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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trinity Stratos

After spending half the duels trying to pry something from Karn and the other half grumping at him for being so stubbornly evasive, and actually watching, Trinity rose from her seat with Mithera still snuggled in her arms. "Mithera, let's go check out the city. Maybe we can work out a cool street performance, too? Karn, you should come see us, once we're ready." She pet the adorable creature in her arms as she made her way from the arena, off to explore the city proper. There must be a nice park they could perform in somewhere, though they should figure out an act, first.

"So, what do you think, Mithera? What should our act be?" The performer made her way through the city streets, nuzzling against Mithera's fluffy neck affectionately. "Jumping through rings of fire is usually popular, but maaaybe we should try something else." The sun still lit half the street, and the young lady chose to walk in the shade. They'd need somewhere quiet to rehearse, too.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


Gamble would listen closely to her answer and would note the expressions she had, sadness and pain. Her answer reflected her expressions so he knew that she wasn't lying at all and that she might have had similar experiences. Nodding his head at her question of if hers answered his own, he would listen to her speak about if they haven't changed that she wouldn't bring them down to find out why. He smirked at this but nodded in response and stood up. "I see well those were really my only questions. Your guild really seems quite remarkable, well I shall continue watching but I wish you luck in the games." Gamble said with a little bow before starting to walk away.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 4 hrs ago

Zander Louvier – Crocus Streets

Zander crossed his arms, turning his gaze from the departing Ludo to an arriving Magni. Evidently, even after hearing foreboding words about the Mystic Beasts, Frenzy Plant's newest anti-mage wanted in on the operation. After some mental deliberation, the Ruby Knight decided that some time patrolling the streets would be safer with a partner.

”Not hunting, not yet. More like a spotting trip. We need to learn as much about the Beasts in Crocus if possible. From what I've gathered, they're extremely powerful beings. Some have more mundane powers, like elemental control. Others have more dire abilities, ones that influence time and space, for instance. The strongest, if the tall tales can be believed, can alter reality. Right now, we just want to find out who they are, what they look like, and what they can do if possible. Forgive me for assuming, but I expect you've got nothing, ah...social that might prevent you patrolling the streets with me this evening?”

X: Wheel of Fortune


Stacy proved to be a good listener as Mark related the history of his guild. In fact, she practically hinged upon every word. Even for one uninitiated in the realms of reading people, it was obvious that she adored history, stories, or simply knowledge. The hatted woman raised her eyebrows when Mark mentioned exactly how old his guild was, and how the events surrounding the prestigious Fairy Tail had assisted Iron Enigma's fall to darkness. It was all very fascinating. In particular, she found a great deal of intrigue in the way Mark said many of the guild members treated one another like family. When he finished, she remained quiet for a few moments, thinking. Her usual slight smile had buried itself beneath her contemplation.

A minute later, she sighed. “Sometimes I wish my brothers and sisters acted like a family. They're a bunch of selfish lunatics, always stuck on themselves and on what they can do. I shouldn't really be talking though, I'm as bad as any of them.” She refocused on Mark, shrugging. “I guess you can't pick your family, but you can pick your friends, right?” There didn't seem to be much enthusiasm in her to continue discussing her siblings. Sipping the last of her drink, Stacy stood up, wobbling slightly from the sudden rise. “It's about time I rejoined them, I think. Work to do, and all that. This was fun, though. I hope we'll meet again.” As she winked, one of the eyes in her 'hat' winked also, discreetly but still visible to a keen observer.

IX: the Hermit

With a few flaps of his wings, Ludo left the soldiers of Frenzy Plant behind.  He trusted them, more or less, to do the smart thing and keep a low profile while scoping out the Mystic Beasts.  No matter their past lives, Beasts were no longer human, and could seldom be found either looking out for anyone but themselves, or working some sort of angle.  The weakest of them, like Salvoy and Ludo himself, were the most virtuous ones.  As the Hermit honed in on the source of noise he identified as the froglike croaking of the Jester, he wondered exactly how this encounter was to unfold.

No member of his kind could truly die by the hand of another, Ludo knew as he touched down in a large, sprawling playground, but that did not make it any easier.  Keeping a constant knowledge of the current slew of Beasts was a difficult phenomenon, for the unintelligent ones were always being weeded out and replaced by some human or another.  Ludo had no knowledge of the Jester's current holder save that Arcana's constants.  Whomever bore the Jester wore the vestige of a frog, and was unpredictable, willing to do anything for amusement.  Ludo planted his spear in the ground, and raised his gruff voice into a shout.  "Jester!  I know you're here.  What are you playing at?"

As soon as Ludo finished his sentence, another laughing croak came from what seemed like every direction at once. The ability to stay invisible for long periods of time always made the Jester quite hard to catch or even find in the first place. However, the Hermit's excellent hearing was always something that hindered his ability to stay hidden so well, but it was also quite easy to exploit such a power. Jack smiled a great smile, messing with the Hermit was going to be fun.

