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Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Uriel sighed, and nudged Michael up, "its the idea more then anything that frightens him. He just needs to work on his confidence. BalthZar was attracted to his shyness, seeing it as a sign of weakness, so of course I had to let Michael find my key too. I doubt baltbazar ever thought he would find himself liking Michael" Uriel said as he succeeded in getting the boy up.

"there now. No one is here to hurt you. Go on. You're safe with your friend"

Michael was still shaking, and he glanced about warily.

the company regulations sounded a tad...iffy to jarvis. What was the point of having engerneers on the train if they couldn't fix the engine? It just didn't seem right to Jarvis.

"tell me what to do, and I'll take it apart. Then you won't be breaking your regulations as I am not bound by them and you can just say I did it" he said, figuring fhat that was the quickest solution then him trying to figure oit what to do.

he didn't like this situation one bit. "I think you need to question the bandits Mayt"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

"Well I will resist making any jokes about females and him then." Zephyr mentioned as he looked at Mikey who was shaking and glancing around almost like Zephyr had a planned Female just waiting to pounce on him. "Okay just you and me then Mikey, just a night in the city with a best friend. No females at all, I can't promise Prince though, he muals just about everyone. It doesn't matter what your gender is with him. That reminds me wanna see something cool about my Machina takeover? Lets go!" Zephyr shouted as he grabbed Mikey again and took off running to find a shop that sold something close to it.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Michael once more had no choice but to follow or be dragged. He heard Uriel chuckle before the angel spirit disappeared, and Mochael struggled to get his feet under himself. Michael supposed it was a good thing he was fast. It was easy to keep up with zephyr although that might have been his long stride.

"oh uh sure" Michael managed to get out, wondering where Zephyr was taking him. The crowd was thinning as it was dispersing and Michael was glad for that
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

collab Time Lord and Ferrin

Time lord nodded, very confident in his abilities, he shifted to face Ferrin, not worried at all. He studied the older man, taking a few moments. Curiously, Time Lord couldn't sense much of what his magic might be. But it didn't matter. Time lord could finish this fight in mere moments.

"to be completely fair, I'm going to let you go first" he said with a slight smile, and stood waiting for Ferrins attack

Ferrin stood relaxed, and nonaggressive, with his right hand still in his pocket. "So, what if I sat here for two minutes? What would happen to your big boast?" Ferrin said with a grin. "Besides, 'letting' me attack first 'to be completely fair' is a nice way of putting it. But if I attack first with magic, you will have an idea of what magic I use, and have plenty of time to analyze it. If I attack physically, the way we are now, you would have the maximum time to evade and counterattack." Ferrin said with a grin. "However, I really have never been noted for my patience. So, He summoned his sword with a requip, and pulled his hand out of his pocket, reveling his Gauntlet to his opponent. Aether fullbody. he thought. "Lets get started, shall we?" Tn a blur of motion, Ferrin extended his right arm forward, palm out and shot a fireball at his opponent. Then, he lifted his sword and dashed forward on the heels of the fireball.

Time lord just chuckled as Ferrin spoke, and just smiled. As the fireball came at him, Time lord muttered a spell, and it stopped in midair, as did everything else. For a few seconds, Ferrin would be moving in slow motion as Time Lord dashed behind him, disarming him and throwing the sword aside, before slamming Ferrin into the path of his own fireball

The spell broke, the fireball moving once more, and Time lord stood to the side watching

Ferrin hit the fireball, but instead of doing damage, he channeled the fire into his Gauntlet, causing it to heat up. He tuned midair, landed on his feet, facing Time Lord. "Not bad, Timmy." Ferrin raised his Gauntlet and magnetized it, causing his sword to fly toward him. He easily caught it and tossed it to his left hand. Well, lets see now. What to use... Ferrin raised his Gauntlet and shot a stream of bullets from the cannon in its palm.

Once more, time lord stopped the attack in mid air. This time, he just seemed to disappear, a slight POp sound the only indication that he truly had disappearrd. Time resume for the bullets, but they hit a tree instead of Time Lord, who had yet to reapoear.

In a time burst, the bullets began to move backwards from the tree, back to Ferrin.

oh dear. I need to finish this quickly Time Lord thought to himself, appearing behind Ferrin again, before time really starts to get messed up there was a reason why timelord never usually fought

Ferrin raised his Gauntlet. "Aether shield." The bullets bounced off a barrier of Aether that he called up in front of him "That is quite an annoying ability you have there." He said. He jumped forward and turned around with a bit of fancy footwork. He grinned. "This might be fun after all." He moved to a sprinter's stance. "Aether-enhanced...High Speed!" He shouted. This time, he disappeared in a small burst of air. There was a moment of stillness, then suddenly, five long claw-marks appeared in the nearest wall. An instant later, a long narrow gash appeared in the ground opposite of the wall, but close to Time Lord, and another gash appeared behind him. The next attack was headed straight for him

Again, Time Lord disppeared with a soft pop, as the attack came at him. Time Lord grimaced, and shook his head, raising both arms, he shouted "FRESI SOLIARS!" He needed to finish the fight right now, as he noticed a bird flying backwards.

