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Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Eve - Grand Magic Games

Eve continued to latch onto Nero for support as he started to say something about think happy thoughts and she honestly wanted to do that for the way she was feeling. The Necromancer could never say that she never tried at staying happy before something bad might happen, and she closed her eyes trying to think happy thoughts. However, Eve was met with the same problem as before with her smile as something seemed to be blocking or restricting her from trying to feel happy. All she could see was darkness as her eyes were closed... She could barely feel anything at this point as her mind was receding to the nothingness. To be honest, Eve actually felt pretty nice as the world around her fell into darkness. She didn't need to worry about anything anymore, she would just finally get a break... a rest from her endless torment. As she was about to finally let go of her defenses to the sorrow in herself, the tips of her mouth twitched barley into an actual smile.

However, now was not the time to lose herself inside the eternal damnation that she had brought upon herself. Her mind, her body suddenly jolted as something gripped at the very source of her sadness. Inside of her body, it screamed in agony as it was slowly being pulled out of Eve's very soul. A mind bending scream echoed through her conscious as it suddenly found itself solidifying, the misery found itself being trapped within its very being. It reached out into Eve's mind, trying one last attempt to stay within the body it had been trying to claim for so long, but the agony soon found itself almost grabbing Eve's reeling mind before it was completely taken out of the Necromancer's system.

This sort of action did well to awake the Necromancer from her near eternal slumber. Her entire being felt out-of-place, an entire emotion and big part of herself was suddenly missing. Eve's mind was out of control, trying to find something to fill in the giant gap within herself. Eve's entire body was also panicking as there was nothing controlling her mind anymore. The faked happiness was now without no equal and soon found itself rampant in her mind as the faked happiness was trying to control everything. Eve soon found herself to be spiraling out of control as her consciousness was trying to do something to fix all the problems at once. The Necromancer's body started to stiffen and her mind would soon follow suit, however, something stopped all of the madness within herself.

It was a realization. A basic idea that everyone has within themselves even when they are born... Eve realized that she was in control. There was no longer any bullshit of having two crazy sided emotions controlling her any longer, it was just her thinking and acting by her own thoughts like any other person. This basic realization hit Eve like a brick wall as her eyes fluttered open. For the first time in her long life from becoming a Necromancer... Evelynn 'Eve' Nyx was in full control of her mind.

Now, Eve didn't have any words to explain this feeling. Literally, she was in so much shock from everything that had happened, she couldn't form words from her mouth. Her eyes were merely just wide open as she was finally letting this idea of being herself sick deeper and deeper into her mind. It was only until she felt something hug her. Eve's eyes glanced up to find Nero hugging her. She had forgotten about him through all this confusion even though he was the one that sparked this whole reaction. Soon, another brick wall hit her. It was not made of reasoning and logic, but it was made up of strong emotions as it slammed right into her. It was Nero that finally freed her and it was him that saved her and soon embraced her inside of a hug. Suddenly, Eve soon found herself reacting in such a way she had never seen before, she was crying in happiness. This entire response was new, as it combined her reaction when she would usually be sad, but she was extremely happy. Eve just felt weird combining the two.

So, with the tears slowly streaming down her face and still not actually able to speak out her feelings like she had done earlier, Eve would try to do the next best thing that her rigid body could muster. All the necessary muscles started to move to enact such an act that she was preparing to do, and it didn't take long until everything was in position. Eve just did the last thing and that was to tightly hug Nero. However, this was no ordinary hug that Eve would give to people in the days of old. This was actually the most sincere hug that Eve could ever give to someone, and she hoped to any type of god that this hug would be able to convey the mixed bag of emotions her body is going through at the moment.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Michael couldn't honestly say why he had he stayed with dragon Fang. Right from the moment he had entered the guild, he had been accosted by Prince, the cat man virtually picking him up and treating him like a cuddly teddy bear, and he seemed to relish flustering Michael. The guild master had seemed accepting, right away.

He appeared flustered as Zephyr ruffled his hair, and squirmed slightly, "I guess...I guess I stayed because...you all didn't care if I was a blithering mess, or if I was just dead weight, or any of that. You accepted me and...I got a room, and a cat, and...I get to be a wizard"


Tidius gave a heavy sigh, and made a note that it appeared the earth magic personality had a stubborn streak. He stepped closer with the Lacrima, "I'm not going to give you a choice, Ariel" He said, and moved closer so he could place the Lacrima against Ariel's skin.

He watched, intent on seeing just how the transformation occurred.