Jack soon uncloaked from his hiding position, he was hanging upside down on some monkey bars with a stupid smile on his face. "Playing? Why, I'm playing with you of course!" The Jester chuckled at his little joke before continuing, "You Major Arcana are so easy to predict, you know that right? However, you did surprise me when you came here. Never expected the mighty loner to ever show his adorable little face to the public." Jack soon squished his cheeks together after the remark and his smile started to grow even larger. "Enough about you though, or me? I don't know. I had simply came to this place to see if I can find something... fun." The Jester soon dropped from his position on the monkey bars and landed neatly upon the ground, his smile soon starting to become unverving. "I would like to say one thing before I start," Two daggers soon appearing out of nowhere into the Jester's hands, "Two's a company."

"Three's a crowd." Other Jack laughed from behind Ludo.

Other Jack's bastard sword was already raised high into the air if Ludo looked back, and right as Jack started to make a mad dash towards Ludo, the sword was already making the momentum to dig deep into the Hermit's shoulder.

Ludo grimaced.  There would be no information coming out of this loose cannon.  As the Jester began to attack, Ludo steeled himself, not at all interested in testing Jack's combat skill.  Abandoning his spear, the old owl jumped into the air, barely avoiding losing blood to the double's flashing blade.  A few severed tips of feathers drifted away in the slight breeze as Ludo performed a clumsy flip.  While no display of acrobatic flip, it drew the real Jack's gaze.  For a moment, the two Mystic Beasts locked eyes, and the Hermit vanished.

There was absolutely no sign of him, whichever way either Jack might have looked.  After a couple of seconds, however, there was a slight noise--not from the real world, but from within Jack's own mind.  Then, with no warning whatsoever, Ludo reappeared inches from Jack's face and leaned in for a brutal and hard-to-dodge headbutt.

Other Jack laughed even harder has his blade barely missed his target and as the feathers fell, Other Jack started to snatch all of the feathers from the air. The Jester chuckled at his clone, even his double couldn't really be trusted to really any kind of responsibility, but it merely just made things even more fun.

Jack started to slow down as the frog couldn't exactly fly, but his sights were still locked upon Ludo. However, that goal of his soon vanished just like the Hermit before him. "When could he do that again?" Jack questioned rubbing his chin. However, before the Jester could even react to the sound inside of his head, Ludo appeared right before him with a nasty surprise just for the frog. The Jester suffered the brutal blow, but Jack merely took only one step back from the headbutt. His face had started to bleed from the trauma, but the same stupid smile was still there. "I've been hit way harder than that before, but A+ for form," Jack started to move his hands to congratulate Ludo for his first strike, however, his hands suddenly blurred in speed as inside his sleeve was his secret weapon. "Surprise sand attack!" screamed out Jack as he threw a handful of sand towards Ludo's eyes.

"Gyagh!"  Ludo staggered back, scratching at his eyes.  He hopped backward out of Jack's immediate range, cursing this Jester's bag of tricks.

Other Jack on the other hand had somehow managed to stick all the feathers onto his head for the fun of it, but his queue was heard once again. The double squatted down before leaping into the air and his body ready to slam straight into Ludo. 

Though Ludo could hear the fake Jack moving, the irritating grains lingering in his peepers kept him from providing an effective response.  He threw a blind swipe at the double but did not land it.  The following slam, however, helped jar the last few particles out as it bowled the Hermit over.  Breathing deeply, Ludo sprang at the double, low to the ground, and delivered an aerial hook punch right to the side of the double's head.  Next stop was his spear, which he plucked from the ground with a talon and grasped in his hands.  A few beats of his wings lofted him into the air, and he said to Jack, "I don't know what conspiracy is going on here, but I intend to find out.  If you stick your neck out, Jester, you're going to get it chopped off.  Too many strong mages around.  Keep it quiet like the rest."  If there was any chance of convincing Jack to not cause chaos, it lay in convincing him that any goofing around would bring his downfall.  Heck, it might even be true.  One thing was for sure: Ludo on his own wouldn't be able to stand up against the Beast's tricks.

He flapped his wings and fled, encumbered by the encounter with no answers, only new questions.  If he was to find anything of substance, he'd need to find a more stable Beast.

Jack watched as Ludo flew away from the fight, he did consider the advice that the Hermit bestowed upon him and started to wipe away the blood from his face. Other Jack had been dazed from the punch that Ludo had given him, but he started to give up as the world around him started to stop spinning. The double and Jack soon looked at eachother with slight frowns, but it soon turned back into smiles. "You touched him right? How soft did he feel?" Jack questioned. 

"Oh, he felt like a pillow. I wish we could have just asked for the feathers though," The double said to the original. 

"What!? Then it wouldn't be fun gathering souvenirs from the Major Arcana! You know, I feel like you aren't even my clone sometimes," Jack said before throwing a knife straight into his double's head making him poof out of existence, "I'll make sure to make you better next time I call on you.”

Nero the Genie – A Nearly-Empty Stadium

@Invisible Man

Nero had been on the receiving end of a fair few odd noises, but the one uttered now by Eve took the cake. It was such a blend of silliness and cuteness that he couldn't help but break out laughing as well. He noticed the bag at almost the same time as his companion, but wasn't quite as speedy. When Eve put on a quizzical face, holding up the letters and heart inscribed on the bag, he quickly put two and two together. ”Aww, Ayame must have come along and seen us busy, and left this behind to give us our space. She's a sweet kid, and a strong one too, able to stand the presence of two dark mages and even -gasp!- think of them as friends. What do you say we find her and make sure she doesn't feel left out?”