Everything froze, and Time Lord approached Ferrin, "30...29...28" he counted down as he approached him, watching for any sign that Ferrin was fighting the magic.

Ferrin was not surprised that his opponent stopped time, since if he had simply slowed time, Ferrin would still have enough speed to overcome it. But, He reasoned in a sudden burst of inspiration, I bet a spell like this can only hold for so long. Ferrin put all the power he could muster in his speed in an attempt to break the spell. He strained and pushed, finally he felt the spell give a little. He pushed harder at the spell, his Gauntlet still outstretched from his attack. This spell is the only thing keeping my claw from our neck! He snarled silently. Eventually, his power prevailed and he felt the spell fracture and shatter. Before Time Lord could get to the next number, Ferrin broke through the spell and in a blur, seized Time Lord's face with his Gauntlet. "You should have gotten away while you had the chance!" He shouted as he overbalanced him and slammed his head into the ground

Before timelord hit the ground, he was gone, that slight pop sound the only indication he had disappeared. He chuckled from behind Ferrin once more, and the man would feel the cold edge of a dagger against his neck.

"ten...nine...eight...I'd say this fight is over. I really need to stop using my powers before I distrupt time any further here" he said, not removing his dagger quite yet.

Time lords ageless face was worried. Had hebpermenately damaged the time here? He didn't know. He stepped back, putting his dagger away. "there's a reason why I'm a scholar and not a fighter" he said softly

Ferrin felt the dagger at his neck, immediately, he grabbed the hand with the dagger with his Gauntlet, pulled forward, while slamming his head backwards into whatever part of Time Lord's face happened to be there. Following that motion, he released his sword, and used that hand to grab Time Lord's. With a shout, he twisted and pulled Time Lord forward, over him and slammed him to the ground in a shoulder throw. He straitened and caught his falling sword midair.The whole process took less than a second with his High Speed.

Timelord expected that and gave a frustrated sound, at time froze again. Knowing Ferrins speed now, Time Lord moved quickly. Bounds of magical energy tied Ferrins feet and hands, and Time Lord removed his time spell, taking all of two seconds

"I said the fight needs to end now." he leaned over, and wiped the bead of blood from Ferrins neck, glaring at the older man "you are very very lucky I saw that coming and moved the dagger back, or you would have skewered yourself."

Ferrin waited for a moment until Time Lord started talking. [color=silver] "Aether Burst!" [color] He shouted, releasing his charged build up of magic. The blast broke the bonds laid over him and he staggered to his feet. "I...won't give up." He said. "Call me stubborn if you want. That information is something I hold very precious and I will not share it if I still have fight left in me! You will have to defeat me first!" With that bold proclamation, he held his Gauntlet up and started gathering an immense amount of magic energy in his palm, which started to emit a strange silver and multicolored mist. "Do your worst! Fortress Buster, scatter!" He extended his palm, and it shot a massive beam of energy, taller than Ferrin and as wide as a grown man's outstretched arms. It suddenly split into countless smaller beams that shot in every direction, presenting a nigh-impassable tangled web of power

Time lord have a heavy sigh. He closed his eyes, more annoyed then anything else now. He couldn't risk using his time magic any more. If he did, chances were this area of land would have a permanent time warp and that couldn't happen. He ran a hand through his hair, and darkness seemed to descend rapidly, cutting off the mist and light.

"you're right. The knowledge is precious and you are more then just stubborn. You are a fool. I know when not to take risks, and I'd rather not risk warping the time here. You're knowledge could help me prevent something disastrous but if you are too stupid to see that, then I am done here. I can't fight any longer, or I will cause time to be permanently destroyed here, something I would be willing to risk, but not for someone foolish"

Time lord stepped back, his normally youthful face burdened and aged with what he knew. He disappeared again, only to reappear for the last time behind Ferrin. He kicked his knees out from under him, and then thumped him on the head.

"do you get it now? You cannot beat me. Maybe that thump will knock some sense into you, but I doubt it. I can avoid your attacks and I don't need powerful magic to do so. You lose, every time. Oh, you may be able to damage me, but I will win. But I can see now that you break your word, and that I won't get information from you, so I may as well be going" frustrated, Time Lord swept his cloak around him, and started to walk off

Ferrin got to his feet once more, growning at the pounding in his head from the blow. "Hey, get...back here, this fight isn't over yet. I can...still move, you haven't won, I haven't broken my word and I never will." He said somewhat unsteadily but still full of determination.

"I've beaten you twice" Time Lord said over his shoulder, stopping, "the first, I would have cut your throat if I hadn't moved the dagger back, and just then too. I will no longer fight you, I have won twice. You are just too foolish to see that. And I can't. My magic has already altered time here, and I cannot alter it anymore without permanently damaging it, which I believe I already said. Perhaps you are too stupid to listen as well"
he sighed heavily, "I've wasted enough time with you for no gain"

"You held back, that is your fault. For a guy with power over time, you seem to be overly concerned about wasting it.' He taunted. "I don't care if you are stronger than me. I will not take the coward's way out and let you walk away just to save my own skin. I will finish this fight one way or another."