Jarvis gave a sigh, "Tomorrow could be too late. More bandits could come here, or some dark guild members." He said wearily, appearing thoughtful for a moment or two. "If you keep them occupied, I should be able to fix the engine" He said, already heading out to the outside of the train, and to the trains engine.

Jarvis didn't do much, having very little idea how a trains engine worked, but he did manipulate a lacrima, placing it into the trains engine. The magic knew what to do, he hoped.


Penny nodded and smiled at Amelia, "alright then" either way was good with her, it meant that Amelia would starve at least. She glanced about, looking up at the sky, as the sun continued it's decent, nearly succumbing to night. "The last battle should be over, so we should miss the rush to of people wanting food"

Nash Vs Phyrra part three

"It's poorer manners to taunt an opponent to begin with you oversized fish." Pyrrha muttered, before the creature went to dive again. She had been expecting this and moved quickly, rotating herself around her sword before summoning some flames at her feet to propel herself forward, keeping her blade in Salvoy^s flesh as her moved quickly from his head to his back, blade still flame and cutting through the flesh the entire time. She was just barely keeping ahead of the ground and was about half-way down his back before she had to get off for fear of getting smashed into the ground. She rolled over her back and got quickly to her feet, taking in a sharp breathe at the pain in her torso before using her magic to launch herself straight towards Nash. It would seem like a straight forward, head on attack before she caused a small explosion on her right to launch herself to the left. Once she stopped moving, she launched a stream of flame at the middle aged man, hoping it would hit him.

Nash readied a line-driving punch to answer Pyrrha's charge and hopefully deck her in a single hit, and was caught off guard by a change in direction. When a cone of fire bore down on him, he seemd momentarily frightened, before for some reason known only to Nash he grinned and crossed his arms. A mere moment before the flames would have rolled across him, a blue hand rose from the ground beneath, lifting him up into the air. The flames meant for Nash instead trickled harmlessly around Salvoy's heat-resistent fat, and in a moment the World had emerged completly, holding Nash above his head. "Fastball Special!" the former sailor cried, and Salvoy wound back before hurling Nash straight at Pyrrha, who rolled himself into a human cannonball as he flew.

Pyrrha was surprised by the course of action Salvoy and Nash took in attacking her. She briefly considered using her sword like a bat against Nash but quickly realized that such an action could prove lethal and that would be a very bad idea. She could try to fry him with her flames,b ut he could hit her andt ake her out then. Seeing no other option, she used her flamesto launchherselft o the side before turning around and firing another steam of flames at Nash the moment she saw where he landed .

Unfortunately, Nash didn't so much land as he did roll. Upon contact with the ground, he bounced and unfurled, with a cry of "Ech!", and tumbled along the ground for some distance. He ended up on his back, groaning. Salvoy, meanwhile, had been trying to reach the cut on his back and brush the sand off of it to keep it from itching. Nash called at the top of his voice, "Salvoy! Get over here!" to galvanize the World into action. "Huh? Coming!" Salvoy started to run, but had approximately twice the distance as Pyrrha to run. The battle had evidently devolved into a contest to see who could get to Nash first.

"To hell with that." Pyrrha muttered, the flames surrounding her jumping up a notch. She got to her feet just as one of Salvoy's feet landed next to her. She kept her balance through the resulting tremors and on pure instinct, she drove her sword into the monster's foot before kicking up the flames around the blade and pulling it out again.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Lugubrious
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Lugubrious Player on the other side

Member Seen 1 hr ago

After the bizarre ending to the last battle, Fleo was looking forward to an edge-of-your-seat melee. Out of the two competitors, once they were introduced, she felt strangely sympathetic to the middle-aged man. In a sea of young, spunky wizards with flashy powers and fancy tricks, there was a single more or less normal guy, seemingly unwilling to take the competition too seriously. Plus, from the moment that the whale-man 'Salvoy' appeared, it was clear that the two shared a unique friendship. Against their fire-spitting opponent, Fleo guessed, they'd have to leverage every ounce of strength and every inch of teamwork. Pyrrha, if anything, looked to be taking this match a little too seriously, as if she was making up for Nash.

Still, Fleo winced when she took a rising blow from the World. Being on the receiving end of such a blow would not have been fun. Honestly, if she were in Pyrrha's shoes, Fleo expect that she might have been downed in one hit. She laughed out loud to see the sailor and his friend posing. Before the dusty woman's eyes, the Flames of Emotion wizard inflicted a cruel blow to the whale's forehead. From everything she knew about anatomy, Fleo would have thought that such a brutal attack would have killed Salvoy, but the World dusted it off with a quip and the fight continued.