Shortly thereafter, once the bag had been opened and the crepes shared, even as the stadium emptied of people, Nero and Eve left to find their young friend.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mark Zerrit
Mark listened as Stacy spoke, nodding at her rhetorical question, and shrugged at her comment about her own family. Once Stacy stood up, Mark did too, and nodded. "Alright, I won't keep you from your family. It was nice to meet you Stacy, and I'm sure we'll meet again some other time. Chances are if I'm not at the Arena I'll be with my guild at our hotel." He smile at Stacy as she left, failing to notice the hat winking as well. After she left he would head back off to his guild's hotel.

Mayt --- Train
Mayt shrugged, and looked the bandits over himself. "They look a lot less intimidating with concussions, don't they?" He chuckled, and glanced over at Jarvis, who seemed to think something else was at work. "Hey, I feel like it's more likely than not this is all just chance happening. But even if it was planned, all these guys seemed to want to do was loot and plunder. At least, judging by what they had demanded when they first showed up. 'Give us everything of value you have or else' kind of deal. Regardless, they made their mistakes. They, and whomever comes looking for them, are going to jail for it." The S-Class wizard crossed his arms, before going to the train car window and looking out.

Mithera --- With Trinity
"Street Performance?" The little creature seemed a little surprised by such an idea. That was something she hadn't come across a lot of, much less have participated in. Mithera started thinking. "Well, I could pretend to be a dumb animal and do tricks." The little dragoness giggled at the idea. She was good at pretending to just be a regular animal, as she had lived with them and pretended to be one of them for a long time. She rested her head on top of her body as the minstrel continued to pet her. "Since you won't really have to train me all that much, and it'd look kind-of impressive."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


jarvis sighrd heavily, "I have come to believe that there are no such things as coincidences. Things like this have been happening all too much lately. I will feel better once this train is moving again. Ridiculous ruling, the engerneers not being able to work on the train if it breaksdown" he shook his head, once more studying the bandits.

Master Jamie

jamie watched the stranger go, and then looked about. Trinity had Mithera, so either Mithera thought she was safe enough, or iron enigma wasn't as much of a threat as she thought. Still, Jamie was very interested how a guild with...questionable motives could have gotten into the games.

For now, Jamie would watch. Knowing her guild, they would try and stay out of trouble, but sometimes trouble found them. Jamie knew they would be alright, so he started out the stadium once more.

time Lord

Time lord was in a bad mood, having just wasted time, power and energybon a lost cause. Foolish to get his hopes up of a break through, even now. What Time Lord needed was someone who knew were then legendary island of the great Guild Fairy tail was. Of course, he had been searching for that answer for a long time.

time lord sighed, wondering if itnwas too late to go find any of the dragon slayers within Phoenix Wing or Dragon fang. He hadn't yet reached speaking with Frenzy plqnt yet, and supposed he must soon.

I should check on Eve as well. Inknow she doesn't think that Nero isn't bad for her, but...for someone already so malleable, a push in the wrong direction could be dangerous.

time lord couldn't risk Evebfalling to the darkside, it would be hisnlife as well, but that wasn't all. Eve was a sweet kid, and she deserved some happiness. So he took out the lacrima he had brought earlier, and plucked a rose. With some magic, the Rose was inserted into the lacrima, where with his time magic it began to whilt, die, bud and grow again and again. He then set out to find Eve
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trinity Stratos

Her purple eye looked at Mithera from its corner, the owner surprised. "You'd be okay with acting like a simple creature for this? I suppose that'd make things easier. What tricks do you think we should do? Jump through a flaming hoop? Or, uh... climb across a set of bars? Balance on a ball? Oh, can you juggle? I may need to stop by a prop store..." Not that she had much, after getting her new outfit. She might just have enough for a few different tricks, though. "I hope you've got good rhythm, because I'll be playing music, too."

The young lady stepped into the first prop store she saw, unaware of eyes following her.

"Kracko" Niles

Ryan had gotten into an argument with a street vendor again. He was buying souvenirs for the folks back at base, and he wanted a bargain because he was buying them all together. Understandable, she supposed, but the lady wouldn't budge, due to the festival ensuring lots of customers. She'd heard the same basic argument before, so it wasn't worth listening to yet again. The girl looked around the street, sighing to herself.

It was then she spotted a head of white hair in the crowd. Attentively, she watched, waiting to see the face. Just as her target was approaching a store she saw her face, and her eyes. It was her! If Ryan wasn't busy haggling, she would have notified him right away, but he wanted to get souvenirs, so she'd wait. For now.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt --- Train
Mayt shrugged, relaxing against a wall. "It probably has to do with they don't want the engineers tampering with the machinery, or ruining their warranties or something on the engine. It isn't a perfect system, but the company is just there to make money." He leaned his head back against the wall. "So, if we can't get the train moving, I'll get some volunteers to keep watch and get me if anything or anyone dangerous comes along, assuming you don't head back to the rest of the guild and get someone. If we do get this train moving, then I sit out there all night until the convoy comes, tell them what happened, and head back with them. Seems reasonable enough." Mayt smirked a bit, and gave a thumbs up to one of the other people in the room watching over the prisoners. "Either way, I should probably go and get a decent nap."