"you are utterly demented. See that?!" time lord pointed to the bird flying backwards, feeing that props would teach this man-child why time lord saw this as foolish and dangerous.

"that is what I mean by a permanent distortion of time! Get it now?8 don't care if you have energy left. I have won, twice over. And I will no longer fight. I will just have to find more information some where else. Now that I have fought you, I don't believe you had any useful information to begin with"

If only he knew. "Fine then, leave. But I promise we will settle this one day." Ferrin said

Time lord was annoyed, frustrated and just tired. He had hoped, foolishly for a few moments that he would get some useful information, but Ferrin just didn't seem to realize that Time Lord could have killed him, effectively meaning that he had won.

He turned at the comment, glaring "we won't settle it. I do not wish to waste any more time on you. I will not fight again, not when I risk upsetting time itself. I dont fight as a rule, and wouldn't have had to if you weren't such an arrogant individual.

You can't see how important your information could be, Time traveller. I hope you can live with that, if I can't save the world for destruction"

And now time lord turned away again, and walked off continuing the path he had already started

@crimson raven

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago


With the predicted conclusion to the final match, Gamble noted some of the guilds performances but still favored Phoenix Wing overall so far. To further this favor he wanted to ask Jamie some question about the guild itself, so he made his way to the exit that they would probably take and when Jamie herself came towards it he held up a finger, in hopes to catch her attention. "Master Jamie? May I have a few minutes of your time?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

master Jamie

Naster Jamie paused as someone seemed to crave her attention, stopping and studying the man. Jamie didn't think he knew this man, but Jamie wasn't one to be rude. "of course you may. May I ask who you are?" it was odd for Jamie to not know someone who wished to talk to her: Jamie doubted anyone was going to attack her, here in crocus and surrounded by games officials, attendees and his guild nearby. But you could never be too careful
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by KazeXDZ
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KazeXDZ Goth Nerd

Member Seen 6 yrs ago

[Rokku and I are posting together.]

Sky and Solaris walked into the guild hall together.

"Man, that last mission was a bit too easy." Sky sighed.

"Yeah, but it paid well enough." Solaris replied with a smirk.

"Yeah." Sky said as he took a seat. "Still got that bruise?"

"Oh, hush up, boy." Solaris sighed. "Who would've thought a little girl could hit so hard."

"Shouldn't have called her little." Sky smiled.

"How was I supposed to know she was older than she looked?" Solaris frowned, swinging at Sky's shoulder.

Sky tilted his chair back, dodging the punch, and laughed.

With a sigh, Solaris began looking around the guild hall to see who was around. Seeing plenty of people but nobody he really knew too well, he sat by Sky. "Child."

"I'm not a kid anymore, old man." Sky retorted.

"I'm not that old yet, child." Solaris frowned.

"I'm more mature than you are." Sky said, getting close to yelling.

"Sure you are." Solaris rolled his eyes. "Look, when you can beat me in a battle, I'll stop calling you child."

"You sure you wanna go down that road, old man?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

It took a few minutes to find the place but when Zephyr found it he made Mikey wait outside before rushing into the store and coming back out within a couple of minutes with a brand new headphones in hands. This one sported that nice original red color with a dragon design on it. "Okay watch this." With his current headphones on he switched into his echo suit with its black armor and white boots and gloves did a little pose and switched back. He then took off his headphones handed them to Mikey real fast and put his new one on and did his takeover again, it showed the same armor but this time he had red armor on with a dragons head design plastered over his chest, he also had black boots and gloves on. "I can customize my takeovers! I could quite literally go into battle with pink hearts plastered all over my body if I chose to. See aint that neat?" Zephyr said grinning like he just demonstrated a must see thing. he then switched back to his normal form and took back his original headphones from Mikey.

She agreed but asked who he was to which he remained silent a bit before speaking. "I currently have no right to use my real name, so I simply go by Gamble..." He would speak before motioning for her to follow to a less crowed area. "I simply wanted to ask you some questions about Phoenix Wing and yourself. I'm sure you know that many mages are looking at these games and will decide this way which guild is best for them, I'm no different. So if you wouldn't mind, could you describe Phoenix Wing to me, like what does it mean to you, what it is about and all that stuff." Gamble would say as he sat down at a bench and patted the seat for her to sit as well.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago



Michael shifted outside, waiting for Zephyr to return. Michael could never really blend into his surrounds, but people were excited, talking about the games, so Michael could easilynlisten in. There was a lot of talk about who would win.

When Zephyr returned, Michael looked over to him, watching as he did his take over magic, and then taking the headphones before they could fall to the ground, watching as Zephyr tried to takeover with another set.