In the crowd's anticipatory lull, waiting for the next hit, Fleo heard approaching footsteps. She turned to see Nolan approaching, and was about to say 'hi' when she spotted the airborne feline behind him. For a moment, Fleo froze, magenta eyes wide open. Then a smile broke out on her face as she leaped from her seat toward the aisle in childlike joy. As she lunged, she could see Dalton reacting in some way, but his sunglasses made it difficult to tell if he was scared or just surprised. Regardless, Fleo didn't quite make it all the way. She tripped over Joshua's feet, who was sitting between her and the aisle, and fell face-first onto the ground. ”Oops! Sorry!” Using miniature blasts of dust to help her up, Fleo regained her feet, turning back to Joshua and Amaya to apologize. ”Sorry 'bout that! But isn't he just the cutest thing!” Before either Nolan or Dalton could stop her, she had squeezed the purple cat in a delighted hug. ”Hahaha! I've never seen an Exceed before! Heard about them sure, but I never thought they'd be this adorable! I had forgotten that all Slayers have an Exceed! Guess these means you're legit now, Nolan!”

Zander Louvier – the Stands

The sight of the Tough Love member brandishing a special Tarot card sparked a hint of wonder in Zander's mind. Is that what I think it is? When the card resolved itself to be, in fact, the World, the Ruby Knight was floored. Until now, he had thought that Mystic Beats were both rarities and mysteries. From how Ludo behaved, one could be easily forgiven for thinking so, Zander thought. And yet, here was another Mystic Beast, not only alive and fighting but partnered with a human, and an unimpressive one at that.

So lost was he in thought that he didn't notice a shadow passing overhead. It took the thump of a landing and the gasps of nearby soldiers to alert him to the arrival of a familiar presence. Turning to look, he nearly jumped to see none other that Ludo the Hermit himself standing next to him, spearbutt planted on the ground as its wielder waited expectantly. ”Ludo!” Zander said, surprised and completely taken aback. Frenzy Plant's honorary S-class almost never showed up unless a situation was of dire importance, and in a place with this many people, an antisocial owl was a fish out of water. What a strange metaphor... Zander thought, before Ludo began to speak in a gruff voice.

“Yes, hello. I need to talk to you, Sanders, or both. Not here, too many people. There's a situation. Seven of my brothers and sisters are here in Crocus alone. Send a flare up or something when you're ready. Toodles.”

With that, the Hermit flapped off, leaving Zander, not to mention everyone around him, full of questions. He knew one thing, however, as he resumed spectating the fight: if by brothers and sisters Ludo had meant Mystic Beasts, then something was wrong. The Ruby Knight fidgeted, looking left and right frequently, unable to shake the feeling he was being watched by monsters.

The behatted woman gave a bright laugh. Clearly, she fostered a confident attitude, and didn't seem too entirely serious. That wasn't to say, however, that she wasn't at all genuine. “Fancy that. I was just feeling a bit peckish myself. Fortunately I'm not a first-timer here, so I can find a place we might be able to grab something to eat. Don't worry about any of that Dark Guild nonsense. If I'm not afraid of you, you've got nothing to worry about.”

Stacy was then distracted by the display now occurring in the arena. She watched as Salvoy appeared and began to battle, fighting as one-dimensionally and comically as one might expect of an enormous humanoid whale. “Aw, he's such a big goof, that one,” she said knowingly. “He's not going to win this, though. For his kind, having a partner is having a weakness, one that he's got to watch over and protect at all times.” She readjusted her glasses to keep them from slipping down her nose. It was a warm day, and with thousands of people giving off body heat, she probably wasn't the only one perspiring. “It's getting to be a little stifling in here,” she told Mark. “What do you say you buy me lunch instead of dinner? Couldn't hurt to head out now, with this being the last match and all.” She began to stand up, taking his agreement for granted. An idea popped into her head, however, and she rolled her eyes before turning to him and reaching out a hand. “I totally forgot. My name is Stacy Lockheart,” she said. “My friends sometimes call me 'Wheel of Fortune'. You?”

Nero the Genie – the Stands
@Invisible Man

For a little while, Nero was terrified. Along with having no idea how much -if any- of what he was saying was getting through, he knew that something might have gone horrible wrong with his Law of Manifestation. Even if he hadn't felt it, pulling emotions out of people caused acute sensations. What they were and how strong depended on the trait and how deeply-rooted it was; judging by Eve's current state, her sadness might have gone so deep that pulling it out was killing her. The thought made Nero both angry and despairing. Why was she so weak and confused? And why was it his problem? Dark mages didn't help people after all, not like this. Why was he doing this in the first place, meddling with things he did not understand?