Mithera --- Crocus Streets to Prop Store
Mithera thought for a moment. "I can't juggle, but I might be able to balance on a ball. Jumping through hoops is easy, but I don't think I could climb on bars. My paws aren't meant for that kind of thing." She would sit back on her hind legs and look at her paws, then jump up onto the minstrel's head. "I don't mind acting like a regular little beastie though. I was actually an old couples pet once." The dragon giggled a little, snuggling up on Trinity's head, and going silent as she went into the prop store, just curling up and lying peacefully in her hear.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Valak Solidor

"Watch where you are goin'" Snarled the big, ruffian-looking man. He rudely shouldered past Valak. Jerk. He sighed. There happed to be a clock within view, so Valak checked the time. The games are probably over for the day. Guess I'll head over and see if I can talk to one of them about joining. He navigated through the crowds, making his way to the arena. But when he got close enough to see them, he got nervous. how do I do this? He wondered It seems rude to just walk up and presumptuously ask to join. He hovered indecisively. Besides, all the guilds seem strong... If I had to choose, I'd like Phoenix Wing. He glanced over at the Phoenix wing master. Damn, someone else must have had the same idea, now what...? He just stood there uncertain of what to do.

Ferrin Astra

Arrogant ass. Ferrin thought half-heartedly. For some reason that battle brought up some memories he had been trying to avoid thinking of for awhile. He smiled, remembering the solid beatings he had received when he challenged the wrong person. He solemnly pulled out a thick tome with no visible title, and flipped through its still blank pages. Maybe that man could have helped me find out the secret behind this. At that thought, his anger returned, and he shut the tome with a thud. But I would never tell a man like that. Oh, what time is it? He put the tome away for now, and headed to find the time. He swiftly located a clock. Seems I missed the last of the games. Oh well, there is always tomorrow. He headed back into town to finish browsing the shops before he returned to his hotel to get some sleep.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Grand Magic Games

The Necromancer was mildly amused as she figured out that Ayame was the owner of the bag. She really had no idea who the girl was due to her tendency to shy away from most contact, but Eve really needed to befriend the other person that considered Nero to be their friend. So, as he suggested that the two should find her and add Ayame into the group, Eve quickly nodded to his plan. However, the first thing that Eve really needed to do was to eat that food inside of the bag as she had just realized how hungry she had been the entire time.

After the food had been eaten and the two were starting to find their way to Ayame, Eve was starting to feel a bit weird. It was true that she had never felt this good inside of her entire life, but something felt wrong inside of body. She hadn't realized that all the sadness within her body had been taken out, but as her body was starting to reorganize itself, it was realizing that something was missing, her sadness. However, Eve shook away the feeling and started to follow Nero once again with her playful smile on her face. Unbeknownst to everyone, something else was slowly waking up from their unfortunate seperation.

Magni - Grand Magic Games

Magni had finally started to look around himself rather than giant owl-man and realized that it was only himself and Zander in the empty plot of land. As he looked back at the Ruby Knight, Magni saw that he was thinking, probably about taking him along. Luckily, it seemed that being the only soilder in his sight made him the guy to tag along with the observation of these extraordinary creatures. The Antimage had hoped that the fighting would start sooner, but scouting was the next best thing for him. However, the sudden asumption made by Zander did amuse Magni. He nodded towards the Ruby Knight that his evening was free for the operation and would gladly replace this with the Grand Magic Games.

As Magni was starting to move, he was quite excited. It was true that scouting was a skill that he had picked up quickly due to his abilities. The blinking would most likely be used somewhere within the operation, and his eyes were always something that was handy in any kind of situation. They are quite accustomed to searching for targets with strong magical powers, but due to the high amount of powerful mages inside the area, it would make things more difficult for him. So he would just have to go with looking for things similar to Celestial Spirits that are overcharged with magical energy, how hard could that be?
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisis

Amaya moved back to Joshua's side. She smiled when she heard him speak of getting her a exceed for her birthday "you can't just buy one Joshua because they are very rare you unfortunately have to wait for your path to cross with one and hope they wish to be your partner."she said before hearing Floe ask about where her 'could be mistaken white haired brother' had ran off to " when I last spoke to him he said he had to follow a hunch...he wouldn't tell me what the hunch was. All he told me is that he had to follow it and that he should be back with good news...whatever that means. "she said shrugging

Rose Yashia

Rose looked up at lucus before picking up Elyse " I would appreciate it if you could walk me to my guilds hotel...it would put my mind at ease if you could" she said standing up looking over to frenzy planet wearily before she began to follow the others of her guild
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

The day began to draw to a close, as the midnight curfew cameo effect. Which of course didnt mean that the guilds were asleep, but they had to be in their hotels.


the announcement rang through the hotels again, the thirty minute warning for the teams to assemble.