"thats cool, but if you go in with hearts Prince might go balistic and never let you go"

Master Jamie

jamie listened as this 'gamble' spoke, asking abput the guild and sitting down. It didn't seem like an odd question, nor did Jamie hesitate over the answer. "Phoenix Wing is about Family. We have laughs, we have sadness, fear and loss, but we are a family. We help each other, and we care about each other. We seek to protect Fiore, and seek to help its peoples. Do we get into trouble, or can we be overally enthausastic? Yes. But we're still here, and we will be for a long long time"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

Still in a very chipper mood, Fleo reached over to give Dalton's head one last squeeze before she addressed the others. With the final battle of the morning completed just before lunchtime, the rest of the day was for the various guilds to spend as they wished, and the audience was filing out of the stadium, dispersing in every direction. Not having any particular goals in mind, she was more than happy to do whatever the rest of the group wanted. ”Looks like everyone's going somewhere but us. What do y'all want to do?”

Looking at Joshua, Amaya, and Nolan now, Fleo realized that they'd unintentionally reunited Team Powder Keg right here in the stands. Wait, the thought struck here. That's not right... She took a sweeping glance around the Phoenix Wing portion of the stands, but failed to spot a white-haired youth in blue. ”Hey, you know who I just realized I haven't seen in a while? That Lucas guy. Now that I think about it, it seems like he's been gone for a long time. Did he tell you guys anything recently?”

X: Wheel of Fortune


Stacy snickered at her acquaintance's request, not understanding that his previous turn of phrase had been an attempt at humor. “I'm not one much for seafood myself. As you can see, I've a certain...connection to shellfish, and eating one...just wouldn't seem right.” The final events of the battles unfurled as the pair were navigating through the aisles to the exit. Upon seeing the screwup of the team from Tough Love, Stacy shrugged. “In my studies I've learned that most cetaceans have brains larger but less remarkable than humans. I suppose even man-whales like Salvoy are still lacking in the smarts department.” She led the way through the exit, one of the first to leave thanks to her head start, and brushed aside a thick, rubbery strand of bright-orange hair. Once out of the arena, she explained that they were headed to a small but quaint deli that specialized in sausages, cheeses, and various slaws. “Not the healthiest stuff in the world, but given that it's a special event, might as well, right?”

Though their destination wasn't extremely far, the trip was somewhat slower than one might expect. Even those who hadn't been spectating the Games were full of liveliness, out and about, trying to sell wares to newcomers to Crocus or otherwise capitalize on the general hype. On the way, Stacy stopped to watch a young, mournful-looking man with spiky hair performing tricks with his snake, a two-headed beastie with a surprisingly human face. She didn't stay for long, however, and did not put any money into his hat. While walking through a tiny park in the center of a plaza, the pair was momentarily surprised by a large mole, who dived into his burrow with a startling, sudden movement when they came near. At last, however, the scientist and the dark mage arrived at Jorge's, the restaurant Stacy had described. The crowds hadn't made it this far yet, so there was no wait as Stacy and Mark grabbed some food and found a table.

Wheel of Fortune ate with a surprising speed and efficiency, finishing her food in no time at all, though she hadn't gotten much to begin with. “So,” the oddly-hatted woman said, resting her chin in the palm of her hand. “Tell me some more about Iron Enigma. I already know about the monsters, but I want to hear about the people. Does your guild have much of a history, or is it a mystery to the outside world.”

IX: the Hermit

Walking out of the stadium at brisk pace, Zander sought an isolation location where he might call down Frenzy Plant's most elusive S-class wizard. Anyone accompanying or following him was met with a stern look, but not otherwise dissuaded. After all, Ludo's appearance was something of a big event, and given many soldiers' curiosity and intrigue, the Ruby Night thought it would do more harm than good to keep them away.

He found an suitable area in the form of a riverside loading bay, where various goods would typically be piled and sent out by boat. At the current hour, with the festive atmosphere totally undiminished, there was no work being done. Zander drew his sword, muttered beneath his breath, and sent a blazing jet of ruby-red energy skyward. Ludo's owl eyes did him credit, for the Hermit touched down soonafter.

“Took you long enough,” the big bird groused. “Here's the deal. The Mystic Beasts are gathering. Not all of them, mind you, but given our average power level, it should make you very worried. On my way in, I spotted the Tower on the colosseum's fringe, watching the events. The whale, Salvoy, is the World. He's one too. Your guild recently defeated the Hanged Man at Akane Resort, but you failed to kill him, and I think he's here. I also saw the Lovers in the streets. I'm sure there are even more. All of you must be on your guard. There's not a whole lot more I can help you with; being one of the weakest, I've avoided 'em my whole life, so I don't have any intel. If it weren't so crowded everywhere, I would have said that you should try sending large parties of soldiers to defeat them one by one, but obviously we can't cause a scene.” Ludo scratched beneath his feathery chin with his talons, as if stroking a beard. “Remember, each Beast is weak to the manner in which they died. Ah! I remember. The Tower is vulnerable to attacks that don't necessarily hurt, but cause great pain. She was tortured to death. If your soldiers do tangle with any Beats, make sure they don't kill them. You know why.”

Just then, Ludo seemed to sense something. His head turned nearly one-eighty degrees to pinpoint the source of the sound. “A noise like a frog laughing...the Jester. I must seek him out. Stay safe, heroes of Frenzy Plant. The future needs you.” With that, he flapped off, disappearing over the buildings.

