasn't that aware of it at first. She groans as she gets up on her feet, dusting herself off. Yup, she has her goofy sides at times, but usually a nice girl.

"Sorry for barging in like that," Marlene apologizes once she got up, "I saw a feline get into your window and I thought I would check to see if everything's alright."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


"What in the fresh hell?!" Nolan jolted up at the random girl climbing through his window. Just who was she and why did she scale the building to get to his room?! Wait, she scaled the hotel?! If anything the God Slayer was more disturbed by the presence of a female in his room than having Dalton's pompadour lodged into his mouth. Beads of sweat ran down his faster than a morbidly obese man running the Boston Marathon, his skin turned pale, and he began to shake like the damn Flash. At the sight of her...undergarments he fell back on his bed with foam pouring out of his mouth. What a way to start a morning for someone that's drastically afraid of women.

Dalton just stared at the woman's behind for a moment and gave a thumbs up. "Ten out of ten." He looked back at his partner lying on the bed foaming from the mouth. He remembered distinctively that Fleo told him that he was absolutely terrified by almost every single woman he meets, even feminine men that he mistakes for women. Just why was a God Slayer afraid of women this much was beyond him though everyone has their strange perks. The Exceed turned back to Marlene and said, "Listen sweet cheeks. I'm an Exceed, not an ordinary house cat. Capiche? Second of all what kinda person breaks into someone's room when they see a cat enter it? For all you know you could've walked in on him coming out of the shower! Thirdly, who are you?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

As Marlene was expecting an answer from Nolan, it appeared that foam was rapidly coming from his mouth. Thankfully for him, the woman was unaware of her flipped undergarments, so he doesn't have to worry about a big nasty slap in the face. She then looks at the Exceed as he spoke. Wait... AN EXCEED?! OH MY GOD!

"Y-Your an EXCEED?" she asks almost unbelievingly.

For a minute she thought she was dealing with just a regular cat, but NO, something EVEN BETTER! A GOD DAMN EXCEED! Rarely had she seen one in person and the only ones she knew of were the legendary Happy and Carla, not to forget Panther Lily. She began to fangirl over the exceed and took Dalton into her arms, hugging him with all of her might.

"AIIIIIIE! ITS AN EXCEED!" she squeals delightfully as she smushes him into her boobs non-purposely, "OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD! I JUST WANNA TAKE YOU HOME AND TAKE CARE OF YOU ALL FOR THE REST OF TIME! EEEEEEEEEEEEEE~!!!"

But soon Marlene realizes that all she did was make her debut all the more awkward. After exchanging a few awkward glances at Daltron, she finally let him go, with a tear drop on the side of her face in embarrassment. She gives out a few nervous laughs as she scratches her head and clears her throat.

"Heheh, so sorry about that." she says nervously as she adjusts herself, "I just happen to love cats in general, ESPECIALLY adorable exceeds like yourself. I just couldn't help but getting up here and seeing you and... yeah. Anyways, name's Marlene Evangeline. Nice to meet ya!"

She then shows her arm, expecting a handshake from him or something.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tidius listened to Ariel as she spoke, curious, and pondering the implications of this. Some users did incorporate their magic as a part of their body, dragon slayers for instance. This however appeared slightly different. He pondered her words, watching as the bud appeared and grew. he smiled and accepted it. "no, I m not done. I am, in fact, wondering what would happen if I exposed you to another magic, one that might grow with this one"

He walked over to his store of lacrima, and returned with a water one, curious to see what would happen. It appeared he had forgotten about his plight for now, and was now just interested in the extent of Ariel's abilities.

Master jamie

So, either this was a ploy, or someone else had kidnapped trinity. Jamie bit back a curse, "Keep an eye on him, Penny. Make sure he doesn't escape." Jamie said , but before she did anything else, she stepped towards the dark mage. "If you are lying to me, I will personally see to it that you are punished. IF you think of running, again, I will do the same" Jamie stepped back, stepped behind Penny, looking down the hall. By now, Jamie was sure most of the guild was awake, and had no trouble yelling down the hall "DAMIAN!" Normally relying on Jarvis, it seemed Jamie was now calling into action his S class mages.