Sasha was woken with a jolt from the announcement, and she shoved at Lazarus to wake him as well, blushing a deep red she thought on the night before. She scrambled up, and out of the bed, managing to wrap a robe around herself just before she stumbled to the ground panting.

She had used a lot of magical energy the day before in the battle. She had used a lot more thdn she thought she would, and it appeared to be taking its toll now. Xhe hadn't eaten since the before, and hadn't really had time to reciprocate.

"oh, no" she groaned

Time Lord

time lord hadn't found Eve, and that disturbed him. So he went to dragon fangs hotel early, to hunt her up, so he could check up on her as well as give her the rose lacrima. He found out which room she was staying in, and weng up, to knock. His anger and annoyance of the day before was gone, just concerned for Eve now.



penny was up even before the announcement, sitting on the window seat of her room, looking out the open windoe as the sun rose. Penny also liked watching the sun rise, and it held special meaning for her. It meant a new day had begun.

Her thoughts were in a turmiol, as she thoughtnon Solias and on the fact that she hadn't been imagining it, that tnere was another Phoenix Slayer in the city. She thought on going to find the Phoenix Slayer, to ask some questions, but put that aside for later.

more thoughts pushed through her. She hoped Amelia was alright, the young girl had been freaked out by spirits that they couldn't see. She also felt like she was failing at the whole relationship thing. She leaned back against the wall, still looking out the window, even as the announcement that the games would begin in thirty minutes.

She sighed softly as she heard the pounding, and shut the window, rising, and no closer to any sort of answer for anything.

Master Jamie

Master Jamie once more galavanted down the halls, the rooms pounding on nis guilds doors, waking up and encouraging the teams to move it, in her usual form today, "come on now, everyone up, move it move it, get your butts into motion!"


"of course I have a Master. A mage does well to be in a guild, in this...tiring times" that was all the answer Tidius gave Ariel, retreating to the other side of the room, watching Ariel on a screen. Tidius didn't sleep, wanting to see if there would be any change to the absorbance Mage. He approached with curiosity as the change seemed to take her.

how curious. The two mages seems to be complimentary. The earth fueled the plants transformation, and caused it to b slower, I wonder if it is stronger. What would happem if I provide another complimentary element to the equation? perhaps that wasn't wish though, Ariel did appear to be quite worn out. Deciding to leave it for later, Tidius retreated once more


jarvis had agreed to Mayts plan, but stayed with the S class mage, still wary and worried about what was going on. Jarvis had his communication lacrima, and knew all was well back at crocus.

@Zarkun@joshua tamashii@yipeeXD@Amaya tamashii@jangel13@t2wave@lugubrious@silver fox@hatakekuro@j8cob@CirusArvennicus@burthstone
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Crocus
After a solid night's sleep, although not the most comfortable, Ariel awoke feeling much better. Opening her eyes the flowers did likewise and spread their petals. Slowly a sweet fragrance began to work its way through the lab as if nature had worked its way in. There having been changes to her body became apparent to her almost immediately as she scratched her face with the rough on the back of her hand. "Ow, what the..." looking at the back of her hand she saw bark. Attempting to scratch it with her nails confirmed it was more than just a coating of something on her skin.

A panic swept through her as she did her best to feel the rest of her body. The rough patches were all over her even if she wasn't one hundred percent covered in it. What had this madman done to her? Running her hands through her hair she felt... leaves? Taking hold of one she plucked it out. The action made her wince and in a matter of seconds a new leaf grew in its place. Rolling the greenery between her fingers she tried to recall what had happened the night before. Tidius had tried to give her a new magic, Wood magic. But this didn't seem like just Wood magic.

Looking up finally from her own state she glanced around to see Tidius on the far side of the room. Had he been there the whole time? "Tidius." She suddenly forgot her own plight and attempted to move. Right, still restrained. Then there was nothing to do but ask from here. "Did you stay there all night without sleeping?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Jangel13
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Jangel13 The angel of fortune

Member Seen 39 min ago


Angelo was already up before the announcement in all honesty watching everyone else go out their and have their fun fighting made Angelo jealous and anxious to get out their and show off for the crowd. Angelo wanted to be called in to fight today who he fought didn't matter as long as he won the fight and advanced further then the others even if he wasn't declared the winner of the event the least Angelo expected to be was second place to someone else from their guild. Angelo made sure to get the arena on time already he was anxious his sparks literally flying with excitement...
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by CitrusArms
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CitrusArms Space Crystals

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Trinity and Mithera


Show's Canceled, Folks

A young girl of white hair walked the streets, carrying a small, fluffy dragon against her shoulder as she pet the creature. The young lady spoke, "can you juggle? Or climb across bars? We'll need to be impressive, Mithera."

"I can't juggle," the dragon creature responded, looking at one of her paws, "and my pawns aren't suited for climbing on bars."

"What if you stood on top, instead of hanging below?" Trinity pushed her way through the door of a nearby prop store. Mithera climbed up onto the young lady's head, curling up and settling herself.



Trinity's stay in the store wasn't long. She got a ball, hoops of various sizes, and some plates and sticks. "You were the pet of an old couple? Aww, you big sweety. C'mon, let's find somewhere to rehearse."