Cormorant Sanders – Infirmary

The deep, wrinkled frown that settled over the general's face made him look immeasurably old. With woeful eyes, he watched Hyun's face. The swordswoman hadn't moved in a long time. Though just outside her chamber had been incredible spectacles of magic, talent, and emotion, only a foreboding, sickly serenity had taken hold within. Sanders was at a loss. Never before had he encountered someone who had lost the will to live. Why, he marveled at the incredible and terrifying power of Hyun's fixation. Why did you let it consume you? He reached out a hand to touch her head, to cradle it like a father might a daughter—for she had been so very much like one. The fingers froze, however, and retracted. Sanders did not feel he had the jurisdiction to impose upon her rest. If she wished to remain in whatever netherworld she was in, dream, nightmare, or neither, he could not disturb her from it, however much he wanted to. ”I am sorry,” he said at last. ”I'm an old campaigner, not an old doctor. I wish I knew how to make you better now. I wish I had known how to help you then. If only we had more time.” Instead, he scratched the little bear that Gabriel had left behind the ears, and made to leave, face downcast. ”I have failed you, Hyun. This tragedy is on my head.”


Sander's mouth dropped open as he spun around, stunned. He turned to see Hyun sitting up, a sad look on her face. In the moment before she continued, the general had the time for only one clear observation: her eyes had changed. The irises were still dark brown, indistinguishable from the pupil, but the scleras -the white part- were gold. ”It is wrong of you to blame yourself, General. I alone am at fault. I allowed my obsession to fester inside me, becoming so focused on it and blind to all else that the pressure caused me to snap. You, sir, did the best you could to make me stop and look around, but I did not listen.”

It was a moment before Sanders found his tongue. Hyun watched him quietly, a shadow of a smile playing around her lips. ”Are...are you well, Hyun? I thought you had given up. How did you find your way back to us?” Sanders remembered Jamie, and how she'd sworn to visit Hyun. Could it be possible that Phoenix Wing's master had given Hyun what she'd needed?

The swordswoman tilted her head. ”Hm. It was all darkness. Just...nothing. I was...dimly aware of some reverberations, like people talking, but muffled, and all echoes, and I couldn't hear them. At some point, though, I had a dream. I was back home in Seven in springtime, standing near the edge of a cliff. Looking down over the edge, I saw only a swirling void. I think...it might have been death.”

“Between me and the edge stood a strange thing. It looked like a skinny man, dressed in purple robes, but his skin was dark blue, his fingers long and spindly, his ears pointy, and he had three eyes. He told me that if I really felt that there was nothing left for me in the world, I could jump. But if I wanted to try again, I just needed to take his hand and make a wish. I felt different, like all of my hopelessness and desperation were lifted out of me for just a moment, and so I thought, I could try again. So I took his hand and woke up.”
She looked at Sanders quizzically. ”Doesn't sound like an ordinary dream, does it? Do you think it was an angel, sir? A demon?”

Sanders shook his head. ”A blessing. Welcome back, Hyun. Now that you've seen where your obsession would have taken you, will you let us help you? You can still accomplish your dream.”

Shakily, Hyun pulled herself to the edge of the bed. With utmost caution and precision, she lowered herself onto her legs, and stood, trembling slightly. Her golden eyes glinted. ”Last time, I was looking so hard that I lost focus. I can do better this time. Let the Thor replace me for now. I'm going to start retraining. Perhaps, by the end of the week, I'll feel ready to return.” She turned her bright eyes, simultaneously full of determination and...something else...to her Master. ”Tell me, General. I feel something strange. It is a longing, but it is not of desperation. I am feeling like somehow, things will turn out alright. What is it?”

The old man smiled. ”It is hope.”
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


Master Jack spoke, congratulating them on the first day. He looked at the score board. If there wasn't such an unfair decision on the result of his match, they would be first by 2 points. He sighed, it could couldn't be helped. However, he doubted he would be competing 2 days in a row. He stood up. "Let's go and get a fucking drink." he grinned.


He was actually half kidding when he told Sasha to kiss him. He wasn't really expecting it and didn't know what to do. He had kissed women before obviously, but Sasha was different. Everything about her was so fair and soft. She pulled away but he didn't want it to end. He smiled. "So are yours. Evidently." He took note of the scoreboard, before grabbing her by the hand and jolting up. "Come on." He gave her the look. He started to run, dragging her along. Everyone would be coming back soon, as the competition had ended for the day. Arriving back where they were staying, he forced the main door open, nodding to the staff, still pulling Sasha along. They reached her bedroom door, before he basically place her against it, planting the palms of his hands either side of her head. He gave a her a meaningful gaze for a few moments before he leaned in for a passionate kiss. He didn't know what was happening but he didn't care. His heart was pounding, and he was being controlled by this feeling. He fumbled with the door nob, opening the door, both of them stepping inside, and closing it.