Those thoughts evaporated like morning dew, however, when Eve burst into tears. At first, the genie was appalled. Had he taken the wrong trait? It wasn't possible, he decided. But then how was she crying, unless...? Nero's agitated mind began to calm down. These weren't tears of sadness. They were, Horned One bless, the exact opposite. Nero felt sure of it when he felt Eve squeeze back. Maybe she didn't have everything figured out yet, but she was going to be okay. A million words came to his mind, but it was obvious that the necromancer didn't need them right now. Instead, Nero just continued to hold her, thinking that for once in his life he'd finally done something right. That thought brought a smile to his face, truer than any he had made before. If I've actually helped this girl, then this is the kind of miracle that genies are meant to work, he decided.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Amaya Tamashii
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Amaya Tamashii

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Amaya Vanisis

@Hatakekuro@Joshua tamashii@lugubrious

Amaya listened "honestly, I probably could take her because of my slayer magic, but I , still ',have a disadvantage with my passive nature and our elements...I also have a fear of...fire"she said with the last part a whisper before she saw floe. She lifted a hand to wave and say high before she saw her face plant hard. Amaya moved over to her listening before she squealed as well seeing Dalton "he is so adorable! I want one...where is my cute exceeding!"she asked scratching Dalton behind his ears in delight
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

When Tidius attempted to approach with the lacrama the new Earth mage swatted at his hand. The intent was to knock the lacrama away but he had a better grip, likely have anticipated the uncooperative behavior. Having failed that there wasn't much opportunity to prevent contact. Unlike the last time though Ariel's body changed slightly on contact. Her body turned into soil briefly and sucked the lacrama in. But it seemed that Ariel was unaware of that fact or any effect from it. A confused expression crossed her face. "Did you do something? Where did it go?"

Beyond the lacrama's disappearance no other effects appeared to manifest. At least not yet. One had to wonder if Tidius chose the order of magic on purpose. But for the moment Ariel, while confused, seemed unaffected by the magic contained in the lacrama.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


He didn't know what to say. He had arrived at the guild way before Sasha. He was pretty much an adult when she arrived as a teenager. It was difficult to see anything else in her. However, it was true, she had blossomed into a beautiful young woman. "You like me? In a 'hey lets share secrets' kind of way or a 'hold me right here i dont care' kind of way?" He kidded. He shook his head. This was crazy. He wasn't supposed to let anyone get close to him. That wasn't his plan. But then there was Sasha. Fuck it. He opened the palm of his hand and placed in on top of hers in her lap. He didn't say anything, not thinking he needed to.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Tidius watched, seeing that the magic didn't seem to take much effort, Ariels appearance barely altered. Was it because the two magics were similar, or was it just happening slower then before? He wondered thoughtfully, shaking his head. Of course it was possible the games were interfering.

"hm. Perhaps we will leave it at that for now. You seem to be quite tired, not if any use to me" he said, "but it seems to me your body acts as a container, much like the Lacarmia, absorbing the magic and then being manipulated by it. Your body cells just be so...fascinating" he said, probably sounding like a demented scientist.


It amazed Sasha at how...wel, child like Lazarus could be. "you know all my secrets. And you're the one who first took me out, and and..." had she made a mistake, a assumption? Had Lazarus just been kind, these last...was it really almost a year? She was just contemplating fleeing, when he took her hand. She swallowed, relief swelling through her.

"well. Um." she didn't know what to say now
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by twave
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Ariel - Crocus
Since Tidius was calling it quits she glanced at him for a moment. Was he leaving? "Could I get something to eat and drink? I haven't eaten anything since the day before." Perhaps this was an oversight in part of the... scientist? Truely she wouldn't be any good to him if she starved to death. It could also account for her lack of change, low energy over all.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Invisible Man

Invisible Man

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Magni - Grand Magic Games

This was the very first Grand Magic Games that Magni had ever attended in his life and it was hyped up to be one of the most awesome things that someone could witness. So, after all these events ranging from puzzle solving to making out inside the middle of the battlefield, Magni was completely and utterly disappointed at the mess that these events had developed into. The only thing that this place was good for was for was making him feel really pissed off which was not really hard to do at all. Magni just wanted this to end and go back to his regularly scheduled program of hardcore training and hearty drinks to down. However, as he was blandly looking down upon the fight taking place between some sort of giant mutated whale with a great amount power and some sort of flaming girl, something more interesting happened within the Frenzy Plant stands.