Jarvis nodded, "They shouldn't have any trouble with them, so long as they have the prison Lacrima. it will keep them trapped, andn unable to do much more then eat food placed in front of them and drink" he said, speaking as if he hadn't heard the first half of what Mayt said, :I'm more worried about those that were stuck here."
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisisand Rose Yashia

Amaya had an almost sound night of sleep until her most hated nightmare came back to haunt her again. She had tossed and turned all night finally waking up drenched in sweat. She sat up with her hand out reached "I'm sorry!Don't leave me!" She cried out. She breathed heavily and blinked a few times before she took a shower and got dressed, trying to shake off her bad dream as she looked and felt extremely exhausted. She shortly walked out of her room" what is going on!"she asked when she managed to find Jamie and the non Phoenix member. She took in the smell making sure to recognize it for later. She heard something about trinity as she stayed quiet listening

Rose had a very good nights rest. Sure yesterday took a lot out of her mentally but she was now back to her old self she was already dressed and reading a book when Jamie called waking her daughter who was curled against her trying to sleep more . Rose got Elyse dressed before carrying her out with a blanket over Elyse with a few stuff animals she wanted to bring along as rose soon found Jamie sensing her tense [colpr=salmon]"what's wrong?"[/color]
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Phoenix Wing Hotel

Damian had been surprised when Amelia grabbed his and Penny's arm so suddenly that it prompted him to look around for a dark mage. When it turned out that she'd heard the roaring of a spirit, Damian chuckled and helped Penny get them away from the area. The burgers had been good and the homemade fries were always a treat, but the S-Class mage had turned in a little after finishing so he could get up early the next day to do his training routine. Once more, when Master Jamie knocked on his door, it slowly drifted open to reveal the empty room. However, when Master Jamie called for him, he was just coming back in from a bit of free running in the local district.

The call had Damian running up the stairs, his Ares Blades flashing into existence in his hands. If they were under attack, the attacker would be very miserable before going to the authorities. When he rounded the corner, he instead found one of Iron Enigma's members being stared down by Master Jamie and Penny. "You called, Master Jamie?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Rubbing her chin slightly she wondered aloud. "Hm. I already have Water magic. I'm not sure what it'll do honestly." Somehow she doubted it could hurt though. So when Tidius brought it over to her she held a hand out for him to place it. Grasping the lacrama it also got absorbed into her body. Her expression brightened a bit and she closed her eyes. "Ah, much better. I was feeling a little parched." Beyond feeling better there didn't seem to be much change.

However it suddenly dawned on Ariel what was happening. Looking at her hands she flexed them a bit. "I see now. The Earth magic allowed the Green to seed and grow. And the Water strengthens it. The magics are mixing to become stronger. Curious..." Honestly it had never occurred to her that some external magic could be used to boost her current one. But perhaps this only applied to Green since it was so much more ingrained. "Do you think my other magics can do the same?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deyja Bult --- Phoenix Wing Hotel
Deyja would give a very unhappy look to the Guild Master and Penny. "B-but my guild master said to deliver the message th-then come straight back... And are all these people necessary? Th-there's so many... And they're all j-just staring at me..." As Master Jamie stepped towards him, his shadow formed a translucent wall between him and the Guild Master. "Not running, but... Can I go back to my guild now? I don't want to be here a-any more then you want me to be here." He'd drop the shield when Jamie turned away, and go back to fidgeting with his clothes as he stared at everyone.

Mayt --- Train
Mayt nodded as Jarvis spoke. "Good, so we won't have to worry about keeping them under control." He got some nice individuals to put the prison lacrima in the back of one of the wagons as he sat in the back of another. "These guys brought plenty of food and water for everyone. But besides, it's apparently policy to keep extra water on trains in case of something like this. So at least there's that. We're not all dying of dehydration over here." He smiled, and motioned for Jarvis to climb on, as the convoy would be setting off soon.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Joshua Tamashii, Amelia Averyonna, and Elyse Yashai

@Amaya Tamashii @Caits

Joshua was about to doze off when he heard Master Jamie shout for Damian. He was thinking the mage had done something wrong, but when he saw the wizard in question run into the building and summon a blade, Joshua quickly followed incase his assistance was needed. Upon reaching the scene of the commotion, he saw that he would be wasting his time trying to help, as there where plenty of people here already. As he was about to leave, he spotted Amaya and saw she looked very unwell. Moving over to her, he gently quided her away from the others and around the corner.
"Hey are you okay? You look like you've been through hell and back again." He said, placing the back of his hand against her forehead to see if she had a fever.

Amelia left the scene as well, giving Damian a small smile as she passed him. She was happy to know that Jarvis was okay and that was all she had wanted. Getting involved in a possible fight was the last thing she wanted to do. So instead, he headed down to where the food was to grab some breakfast for herself, since she was currently rather hungry.

Elyse sadly stayed awake but was rather grumpy now, her usually smiling face replaced with a rather sour one as she clung to her stuffed animals and leaned against her mother's shoulder. She would likely be this way until after she fell asleep again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


jamie looked back at the intruder, and said "your Master wouldn't be so foolish as to think I would simply let you go after an announcement like that, especially when two of my members are missing, both of which I now suspect your guild haD a hand in"

Mitheras fears couldn't be dismissed, bug why would they take Trinity too? Something didn't seem right here. Had something happened to Trinity, and Iron Enigma had just taken a chance?