*Fade to black*
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Crimson Raven
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Crimson Raven *Rolls a Nat 1*

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Valak Solidor

Valak looked up from his book as two people entered the courtyard, and began to talk in loud voices. He sighed in annoyance. I finally find a quiet spot and someone happens to come along and ruin it. He tried to go back to his book, but the duo started to fight, and he found it impossible to concentrate. He sighed again as he got up and slipped away unnoticed. He started walking back toward the coliseum where the games had stared again. Although, his mind turned back to his book. He was at a good part and he really wanted to know what happened next. So, he pulled out his book and began to read as he walked, occasionally looking up so he didn't walk into anyone or anything. He made his way through the town, his face still buried in his book. He eventually got to a certain part that held his interest and he forgot to look up. Next thing he knew, he walking into somebody and his book was knocked out of his hand onto the ground. "Oh, I'm sorry I wasn't watching where I was going." He apologized in a quiet voice as he bent to pick up his book. He examined it an brushed the dust off. "Oh well, I've lost my spot, guess that's what I get for reading while walking." He joked nervously. He look at the person, not meeting their eyes. "Sorry about that." He apologized again in a soft voice.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

Member Seen 39 min ago

Amelia Averyonna

@Caits @Zarkun

Amelia nodded at Penny's suggestion of burgers and fries. Simple food what was easy to make was probably the best. Letting Penny and Damian take the lead, the young girl followed after the other two mages. She was distracted by the occasional spirit that wondered the town, most of which were harmless and just people who had died natural deaths. Some, however, were less then friendly, usually those who had died through violent means. She ignored most of them but one let out a sound like an animalistic roar from a dark alley, causing her to jump and let out a small scream before she grabbed both Penny and Damian's arms. She was shaking terribly and was paler then usual. She had never heard a spirit like that before and it scared her terribly.

Not that either of her companions could hear it.

Jack, the Maiden of the Mist

@Caits @Oblivion666

"You know, you said you wanted a rematch sometime right? You look like you're ready for a fight. Want to try it?" A voice asked from behind Michael. Jack approached the boys, her expression it's usual blank self and her hair shining slightly in the streetlights. She passed by Michael without a second glance and looked at Zephyr."Also, I doubt hearts would be very effective in distracting an enemy unless you planned on making them laugh."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mark Zerrit
Mark chuckled and nodded when Stacy said that she didn't really agree with seafood either, and nodded in agreement. He gave one last glance at the end of the battle, before following his new acquaintance out, smirking as she said that where they were going wasn't the healthiest place. "I don't really mind if it's healthy or not. My guild master will run me ragged on errands during and after the games anyway, so I could do with the extra calories." He chuckled, and as they exited the building the games they'd find Deyja waiting for them. The boy dressed in black would give Mark a look, and the S-Class wizard rolled his eyes before throwing Deyja a key. The mage would nod before heading off down the street, away from the crowds, at a rapid pace. Mark gave Stacy an apologetic smile as they kept walking.

As they passed a street performer, Mark stopped next to Stacy. He idly wondered how much money a good street performer could make on these streets during the magic games. Mark was sure his maker magics would give a pretty good performance. He would have to ask his guild master if he could go on tour in the city during the next magic games. He chuckled quietly to himself as the thought occurred to him. Mark Zerrit, the travelling performer of Iron Enigma. The thought was certainly appealing, but that didn't sound like something he would enjoy after too long. Soon they had reached where they were going, sitting down and eating. Stacy finished well before Mark, and asked a question. He swallowed his bite and wiped his mouth before responding to her question.

"Well, history wise, Iron Enigma's been around for over a hundred years. It was originally a very very moral guild, but then Fairy Tail happened, and, as you probably know, magic became hated and feared. Very hard to stay the 'good guys' during that. So the old members turned to more illicit activities in order to pay to live. After a couple generations, that became the norm, and wizards who didn't mind such activities joined. The guild did pretty well overall despite the general hate and distrust of magic." He smiled a bit and took another bite of his food, chewing and swallowing before continuing. "Nothing super major really happened during most of that time though. My grandparents joined, and the guild was willing to do just about anything for money. They tended to shy away from murder where possible though, too high-profile, ya know? These days... Well, I would tell you, but then you'd be in danger. Guild secrets and all, not to mention the couple of bloodthirsty individuals."

He took another bite, almost done, before continuing. "Besides that, we treat each other a lot like a family. Not exactly the same, but close. We'll stick our necks out for each other unless it endangers the whole guild to do so. With the occasional exception of course. But if, for example, Laynette or Deyja got in a bad scrape. Ended up getting hurt or put in jail or something, for example. If one or more of the S-Class didn't go and get them out of there, a couple of A and B class wizards would. Most of the time though, Luna is off to save them in a heartbeat. With me right behind to make sure the girl doesn't get herself hurt." He chuckled softly, and finished his food. Done with his tale.


Mayt --- Train
The engineer would rub the back of his head. "We're not allowed to let anyone touch the Engine really. Corporate would have our jobs if we did. Sorry." Mayt smiled, and patted the guy on the shoulder. "Hey, it's fine. I'll go figure out how the Bandits found us, you try to fix the engine without getting fired, alright?" The Engineer, reassured, nodded. "C'mon Jarvis, let's go see if the Bandits are up yet. We don't need to fix the engine, if someone else shows up looking for them, we'll need all the manpower possible. Since they're probably going to at least run into the convoy anyway." He tugged on the older Wizards' arm once before heading into the train. Moving back through them until he got to where the Bandits were being held. They were all in the prison lacrima now, but they were all still out cold, with bandaged wrapped around their heads. "Might've hit them a tad hard."