Magni's head quickly turned around to find some sort of strange figure. His eyes were still trying to adjust from the strange shape of the stranger and the sun shining down into his eye holes. The Antimage squinted hard to find... what? It was a giant humanoid owl. Huh, now he has seen everything. Magni quickly shifted his eyes towards other people's reactions and it seemed that this figure was known amongst the soldiers and quite popular by the awe of their faces. When 'Ludo' began to speak, Magni tried to listen as best as he possibly could to alleviate his boredom of these games.

As he listened, Magni could tell something was up. He didn't really understand what they were saying, but it seemed like something strange was up... Something magical. The Antimage could easily see that Ludo was almost completely made of magical energy and he was obviously not created inside this realm. The aura this thing presented was other worldly and was very similar to that of the Celestial Spirits, and by what this creature was saying about brothers and sisters, there were more of these magical creatures. Magni could feel the excitement developing inside of his body, hunting magical beings was his thing.

Smiling under his mask, Magni continued looking at Zander fidgeting around on his seat quite anxious about something. He wondered if he could somehow find a way to join on this little journey inside of the Grand Magic Games.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Remram
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@Amaya Tamashii@Lugubrious

Nolan saw his teammate Fleo begin to say hi as he approached the stands that Phoenix Wing occupied, but she suddenly became as giddy as a little girl with a new toy when she saw Dalton. The exceed watched it all unfold as if it was all in slow motion. The dusty woman leaped towards Dalton and his eyes widened widely out of surprise though watched her fall flat onto her face onto the hard floor. She didn't even have a scratch on her! Dalton looked at Nolan who in turned shrugged. The God Slayer didn't have any answer for his flying feline companion although it was safe to assume that Fleo thought he was a cute little fur ball to snuggle with. He was right about that. Fleo scooped Dalton up into her arms and pressed him into her for a hug.

The exceed's face was buried into her chest and small circles of blush appeared around his face followed by loud purring. With this I can dies a happy man. He thought to himself and snuggled into Fleo, purring loudly. Amaya's fingers scratched his ears and he had euphoria oozing from his face. God, Nolan was surrounded by beautiful women. The lucky bastard didn't know how lucky he was. Most men would kill to be in his position!

Legit because he had a feline partner? He gritted his teeth and looked at the perverted delinquent cat getting all of the attention from Fleo and Amaya. Why did he let this little bugger follow him he would never know. Perhaps he was getting soft from hanging around Karn for too long?He isn't my partner...I'm just letting him hang around me during missions...and stuff. He blushed slightly and looked away from them. There was no way he would admit that he let this feline sweet talk into him becoming his partner.

From the pressure of Fleo's hug Dalton popped out and flew onto Nolan's head. "I'm pretty sures that's whats a partner is. Ya don't has to be so shys about it ya know." He chuckled. Nolan meanwhile was still not going to say anything.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mark Zerrit
Mark chuckled softly as she said that he had nothing to worry about, as she wasn't afraid of him. "Odd, normally people are more worried about me than worried for me. But a change of pace is always nice." He smiled a bit, and glanced down at the fight as Stacy commented about it. He didn't really have a response, but the whale-man was a tad odd. Which was something a wizard who's had a bit of experience thinks or says very often. As his new acquaintance suggested they go ahead and grabbed a bite to eat, he smirked a bit. "Stifling... Yeah, I guess you could say that. Maybe not for poor Deyja up there," Mark pointed straight up at the pair of legs hanging over the edge of the stadium wall. "But for us sitting where we're supposed to, definitely."

When Mark stood up to leave with her, Stacy finally introduced herself, and Mark laughed softly. Surprised that both of them had forgot that little part of conversation. He took her offered hand and gave it a good shake, smiling. "I'm Mark Zerrit. And, unfortunately, I don't have a nickname." His grin remained dominant on his face, but he didn't even let out a small chuckle at his terrible joke. "I do have one request however, that we don't go to a seafood place. Fish don't agree with my stomach, and my taste buds doesn't agree with them either." He let his grin dropped a little, and hoped that it wouldn't offend the mollusk-hatted woman.