Mithera would've been blushing if she could, and sat up a little on Trinity's head once she left the store, looking about with no amount of seriousness. She was wondering what kinds of things the minstrel had in mind for their little street performance. But she planned to do her best in whatever skit or tricks Trinity had planned.

The minstrel slipped into a lit alley, deciding it was perfect for her purposes. Once she's set herself off in a corner, she drops the ball to the ground and considers the materials she was able to purchase. She takes two hoops and holds them up, considering. "Through the first, onto the ball, through the next? And how do you feel about spinning plates?"

Behind her, one figure stepped into the mouth of the alleyway, leaning against the side of the building casually. He brought his hands up to light a cigarette.

Mithera clambered down onto Trinity's shoulder and looked over the two hoops and the ball. "I could probably do that... But what do you mean by spinning plates?" The little dragon would climb down Trinity's arm and stick her head through one of the hoops she was holding, making sure she'd fit with plenty of space.

"Looks like I'll fit. So that's good!" The little white critter would jump through the hoop off the minstrel's arm and let herself fall softly to the ground next to the ball. She'd look it over before jumping up on it and trying to balance. It takes her a few attempts before she finally manages to do so, though it seems to be taking constant effort to stay on top of it.

"Mmm... that looks like it might be a bit tricky. We'll need more practice if we wanna do complex stuff." Trinity took a moment to admire Mithera's cuteness before picking up a plate and stick. "I'll spin the plate on top of this stick, and I want you to balance it." She put the plate on top and spun it, to demonstrate, holding the stick halfway up.

Mithera would look at the stick and plate curiously, getting off the ball. "Where am I suppost to hold it though?" She'd go and sit almost under the stick, looking up at it from benieth. She never had had to balance something before, and she doubted she could balance something and do tricks at the same time.

"Mmm, maybe with your... tail?" Trinity took the plate and held the stick out for Mithera. Maybe she should think of some tricks that rely more on intelligence than dexterity.

The figure from before rounds the corner on the other side, leaning against the building and idly watching the two across the alley practice. Trinity glances at the man, but pays him no mind, as he seems to be minding his own. He looked... familiar, though.

Mithera looked at her tail, and turned arouns so that her rear was near the pole, and she tried wrapping her tail around it. Failing any kind of dexterity at that, she tried holding it up with the tip, but her tail just didn't have a thick enough point on it to be able to balance the plate on a stick on it.

Mithera would then turn back around and try putting her nose under it to hold it up with her snout. By the looks of it it might be possible for her to balance it there, but it would require a lot more practice than just jumping through a couple hoops would. "That's... Harder than I expected." The dragon would admit before sitting down, still trying to hold it up on her nose.

"Well, try just the stick for now. We'll toss the plate on later. Hmm..." The minstrel put her hand to her chin, thinking of what to do. She went and bought the wrong kind of prop, it would seem. She picked up a stick and spun a plate on top of it, watching it as she thought. Her eyes drifted to the man watching her, and something clicked. "Mr... Kregor?"

The man, in response, spit out his cigarette and made hand motions. He held his hands in front of him, clapped them together and then drew them to his sides, before flinging his hands forward at the young woman.

Trinity, sensing hostility, threw the stick and plate at the man for a distraction, and requipped her bow and quiver. She went to draw, but her wrists were caught by... something. In the moments the plate went flying, glowing golden chains could be seen in its shadows.

Trinity's wrists are brought together, and she dropped her bow. Her wrists are yanked toward the man as he made an attempt to make her fall, but she countered his momentum with quick footwork and pulled back, leaning her body to remain standing.

Mithera would yelp in surprise at the sudden fight breaking out, and in her panic would jump and climb onto Trinity's back. "Wh-who is that? Why is he attacking you?" She'd whisper to Trinity, clawing at her shirt to hold on. She was too small to do anything helpful, and she figured Trinity would hate it if the litle dragon got hurt on her behalf, so Mithera just hung onto the minstrel so that she wouldn't get in the way.

"I haven't seen this man in years, and only once. The night my home was attacked. If he's here, after me... then..." Trinity gasped and looked at the man with a new urgency. A ball of golden light formed in her hands. "Energy-"

As soon as the man saw the energy forming, he made a motion with his right hand, as though crushing an orb in his palm, before making another throwing motion from his hip. His left was moving as though it was guiding something. Trinity's leg is pulled from under her, causing the girl to tumble and lose her spell. "Mithera, go tell Jamie, Karn, Penny, anyone! He's from Nightshade Silphium, his name's Ryan Kregor!"

Mithera jumped off Trinity's back as she was pulled forward. "Got it! Nightshade Silphiumm, Ryan Kregor." She'd turn in midair and fly out of the alley before the attacker would have a chance to try and get her. She continued to repeat the names under her breath as she flew as fast as possible. It took her a dozen streets before she realized she couldn't remember where the Guild was staying.

Panicking, Mithera flew around a few more streets, it was somewhere around here, right? She continued to search, and found several other hotels where other guilds were staying, but not Phoenix Wing. She finally managed to get directions from a stranger, and was headed the correct direction, when a sudden burst of something threw Mithera into a side alley.