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

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Penny was startled as Amelia grabbed her arm, as if something had terrified her. Penny looked about, ready to fight, but nothing was there. Still, something had scared Amelia. Penny tried to remember what the girls abilities were, but Edolashad been months ago, and she hadn't really interacted with Amelia.

"what is it? What do you see?" she asked softly to Amelia, wondering if they should have gone another way, or entered one of the restaurants they had passed already, if something was spooking her. "are you okay?" she asked with concern


Jarvis wanted the train moving as soon as possible. It just seemed too much of a coincidence that the train broke down and was then attached by bandits. Would whoever sent them come after to see what happened?

"this isn't right, I don't like it" Jarvis said softly following Mayt. Jarvis frowned, studying the bandits. They didn't seem all that threatening, but Jarvis suspected they could have done serious damage and caused trouble if there hadn't been a wizard on board
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Grand Magic Games

Eve didn't really know how long she had been hugging Nero and how long Nero had been hugging her, but after awhile of being locked inside of each others arms, she finally managed to calm down slightly from the whole scene in which Nero had quite literally taken something out of her soul. So, the young girl squeezed Nero tightly once and then tried to gently get out of their seemingly eternal hugging session for her to finally straighten herself out.

She backed away only a few small steps trying to give each other space and some breathing room after this whole dealing, but the two were still close enough that they could reach each other easily. The Necromancer soon closed her eyes once again as she rubbed away the tears with her sleeve. Once she opened her eyes to find Nero still standing close to her with the silence hanging over them, it made things a little bit awkward. She moved her head slightly to the side before some strands of her hair started to get into her face blocking her vision. She quickly parted them away before looking at Nero once again, and a smile soon etched around her face. As she looked longer at him, she didn't really know how to explain it, but for some reason she suddenly felt like laughing. Eve wasn't sure if this was so the silence could be broken or she found something funny about Nero's appearance, but she let out a sudden large sound that sounded like some sort snort and laugh combined together.

Eve had actually startled herself from the sudden sound that had come from her mouth, but her look of confusion turned into an even brighter smile of playfulness. The Necromancer looked towards the side before noticing some sort of bag located on the ground near the two, how long had that been there? She bent down to pick up the bag and noticed that it was for Nero as it was written in large words for her friend with a little tiny heart on top of the name. Eve quickly snatched the bag from the ground with the same playful smile on her face and she could smell that there was food inside of it. The Necromancer lifted the bag in the middle of the two with a slightly tilted head.

Magni - Grand Magic Games

After the events of the day had ended, Magni had quickly followed Zander for the sight of Ludo once again and was only met with a stern look, but that didn't discourage him at all to continue to sating his interest of the situation. However, he didn't really know what kind of trouble he was getting into if he continued to follow this Ruby Knight, but the excitement of using his powers in the field was too enticing to let go. Man, when did Magni become so much more... emotional?

Well, it didn't take long until Magni once again saw the giant humanoid owl once again after Zander had done some sort of trick with his sword and the sky. He talked about stuff he really didn't understand as Ludo spoke out names that didn't ring any bells with him, but their strange names did seem vaguely familiar for some reason. However, the owl-man soon started to speak about vulnerabilities which was always the best part about any type of briefing and with the name The Tower, she was probably gigantic. Magni was confused on why they couldn't kill these Magical Beast. Is that what they are called? Well, the best that he could gather was that Ludo didn't want any of his 'brothers' or 'sisters' dying due to them being relatives? He really had no idea.

As Ludo suddenly left due to something called the Jester, it was only Zander, Magni, and the other people that had come along to see what the mysterious owl-man was doing here. The Antimage looked at the Ruby Knight and asked the one question that had been on his mind the entire way through the the entire way to the location and the conversation. "Hunting Trip?"

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

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@Caits@Joshua Tamashii
Zephyr Hardt

Zephyr laughed at Mikey's comment of Prince never letting him go, it was probably true as well. "You are probably right on that guess, then again Prince would never let you go if you told him to hug you." Zephyr commented and heard Jackie speak about him wanting a rematch and if he wanted to try now. Zephyr grinned as she walked over to him and then commented that pink hearts wouldn't be very effective unless it was to make them laugh. He gave a thumbs up at that comment. "Correct! As for the rematch, of course Im ready to go now. You have a location in mind? or are we going to show off for these people?" Zephyr asked her with an amused smile on his face.

Gamble nodded his head to her reply, it seemed like a honest answer to him. "I see sounds like a very caring guild, you must be proud of it. Now a question about you. How would you define a criminal? Lets say they've done something horrible in the past, and now they swear they are a better person. Could you trust them? Would you put your faith in them that they did indeed change?" Gamble asked his next question tilting his head slightly, as he brushed his hair out of eye.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

@joshua Tamashii

Michael didn't know what to say to that comment, unsure why That was true, but was saved answering but the interruption of Jackie.