Mayt --- Still on that damn train
Mayt stood up slowly, and followed Jarvis out and up towards the front of the train. He didn't have anything to say, and when the engineers saw Jarvis walking with Mayt, they didn't do anything to question the person who had saved their paychecks. They just watched as Jarvis put the lacrima into the train's engine, and it suddenly started. Whirring up and moving forward a couple of feet with a suddenly lurch before a loud grinding and snapping sound brought it to a halt. The two Engineers cursed, and approached the engine to try and figure out what just happened. The train itself remaining as dead as ever.

Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Nash Vs Phyrra Final

"Ow! You turd!" Salvoy lifted his foot, more in indignation than actual trama, and tripped. The eyes of Nash flew wide open as they beheld the giant whale falling straight toward him. "Nooooooooooooo!"

The World smacked down over Nash, though he managed to use his arms to prevent his full weight from crushing him. "Get off! We're sitting ducks!" came a muffled voice from beneath him.

Pyrrha saw what might be her last chance and took it. Planting her sword into the ground, she had a ring of fire surround the area that Nash was. "Dodge this." She said before the ring erupted into a column of flame, which would hit both Nash and Salvoy. She controlled the flames so that while they would hurt Nash, and possibly leave him with a few good burns, they would only incapacitate him, not kill him.

When fire met blubber, it made smoke. An explosion of flame and soot beneath Salvoy launched him slightly into the air, and threw a very seared Nash out onto the sand, burnt and groaning and not at all capable of getting back up. Salvoy, while in an overall better condition, took one look at his downed partner and harumphed. "Bah." He rolled onto his own back and crossed his arms defiantly, but made no move to rise.

"Would you look at that!" Sheldon sang from the announcer's box. "A moment of bad teamwork and Nash goes down! Pyrrha Arvanitis of Rider Blade is this match's winner and the final victor of the day!"

A few moments later, Salvoy was crouching over Nash as he sat up, wiping burnt sand off his face with the back of his hand. "Augh...we lost?" His partner nodded. "Looks like we still gotta work on our teamwork, boss." With that, the World closed his eyes, and transformed back into a card that landed in the sailor's hand. With difficulty, the man rose to his feet, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth from the aching burns. He spotted Pyrrha not far off. "Ya beat me pretty handily. I suppose ya don't wanna shake hands?"

Pyrrha slowly rose to her feet as Nash approached her, the flames surrounding her dying down as she began calming down now that the fight was over.. When the older man held out his hand, she put hers in it as well and shook it.
"You... and that fish... were annoying." She said, taking deep pained breathes as she spoke. She put her swordback in it sheathe before managing to give him a small smile."But it was a good match. Thank you for the experience."
With that said, she let go of his hand and exited the arena. She was surprised to see her Master waiting for her, a small smile on his face.
"Rest now Pyrrha. If you keep this up, you'll never wake up tomorrow." He said. On cue, Pyrrha collapsed and he caught her with one arm before taking her to the infirmary to have her injuries checked out.


Tidius seemed surprised and looked back to Ariel, blinking. "Oh. Of course. Forgive me, I thought you had eaten" He said, "I shall get you something". He didn't wait for a reply, but disappeared out of the room, soon returning with food and drink. He set it down, "I hope the food is alright. My Master fancy's himself a bit of a cook, and I have some meals set aside"

He left it at that, packing up the tools he had set aside to use, making sure they were all neatly packed and stored. He himself didn't have any food for now, instead, he watched Ariel curiously.


Jarvis frowned heavily. Had the train been sabotaged in someway, is that why the bandits had known where the train was? He glanced about, wary now. He didn't want to leave these people in potential danger. He sighed, and closed his eyes. He did have lacrima that was mechanical magic based, but he didn't know if it would work.

"I don't like this" Jarvis said in frustration, "How did the train stop to begin wit?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by YipeeXD
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Member Seen 5 mos ago


There had been a lot of battles today. He had pretty much recovered from his, only having a bloody nose and magic drainage to deal with. He leaned over to Ammy. "There have been a lot of strong magic on show today... just a lot of stupid wizards. Displaying everything they've got to everyone." He shook his head, lowering his tone. "I didn't use my trump card against Miss Shin. It wasn't worth losing points later on." His eyes narrowed. "Next time I meet her, she'll get a taste of it though." He grunted.