Jamie shook her nead at Rose, sighing softly, turning to Damian as he approached, nlades ready. "Mithera and Trinity are missing. Iron enimga has kindly sent someont to tell me about it. I want to see where they last were, see what you can find from any one nearby"


penny had no idea what Master Jamie had planned, all out war seemed unlikely during the games, and Penny didn't see thenuse in keeping this...mage. she frowned, and shook her head "I can't let you go. Maybe if you tell us all you know, then the master will let you go. Did you so or do you know who took her? Have you seen a fluffy, small dragon like creature?" Pennys tone was soft, and she showed nomopen hostility, seeing if she could get any information seemed more important then wanting to bet the crap out of this stranger.


Jarvis nodded, sitting next to Mayt, "still, anything could have happened if you weren't here because of that stupid rule. Whats the point of having engineers if you aren't going to allow then to do their job?" jarvis shook his nead still annoyed at that


tidius watched, pleased at the result, and even more so when Ariel seemed inclined to theorise with him as well. He smiled brightly, and seemed to think for a few moments. "I think that isnpossible, yes. I also think you act as a live lacrima yourself. A lot of people wonder how dragon slayers actually work-ingesting what they need to fight with. I think you are quite similar to that. Most mages have one origin of magic. I think you do too, but I thinknyou have a second origin that allows the absorbance of magic, that then manipulates your appears and personality. I think, Ariel, that you are magic itself. Magic is in the air around us, all the time, seeping into out origins...then changingninto the magic we need. I think you are like that"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A living lacrama? That could explain a few things. It had crossed her mind before but sounded ridiculous in her head. Ariel was not the most well versed in the different magics or their history. Most of what she'd learned was from the guild and magic that she herself had gained. This new development in her abilities meant that it went much deeper than the surface like Tidius implied. She could potentially learn any kind of magic. It could also be extremely dangerous for the same reason.

Of course then her captor mentioned something potentially much more profound. The implications were quite broad indeed. She being magic itself, was that even possible? "What... what makes you say that? What does that even mean?" Tidius has stepped well outside her understanding of her abilities and magic itself. She'd heard that there was magic all around before that allowed people to use it. But it wasn't something she ever gave much thought to.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisisand Rose Yashia

@Joshua Tamashii@Burthstone
Amaya felt some on grab a hold of her and gently lead her away as she looked at Joshua "I had a few nightmares, I am fine I am not in the games so my issues don't affect anyone.trinity is missing, I have her smell memorized like I do with all the guild...while everyone is at the games I am going to see if I can track her...she is part of one of the teams...what if she is called to fight?"asked amaya batting his hand away as she might had a very slight temp compared to her normal icy touch.

"when you mess with one member of Phoenix wing and come here where we are all gathered you got all the family...it's only logic we care about each other so you have to deal with all of us since you foolishly came here and wanted to show yourself among us"said rose to their intruder while she adjusted Elyse
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


This woman may have been a lot crazier than Dalton originally anticipated or just really dumb. She climbed a building to enter someone's room because a feline entered it, absentmindedly flashed two strangers, and now was fan girling over the Exceed, but hey who cares? When one's face is smothered against two lovelies all worries seem to go away with a snap of the finger. Dalton's cheeks were two pink circles with a dreamy grin on his face. The perverted cat was way into this and purred like a motorboat He was disappointed when she placed him back to the ground, but at least he now had a name to place the face. The Exceed extended a paw out to Marline and shook her hand. "The name is Dalton and his name is..." He looked back at Nolan who seemed to be in shock still. Dalton flew and grabbed a pillow with both hands. "Snap out of it Nolan! Stop being such a wuss!" He kept beating the God Slayer's face in with the pillow until the pillow was obliterated by a stream of pitch black ashes.

Nolan sat up and there were wisps of ashes seeping from his mouth. From looking at him alone it would be easy to see that he wasn't exactly in the best of moods of right now. "Do that again and I'll shave your pompadour with a spoon." Typically he wasn't one to make such threats though there were multiple things to account to his ill mood. To start off with he wasn't a morning person, at all. There were people that hated mornings and then there was Nolan that cursed the gods for ever creating the sun. Then there was the rude awakening of having Dalton's pompadour somehow getting in his mouth followed by having a crazy woman climb into his room and accidentally flashed him with her delicates, which then caused him to have a serious anxiety attack. He had every reason to be mad right now.