It annoyed Michael that Jackie walked up, moving passed him like he was there and then challenged Zephyr. Were they both stupid? They were in the games! They seemed to be angling to take each other out of them. He stood there staring at them in complete shock.

"a-a-are you t-t-two d-dementated? You c-c-can't fight n-now! What if you h-h-hurt each other t-t-too much, and d-d-destroy Dragon Fangs chances of w-w-winning?" he demanded, his anger making him stutter then he normally would have. He glared at them both, and continued, his voice firmer "it's just foolish to fight now! Settle it later, when you don't have the games to win! Otherwise, you are both useless for the team, some things are more important then settling differences!"

master Jamie

That question brought a Pang of emotion over Jamie. Hurt, being one, as well as sadness. Wes had been innocent of the crime the magic council thought he had done, but it was Jamie's fault that he had been transferred to Edolas, and now was back here with the Edolas group that wished to take earthlNd magic. Jamie didn't know if that was a crime, but he did know that it would upset the balance between worlds. Jamie sighed softly.

There was of course the more recent situation of Lazarus. Jamie pushed everything else away, and said "yes, I could. I have. To me, a criminal is someone who finds no remorse in their crime. People do change, should they be punished their whole lives for something they may or may not have done in a moment of weakness? No. I have already accepted and already trust someone who has changed from their crimes. I trust, and put my faith in my whole guild. Does that answer your question?"

There was riders blade, which Jamie was willing to watch and see if they truly had changed, but that didn't mean that Jamie liked the fact that Lucas was hanging around. She didn't want anything to happen to Elyse, and all the gods in the world knew that Rose had suffered enough.

"it doesn't mean that if they prove that they haven't changed, I wouldn't be the one to deal with them. I would want to bring them down, so I could know why"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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@Lugubrious @Joshua Tamashii @Amaya Tamashii
Well with the first days of the game coming to a close the spectators of the Colosseum were leaving en masse. Today's games were successful for Phoenix Wing, but anything could change. It would be stupid to say that the games were in the bag and against some of the monsters in the opposing guilds it would've been a lethal mistake. Whoever he would face his blade was indiscriminate to all of his opponents. It would cut into them just the same. The question is who would he face, what kind of magic will his opponent us, and what kind of weapons they have in store. If he could he would study up on every mage he would, but that's time and effort that would be best served training. It would be neigh impossible to learn every about mage anyway.

Nolan did his best to ignore Fleo getting close to him so that she could hug the exceed laying on his head. While he had grown somewhat accustomed to her this kind of closeness made his skin crawl all over. He inwardly sighed with relief as she moved back and looked at the rest of the group. There were many things that they could do. They could explore the museums, the markets, the parks, the restaurants, the monuments, and so on. He was going to suggest one of those ideas, but a more important question came up. Where's Lucas? "Wait a minute. I thought he was just on a mission. He hasn't been back since I left?"

Dalton arched his brow and rested his elbow on the God Slayer's head. "And who's this Lucas ya guys are talking about?

"He's a guild member of Phoenix Wing and someone I've worked with. He's powerful, but he's young and stupid. Not to mention he can't control his magic so he's a living time bomb. It wouldn't surprise me if he's laying in a crater caused by his own magic." He folded his arms and closed his eyes. To be away for this long is worrisome for someone like him. He lacks control and his emotions tend to get the better of him, causing his own magic to go awry. Putting one's life in his hands is risky, especially due to his Crash Magic. In the first mission they worked together it was more than likely that Nolan would've been blown up if Lucas lost control again.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Ariel - Crocus
Well that was easy enough. At least she wouldn't have to worry about food and water. Though she supposed that her ultimate well being was important for Tidius' goals. When he stepped out Ariel leaned back against the table. She felt dizzy which the woman could only assume was from lack of energy. When Tidius returned he set the food before her and made a comment about his master. "You have a master? Are you in a guild of some kind?"

Somehow Ariel doubted she would get the full answers she wanted. But at the moment the food was more important in her mind. Eating rather quickly she let the air hiss out of her lungs. This was probably going to be a long ordeal. She didn't even really know what day it was. Although the magic discharging nearby had died down. Whatever it was had stopped. Lots of fire magic here it seemed. Closing her eyes the odd feeling didn't stop. However she didn't have to deal with it long as she fell asleep for the evening.

For the first couple hours it seemed she was simply laying on the table. Indeed there was no indication that anything was happening from the last lacrama Tidius gave. However on the inside Ariel's Earth magic was the perfect environment for the plant based magic to flourish. Sprouting like a seed the magic slowly worked it's way to the surface. It would be quite late before any visible signs would show. First the usual color change of a new magic to green appeared as one might expect. But this magic was literally rooted much deeper than the others. In the dead of night her colored hair began to shift and change into leaves. Part of her skin became rough and coarse like bark and several flowers budded and bloomed from her body. The transformation was a peaceful one and it didn't wake the mage herself.

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