Sasha suddenly seemed uncomfortable. He shook his head with a little smile. "You know... being in the weekly sorcerer isn't all it's cracked up to be. The type of girls that want you... they expect everything. They're all the same." He frowned. "They're the types of girls that would leave the moment you went out of style." He chuckled, turning his head to look at her. "I don't think I've ever felt safe with anyone before besides from myself. That's all changed since you came along." He nodded his head. He paused for a moment. "Are you going to kiss me or what? I'm sick of making the first move." He was joking, to watch her blush but at the same time had a certain tone of seriousness thrown in.
Hidden 9 yrs ago 9 yrs ago Post by Zarkun
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Zarkun The Vigilante

Member Seen 9 hrs ago

Damian Gerard|Streets of Crocus

Damian shook his head quickly. "No, it's fine, really. We can eat in, probably better off doing so after today, I'm still pretty winded from that fight." He figured he could sneak off after the group event tomorrow to eat at the Fiore House of Pie and maybe try a couple burger joints too. He'd heard that Crocus had the best food anyone had ever tasted, though he was willing to bet the cook back at the guild hall would give these guys a run for their money.

Hunter Jorgenson|Dragon Fang seating

Ammy made no response, simply nodded, but Hunter, being the Dragon Slayer and up front person he was, did respond. "Hey man, let the grudge go. The past is the past for a reason and whatever happened between you and Licorice or whatever his name is, shouldn't matter anymore. The future's bright man."

Jake Ronan|Dragon Fang seating

Jake had watched what little bit of the Blade of Phoenix Wing's magic he'd gotten to see with interest, rubbing his chin thoughtfully. Could those swords he'd summoned before Frenzy Plant's wizard cancelled his magic be another type of Arsenal magic? It had certainly appeared like when Jake summoned his own axes, but he hadn't seen enough of it to know for sure. Perhaps he'd have to talk to Damian. As the last fight ended, Jake was already on his way out of the arena, off to find Damian and talk to him about his magic.

Zen Tretus and Joslyn Veran|Dragon Fang seating

Zen and Joslyn had enjoyed every single battle regardless of their outcome, though they felt like the fight with Shujin and Sasha had been concluded a bit unfairly, giving Phoenix Wing an extra point. Zen knew how it had been done one hundred years ago, ties were split evenly between both teams and the fact that there was a small sign of favoritism annoyed him. Still, when the last match ended, the two were up and out shortly after Jake, one of their S class and headed to a restaurant the pair visited when they were in Crocus, the Four Dragons. It specialized in spicy and unique food and they enjoyed it a lot.

Jack Goran|Dragon Fang seating

With the conclusion of the last match for the day, Jack was up and calling to those of his guild who hadn't already left for their hotel or other destinations within the city. "Well done today, Team Dragon Fang! First in the group event and a tie match for the battle are a great way to end the day! Now let's go out and see the sights!" With a roar of cheers, the rest of Dragon Fang made their way out of the arena and back into Crocus to find something to do.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Joshua Tamashii
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Joshua Tamashii

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Amelia Averyonna

@Zarkun @Caits

Amelia nodded as Damian decided that them making a meal would be a good idea. She was thankful for that and she managed a small smile. She then turned to Penny.
"Please lead the way Miss Penny." She said"I still don't know my way around, so I'll just end up getting lost. Maybe on the way, we can talk about what we'll make? I've never cooked a meal before, so I don't have any experience in a kitchen. But maybe I can learn, right?"

Lucus Griffonbane

@Amaya Tamashii

"Awesome, she won." Lucus said, watching as Pyrrha left the stage. He glanced over and saw that Elyse was stirring in her sleep, about to wake up. Smiling, he stood up."Sadly, I think I should be heading out. I'll escort you back to your hotel if you want Rose, but I best be heading to my guild's hotel. Unless you want to do something with Elyse before heading back. Maybe I can stick around for that. Don't think they'll miss me that much."

Joshua Tamashii

@Amaya Tamashii

"I'll keep in mind that you want one for your birthday." Joshua said to Amaya, coming up behind her and placing a hand on her head."Right now though, I think it's best to give the little guy some space."

In his head, he wondered where on Earthland he would find such a creature. He had never seen, let alone heard, of an Exceed before now. It also occurred to him that he didn't know when Amaya's birthday was. It had never come up in any of their conversations when they had been working together. Maybe he should ask her when he got a chance later.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago


Penny didn't know the way either. She didn't even know how she found them, but following signs she recognised, it was easy to make it seem like she knew where she was going. "After my mother died, I had to cook. Cooking isn't that hard, you just have to know when it's ready and not burn it" She said, "Burgers and fries are the easiest thing too do though, so we can do that" She said brightly


Sasha did blush, never having made any sort of first move before. She bit her lip, nervous but she did move closer to Lazarus so she could kiss him, unaware that the fight was over, the first day of the games was over.