His attention was turned to Marlene though he still didn't realize that he was only in his boxers, showing a rather impressively toned body. It seemed like his mood overrode his fear. "You, crazy, get the hell out of my room. I don't know why you're even here, but that really doesn't matter. Just get out and stay out."

"...Ya a real Prince Charmin' ain't ya?"

"I can shave your pompadour with that spoon if you want."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lmpkio
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Lmpkio Kaiju Expert

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Marlene Evangeline

"Dalton hm?" she answered to the Exceed, "Thats a nice name."

Marlene turned to Nolan as he scolded her to get out. She was greeted not only by a man who only had his boxers on, but to a well-defined body. He was in pretty fit condition, but his temper was a different story. Considering this was early morning, he was probably not the person who enjoys mornings... more like... hates them. Marlene only frowns in shame.

"Awww I'm sorry about coming into your room like that..." she says to Nolan after he finished, "Like I said... I just love cats..."

Just then, she snaps her fingers, and a pillar of pink quartz slowly rose up from the ground and in view of the 2 from the window.

"I might be crazy..." Marlene admits to herself, "But who the hell would climb several stories up a hotel, when you can have the magic to control crystals to one's will?

The crystals then shatter into pieces as they turn into pink aura and flood back into Marlene's body. Then she goes to the front door and begins to open it. But before she exits, she turns to Nolan.

"Oh, and by the way... she says to Nolan, "You actually look quite cute for a guy. Hope to see you around later!"

And with a wink at Nolan, and a blow of a kiss at Dalton, she begins to head out the door and walk down to exit the hotel.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Deyja Bult --- Phoenix Wing Hotel
Deyja would put his hands up defensively, but he wouldn't raise the wall again. "H-hey, I'm just here to tell you guys wh-what I was told to tell you. If my guild h-had anything to do with it the G-guild Master would either n-not send someone to t-tell you or send someone who kn-knew nothing alright? A-all I know is that I'm supposed t-to tell you that Nightshade Silphium took Trinity." He sounded very sincere, but he looked pretty terrifyied. "As for a wh-white fluffy dragon creature, I saw it at the g-games yesterday but not since." He looked over Penny and the others, backing away into Trinity's room a little.

Mayt --- Convoy
Mayt chuckled softly "It probably has some reason behind it. I couldn't tell you what it is, but I'm sure there is one." Mayt would turn around and give the thumbs up to the driver and everyone else in the vehicle, and the Convoy as a whole would start to move after a few minutes. "But the Engineers also drive the train. So they have to be there anyway." The wizard would relax, shifting so that he was sitting against the side, and closing his eyes to take a nap as they bumped and jumbled on.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Tamashii

"Hell, no you are not. You have what feels like an average body temp. For you, that is high."Joshua said."And if you insist on doing so, you better bet I'm coming with you. First off, I can give you ice to eat if needed. Second, I'm worried about you. If you push yourself too hard while you have a fever, you might pass out and only the gods know what'll happen then. To hell if I'm on one of the teams, I got a one in four chance of being called. Plus, there are others in the guild just as good as me who can take my place. So don't tell me not to come, cause I will."

Sighing, he scratched the back of his head.
"This is such a pain. You're sick yet you don't give a shit if you are. Maybe you should let the others handle it, they'll be fine. For now, you'll need rest. I'll feel better if I know you're taking it easy instead of pushing yourself."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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Member Seen 4 hrs ago


"Just...what just happened?" Nolan stood slack jawed and confused with the turn of events. Him? Cute? An actual compliment from a woman? WHAT WAS THE WORLD COMING TO?! Inside he was screaming like a mad man locked in a dark cellar with no way out, though he was just being dramatic. Never before had he ever been complimented by a woman in his life save for his mother and sister, which is kind of depressing, but when one has a severe aversion to women then it's understandable. By the gods this was a situation that he never tread before! What if other women found him attractive as well and what if they...if they...tried to hit on him?! Him of all people! Oh what would he do?! WHAT WOULD HE DO?! Nolan felt himself become weak and fell to his knees, his eyes were nothing but swirls spinning around as his thoughts swam in a frantic fear.

"Uh...buddy are ya okay? Ya look kinda pale." The Exceed didn't know what was going on through this guy's head. From the very few stories he heard about Nolan was that he was a brutal, merciless mage with great power. Where was the brutal, merciless with great power part of him? So far he just seemed like an odd guy that can't be near most women.

The God Slayer snapped out of his anxiety and stared at Dalton silently for a solid minute. "You're to never tell anyone about this, ever." Afterwards Nolan showered and got dressed. He walked down with the exceed flying beside him and sat down. The tension in the room could've been cut with a knife. What just happened?
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