Mithera would roll several feet before stopping and getting up. What had hit her? She tried to take off again, but winced as she used her wing. Whatever had hit her must've broken it. Panicking more, she looked around for her assailant, a dread falling over her. Was Iron Enigma working togeather with that other guild to catch her? What was the other guild, Nightshade Silver? No, that wasn't right.

She didn't have any time to think about it as Mithera sudden found herself in a bag, being carried off. She tried thrashing around, but that only hurt her wing more, and so settled down in the bottom in an awkard position. Every time she mewled, or tried to make noise to alert anyone around that she was trapped in there, her captor would shake the bag. She wimpered almost silently as she was carried off with no escape.

Meanwhile, Ryan Kregor had managed to put Trinity out with a cloth drenched in a chemical, before he gathered the girl into his arms. "Kracko." He spoke, and a big blob of lightning dropped in from the side, eveloped him, and jumped away. A street over, the blob would land and materialize into three individuals. Kracko Niles, and Ryan Kregor carrying Trinity Stratos.

"Let's get back to base," the man spoke solemnly. The girl he captured had been a wee little thing when he saw her last. This wasn't pleasant, but it was his job. It wasn't so unpleasant that he couldn't bear it. As though he was carrying a sleeping companion, the three carefully navigated to avoid running into guild members, out of the city and into the mountains nearby. The crowd that gathered to look into the yelling would find only discarded props. Trinity's bow lay hidden in plain sight among them.

When the group arrives back at their base in the morning, Ryan picks up a nearby radio mic, linked to a radio elsewhere. "Homebase, come in. Doc, you there? You're gonna be excited to hear this, I got real good news! I've secured that specimen you wanted. The other one with that magic. All we have to do is secure her and we're comin' home."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

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Deyja Bult
As Master Jamie woke up the teams, he'd find Deyja of Iron Enigma standing in the doorway to one of Phoenix Wing Team B's rooms. As the Guild Master came in, and undoubtedly gave the already fidgeting man the stare of a life time, he opened the door. "M-master Jamie right? I h-have some information you might w-want." He'd motion with one hand towards the empty bed Trinity was supposed to be occupying. "A-and it's kind of i-important. Y-ya know?" The dark mage would rub the back of his head, shifting a bit and getting out of the doorway. "Sh-should I tell you somewhere private though? O-or is here fine?"


Mayt --- Train
During the night, a couple of bandits looking for their buddies would've shown up, but they didn't stand a chance. Mayt handled them just fine, and they managed to get the information that they had received a tip-off about a train being here, but hadn't planned for it. He also managed to get out of them where their hideout was, though by being a tad more brutal than he probably should of. In the morning, Mayt would be talking with the person in charge of the Caravan that had arrived early in the morning about getting the police and such out there to deal with them.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Joshua Tamashii, Amelia Averyonna, and Elyse Yashai

@Caits @Amaya Tamashii

Joshua was up early the next day once again, and had already eaten his breakfast by the time Jamie went around screaming for everyone to get up. He swore, if they were going to have to hear that every morning, the Games might not end fast enough. Sighing to himself, he leaned back in the chair he was sitting in and closed his eyes, ignoring the guild master for the time being and just relaxing. After all, if he stressed out before the games, he would likely be more tired when he got there from thinking too much.

Amelia, meanwhile, was walking through the halls, a little worried. She hadn't seen Jarvis in hours, and she was beginning to think something had happened to him. When she heard Jamie shouting, she ran through the halls until she found the guild master.
"Master Jamie?! Have you seen Mr. Jarvis?" She asked, her tone carrying the worry she felt concerning the older man's absence.

Elyse was less then happy to be awoken from her sleep by Jamie's yelling.
"Jamie meanie!" She shouted back at Jamie before snuggling next to Rose, wanting to go back to bed again since she had been up a bit late last night.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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He rolled out of bed when the announcement sounded. He knew he probably wasn't going to be needed today. "Why do I have to get up? I fought yesterday?" He groaned, stretching, getting ready, and leaving his room. He slumped into the main section of their inn, flopping at a table, devouring anything in front of him food wise.


A nudge woke him up. His eyes opened slowly. Sasha was in his room? He looked around. This wasn't his room. It was hers. What? He suddenly remembered. That wasn't a dream. But Sasha was so innocent! He rubbed his eyes before checking again. Yup, there she was naked in a robe. She looked exhausted, and it wasn't due to him. "I told you back at the guild when he came for me that he was strong." He sighed. "But you didn't listen. And now you're all beat up." He stood up, stretching in the nude. He realized, before turning red all over, grabbing the bed sheet, wrapping it around him. He laughed. "I'm kidding, you did well out there yesterday, I was proud." He beamed.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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"I'm not beat up!" Sasha said indignatly, "I just used too much magic!" she said with a sigh, pushing herself up, she ran her fingers through her hair, brushing any tangles out as she had no idea where her brush was. She could feel the lack of magical energy, frowning slightly. She never considered how magic effect the whole everyday life tasks.