She kissed him before pulling away slightly, enough to speak. "But you do first moves so good" She said, with a laugh, and smiled.

Announcer Jessie

"Well, the first day of the games is over, and we can certainly say we have seen some tough competition here today, and how amazing has it been? I'm sure we will find more wonderful things tomorrow!" Jessie said excitedly, looking to Ferris, "Any ideas whose going to be the top guild at the end, yet?"
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

"Thats cause you aren't any of that. You are just a shy person when it comes to any kind of contact with people, or if Prince decides to flirt with you. And you are far from dead weight, you are quite skilled you know. If I had to fight ya, you would make me go try hard just to win. Besides if you want, I can always help you be a little more physical when it comes to combat. I have faith in that category considering most of my attacks require me to be physically capable." Zephyr said and as he finished so did the match which made Zephyr laugh a bit. "Kinda saw this ending." Zephyr would mumble and listen to Jack's speech cheering and raising his own hand before grabbing Mikey by the arm. "Come on! Let's go out and have some fun Mikey. Who knows maybe a female will see you and whisk you away for a night of fun!" Zephyr said laughing that childlike laughter of his as he continued to drag Mikey with him.
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by MarshiestMallow
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MarshiestMallow The Marshiest of Mallows

Member Seen 1 yr ago

Games Master Sheldon

Games Master Sheldon was speaking, "Well, what an exciting end to the first day! Let's take a look at the score board, shall we?

1st-Phoenix Wing A 14
2ndDragon Fang 14
3rd Phoenix Wing B 13
4th riders Blade 11
5th Iron Enigma 10
6th Pirate Lord 7
7th Frenzy Plant 6
8th Tough Love 0. Looks like Phoenix Wing is sticking to the top for now, but Dragon Fang is a cloe second, and Riders blade a close fourth!"


Michael had no choice but to follow Zephyr as he dragged him by the arm, but he sputtered and blushed a violent purple colour as Zephyr spoke, and for a moment Zephyr was literally dragging Michael as the young boy struggled to gain his breath. "I, no, I...no no no" he couldn't seem to get a full sentence out and he stumbled again, this time pulling on Zephyr's arm, grabbing on tight with both hands so he was practically hugging the Zephyr.

Michael scrambled back, blushing even more violently, bumping into some of the crowd, and generally just making things worse for himself, as he kept stumbling into people, before finally just panicking and sitting down were he stood.

Uriel formed at once, standing protectively over the panicking, blushing, sputtering and shaking boy. Uriel's wing's were spread around him, and Uriel looked around for the danger, but soon saw that it was just the generally social interaction that had sent Michael into this behavior. Uriel sighed softly, "He'll be okay. What happened?"

Master Jamie

As the games drew to a close, Jamie looked to his guild, those that were still there. "A wonderful start to the games, wouldn't you say? Keep on doing what you are doing, and we will win this!" She said, rising, and glancing to the score board. "Well, We're doing good. We can finally prove we are fiores strongest guild!" Jamie rose, to leave
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Oblivion666
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Oblivion666 Pun Loving Machine

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Zephyr Hardt

Feeling the resistance he couldn't help but chuckle at Mikey's innocence with females, then again he himself was no ladies man but he wasn't Mikey level shy when it came to them at least. Then Mikey would plant himself right where he was on the ground causing Zephyr to halt in his steps and look at him stepping back a bit when Uriel formed thinking their was danger when in truth it was only being social that struck Mikey down. "Well could have been me saying lets go have fun in the city, pretty sure it was me saying that maybe a lady would whisk him away for a night of fun. Probably a mixture of both." Zephyr said rubbing the back of his head a little guilty about what he did. "I meant it as a joke but who knows maybe some female will.... I'll just stop there."
Hidden 9 yrs ago Post by Burthstone
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Burthstone The Nebulus Nebulae

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Mayt --- Train
One of the engineers shrugged when Jarvis asked why it the train down in the first place. "We have no idea, it just slowly came to a stop for no apparent reason. We've been trying to get it working since it broke down, but company regulation says we're not allowed to take the engine apart to figure out the problem. So we're stuck here waiting for that convoy to show up." He looked to Mayt, who just shrugged. "But even if you get it working, someone's going to have to stay here to tell the convoy what happened when they get here, as well as keep the bandits here." The Engineer rubbed the back of his head, looking about. Mayt raised his hand up a little. "I'll stay here and tell the convoy if Jarvis here gets it working."

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