"I hope I'm not in the event today, I doubt I could do anything" she sighed, as Jamie knocked on the door, ushering them up, she opened it, tiredly, but Jamie appeared caught up with others.

Sasha shut the door and turned to look at herself in the mirror, frowning. She had scratches on her arms, her face, and she suspected there were cuts under the robe too, she could feel the pull of the skin against the cuts. "let's get moving" she found some clean clothes, and slid into them smoothly, deciding there was no point in hiding her nakedness from Lazarus. It would just make it more difficult in dressing. But she still blushed.

Master Jamie
@joshua Tamashii
Jamie turned to Amelia when she asked about Jarvis and gave her a reassuring smile, "Jarvis is fine, Amelia. He just went to help out Mayt, and didn't want to leave some innocents unprotected. He will be back shortly, I assure you. Do you wish to talk with him? You can use your communication lacrima to do so" she said, chuckling at Elysa's comment, knowing that soon enough Elysa would be happy once more.

"don't fret" he said, glancing into Trinity's room and seeing the stranger there. Immediately Jamie shifted, standing in front of Amelia and any of the guild that was moving through the halls. His thoughts went to Mithera, wondering where the little furball was, but it was clear that Trinity hadn't been in her room.

Jamie stopped the Mage, who she recognized as a member of iron enigma, as they made a move out the doorway. "no. Here will do just fine. Where is Trintiy?" she demanded, looking dangerous. "and where is Mithera?" Jamie shouldn't have let her out of his sight, she had been terrified that Iron Enigma would kidnap her, and now it appeared those fears were well backed.

Jamie felt Penny approach and stand behind him, but he didn't acknowledge her just yet. But she suspected rhatPenny was looking just as Dangerous as Himself, having seen the fire mages fury before Jamie felt the effect would terrify the already jump mage


Jarvis disliked staying with the train, but knew he had to. He wasn't happy with the situation, and wasn't happy with leaving the bandits hideouts the hands of the police, but it seemed the only choice. Jarvis watched the bandits in the prison lacrima, arms crossed.


Tidius looked over as Ariel spoke, and gave her a smile, rising smoothly and fluidly, approaching."I slept after your transformation. Clearly that hasn't happened to you before as you appeared surprised. Does the magic feel any different?" he asked curiously
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

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<-----Editing in process---->
Ferrin Astra

Ferrin was oddly, for him, up at the crack of dawn. He tried to roll over to go back to sleep, but it wouldn't come. Finally, he got up, yawned and got ready. He staggered down the stairs to the main floor and irritably ordered coffee, as black as possible. He drank the holy mocha slowly, and by the third or fourth cup, didn't feel like killing the first person who talked to him. Or glanced at him. He was staring out the window of the cheap hotel he was staying in, mostly lost in thought and trying to push back the irritability he always felt in the morning, When he saw a white object flash past the window. Bird? He thought slowly. No. Wait. Leathery wings. Lizad-like, Long tail. He sat up right, all weariness forgotten. A dragon?! He gulp the rest of his coffee down, burning the inside of his mouth slightly. He hurriedly paid for it, and dashed out the door. He looked in the direction it was flying, and caught a glimpse of it turning a corner. He dashed after it.

Ferrin tried to follow the quick little thing through the maze of buildings, but he soon lost it. "What was that?" He wondered aloud. For the next hour or so, he searched every street and alleyway around where he lost it, searching for a lead. He was about to give up, when he spotted a strange white object on the ground, in the morning sunlight. He walked over, and picked it up. It was a small, blood-stained tuft of white...fur maybe? What kind of dragon has fur? None. So if it wasn't a dragon, what was it? Bird don't have fur either. He looked closer at the ground and was alarmed to see small drops of a reddish color that could only be blood. Ferrin clenched his fist wich shook with anger If that truly was a dragon, something bad happened to it, if Find out who did this, they are going to regret it. He thought. He glanced around to see if there was any thing else, but he could find nothing. Unless it flew off, someone must have grabbed it. But the question is, where is it now? He thought long and hard about it. Haha! I have an idea, just need to adapt a little magic. He patted his pockets and found a compass, which he kept for just an occation. He held the fur close to the compass, closed his eyes and concentrated. "Tracking magic. Seek, Seek, Seek..." He muttered in a mantra-like chant, casting the spell. Immediately, the needle of the compass swing to the blood on the fur like a hound picking up a sent. A moment later the needle changed position, but instead of pointing north, it pointed to the source of the blood. Flushed with excitement that it worked, he shouted triumphantly as he fist pumped the air. "I am wizard! Hear me roar!"

Ferrin judged the direction of the needle, walked several wide paces away and checked the needle again. It had changed visibly. So, they are rather close. Well, then, seems that the game is afoot. He thought with a smile. He followed the direction the scale leaned toward trying to hurry as much as he could, unfortunately the spell only showed the exact direction, ignoring little things like buildings and crowds. He drew some strange looks from passersbys as he zig-zaged his way through the city, a tall scarred man in a big white coat with a metallic arm, holding a compass in the middle of a city and starring at it while half walking, half running was defiantly an unusual sight. He arrived at a building and when he went past it, the needle swung back. In there eh?
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